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1 China s Energy and CO 2 Emission Scenario by 2050: A Policy Roadmap Energy Research Institute, China ERI, China

2 Framework of Integrated Policy Model for China (IPAC) Energy demand and supply Price/investment Economic impact Medium/long-term analysis IPAC-SGM IPAC-AIM/MATERIAL Environment industry Pollutant emission Medium/long-term analys Energy demand and supply Price/investment Medium/long-term analysis IPAC-AIM/Global IPAC-Emission Energy demand and suppl Full range emission Price, resource, technolog Medium-long term analysis Economic impact Technology development Environment impact Technology policy Region analysis Medium/short analysis Energy demand and supply Technology policy IPAC/Tech(Power/Transport) IPAC/SE, IPAC/EAlarm IPAC/AIM-Local AIM-air IPAC/Gains-Asia Climate Model IPAC-AIM/tech IPAC-health Short term forecast/ energy early warning Medium/short term analysis Technology assessment Detailed technology flow ERI, China

3 Copenhagen Accord To achieve the ultimate objective of the Convention to stabilize greenhouse gas concentration in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system, we shall, recognizing the scientific view that the increase in global temperature should be below 2 degrees Celsius, on the basis of equity and in the context of sustainable development, enhance our long-term cooperative action to combat climate change.

4 Global Emission: 2 degree


6 Copenhagen Commitment: the GAP

7 GtC 坐标轴标题 8.00 Global Emission CO L.A Africa M.E S.E.Asia CPA EFSU P-OECD W-OECD USA

8 Mt-CO CO2 Emission in China Baseline LC ELC 2Degree

9 Policies and Actions for Addressing Climate Change Improving Management Systems and Working Mechanisms Carbon intensity target in 12th FYP was decomposed to all provinces A target responsibility assessment system for local government Strengthening Strategic Studies and Plan Formulation the overall target, phased tasks, implementation methods and safeguarding measures of low-carbon development by 2020, 2030 and 2050 National Plan for Addressing Climate Change ( ) Provincial Plans Promoting Legislation on Climate Change have set up a leading group for drafting laws on addressing climate change some respective laws have been issued, such as methods in Shanxi and Qinghai province and management in Shenzhen special economic zone 9

10 Policies and Actions for Addressing Climate Change Improving Relevant Policy Systems Work Division Scheme for the Work Plan for Controlling Greenhouse Gas Emissions during the 12th Five-Year Plan Period Issued a series of policy papers on addressing climate change, improve China s policy system in this regard: the Action Plan for Addressing Climate Change in Industry ( ) the National Plan for the Development of Science and Technology on Climate Change during the 12th Five-Year Plan Period the Interim Measures on Low-carbon Products Certification Management the Plans for Energy Development during the 12th Five-Year Plan Period the Plans for the Development of Energy-Efficient and Environmental-Protection Industries during the 12th Five-Year Plan Period the Suggestions on Speeding up the Development of Energy-Efficient and Environmental-Protection Industries the Industrial Energy Efficiency during the 12th Five-Year Plan Period the 2013 Implementation Plans for Industrial Energy Efficiency and Green Development the Action Plan for Green Architecture the National Eco-system Protection during the 12th Five-Year Plan Period 10

11 Recent Policies for Mitigation Economic structure optimization policies NDRC s industry policies Investment control Carbon tax/other taxes: within 12 th Five Year Emission trading: domestic, and international Energy structure Clean utilization of fossil fuel: Natural gas (Shale gas etc.) Renewable energy power generation oriented policies New scenario by 2020: wind 250GW, solar: 50 to 80GW More policies on pricing, especially on distributed power generation, feed-in tariff Energy efficiency policies 12 th FYP target: to the local government Sector policies: including construction and transport Improving energy efficiency standard and labeling scheme Expanding energy conservative technologies and products Increasing forest carbon sinks Other GHG control: agriculture, non-co2 11

12 What s the future of China s low carbon policy: key factors Economic structure optimization policies Energy efficiency policies Renewable energy/nuclear power generation oriented policies CCS Low carbon consumption/ lifestyle Land use emission reduction policies: so far relatively poor Can we pay for it? Cost and benefit 12

13 10^8 亿元 Yuan Investment by industrial sectors 工业分部门投资 年份 建筑业 自来水的生产和供应业 煤气的生产和供应业 蒸汽热水生产供应业 电力生产供应业 其他工业 仪器仪表文化办公用机械 电气机械及器材 电子及通信设备制造业 交通运输设备制造业 普通机械 专用设备制造业 金属制品业 有色金属 黑色金属冶炼及压延加工业 非金属矿物制品业 橡胶制品业, 塑料制品业 化学纤维制造业 医药制造业 化学原料及制品制造业 炼焦业 石油加工 印刷业记录媒介的复制, 文教体育用品制造业 造纸及纸制品业 木材加工及竹藤棕草制品业 家具制造业 服装皮革及其他纤维制品制造 纺织业 烟草加工业 食品饮料加工 制造业 非金属矿采选业, 其他矿采选业, 木材及竹材采运业 有色金属矿采选业 黑色金属矿采选业 天然气开采业 石油 13

14 Products output in major sectors, Low Carbon and ELC Unit Steel Million ton Cement Million ton Glass Million cases Copper Million ton Ammonia Million ton Ethylene Million ton Soda Ash Million ton Casutic Million ton Paper Million ton FertilizerMillion ton Aluminum Million ton Paper Million ton Calcium camillion ton

15 农 林 牧 渔业 采掘业煤炭开采和洗选业石油和天然气开采业黑色金属矿采选业有色金属矿采选业非金属矿采选业其他采矿业 农副食品加工业食品制造业饮料制造业烟草制品业纺织业纺织服装 鞋 帽制造业皮革 毛皮 羽毛 ( 绒 ) 及其制品业木材加工及木 竹 藤 棕 草制品业 家具制造业造纸及纸制品业印刷业和记录媒介的复制文教体育用品制造业石油加工 炼焦及核燃料加工业化学原料及化学制品制造业医药制造业化学纤维制造业橡胶制品业塑料制品业非金属矿物制品业黑色金属冶炼及压延加工业有色金属冶炼及压延加工业金属制品业通用设备制造业专用设备制造业交通运输设备制造业电气机械及器材制造业通信设备 计算机及其他电子设备制造业 仪器仪表及文化 办公用机械制造业 工艺品及其他制造业废弃资源和废旧材料回收加工业电力 煤气及水生产和供应业电力 热力的生产和供应业燃气生产和供应业水的生产和供应业建筑业交通运输 仓储和邮政业批发 零售业和住宿 餐饮业其他行业生活消费 分部门能源消费量, Energy demand by sector,

16 Unit energy use for key products, LCS Scenario Unit Steel Kgce/t Cement Kgce/t Glass Kgce/Weight Cases Brick Kgce/ 万块 Ammonia Kgce/t Ethylene Kgce/t Soda Ash Kgce/t Casutic Kgce/t Calcium carbide Kgce/t Copper Kgce/t Aluminum kwh/t Paper Kgce/t Electricity fossil fuel Gce/kWh

17 Transport, Low carbon scenario Family car ownership, per 100HH Urban Rural Family car annual travel distance, km Average engin size of family cars, litter Fuel efficiency of car, L/100km Share of MRT in total traffic volume, % Share of Biofuel, % 1.10% 1.30% 4.1% 7.70% 12% 13% Share of electric car, % 0% 0.12% 3.2% 6.80% 12.5% 19.8% Share of fuel cell car, % 0% 0% 0.80% 1.60% 4.70% 7.90% 17


19 Rapid bus: using existing rapid road

20 Stockholm: bicycle is coming back

21 Low Carbon House in 2050: comfortable and energy saving Solar Energy Eco-Life style Solar PV (25-47% 的家庭拥有屋顶光伏电池 转换效率接近30% 减少10-20% 能源需求 Planting on top Solar energy for hot water and space heating LED 普及率: 20-60% 减少50%照明需求 普及率 100% 目前 6% Energy monitor system High insulation system Electric Appliance) 减少 60% 采暖需求, 普及率70% Super High Efficiency Air-Con COP =8, 普及率 100% Standby energy use 降低1/3 普及率100% High efficiency lighting Fuel cell Heat pump 普及率 0-20% COP 5 普及率 30-70% Public information Public consumption change High efficiency electric appliance Reduce energy use, and higher life level 5

22 22



25 TWh Power Generation Bio Solar Wind Nulcear Hydro N.Gas Oil fired Coal fired

26 10 Thousand KWh 万千瓦 Power Generation Capacity Biomass Solar Wind Nuclear Hydro N.Gas Oil Coal

27 % 120 CCS future CCS future IGCC-Fuel Cell IGCC US-Critical Super Critical Large Coal Unit Samll Coal Year 27

28 10^8 Yuan 10^8Yuan 10^8Yuan Investment in Energy Industry in China Energy Expenditures in China BaU HLC HELC LLC BaU HLC HELC Year Year Addtional Investment in end use sectors in ELC GDP Loss, % % 5.00% 4.00% 3.00% 2.00% 1.00% 650ppm 550ppm 450ppm Per Capita Carbon Intensity Industry Transport Building Total Year 0.00% -1.00%

29 ton 1000ton Mton MtSO2 Mt SO2 Emission Black Carbon Emission in China BaU LC ELC BaU LowCarbon NOx Emission in China, ELC scenario Other 6.0 Power generation Mercury Emission 0.0 PM2.5 Emission Other 2.0 Power generation Other Power generation

30 Index, 2005=1 Technology learning curve Year Fuel Cell IGCC Hydrogen Car Poly-Generation Solar Thermal Power PV 4th Generation Nuclear Off shore wind on shore wind Biomass Power Advanced NGCC Electic Car CCS Solar 2010 Wind 2010 CCS-PostC CCS-Enduse LED Lighting By 2020, Wind 200GW to 250GW, Solar 50WG Price: US$38000 Subsidy: US$15000(Shanghai), no need to apply number plate(cost US$10000) US$18000(Beijing), no need to apply number plate(by Oct. 2012, 1.1 million people apply for 20000number plates per month),

31 Good news Technology progress is much faster than our model says: learning curve effects High GDP growth could support low carbon development in China: all cost analysis in models are very small compared with GDP By 2015, GDP in China could reach 75trillion Yuan(in current value) Newly added accumulated GDP is 450 Trillion Yuan Cumulated GDP is 860 Trillion Yuan All the investment need in all modeling study is much small China s low carbon related technology manufacture is getting leading in the world: benefit for economy Local environment issues will be a very strong factor to go to clean production, nearly match with low carbon development 31

32 Policy roadmap: Super high efficiency air conditioner Efficiency Standard: COP, MEPS Government Planning Subsidy Start COP

33 影响电动汽车发展的主要制约因素分析 Major Constraints Factors Analysis 电动汽车实现经济性的趋势分析 Trend Analysis on EVs

34 电动汽车发展技术路线图 Electric Car Roadmap

35 电动汽车发展政策路线图建议 Suggesting Policy Roadmap

36 Natural Gas Scenarios In 2010,Natural Gas use 107.2BCM, while 12.2BCM imported. In our low carbon scenario: by 2030, 370BCM NEA s planning: 260BCM by

37 POWER_BOX by Baosteel 2kW wind 10kW Solar PV 1.5m/s Physical process

38 Renewable Energy Renewable Energy Planning 2006: wind 30GW, Solar 2GW by Energy Bureau: Wind 80WG 2010 Energy Planning: Wind 150 GW, Solar 20GW by 2020 Now: Wind 200GW to 300GW, Solar 50WG to 80 GW Based on the conclusion from Chinese Academy for Engineering, grid in China could adopt these renewable energy power generation in short term. 38

39 Thank you!

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标题 第 26 卷 第 5 期 2013 年 9 月 北 京 航 空 航 天 大 学 学 报 ( 社 会 科 学 版 ) Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics( Social Sciences Edition) Vol. 26 摇 No. 5 September, 2013 中 国 国 防 科 技 研 发 投 入 特 点

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