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1 The Channel 10/4/16 Colin Chan


3 The Kidney Channel of Foot-Shaoyin General Information of the Kidney (TCM) 1. It is located in the waist region 在腰部. ( 腰为肾之府 ). 2. Stores essence ( 藏精 ). 3. Essence is inherited from parents and is the primary substance for constituting human body and conceiving new life.( 肾精受之于父母 ). 4. Essence transforms into Qi and produces blood (source of genuine Yin and genuine Yang). 5. Kidney is regards as the prenatal base of life ( 先天之本 ).

4 The Kidney Channel of Foot-Shaoyin Physiological functions of the Kidney (TCM) 1. Governs growth and development ( 腎主生長 ). 2. Governs reproduction ( 腎主生殖 ). 3. Governs water ( 腎主水 ). 4. Governs the bones ( 腎主骨 ). 5. Governs reception of Qi ( 腎主纳气 ). 6. External manifestation on the hair ( 其华在发 ). 7. To produce marrow to enrich the brain and transform blood ( 腎生髓 ). 8. To nourish and warm the organs ( 腎滋润与温循脏腑 ).

5 The meaning of Reception of Qi (concept). 纳. 即收纳 摄纳的意思 肾主纳气, 是说肾具有摄纳肺所吸入的清气, 防止呼吸表浅的生理功能 人体的呼吸虽然由肺来主管, 但中医认为呼吸功能的正常与否还与肾密切相关 具体表现为, 由肺吸入的清气必须下达到肾, 由肾来摄纳之, 这样才能保持呼吸运动的平稳和深沉, 从而保证体内外气体得以正常交换 呼吸出入的气, 虽主在肺, 但根在肾 肾气足所以肺气充, 反过来讲, 肾气亏损就不能助肺吸气, 患者就会产生呼多吸少, 并且有吸气不能到达丹田的感觉 无论是肾气虚衰, 摄纳无权, 气浮于上, 还是肺气久虚, 久病及肾, 都会导致肾气的纳气功能失常, 出现呼吸表浅, 或呼多吸少, 动则气喘等病理表现, 称为 肾不纳气

6 The Kidney Channel of Foot-Shaoyin Relationship of the Kidney to other organs (TCM) 1. Opening into the ear ( 腎开窍与耳 ). 2. Internally-Externally related to the Bladder ( 腎与膀胱相表理 ). 3. Colour indicated: black ( 腎主黑色 ).

7 Principal Syndrome 1. Feeling hungry but no taste for food. 2. Dusky complexion. 3. Hemoptysis, wheezing. 4. Nervousness, palpitation with fear. 5. Burning sensation in the mouth, dry tongue, swollen throat. 6. Pain in the spine, posterior and medial aspect of the thigh, syncope, flaccidity. 7. Somnolence and painful sole/with burning sensation.

8 The Kidney Channel of Foot-Shaoyin Surface pathway: Route There are 27 acupoints in the surface pathway of the spleen channel. 1. Starts from the tip of the small toe and runs diagonally towards the center of the sole. 2. And runs towards the tuberosity of the navicular bone. 3. It then runs behind the media malleolus and cuts into the heel. 4. From the heel region, it ascends up again to the tip of the medial malleolus and proceed along the media aspect of the lower leg, reaching the medial aspect of the popliteal fossa, 5. And the posterior-medial aspect of thigh, up to the symphysis pubis and as a Inner pathway: 6. Towards the vertebral column and enters the kidney and 7. Connects with the bladder.

9 Route- Branch 10 The surface pathway (branch 1): 8. Emerges from the kidney and travels down to the lower abdomen region and ends at the superior border of the symphysis pubis. 9 8 The surface pathway (branch 2): 9. Another branch will run up along the upper abdomen, chest and 10. Terminates at the lower border of the clavicle.

10 Route-Branch 12 Inner pathway (branch 1): 11. A branch runs from the kidney, passing through the liver and the diaphragm, enters the lungs and 12. Runs along the throat and terminates at the root of the tongue Inner pathway (branch 2): 13. Another branch emerges from the lungs, connect with the heart and disperses into the chest to join with the Pericardium channel.

11 KI 1 Yongquan 涌泉 Commonly used acupoint 涌为出之意, 穴为肾之井穴, 于人体最低之位肾经之气由此发出, 如地低冒出之水泉, 故为涌泉. Location : 1. On the sole. 2. Located in the depression approximately at the junction of the anterior one third and the posterior two thirds of the sole, in the depression when the foot is in plantar flexion. Classification: Jing-Well point. Approach: Perpendicular insertion technique, cun.

12 KI 2 Rangu 然谷 阴经之荥为火穴, 此穴别名龙渊, 有潜龙在渊之意, 益男女精溢, 不孕者取之. 此火燃 ( 然 ) 于深谷之中, 故为然谷. Location : 1. On the medial border of the foot. 2. Located in the depression inferior to the tuberosity of the navicular bone, at the junction of the red and white skin. Classification: Ying-Spring point. Approach: Commonly used acupoint Perpendicular insertion technique, cun.

13 KI 3 Taixi 太溪 太为大之意, 穴在内踝后, 大筋前凹陷中, 有如大溪, 又为肾经之原穴, 故为太溪. Location : 1. On the medial aspect of the foot and posterior to the medial malleolus. 2. Located in the depression between the tip ofthe medial malleolus and the calcaneal tendon. Classification: Shu-Stream and Yuan-Source point. Approach: Commonly used acupoint Perpendicular insertion technique, cun.

14 KI 4 Dazhong 大钟 上天所赋为种 ( 钟 ), 肾主先天, 为肾经之络穴, 故为大钟. Location : 1. On the medial aspect of the foot and posterior and inferior to the medial malleolus. 2. Located in the depression anterior to the medial aspect of the attachment of the calcaneal tendon. Classification: Luo-Connecting point. Approach: Commonly used acupoint Perpendicular insertion technique, cun.

15 KI 4 Dazhong 大钟 The Collateral route of LR channel Dazhong: is assigned as the Luo -Connecting point. Its route as a collateral starts at this point and crosses over the heel to link with the BL channel. A branch follows the route of the KI channel up to the region just below the pericardium and disperses into the lumbar vertebra. 上天所赋为种 ( 钟 ), 肾主先天 为肾经之络穴, 故为大钟. (The Pericardium channel starts at the pericardium region).

16 KI 5 Shuiquan 水泉 肾属水, 穴为肾经之郗穴, 经气流注最深处, 有如深泉, 故为水泉. Location : 1. On the medial aspect of the foot and posterior and inferior to the medial malleolus. 2. Located 1 cun directly below KI 3 Taixi 太溪, in the depression on the medial aspect of the tuberosity of the calcaneus. Classification: Xi-Cleft point. Approach: Commonly used acupoint Perpendicular insertion technique, cun.

17 KI 6 Zhaohai 照海 照为光明, 海为百川所归, 肾为水火之脏 ( 即肾与命门而言 ), 肾也属水, 如水中有火之意, 故为照海. Location : 1. On the medial aspect of the foot. 2. Located in the depression below the tip of the medial malleolus. Classification: One of the 8 Confluent points, linking with the Yin Heel Vessel. Approach: Commonly used acupoint Perpendicular insertion technique, cun.

18 KI 7Fuliu 复溜 重反为福, 其为太溪直上之穴脉, 复从内踝稍后, 在二寸处溜过, 故为复溜. Location : 1. On the medial aspect of the lower leg. 2. Located 2 cun directly above KI 3 Taixi 太溪, anterior to the Achilles tendon. Classification: Jing-River point. Approach: Commonly used acupoint Perpendicular insertion technique, cun.

19 KI 8 Jiaoxin 交信 肾经在此穴处与脾经之三阴交交会, 脾脏属土, 与五德的信相配, 故为交信. Location : 1. On the medial aspect of the lower leg. 2. Located 2 cun directly above KI 3 Taixi 太溪, 0.5 cun anterior to KI 7 Fuliu 复溜, posterior to the medial border of the tibia bone. Classification: Xi-Cleft point of the Yin Heel Vessel. Approach: Commonly used acupoint Perpendicular insertion technique, cun.

20 KI 9 Zhubin 筑宾 筑为强健之意, 也有建立之意, 宾为膑之意, 也有客之意, 此穴属肾经 ( 为之主 ) 也是阴维脉之郗穴 ( 客 ), 穴治膑下, 小腿之疾, 当小腿用力时, 穴会建实起来, 故为筑宾. Location : 1. On the medial aspect of the lower leg. 2. Located 5 cun above KI 3 Taixi 太溪, on the line joining KI 3 Tai and KI 10 Yingu 阴谷, on the medial inferior border of the belly of m. gastrocnemius. Classification: Xi-Cleft point of the Yin link Vessel. Approach: Commonly used acupoint Perpendicular insertion technique, cun.

21 KI 10 Yingu 阴谷 足少阴肾经之合穴, 处胫骨内踝后上方, 大筋之下, 小筋之上, 两筋间如谷, 故为阴谷. Location : 1. On the medial aspect of the popliteal fossa. 2. Located in the depression between the tendons of m. semitendinosus and semimembranosus when the knee is flexed. Classification: He-Sea point. Approach: Commonly used acupoint Perpendicular insertion technique, cun.

22 KI 11 Henggu 横骨 横骨者, 位横于阴上之骨 故为横骨 Location : 1. On the lower abdomen. 2. Located 5 cun below the center of the umbilicus, 0.5 cun lateral to the anterior midline. Classification: Crossing point of Kidney channel and Penetrating Vessel. Approach: Commonly used acupoint Perpendicular insertion technique, cun.

23 KI 12 Dahe 大赫 Commonly used acupoint Location : 1. On the lower abdomen. 2. Located 4 cun below the center of the umbilicus, 0.5 cun lateral to the anterior midline. Classification: Crossing point of Kidney channel and Penetrating Vessel. Approach: perpendicular insertion technique, cun. 赫为盛也, 有明显之意, 肾经在此与冲脉相会, 其阴气盛大, 又以其穴内临子宫, 妊辰后此处突起明显, 故为大赫.

24 KI 16 Huangshu 肓俞 肓指肓膜, 俞指穴位, 肾经由此可深入肓膜, 此穴用于治疗胸膈以下的疾病, 故为肓俞. Location : 1. On the center of the abdomen. 2. Located 0.5 cun lateral to the anterior midline (center of the umbilicus). Classification: Crossing point of Kidney channel and Penetrating Vessel. Approach: Commonly used acupoint Perpendicular insertion technique, cun.

25 KI 27 Shufu 俞府 Commonly used acupoint Location : 1. On the upper chest. 2. Located on the lower border of the clavicle, 2 cun lateral to anterior midline. Classification: - Approach: Oblique insertion technique, cun. 俞为脉气输注之处, 府为汇聚之处, 肾经之气由足至胸, 会聚于此, 故为俞府.



28 Tutorial 10 Starts: from tip of the little toe. Pertain: Kidney Runs: along the sole of the foot, medial aspect of the foot, medial aspect of the lower leg, medial aspect of the knee and posterior medial aspect of the thigh,into the vertebra column and enters the kidney, and links with the bladder. Ends: crosses the diaphragm, enters the lung, runs along the throat and ends at the root of the tongue

29 Communicates: Connects with BL channel through KI 4 Dazhong. Breaks/Joins: breaks from the lungs and enters the chest to join with the Pericardium channel. Acupoints: Tutorial total 27 acupoints.

30 COMMON CLINICAL POINTS KI 1 Yongquan 涌泉 KI 2 Rangu 然谷 KI 3 Taixi 太溪 KI 4 Dazhong 大钟 KI 6 Zhaohai 照海 KI 7 Fuliu 复溜 KI 27 Shufu 俞府





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