T-NCAP被動安全評等與試驗規章 說明

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1 TNCAP 工作組第六次會議簡報 秘書單位 : 財團法人車輛安全審驗中心 109 年 9 月 24 日

2 簡 報大綱 TNCAP 兒童保護裝置 (CRS) 清單 側方碰撞試驗評等 1) 側方撞擊試驗 2) 側方立柱撞擊試驗 2

3 TNCAP 兒童保護裝置 (CRS) 清單建立作法 依行政院核定計畫及交通部委辦計畫, 初期採參考 Euro NCAP 建立 TNCAP 制度規章, 其中 CRS 清單經 109 年 6 月 11 日 6 月 30 日及 8 月 4 日工作組會議討論後, 作法如下 : 優先挑選與 Euro NCAP CRS 清單中規格相同 通過標檢局 (CNS) 商品檢驗合格且國內市場可取得之 CRS 其餘空缺之 CRS: 依質量等級及尺度範圍挑選通過標檢局 (CNS) 商品檢驗合格且國內市場販售之 CRS, 並參考國外 CRS 評價作法選取 CNS 測試項目中較具安全性 易用性與舒適性之檢測數據評比, 並擇優納入 惟 109 年 8 月 28 日邀集 CRS 業者召開 建立 TNCAP CRS 清單作法說明會 後, 部分 CRS 業者表示國內既已制定一套評選機制作法, 建議應依該機制重新評選擇優建立國內 TNCAP CRS 清單, 因與原規劃作法不同, 故納入本次會議討論 3

4 Euro NCAP 兒童保護裝置 (CRS) 清單 已通過商品檢驗合格且國內市場可取得共 3 張 名稱 圖示 Maxi Cosi Cabriofix 通用型 ( 以安全帶安裝 )CRS Maxi Cosi Cabriofix + Easybase 2 Britax Römer KING II LS Britax Römer KIDFIX XP 質量等級 G0+(0-13kg) G0+(0-13kg) GI(9-18kg) GII/III(15-36kg) 名稱 圖示 Maxi Cosi Cabriofix + Familyfix ISOFIX CRS BeSafe izi Combi X4 ISOfix Britax Römer DUO PLUS Britax Römer KIDFIX XP 質量等級 G0+(0-13kg) G0+/I(0-18kg) GI(9-18kg) GII/III(15-36kg) i-size CRS 名稱 Maxi Cosi 2way Pearl + 2wayFix BeSafe izi Kid X2 i-size 圖示 4 尺度範圍 cm, 18.5 kg 15 個月 -105cm, 18.5 kg cm, 18 kg

5 簡 報大綱 TNCAP 兒童保護裝置 (CRS) 清單 側方碰撞試驗評等 1) 側方撞擊試驗 2) 側方立柱撞擊試驗 5

6 TNCAP 評等項目及其配分 6 成人保護 (AOP) 兒童保護 (COP) 行人保護 (PP) 安全輔助 (SA) 項目內容配分內容配分內容配分內容配分 1 前方偏置撞擊 8 動態試驗 24 頭部衝擊 24 安全帶提醒裝置 3 前方偏置 / 側方撞擊 2 前方全寬撞擊 8 兒童保護裝置安裝 12 上腿部衝擊 6 車速輔助系統 3 3 側方撞擊 8 車輛安全功能評等 13 腿部衝擊 6 車道輔助系統 3 4 側方立柱撞擊 8 - 緊急煞車輔助之弱勢道路使用者系統 6 緊急煞車輔助之快速道路系統 5 座椅鞭甩 緊急煞車輔助之 3 市區系統滿分 TNCAP 被動安全涵蓋成人保護 兒童保護 行人保護等三大領域, 共 11 項評等項目, 涉及 3 份評等規章與 9 份試驗規章 3

7 TNCAP 被動安全試驗項目 前方偏置撞擊 前方全寬撞擊 動態試驗 - 前方偏置 / 側方撞擊 頭部衝擊 側方撞擊 側方立柱撞擊 兒童保護裝置安裝 腿部衝擊 座椅鞭甩 車輛安全功能 上腿部衝擊 7 5 項試驗 3 項試驗 3 項試驗

8 TNCAP 規章內容包含 (1) 運作管理規章 (2) 評等規章 (3) 試驗規章, 其架構說明如下 : TNCAP 規章架構 2. 評等規章成人保護(AOP) 評等規章行人保護(PP) 評等規章兒童保護(COP) 評等規章安全輔助(SA) 評等規章1. 運作管理規章整體星級評等規章星級評等應用程序規章錄影及拍照規章TNCAP 規章 3. 試驗規章前方全寬撞擊試驗規章前方偏置撞擊室驗規章前座鞭甩試驗規章後座鞭甩試驗規章膝部撞擊區域之台車試驗程序規章車速輔助試驗規章AEB VRU 試驗規章行人保護試驗兒童保護試驗規章側方立柱撞擊試驗規章側方撞擊試驗規章AEB 試驗規章車道輔助試驗規章車型提名 自費申請 車輛規格及試驗規章 TNCAP 被動安全涉及 3 份評等規章與 9 份試驗規章

9 TNCAP 被動安全評等與試驗規章一覽 評等規章 (3) 試驗規章 (9) 2.1 成人保護評等規章 2.2 兒童保護評等規章 3.1 前方偏置撞擊試驗規章 3.2 前方全寬撞擊試驗規章 2.3 行人保護評等規章 3.3 側方撞擊試驗規章 3.4 側方立柱撞擊試驗規章 3.5 前座鞭甩試驗規章 3.6 後座鞭甩試驗規章 3.7 膝部撞擊區域之台車試驗程序規章 3.8 行人保護試驗規章 3.9 兒童保護試驗規章 9

10 3.3 側方撞擊試驗規章摘要說明 章節主題摘要說明 車輛整備 人偶整備及查驗 感測器及資料擷取系統設置 記錄車輛狀態, 例如 : 空車重量 參考車重 輪弧距地高等 試驗前車輛整備, 例如 : 安裝車載資料擷取設備以及相關配重等 人偶定期查驗規定 人偶衣著與鞋履, 及其相關配件與調整 試驗條件, 例如 : 關節鬆緊度 環境溫度 人偶塗色等 試驗後人偶檢查 人偶 車輛及台車感測器及資料擷取系統設置 車室調整 車室調整, 例如 : 座椅 方向盤 車窗 車門等 人偶位置及量測 決定駕駛座 H 點位置 安裝人偶及定位 兒童保護裝置 (CRS) 安裝及兒童人偶放置 碰撞壁與台車 移動式可變形碰撞壁與台車規格及整備 試驗參數 試驗速度 目標對準規定 記錄試驗後車門開啟力量 人偶移除之方法 10

11 側方撞擊移動式可變形碰撞壁試驗 試驗人偶 :World SID 百分之五 0 成年男性人偶 ( 駕駛座 ) ; Q6 及 Q10 兒童人偶 ( 屬兒童保護領域 ) 試驗方法 : 台車以 50km/h 速度撞擊靜止的受驗車輛駕駛側 評分標準 : 計算人偶各部位傷害指數, 且考量車輛及乘員狀態 ( 例如車門開啟 氣囊開展情形等 ) 進行扣分後, 將駕駛人偶各身體部位分數加總除以 2, 即為本項試驗分數 ( 總分 8 分 ) 11

12 2.1 成人保護評等規章摘要說明 章節主題摘要說明 評等方法 前方偏置撞擊可變形碰撞壁評等 前方全寬撞擊評等 側方碰撞壁與立柱撞擊評等 座椅鞭甩評等 使用浮動計算法計算各項分數 底線限制之相關規定 身體各部位標準與底線限制, 包括頭部 頸部 胸部 膝部 / 股骨 / 骨盆 下腿部 足部 / 腳踝 扣分相關規定 評分與圖示說明 身體各部位標準與底線限制, 包括頭部 頸部 胸部 膝部 / 股骨 / 骨盆 下腿部 扣分相關規定 評分與圖示說明 身體各部位標準與底線限制, 包括頭部 胸部 腹部 骨盆 扣分相關規定 評分與圖示說明 第一排座椅鞭甩評等之標準與限制值, 包括靜態評等 動態評等 第一排座椅鞭甩扣分相關規定 後座鞭甩評等, 包括有效高度要求 頭枕間隙要求 非使用位置評等 評分與圖示說明 12

13 人偶身體部位分數計算 -(1/4) 分數部位標準 4 分 0 分底線限制扣分 4 分頭部 HIC 15 <500 >700 >700 a 3ms (g) <72 >80 >80 不正確之空氣囊開展 (-1 分 ) 若單一身體部位使用多重標準, 則該部位性能判定將使用最低分之參數 若超過規定之底線限制, 則側方撞擊試驗 0 分 頭部 13 圖片來源 : HUMANETICS

14 人偶身體部位分數計算 -(2/4) 舉例說明 : 頭部分數計算 分數 浮動計算法 計算頭部 HIC 15 分數 HIC 多重標準 HIC 15 :2 分 a 3ms :3.5 分 頭部分數為 2 分 14 使用浮動計算法, 計算身體各部位分數 單一部位多重標準者, 取最低分作為該部位分數 分數部位標準 4 分 0 分底線限制 HIC 15 <500 >700 >700 4 分頭部 a 3ms (g) <72 >80 >80

15 人偶身體部位分數計算 -(3/4) 分數部位標準 4 分 0 分底線限制扣分 4 分胸部壓縮量 (mm) <28 >50 >50 胸部分數取肋骨橫向壓縮量表現最差者進行評等 若超過規定之底線限制, 則側方撞擊試驗 0 分 不正確之空氣囊開展 (-1 分 ) 肩部橫向作用力 3.0kN ( 胸部 0 分 ) 胸部黏滯係數 1.0m/s ( 胸部 0 分 ) 胸部 上肋骨 中肋骨 下肋骨 15 人偶胸腔肋骨 圖片來源 : HUMANETICS

16 人偶身體部位分數計算 -(4/4) 分數部位標準 4 分 0 分底線限制扣分 4 分腹部壓縮量 (mm) <47 >65 >65 腹部黏滯係數 1.0m/s ( 腹部 0 分 ) 不正確之空氣囊開展 (-1 分 ) 4 分骨盆恥骨聯合力 (kn) <1.7 >2.8 >2.8 不正確之空氣囊開展 (-1 分 ) 其他 車門開啟 (-1 分 ) 若超過規定之底線限制, 則側方撞擊試驗 0 分 試驗過程每開啟一扇車門 ( 包括尾門 移動式車頂 ), 側方撞擊試驗分數倒扣 1 分 腹部 骨盆 16 圖片來源 : Euro NCAP/JASTI CO., LTD 圖片來源 : HUMANETICS

17 計分範例 步驟一步驟二步驟三 計算駕駛分數進行車門開啟扣分計算 Side MDB 分數 加總各身體部位分數 : = 試驗時有兩車門開啟, 分數則調整為 : =8.687 將左列分數除以 2: 8.687/2=4.344 ( 將 取至小數點第 3 位 ) 範例 : 17

18 側方撞擊試驗總分計算與圖示說明 駕駛各個身體部位得分 扣分 乘員運動姿態 : 不正確之空氣囊開展 肩部橫向作用力 胸部及腹部黏滯係數 側方撞擊試驗最終得分 ( 各個身體部位分數加總後除以 2 ( 總分 8 分 )) 車輛結構性能 : 車門開啟 顏色分數綠 4 頭部 範例 : 4 分 黃 2.670~3.999 橘 1.330~2.669 棕 0.001~1.329 紅 0 18 胸部腹部骨盆 4 分 4 分 4 分 側方碰撞共計 16 分 側方撞擊 8 分 立柱撞擊 8 分

19 3.4 側方立柱撞擊試驗規章摘要說明 章節主題摘要說明 車輛整備 人偶整備及查驗 感測器及資料擷取系統設置 記錄車輛狀態, 例如 : 空車重量 參考車重 輪弧距地高等 試驗前車輛整備, 例如 : 安裝車載資料擷取設備以及相關配重等 人偶定期查驗規定 人偶衣著與鞋履, 及其相關配件與調整 試驗條件, 例如 : 關節鬆緊度 環境溫度 人偶塗色等 試驗後人偶檢查 人偶 車輛及台車感測器及資料擷取系統設置 車室調整 車室調整, 例如 : 座椅 方向盤 車窗 車門等 人偶位置及量測 決定駕駛座 H 點位置 安裝人偶及定位 台車及立柱 台車及立柱規格 試驗參數 試驗速度 目標對準 記錄試驗後車門開啟力量 人偶移除之方法 側方空氣囊頭部保護評估方式 19

20 側方斜角立柱撞擊試驗 試驗人偶 :WorldSID 百分之五 0 成年男性人偶 ( 駕駛座 ) 試驗方法 : 受驗車輛以 32km/h 速度斜角 75 撞擊固定剛性立柱 評分標準 : 計算人偶各部位傷害指數, 且考量車輛及乘員狀態 ( 例如車門開啟 氣囊開展情形 頭部保護裝置評等 ) 進行扣分後, 將駕駛人偶各身體部位分數加總除以 2, 即為本項試驗分數 ( 總分 8 分 ) 20

21 2.1 成人保護評等規章摘要說明 章節主題摘要說明 評等方法 前方偏置撞擊可變形碰撞壁評等 前方全寬撞擊評等 側方碰撞壁與立柱撞擊評等 座椅鞭甩評等 使用浮動計算法計算各項分數 底線限制之相關規定 身體各部位標準與底線限制, 包括頭部 頸部 胸部 膝部 / 股骨 / 骨盆 下腿部 足部 / 腳踝 扣分相關規定 評分與圖示說明 身體各部位標準與底線限制, 包括頭部 頸部 胸部 膝部 / 股骨 / 骨盆 下腿部 扣分相關規定 評分與圖示說明 身體各部位標準與底線限制, 包括頭部 胸部 腹部 骨盆 扣分相關規定 評分與圖示說明 第一排座椅鞭甩評等之標準與限制值, 包括靜態評等 動態評等 第一排座椅鞭甩扣分相關規定 後座鞭甩評等, 包括有效高度要求 頭枕間隙要求 非使用位置評等 評分與圖示說明 21

22 人偶身體部位分數計算 -(1/3) 分數部位標準 4 分 0 分底線限制扣分 4 分頭部 HIC 15 >700 a peak (g) >80 不正確之空氣囊開展 (-1 分 ) 若有下列情形, 則側方立柱撞擊試驗 0 分 車輛未配備頭部保護裝置 試驗時人偶頭部與立柱直接接觸 超過規定之底線限制 頭部 圖片來源 : HUMANETICS 22 圖片來源 : caradvice

23 頭部保護裝置評等 (1/2) 側方頭部保護裝置 : 側方空氣囊 簾式空氣囊 座椅式空氣囊或其他頭部保護裝置頭部保護裝置評等說明 車輛兩側前座及後座必須提供足夠頭部保護 1. 頭部保護裝置評估區域 1 2. 座椅式空氣囊評估區域 2 95mm 120mm 重心 90mm 115mm 23 備註 : 1. 以第 5 百分位女性之頭部重心與第 95 百分位男性之頭部重心為基準, 畫出評估區域 2. 以碰撞後空氣囊上之頭部重心顏料標記為基準, 畫出評估區域

24 頭部保護裝置評等 (2/2) 頭部保護裝置評等說明 定義範圍 1 內所有玻璃區域 : 1. 空氣囊接縫處未充氣範圍不超過 15mm 2. 空氣囊相鄰區域皆有充氣且未充氣區域直徑不超過 50mm( 或相等面積 ) 或個別區域之主軸及副軸總和不超過 100mm 備註 :1. 係指車門採光口邊緣以及與其接觸之車頂輪廓 B 柱 C 柱與車門腰線 定義範圍 空氣囊接縫處 未充氣區域 主軸 副軸 備註 : 橢圓形中直徑較長者為主軸, 直徑較短者為副軸 24 頭部保護裝置扣分說明 前座兩側任一頭部保護裝置未滿足要求, 則應倒扣側方立柱撞擊試驗分數 後座兩側備註 : 若為後座空間有限之車輛, 則頭部保護裝置評等扣分調整為 2 分 扣分 扣 4 分

25 人偶身體部位分數計算 -(2/3) 分數部位標準 4 分 0 分底線限制扣分 4 分胸部壓縮量 (mm) <28 >50 >55 不正確之空氣囊開展 (-1 分 ) 肩部橫向作用力 3.0kN ( 胸部 0 分 ) 胸部黏滯係數 1.0m/s ( 胸部 0 分 ) 胸部分數取肋骨橫向壓縮量表現最差者進行評等 若超過規定之底線限制, 則側方立柱撞擊試驗 0 分 胸部 25 上肋骨 中肋骨 下肋骨 人偶胸腔肋骨 圖片來源 : HUMANETICS

26 人偶身體部位分數計算 -(3/3) 分數部位標準 4 分 0 分底線限制扣分 4 分腹部壓縮量 (mm) <47 >65 >65 腹部黏滯係數 1.0m/s ( 腹部 0 分 ) 不正確之空氣囊開展 (-1 分 ) 4 分骨盆恥骨聯合力 (kn) <1.7 >2.8 >2.8 不正確之空氣囊開展 (-1 分 ) 其他 車門開啟 (-1 分 ) 若超過規定之底線限制, 則側方立柱撞擊試驗 0 分 試驗過程每開啟一扇車門 ( 包括尾門 移動式車頂 ), 側方立柱撞擊試驗分數倒扣 1 分 骨盆 腹部 26 圖片來源 : Euro NCAP 圖片來源 : HUMANETICS

27 計分範例 步驟一步驟二步驟三 計算駕駛分數 加總各身體部位分數 : = 範例 : 進行頭部保護裝置 (HPD) 與車門開啟扣分 若後座 HPD 評估區域未符合規定且試驗時有兩車門開啟, 分數則調整為 : =4.687 計算 Side Pole 分數 將左列分數除以 2: 4.687/2=2.344 ( 將 取至小數點第 3 位 ) 27

28 側方立柱撞擊試驗總分計算與圖示說明 扣分 乘員運動姿態 : 不正確之空氣囊開展 肩部橫向作用力 胸部及腹部黏滯係數 駕駛各個身體部位得分 車輛結構性能 : 車門開啟車輛安全配備 : 側方頭部保護裝置 側方立柱撞擊試驗最終得分 ( 各個身體部位分數加總後除以 2 ( 總分 8 分 )) 範例 : 顏色分數綠 4 黃 2.670~3.999 頭部胸部 4 分 4 分 28 橘 1.330~2.669 棕 0.001~1.329 紅 0 側方碰撞總分 16 分 側方撞擊 8 分 立柱撞擊 8 分 腹部骨盆 4 分 4 分

29 簡報結束 敬請指教

30 項次規章名稱修訂內容新增項目頁碼 Euro NCAP 版本別 成人保護評等規章 (2.1.4) P.1-P.9 Version 側方撞擊試驗規章 P.9-44 Version 側方立柱撞擊試驗規章 P Version ASSESSMENT PROTOCOL ADULT OCCUPANT PROTECTION 2.1 成人保護評等規章 Euro NCAP 原文 T-NCAP 條文草案說明 5 SIDE BARRIER AND POLE IMPACT ASSESSMENT 5.1 Criteria and Limit Values The basic assessment criteria used for both side barrier and pole impacts, with the upper and lower performance limits for each parameter, are summarised below. The assessments are divided into four individual body regions, the head, chest, abdomen and pelvis. The criteria and limits are equal for side barrier and pole test except for the head and chest. A maximum of four points are available for each body region. Where multiple criteria exist for an individual body region, the lowest scoring parameter is used to determine the performance of that region. There is no limit to the number of modifiers that can be applied. The concepts behind the modifiers are 側方碰撞壁與立柱撞擊評等 (Side barrier and pole impact assessment) 標準與限制值 側方碰撞壁與立柱撞擊適用之基本評等標準如下摘要所 述, 包括每個參數之較高性能與較低性能限制值 本項 評等分為四個身體部位 : 頭部 胸部 腹部及骨盆 除 頭部與胸部以外, 側方碰撞壁與立柱撞擊試驗適用之標 準與限制值相同 每個身體部位最高可得分數為 4 分 若單一身體部位使用多重標準, 則該部位性能將使用最 低分之參數 扣分並無數量限制 explained in section 8. For both side and pole impacts, capping is applied on the head, chest, abdomen and pelvis. Where no head protection systems are present, the pole test will not be allowed and the points for that test are set to zero. Note: The requirement is for the fitment of a head protection system, 針對側方撞擊與立柱撞擊, 適用底線限制之身體部位為頭部 胸部 腹部及骨盆 若未配備頭部保護系統, 則不執行立柱撞擊試驗且試驗分數給予 0 分 此處頭部保護系統亦即車輛業者可自由選擇空氣囊以外的 1

31 Euro NCAP 原文 T-NCAP 條文草案 說明 meaning that the manufacturer is free to use a solution other than an airbag. However, for technologies other than conventional curtain or head airbags, the manufacturer is requested to provide evidence that the system is effective, at least in principle, before a test can be 作法 惟針對非常規簾式空氣囊或頭部空氣囊之技術, 於試驗前, 車輛業者應提供該系統為有效之佐證資料 allowed Head Side impact Higher performance limit HIC Resultant Acc. 3 msec exceedence 72g Lower performance and capping limit HIC (20% risk of injury AIS3 [1,2]) Resultant Acc. 3 msec exceedence 80g Pole impact Capping limits HIC 15 <700 Peak Resultant Acc <80g No direct head contact with the pole Chest The assessment is based on the worst performing individual rib lateral compression. MDB and Pole Higher performance limit Lateral Compression 28mm 頭部 側方撞擊較高性能限制值 HIC 合成加速度累積時間超過 3ms 72g 較低性能限制值與底線限制 HIC 合成加速度累積時間超過 3ms 80g 立柱撞擊底線限制 HIC15 <700 合成加速度峰值 <80g 頭部與立柱未直接接觸 胸部本項係依照最差之肋骨橫向壓縮量表現進行評等 移動式可變形碰撞壁與立柱撞擊較高性能限制值 橫向壓縮量 28mm 2

32 Euro NCAP 原文 T-NCAP 條文草案說明 (5% risk of AIS3, 67YO) MDB Lower performance and capping limit Lateral Compression 50mm (30% risk of AIS3, 45YO) Pole Lower performance limit Lateral Compression 50mm (30% risk of AIS3, 45YO) Pole Capping limit Lateral Compression 55mm (50% risk of AIS3, 45YO) Abdomen Higher performance limit Lateral Compression 47mm (33% risk of AIS3, 67YO) Lower performance and capping limit Lateral Compression 65mm Pelvis Higher performance limit Pubic Symphysis Force 1.7kN (5% risk of AIS3, 67YO) Lower performance and capping limit Pubic Symphysis Force 2.8kN (20% risk of AIS3, 45YO) 5.2 Modifiers 移動式可變形碰撞壁較低性能限制值與底線限制橫向壓縮量 50mm 立柱撞擊較低性能限制值橫向壓縮量 50mm 立柱撞擊底線限制橫向壓縮量 55mm 腹部較高性能限制值橫向壓縮量 47mm 較低性能限制值與底線限制橫向壓縮量 65mm 骨盆較高性能限制值恥骨聯合力 1.7kN 較低性能限制值與底線限制恥骨聯合力 2.8kN 扣分 3

33 Euro NCAP 原文 T-NCAP 條文草案 說明 Shoulder 肩部 Where the shoulder lateral force (Y direction) component is 3.0kN or 肩部橫向作用力 (Y 軸方向 ) 分力大於或等於 3.0kN 時, above, no points will be awarded for the chest assessment Chest & Abdomen 則胸部評等給予 0 分 胸部與腹部 Where the viscous criterion (V*C) is 1.0m/s or above for the chest, 胸部 腹部或兩者之黏滯指數 (V*C) 大於或等於 1.0m/s abdomen or both, no points will be awarded for the relevant body 時, 則相關身體部位評等給予 0 分 region assessment Side Head Protection Device (Pole Impact Only) 側方頭部保護裝置 ( 僅立柱撞擊試驗 ) Vehicles equipped with head protection side airbags, curtain, seat 配備側方空氣囊 簾式空氣囊 座椅式空氣囊或其他頭部 mounted or any other, will have the inflated energy absorbing areas evaluated by means of a geometric assessment. The airbags must provide protection for a range of occupant sizes in both the front and the rear on both sides of the vehicle. Where a vehicle does not offer sufficient protection, a penalty of -4 shall be applied to the overall 保護裝置之車輛, 應藉由幾何評等方式以評估充氣之能量吸收區域 空氣囊必須於車輛兩側之前座及後座提供不同體型乘員之保護 若車輛未提供足夠保護, 則立柱撞擊總分倒扣 4 分 任何車輛未提供涵蓋車輛兩側前座及後座乘員頭部保護裝置亦應扣分 pole impact score. Any vehicle that does not provide a head protection device covering the front and rear seat positions on both sides of the vehicle will also attract this modifier. Where a vehicle is only equipped with separate head protecting 若車輛兩側僅配備前座及後座乘員個別之頭部保護裝置, devices for front and rear occupants, on both sides of the vehicle, and is considered as having limited space in the rear seats, the penalty will be -2 points for each seat row (max -4 points). Vehicles will be considered as having limited rear space when the normal CRSs recommended by the manufacturer cannot be installed 且該車輛被視為後座空間有限者 第一排座椅於試驗位置時, 若後座無法安裝車輛業者推薦之兒童保護裝置 (CRS), 則該車輛視為後座空間有限者 在此情況下, 車輛業者應提供在不改變車輛下無法安裝 CRS 及 / 或兒童之佐證資料, 則每排座椅倒扣 2 分 ( 最高扣 4 分 ) with the front seats in the test position. Where this is the case, the 4

34 Euro NCAP 原文 T-NCAP 條文草案說明 vehicle manufacturer should provide evidence showing that the CRS and/or child cannot be installed without interference from the vehicle Coverage areas To ensure adequate head protection is offered, the head protection device coverage is assessed in the geometric area, or the Head Protection Device (HPD) assessment zone, where the occupant head would most likely impact side structures. If the vehicle is equipped with movable rear seats the seat shall be set to the most rearward position. If there is a third row of fixed seats, these will be included in the assessment unless they are per manufacturers recommendation not suitable for adult occupation (handbook) Application Where the airbags differ between the left and right hand sides of the vehicle, the airbags on both sides of the vehicle will be evaluated and the assessment will be based upon worst performing side. All areas of the airbag, both front and rear, will be evaluated and the assessment will be based upon the worst performing part of any of the airbags Exclusions The head protecting airbags should cover all glazed areas within the defined zone up to the edge of door daylight opening (FMVSS201) where it meets the roofline, B-pillar, C-pillar and door waistline. Seams in the airbag will not be penalised provided that the 保護區域為確保具有足夠之頭部保護, 頭部保護裝置區域將依照幾何範圍進行評等, 或頭部保護裝置 (Head Protection Device,HPD) 評等區域進行評等, 其為乘員頭部最可能遭受側方撞擊之結構 若車輛配備移動式後排座椅, 則該座椅應調整至最後方位置 若車輛配備第三排固定式座椅, 除非車輛業者建議該座椅不適合成人乘員 ( 車主手冊 ), 否則應納入評等 適用空氣囊若車輛左右兩側空氣囊不同, 則兩側之空氣囊皆應進行評估, 並取最嚴苛一側作為評等結果 空氣囊所有範圍 ( 包括前方與後方 ) 皆應進行評估, 並取表現最差之任一空氣囊部分作為評等結果 排除項目頭部保護空氣囊應涵蓋定義範圍內所有玻璃區域, 包括車門採光口 (Door daylight opening)(fmvss 201) 邊緣以及與其接觸之車頂輪廓線 B 柱 C 柱與車門腰線 若空氣囊接縫處 (Seam) 未充氣範圍不超過 15mm, 則不扣分 5

35 Euro NCAP 原文 T-NCAP 條文草案說明 un-inflated area is no wider than 15mm. Any other areas where the airbag layers are connected will not be penalised provided that the surrounding areas are inflated and any un-inflated areas are no larger than 50mm in diameter or equivalent area or the sum of the major and minor axes of individual areas does not exceed 100mm. In the case that the un-inflated area would be larger than described above, the OEM shall provide data to demonstrate sufficient energy absorption is guaranteed. Where a vehicle is fitted with a third row of foldable or removable seats, the third row (only) will be excluded from the assessment Incorrect Airbag Deployment Any airbag(s) which does not deploy fully in the designed manner will attract a -1 point modifier applicable to each of the most relevant body part(s) for the affected occupant. For example, where a head curtain airbag is deemed to have deployed incorrectly, the penalty will be applied to the side impact driver s head (-1). Where the incorrect deployment affects multiple body parts, the modifier will be applied to each individual body part. For example, where a seat or door mounted side airbag fails to deploy correctly that is intended to provide protection to the head as well as the thorax, abdomen and pelvis, the penalty will be applied to two body regions, the head (-1) and the chest (-1). The two penalties would also be applicable to both the side and pole impacts, which are scaled down in the final 其他部分之空氣囊, 若相鄰區域皆有充氣且任何未充氣區域直徑不超過 50mm 或相等面積, 或個別區域之主軸及副軸 (Major and minor axes) 總和不超過 100mm, 則空氣囊連結層不扣分 若未充氣區域超過上述要求, 則車輛業者應提供數據, 以展示具有足夠之能量吸收 若車輛配備第三排折疊式輔助座椅或可移除式座椅 (Foldable or removable seat), 則 ( 僅有 ) 第三排座椅應排除評等 不正確之空氣囊開展任何未依照原設計方式開展之空氣囊, 應針對受影響乘員最相關之身體部位扣 1 分 例如若頭部簾式空氣囊被視為不正確開展, 則於側方碰撞之駕駛頭部扣 1 分 若不正確之空氣囊開展影響身體多處部位, 則於每個身體部位進行扣分 例如安裝於座椅或車門之側方空氣囊無法正確開展以保護頭部 胸部 腹部及骨盆時, 則扣分應分別頭部及胸部各扣 1 分 該兩項扣分適用於側方撞擊與立柱撞擊, 並於最終車輛評等時按比例調降 6

36 Euro NCAP 原文 T-NCAP 條文草案說明 vehicle rating. The modifier will be applied even if the airbag was not intended to offer protection in that particular impact. For example, the penalty will be applied if a driver s knee airbag deploys incorrectly in a side or pole impact. In this case the modifier will be applied to both frontal impact driver knee, femur and pelvis body parts. Where a frontal protection airbag deploys incorrectly, knee-mapping is not permitted for the occupant whom the airbag was designed to protect Door Opening during the Impact When a door opens in the test, a minus one-point modifier will be applied to the score for that test. The modifier will be applied to the side impact assessment score for every door (including tailgates and moveable roofs) that opens. The number of door opening modifiers that can be applied to the vehicle score is not limited. ( 查 8.3 節為車門開啟之情形, 建議可調整至此節 ) The door opening modifier will be applied if any of the following have occurred: the latch has fully released or shows significant partial release, either by release of its components from one another, or effective separation of one part of the latch from its supporting structure the latch has moved away from the fully latched condition if any hinge has released either from the door or bodyshell or due to internal hinge failure 即使空氣囊原先非針對該特定撞擊模式設計, 亦應扣分 例如若駕駛膝部空氣囊於側方撞擊或立柱撞擊試驗中不正確開展, 亦應扣分 在此情況下, 此扣分將適用於前方撞擊之駕駛膝部 股骨與骨盆之身體部位 若前方保護空氣囊不正確開展, 則不接受空氣囊設計保護乘員之膝部撞擊區域建構資料 撞擊時車門開啟試驗時若一車門開啟, 則該項試驗分數應倒扣 1 分 該扣分適用於側方碰撞評等中每扇開啟之車門 ( 包括尾門 (Tailgate) 及可移動式車頂 ) 車門開啟之扣分次數無上限規定 若發生下列任何情形, 則應視為 車門開啟, 並進行扣分 : (1) 門閂完全釋放或大幅度部分釋放, 不論是因其組件釋放或門閂有效脫離其支撐結構 (2) 門閂脫離全閂狀態 (3) 若任何鉸鏈脫離車門或車體 (Bodyshell), 或由於任何內部鉸鏈失效 7

37 Euro NCAP 原文 T-NCAP 條文草案 說明 if there is a loss of structure between the hinges and latches (4) 若門閂與鉸鏈之間的結構鬆脫 if door or hinges fail whilst the door opening tests are being (5) 撞擊後進行車門開啟試驗時, 車門或鉸鏈失效, 來自乘 conducted post impact, as loading from an occupant could have 員之負載也有類似效果 a similar effect. if there was any potential risk of occupant ejection and/or partial (6) 若發生任何乘員彈出及 / 或部分彈出 / 受困車輛出口 ( 例 ejection/entrapment from openings such as sliding doors or moveable roofs. Dynamic opening during the impact of any apertures, such as roofs, will also be considered even if the 如滑動門或可移動式車頂 ) 之潛在風險 即使試驗後關閉, 應考量撞擊過程中動態開口 (Dynamic opening) 有無任何開啟之情形 openings have closed post test. if both side doors latch together with no b-pillar or other form of (7) 若兩側車門未與 B 柱或其他保護形式結合在一起, 則前 restraint, the modifier may apply to both the front and rear doors Door Opening Forces after the Impact 門及後門皆進行扣分 撞擊後車門開啟力 A check is made to ensure that the doors on the non-struck side can be 檢查確保非撞擊側之車門可被開啟 撞擊側之車門未開啟 opened. The doors on the struck side are not opened. 5.3 Scoring & Visualisation 評分與圖示說明 The protection provided for adults for each body region are presented 針對成人保護, 每個身體部位皆於身體輪廓範圍內使用顏 visually, using coloured segments within body outlines. The colour used is based on the points awarded for that body region (rounded to 色區塊進行圖示說明 使用之顏色係依照該身體部位得分決定 ( 四捨五入取到小數點第三位 ), 如下 : three decimal places), as follows: Green Good points 綠 優 分 Yellow Adequate points 黃 良好 分 Orange Marginal points 橘 尚可 分 Brown Weak points 棕 差 分 Red Poor points 紅 不良 分 8

38 Euro NCAP 原文 T-NCAP 條文草案 說明 For the side barrier and pole impacts, all the individual regions are 側方碰撞壁與立柱撞擊會使用每個各別區域 側方碰撞與 used. Results are shown separately for side barrier and pole impact. 立柱撞擊之評等結果將個別呈現 The contribution of the side and pole impact tests to the Adult 成人保護分數中, 側方撞擊與立柱撞擊試驗之分數係加總 Occupant Protection Score is calculated by summing the body scores for the relevant body regions in each of the tests. The total score in side barrier and pole tests together is limited to 16 points. This is achieved by adding up the individual scores (after modifiers 所有相關身體部位之分數 側方撞擊與立柱撞擊試驗總分為 16 分 藉由加總側方撞擊 ( 總分 16 分 ) 與立柱撞擊試驗 ( 總分 16 分 ) 之個別分數 ( 適用扣分後 ) 再除以二, 以計算試驗總分 have been applied) for the side impact test (max. 16 points) and the pole test (max. 16 points) and dividing the result by two. SIDE IMPACT MOBILE DEFORMABLE BARRIER TESTING PROTOCOL 3.3 側方撞擊試驗規章 Euro NCAP 原文 T-NCAP 條文草案 說明 1 VEHICLE PREPARATION 1.1 Unladen Kerb Mass 車輛整備 空車重量 (Unladen Kerb Mass) The capacity of the fuel tank will be specified in the 燃油箱之容量依車輛業者宣告, 該容量於本規章 manufacturer s booklet. This volume will be referred to throughout 稱為 燃油箱容量 (Fuel tank capacity) as the fuel tank capacity Syphon most of the fuel from the tank and then run the car until it has run out of fuel Calculate the mass of the fuel tank capacity using a density for petrol of 0.745g/ml or 0.840g/ml for diesel. Record this figure in the test details Refill the tank with fuel, water or other ballast to a weight equivalent to 90% of its fuel tank capacity of fuel 利用虹吸原理盡可能抽出燃油箱內的燃油, 再讓車輛運轉至燃油耗盡 以汽油密度 0.745g/ml 或柴油密度 0.840g/ml 換算燃油箱容量之重量, 將數據記錄於試驗資料 (Test detail) 重新於燃油箱內, 加入相當於燃油箱容量 90% 重量的燃油 水或其他配重 9

39 Euro NCAP 原文 T-NCAP 條文草案 說明 Check the oil level and top up to its maximum level if necessary 檢查油位, 若需要可加至最高位 同樣地, 其他 Similarly, top up the levels of all other fluids to their maximum 液體若需要也可加至最高位 levels if necessary Ensure that the vehicle has its spare wheel on board along with 確認車上已備有備胎及其他隨車工具, 除此之外, any tools supplied with the vehicle. Nothing else should be in the 車內不應有其他物品 car Ensure that all tyres are inflated according to the manufacturer s 確認所有輪胎已依車輛業者指示的半負載 (Half instructions for half load. load) 進行充氣 Measure the front and rear axle weights and determine the total 測量前軸及後軸重量, 並估算車輛之總重量 此 weight of the vehicle. The total weight is the unladen kerb mass of the vehicle. Record this mass in the test details. 重量即為車輛 空車重量, 並將該數據記錄於試驗資料 Measure and record the ride heights of the vehicle at all four 分別於四輪測量並記錄四個輪弧距地高 (Ride wheels. 1.2 Reference Loads height) 參考負載 (Reference Loads) Place both front seats in their mid-positions, this may not be the 將第一排兩座椅皆調整至中間位置, 該位置可能 same as the final test position. If there is no notch at this position, set the seat in the nearest notch rearward (this will be done more 不是最終試驗位置 若該位置沒有段位, 則將座椅向後調整至最接近的段位 ( 詳見 3.3.5) completely in Section 5) Place weights equivalent to WorldSID 50th male test dummy 將相當於 WorldSID 百分之五 0 成年男性試驗人偶 (75kg) in the front driver s seating position. 之重量 (75kg) 放置駕駛座椅位置 Place weights in the luggage compartment of the vehicle until 在車輛行李廂放置重量, 直到車輛總重量 ( 前軸 the total vehicle mass (sum of front and rear axle masses) is 100kg more than the unladen kerb mass (from Section 1.1.8). The normal luggage compartment should be used i.e. rear seats should not be 及後軸重量總和 ) 超過空車重量 ( 如 )100kg 應使用一般狀態的行李廂, 即不應摺疊後排座椅來增加行李廂容量, 且該重量盡可能均勻攤放於行李廂底部, 10

40 Euro NCAP 原文 T-NCAP 條文草案 說明 folded to increase the luggage capacity. Spread the weights as evenly as possible over the base of the luggage compartment. If the weights cannot be evenly distributed, concentrate weights towards the centre of the compartment. 若無法均勻放置, 則將重量集中於行李廂中間 In the child restraints to be used for testing, place masses 於駕駛座及乘客座椅後方之試驗用兒童保護裝 equivalent to Q10 and Q6 child dummies on the rear driver seat and passenger seats respectively (23kg and 36kg). If the child restraints are not available at this time then default masses of 7kg and 2kg 置, 分別放置相當於 Q10 及 Q6 兒童人偶之重量 (36kg 及 23kg) 若此時無法使用兒童保護裝置, 則於人偶重量分別加上 2kg 及 7kg 之預設重量 (Default masses) should be added to the dummy masses For two seater vehicles only, the mass of child dummies and 僅在測量雙人座車輛時, 兒童人偶及兒童座椅之 child seats shall not be included in the reference load. For vehicles with limited rear space, child seats and dummies shall be included in 重量不會計入參考負載 對於後方空間有限的車輛, 兒童座椅及兒童人偶仍會計入參考負載 the reference load Roll the vehicle back and forth to settle the tyres and 將車輛前後移動, 使輪胎及避震系統 適應 (Settle) suspension with the extra weight on board. Weigh the front and rear axle weights of the vehicle. These loads are the axle reference loads and the total weight is the reference mass of the vehicle. 車上額外的重量 測量車輛前軸及後軸重量, 該負載即為 輪軸參考負載 (Axle reference load), 而車輛總重量即為其 參考車重 (Reference mass) Record the axle reference loads and reference mass in the test 將輪軸參考負載及參考車重記錄於試驗資料 details Measure and record the ride-heights of the vehicle at the point on 於輪拱 (Wheel arch) 與輪心 (Wheel centre) 同橫向平 the wheel arch in the same transverse plane as the wheel centres. Do 面處測量並記錄輪弧距地高, 四個輪胎皆須測量 this for all four wheels Remove the weights from the luggage compartment and from the 移除行李廂內 第一排及後排座椅上的重量 front and rear seats. 11

41 Euro NCAP 原文 T-NCAP 條文草案 說明 1.3 R Point R 點 To measure vehicle dimensions and to apply markers, a pointer used 以量測三次元座標之探針 (Pointer) 測量車輛維度並設標記 to measure co-ordinates in three dimensions will be used. 點 The location of the R point relative to some part of the vehicle 車輛業者將宣告相對於車輛結構部位之 R 點位 structure will have been provided by the manufacturer. Determine 置 判定該點位置 the position of this point Mark a point on the driver s side of the car which has X 於車輛駕駛側 X( 縱向 ) 座標上標記一點, 理論 (longitudinal) co-ordinate not more than 1mm different to the 上, 此點與 R 點位置誤差不應超過 1mm theoretical R point location Mark a point on the driver s side of the car which is 250mm 於駕駛側 R 點位置後方 250mm 處設標示 此為目 rearward of the R point location. This is the target impact point Draw a vertical line through the target impact point. 標撞擊點 畫一垂直線穿過目標撞擊點 Mark points along the side of the vehicle which have the same X 於車輛側方標示所有與目標撞擊點相同 X 座標的 co-ordinates as the impact point. Continue these points onto the roof of the vehicle. The points should all lie in the same vertical 點延伸至車頂, 這些點應與撞擊點位於相同垂直橫向平面 transverse plane as the impact point Using a piece of sticky tape in a colour to contrast with the 使用一段與車身顏色對比鮮明的膠帶, 以膠帶一 body-colour, join the points with one edge of the tape. Mark clearly on the tape which of its edges aligns with the impact point. This 邊將各點連接 於膠帶上清楚標示哪一邊與撞擊點對齊, 此一邊可用以評估碰撞壁與撞擊點對準 edge may be used to assess the alignment of the barrier with the impact point. 1.4 Vehicle Preparation 車輛整備 Care should be taken during vehicle preparation that the ignition is not 車輛整備時, 應避免在電池或空氣囊未連接狀態下啟動點 switched on with the battery or airbag disconnected. This will result 火系統, 否則將導致空氣囊指示燈亮起而必須重新設定 12

42 Euro NCAP 原文 T-NCAP 條文草案說明 in an airbag warning light coming on and the airbag system will need to be reset Remove the carpeting, spare wheel and any tools or jack from the luggage area. The spare wheel should only be removed if it will not affect the crash performance of the vehicle Ensure that the vehicle s battery is connected, if possible in its standard position. Check that the dashboard light for the airbag circuit functions as normal Fit the on-board data acquisition equipment in the boot of the car. Also fit any associated cables, cabling boxes and power sources Place weights equivalent to a WorldSID 50th dummy (75kg) in the front driver s seat of the car (with the front seats in their mid-positions). 空氣囊系統 移除行李廂地毯 備胎及其他工具或千斤頂 備胎只有在不會影響車輛碰撞性能下得以移除 確保車輛電瓶已連接, 盡可能置於標準位置 確認儀錶板之空氣囊電路指示燈是否顯示正常 將車載資料擷取設備安裝於車輛行李廂內, 並裝配所有相關電線 電線盒及電源 將相當於 WorldSID 百分之五 0 成年男性人偶 (75kg) 之重量置於車輛駕駛座 ( 第一排座椅皆調整至中間位置 ) In the child restraints to be used for testing, place masses equivalent to Q6 and Q10 child dummies on the rear driver seat and passenger seats respectively (23kg and 36kg). If the child restraints are not available at this time then default masses of 7kg and 2kg should be added to the dummy masses Weigh the front and rear axle weights of the vehicle. Compare these weights with the reference weight determined in Section The total vehicle mass shall be within 1% of the reference mass. Each axle load shall be within the smaller of 5% or 20kg of its respective axle reference load. If the vehicle differs from the 於駕駛座及乘客座椅後方之試驗用兒童保護裝置, 分別放置相當於 Q10 及 Q6 兒童人偶之重量 (36kg 及 23kg) 若此時無法使用兒童保護裝置, 則於人偶重量分別加上 2kg 及 7kg 之預設重量 測量車輛前後軸重量, 並與 之參考重量相比 車輛總重量與參考車重差異不應超過 1% 各輪軸負載與其輪軸參考負載之差異不應超過 5% 或 20kg( 取兩者當中較低者 ) 若車輛不符合此規定, 則得移除或添 13

43 Euro NCAP 原文 T-NCAP 條文草案 說明 requirements given in this paragraph, items may be removed or added to the vehicle which has no influence on its structural crash performance. The levels of ballast in the fuel tank (equivalent in mass to 90% capacity of fuel) may also be adjusted to help achieve the desired axle weights. Any items added to increase the vehicle weight should be securely attached to the car. 加不影響結構碰撞性能的物品 燃油箱配重程度 ( 相當於燃油箱 90% 重量 ) 亦可調整, 以達成所要之輪軸重量 任何用來增加車輛重量的物品應穩固地安裝於車輛上 Repeat Sections and until the front and rear axle 重複 及 步驟, 直到前軸 後軸 weights and the total vehicle weight are within the limits set in 重量及車輛總重量位於 所設範圍內 For fully electric vehicles, if a total vehicle mass within 25kg of 對於純電動車輛, 若車輛總重量與參考車重之差 the reference mass cannot be achieved, it is acceptable for the total mass to be within 2% of the reference mass Record the final axle weights in the test details. 異無法小於 25kg, 則總重量與參考車重之差異應在 2% 以內 將最終輪軸重量記錄於試驗資料 2 DUMMY PREPARATION AND CERTIFICATION 2.1 General 人偶整備及查驗 (Certification) 通則 A WorldSID 50th percentile male test dummy shall be used in WorldSID 百分之五 0 成年男性試驗人偶應安裝於 the front driver s position. It shall conform to the specficiation detailed in ISO 15830, parts 1-4, May 2013 and the revisions documented in WG5 N1041, revision 4, dated 3rd October 駕駛座, 該人偶應符合 2013 年 5 月 ISO 第 1 至 4 部分詳列之規格, 並符合 2014 年 10 月 3 日 WG5 N1041 第四次修訂之修訂條文 Details of the child dummy preparation and certification are 關於兒童人偶的整備細節及查驗, 詳見 3.8 兒童保 contained in the Euro NCAP Child Occupant Protection Testing 護試驗規章 Protocol. 2.2 Certification 查驗 Full details of the WorldSID certification requirements are available in WorldSID 百分之五 0 成年男性人偶查驗要求之完整資訊 14

44 Euro NCAP 原文 T-NCAP 條文草案說明 the documents mentioned in Section above. No manufacturer shall have access to any pre-test information regarding any of the test equipment to be used by Euro NCAP, or be permitted to influence its selection in any way The WorldSID shall be re-certified after every FOUR impact tests Deatils of the IR Tracc length calculation procedure are described in Technical Bulletin TB If an injury criterion reaches or exceeds its normally accepted limit (eg HIC of 700) then that part should be re-certified If any part of a dummy is broken in a test then the part shall be replaced with a fully certified component Copies of the dummy certification certificates will be provided as part of the full report for a test. 2.3 Additions and Modifications to the WorldSID Dummy The WorldSID dummy shall be equipped with the half arm assembly on both sides It is acceptable for the dummy to be equipped with build level E ankle joins. 2.4 Dummy Clothing and Footwear WorldSID The clothing shall conform to clothing assembly drawing W pdf (see Annex C of ISO 15830) and the subassemblies 列於 所述文件中 關於 T-NCAP 使用之試驗設備, 車輛業者皆不得於試驗前蒐集任何資訊, 亦不得以任何方式影響設備之挑選 人偶每經 4 次撞擊試驗後, 應重新進行 WorldSID 百分之五 0 成年男性人偶查驗 IR Tracc 長度計算步驟詳列於 Euro NCAP 技術通報 TB017(Technical Bulletin TB017) 若某傷害指數 (Injury criterion) 達到或超過其正常接受範圍 ( 頭部傷害指數 HIC 達 700), 則該部位應重新查驗 若人偶任一部位於試驗中損壞, 則該部位應以完全查驗之零件 (Fully certified component) 替換 人偶查驗證書 (Certificate) 副本應檢附於完整試驗報告 WorldSID 百分之五 0 成年男性人偶配件及調整 WorldSID 百分之五 0 成年男性人偶兩側皆應安裝半臂總成 (Half arm assembly) 人偶可安裝 Build level E 踝關節 人偶衣著及鞋履 WorldSID 百分之五 0 成年男性人偶 衣著應符合衣著裝配圖 W pdf( 參見 ISO 附件 C), 及其內附之次裝配與組件圖示 15

45 Euro NCAP 原文 T-NCAP 條文草案說明 and component drawings listed therein. 2.5 WorldSID Dummy Test Condition Dummy Temperature The dummy shall have a stabilised temperature in the range of 20.6 to A stabilised temperature shall be obtained by soaking the dummy in temperatures that are within the range specified above for at least 1 hour prior to the test Measure the temperature of the driver dummy for at least 5 hours before test at intervals not exceeding 10 minutes and not exceeding 5 minutes before test The temperature shall be measured using an onboard sensor located on the blue band of the first thoracic non struck side rib as far from the spine box as possible A copy of the temperature readings is to be supplied as part of the standard output of the test Dummy Joints Stabilise the dummy temperature by soaking in the required temperature range for at least 5 hours Set the torque on the shoulder screws to obtain a 1-2g holding force of the arm on its pivot For adjustable joints in the legs, the tensioning screw or bolt which acts on the constant friction surfaces should be adjusted to obtain a 1-2g holding force WorldSID 百分之五 0 成年男性人偶試驗條件 人偶溫度 人偶的溫度必須穩定, 介於 20.6 至 22.2 之間 為達穩定溫度, 試驗前應將人偶放置 (Soaking) 於上述溫度範圍內至少 1 小時 試驗前至少 5 小時開始, 每隔一段時間 ( 不得超過 10 分鐘 ) 測量駕駛人偶溫度, 且試驗前 5 分鐘內須測量 1 次 應使用人偶裝載之感測器測量溫度, 感測器應置於胸部非撞擊側第一肋骨之藍色帶子上, 其儘可能遠離脊椎箱 (Spine box) 試驗產出資料中, 應檢附一份溫度數值 人偶關節 將人偶放置於指定溫度範圍內至少 5 小時, 以穩定其溫度 調整肩部螺絲之扭矩 (Torque), 使手臂於其樞軸 (Pivot) 之維持力 (Holding force) 達 1 至 2g 對於腿部之可調整關節, 應調整作用於常摩擦面之張緊螺絲 (Tensioning screw) 或螺栓, 使其維持力達 1 至 2g 16

46 Euro NCAP 原文 T-NCAP 條文草案 說明 The dummy joint stiffnesses should be set as close as possible 設定人偶關節鬆緊度 (Stiffnesses) 應盡可能接近 to the time of the test and, in any case, not more than 24 hours 試驗時間, 無論如何不可超過試驗前 24 小時 before the test Maintain the dummy temperature within the permissible 從設置四肢關節之鬆緊度至試驗前 5 分鐘這段期 temperature range between the time of setting the limbs and up to a 間內, 將人偶溫度維持於允許的溫度範圍內 maximum of 5 minutes before the time of the test. 2.6 WorldSID Dummy painting and marking WorldSID 百分之五 0 成年男性人偶塗色及標記 The dummies shall have masking tape placed on the areas to be 應於人偶預定塗色之區域, 以下方詳列之範圍黏 painted using the sizes detailed below. The tape should be completely covered with the following coloured paints. The paint should be applied close to the time of the test to ensure that the paint 貼紙膠帶 膠帶應徹底塗滿下列指定顏色, 唯駕駛頭部僅於膠帶邊緣塗色, 顏料應於接近試驗時間時塗上, 以確保撞擊時顏料未乾 will still be wet on impact Driver Head (Paint tape outline) Red 駕駛頭部 ( 僅膠帶輪廓塗色 ) 紅 Head CoG (circle) Orange 頭部重心 ( 圓圈 ) 橘 Shoulder/Arm Blue 肩部 / 手臂藍 2nd Thorax Rib Green 胸部第二肋骨 綠 3rd Thorax Rib Red 胸部第三肋骨 紅 1st Abdomen Rib Blue 腹部第一肋骨 藍 2nd Abdomen Rib Green 腹部第二肋骨 綠 Pelvis Orange 骨盆 橘 NOTE: The tape should be completely covered with the coloured 於兒童人偶頭頂及頭部後方, 應貼上有黏性的目標標記, paints specified, with the exception of the driver head which should 以助評估兒童頭部之安全包護 (Containment) have only the outer edge of the tape painted. Adhesive target 17

47 Euro NCAP 原文 T-NCAP 條文草案說明 markers should be attached to the top/rear of the child dummy s head in order to aid the assessment of the child head containment. Tape Sizes: Driver Head=100mm square, centreline of head with lower edge at C of G. Arm=25mm x 150mm, starting at bottom edge of shoulder fixing hole. Ribs=25mm x 150mm strip, starting at the rearmost accessible point at seat back. Pelvis=50mm x 100mm, centred on hip joint point. 2.7 Post Test Dummy Inspection All dummies shall be visually inspected immediately after the test Any lacerations of the skin or breakages should be noted in the test details, a dummy may have to be re-certified in this case. Refer to Section Any screws that have become loose or detached shall be re-tightened to the required torque or replaced as necessary. 3 INSTRUMENTATION All instrumentation shall be calibrated before the test programme. The Channel Amplitude Class (CAC) for each transducer shall be chosen to cover the Minimum Amplitude listed in the table. In order to retain sensitivity, CACs which are orders of magnitude greater than the Minimum Amplitude should not be used. A transducer shall be re-calibrated if it reaches its CAC during any test. All 膠帶範圍 : 駕駛頭部 = 100mm 正方形, 頭部中心線且下緣位於重心處 手臂 = 25mm 150mm, 從肩部固定孔底部開始 肋骨 =25mm 150mm 長條形, 從最後方可觸及椅背的點開始 骨盆 = 50mm 100mm, 以髖關節點為中心 試驗後人偶檢查 試驗後應立即以目視檢查所有人偶狀況 若有任何斷裂或皮膚破裂之情形, 應記錄於試驗資料, 此時人偶參考 重新查驗 若有任何螺絲鬆開或脫離, 應重新鎖緊至指定扭矩, 若需要也可替換 感測器及資料擷取系統設置 (Instrumentation) 所有感測器及資料擷取系統皆須於試驗前進行校正 每個轉換器 (Transducer) 的通道振幅等級 (Channel Amplitude Class,CAC) 之選擇應涵蓋表格中所列之最低振幅 為維持靈敏度, 不應使用數量級 (Orders of magnitude) 超過最低振幅之 CAC 若轉換器於任何試驗過程中達到其 CAC, 則應重新進行校正 無論進行多少試驗, 所有感 18

48 Euro NCAP 原文 T-NCAP 條文草案 說明 instrumentation shall be re-calibrated after one year, regardless of the number of tests for which it has been used. A list of instrumentation along with calibration dates should be supplied as part of the standard results of the test. The transducers are mounted according to procedures laid out in SAE J211. The sign convention used for configuring the transducers is stated in SAE J211 (2007). 3.1 Dummy Instrumentation 測器及資料擷取系統每年皆應重新校正 試驗標準結果應包含所有感測器及資料擷取系統清單及相應校正日期 轉換器安裝程序參見 SAE J211 轉換器配置設定所使用之符號通則 (Sign convention) 參見 SAE J211(2007) 人偶感測器及資料擷取系統設置 The WorldSID dummy shall be instrumented to record the WorldSID 百分之五 0 成年男性人偶之感測器及資 channels listed below. Additional channels may be recorded. 料擷取系統應設定至得以記錄下列頻道 另可記錄額外 頻道 Where the number of channels in the WorldSID dummy is 45 or 若 WorldSID 百分之五 0 成年男性人偶具有 45 個 more, only in-dummmy data acquisition systems may be used. Where there are less than 45 channels, the use of umbillical cables is at the laboratories discretion. Details of the child dummy instrumentation is contained in the Euro NCAP Child Occupant Protection Testing Protocol. ( 請參考末頁表格 ) 3.2 Vehicle Instrumentation 以上的頻道, 則僅能使用人偶內部的資料擷取系統 若頻道數少於 45 個, 則檢測機構可酌情決定是否使用連接線連至外部資料擷取系統之方式進行 (Umbillical cable) 關於兒童人偶之感測器及資料擷取系統設置, 詳見 3.8 兒童乘員保護試驗規章 ( 請參考末頁表格 ) 車輛感測器及資料擷取系統設置 The vehicle is to be fitted with an accelerometer on the unstruck 於車輛非撞擊側之 B 柱安裝一加速規, 並以橫向 B-pillar. The accelerometer is to be fitted in the lateral direction (Ay) 安裝 (Ay) Remove carpet and the necessary interior trim to gain access to 移除地毯及其他需移除之內飾板 (Interior trim), 露 the sill directly below the B-pillar. 出 B 柱正下方之門檻 (Sill) Securely attach a mounting plate for the accelerometer 將加速規的安裝板水平穩固地固定在 B 柱正下方 19

49 Euro NCAP 原文 T-NCAP 條文草案說明 horizontally on to the sill Fix the accelerometer to the mounting plate. Ensure the accelerometer is horizontal to a tolerance of ±5 degrees. ( 請參考末頁表格 ) 3.3 Trolley and Barrier Instrumentation The trolley is to be fitted with an accelerometer at its Centre of Gravity. The accelerometer is to be fitted in the fore/aft direction (A x). ( 請參考末頁表格 ) 4 PASSENGER COMPARTMENT ADJUSTMENT 4.1 Overview of Settings ( 請參考末頁表格 ) 4.2 Seat adjustments Position the seat s adjustable lumbar supports so that the lumbar supports are in the lowest, retracted or deflated adjustment positions Position any adjustable parts of the seat that provide additional support so that they are in the lowest or most open adjustment position Position an adjustable seat cushion length to the retracted position Position an adjustable leg support system in its rearmost position Place adjustable pedals in the full forward position (towards the front of the vehicle.) 之門檻上 將加速規固定在安裝板上 確認加速規為水平狀態 ( 容許誤差 ±5 度 ) ( 請參考末頁表格 ) 台車與碰撞壁之感測器及資料擷取系統設置 台車重心應安裝一加速規, 並以車頭 / 車尾方向安裝 (Ax) ( 請參考末頁表格 ) 車室 (Passenger compartment) 調整 設定綜覽 ( 請參考末頁表格 ) 座椅調整 調整座椅的可調整式腰部支撐, 使其位於最低 縮回或洩氣 (Deflated) 的調整位置 調整座椅任何提供額外支撐的可調整部位, 使其位於最低或最開放的調整位置 將可調整式座墊長度調整至縮回位置 將可調整式腿部支撐系統調整至最後方的位置 將可調整式踏板調整至完全向前的位置 ( 朝向車輛前方 ) 20

50 Euro NCAP 原文 T-NCAP 條文草案 說明 4.3 Seat markings 座椅標記 Identify and mark one seat reference point (SRP1) at the rear 於座墊後方確認並標記一個座椅參考點 SRP1 side of the seat cushion, SRP Where the seat cushion pitch is adjustable, identify and mark a 若可調整座墊俯仰角, 則於參考點 SRP1 向前至少 second reference point, SRP2, that is at least 300mm forward of the rear reference point (SRP 1) and draw a line through the two 300mm 處, 確認並標記第二個參考點 SRP2, 畫一線通過這兩參考點 reference points Locate and mark the longitudinal centreline of the seat cushion 找出並標記座墊之縱向中線 通過 SRP1 的垂直縱 The intersection of the vertical longitudinal plane that passes through the SRP 1 and the seat cushion upper surface determines the 向平面與座墊上方表面之交線, 決定凹背式單人座椅 (Bucket seat) 座墊之縱向中線 longitudinal centreline of a bucket seat cushion Where the front seats are bench seats, locate and mark the 若前座為長椅 (Bench seat), 則在座墊上找出並標 longitudinal line on the seat cushion that marks the intersection of the vertical longitudinal plane through the centreline of the steering 記通過方向盤中線之垂直縱向平面與座墊上方表面之縱向交線 wheel and the seat cushion upper surface. 4.4 Positioning the seat 調整座椅位置 Use the seat control that primarily moves the seat vertically to 使用主要控制座椅垂直移動的控制器, 將 adjust the rearmost seat reference point, SRP 1, defined in to the upper most vertical location. 定義之最後方座椅參考點 SRP1 調整至最上方的垂直位置 Use the seat control that primarily moves the seat fore-aft to 使用主要控制座椅前後移動的控制器, 將 adjust the rearmost seat reference point, SRP 1, defined in to 定義之最後方座椅參考點 SRP1 調整至最後方的位置 the rearmost location Determine and record the range of angles of the seat cushion 判定並記錄座墊俯仰角的角度範圍, 僅使用主要 pitch and using only the control(s) that primarily adjust(s) the 調整座墊俯仰角的控制器, 將俯仰角設在中間角度 21

51 Euro NCAP 原文 T-NCAP 條文草案說明 cushion pitch, set cushion pitch to the mid-angle Use the seat control that primarily moves the seat vertically to adjust the rearmost seat reference point defined in 4.3.1, SRP 1, to the lowest vertical location. Verify that you are still at the rearmost seat track location. Record the X position of SRP Use the seat control that primarily moves the seat fore-aft to adjust the rearmost seat reference point, SRP 1, to the rearmost location. Record the X position of SRP Use the seat control that primarily moves the seat fore-aft to adjust the rearmost seat reference point, SRP 1, to the forward most location; Record the X position of SRP Measure and mark an X position 20mm rearward of the midpoint (MP +20mm) Use the seat control that primarily moves the seat fore-aft to adjust the rearmost seat reference point, SRP 1, to the X position marked in or, if this is not possible, to the first X possible position rearward the marked position in If the seat cannot be placed at exactly 20mm rearward of the midpoint select the next closest available rearward setting For some vehicles this final step may change the cushion pitch as established in 4.4.8, this is acceptable Record test seat position using the seat reference point, SRP 1 The settings for the passenger seat should be as near as possible to being the same as that of the driver s seat 使用主要控制座椅垂直移動的控制器, 將 定義之最後方座椅參考點 SRP1 調整至最低的垂直位置 確認座椅仍位於導軌最後方 記錄 SRP1 的 X 位置 使用主要控制前後移動的控制器, 將最後方座椅參考點 SRP1 調整至最後方 記錄 SRP1 的 X 位置 使用主要控制座椅前後移動的控制器, 將最後方座椅參考點 SRP1 調整至最前方 記錄 SRP1 的 X 位置 測量並標記中點向後 20mm 的 X 位置 (MP+20mm) 使用主要控制座椅前後移動的控制器, 將最後方座椅參考點 SRP1 調整至 標記之 X 位置, 或若無法做到, 則調整至 標記位置向後的第一個 X 位置 若無法將座椅精準置於中點向後 20mm 處, 則選擇向後且最接近的下一個設定 部分車輛於最後步驟 ( ) 可能會改變座墊俯仰角, 此為可接受的情況 以座椅參考點 SRP1 記錄試驗座椅位置 乘客座椅設定應盡可能與駕駛座設定相同 22

52 Euro NCAP 原文 T-NCAP 條文草案 說明 4.5 Setting the Steering Wheel 方向盤設置 Set the steering wheel at the geometric highest driving position 考量所有伸縮 (Telescopic) 及傾斜調整後, 將方向 considering the full range of telescopic and tilt adjustment possibilities, in order to provide clearance for the legs and thorax. 4.6 Setting the rear seat (if adjustable) 盤設在幾何最高駕駛位置 (Geometric highest driving position), 使腿部及胸部具有足夠間隙 後座設置 ( 若可調整 ) If the vehicle rear seat position is adjustable put it in the same 若車輛後座可調整, 則將座椅前後位置 椅背角 fore/aft position as that used in the frontal impact ODB test with the 度調整至與前方偏置撞擊試驗時相同 same seat back angle. 5 DUMMY POSITIONING AND MEASUREMENTS 5.1 Determine the H-point of the driver s seat 人偶位置及量測 決定駕駛座 H 點 The device to be used is the H-point machine as described in SAE 使用之裝置為 SAE J826 規定之 H 點人體模型 (H 點機器, J826. H-point machine) If the seat is new and has never been sat upon, a person of mass 75 ± 若座椅全新且從未使用過, 則應由重量 75 ± 10kg 之人員 10kg should sit on the seat for 1 minute twice to flex the cushions. The seat shall have been at room temperature and not been loaded 坐 1 分鐘, 進行兩次, 以使座墊收縮 座椅應處於室溫, 且於人體模型安裝前至少 1 小時內, 不得有負載 for at least 1 hour previous to any installation of the machine Set the seat back so that the torso of the H-point manikin is as 調整椅背, 使 H 點人體模型的軀幹盡可能接近車 close as possible to the manufacturer s recommendations for normal use. In absence of such recommendations, an angle of 23 輛業者正常使用建議 若無建議, 則調整至垂直向後傾斜 23±1 度 degrees ±1 towards the rear from vertical will be used The driver and passenger seatback angle and seat base shall be 駕駛及乘客座椅椅背角度及底座應調整至相同位 set to the same position. 置 Place a piece of muslin cloth on the seat. Tuck the edge of the 放一塊細棉布 (Muslin cloth) 於座椅上, 將布邊塞進 cloth into the seat pan/back join, but allow plenty of slack. 座椅底板 (Seat pan)/ 椅背連接處, 但可保持布面寬鬆 23

53 Euro NCAP 原文 T-NCAP 條文草案 說明 Place the seat and back assembly of the H-point machine on the 將 H 點人體模型之座板及背板總成放置於座椅中 seat at the centre line of the seat. 線上 The length of the lower leg and thigh segments of the H-point H 點人體模型之下腿部及大腿段長度, 應分別調 manikin shall be adjusted to the 50th percentile (418mm) and 10th percentile (408mm) positions respectively. 整至第 50 百分位 (418mm) 及第 10 百分位 (408mm) 之位置 Attach lower legs to machine ensuring that the transverse 將下腿部固定於人體模型, 確保膝部樞軸桿 (T-bar) member of the T-bar is parallel to the ground. 之橫桿 (Transverse member) 與地面保持平行 Place the right foot on the undepressed accelerator pedal, with 將右腳掌置於未踩下的加速踏板上, 腳跟儘可能 the heel as far forwards as allowable. The distance from the centre 往前移, 且應記錄與人體模型中線的距離 line of the machine should be noted Place left foot at equal distance from centre line of machine as 將左腳平放於腳踏區 (Footwell), 與人體模型中線 the right leg is from centre line. Place the foot flat on the footwell Apply lower leg and thigh weights. 之距離比照右腳 安裝下腿部及大腿配重 Tilt the back pan forwards to the end stop and draw the 將背板 (Back pan) 向前傾斜至極限位置, 並將人 machine away from the seatback. 體模型拉離椅背 Allow the machine to slide back until it is stopped by 讓人體模型向後滑動, 直到與椅背接觸而停止 contacting the seat back Apply a 10kg load twice to the back and pan assembly 於臀部角度象限儀及膝部樞軸桿套管正上方交會 positioned at the intersection of the hip angle intersection to a point 處, 施加兩次 10kg 之負載至人體模型背板及座板總成上 just above the thigh bar housing Return the machine back to the seat back Install the right and left buttock weights Apply the torso weights alternately left and right 將人體模型背板靠回椅背 安裝左右臀部配重 左右交替施加軀幹重量 Tilt the machine back forwards to a vertical position and, while 向前傾斜人體模型背板至垂直位置, 同時握住膝 24

54 Euro NCAP 原文 T-NCAP 條文草案 說明 holding the T-bar, rock the pan by 5 degrees either side of the vertical. The feet are NOT to be restrained during the rocking. Holding the T-bar to prevent the H-Point machine from sliding forward on the seat cushion, return the machine back to the seat back. 部樞軸桿, 以垂直左右兩側 5 度搖晃座板, 搖晃時不可將雙腳固定 握住膝部樞軸桿, 以防止 H 點人體模型於座墊上向前滑動, 再將人體模型背板靠回椅背 Reposition the feet by lifting the leg and then lowering the leg 將下腿部舉起以重新調整足部位置, 再將下腿部 so that the heel contacts the floor and the sole lies on the undepressed accelerator. 放下使腳跟接觸地板, 並使腳底平放在未踩下的加速踏板上 Check the lateral spirit level and if necessary apply a lateral 檢查橫向水平儀, 視實際狀況, 於人體模型背板 force to the top of the machine back, sufficient to level the seat pan 頂部施加側向力 (Lateral force), 使其座板保持水平 of the machine Adjust the seat back angle to the angle determined in 5.1.1, 將椅背調整至 決定的角度, 使用 H 點 measured using the spirit level and torso angle gauge of the H-point machine. Ensure that the torso remains in contact with the seat back 人體模型的水平儀及軀幹角度量測儀器測量角度 確保軀幹 ( 背板 ) 與椅背保持接觸, 人體模型座板保持水平 at all times. Ensure that the machine pan remains level at all times If the measured angle is not within ±1 of the target, the chest 若測得角度與目標值誤差超過 ±1 度, 則應移除 and buttocks weights shall be removed, the seat back readjusted, and the steps to position the H-point manikin shall be repeated, 胸部及臀部配重, 重新調整椅背, 並從 將背板向前傾斜開始, 重複調整 H 點人體模型位置的步驟 beginning with tilting the back pan forward as in Measure and record in the test details the position of the 以容易辨識的車輛結構部位為相對基準點, 測量 H-point relative to some easily identifiable part of the vehicle H 點位置並記錄於試驗資料 structure. 5.2 Dummy Placement 人偶放置 It is the intention that the dummy should not be left to sit directly 試驗前, 人偶不應直接坐在座椅上超過 2 小時 25

55 Euro NCAP 原文 T-NCAP 條文草案 說明 on the seat for more than 2 hours prior to the test. It is acceptable for the dummy to be left in the vehicle for a longer period, provided that the dummy is not left in overnight or for a similarly lengthy period. 可將人偶放置車內更久的時間, 惟不應放置整晚或類似長度的時間 If it is known that the dummy will be in the vehicle for a time 若已知人偶將放置車內超過 2 小時, 則應於座椅 longer than 2 hours, then the dummy should be sat on plywood boards placed over the seat. This should eliminate unrealistic 上放置膠合板 (Plywood board), 讓人偶坐在上面 如此應能避免座椅不符實際狀況地壓縮 (Compression) compression of the seat If the vehicle has only two side doors, it may be necessary to fit 若車輛僅有兩扇側門, 可能需要先裝兒童保護裝 the child restraint systems and child dummies (Section 5.3) before 置及兒童人偶 ( ), 再於第一排座椅設置駕駛人偶 setting up the driver dummy in the front seat H-point H 點 Note that the H-point of the WorldSID dummy is situated 20mm WorldSID 人偶的 H 點位於 H 點人體模型所決定之 H 點前 forward of that of the H-point determined by the H-point manikin. 方 20mm 處 Using only the controls that move the seat fore-aft, move the 僅使用控制座椅前後移動的控制器, 將試驗座 test seat to the rearmost position to facilitate placement of the 椅移至最後方的位置, 方便放置人偶 dummy Position the dummy in the seat such that the mid-sagittal plane 將人偶置於座椅上, 使其正中矢狀切面 is coincident with the centreline markings and the upper torso resting against the seat back. (Mid-sagittal plane) 對齊中線標記, 並將上部軀幹靠在椅背上 Apply a fore-aft and lateral rocking motion to settle the pelvis 以前後及橫向搖晃動作, 使骨盆向後貼合座椅 rearward in the seat To ensure a repeatable and stable pelvis position, ensure that 為確保可重複放置及固定之骨盆位置, 確認整個 the pelvis is in contact with the seat cushion over the whole length. 骨盆與座墊確實接觸 To ensure a repeatable placement of the lower abdominal rib, 為確保下腹部肋骨可重複放置, 確認肋骨位於 26

56 Euro NCAP 原文 T-NCAP 條文草案說明 make sure it is inside the pelvis flesh and not on top of it Move the seat together with the dummy to the test seat position defined in If it is not possible to reach the seat test position due to knee contact, shift the targeted test seat position rearwards in the stepwise increments to the closest position where the knee clearance is at least 5mm. Modify the target H-point accordingly. ( 查 為座墊俯仰角變動要求, 惟此處應引述 試驗位置規範, 故研判此處誤植 ) Verify that the H-point is reasonably close (±10mm) to the target H-point or as defined in if the target H-point has been modified. If not, repeat step If it is still not possible, record the rearmost seat cushion reference point and the dummy H-point and proceed to the next step Extend the right leg without displacing the thigh from the seat cushion. Allow the sole of the foot to settle on the accelerator pedal; the heel of the shoe should be in contact with the floor pan. Where a lack of ankle articulation prevents the foot from sitting flat on the accelerator pedal, keep the foot at a 90 degree angle to the tibia and ensure that the heel is in contact with the floor Extend the left leg without lifting the thigh from the seat cushion and allow the sole of the foot to settle on the footrest or floor if no footrest is present. The heel of the shoe should be in contact with the floor. In case of tibia contact, slide the foot rearward toward the seat until a 5mm clearance is obtained. Where a 骨盆腔 (Pelvis flesh) 內, 而非骨盆腔上方 將座椅連同人偶移至 定義之試驗座椅位置 若因碰到膝部而無法移至該試驗座椅位置, 則將目標試驗座椅位置逐步向後修改, 直到膝部至少有 5mm 間隙為止, 並依此修改目標 H 點 確認 H 點相當接近 (±10mm) 之目標 H 點, 若目標 H 點已修改, 則依 定義 否則, 重複步驟 若仍無法符合, 則記錄最後方座墊參考點及人偶 H 點, 接著進行下個步驟 在不移動座墊上大腿之情況下, 伸展右腿並使鞋底平放於加速踏板上, 鞋跟應接觸地板平底處 (Floor pan) 若沒有踝關節, 導致足部無法平放於加速踏板上, 則使足部與脛骨呈 90 度, 並確保鞋跟與地板接觸 在不移動座墊上大腿之情況下, 伸展左腿並使鞋底平放於置腳板 (Footrest) 或地板 ( 若未配備置腳板 ) 上, 鞋跟應接觸地板 若碰到脛骨, 則將足部向後朝座椅移動, 直到有 5mm 的間隙 若沒有踝關節, 導致足部無法平放於地板上, 則使足部與脛骨呈 90 度, 並確保鞋跟與 27

57 Euro NCAP 原文 T-NCAP 條文草案說明 lack of ankle articulation prevents the foot from sitting flat on the floor, keep the foot at a 90 degree angle to the tibia and ensure that the heel is in contact with the floor Position the H-point of the dummy to match the WorldSID H-point coordinates recorded following Section 5.1 to within ±10mm. Prioritise the X coordinate Head and torso Adjust the dummy until the thorax tilt sensor coincides with the angle specified by the manufacturer If the rib angle is not specified by the manufacturer and the seat back is 23 ± 1, adjust the dummy until the thorax tilt sensor reads 2 (2 downwards) ± If no rib angle is specified and the seat back angle is not 23 ± 1, no further adjustment of rib angle is required Adjust the dummy neck bracket to level the head at the closest position to 0 ± Legs and feet Proceed to the final foot and leg positioning by repeating Section and Where a lack of ankle articulation prevents the foot from sitting flat on the accelerator pedal/floor, keep the foot at a 90 degree angle to the tibia and ensure that the heel is as far forward as possible and in contact with the floor No distance is specified for the knee spacing. However, priority should be given to ensure the following: 地板接觸 調整人偶 H 點, 以符合依 紀錄之 WorldSID H 點座標 ( 容許誤差 ±10mm), 以 X 座標為優先 頭部及軀幹 調整人偶, 使胸部傾斜感測器符合車輛業者宣告之角度 若車輛業者未宣告肋骨角度且椅背角度為 23 ± 1 度, 則調整人偶, 使其胸部感測器讀數為 2 度 ( 朝下 2 度 )± 1 度 若未宣告肋骨角度且椅背角度非為 23 度 ±1 度, 則無須再調整肋骨角度 調整人偶頸套 (Neck bracket), 使頭部水平盡可能接近 0 度 ±1 度 腿部及足部 重複 及 , 進行最後的足部及腿部位置調整 若沒有踝關節, 導致足部無法平放於加速踏板 / 地板上, 則使足部與脛骨呈 90 度, 並確保鞋跟盡可能向前移且與地板接觸 膝部間隔距離並未規定, 惟應優先考量下列條件 : 28

58 Euro NCAP 原文 T-NCAP 條文草案 說明 There is 5 mm clearance between the knees/legs and the 膝部 / 腿部距轉向機柱護蓋 (Steering shroud) 與中 steering shroud and centre console There is a stable foot and ankle position The legs are as parallel as possible to the sagittal plane Arms 控台 (Centre console) 有 5mm 的間隙 足部及腳踝位置穩定 雙腿盡可能與矢狀切面平行 手臂 Place both arms at the first detent downward of the most 肋骨角度感測器與手臂角度之水平夾角 upward detent that corresponds to a differential angle of 32 between rib angle sensor and the arm angle Seat belt (Differential angle) 須達 32 度, 將雙臂置於由上往下第一個符合此要求之鎖定位置 (Detent) 安全帶 Where possible, initially position the upper seat belt anchorage 依實際狀況, 先將安全帶上部固定器調整至車輛 in the manufacturers 50th percentile design position. If no design position is provided, set the adjustable upper seat belt anchorage to the mid-position or nearest notch upward 業者第 50 百分位設計位置 若未提供設計位置, 則將可調整的安全帶上部固定器設於中間位置或向上最接近的段位 Carefully place the seat belt across the dummy and lock as 將安全帶小心圍繞試驗人偶, 並正常扣上 normal Remove the slack from the lap section of the webbing until it is 消除腰部織帶鬆弛, 直到織帶輕輕繞過貼合人偶 resting gently around the pelvis of the dummy. Only minimal force should be applied to the webbing when removing the slack. The 骨盆周圍 消除織帶鬆弛部分時, 應盡可能使用最小的力道 腰部安全帶 (Lap belt) 路徑應盡可能平順自然 route of the lap belt should be as natural as possible Place one finger behind the diagonal section of the webbing at 將一隻手指置於織帶對角線部位後方且人偶胸 the height of the dummy sternum. Pull the webbing away from the chest horizontally forward and allow it to retract in the direction of the D-loop using only the force provided by the retractor 骨高度處 將織帶水平往前拉, 遠離胸部, 並讓織帶僅依捲收器機構的力道向導帶環 (D-loop) 方向捲收 重複此步驟三次 mechanism. Repeat this step three times, only. 29

59 Euro NCAP 原文 T-NCAP 條文草案 說明 After following the above steps, the seatbelt should lie in a 依上述步驟執行後, 安全帶應圍繞人偶胸骨及 natural position across the dummy sternum and shoulder clavicle. Where this is not the case, for example the belt is close to or in contact with the neck or the belt is above the shoulder rotation adjustment screw, and the upper belt anchorage is adjustable the 肩部鎖骨, 處於自然位置 若情況並非如此, 例如安全帶接近或接觸頸部, 或位於肩部旋轉調整螺絲上, 而安全帶上部固定器可以調整, 則應降低該固定器, 並重複步驟 及 anchorage should be lowered and steps and repeated The upper anchorage should be lowered by a sufficient amount 重複步驟 及 後, 上部固定 to ensure a natural belt position following the repetition of steps and This may require multiple attempts. 器應降至合適高度, 足以確保安全帶處於自然位置 這可能需要多次嘗試 Once the belt is positioned the location of the belt should be 安全帶位置調整好後, 應於試驗人偶胸部完整 marked across the dummy chest to ensure that no further adjustments are made. Mark also the belt at the level of the D-loop to be sure that the initial tension is maintained during test 標記安全帶位置, 以確保不再有調整 同時, 在安全帶上於導帶環高度處標記, 以利於試驗準備期間維持初始張力 preparation Measure the vertical distance between the dummy nose and the 測量人偶鼻子與對角式織帶的垂直距離 diagonal webbing Measure the horizontal distance between the diagonal webbing 測量對角式織帶與車門 / 車窗的水平距離 and the door/window After positioning the dummy measure and record the dummy 人偶位置調整好後, 依照 進行量測並記錄 position according to Section 6.4 and determine the impact location 人偶位置, 再依 所述決定撞擊位置 as described in Section 1.4. ( 查 1.4 為車輛整備, 惟撞擊點位置應參見 1.3 規定, 故研判此處規章 誤植 ) 5.3 Child Restraint System (CRS) Installation and Child Dummy 兒童保護裝置 (CRS) 安裝及兒童人偶放置 30

60 Euro NCAP 原文 T-NCAP 條文草案說明 Placement The child dummy and CRS installation procedures are detailed in the Euro NCAP Child Occupant Protection Testing protocol. 5.4 Dummy Positioning Measurements The following measurements are to be recorded prior to the test after the dummy settling and positioning procedures have been carried out. ( 請參考頁末表格 ) 6 BARRIER AND TROLLEY The trolley will be fitted with the Advanced European Mobile Deformable Barrier face (AE-MDB) and ventilation frame conforming to the specifications of Technical Bulletin Trolley Preparation The mobile deformable barrier (MDB) includes both an impactor and a trolley The total mass shall be 1300 ± 20kg The centre of gravity shall be situated in the longitudinal median vertical plane within 10mm, 1000 ± 30mm behind the front axle and 500 ± 30mm above the ground The distance between the front face of the impactor and the centre of gravity of the barrier shall be 2000 ± 30mm The height of the barrier shall be such that the uppermost part of the front face of the beam element (the intersection between the 兒童人偶及兒童保護裝置安裝程序詳見 3.8 兒童保護試驗規章 人偶位置量測應於試驗前完成人偶放置及位置調整程序後記錄下列量測值 ( 請參考頁末表格 ) 碰撞壁及台車台車應配備先進歐洲移動式可變形碰撞壁 (Advanced European Mobile Deformable Barrier face,ae-mdb) 及符合 Euro NCAP 技術通報 014 規定之通風架 (Ventilation frame) 台車整備 移動式可變形碰撞壁 (Mobile Deformable Barrier, MDB) 包含一碰撞塊及一輛台車 總重量應為 1300 ± 20kg 重心應位於距離縱向中心垂直平面 10mm 以內 前軸後方 1000 ± 30mm 距地高 500 ± 30mm 處 碰撞塊前方表面與 MDB 重心的距離應為 2000 ± 30mm 撞擊前, 碰撞壁高度應滿足下述靜態量測要求 : 樑構件 (Beam element) 前方表面最高處 ( 上下排組塊交會 31

61 Euro NCAP 原文 T-NCAP 條文草案說明 upper and lower row of blocks) is 550mm ± 5mm above ground level measured statically prior to impact The front and rear track width of the trolley shall be 1500 ± 10mm The wheelbase of the trolley shall be 3000 ± 10mm The trolley may be fitted with an emergency abort system. This is optional, the test facility may elect to test without an abort system Inflate all tyres of the trolley to the same pressure Mark a line along the vertical centreline of the barrier which may be used to check the alignment of the barrier with the impact location of the test vehicle Measure the wheelbase of the trolley, left and right Determine the average wheelbase from Section and record in the test details Record in the test details the track of the trolley at the front and at the rear Ensure that the weight distribution is as even as possible left to right Record in the test details the final weights measured at each of the wheels. 7 TEST PARAMETERS An on-board data acquisition unit will be used. This equipment will be triggered by a contact plate at the point of first contact (t=0) and will record digital information at a sample rate of 20kHz (alternatively a 處 ) 之距地高為 550mm ± 5mm 台車前後輪距應為 1500 ± 10mm 台車軸距應為 3000 ± 10mm 台車可配備緊急中止系統 此為非強制選項, 可選擇無此系統的試驗設備進行試驗 將台車所有輪胎充氣至相同胎壓 沿碰撞壁垂直中線畫線, 此可用於檢查碰撞壁與受驗車輛撞擊位置之對準 測量台車左側及右側的軸距 依 決定軸距平均值, 並記錄於試驗資料 將台車前後輪距記錄於試驗資料 確保重量盡可能左右平均分佈 將各輪測得之最終重量記錄於試驗資料 試驗參數使用車載資料擷取設備進行試驗 此設備將由首次接觸點 (t=0) 的接觸板觸發, 並以 20kHz ( 也可改用 10kHz) 之採樣頻率記錄數位資訊, 該設備應符合 SAE J211(2007) 32

62 Euro NCAP 原文 T-NCAP 條文草案 說明 sample rate of 10kHz may be used). The equipment conforms to 要求 SAE J211 (2007). BEFORE THE TEST, ENSURE THAT THE LIVE BATTERY IS 試驗前, 請確認電池有電 (Live battery) 且連接妥當, 鑰匙插 CONNECTED, A SINGLE KEY IS IN THE IGNITION, THE IGNITION IS ON AND THAT THE AIRBAG LIGHT ON THE 入點火開關並開啟, 且儀表板上的空氣囊指示燈 ( 依實際狀況 ) 顯示正常 DASHBOARD ILLUMINATES AS NORMAL (WHERE FITTED) If the vehicle is fitted with a suspension system, pedal retraction 若該車輛配備懸吊系統 踏板回收系統或其他需要引擎於 system or any other system which requires running of the engine just before test execution, the engine should be run for a 試驗前運轉的系統, 則應依照車輛業者指定之時間讓引擎先運轉 predetermined time, specified by the manufacturer. 7.1 Impact Speed 撞擊速度 Measure the speed of the trolley as near as possible to the point 測量台車速度之位置應盡可能靠近撞擊點 of impact Record the actual test speed in the test details. TARGET SPEED = 50km/h ± 1km/h 7.2 Post-Impact Braking 目標速度應為 50km/h ± 1km/h, 並將實際試驗速度記錄於試驗資料 撞擊後煞車 (Post-Impact Braking) A method must be employed to eliminate secondary impacts 須避免碰撞壁與車輛發生二次撞擊 其可為台車 between the barrier and the car. This may be an emergency braking 之緊急煞車系統或其他方式, 惟僅能於首次撞擊後致動 system on the trolley or other method but should be activated only after the first impact is complete Do NOT start the braking at the point of initial impact or the 不應於首次撞擊點開始煞車, 否則台車將於試驗 trolley will be decelerating during the test. 7.3 Alignment 過程中減速 對準 With the vehicle offered up against the barrier, tape a small rivet 在車輛與碰撞壁保持接觸的狀態下, 將一小鉚釘 33

63 Euro NCAP 原文 T-NCAP 條文草案說明 at the centreline of the deformable barrier as close as possible to the point of first contact This pin should align with the vertical impact point line previously marked on the car (Section 1.4). ( 查 1.4 為車輛整備, 惟撞擊點位置應參見 1.3 規定, 故研判此處規章誤植 ) After the test, if the mark made by the pin is not within the tolerance square detailed below, film analysis will be used to try to assess the alignment. Both the horizontal and vertical alignments shall be noted in the test report TARGET ALIGNMENT = CENTRELINE OF BARRIER COINCIDENT WITH PLANE 250mm REARWARD OF R POINT ± 25mm TARGET VERTICAL ALIGNMENT = ± 25mm 7.4 After Test Door Opening Check that none of the doors, including boot lids and any movable roofs, have opened or partially opened during the test. Where this is the case photographic evidence shall be obtained and provided in the test report Struck side doors handles shall be immediately covered with tape to prevent inadvertent opening. Reference measurements shall be taken between the door skin and aperture to ensure that the door has not move or been disturbed between the test and inspection. 以膠帶貼於可變形碰撞壁中線上, 盡可能靠近首次接觸點 鉚釘應對準先前標記於車輛 ( ) 之撞擊點垂直線 (Vertical impact point line) 試驗後, 若鉚釘之標記不在下述容許方格 (Tolerance square) 內, 則將以影片分析嘗試評估對準 水平及垂直對準皆應註記於試驗報告 目標對準 = 碰撞壁中線位於 R 點後方 250mm± 25mm 之平面 目標垂直對準 =± 25mm 試驗後 車門開啟 確認沒有任何車門於試驗過程中開啟或局部開啟, 包括行李廂蓋 (Boot lid) 及任何可移動式車頂 應留下照片佐證並檢附於試驗報告 撞擊側車門把手應立即以膠帶覆蓋, 以避免意外開啟 應取得門板 (Door skin) 與門框 (Door aperture) 間之參考量測值, 以確保於試驗與檢查間車門未移動或遭受干擾 34

64 Euro NCAP 原文 T-NCAP 條文草案 說明 Check that the unstruck side doors are not locked and open the 確認非撞擊側車門未上鎖, 且手動將車門開啟 doors by hand (front door followed by rear door) If the doors do not open, record this in the test details. 7.5 Dummy Removal Do not move the driver seat. Try to remove the dummy. ( 依序前車門至後車門 ) 若車門無法開啟, 則將此情況記錄於試驗資料 人偶移除 在不要移動駕駛座下嘗試移除人偶 If the dummy cannot be removed with the seats in its original 若無法在座椅原始位置移除人偶, 則將椅背後傾, position, recline the seat back and try again. 再嘗試移除一次 If the dummy still cannot be removed, try to slide the seat back 若仍無法移除人偶, 嘗試將座椅沿滑軌向後滑動, on its runners or remove the steering wheel. 或移除方向盤 If the dummy still cannot be removed, the seat can be cut out of 若仍無法移除人偶, 得將座椅自車輛卸除 the car. 35

65 (Euro NCAP 原文 ) * It is not necessary for this channel to be recorded through the dummy onboard DAU. 36

66 (T-NCAP 條文草案 ) 位置 參數 最低振幅 頻道數量 頭部 線性加速度 (Linear acceleration),ax Ay Az 250g 3 上頸部力與力矩 Fx Fy Fz,Mx My Mz 5kN, 300Nm 6 肩部 - 關節 力,Fx Fy Fz 8kN 3 肩部 - 肋骨位移及旋轉 2d IR Tracc 100mm 2 胸部 - 上肋骨位移及旋轉 2d IR Tracc 100mm 2 胸部 - 中肋骨位移及旋轉 2d IR Tracc 100mm 2 胸部 - 下肋骨位移及旋轉 2d IR Tracc 100mm 2 胸部溫度 * 溫度, 如 腹部 - 上肋骨位移及旋轉 2d IR Tracc 100mm 2 腹部 - 下肋骨位移及旋轉 2d IR Tracc 100mm 2 脊椎 - T12 加速度,Ax Ay Az 200g 3 骨盆 加速度,Ax Ay Az 200g 3 骨盆 恥骨 力 5kN 1 股骨頸 - 僅撞擊側 力,Fx Fy Fz 5kN 3 頻道總數 35 備註 :* 此頻道無須透過人偶裝載之資料擷取設備 (Data acquisition unit,dau) 進行記錄 37

67 (Euro NCAP 原文 ) (T-NCAP 條文草案 ) 車輛位置 參數 最低振幅 頻道數 B 柱 ( 非撞擊側 ) 加速度,Ay 150g 1 電池 ( 包括任何二次電池 ) 供電電壓,V 15V 1 每台車輛頻道總數 2 38

68 (Euro NCAP 原文 ) (T-NCAP 條文草案 ) 台車 位置 參數 最低振幅 頻道數量 台車重心加速度,Ax 150g 1 頻道總數 每輛台車頻道總數 1 1x 駕駛 35 1x Q x Q6 13 1x 車輛 2 1x 台車 1 總數 81 39

69 (Euro NCAP 原文 ) 4.1 Adjustments not listed will be set to mid-positions or nearest positions rearward, lower or outboard. 40

70 (T-NCAP 條文草案 ) 調整 設定要求 附註 做法 座椅前後位置 如 定義 座椅底座傾斜度如 定義 座椅高度 如 定義 軀幹角度 車輛業者之設計位置 否則為垂直向後傾斜 23 度 如 座椅腰部支撐 完全縮回 如 第一排座椅頭枕中間鎖定位置 同鞭甩試驗位置 頭枕若會影響人偶頭部後方, 則將頭枕移至最後方的位如 前座鞭甩試驗規 高度及傾斜度 置 章 前座安全帶固定初始為車輛業者之第 50 百若無設計位置, 則調整至中間位置或至向上最接近的段位 如 裝置 分位設計位置 ( 若可調整 ) 方向盤 最高且最向後 ( 靠人偶 ) 的 如 位置 後座前後位置 車輛業者之設計位置 手冊若未提供相關資訊, 則調至中間位置 如 ( 若可調整 ) 後座椅背角度 車輛業者之設計位置 否則為垂直向後傾斜 25 度 如 ( 若可調整 ) 後座方向 朝前 後座頭枕高度及如車主手冊建議 手冊若未提供相關資訊, 則將高度調整至中間或向下最接近的位置, 將傾如 前座鞭甩試驗規 傾斜度 斜度調整至中間鎖定位置 不可影響兒童 / 兒童保護裝置安裝 章 後座安全帶固定如車主手冊對於兒童保護 若無建議, 則調整至中間位置或至向上最接近的段位, 須與偏置撞擊之位 裝置 ( 若可調整 ) 裝置安裝之建議 置相同 41

71 調整 設定要求 附註 做法 扶手 ( 第一排座使用位置 若人偶放置後扶手無法位於使用位置, 則可保持於非使用位置 於水平位 椅 ) 置可調整處 扶手 ( 後座 ) 收納位置 車窗 全部升起 變速箱 空檔 駐煞車 致動 (Engaged) 踏板 未踩踏之正常位置 (Position 可調整式踏板設於完全向前的位置 如 of rest) 車門 關閉但不上鎖 車頂 / 天窗 升起 / 完全關閉 依實際狀況 遮陽板 收合位置 照後鏡 正常使用位置 備註 : 未列出之調整將設定在中間位置, 或向後 向下或向外最接近的位置 42

72 (Euro NCAP 原文 ) 5.4 * Horizontal distance from steering wheel centre 43

73 (T-NCAP 條文草案 ) 駕駛量測值 A 頭部至車頂飾板 B 下巴至擋風玻璃接合點 (Windscreen joint) C 下巴至方向盤中心 D* 對角式織帶至方向盤中心 E 髖關節點至門檻 (Inside opening of the door)( 水平 ) F 髖關節點至門檻 ( 垂直 ) G 膝部至地板表面材 (Floor covering)( 垂直 ) H 頭部至側窗玻璃 (Pane)( 或填充物 ) J 肩部至車窗玻璃 ( 或填充物 ) K 肘部至車門 ( 或填充物 ) L 骨盆至車門 ( 或填充物 ) M 膝部至車門 ( 或填充物 ) N 安全帶織帶至車門 ( 水平 ) 備註 :* 與方向盤中心的水平距離 44

74 OBLIQUE POLE SIDE IMPACT TESTING PROTOCOL 3.4 側方立柱撞擊試驗規章 Euro NCAP 原文 T-NCAP 條文草案 說明 1 VEHICLE PREPARATION 1.1 Unladen Kerb Mass 車輛整備 空車重量 (Unladen Kerb Mass) The capacity of the fuel tank will be specified in the 燃油箱之容量依車輛業者宣告, 該容量於本規章 manufacturer s booklet. This volume will be referred to throughout 稱為 燃油箱容量 (Fuel tank capacity) as the fuel tank capacity Siphon most of the fuel from the tank and then run the car until it 利用虹吸原理盡可能抽出燃油箱內的燃油, 再讓 has run out of fuel. 車輛運轉至燃油耗盡 Refill the tank with fuel, water or other ballast to a mass 重新於燃油箱內, 加入相當於燃油箱容量重量的 equivalent to 100% of the tank s capacity of fuel. 燃油 水或其他配重 Check the oil level and top up to its maximum level if necessary 檢查油位, 若需要可加至最高位 同樣地, 其他 Similarly, top up the levels of all other fluids to their maximum 液體若需要也可加至最高位 levels if necessary Ensure that the vehicle has its spare wheel on board along with 確認車上已配備備胎及其他隨車工具, 除此之外, any tools supplied with the vehicle. Nothing else should be in the 車內不應有其他物品 car Ensure that all tyres are inflated according to the manufacturer s 確認所有輪胎已依車輛業者指示的半負載 (Half instructions for half load. load) 進行充氣 Measure the front and rear axle masses and determine the total 測量前軸及後軸重量, 並估算車輛之總重量 此 mass of the vehicle. The total mass is the unladen kerb mass of the vehicle. Record this mass in the test details. 重量即為車輛 空車重量, 並將該數據記錄於試驗資料 Measure and record the ride heights of the vehicle at all four 分別於四輪測量並記錄四個輪弧距地高 (Ride wheels. 1.2 Rated cargo and luggage mass height) 額定貨物及行李重量 Calculate the rated cargo and luggage mass as follows: Subtract 額定貨物及行李重量計算方式如下 : 將設計總重 45

75 Euro NCAP 原文 T-NCAP 條文草案 說明 the measured unladen kerb mass and the rated occupants mass from the maximum permitted laden mass. The rated occupant mass is equal to rated number of occupants times 68 kg. The maximum permitted laden mass can be found on the Manufacturer s Plate, usually in the engine compartment. 1.3 Reference Loads (Maximum permitted laden mass) 減去測得之空車重量與額定乘員重量 其中額定乘員重量等於額定乘員數乘以 68 kg, 設計總重則列於車輛業者標示處, 通常位於引擎室 參考負載 (Reference Loads) Place both front seats in their mid-positions, this may not be the 將第一排兩座椅皆調整至中間位置, 該位置可能 same. If there is no notch at this position, set the seat in the nearest notch rearward. 不是最終試驗位置 若該位置沒有段位, 則將座椅向後調整至最接近的段位 Place weights equivalent to a WorldSID 50th dummy (75kg) in 將相當於 WorldSID 百分之五 0 成年男性人偶的 the front driver s seating position. 重量 (75kg) 放置駕駛座椅位置 Place weights with a mass of the rated cargo and luggage mass 於車輛行李廂放置額定貨物及行李重量或 136kg or 136kg whichever is less, in the luggage compartment of the vehicle. The normal luggage compartment should be used i.e. rear seats should not be folded to increase the luggage capacity. Spread the weights as evenly as possible over the base of the luggage ( 取兩者當中較低者 ) 應使用一般狀態的行李廂, 即不應摺疊後排座椅來增加行李廂容量, 且該重量盡可能均勻攤放於行李廂底部, 若無法均勻放置, 則將重量集中於行李廂中間 compartment. If the weights cannot be evenly distributed, concentrate weights towards the centre of the compartment Roll the vehicle back and forth to settle the tyres and 將車輛前後移動, 使輪胎及避震系統 適應 (Settle) suspension with the extra weights on board. Determine the front and rear axle loads of the vehicle. These loads are the axle reference loads and the total mass is the reference mass of the vehicle. 車上額外的重量 測量車輛前後軸負載, 該負載即為 輪軸參考負載 (Axle reference load), 而車輛總重量即為其 參考車重 (Reference mass) Record the axle reference loads and reference mass in the test 將輪軸參考負載及參考車重記錄於試驗資料 details Measure and record the ride-heights of the vehicle at a point on 於輪拱 (Wheel arch) 與輪心 (Wheel centre) 同橫向平 46

76 Euro NCAP 原文 T-NCAP 條文草案說明 the wheel arch in the same transverse plane as the wheel centres. Do this for all four wheels Remove the weights from the luggage compartment and the dummy weights from the front seat. 1.4 Impact location To measure vehicle dimensions and to apply markers, a pointer used to measure co-ordinates in three dimensions will be used The Impact Reference Line is the line formed on the driver side of the test vehicle by the intersection of the exterior surface of the vehicle and a vertical plane passing through the centre of gravity of the head of the dummy positioned in accordance with Section 5, in the driver seating position. The vertical plane forms an angle of 75 with the vehicle longitudinal centreline, see Figure Mark the impact reference line on the side of the vehicle on the exterior, from roof to sill Using a piece of sticky tape in a colour to contrast with the body-colour, join the points with one edge of the tape. Mark clearly on the tape, which of its edges aligns with the impact reference line. This edge may be used to assess the alignment of the vehicle with the pole. ( 請參考頁末圖示 ) 1.5 Vehicle Preparation Care should be taken during vehicle preparation that the ignition is not switched on with the battery or any airbag or pretensioner disconnected. This will result in an airbag warning light coming on 面處, 測量並記錄輪弧距地高, 四個輪胎皆須量測 移除行李廂內及第一排座椅人偶的重量 撞擊位置 以量測三次元座標之探針 (Pointer) 測量車輛維度並設標記點 撞擊參考線 (Impact Reference Line) 係指於受驗車輛駕駛側, 由以下兩者交會所組成 : 車輛外部表面 人偶依 放置駕駛座時通過其頭部重心 (Centre of gravity) 之垂直平面 此垂直平面與車輛縱向中心線呈 75 度, 如圖 1 所示 於車輛駕駛側外部, 由車頂至門檻 (Sill) 標記撞擊參考線 使用一段與車身顏色對比鮮明的膠帶, 以膠帶一邊將標記點連接起來 於膠帶上清楚標示哪一邊與撞擊參考線對齊, 此一邊可用以評估車輛與立柱之對準 ( 請參考頁末圖示 ) 車輛整備車輛整備時, 應確保電瓶 空氣囊或預負載安全帶 (Pretensioner) 未連接狀態下, 不可開啟點火開關, 否則將導致空氣囊指示燈亮起而必須重新設定空氣囊系統 車 47

77 Euro NCAP 原文 T-NCAP 條文草案說明 and the airbag system will need to be reset. Manufacturers will be asked to provide instructions for resetting the airbag so that this may be done in-house in the event that it becomes necessary Remove the carpeting, spare wheel and any tools or jack from the luggage area. The spare wheel should only be removed if it will not affect the crash performance of the vehicle Ensure that the vehicle s battery is connected, if possible in its standard position. Check that the dashboard light for the airbag circuit functions as normal Fit the on-board data acquisition equipment in the boot of the car. Also fit any associated cables, cabling boxes and power sources Place weights with a mass of approximately the rated cargo and luggage mass in the luggage area Place weights equivalent to a WorldSID 50th dummy (75kg) in the front driver s seat of the car (with the front seats in their mid-positions) Weigh the front and rear axle loads of the vehicle. Compare these loads with those determined in Section ( 查 係將輪軸參考負載及參考車重記錄於試驗資料, 惟參考車重應參見 1.3.4, 故研判此處規章誤植 ) The total vehicle mass shall be within 1% of the reference mass (Section 1.3). Each axle load shall be within the smaller of 5% or 20 kg of its respective axle reference load. If the vehicle differs from the requirements given in this paragraph, items may be removed or added to the vehicle which has no influence on its structural crash 輛業者應提供空氣囊重設指示, 以便需要時可在試驗場地 內部 重設 移除行李廂地毯 備胎及其他工具或千斤頂 備胎只有在不影響車輛碰撞性能下得以移除 確保車輛電瓶已連接, 盡可能置於標準位置 確認儀錶板之空氣囊電路指示燈是否顯示正常 將車載資料擷取設備安裝於車輛行李廂內, 並裝配所有相關電線 電線盒及電源 將約為額定貨物及行李重量之重量放入行李廂內 將相當於 WorldSID 百分之五 0 成年男性人偶 (75kg) 之重量置於車輛駕駛座 ( 第一排座椅皆調整至中間位置 ) 測量車輛前後軸負載, 並與 決定之參考車重相比 車輛總重量與參考車重 ( 如 ) 差異不應超過 1% 各輪軸負載與其輪軸參考負載之差異不應超過 5% 或 20kg( 取兩者當中較低者 ) 若車輛無法符合此要求, 則得移除或添加不影響結構碰撞性能之物品 燃油箱配重程度 ( 相當於燃油箱 100%( 應為 100%) 重量 ) 亦 48

78 Euro NCAP 原文 T-NCAP 條文草案 說明 performance. The levels of ballast in the fuel tank (equivalent in mass to 100% (should be 100%) capacity of fuel) may also be adjusted to help achieve the desired axle loads. Any items added to increase the vehicle mass should be securely attached to the car. 可調整, 以達成所要之輪軸負載 任何用來增加車輛重量的物品應穩固地安裝於車輛上 Repeat Sections and until the front and rear axle loads 重複 及 步驟, 直到前軸 後軸 and the total vehicle mass are within the limits set in 重量及車輛總重量位於 所設範圍內 For fully electric vehicles, if a total vehicle mass within 25kg of 對於純電動車輛, 若車輛總重量與參考車重之差 the reference mass cannot be achieved, it is acceptable for the total mass to be within 2% of the reference mass Record the final axle loads in the test details. 異無法小於 25kg, 則總重量與參考車重之差異應在 2% 以內 將最終輪軸重量記錄於試驗資料 2 DUMMY PREPARATION AND CERTIFICATION 2.1 General 人偶整備及查驗 (Certification) 通則 A WorldSID 50th percentile male test dummy shall be used in WorldSID 百分之五 0 成年男性人偶應安裝於駕駛 the front driver s position. It shall conform to the specficiation detailed in ISO 15830, parts 1-4, May 2013 and the revisions documented in WG5 N1041, revision 3, dated 11th February Certification 座, 該人偶應符合 2013 年 5 月 ISO 第 1 至 4 部分詳列之規格, 並符合 2014 年 2 月 11 日 WG5 N1041 第三次修訂之修訂條文 查驗 Full details of the WorldSID certification requirements are available in WorldSID 百分之五 0 成年男性人偶查驗要求之完整資訊 the documents mentioned in Section above. No manufacturer shall have access to any pre-test information regarding any of the test equipment to be used by Euro NCAP, or be permitted to 列於 所述文件中 關於 T-NCAP 使用之試驗設備, 車輛業者皆不得於試驗前蒐集任何資訊, 亦不得以任何方式影響設備之挑選 influence its selection in any way The WorldSID shall be re-certified after every FOUR impact 人偶每經 4 次撞擊試驗後, 應重新進行 WorldSID tests. 百分之五 0 成年男性人偶查驗 Deatils of the IR Tracc length calculation procedure are IR Tracc 長度計算步驟參見 Euro NCAP 技術通報 49

79 Euro NCAP 原文 T-NCAP 條文草案 說明 described in Technical Bulletin TB017. TB If an injury criterion reaches or exceeds its normally accepted 若某傷害指數 (Injury criterion) 達到或超過其正常 limit (e.g. HIC of 700) then that part should be re-certified. 接受範圍 ( 例如頭部傷害指數 HIC 達 700), 則該部位應 重新查驗 If any part of the dummy is broken in a test then the part shall be 若人偶任一部位於試驗中損壞, 則該部位應以完 replaced with a fully certified component. 全查驗之零件 (Fully certified component) 替換 A copy of the dummy certification certificate will be provided as 人偶查驗證書 (Certificate) 副本應檢附於完整試驗 part of the full report for a test. 2.3 Additions and Modifications to the Dummies 報告 人偶配件及調整 The WorldSID dummy shall be equipped with the half arm WorldSID 百分之五 0 成年男性人偶兩側皆應安裝 assembly on both sides. 半臂總成 (Half arm assembly) It is acceptable for the dummy to be equipped with build level E 人偶可安裝 build level E 踝關節 ankle joins. 2.4 Dummy Clothing and Footwear 人偶衣著及鞋履 The clothing shall conform to clothing assembly drawing 衣著應符合衣著裝配圖 W pdf( 參見 ISO W pdf (see Annex C of ISO 15830) and the subassemblies 附件 C), 及其內附之次裝配與組件圖示 and component drawings listed therein. 2.5 Dummy Test Condition Dummy Temperature 人偶試驗條件 人偶溫度 The dummy shall have a stabilised temperature in the range of 人偶的溫度必須穩定, 介於攝氏 20.6 度至 oC to 22.2oC. 度之間 A stabilised temperature shall be obtained by soaking the 為達穩定溫度, 試驗前應將人偶放置 (Soaking) dummy in temperatures that are within the range specified above for 於上述溫度範圍內至少 1 小時 at least 1 hour prior to the test Measure the temperature of the driver dummy for at least 試驗前至少 5 小時開始, 每隔一段時間 ( 不得 50

80 Euro NCAP 原文 T-NCAP 條文草案說明 hours before test at intervals not exceeding 10 minutes and not exceeding 5 minutes before test A copy of the temperature readings is to be supplied as part of the standard output of the test The temperature shall be measured using an onboard sensor located on the blue band of first thoracic non struck side rib as far from the spine box as possible Dummy Joints Stabilise the dummy temperature by soaking in the required temperature range for at least 5 hours Set the torque on the shoulder screws to obtain a 1-2g holding force of the arm on its pivot For adjustable joints in the legs, the tensioning screw or bolt which acts on the constant friction surfaces should be adjusted to obtain a 1-2g holding force The dummy joint stiffnesses should be set as close as possible to the time of the test and, in any case, not more than 24 hours before the test Maintain the dummy temperature within the permissible temperature range between the time of setting the limbs and up to a maximum of 10 minutes before the time of the test. 2.6 Dummy painting The dummy shall have masking tape placed on the areas to be painted using the sizes detailed below. The tape should be completely covered with the following coloured paints. The paint 超過 10 分鐘 ) 測量駕駛人偶溫度, 且試驗前 5 分鐘內須測量 1 次 試驗產出資料中, 應檢附一份溫度數值 應使用人偶裝載之感測器測量溫度, 感測器應置於胸部非撞擊側第一肋骨之藍色帶子上, 其盡可能遠離脊椎箱 (Spine box) 人偶關節 將人偶放置於指定溫度範圍內至少 5 小時, 以穩定其溫度 調整肩部螺絲之扭矩 (Torque), 使手臂於其樞軸 (Pivot) 之維持力 (Holding force) 達 1 至 2g 對於腿部之可調整關節, 應調整作用於常摩擦面之張緊螺絲 (Tensioning screw) 或張緊螺栓 (Tensioning bolt), 使其維持力達 1 至 2g 設定人偶關節鬆緊度 (Stiffnesses) 應盡可能接近試驗時間, 無論如何不可超過試驗前 24 小時 從設置四肢關節之鬆緊度至試驗前 10 分鐘這段期間內, 將人偶溫度維持於允許的溫度範圍內 人偶塗色 應於人偶預定塗色之區域, 以下方詳列之範圍黏貼紙膠帶 膠帶應徹底塗滿下列指定顏色, 唯駕駛頭部僅於膠帶邊緣塗色, 顏料應於接近試驗時間時塗上, 以 51

81 Euro NCAP 原文 T-NCAP 條文草案 說明 should be applied close to the time of the test to ensure that the paint will still be wet on impact. Driver 確保撞擊時顏料未乾 駕駛 Head (Paint tape outline) Red 頭部 ( 僅膠帶輪廓塗色 ) 紅 Head CoG (circle) Yellow 頭部重心 ( 圓圈 ) 黃 Shoulder/Arm Blue 2 nd Thorax Rib Green 3 rd Thorax Rib Red 1 st Abdomen Rib Blue 2 nd Abdomen Rib Green Pelvis Orange NOTE: The tape should be completely covered with the coloured paints specified, with the exception of the driver head which should have only the outer edge of the tape painted. Tape Sizes: Driver Head = 100mm square, centreline of head with lower edge at C of G. Arm = 25mm x 150mm, starting at bottom edge of shoulder fixing hole. Ribs = 25mm x 150mm strip, starting at the rearmost accessible point at seat back. Pelvis = 50mm x 100mm, centred on hip joint point. 肩部 / 手臂藍胸部第二肋骨綠胸部第三肋骨紅腹部第一肋骨藍腹部第二肋骨綠骨盆橘膠帶範圍 : 駕駛頭部 = 100mm 正方形, 頭部中心線且下緣位於重心處 手臂 = 25mm 150mm, 從肩部固定孔底部開始 肋骨 = 25mm 150mm 長條形, 從最後方可觸及椅背的點開始 骨盆 = 50mm 100mm 以髖關節點為中心 2.7 Post Test Dummy Inspection The dummy should be visually inspected immediately after the 試驗後人偶檢查 試驗後應立即以目視檢查所有人偶狀況 若有任 52

82 Euro NCAP 原文 T-NCAP 條文草案說明 test. Any lacerations of the skin or breakages of the dummy should be noted in the test details. The dummy may have to be re-certified in this case. Refer to Section Any screws that have become loose or detached shall be re-tightened to the required torque or replaced as necessary. 3 INSTRUMENTATION All instrumentation shall be calibrated before the test programme. The Channel Amplitude Class (CAC) for each transducer shall be chosen to cover the Minimum Amplitude listed in the table. In order to retain sensitivity, CAC s which are orders of magnitude greater than the Minimum Amplitude should not be used. A transducer shall be re-calibrated if it reaches its CAC during any test. All instrumentation shall be re-calibrated after one year, regardless of the number of tests for which it has been used. A list of instrumentation along with calibration dates should be supplied as part of the standard results of the test. The transducers are mounted according to procedures laid out in SAE J211. The sign convention used for configuring the transducers is stated in SAE J211 (2007). 3.1 Dummy Instrumentation The WorldSID dummy shall be instrumented to record the channels listed below. Additional channels may be recorded Where the number of channels in the WorldSID dummy is 45 or more, only in-dummmy data acquisition systems may be used. Where there are less than 45 channels, the use of umbillical cables is 何斷裂或皮膚破裂之情形, 應記錄於試驗資料, 此時人偶參考 重新查驗 若有任何螺絲鬆開或脫離, 應重新鎖緊至指定扭矩, 若需要也可替換 感測器及資料擷取系統設置 (Instrumentation) 所有感測器及資料擷取系統皆須於試驗前進行校正 每個轉換器 (Transducer) 的通道振幅等級 (Channel Amplitude Class, CAC) 之選擇應涵蓋表格中所列之最低振幅 (Minimum Amplitud) 為維持靈敏度, 不應使用數量級 (Orders of magnitude) 超過最低振幅之 CAC 若轉換器於任何試驗過程中達到其 CAC, 則應重新進行校正 無論進行多少試驗, 所有感測器及資料擷取系統每年皆應重新校正 試驗標準結果應包含所有感測器及資料擷取系統清單及相應校正日期 轉換器安裝程序參見 SAE J211 轉換器配置設定所使用之符號規定(Sign convention) 參見 SAE J211(2007) 人偶感測器及資料擷取系統設置 WorldSID 百分之五 0 成年男性人偶之感測器及資料擷取系統應設定至得以記錄下列頻道 另可記錄額外頻道 若 WorldSID 百分之五 0 成年男性人偶具有 45 個以上的頻道, 則僅能使用人偶內部的資料擷取系統 若頻數道少於 45 個, 則檢測機構可酌情決定是否使用連接 53

83 Euro NCAP 原文 T-NCAP 條文草案說明 at the laboratories discretion. ( 請參考末頁表格 ) 3.2 Vehicle Instrumentation The vehicle is to be fitted with an accelerometer on the unstruck B-pillar. The accelerometer is to be fitted in the lateral direction (A y) Remove carpet and the necessary interior trim to gain access to the sill directly below the B-pillar Securely attach a mounting plate for the accelerometer horizontally on to the sill Fix the accelerometer to the mounting plate. Ensure the accelerometer is horizontal to a tolerance of ±5 degrees. ( 請參考末頁表格 ) 3.3 Carrier Instrumentation The carrier is to be fitted with an accelerometer at its structure at the centre line, near the centre of gravity. The accelerometer is to be fitted in the direction of movement (A x). ( 請參考末頁表格 ) 4 PASSENGER COMPARTMENT ADJUSTMENTS 4.1 Overview of Settings ( 請參考末頁表格 ) 4.2 Seat adjustments Position the seat s adjustable lumbar supports so that the lumbar supports are in the lowest, retracted or deflated adjustment positions. 線連接至外部資料擷取系統之方式進行 (Umbillical cable) ( 請參考末頁表格 ) 車輛感測器及資料擷取系統設置 於車輛非撞擊側之 B 柱安裝一加速規, 並以橫向 (Ay) 安裝 移除地毯及其他需移除之內飾板 (Interior trim), 露出 B 柱正下方的門檻 (Sill) 將加速規的安裝板水平穩固地安裝於門檻上 將加速規固定在安裝板上 確認加速規為水平狀態 ( 容許誤差 ±5 度 ) ( 請參考末頁表格 ) 台車感測器及資料擷取系統設置 台車中線之結構處 ( 靠近重心 ) 應安裝一加速規, 並以移動方向安裝 (Ax) ( 請參考末頁表格 ) 車室 (Passenger compartment) 調整 設定綜覽 ( 請參考末頁表格 ) 座椅調整 調整座椅的可調整式腰部支撐, 使其位於最低 縮回或洩氣 (Deflated) 的調整位置 54

84 Euro NCAP 原文 T-NCAP 條文草案 說明 Position any adjustable parts of the seat that provide additional 調整座椅任何提供額外支撐的可調整部位, 使其 support so that they are in the lowest or most open adjustment 位於最低或最開放的調整位置 position Position an adjustable seat cushion length to the retracted 將可調整式座墊長度調整至縮回位置 position Position an adjustable leg support system in its rearmost 將可調整式腿部支撐系統調整至最後方的位置 position Place adjustable pedals in the full forward position (towards the 將可調整式踏板調整至完全向前的位置 ( 朝向車 front of the vehicle.) 4.3 Seat markings 輛前方 ) 座椅標記 Identify and mark one seat reference point (SRP1) at the rear 於座墊後方確認並標記一個座椅參考點 (SRP1) side of the seat cushion Where the seat cushion pitch is adjustable, identify and mark a 若可調整座墊俯仰角, 則於參考點 SRP1 向前至少 second reference point, SRP2, that is at least 300mm forward of the rear reference point (SRP1) and draw a line through the two 300mm 處, 確認並標記第二個參考點 SRP2, 畫一線通過這兩參考點 reference points Locate and mark the longitudinal centreline of the seat cushion 找出並標記座墊之縱向中線 通過 SRP1 的垂直縱 The intersection of the vertical longitudinal plane that passes through the SRP1 and the seat cushion upper surface determines the 向平面與座墊上方表面之交線, 決定凹背式單人座椅 (Bucket seat) 座墊之縱向中線 longitudinal centreline of a bucket seat cushion Where the front seats are bench seats, locate and mark the 若第一排座椅為長椅 (Bench seat), 則在座墊上找 longitudinal line on the seat cushion that marks the intersection of the vertical longitudinal plane through the centreline of the steering 出並標記通過方向盤中線之垂直縱向平面與座墊上方表面之縱向交線 wheel and the seat cushion upper surface. 4.4 Positioning the seat 調整座椅位置 55

85 Euro NCAP 原文 T-NCAP 條文草案 說明 Use the seat control that primarily moves the seat vertically to 使用主要控制座椅垂直移動的控制器, 將 adjust the rearmost seat reference point, SRP 1, defined in to the upper most vertical location. 定義之最後方座椅參考點 SRP1 調整至最上方的垂直位置 Use the seat control that primarily moves the seat fore-aft to 使用主要控制座椅前後移動的控制器, 將 adjust the rearmost seat reference point, SRP 1, defined in to 定義之最後方座椅參考點 SRP1 調整至最後方的位置 the rearmost location Determine and record the range of angles of the seat cushion 判定並記錄座墊俯仰角的角度範圍, 僅使用主要 pitch and using only the control(s) that primarily adjust(s) the 調整座墊俯仰角的控制器, 將俯仰角設在中間角度 cushion pitch, set cushion pitch to the mid-angle Use the seat control that primarily moves the seat vertically to 使用主要控制座椅垂直移動的控制器, 將 adjust the rearmost seat reference point, SRP 1, defined in to the lowest vertical location. Verify that you are still at the rearmost 定義之最後方座椅參考點 SRP1 調整至最低的垂直位置 確認座椅仍位於滑軌最後方 記錄 SRP1 的 X 位置 seat track location. Record the X position of SRP Use the seat control that primarily moves the seat fore-aft to 使用主要控制前後移動的控制器, 將最後方座椅 adjust the rearmost seat reference point, SRP 1, to the rearmost 參考點 SRP1 調整至最後方 記錄 SRP1 的 X 位置 location. Record the X position of SRP Use the seat control that primarily moves the seat fore-aft to 使用主要控制座椅前後移動的控制器, 將最後方座椅 adjust the rearmost seat reference point, SRP 1, to the forward most 參考點 SRP1 調整至最前方 記錄 SRP1 的 X 位置 location; Record the X position of SRP Measure and mark an X position 20mm rearward of the midpoint 測量並標記中點向後 20mm 的 X 位置 (MP +20mm). (MP+20mm) Use the seat control that primarily moves the seat fore-aft to 使用主要控制座椅前後移動的控制器, 將最後方 adjust the rearmost seat reference point, SRP 1, to the X position marked in or, if this is not possible, to the first X possible position rearward the marked position in If the seat cannot be 座椅參考點 SRP1 調整至 標記之 X 位置, 或若無法做到, 則調整至 標記位置向後的第一個 X 位置 若無法將座椅精準置於中點向後 20mm 處, 則選擇 56

86 Euro NCAP 原文 T-NCAP 條文草案說明 placed at exactly 20mm rearward of the midpoint select the next closest available rearward setting For some vehicles this final step may change the cushion pitch as established in 4.4.8, this is acceptable Record test seat position using the seat reference point, SRP 1. The settings for the passenger seat should be as near as possible to being the same as that of the driver s seat. 4.5 Setting the Steering Wheel Set the steering wheel at the geometric highest driving position considering the full range of telescopic and tilt adjustment possibilities, in order to provide clearance for the legs and thorax. 4.6 Setting the rear seat (if adjustable) If the vehicle rear seat position is adjustable put it in the most rearward fore/aft position and the same seat back angle (where adjustable) as that used in the frontal ODB impact. 5 DUMMY POSITIONING AND MEASUREMENTS 5.1 Determine the H-point of the driver s seat The device to be used is the H-point machine as described in SAE J826. the seat is new and has never been sat upon, a person of mass 75 ± 10kg should sit on the seat for 1 minute twice to flex the cushions. The seat shall have been at room temperature and not been loaded for at least 1 hour previous to any installation of the machine Set the seat back so that the torso of the H-point manikin is as close as possible to the manufacturer s recommendations for 向後且最接近的下一個設定 部分車輛於最後步驟 ( ) 可能會改變座墊俯仰角, 此為可接受情況 以座椅參考點 SRP1 記錄試驗座椅位置 乘客座椅設定應盡可能與駕駛座設定相同 方向盤設置 考量所有伸縮 (Telescopic) 及傾斜調整後, 將方向盤設在幾何最高駕駛位置 (Geometric highest driving position), 使腿部及胸部具有足夠間隙 後座設置 ( 若可調整 ) 若車輛後座可調整, 則將其前後位置調整至最後方, 椅背角度 ( 若可調整 ) 調整至與前方偏置撞擊可變形碰撞壁試驗時相同 人偶位置及量測 決定駕駛座 H 點使用之裝置為 SAE J826 規定之 H 點人體模型 (H 點機器, H-point machine) 若座椅全新且從未使用過, 則應由重量 75 ± 10kg 之人員坐 1 分鐘, 進行兩次, 以使座墊收縮 座椅應處於室溫, 且於人體模型安裝前 1 小時內, 不得有負載 調整椅背, 使 H 點人體模型的軀幹盡可能接近車輛業者正常使用建議 若無建議, 則調整至垂直向後傾 57

87 Euro NCAP 原文 T-NCAP 條文草案說明 normal use. In absence of such recommendations, an angle of 23 degrees ±1 towards the rear from vertical will be used The driver and passenger seatback angle and seat base shall be set to the same position Place a piece of muslin cloth on the seat. Tuck the edge of the cloth into the seat pan/back join, but allow plenty of slack Place the seat and back assembly of the H-point machine on the seat at the centre line of the seat The length of the lower leg and thigh segments of the H-point manikin shall be adjusted to the 50th percentile (418mm) and 10th percentile (408mm) positions respectively Attach lower legs to machine, ensuring that the transverse member of the T-bar is parallel to the ground Place the right foot on the undepressed accelerator pedal, with the heel as far forwards as allowable. The distance from the centre line of the machine should be noted Place left foot at equal distance from centre line of machine as the right leg is from centre line. Place the foot flat on the footwell Apply lower leg and thigh weights Tilt the back pan forwards to the end stop and draw the machine away from the seatback Allow the machine to slide back until it is stopped by contacting the seat back Apply a 10kg load twice to the back and pan assembly positioned at the intersection of the hip angle intersection to a point 斜 23±1 度 駕駛及乘客座椅椅背角度及底座應調整至相同位置 放一塊細棉布 (Muslin cloth) 於座椅上, 將布邊塞進座椅底板 (Seat pan)/ 椅背連接處, 但可保持布面寬鬆 將 H 點人體模型的座板及背板總成放置座椅中線上 H 點人體模型之下腿部及大腿段長度, 應分別調整至第 50 百分位 (418mm) 及第 10 百分位 (408mm) 之位置 將下腿部固定於人體模型, 確保膝部樞軸桿 (T-bar) 之橫桿 (Transverse member) 與地面保持平行 將右腳掌置於未踩下的加速踏板上, 腳跟儘可能往前移, 且應記錄與人體模型中線的距離 將左腳平放於腳踏區 (Footwell), 與人體模型中線之距離比照右腳 安裝下腿部及大腿配重 將背板 (Back pan) 向前傾斜至極限位置, 並將人體模型拉離椅背 讓人體模型自然向後滑, 直到與椅背接觸而停止 於臀部角度象限儀及膝部樞軸桿套管正上方交會處, 施加兩次 10kg 之負載至人體模型背板及座板總成上 58

88 Euro NCAP 原文 T-NCAP 條文草案說明 just above the thigh bar housing Return the machine back to the seat back Install the right and left buttock weights Apply the torso weights alternately left and right Tilt the machine back forwards to a vertical position and, while holding the T-bar, rock the pan by 5 degrees either side of the vertical. The feet are NOT to be restrained during the rocking. Holding the T-bar to prevent the H-Point machine from sliding forward on the seat cushion, return the machine back to the seat back Reposition the feet by lifting the leg and then lowering the leg so that the heel contacts the floor and the sole lies on the undepressed accelerator Check the lateral spirit level and if necessary apply a lateral force to the top of the machine back, sufficient to level the seat pan of the machine Adjust the seat back angle to the angle determined in 5.1.1, measured using the spirit level and torso angle gauge of the H-point machine. Ensure that the torso remains in contact with the seat back at all times. Ensure that the machine pan remains level at all times If the measured angle is not within ±1 of the target, the chest and buttocks weights shall be removed, the seat back readjusted, and the steps to position the H-point manikin shall be repeated, beginning with tilting the back pan forward as in Measure and record in the test details the position of the 將人體模型背板靠回椅背 安裝左右臀部配重 左右交替施加軀幹重量 向前傾斜人體模型背板至垂直位置, 同時握住膝部樞軸桿, 以垂直左右兩側 5 度搖晃座板, 搖晃時不可將雙腳固定 握住膝部樞軸桿, 以防止 H 點人體模型於座墊上向前滑動, 再將人體模型背板靠回椅背 將下腿部舉起以重新調整足部位置, 再將下腿部放下使腳跟接觸地板, 並使腳底平放於未踩下的加速踏板上 檢查橫向水平儀, 視實際狀況, 於人體模型背板頂部施加側向力 (Lateral force), 使其座板保持水平 將椅背調整至 決定的角度, 使用 H 點人體模型的水平儀及軀幹角度量測儀器測量角度 確保軀幹 ( 背板 ) 與椅背保持接觸, 人體模型座板保持水平 若測得角度與目標值誤差超過 ±1 度, 則應移除胸部及臀部配重, 重新調整椅背, 並從 將背板向前傾斜開始, 重複調整 H 點人體模型位置的步驟 以容易辨識的車輛結構部位為相對基準點, 測量 59

89 Euro NCAP 原文 T-NCAP 條文草案 說明 H-point relative to some easily identifiable part of the vehicle structure. 5.2 Head Protection Device marking H 點位置並記錄於試驗資料 頭部保護裝置 (Head Protection Device,HPD) 標記 Using the location of the H-point as measured in Section 使用 測得之第一排座椅 H 點位置, 計算 for the front seating position, calculate and record the corresponding 5 th female and 95 th male head centre of gravity positions for the front seat to determine the corners of the head CoG-box: 5 th female Head CoG: X CoG,5th = H-point(X) seat travel 5 th -50 th Z CoG,5th = H-point(Z) th male Head CoG: X CoG,95th = H-point(X) seat travel 50 th -95 th Z CoG,95th = H-point(Z) ( 請參考頁末圖示 ) 並記錄第一排座椅第 5 百分位女性及第 95 百分位男性之頭部重心位置, 以決定頭部重心方塊 (CoG-box) 之四角 : 第 5 百分位女性頭部重心 : XCoG,5th = H 點 (X)+ 126 座椅調整範圍 ( 第 5 百分位至第 50 百分位 ) ZCoG,5th = H 點 (Z)+ 594 第 95 百分位男性頭部重心 : XCoG,95th = H 點 (X) 座椅調整範圍 ( 第 50 百分位至第 95 百分位 ) ZCoG,95th = H 點 (Z)+ 693 ( 請參考頁末圖示 ) The seat travel for the 5th and 95th positions will be required 車輛業者應提供第 5 百分位及第 95 百分位之座椅 from the vehicle manufacturer in Technical Bulletin TB018. 調整位置 Using the location of the H-point for the rear seating position as 使用後座鞭甩規章 (Rear Whiplash) 所測得之後座 H measured for the Rear Whiplash protocol, calculate and record the corresponding head centre of gravity positions in the most forward 點位置, 計算並記錄後座最前方與最後方座椅位置其分別對應之頭部重心位置 : and rearward seating positions: 5 th female Head CoG in most forward seating position: X CoG,5th = H-point(X) seat travel (if applicable) Z CoG,5th = H-point(Z) th male Head CoG in most rearward seating position: 第 5 百分位女性於最前方座椅位置之頭部重心 : XCoG,5th = H 點 (X) 座椅調整範圍 ( 依實際狀況 ) ZCoG,5th = H 點 (Z) 第 95 百分位男性於最後方座椅位置之頭部重心 : 60

90 Euro NCAP 原文 T-NCAP 條文草案 說明 X CoG,95th = H-point(X) Z CoG,95th = H-point(Z) ( 請參考頁末圖示 ) XCoG,95th = H 點 (X)+ 147 ZCoG,95th = H 點 (Z)+ 693 ( 請參考頁末圖示 ) The head protection device (HPD) evaluation zone is defined as HPD 評估區域為包覆頭部重心方塊的圓角矩形, a rounded rectangle around the head CoG box at a distance of 82mm from the upper and fore/aft edges and 52mm below the bottom edge. It is acceptable for the 82mm radius in the lower corners of the 與方塊上邊及前後邊緣間距為 82mm, 與底部邊緣間距為 52mm 空氣囊下方圓角的半徑可從 82mm 縮減至重心方塊下方 52mm airbag to be cut-off at 52mm below the CoG box The zone shall be constructed parallel and perpendicular to the 該區域之橫邊應平行於地面參考平面 (Ground ground reference level. reference level), 豎邊應垂直於地面參考平面 Mark the vertical lines X5 and X95 and the horizontal lines Z 於撞擊側之車輛內部及非撞擊側的車輛外部, 標 and Z5 on both the vehicle interior at the struck side and on the vehicle exterior on the non-struck side. 記垂直線 X5 X95 與水平線 Z95 Z5 ( 請參考頁末表格 ) ( 請參考頁末圖示 ) 5.3 Dummy Placement 人偶放置 It is the intention that the dummy should not be left to sit directly 試驗前, 人偶不應直接坐在座椅上超過 2 小時 on the seat for more than 2 hours prior to the test. It is acceptable for the dummy to be left in the vehicle for a longer period, provided that 可將人偶放置車內更久的時間, 惟不應放置整晚或類似長度的時間 the dummy is not left in overnight or for a similarly lengthy period If it is known that the dummy will be in the vehicle for a time 若已知人偶將放置車內超過 2 小時, 則應於座椅 longer than 2 hours, then the dummy should be sat on plywood boards placed over the seat. This should eliminate unrealistic 上放置膠合板 (Plywood board), 讓人偶坐在上面, 如此可避免座椅不符實際狀況地壓縮 (Compression) compression of the seat H-point H 點 Note that the H-point of the WorldSID dummy is situated 20mm WorldSID 人偶的 H 點位於 H 點人體模型所決定之 H 點前 61

91 Euro NCAP 原文 T-NCAP 條文草案說明 forward of that of the H-point determined by the H-point manikin Using only the controls that move the seat fore-aft, move the test seat to the rearmost position to facilitate placement of the dummy Position the dummy in the seat such that the mid-sagittal plane is coincident with the centreline markings and the upper torso resting against the seat back Apply a fore-aft and lateral rocking motion to settle the pelvis rearward in the seat To ensure a repeatable and stable pelvis position, ensure that the pelvis is in contact with the seat cushion over the whole length To ensure a repeatable placement of the lower abdominal rib, make sure it is inside the pelvis flesh and not on top of it Move the seat together with the dummy to the test seat position defined in If it is not possible to reach the seat test position due to knee contact, shift the targeted test seat position rearwards in the stepwise increments to the closest position where the knee clearance is at least 5mm. Modify the target H-point accordingly. ( 查 為座墊俯仰角改變之狀況, 惟試驗座椅位置應參見 規定, 故研判此處規章誤植 ) Verify that the H-point is reasonably close (±10mm) to the target H-point or as defined in if the target H-point has been modified. If not, repeat step If it is still not possible, record the rearmost seat cushion reference point and the 方 20mm 處 僅使用控制座椅前後移動的控制器, 將試驗座椅移至最後方的位置, 方便放置人偶 將人偶置於座椅上, 使其正中矢狀切面 (Mid-sagittal plane) 對齊中線標記, 並將上部軀幹靠在椅背上 以前後及橫向搖晃動作, 使骨盆向後貼合座椅 為確保可重複放置及固定之骨盆位置, 確認整個骨盆與座墊確實接觸 為確保下腹部肋骨可重複放置, 確認肋骨位於骨盆腔 (Pelvis flesh) 內, 而非骨盆腔上方 將座椅連同人偶移至 定義之試驗座椅位置 若因碰到膝部而無法移至該試驗座椅位置, 則將目標試驗座椅位置逐步向後修改, 直到膝部至少有 5mm 間隙為止, 並依此修改目標 H 點 確認 H 點相當接近 (±10mm) 之目標 H 點, 若目標 H 點已修改, 則依 定義 否則, 重複步驟 若仍無法符合, 則記錄最後方座墊參考點及人偶 H 點, 接著進行下個步驟 62

92 Euro NCAP 原文 T-NCAP 條文草案說明 dummy H-point and proceed to the next step Extend the right leg without displacing the thigh from the seat cushion. Allow the sole of the foot to settle on the accelerator pedal; the heel of the shoe should be in contact with the floor pan. Where a lack of ankle articulation prevents the foot from sitting flat on the accelerator pedal, keep the foot at a 90 degree angle to the tibia and ensure that the heel is in contact with the floor Extend the left leg without lifting the thigh from the seat cushion and allow the sole of the foot to settle on the footrest or floor if no footrest is present. The heel of the shoe should be in contact with the floor. In case of tibia contact, slide the foot rearward toward the seat until a 5mm clearance is obtained. Where a lack of ankle articulation prevents the foot from sitting flat on the floor, keep the foot at a 90 degree angle to the tibia and ensure that the heel is in contact with the floor Position the H-point of the dummy to match the WorldSID H-point coordinates recorded following Section 5.1 to within ±10mm. Prioritise the X coordinate Head and torso Adjust the dummy until the thorax tilt sensor coincides with the angle specified by the manufacturer If the rib angle is not specified by the manufacturer and the torso angle is 23 ± 1, adjust the dummy until the thorax tilt sensor reads 2 (2 downwards) ± If no rib angle is specified and the seat back angle is not 23 ± 在不移動座墊上大腿之情況下, 伸展右腿並使鞋底平放於加速踏板上, 鞋跟應接觸地板平底處 (Floor pan) 若沒有踝關節, 導致足部無法平放於加速踏板上, 則使足部與脛骨呈 90 度, 並確保鞋跟與地板接觸 在不移動座墊上大腿之情況下, 伸展左腿並使鞋底平放於置腳板 (Footrest) 或地板 ( 若未配備置腳板 ) 上, 鞋跟應接觸地板 若碰到脛骨, 則將足部向後朝座椅移動, 直到有 5mm 的間隙 若沒有踝關節, 導致足部無法平放於地板上, 則使足部與脛骨呈 90 度, 並確保鞋跟與地板接觸 調整人偶 H 點, 以符合依 紀錄之 WorldSID H 點座標 ( 容許誤差 ±10mm), 以 X 座標為優先 頭部及軀幹 調整人偶, 使胸部傾斜感測器符合車輛業者宣告之角度 若車輛業者未宣告肋骨角度且軀幹角度為 23±1 度, 則調整人偶, 使其胸部感測器讀數為 2 度 ( 朝下 2 度 )±1 度 若未宣告肋骨角度且椅背角度非為 23±1 度, 則 63

93 Euro NCAP 原文 T-NCAP 條文草案 說明 1, no further adjustment of rib angle is required. 無須再調整肋骨角度 Adjust the dummy neck bracket to level the head at the closest 調整人偶頸套 (Neck bracket), 使頭部水平盡可能 position to 0 ± Legs and feet 接近 0±1 度 腿部及足部 Proceed to the final foot and leg positioning by repeating 重複 及 , 進行最後的足部及腿 Section and Where a lack of ankle articulation prevents the foot from sitting flat on the accelerator pedal/floor, keep the foot at a 90 degree angle to the tibia and ensure that the heel is as far 部位置調整 若沒有踝關節, 導致足部無法平放於加速踏板 / 地板上, 則使足部與脛骨呈 90 度, 並確保鞋跟盡可能向前移且與地板接觸 forward as possible and in contact with the floor No distance is specified for the knee spacing. However, 膝部間隔距離並未規定, 惟應優先考量下列條 priority should be given to ensure the following: 件 : There is 5 mm clearance between the knees/legs and the 膝部 / 腿部距轉向機柱護蓋 (Steering shroud) 與中 steering shroud and centre console There is a stable foot and ankle position The legs are as parallel as possible to the sagittal plane Arms 控台 (Centre console) 有 5mm 的間隙 足部及腳踝位置穩定 雙腿盡可能與矢狀切面平行 手臂 Place both arms at the first detent downward of the most 肋骨角度感測器與手臂角度之水平夾角 upward detent that corresponds to a differential angle of 32 between rib angle sensor and the arm angle Seat belt (Differential angle) 須達 32 度, 將雙臂置於由上往下第一個符合此要求之鎖定位置 (Detent) 安全帶 Where possible, initially position the upper seat belt anchorage 依實際狀況, 先將安全帶上部固定器調整至車 in the manufacturers 50th percentile design position. If no design position is provided, set the adjustable upper seat belt anchorage to the mid-position or nearest notch upward. 輛業者第 50 百分位之設計位置 若未提供設計位置, 則將可調整的安全帶上部固定器設於中間位置或向上最接近的段位 Carefully place the seat belt across the dummy and lock as 將安全帶小心圍繞試驗人偶, 並正常扣上 64

94 Euro NCAP 原文 T-NCAP 條文草案說明 normal Remove the slack from the lap section of the webbing until it is resting gently around the pelvis of the dummy. Only minimal force should be applied to the webbing when removing the slack. The route of the lap belt should be as natural as possible Place one finger behind the diagonal section of the webbing at the height of the dummy sternum. Pull the webbing away from the chest horizontally forward and allow it to retract in the direction of the D-loop using only the force provided by the retractor mechanism. Repeat this step three times, only After following the above steps, the seatbelt should lie in a natural position across the dummy sternum and shoulder clavicle. Where this is not the case, for example the belt is close to or in contact with the neck or the belt is above the shoulder rotation adjustment screw, and the upper belt anchorage is adjustable the anchorage should be lowered and steps and repeated The upper anchorage should be lowered by a sufficient amount to ensure a natural belt position following the repetition of steps and This may require multiple attempts Once the belt is positioned the location of the belt should be marked across the dummy chest to ensure that no further adjustments are made. Mark also the belt at the level of the D-loop to be sure that the initial tension is maintained during test preparation Measure the vertical distance between the dummy nose and the 消除腰部織帶鬆弛, 直到織帶輕輕繞過貼合人偶骨盆周圍 消除織帶鬆弛部分時, 應盡可能使用最小的力道 腰部安全帶 (Lap belt) 路徑應盡可能平順自然 將一隻手指放置於織帶對角線部位後方且人偶胸骨高度處 將織帶水平往前拉, 遠離胸部, 並讓織帶僅依捲收器機構的力道向導帶環 (D-loop) 方向捲收 重複此步驟三次 依上述步驟執行後, 安全帶應圍繞人偶胸骨及肩部鎖骨, 處於自然位置 若情況並非如此, 例如安全帶接近或接觸頸部, 或位於肩部旋轉調整螺絲上, 而安全帶上部固定器可以調整, 則應降低該固定器, 並重複步驟 及 重複步驟 及 後, 上部固定器應降至合適高度, 足以確保安全帶處於自然位置 這可能須要多次嘗試 安全帶位置調整好後, 應於試驗人偶胸部完整標記安全帶位置, 以確保不再有調整 同時, 在安全帶上於導帶環高度處標記, 以利於試驗準備期間維持初始張力 測量人偶鼻子與對角式織帶的垂直距離 65

95 Euro NCAP 原文 T-NCAP 條文草案說明 diagonal webbing Measure the horizontal distance between the diagonal webbing and the door/window After positioning the dummy measure and record the dummy position according to Section 6.4 and determine the impact location as described in Section 1.4. ( 查本規章並不存在 6.4 節, 人偶位置量測應參見 5.4, 故研判此處規章誤植 ) 5.4 Dummy Positioning Measurements The following measurements are to be recorded prior to the test after the dummy settling and positioning procedures have been carried out. ( 請參考末頁圖示 ) 6 CARRIER AND POLE 6.1 Carrier A carrier should be used which has a horizontal flat surface with a sufficiently large area to allow unobstructed longitudinal displacement of the vehicle of about 1000mm and rotation of the vehicle during the deformation phase of the impact To minimise effects of friction between the tires of the test vehicle and the surface of the carrier this friction is reduced to a minimum by placing the vehicle with each tyre on two sheets of PTFE To avoid vehicle movement prior to the impact, the vehicle may be fixed to the carrier until 5m before the point of impact. The 測量對角式織帶與車門 / 車窗的水平距離 人偶位置調整好後, 依照 進行量測並記錄人偶位置, 再依 所述決定撞擊位置 人偶位置量測應於試驗前完成人偶放置及位置調整程序後記錄下列量測值 ( 請參考末頁圖示 ) 台車及立柱 台車 應使用具有水平平坦表面之台車, 且平坦表面須具有足夠面積, 足以於撞擊變形階段, 使車輛無阻礙地旋轉及縱向位移約 1000mm 為將受驗車輛輪胎與台車表面之摩擦影響降至最低, 於車輛每個輪胎下方放置兩片聚四氟乙烯薄膜 (PTFE), 以降低摩擦 為避免車輛於撞擊前移動, 可將車輛固定於台車上, 直到距撞擊點 5m 為止 距撞擊點 10m 時, 應達撞 66

96 Euro NCAP 原文 T-NCAP 條文草案說明 impact speed should be reached 10m before the point of impact Crumple tubes or a comparable device will decelerate the carrier not earlier than 80ms after the moment / point of impact The carrier may be fitted with an emergency abort system. This is optional; the test facility may elect to test without an abort system. 6.2 Pole The rigid pole is a vertical metal structure beginning no more than 102mm above the lowest point of the tires on the striking side of the test vehicle when the vehicle is loaded as specified in Section 1 and extending at least 100mm above the highest point of the roof of the test vehicle The pole is 254 ±3mm in diameter and set off from any mounting surface, such as a barrier or other structure, so that the vehicle will not contact such a mount or support at any time within 100ms of the initiation of the vehicle to pole contact Mark a line along the vertical centreline of the pole which may be used to check the alignment of the test vehicle on the carrier. 7 TEST PARAMETERS An on-board data acquisition unit will be used. This equipment will be triggered by a contact plate at the point of first contact (t=0) and will record digital information at a sample rate of 20kHz (alternatively a sample rate of 10 khz may be used). The equipment conforms to SAE J211 (2007). BEFORE THE TEST, ENSURE THAT THE LIVE BATTERY IS CONNECTED, A SINGLE KEY IS IN THE IGNITION, THE 擊速度 以防撞緩衝管 (Crumple tube) 或類似裝置, 於撞擊時刻 / 撞擊點後 80ms 使台車減速 台車可配備緊急中止系統 此為非強制選項, 可選擇無此系統之試驗設備進行試驗 立柱 剛性立柱為垂直金屬結構, 且車輛依 進行負載時, 立柱底端不得高於受驗車輛撞擊側輪胎最低點 102mm, 頂端則至少高於受驗車輛車頂最高點 100mm 立柱直徑為 254±3mm 且自任何安裝表面 (Mounting surface)( 固定壁或其他結構等 ) 延伸, 如此車輛與立柱開始接觸後 100ms 內, 不會接觸到此安裝表面或支撐結構 沿著立柱垂直中線標記直線, 用以檢查台車上受驗車輛之對準 試驗參數使用車載資料擷取設備進行試驗 此設備將由首次接觸點 (t=0) 的接觸板觸發, 並以 20kHz( 也可改用 10 khz) 之採樣頻率記錄數位資訊, 該設備應符合 SAE J211(2007) 要求 試驗前, 請確認電池有電 (Live battery) 且連接妥當, 鑰匙插入點火開關並開啟, 且儀表板上的空氣囊指示燈 ( 依實 67

97 Euro NCAP 原文 T-NCAP 條文草案說明 IGNITION IS ON AND THAT THE AIRBAG LIGHT ON THE DASHBOARD ILLUMINATES AS NORMAL (WHERE FITTED). If the vehicle is fitted with a suspension system, pedal retraction system or any other system which requires running of the engine just before test execution, the engine should be run for a predetermined time, specified by the manufacturer. 7.1 Impact Speed During the acceleration phase of the test, the acceleration of the carrier shall not exceed 1.5m/s Measure the speed of the vehicle as near as possible to the point of impact using an infra-red beam intercepting two markers at a measured distance apart Record the actual test speed in the test details. TARGET SPEED = 32 ±0.5km/h 7.2 Alignment The test vehicle shall be propelled so that, when the vehicle-to-pole contact occurs, the direction of vehicle motion forms an angle of 75 ± 3 with the vehicle longitudinal centreline The impact angle shall be measured between the vehicle longitudinal centreline and a vertical plane parallel to the vehicle impact velocity vector The impact reference line shall be aligned with the centreline of the rigid pole surface, as viewed in the direction of vehicle motion, so that, when the vehicle-to-pole contact occurs, the centreline of 際狀況 ) 顯示正常 若該車輛配備懸吊系統 踏板回收系統或其他需要引擎於試驗前運轉的系統, 則應依照車輛業者指定之時間讓引擎先運轉 撞擊速度 於試驗加速度階段, 台車加速度不應超過 1.5m/s 測量台車速度之位置應盡可能靠近撞擊點, 其方法可為使用一紅外線光束截取 (Intercept) 兩個已知固定距離之標記 目標速度應為 32±0.5km/h, 並將實際試驗速度記錄於試驗資料 對準 受驗車輛之推進, 應使車輛與立柱接觸時, 車輛移動方向與車輛縱向中心線呈 75±3 度 撞擊角度之量測方式為 : 車輛縱向中心線與平行於車輛撞擊速度向量的垂直平面之夾角 以車輛移動方向之視角, 撞擊參考線應對準剛性立柱表面之中線, 如此當車輛接觸立柱時, 立柱表面之中線將與車輛特定區域接觸, 該區域之界限為平行於撞 68

98 Euro NCAP 原文 T-NCAP 條文草案 說明 the pole surface contacts the vehicle area bounded by two vertical planes parallel to and 25 mm forward and aft of the impact reference line. 擊參考線且位於該線前後 25 mm 之兩個垂直平面 With the vehicle offered up against the pole, tape a small rivet on 車輛移至立柱前方, 將一個小鉚釘以膠帶貼在立 the centreline of the pole such that it is aligned with the vertical 柱中線上, 使其對準 所標記之垂直撞擊參考線 impact reference line marked in It should be noted that the point of first contact between the pole 立柱與車輛首次接觸點不會對準車輛上標記之撞 and vehicle does not align with the impact reference line marked on the vehicle, see Figure 2. 擊參考線, 如圖 2 所示 ( 請參考末頁圖示 ) ( 請參考末頁圖示 ) 7.3 After test Door Opening 試驗後 車門開啟 Check that none of the doors, including boot lids and any 確認沒有任何車門於試驗過程中開啟或局部開 movable roofs, have opened or partially opened during the test. Where this is the case photographic evidence shall be obtained and 啟, 包括行李廂蓋 (Boot lid) 及任何可移動式車頂 應留下照片佐證並檢附於試驗報告 provided in the test report Struck side doors handles shall be immediately covered with 撞擊側車門把手應立即以膠帶覆蓋, 以避免意 tape to prevent inadvertent opening. Reference measurements shall be taken between the door skin and aperture to ensure that the door has not move or been disturbed between the test and inspection. 外開啟 應取得門板 (Door skin) 與門框 (Door aperture) 間之參考量測值, 以確保於試驗與檢查間車門未移動或遭受干擾 Check that the unstruck side doors are not locked and open the 確認非撞擊側車門未上鎖, 且手動將車門開啟 doors by hand (front door followed by rear door) If the doors do not open, record this in the test details. 7.4 Dummy Removal Do not move the driver seat. Try to remove the dummy. ( 依序前車門至後車門 ) 若車門無法開啟, 則將此情況記錄於試驗資料 人偶移除 在不要移動駕駛座下嘗試移除人偶 69

99 Euro NCAP 原文 T-NCAP 條文草案 說明 If the dummy cannot be removed with the seats in its original 若無法在座椅原始位置移除人偶, 則將椅背後傾, position, recline the seat back and try again. 再嘗試移除一次 If the dummy still cannot be removed, try to slide the seat back 若仍無法移除人偶, 嘗試將座椅沿滑軌向後滑動, on its runners or remove the steering wheel. 或移除方向盤 If the dummy still cannot be removed, the seat can be cut out of 若仍無法移除人偶, 得將座椅自車輛卸除 the car. 7.5 Side Airbag Head Protection Evaluation Curtain airbags 側方空氣囊頭部保護評估 簾式空氣囊 (Curtain airbags) After the pole test, deploy the head protection device on the 立柱試驗後, 開展車輛非撞擊側之頭部保護裝 non struck side of the vehicle. Make sure that the airbags are identical on both sides of the vehicle. Where this is not the case, the 置 確認車輛兩側之空氣囊完全相同, 否則兩側皆須進行評等 assessment must be performed on both sides Inflate the airbag to the pressure recommended by the OEM 將空氣囊充氣至車輛業者 (OEM) 建議之壓力 Project the HPD assessment zone onto the inflated airbag, 以 所標記 / 紀錄之量測值, 使用雷射將 using a laser, for front and rear seating positions using the HPD 評估區域投射於前座及後座充氣之空氣囊上 measurements marked/recorded in Section Seat mounted head protection devices 座椅式頭部保護裝置 (Seat mounted head protection devices) Based on the head CoG paint mark on the airbag, mark the 以空氣囊上之頭部重心顏料標記, 於未充氣之 HPD assessment zone defined as a rounded rectangle extending 95mm forward, 90mm rearward, 120mm upward and 115mm 空氣囊上標記 HPD 評估區域, 該區為向前延伸 95mm 向後 90mm 向上 120mm 及向下 115mm 的圓角矩形 downward on the flattened airbag When the paint mark cannot be used, the OEM needs to supply 若無法使用上述顏料進行標記, 則車輛業者必 Euro NCAP in-house data for the Side Airbag Head Protection Evaluation. 須將側方空氣囊頭部保護評估之內部資料 (In-house data) 提供予 T- NCAP 70

100 Euro NCAP 原文 T-NCAP 條文草案 說明 Evaluate coverage area of the airbag(s), record and check the 評估空氣囊之覆蓋區域, 記錄並檢查連接 縫合 dimensions of any joined, stitched or seamed areas. ( 請參考末頁圖示 ) 或接縫區域的範圍 ( 請參考末頁圖示 ) 71

101 (Euro NCAP 原文 ) Figure 1: Impact reference line (T-NCAP 條文草案 ) 通過人偶頭部重心之垂直平面 車輛縱向中心線 撞擊參考線人偶頭部重心 20.1mm 圖 1: 撞擊參考線 72

102 (Euro NCAP 原文 ) * It is not necessary for this channel to be recorded through the dummy onboard DAU. 73

103 (T-NCAP 條文草案 ) 位置 參數 最低振幅 頻道數量 頭部 線性加速度 (Linear acceleration),ax Ay Az 250g 3 上頸部 力與力矩 Fx Fy Fz,Mx My Mz 5kN, 300Nm 6 肩部 - 關節 力,Fx Fy Fz 8kN 3 肩部 - 肋骨 位移及旋轉 100mm 2 2dIR Tracc 胸部 - 上肋骨 位移及旋轉 100mm 2 2d IR Tracc 胸部 - 中肋骨 位移及旋轉 100mm 2 2d IR Tracc 胸部 - 下肋骨 位移及旋轉 100mm 2 2d IR Tracc 胸部溫度 * 溫度, 如 腹部 - 上肋骨 位移及旋轉 100mm 2 2d IR Tracc 腹部 - 下肋骨 位移及旋轉 100mm 2 2d IR Tracc 脊椎 - T12 加速度,Ax Ay Az 200g 3 骨盆 加速度,Ax Ay Az 200g 3 骨盆 恥骨 力 5kN 1 股骨頸 - 僅撞擊側 力,Fx Fy Fz 5kN 3 頻道總數 35 備註 :* 此頻道無須透過人偶裝載之資料擷取設備 (Data acquisition unit,dau) 進行記錄 74

104 (Euro NCAP 原文 ) (T-NCAP 條文草案 ) 車輛位置 參數 最低振幅頻道數量 B 柱 ( 非撞擊側 ) 加速度,Ay 350g 1 電池 ( 包括任何二次電池 ) 供電電壓,V 15V 1 每台車輛頻道總數 2 75

105 (Euro NCAP 原文 ) (T-NCAP 條文草案 ) 位置 參數 最低振幅 頻道數量 台車重心 加速度,A x 350g 1 每輛台車頻道總數 1 1xWorldSID 35 1x 車輛 2 1x 台車 1 總數 38 76

106 (Euro NCAP 原文 ) 4.1 Adjustments not listed will be set to mid-positions or nearest positions rearward, lower or outboard. 77

107 (T-NCAP 條文草案 ) 調整 設定要求 附註 做法 座椅前後位置 如 定義 座椅底座 (seat base) 如 定義 傾斜度 座椅高度 如 定義 軀幹角度 車輛業者之設計位置 否則為垂直向後傾斜 23 度 如 座椅腰部支撐 完全縮回 如 第一排座椅頭枕 中間鎖定位置 同鞭甩 (Whiplash) 試驗位置 頭枕若會影響人偶頭部後方, 則將頭枕如 前座鞭甩試驗規 高度及傾斜度 移至最後方的位置 章 方向盤 最高且最向後 ( 靠人偶 ) 位 如 置 後座前後位置 完全向後 如 後座椅背角度 車輛業者之設計位置 否則為垂直向後傾斜 25 度 如 後座方向 朝前 後座頭枕高度及傾 如車主手冊建議 手冊若未提供相關資訊, 則將高度調整至中間或向下最接近的位如 前座鞭甩試驗規 斜度 置, 並將傾斜度調整至中間鎖定位置 章 扶手 ( 第一排座椅 ) 使用位置 若人偶放置後扶手無法位於使用位置, 則可保持於非使用位置 於水平位置可調整處 扶手 ( 後座 ) 收納位置 車窗 全部升起 變速箱 空檔 駐煞車 致動 (Engaged) 78

108 調整 設定要求 附註 做法 踏板 未踩踏之正常位置 (Position 可調整式踏板設於完全向前的位置 如 of rest) 車門 關閉但不上鎖 車頂 / 天窗 升起 / 完全關閉 依實際狀況 遮陽板 收合位置 照後鏡 正常使用位置 安全帶固定裝置 ( 若初始為車輛業者第 50 百分 若無設計位置, 則調整至中間位置或至向上最接近的段位 如 可調整 ) 位之設計位置 備註 : 未列出之調整將設定在中間位置, 或向後 向下或向外最接近的位置 79

109 (Euro NCAP 原文 ) The four corners of the Head CoG-box are: 80

110 (T-NCAP 條文草案 ) 中間 +20mm 中間 +20mm 頭部重心方塊的四角為 : X 位置 Z 位置 A XCoG,5th ZCoG,95th B XCoG,95th ZCoG,95th C XCoG,95th ZCoG,5th D XCoG,5th ZCoG,5th 81

111 (Euro NCAP 原文 ) (T-NCAP 條文草案 ) 固定式後排長條型座椅 移動式後排長條型座椅 最後方座椅最位置 最前方座椅最位置 最後方座椅最位置 82

112 (Euro NCAP 原文 ) (T-NCAP 條文草案 )

113 (Euro NCAP 原文 )

114 (T-NCAP 條文草案 ) 駕駛量測值 A 頭部至車頂飾板 B 下巴至擋風玻璃接合點 (Windscreen joint) C 下巴至方向盤中心 D* 對角式織帶至方向盤中心 E 髖關節點至門檻 (Inside opening of the door)( 水平 ) F 髖關節點至門檻 ( 垂直 ) G 膝部至地板表面材 (Floor covering)( 垂直 ) H 頭部至側窗玻璃 (Pane)( 或填充物 ) J 肩部至車窗玻璃 ( 或填充物 ) K 肘部至車門 ( 或填充物 ) L 骨盆至車門 ( 或填充物 ) M 膝部至車門 ( 或填充物 ) N 安全帶織帶至車門 ( 水平 ) 備註 :* 與方向盤中心的水平距離 85

115 (Euro NCAP 原文 ) Figure 2 : Point of first contact (T-NCAP 條文草案 ) A= 目標釘 ( 觸發處 ) 標示出的首次接觸點 B= 車輛移動方向的中線 圖 2: 首次接觸點 86

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