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2 目录 目录...1 规格...1 安装...1 性能图示...2 控制板说明...2 特别功能...4 安全使用要点...4 操作方法...5 微波炉使用常识...7 微波炉的清洁与保养...8 规格 型号 T763X 额定电压及额定频率 230V~50Hz 额定输入功率 微波 :1200W; 烧烤 :850W 微波输出功率 800W 额定微波频率 2450MHz 外形尺寸 ( 高 宽 深 ) 295mm 458mm 392mm 内腔尺寸 ( 高 宽 深 ) 206mm 300mm 284mm 内腔容积 20L 净重 14.1Kg 安装 1. 把微波炉内的包装物全部取出, 若微波炉的外壳上附有保护膜, 请将保护膜撕掉後再使用 2. 应仔细查看微波炉有否损坏 如有损坏, 请立刻联络经销商或本公司特约维修部 3. 20L 微波炉净重约 14.1 千克, 应放置於有足够承托力的水平面上 4. 本微波炉应在通风乾燥, 无腐蚀性气体的环境中使用, 远离高温及蒸气 5. 切勿在炉顶放置任何物件, 并保持与顶部壁柜距离至少 20 厘米 6. 微波炉两旁应与墙壁距离至少 5 厘米, 炉背应与墙壁至少距离 10 厘米 7. 警告 为了防止触电, 必须确保此微波炉接地良好 1

3 性能图示 1. 门安全联锁开关 确保 : 炉门打开, 微波炉不能工作 ; 炉门关上, 微波炉才能工作 2. 视屏窗 有金属屏蔽层, 可透过网孔, 观察食物烹调情况 3. 波导口 磁控管发射的微波进入腔体的通道 4. 转轴 带动玻璃转盘转动 5. 转盘支承 支承玻璃转盘并按其轨道转动 6. 玻璃转盘 装好食物的容器放在转盘上, 加热时转盘转动, 使食物烹调均匀, 以达到理想均匀烹调的效果 7. 控制板 详见控制板说明 8. 烧烤管 在炉腔顶部 9. 金属网架 烧烤食物时用的托架 控制板说明 显示窗说明阶段按重解冻第一第二预设童锁 快速解冻烧烤组合 1 组合 2 微波 多段烹调组合 功能 第一段 : 按重解冻或快速解冻时钟功能第二段 : 微波烹调, 烧烤或预设功能烧烤组合烹调烧烤烹调第三段 : 微波烹调, 烧烤或微波烹调烧烤组合烹调按重解冻快速解冻快速烹调多段烹调烧烤组合烹调 2

4 火力 用来输入所需微波火力, 共有 6 种火力调节, 火力强度以 20% 依次递减 在微波炉烹调时如不另外输入火力, 微波炉将自动以最高火力烹调 微波烹调过程中, 按 火力 键可查询当前火力 下面是各火力相应的显示符号及输出功率 : 火力符号输出功率按 1 次 P10 100% 输出功率按 2 次 P8 80% 输出功率按 3 次 P6 60% 输出功率按 4 次 P4 40% 输出功率按 5 次 P2 20% 输出功率按 6 次 P0 计时功能微波 用来输入微波烹调程序 烹调时间最长可选择到 99 分 99 秒 时钟 用来输入当日时间或在烹调过程中按 时钟 键可查询当前时间 当微波炉发生故障或切断电源时, 必须重新调校时间 停止 按 停止 键可以取消前面已输入的操作 启动 按 启动 键可以启动微波炉工作 当程序开始时, 烹调显示灯和炉灯便会亮起, 通风风扇和转盘也会开始转动 注 : 在程序完毕後系统会发出提示音, 而炉灯和风扇也会自动关掉 如果炉门不打开或不按任意键, 微波炉将每隔两分钟发出一次提示音, 以便提醒用户 注 : 要想中途停止烹调程序只需打开炉门, 微波炉将立刻停止工作 如不需继续工作, 请按 停止 键 如需继续工作, 请关紧炉门, 并按 启动 键, 烹调程序便会再次启动 按重解冻 按重量将冷藏肉类 家禽 海鲜解冻 只需输入食物的种类和重量, 微波炉会自动选择解冻时间及火力 各类食物的最高解冻重量及显示如下 : 按重解冻食物种类最高重量显示按 1 次肉类 2300 克 d1 按 2 次家禽类 4000 克 d2 按 3 次海鲜类 900 克 d3 如食物超出最高解冻重量, 微波炉将不会启动, 这时可选用快速解冻功能 快速烹调 此功能可快速加热食物, 按下 快速烹调 键, 可选择四种 100% 高火力的烹调时间有 15 秒 30 秒 1 分钟 2 分钟 快速解冻 只需输入解冻食物所需的解冻时间, 微波炉会自动从中高火至中低火再降至低火操作 烹调时间最长可选择到 99 分 99 秒 预设 用以指令微波炉在预设时间自动启动 在输入预设程序前, 必须将时钟校正 当微波炉正处于预设状态, 预设显示灯将会不停的闪动 快速烹调不能设定预设功能 记忆 如选择多段烹调功能, 可按 记忆 键选定在第一阶段或第二阶段烹调 微波炉的显示窗显示出微波炉正进行的烹调阶段 3

5 烧烤 烹调时间最长可选择到 99 分 99 秒 单一烧烤管发热, 适用於烧烤薄块的肉类, 如牛扒 猪扒 串烧 香肠或鸡翼等 此功能也适合烧烘三文治等 组合 1 烹调时间最长可选择到 99 分 99 秒 30% 时间微波输出,70% 时间烧烤管发热, 烧烤效果最佳 适用於烧烤如西餐牛肉排等 组合 2 烹调时间最长可选择到 99 分 99 秒 55% 时间微波输出,45% 时间烧烤管发热, 微波煮食速度最快 适用於烧烤肉类, 特别是烧烤如整鸡 鸭 鹅等 特别功能 儿童保险锁 用来防止儿童在没有成人指导的情况下使用微波炉 当儿童保险锁启动後, 童锁 显示灯将会亮起, 此时微波炉不能操作 计时 用来方便你进行炉外烹饪操作时计时, 当计时程序开始, 炉内的照明灯 冷却风扇及转盘也开始工作, 而微波能量却完全停止辐射, 计时程序结束时, 系统将会发出提示音 自动提示 当完成解冻或烹调程序後, 如果炉门不被打开或任意键没有被按下, 微波炉将每隔两分钟自动发出一次提示音 安全使用要点 使用 1. 使用前请详细阅读 使用手册 全部内容 2. 本微波炉专为家庭加热及烹调食物而设计, 故不适用於其它工商用途 3. 警告 : 只有在已经提供充分的指导以致於儿童能够采用安全的方法使用微波炉, 并且明白不正确的使用会造成危险时, 才能允许儿童在无人监控的情况下使用微波炉 4. 用户使用之前, 应检查所用器皿是否适用於微波炉 a. 微波烹调时切勿使用金属器皿 带金 银边的器皿也不应使用 微波炉中通常使用陶瓷 耐热玻璃 耐热塑料或纸质器皿 b. 使用烧烤或烧烤组合功能时, 切勿将铝质或其它金属器皿放在金属网架上, 且金属网架不应接触炉腔内壁, 以防止打火 c. 窄颈瓶不可直接放入微波炉烹煮 d. 使用保鲜纸遮盖食物烹调时, 请将保鲜纸一角摺上, 使之通气, 煮好後将保鲜纸小心拆开, 以免蒸气灼伤 5. 使用时先放入转盘支承及玻璃转盘, 再将盛好食物的器皿放在玻璃转盘上进行烹调 6. 炉内无食物时, 请不要使微波炉工作, 以免空载运行损坏机器 7. 切勿将一般的水银温度计放入炉内边加热, 边测量, 以免引起打火或损坏 8. 烹调少量食物时, 要多加观察, 防止过热起火 9. 当食物在塑料 纸或其它可燃材料制成的易处理容器中加热或烹调时, 应时时注意, 防止起火 10. 使用烧烤烹调时, 炉内温度很高, 故翻转食物时, 应戴上手套 烧烤管变红或刚煮完食物时, 切勿碰触内腔上板 4

6 11. 烧烤烹调不要长期停滞不用, 否则由于烧烤管上沉积过多的油渍, 再次使用烧烤时将产生大量的油烟 12. 烹调中发生冒烟或起火现象时, 请不要立刻打开炉门, 否则遇空气会加大火势, 应立即切断电源 13. 从微波炉内提取食物和器皿时, 应当使用锅夹或戴上隔热手套, 以免高温烫伤 14. 为防止转盘受损坏, 请遵守下列事项 : a. 用水清洗转盘时, 应先待转盘冷却 b. 切勿置滚热食品或炽热容器於冷却的转盘之上 c. 切勿置冰冷食品或冰冷容器於炽热的转盘之上 d. 注意转盘的最大负载重量不能超过 5kg. 15. 每次微波炉使用完毕, 最好将一盛满水的玻璃杯置於炉内玻璃转盘上, 避免误操作损坏机器 16. 不要用微波炉储存任何物品 17. 奶瓶和婴儿食品罐应经过搅拌或摇动, 喂食前应检查瓶内食物的温度, 避免烫伤 18. 警告 : 除有资格的维修人员外, 其他人来执行检修操作都是危险的, 包括拆下防止微波能量泄漏的防护盖等操作 19. 警告 : 如果微波炉门或门封已损坏, 则不得再使用, 直到经有资格的维修人员修好为止 20. 警告 : 不要直接加热装在密封容器内的液体或其他食物, 因为这样有可能发生爆炸 21. 警告 : 如果电源软线损坏, 为了避免危险, 必须由制造厂 其维修部或类似的专业人员更换 22. 警告 : 微波炉属於有人看管的产品, 请在烹调过程中人不要离开现场 23. 警告 : 用微波炉烧开水时要尽量使用无盖的宽口容器 如要加入咖啡粉 奶粉 麦片或其它冲剂, 必须先对开水进行搅拌或搁置几分钟稍凉, 以免水沸腾而被烫伤 食物 1. 切勿煮带壳蛋, 压力会使蛋爆裂 另外蛋黄 蛋白也要用牙签刺穿数次 警告 已煮好的汤圆或荷包蛋等, 马上取出可能会造成其内部液体沸腾爆破而溅伤人体 注意应打开炉门後, 略搁置一会儿, 再取出食用 2. 煮食时间不宜过长, 因为煮食不足可继续, 而过度则无法补救 3. 烹调食谱所提供的是烹调的大约时间, 影响烹调时间的因素有 : 所喜欢的煮熟程度, 食物的初温 形状大小 份量和使用器皿的形状 大小以及食物的排列 遮盖 翻搅等 请参阅食谱中的 微波炉烹调技巧, 再参照这些因素, 适当修正烹调时间 4. 表面无孔的食物 ( 如蛋 栗子 马铃薯 香肠等 ), 请去皮或在外皮上开一裂缝或叉几个小孔, 否则受热膨胀, 可能发生爆裂 5. 不可用微波炉煎炸食物 6. 烧烤时, 不要遮盖食物, 因为食物需要直接吸收辐射热能 操作方法 在设置时钟 预设及按重解冻烹调时, 按数字键 10 分可输入小时的十位和千克级重量, 按 1 分可输入小时的个位和百克级重量, 按 10 秒可输入分钟的十位和十克级重量, 按 1 秒可输入分钟的个位和克级重量 调较时钟例 : 6 时 30 分步骤 : 1. 按 时钟 键 ; 2. 按 停止 键 ; 3. 按数字键 1 分 和 10 秒 到 5

7 显示 6:30; 4. 再按 时钟 键一次确认 微波烹调例 : 输入 2 分钟,40% 火力的烹调程序步骤 :1. 按 微波 键一次 ; 2. 按数字键 1 分 到显示 2:00; 3. 按 火力 键到显示 P4; 4. 按 启动 键 2 按 启动 键 按重解冻例 : 输入解冻 600 克虾的程序步骤 :1. 按 按重解冻 键到显示 d3; 2. 按数字键 1 分 到显示 600; 3. 按 启动 键 注 : 解冻过程中翻转食物可使之解冻均匀 烧烤烹调例 : 输入 12 分钟的烧烤烹调程序步骤 :1. 按 烧烤 键一次 ; 2. 按数字键 10 分 和 1 分 到显示 12:00; 3. 按 启动 键 烧烤组合 1 烹调例 : 输入 12 分钟的烧烤组合 1 烹调程序步骤 :1. 按 组合 1 键一次; 2. 按数字键 10 分 和 1 分 到显示 12:00; 3. 按 启动 键 烧烤组合 2 烹调例 : 输入 12 分钟的烧烤组合 2 烹调程序步骤 :1. 按 组合 2 键一次; 2. 按数字键 10 分 和 1 分 到显示 12:00; 3. 按 启动 键 预设例 : 如当前时钟为 1 点整, 输入 2 时整开始 7 分钟 40% 火力的微波烹调程序步骤 :1. 按 预设 键 ; 2. 按数字键 1 分 到显示 2:00; 3. 按 微波 键一次 ; 4. 按数字键 1 分 到显示 7:00; 5. 按 火力 键到显示 P4; 6. 按 启动 键 注 : 微波炉将在 2 时整开始进行微波烹调 快速解冻例 : 输入 5 分 30 秒的快速解冻程序步骤 :1. 按 快速解冻 键 ; 2. 按数字键 1 分 和 10 秒 到显示 5:30; 3. 按 启动 键 注 : 快速解冻功能可用在按重解冻范围以外的食物或超出按重解冻最高重量限制的食物上 多段烹调本微波炉具有将第 2 页中介绍的程序组合中的全部或部分内容组合在一起, 进行连续工作的特点 ( 最多可设三段烹调程序 ) 例 : 输入多段烹调程序快速解冻 微波烹调 烧烤烹调步骤 :1. 按 快速解冻 键 ; 2. 按数字键输入所需解冻时间 ; 3. 按 记忆 键, 此时显示灯 1S 亮 ; 4. 按 微波 键 ; 5. 按数字键输入所需烹调时间 ; 6. 按 火力 键输入所需微波火力 ; 7. 按 记忆 键, 此时显示灯 2S 亮 ; 8. 按 烧烤 键 ; 9. 按数字键输入所需烹调时间 ; 10. 按 启动 键 注 :1. 快速解冻和按重解冻程序只能设在第一段烹调, 在输入第一或第二阶段烹调程序时必须先按 记忆 键 2. 快速烹调不能设在多段烹调程序中 快速烹调例 : 输入 2 分钟的快速烹调程序步骤 :1 按 快速烹调 键到显示 2:00; 计时步骤 :1. 按 微波 键 ; 2. 用数字键输入所需计时时间 ; 6

8 3. 按 火力 键到显示 P0; 4. 按 启动 键 儿童保险锁 a. 儿童保险锁设置步骤 : 在待机状态下, 按住 停止 键三秒钟後, 系统会发出提示音, 此时儿童保险锁显示灯 LOCK 会亮起 程序完成後, 微波炉便不能操作 b. 解除儿童保险锁步骤 : 按住 停止 键三秒钟後, 系统会发出提示音, 此时儿童保险锁显示灯 LOCK 会熄灭 程序完成後, 微波炉可以操作 微波炉使用常识 下列情况均属正常 现象 原因 蒸汽凝聚在炉门及有热风从排气口排出 烹调时, 食物会有蒸汽散发, 而大部分会从排气口排出, 但蒸汽也会在较凉的地方如炉门上凝聚, 这是正常现象 当使用微波烧烤组合及单烧烤功能时, 微波炉有 微波炉必须定期洗擦乾净, 特别在使用微波烧烤组合或单烧烤功能後 任何积聚在炉顶及炉壁的油渍, 都会引起白烟冒出 白烟冒出及产生异味 电压波动, 会影响微波或烧烤的烹调时间及效果 当电压波动时, 微波炉仍能工作, 只是受电压偏高或偏低的影响, 输出功率会相应升高或降低, 故烹调时间及效果会有所变 化, 这是属於正常现象 注意 : 1. 根据不同烹调方式, 选用合适的器皿十分重要 如果选择不当, 不仅会影响烹调效果, 而且还会造成损坏器皿或微波炉的不良後果 2. 下表中 号为适用, X 为不适用 3. 使用烧烤或烧烤组合功能时, 如果选用金属网架, 则具体操作应参考安全使用要点中第 4 点的有关内容 器 皿 烧烤组合 烧烤 微波 耐热玻璃 陶 瓷器 X X 一般玻璃 X X X 耐热塑料 X X 一般塑料 X X X 微波保鲜膜 X X 金属网架 X 金属器皿 X X 1. 如果微波炉不工作, 应检查 : 电源插头是否插好 炉门是否关好 儿童保险锁是否被锁住 家电保护器是否跳闸或烧断 2. 炉内无食物, 而微波炉被偶然启动 请立即打开炉门或按 停止 键, 停止其工作 7

9 微波炉的清洁与保养 注意 : 切勿使用强洗涤剂 汽油 研磨粉和金属刷来清洗炉子的任何部位 1. 清洗炉腔之前, 须关闭微波炉, 并从插座上拔去电源线插头 2. 经常保持炉腔清洁 当食物或汤水溅到炉内壁时, 可用湿布擦去 如炉内壁很脏则可使用软性洗剂, 切勿使用粗糙 磨损性的洗剂 3. 必须经常清洁玻璃盘 可先用温热的肥皂水清洗, 再用清水洗净擦乾 4. 必须经常擦洗转盘支承和炉腔底面 请用软性剂洗炉腔底面, 而转盘支承则可用温热的肥皂水洗, 清洗後抹乾放回原处 5. 必须经常清洁门的密封面 可先用软乾布浸肥皂水清洗, 再用软乾布擦净 6. 微波炉外表面用软乾布浸肥皂水清洗後, 再用软乾布擦净 注意不要让水渗入炉缝或通风口 7. 如控制板被弄湿, 则请用软的乾布抹擦, 不能用粗糙 磨损性的洗剂来擦控制板, 擦控制面板时, 请将炉门打开, 以免误操作 8. 炉内外如有蒸气凝成的水滴, 可用软布擦净 9. 当使用烧烤或组合烧烤功能时, 有些食物的油渍会留在炉的内壁上, 不作定期清洁, 可能在使用时冒烟 这些污渍必须及时清洁 10. 炉内如有异味, 可用一杯水加几匙柠檬汁煮 5-7 分钟, 即可消除 11. 微波炉若长期不用, 应拔掉电源插头, 放在通风乾燥, 没有腐蚀性气体的环境中 12. 炉子发生故障, 必须由本厂培训的专业维修人员检修, 其它任何人拆修将是危险的 8

10 Instructions for use Model: T763X

11 Content Content...1 Specifications...1 Installation...1 Performance Diagram...2 Control panel description...3 Special function...5 Safety Precautions...5 Operation method...8 Microwave usage common sense...10 Microwave oven cleaning and care...11 Specifications Model T763X Rated voltage and frequency 230V~50Hz Rated power input Microwave: 1200W; Grill: 800W Microwave power output 800W Rated microwave frequency 2450MHz Outside dimensions 295mm 458mm 392mm Inner dimensions 206mm 300mm 284mm Inner capacity 20L Net weight 14.1 kg (Note: the dimensions are in order of height, width, and depth) Installation 1. Take out all the packaging material from inside the oven. 2. Check carefully if there is any damage to the oven. If damaged, immediately notify dealer or send to the manufacturer s service center L microwave oven weighs 14.1kg and should be placed on a level surface able to hold it. 4. This oven should be used in a environment that is dry and airy place without acidic gases and must be far away from high temperature and steam. 5. Do not place any article on the oven top and the distance to a top cabinet should be at least 20cm. 6. A 5cm distances to both of the oven s left and right sides must be observed. The backside of the oven should be at least 10cm away from the wall. 1

12 7. Warning: to prevent electric shock, it must be well grounded of the oven. Performance Diagram 1. Door safety lock system: to ensure when the door is opened, the oven doesn t work; when the door is shut, the oven could work. 2. The Window: there is a metal shield layer, it could be observed of the cooking process through the net holes. 3. Turntable support: these support the turntable and turn around the circle. 4. Shaft: it would turn around the glass plate. 5. Control panel: more detail to be seen on control panel description. 6. Wave-guide hole: the magnetron would emit microwave which enters the cavity through it. 7. Glass turntable: food container is placed on the turntable and turns when heated to make food cooked evenly and achieve the ideal even cooking effect. 8. Grill tube: placed on top of the cavity. 9. Metal rack: named also grill rack, used for grilling food. 2

13 Control panel description Display window indicators Weight defrost 1 st stage 2 nd stage Start delay Child lock Quick defrost Grill Combi nation 1 Combi nation2 Micro wave. Multi stage cooking Function 1 st stage: weight defrost Clock or quick defrost. Start delay 2 nd stage: microwave, grill Grill or combination cooking. Microwave 3 rd stage: microwave, grill Weight defrost or combination cooking. Quick defrost Quick cooking Multi stage cooking Combination POWER Used to enter power. 6 level to adjust oven, power strength decrease in 20%. When cooking, if input not power, auto start at max. power. During cooking, press to see power. The following is power and corresponding output power 3 Power (press) Display Power output once P10 100% twice P8 80% 3 times P6 60% 4 times P4 40% 5 times P2 20% 6 times P0 Timer

14 MICRO Used to enter microwave cooking program. Cooking time longest is 99 min. 99 sec. CLOCK Used to enter time of day or check time of day during cooking You must readjust time after a power cut. STOP Press to cancel previous entries. START Press to start working. When program starts, cooking indicator lights up and fan, turntable works also. Note: system may beep after finished; the fan and lamp will turn off. If the oven door not opened or key not pressed, the oven will beep every two minutes to remind user. Note: if you want to stop the oven, open the door and the oven will stop. If don t want to continue working, press START. If want to continue, close the oven door and press START. WEIGHT DEFROST Defrost food by weight of meat, poultry and seafood. You only have to enter weight and kind of food, oven will automatically select time and power. The maximum weight of defrost display as follows. Weight foods Weight max. Display defrost Press once Meat 2300gr. d1 Press twice Poultry 4000gr. d2 Press 3 times. seafood 900gr. d3 EXPRESS Food may be heat quickly with this function, press to select four kind of 100% power cooking time 15 sec., 30sec., 1 min., 2 min.. QUICK DEFROST You only need to enter defrost time, oven automatically operates from high power to lower power. Cooking time may select up to 99 min. 99 sec. START DELAY Used to start the oven at a later time. Before enter preset program, make the clock right. When the oven in preset mode, the light will flash continuously. Express cooking is not applicable. MEMO If select multistage cooking, press to select cooking in first or second stage. Microwave display window will show the stage that s going on. 4

15 GRILL Cooking time may select 99 min. 99 sec. Single grill heater emits heat applicable for slices of meat such as beef steak, pork, sausage or chicken wings as well as sandwich. COMBINATION 1 Cooking time may select 99 min. 99 sec. 30% time microwave output, 70% time grill heater, the best is the grilling effect and applicable for western beef steak. COMBINATION 2 Cooking time may select 99 min. 99 sec. 55% time microwave output, 45% time grill heater and the microwave cooking is the quickest, applicable for whole chicken, duck, goose, etc. Special function Child lock Used to prevent children use without adults directions of microwave ovens. When it starts "child lock" display light up, oven is disabled. Timer Used to convenience you set timer. When timer works, the lights inside the oven, fan and turntable operates, but microwave energy is zero. When timer ends, oven will emit beeps. Auto reminder When finished of defrosting or cooking program, if do not press any key or open door, oven emit beeps every two minutes. Safety Precautions Usage 1. Before using the oven, read the manual most carefully and all the contents. 2. This oven is designed specifically for family use and not for commercial use. 3. Warning: children could use the oven without adult supervision only when they have been given adequate instructions to be able to use it safely and understand the danger if the oven is used inappropriately. 4. The user should check if the container is appropriate for use in a microwave oven. a. Never use a metal rack or other metal container when using microwave cooking. Containers with edges decorated with gold or silver are not to be used in the oven. Ceramics, heat resistant glasses, plastics or paper container are usually used in microwaves. 5

16 b. When using grill or grill combination function, do not leave aluminum or other metal container on the metal rack and the metal rack should not contact the inner surface of the cavity to prevent striking fire. c. Bottles with narrow neck should not be directly used in the oven. d. When using paper to cover food cooked in the oven, please leave holes in the paper to let steam out. After done cooking, be careful to open the paper to avoid steam burns. 5. Before using the oven, put the shaft and turntable into place before placing container with foods onto the turntable for cooking. 6. If there is no food in the oven, please do not use the oven to prevent damage to the oven if it is used with no load. 7. Do not cook when there is a temperature thermometer inside the oven to prevent striking fire and damaged. 8. Be very careful in observing the oven if there is very little food cooked in the oven to prevent overheating and striking fire. 9. When food cooked in containers made of plastic, paper or other combustible material, be very careful of the cooking to prevent a fire. 10. When using grilling, the temperature of the cavity may be very high, put on gloves if you need to turn food over. Never touch the top surface of the cavity when the grill heaters is red hot or when cooking just finished. 11. Do not leave the grill function unused for a long time otherwise there may be large amount of smoke produced when next time using it due to too much oily matter laid on the heaters. 12. Do not open the oven door there is a fire produced in the cavity due to cooking otherwise the fire may get bigger due to contact with air, instead the power to the oven should be cut immediately. 13. When taking food out of the oven, tool or gloves may be used to avoid burns due to hot temperature. 14. To prevent damage to the turntable, please observe the following items: a. Cool down the turntable before washing it with water. b. Never place hot food or container onto a cooled turntable. c. Never place freezing food or container onto a hot turntable. d. Note the maximum weight to be placed on the turntable is 5kg. 15. Every time when oven finished use, place a cup of water onto the turntable in the oven to prevent unwarranted operation damaging the oven. 6

17 16. Do not use the oven to store any article. 17. Baby bottles or food should be stirred and shaken and checked for its temperature before served to avoid burns. 18. Warning: it is very dangerous for anyone other than a qualified service person to attempt to repair the oven including the operations as dissemble the shield preventing the leakage of microwave energy. 19. Warning: if the oven door or door seal is damaged, the oven must not be used until a qualified serviceman repairs it. 20. Do not heat liquid or other food in a sealed container to avoid explosion. 21. If the power cord is damaged, to avoid danger it must be replaced by professional service persons. 22. Warning: the microwave oven is a product that needs to be looked for, Do not leave the oven if a cooking is taking place. 23. Warning: if cooking boiling water using this oven it is best to use container that s without lid and has a big mouth. If you want to add coffee powder, milk powder, oatmeal or other instant food you must first stir the boiling water or wait for it to cool to avoid burns. Food 1. Never cook an egg with shell intact for pressure will make it explode, in addition, the yolk and white should be pierced several times. 2. Do not cook food for too long because it could not be helped if it is overcooked. 3. The cooking recipe provides approximate time of the cooking because there are a number of factors that influence it such as the preferred doneness of the food, initial temperature and shape of food, weight and amount of food and the shape of container used in cooking and its size, the arrangement of food, whether it is covered or not, if it is turned for uniform cooking, etc. please have a look of the techniques of the microwave cooking and adjust the cooking time if needed. 4. For food such as egg, chestnut, potato, sausage which there is no holes on them, the skin of these food should be cut or some holes or cracks should be made on its skin to prevent explosion due to expansion through heat. 5. Do not use the microwave oven to fry food. 6. Do not cover food when grilling because of the food s need of direct absorption of heat radiation. 7

18 Operation method When setting clock, preset and defrost cooking, COMBINATION 1 press number pad 10 to enter hour or kilogram, Example: input a 12 min. cooking with number pad 1 to enter odd hour and gram combination 1. within 100, number pad 10 sec. to enter Steps: minutes and gram within 10, number pad 1 sec. 1. Press COMBINATION 1. to enter minutes and gram. 2. Press number keys 10 min. and 1 min. to display 12:00. ADJUST CLOCK 3. Press START. Example: 6:30 Steps: COMBINATION 2 1. Press CLOCK Example: input a 12 min. cooking with 2. Press STOP combination Press down number keys 1 min. and 10 sec. Steps: until displays 6: Press COMBINATION Press again CLOCK. 2. Press number keys 10 min. and 1 min. to display 12:00. MICROWAVE COOKING 3. Press START. Example: input 2 minute, 40% cooking program. START DELAY Steps: Example; if it is 1o clock, to input a 7 minutes 1. Press MICRO. and 40% power cooking starting at 2 o clock. 2. Press down number key 1min. until the Steps: display 2: Press START DELAY. 3. Press POWER to display P4. 2. Press number key 1 min. to display 2: Press START. 3. Press MICRO once. 4. Press number key 1 min. to display 7:00. GRILL COOKING 5. Press POWER to display P4. Example: input 12 min. grill cooking. 6. Press START. Steps: Oven starts at 2 o clock exactly. 1. Press GRILL 2. Press number keys 10 min. and 1 min. to EXPRESS display 12:00. Example: use express cooking function, input 2 3. Press again START. minute, high power cooking program. Steps: 8

19 1. Press EXPRESS until 2:00 will be displayed. 2. Press START. WEIGHT DEFROST Example: input a 600g shrimp defrost program 1. Press WEIGHT DEFROST to display d3. 2. press number key 1 min. to display 600; 3. Press START. Note: during weight defrost foods may be turned for uniformity. QUICK DEFROST Example: input a 5 min 30 sec. quick defrost program. Steps: 1. Press QUICK DEFROST. 2. Press number keys 1 min. and 10 sec. to display 5: Press START. Note: the quick defrost function is applicable to foods outside of the range of the weight defrost food s weight. MULTI STAGE COOKING This oven is able to combine all the functions to cook and doing continuous work (max. 3 stages cooking). Example: input a multistage cooking program. Quick defrost---microwave cooking----grill cooking. Steps: 1. Press QUICK DEFROST. 2. Press number keys to enter time. 3. Press MEMO and 1s lights up. 4. Press MICRO. 5. Press number keys to enter time 6. Press POWER to enter power level. 7. Press MEMO and 2s lights up. 8. Press GRILL. 9. Press number keys to enter time. 10. Press START. Note: 1. Quick defrost and weight defrost can only be set in the first stage and memo pressed before entering 1 or 2 stage cooking. 2. Quick cooking cannot be set in this function. TIMER Steps: 1. Press MICRO key. 2. Use the number keys to enter needed time. 3. Press POWER to shows P0. 4. Press START. CHILD LOCK A. To set the child lock. Steps: In waiting mode, press STOP key for 3 seconds. The system beeps will sound and the lock indicator will light up and other programs are not functional. B. Unlock the child lock. Steps: press STOP key for 3 seconds. The system beep will sound and the lock indicator will shut off and other programs are functional. 9

20 Microwave usage common sense Phenomena Steam gathers oven door and hot wind comes out of exhaust duct. When using the combination cooking or single grill function, there are white smoke observed and produce foreign smell. Voltage fluctuations will influence microwave or grill cooking time and effects. Notes: The following phenomena all are normal Reason When cooking the steam emits from food and large part will go off from exhaust but will descend on cool place such as doorframe. The microwave oven must be cleaned regularly especially after using combination or grill cooking. Any oil deposit on the tube will cause white smoke. When voltage fluctuates, microwave still works but its output power will increase or decrease causing cooking time and effects to change and it is normal. 1. According to different cooking modes, select appropriate container is important. If choice is wrong, no only cooking effect is influenced but will cause damage to container or oven bad result. 2. The following table circle represents applicable and two intersect lines represent not applicable. 3. When using grill or combination function, if select metal rack, please refer to the safety instructions the forth point to carry out. Utensil Combination Grill Microwave Heat resistant glass Ceramics General glass Heat resistant plastics General plastics Microwave film Metal rack Metal container 1. If the oven does not work, should check: If plugged in properly. Oven door shut properly. If the child lock is locked. Household protector is cut or burned. 2. The oven accidentally starts unloaded. Press STOP immediately or open the oven door to stop it. 10

21 Microwave oven cleaning and care Important Never use powerful cleaning agent, benzine, sand powder or metal brush to clean any parts of the oven. 1. Before cleaning the cavity, shut off the microwave oven, and plug off from the socket. 2. Regularly keep clean the cavity. When food or soup spatters onto the cavity wall, clean with a wet cloth. If it gets very dirty, use a soft detergent, never use rough or abrasive detergents. 3. Glass tray must be cleaned regularly. First use warm soap water then use clean water to wipe. 4. Turntable shaft or cavity floor must be cleaned regularly. Soft detergent may be applied, warm soap water may be used to clean shaft and replace it after cleaning. 5. The door seal must be clean regularly, first use soft dry cloth dipped in the soap water then use a soft dry cloth wipes it. 6. After using a soft dry cloth dipped in soap water to clean the outer surface of the oven, wipe clean with a dry cloth, be careful do not let water sip into oven seals or air duct. 7. If control panel gets wet, use a soft cloth to clean it, do not use crude, abrasive detergent to wipe the control panel, when do it, open the door to avoid accidentally start the oven. 8. If there is water drops due to steam, wipe off with a soft cloth. 9. When using the grill or combination cooking functions, there may be oil stains on inner surface of the cavity and if it is not cleaned regularly smoke may be observed. It must be cleaned immediately. 10. If there is foreign smell inside the oven, erase it with a cup of lemon water for 5-7 minutes. 11. If the oven is not used for a long time, plug off from power source and place it in a airy and no erosive gas environment. 12. If the oven malfunctions, it must be repaired by a qualified person from the manufacturer, anyone other than a qualified person try to repair it would be dangerous. 11


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