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1 台灣公共行政與公共事務系所聯合會 (TASPAA) 會訊 2010 年 7 月號 執行主編 : 臺北市立教育大學社會暨公共事務學系 目錄壹 TASPAA 活動訊息貳 獎學金申請訊息叄 系所學術活動訊息肆 國內外主要學會會議徵稿通知 伍 國際學術活動附錄一 :USA NEWS 美國大學 2010 年公共事務相關領域研究所排名附錄二 : 中國大陸公共管理學院排名 ( ) 壹 TASPAA 活動訊息一 與韓國公共行政學會 (KAPA) 簽訂備忘錄, 擬組成代表團參與 KAPA 年會 TASPAA 最近與 Korea Association of Public Administration(KAPA) 聯絡, 說明 TASPAA 願意跟 KAPA 簽訂備忘錄 (MOU) 的合作關係, 雙方開會時互相參訪, 以及合作研究等事項 KAPA 會長 Tae-Ryong Kim 博士, 以及 2010 KAPA 的會議主席 Seok-Hwan Lee 博士, 很願意跟 TASPAA 簽訂備忘錄 並且願意招待在 KAPA 會議時間提供 TASPAA 代表團三天的免費食宿 (10 月 6 日 7 日與 8 日 ), 但與會人員需要發表一篇文章在 KAPA 會議 2010 KAPA's International Conference on Public Administration Conference Theme: Beyond New Public Management Conference Date: October 7-8, Conference Hotel: Seoul KyoYuk MunHwa HoeKwan Hotel, Seoul, Korea 目前 TASPAA 這邊要籌組一個代表團到今年的 KAPA 會議, 進行簽約與學術交流, KAPA 負責三天食宿, 機票由我們自付, 由於韓國為免簽證國家, 機票部份如果早一點買 1

2 差不多七千到九千之間, 或者申請貴校補助,TASPAA 這邊會協請 KAPA 出示邀請函 因 為要及早回覆 KAPA, 請各位有意願的老師在 8 月 8 日前回函至, 也儘可能把會議論文摘要 ( 英文 ) 傳到 TASPAA 這邊 二 TASPAA 尋求 2011 年八月到 2012 年七月承辦會務與年會系所, 請有意願的系所與臺北市立教育大學社會暨公共事務學系聯絡 三 TASPAA 預計九月初, 開學前舉辦本屆理監事第一次會議 四 在徵求其他老師意見後,TASPAA 新改版網站, 部分會在八月十號左右上線 網站將新設置學術討論專區, 老師和學生可以就學術新知和文章上傳彼此討論 貳 獎學金申請訊息一 99 學年度 英荃獎學金 開始申請 (9/20 截止 ) 1. 申請日期 : 即日起至 99 年 9 月 20 日止, 備妥相關表件繳交至系辦公室, 申請系所推薦 2. 申請資格及名額 :1 名, 以大學部應屆畢業生為優先考量 3. 獎學金金額 : 貳萬元整 相關訊息和申請表格請查下列網址 : 英荃獎學金申請須知.pdf 英荃獎學金申請表.pdf 叄 系所學術活動訊息一 2010 第六屆兩岸四地公共管理國際研討會將於八月中旬舉辦 1. 時間 :99 年 8 月 14 日 -15 日於義守大學公共政策與管理學系舉辦 2. 相關訊息請參照下列網站 : 二 臺灣大學政治學系九月學術活動一 活動名稱 :2010 臺灣大學政治學系兩岸學術文化交流訪問團 1. 主辦單位 : 臺灣大學政治學系 2. 出訪日期 :9 月 11 日 ( 星期六 )~9 月 19 日 ( 星期日 ), 共九日 3. 參訪城市 : 義烏 杭州 南京 上海 4. 學術文化活動重點項目 : 2

3 (1). 義烏商城觀摩 (2). 浙江大學學術座談會 (3). 浙江國家行政學院座談會 (4). 南京政府機構參訪 (5). 上海世博會 5. 訪問名額 : 本團名額含師長約計 45 人 6. 臺大政治學系帶隊老師 : 王業立主任 蕭全政教授 蘇彩足教授 肆 國內外主要學會會議徵稿通知 一 國內會議 年社會暨公共事務國際學術研討會論文徵稿 (1) 論文摘要截止日期 : 欲投稿者, 請於 99 年 8 月 15 日 ( 星期日 ) 前先 寄送題目及 500 字以內之摘要, 寄至 (2) 論文全文截稿日期 :99 年 10 月 31 日 ( 星期日 ) (3) 研討會日期 : 民國 99 年 12 月 11 日 ( 星期六 ) (4) 會議相關投稿資訊請參酌下列網址 : 二 國際會議徵稿訊息 年美國中東部政治學 (MPSA) 年會徵稿 (1) 會議時間 : March 31-April 3, (2) 地點 :Chicago, Illinois (3) 論文摘要截稿 :PAPER SUBMISSION DEADLINE: OCTOBER 8, 2010 POSTER SUBMISSION DEADLINE: DECEMBER 3, 2010 (4) 徵稿網站 : 三 國際書籍章節徵稿訊息 1. Web 2.0 Book Seeks Chapter Proposals Dr. Ed Downey, The College at Brockport, State University of New York and Dr. Matthew A. 3

4 Jones, Portland State University seek chapter proposals for Public Service, and Web 2.0 Technologies: Future Trends in Social Media. The fundamental concept behind this book is that the application of Web 2.0 technologies to manage social problems and opportunities will not necessarily result in success without an enlightened understanding of their effects. The book will look at how Web 2.0 technologies and social media have affected civic engagement and the relationships between citizens and all levels of government by addressing three big questions: How has Web 2.0 changed relationships? What are the affects of the changes in relationships caused by Web 2.0? Have Web 2.0 effects been beneficial? For detailed information about topic areas and important deadlines, click here or contact Ed Downey at The deadline for proposal submissions is July 30, 伍 國際學術活動一 美國公共行政學會 (ASPA) 訊息 1.ASPA 即將成立國際分會 (ASPA International Chapter) 經由來自於 38 個國家 102 個會員支持即將成立 ASPA 國際分會 (ASPA International Chapter), 其中來自於台灣的會員共有十來位左右 這個分會目前的發起主席為 Mary R. Hamilton 博士, 共同主席為 Pan Suk Kim 博士 ASPA 國際分會目前正從事章程修改與認證, 以及選舉理事成員中 2. ASPA 尋求副主席 區域代表 國際事務主任 學生代表的提名 ASPA 在 2011 年的人事提名, 除了傳統的副主席 (Vice President) 區域代表(District Representative) 外, 更在今年設置了國際事務主任 (International Director) 與學生代表 (Student Representative) 兩個位置, 以突顯未來國際事務發展與學生意見的重視 以外為 ASPA 網站對這兩個人事的職責與期待 Nomination for International Director Description: Potential candidate should have the ability and resources to: coordinate international activities in the USA and abroad and maintain contact with members via regular written and verbal correspondence. In coordination with the BOD and the President, the International Director will organize international meetings, oversee international membership recruitment and retention and establish international contacts with other professional organizations. Nomination for Student Representative Description: Potential candidate should have the ability and resources to: foster networking, mentoring, and learning opportunities for students, advise and make recommendations that represent the interest of students within ASPA, and maintain contact with students via written 4

5 and verbal communications. 二 2010 美國國家公共事務與行政系所聯合會 (NASPAA) 年會 1. 會議時間 :September 30-October 2, 地點 :the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, beginning, at the Rio All-Suite Hotel in Las Vegas. 3. 會議網站 : 三 2010 美國政治學會 (APSA) 年會 1. 會議主題 :The Politics of Hard Times: Citizens, Nations, and the International System under Economic Stress 2. 會議時間 :September 2-5, 地點 :Washington, D.C. 4. 會議網站 : 四 2010 美國預算與財務管理學會年會 (Association for Budgeting and Financial Management, ABFM) 1. 會議時間 :October 7 9, 地點 :Omaha, Nebraska 3. 會議網站 : 五 2010 美國東南公共行政學會年會 (SECoPA) 1. 會議時間 :October 13-16, 地點 :Wilmington, North Carolina 3. 會議網站 : 五 第一屆美國東北公共行政學會 (Northeast Conference on Public Administration, NECoPA) 年會 1. 會議時間 :October 23-23, 地點 :Rutgers University-Newark in New Jersey 3. 會議網站 : zid= &zsubscriberid= &zbdom= 5

6 附錄一 :USA NEWS 美國大學 2010 年公共事務相關領域研究所排名公共事務學院 (Public Affairs) 排名 學校 排名 學校 Syracuse University Harvard University Indiana University,Bloomington Princeton University The University of Georgia University of California, Berkeley The University of Kansas University of Michigan--Ann Arbor University of Southern California Carnegie Mellon University Duke University New York University The University of Chicago American University Columbia University,The School of General Studies The George Washington University Georgetown University State University of New York at Albany University of California, Los Angeles University of Minnesota-Twin Cities The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill The University of Texas at Austin University of Washington University of Wisconsin Madison Arizona State University University of Maryland, College Park Florida State University Georgia State University University of Nebraska at Omaha University of Pittsburgh Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Johns Hopkins University Rutgers University-Newark University of Colorado--Denver University of Kentucky Cornell University The Ohio State University, Columbus Texas A&M University The University of Arizona University of Missouri - Columbia Northern Illinois University University of Delaware University of Illinois at Chicago University of Pennsylvania Cleveland State University George Mason University Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis Naval Postgraduate School Portland State University University of Connecticut Brigham Young University Provo CUNY--John Jay College Georgia Institute of Technology North Carolina State University,Raleigh Pennsylvania State University--Harrisburg The University of Utah Auburn University--Main Campus Brown University CUNY--Baruch College Florida International University Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge Monterey Institute of International Studies Rutgers University, New Brunswick University of Maryland--Baltimore County University of Missouri-St. Louis University of North Carolina--Charlotte University of North Texas University of Oregon The University of Texas at Arlington University of Texas--Dallas Virginia Commonwealth University University of Alabama--Birmingham University of Massachusetts-Amherst University of Missouri, Kansas City The University of Oklahoma University of South Carolina-Columbia University of Wisconsin,Milwaukee Wayne State University Wichita State University Auburn University--Montgomery Binghamton University SUNY College of William and Mary Florida Atlantic University Kansas State University San Francisco State University University of Baltimore University of Illinois--Springfield University of Louisville The University of Tennessee California State University, Los Angeles Northeastern University Pepperdine University San Diego State University University of Central Florida University of Massachusetts--Boston Villanova University Washington State University West Virginia University Willamette University 6

7 公共管理與行政 (Public Management Administration) 1 Syracuse University 2 The University of Georgia 3 Indiana University,Bloomington 4 Harvard University 5 University of Southern California 6 American University 7 The University of Kansas 8 Arizona State University State University of New York at Albany 10 Rutgers University-Newark 11 Florida State University 12 New York University 13 University of Washington Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University 15 The George Washington University University of Nebraska at Omaha 17 University of Minnesota-Twin Cities The University of Texas at Austin University of Wisconsin Madison 20 Georgetown University The University of Arizona 22 Texas A&M University 23 University of Pittsburgh 24 The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 25 University of Pennsylvania 26 Duke University George Mason University Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis The Ohio State University,Columbus University of Kentucky University of Maryland, College Park University of Missouri Columbia 33 Georgia State University The University of Chicago University of Colorado--Denver University of Delaware 公共政策分析 (Public-Policy Analysis) 1 Harvard University 2 University of California, Berkeley 3 University of Michigan--Ann Arbor 4 Carnegie Mellon University 5 Duke University 6 Princeton University 7 The University of Chicago 8 Syracuse University 9 University of Maryland, College Park 10 The University of Texas at Austin 11 Georgetown University University of Wisconsin Madison 13 Indiana University,Bloomington Johns Hopkins University University of Southern California 16 The University of Georgia University of Washington 18 Georgia State University University of Minnesota-Twin Cities 20 University of California, Los Angeles 21 American University 22 Columbia University,The School of General Studies State University of New York at Albany University of Kentucky 25 New York University Texas A&M University 27 Arizona State University George Mason University The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 30 The George Washington University University of Pittsburgh 32 Cornell University Rutgers University-Newark University of Pennsylvania 7

8 公共財政與預算 (Public Finance & Budgeting) 1 Syracuse University 2 The University of Georgia 3 Indiana University,Bloomington 4 University of Kentucky 5 Georgia State University 6 New York University 7 State University of New York at Albany University of Connecticut 9 University of Nebraska at Omaha 10 Harvard University 11 The George Washington University Rutgers University-Newark 13 Northern Illinois University The University of Kansas 15 Naval Postgraduate School University of Maryland, College Park 17 Wichita State University 18 American University Arizona State University University of California, Berkeley The University of Texas at Austin 22 Carnegie Mellon University University of Michigan--Ann Arbor University of Southern California 25 Florida State University University of Pennsylvania 27 Georgetown University University of Illinois at Chicago University of Pittsburgh University of Wisconsin Madison 非營利管理排名 (Nonprofit Management) 1 Indiana University,Bloomington 2 Syracuse University 3 Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis 4 Harvard University 5 University of Washington 6 University of Minnesota-Twin Cities 7 University of Southern California 8 Johns Hopkins University 9 New York University 10 The University of Utah 11 The University of Georgia The University of Texas at Austin 13 Georgia State University 14 Seton Hall University 15 George Mason University 16 North Carolina State University,Raleigh University of Delaware 18 Cleveland State University Rutgers University-Newark State University of New York at Albany The University of Arizona University of Nebraska at Omaha 23 American University Arizona State University Grand Valley State University University of Missouri, Kansas City 8

9 城市政策與管理 (City Management & Urban Policy) 1 The University of Kansas 2 Cleveland State University 3 Northern Illinois University 4 University of Southern California 5 The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 6 Arizona State University New York University 8 University of Illinois at Chicago 9 University of North Texas 10 Syracuse University University of Delaware 12 Georgia State University 13 University of Nebraska at Omaha 14 Rutgers University-Newark University of Pittsburgh 16 Florida State University 17 Portland State University 18 Rutgers University, New Brunswick 19 Columbia University,The School of General Studies Harvard University The University of Georgia University of Michigan--Ann Arbor University of Texas--Dallas 環境政策與管理 (Environmental Policy & Management) 1 Indiana University,Bloomington 2 Syracuse University 3 Duke University 4 University of California, Berkeley University of Washington 6 University of Michigan--Ann Arbor 7 Harvard University 8 The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 9 Columbia University,The School of General Studies 10 Carnegie Mellon University University of Wisconsin Madison 12 University of Maryland, College Park 13 Portland State University 14 Johns Hopkins University Princeton University The University of Texas at Austin 9

10 資訊技術管理 (Information & Technology Management) 1 Carnegie Mellon University 2 State University of New York at Albany Syracuse University 4 Georgia Institute of Technology 5 Harvard University 6 Indiana University,Bloomington University of Nebraska at Omaha 8 University of California, Berkeley 9 North Carolina State University,Raleigh Rutgers University-Newark The University of Texas at Austin 12 Georgia State University The University of Chicago University of Michigan--Ann Arbor University of Southern California 衛生政策與管理 (Health Policy & Management) 1 Harvard University 2 Johns Hopkins University 3 New York University University of Michigan--Ann Arbor 5 University of California, Berkeley 6 Duke University The George Washington University 8 Syracuse University 9 University of Southern California 10 Carnegie Mellon University 11Princeton University 12 University of Colorado--Denver 13 Georgetown University Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis University of California, Los Angeles 16 The University of Chicago University of Minnesota-Twin Cities The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill University of Wisconsin Madison 20 Cornell University 10

11 社會政策專業排名 (Social Policy) 1 Harvard University 2 University of Michigan--Ann Arbor 3 University of Wisconsin Madison 4 Syracuse University The University of Chicago 6 University of California, Berkeley 7 New York University 8 Duke University 9 The University of Texas at Austin 10 Princeton University University of Southern California 12 New School University 13 University of Maryland, College Park 14 University of California, Los Angeles 15 University of Minnesota-Twin Cities 16 Georgetown University 11

12 附錄二 : 中國大陸公共管理學院排名 ( ) 發布單位 : 中華人民共和國教育部學位與研究生教育發展中心 ( 簡稱 : 學位中心 ) 組織 1. 復旦大學武漢大學 3 北京大學 4 清華大學華中科技大學 6 北京師範大學中山大學 8 浙江大學 9 中國人民大學 10 華中師範大學 12

13 TASPAA 會訊強力徵稿中! 會訊的發行主要聚焦於下列議題 : 壹 TASPAA 活動訊息貳 各系所活動訊息 ( 包括會議徵稿 學術活動 演講 國外與大陸學者參訪等 ) 參 國內外主要學會會議徵稿通知 肆 國際學術活動與知識新知伍 學術研究分享 請各位系所理事與各位教師踴躍分享與投稿, 並將相關訊息與投稿在每個月 25 號之前 寄到電子信箱 13

POOL 1 University of Florida Wake Forest University Georgia College Winning % Record Place Bracket # TEAM TEAM DATE TIME CRTS SCORE R1 University of F

POOL 1 University of Florida Wake Forest University Georgia College Winning % Record Place Bracket # TEAM TEAM DATE TIME CRTS SCORE R1 University of F POOL 1 University of Florida Wake Forest University Georgia College R1 University of Florida vs. Georgia College Friday, 10/9 8:00 AM PD 9-10 R1 Wake Forest University R2 University of Florida vs. Wake

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