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1 Muhammad W.. G.. A.. Schmiidtt Madam White Snake Story A Famous Chinese Folk Legend A Textbook For Training Chinese Reading Comprehension

2 Preface v Summary of Contents vi Other Background Information vii Contents Part I 1-27 Chinese Text 1 Chinese Text and Pinyin 2 Chinese-English Word Glossary 5 Reading Comprehension Exercises 21 Answer Key 26 Part II Chinese Text 28 Chinese Text and Pinyin 31 Chinese-English Word Glossary 40 Reading Comprehension Exercises 76 Answer Key 78 Part III Chinese Text 79 Chinese Text and Pinyin 82 Chinese-English Word Glossary 90 Reading Comprehension Exercises 121 Answer Key 124 Part IV Chinese Text 125 Chinese Text and Pinyin 129 Chinese-English Word Glossary 140 Reading Comprehension Exercises 180 Answer Key 183 Appendices The Entire Chinese Text 185 Character Index and Frequency of Occurrence 192 Characters of White Snake HSK Relevance 212 Words and Frequency of Occurrence 228 Chinese-English Word Glossary of Entire Text 252 Additional Notes 296 iii

3 A movie version of the story iv

4 Preface The Story of the White Snake (also called Bai Niangzi, the White Girl) and her female companion Xiao Qing (also known as the Green Snake), the evil monk Fahai and the later husband of Bai Niangzi, Xu Xian, are the main characters in this famous Chinese folk legend. This story exists in various versions that slightly differ from one another, and its plot and main characters must have been first transmitted orally before ever being written down for the first time at some time in the Southern Song Dynasty. The characters and the plot are clearly embedded in popular Daoist motifs and settings, and you need to be aware of these specific cultural settings in order to fully understand and appreciate its contents. The Chinese people, irrespective of their social status and educational background, have always known to appreciate the contents of this story which indeed has been so popular that it has become the subject of Peking operas and many movies. In this edition, we present the full Chinese text of this story in a Putonghua (contemporary spoken language) version for the purpose of training Chinese Reading Comprehension. This is done in the hope that Western students of the Chinese language will come to love this story, its characters and plot, as the Chinese do and thus gain insight into an important aspect of traditional Chinese culture. We have divided the contents of this story into 4 parts that are intended to serve as four major learning steps in Chinese reading comprehension from lower intermediate to upper intermediate language difficulty level. For each part, we have added Chinese Pinyin transcription above the text and a Chinese-English Word Glossary to be followed by 30 carefully designed Reading Comprehension Exercises for each part and the Answer Keys for each part. In the appendix, we have added the full Chinese text of this story and comprehensive indices for the characters and words appearing in the texts with respect to Frequency of Occurrence and relevance for the different levels of the official Chinese language exams (HSK). Finally, there is a comprehensive Chinese-English Word Glossary covering the entire text. Readers who have purchased the printed copy of this book are entitled to download the digital version of the book with sound files included to have the text read aloud on a computer (Western Windows XP or higher with Chinese language support installed). For more details on where to find and how to download the additional digital version of the book, please kindly contact the publisher (by at: We hope you enjoy the book and that it helps you training your Chinese Reading Comprehension! July 2008 The Publishers v

5 Summary of Contents A female white snake demon, Bai SuZhen, dreams of becoming a goddess, so she takes on human form and goes to the human realm. There she meets a green snake demon, Xiao Qing, who causes disasters in the area she lives. Bai SuZhen holds her captive at the bottom of a lake, though she promises the green snake that she'll come back in three hundred years to free her. After three hundred years she keeps her promise and frees her. They become sisters. Then they meet a sorcerer called FaHai who believes that every demon should be eliminated. But FaHai also knows that Bai SuZhen is already in the process of becoming a goddess. He can't eliminate her immediately so he vows that he will if he sees them again. Bai and Qing rested in a half world called Ban Bu Duo where they try to do good things by bringing rain to a places that hasn't had any water for three years. But Qing caused a great disaster which almost flooded the whole town! Bai, sadly, loses her chance of becoming a goddess, but Guan Yin informs her that she may have another opportunity. However, Bai and Qing have accidentally brought a scholar Xu Xian and his friend to the demon world. Bai has to protect them from the demons. After the battle with the Leader of the underworld, Xu Xian confesses his feelings for Bai, claiming that from the first time he saw her it was like love at first sight. But in order for a human to go back to the human world they have to be knocked by ghosts who will make them forget everything. Xu Xian knows about this so he avoids getting knocked and is about to go into the other realm when FaHai tricks him into being knocked. Now Xu Xian is back into the human world but has forgotten everything. Since he and his friend went through the portal separately they land in separate places. There Xu Xian meets many new people. Soon after Bai takes the final step to becoming a goddess which is to collect human tears, Bai sees Xu Xian with another girl and assumes that they are a couple. The former green snake, Xiao Qing, figures that Xu Xian got knocked by the ghosts, but also realises that when Xu Xian and Bai meet, Xu Xian will again fall in love with Bai. They got married, opened a medicine shop and lived happily. But since demons and humans aren't supposed to marry, the town was struck by a plague and it was soon on the verge of becoming extinct. Bai, Qing and Fahai finally agreed to a truce and obtained the magical herb needed to help the population. Later Bai gets pregnant, but Fahai continues to try to eliminate her and Qing. On the fifth day of the fifth month, the Dragon Boat Festival is held. On that day demons revert to their true selves. Bai thus decides to take Qing and Xu Xian back to Ban Bu Duo, but Xu Xian falls for FaHai's tricks yet again and Bai shows her true self, scaring Xian literally to death! Bai retrieves the herbal medicine and brings Xian back to life. But after giving birth to a son Bai can't control herself anymore and is forced to tell her husband the truth about her origins. Xian kindly accepts her, but Fahai then attacks the weakened Bai and holds her to eternal captivity in the Leifeng Pagoda. Source: Wikipedia the free encyclopedia (English, 2008) vi

6 Other Background Information Two Chinese actresses acting as the White and the Green Snake Modification of Story Contents In Jing Shi Tong Yan, Madame White/Madame Bai did not have a name. 'Bai Suzhen' was only later created. The story in Jing Shi Tong Yan was a story between righteous and evil with Fahai out to save Xu's soul from the demon Bai. Over the centuries however the story has evolved from horror to romance with Bai and Xu genuinely in love with one another, but such a relationship is forbidden by the laws of heaven. Modifications to the story included: 1. Redemption of Bai After Bai is trapped underneath the pagoda, Qingqing escapes and leaves for further meditation. She later returns and defeats Fahai, thus setting Bai free. Fahai retreats to the stomach of a crab, which is why the internal fat of the crab is of orange color, which resembles the color of Fahai s Taoist quilt. 2. Redemption of Bai (second version) Bai gives birth to Xu s son before she is trapped. Qingqing takes the baby to Xu s relatives, who raise him to become a top scholar. The son returns to the pagoda to pay his respects. Bai is released because of her son s filial piety. 3. Reincarnation In a retcon version of the story, Xu and Bai are amongst the god and goddess, but they break the law in heaven and must repay by living through human lives. The human Xu saves a white snake that is Bai, and they meet again to begin the story of Madame White Snake. Source: Wikipedia the free encyclopedia (English, 2008) vii

7 Actor Christopher Lee acting as Xu Xian with his female counterpart, the White Snake. Adaptation The story has been performed numerous times in Peking opera, Cantonese opera and other Chinese operas: The Legend of the White Serpent (1956), Japanese film made by Toho in collaboration with the Shaw Brothers. Ryo Ikebe and Shirley Yamaguchi starred in the film directed by Shiro Toyoda. The Tale of the White Serpent (1958), the first coloured anime feature film in Japan, released in the United States as Panda and the Magic Serpent. Madam White Snake (1962 film), also from Shaw Brothers. This version is a Huangmeixi opera. Both its Bai (Lin Dai) and Qingqing (Margaret Tu Chan) actors killed themselves a few years after the film was released. Feng Yueh directed. The music is by Fu-ling Wang on a libretto by Chun-ching Li. In the West, there have been children's picture book adaptations of the legend, written by Western authors and illustrated by Chinese artists. They included: Legend of the White Serpent by A. Fullarton Prior, illustrated by Kwan Sang-Mei, published by Charles E. Tuttle Company, Rutland, Vermont, 1960; and Lady White Snake: A Tale From Chinese Opera, by Aaron Shepard, illustrated by Song Nang Zhang, Pan Asian Publications, Union City, California, The novella The Devil Wives of Li Fong by E. Hoffmann Price is based on the story. There are at least 3 stage musical adaptations in Hong Kong. The first one is "Pai Niang Niang" created by Joseph Koo and Wong Jim, premiered in This production marked the start of musical theatre industry in Hong Kong. Another two included "White Snake, Green Snake" in 2005 created by Christopher Wong and "Legend of the White Snake, The" created by Leon Ko and Chris Shum of the musical movie Perhaps Love's fame. Green Snake, a 1993 movie directed by Tsui Hark, told the story from the point of view of green snake Qingqing; this movie starred Joey Wong as Bai and Maggie Cheung as Qingqing. New Legend of Madame White Snake ( 新白娘子传奇 ), a 1993 Taiwanese TV series. In 2001 a TV drama series Madam White Snake starring Fann Wong, which further modified the plot. Actresses such as Yoshiko Otaka, Yu So Chow, Lin Dai and Joey Wong had been involved in various movie adaptations of the story. Source: Wikipedia the free encyclopedia (English, 2008) viii

8 Part 1 白蛇传峨眉山满坡古树藤蔓, 岩石荆丛, 在岩石与古树深处, 藏着几处僧院寺观, 野洞树穴 这里住着一位白蛇精与一位青蛇精, 都是修炼千年以上的蛇仙, 呼风唤雨, 变幻莫测, 本领十分了得 这一日, 她们终于熬守不住洞府高寒, 白云深锁的寂寞, 经不住凡间男婚女嫁, 市井繁华的诱惑, 偷偷溜下山去, 变化成两个青春貌美的少女, 白蛇为主人, 叫白素贞, 青蛇为丫环叫小青, 兴奋异常的来到人间天堂杭州游玩 清明时节, 西子湖畔断桥旁, 男女游人如织, 湖岸春山如黛, 湖面倒影如翠, 像这样山温水软, 男欢女爱的人间美景, 白素贞 小青看得目不暇接, 兴奋新奇, 谈谈说说, 不觉天上乌云翻滚, 下起雨来 姐妹俩忙到柳树下躲避, 只见对面匆匆走来一位英俊青年, 眉清目秀, 儒雅斯文, 撑着一把油布雨伞, 高声呼唤湖上船夫渡他过江返回清波门, 船夫将船靠泊岸边, 柳树下两位年轻女子莺声燕语也在喊他 : 船家! 船家! 钱塘门去吗? 天在下雨, 行个方便, 带我们一程 青年男子命船夫停驶 : 风大雨暴, 柳下焉能避雨, 快送二位娘子先到钱塘门, 后送我去清波门, 多付你船钱就是了! 白素贞以深深万福谢过男子, 急急跳上船来 只见她们罗衫罗裙早已浇透, 男子忙把自己的雨伞借给他们, 自己却淋在雨中 白素贞禁不住偷眼向男子望去, 见他有答无问, 低头不语, 目不斜视, 一脸的忠诚厚道, 白素贞由不得心生爱慕, 千百载修炼不动的心, 陡起狂澜, 砰砰乱跳, 片刻, 船已泊岸钱塘门, 还在落雨, 男子慷慨地将伞借给白氏主仆, 白素贞让小青赶快打听青年名姓, 青年说他姓许名仙, 就在附近的清波门居住 ; 白素贞指着岸上一角红楼邀请道 : 请许官人明日来家中取伞, 我家就住在滨河岸边红楼上, 一定请君子早早光临寒舍 1

9 bái shé chuán 白蛇传 é méi shānmǎnpō gǔ shù téngmàn yán shí jīngcóng zài yán 峨眉山满坡古树藤蔓, 岩石荆丛, 在岩 shí yǔ gǔ shù shēnchù cángzhejǐ chùsēngyuànsì guān yě dòng 石与古树深处, 藏着几处僧院寺观, 野洞 shù xuè zhè lǐ zhù zhe yī wèi bái shé jīng yǔ yī wèi qīngshé 树穴 这里住着一位白蛇精与一位青蛇 jīng dōushì xiū liàn qiānniányǐ shàngde shéxiān hū fēnghuàn 精, 都是修炼千年以上的蛇仙, 呼风唤 yǔ biànhuànmò cè běnlǐng shí fēn le dé zhè yī rì tā 雨, 变幻莫测, 本领十分了得 这一日, 她 ménzhōngyú áo shǒubù zhù dòngfǔ gāo hán báiyún shēnsuǒ de jì 们终于熬守不住洞府高寒, 白云深锁的寂 mò jīng bù zhù fán jiān nánhūn nǚ jià shì jǐng fán huáde yòu 寞, 经不住凡间男婚女嫁, 市井繁华的诱 huò tōu tōu liū xià shānqù biànhuà chéngliǎnggè qīngchūnmàoměi 惑, 偷偷溜下山去, 变化成两个青春貌美 de shàonǚ bái shéwèi zhǔrén jiào bái sù zhēn qīngshé wèi yā 的少女, 白蛇为主人, 叫白素贞, 青蛇为丫 huánjiào xiǎoqīng xīngfèn yì chángde lái dàorén jiān tiāntángháng 环叫小青, 兴奋异常的来到人间天堂杭 zhōuyóu wán 州游玩 qīngmíngshí jié xī zǐ húpàn duànqiáopángnán nǚ yóu rén 清明时节, 西子湖畔断桥旁, 男女游人 rú zhī hú àn chūnshānrú dài hú miàndǎoyǐng rú cuì xiàngzhè 如织, 湖岸春山如黛, 湖面倒影如翠, 像这 2

10 yàngshānwēnshuǐruǎn nán huānnǚ ài de rén jiānměi jǐng báisù 样山温水软, 男欢女爱的人间美景, 白素 zhēn xiǎoqīngkàn dé mù bù xiá jiē xīngfèn xīn qí tán tán shuō 贞 小青看得目不暇接, 兴奋新奇, 谈谈说 shuō bù jué tiānshàngwū yúnfān gǔn xiàqǐ yǔ lái jiě mèiliǎ 说, 不觉天上乌云翻滚, 下起雨来 姐妹俩 máng dào liǔ shù xià duǒ bì zhǐ jiàn duì miàncōngcōngzǒu láiyī 忙到柳树下躲避, 只见对面匆匆走来一 wèi yīngjùn qīngnián méi qīngmù xiù rú yǎ sī wén chēngzhe yī 位英俊青年, 眉清目秀, 儒雅斯文, 撑着一 bǎ yóu bù yǔ sǎn gāoshēnghū huànhú shàngchuánfūdù tā guò 把油布雨伞, 高声呼唤湖上船夫渡他过 jiāngfǎn huí qīngbō mén chuánfū jiāngchuánkào bóàn biān liǔ 江返回清波门, 船夫将船靠泊岸边, 柳 shù xià liǎngwèi niánqīngnǚ zǐ yīngshēngyàn yǔ yě zài hǎn tā 树下两位年轻女子莺声燕语也在喊他 : chuánjiā chuánjiā qián tángmén qùma tiān zài xià yǔ xíng 船家! 船家! 钱塘门去吗? 天在下雨, 行 gè fāngbiàn dài wǒmén yī chéng qīng niánnán zǐ mìngchuánfū 个方便, 带我们一程 青年男子命船夫 tíng shǐ fēngdà yǔ bào liǔ xià yān néngbì yǔ kuàisòngèr 停驶 : 风大雨暴, 柳下焉能避雨, 快送二 wèi niángzǐ xiāndào qián tángménhòu sòngwǒ qù qīngbō mén 位娘子先到钱塘门, 后送我去清波门, duō fù nǐ chuánqiánjiù shì le 多付你船钱就是了! bái sù zhēnyǐ shēn shēnwànfú xièguò nán zǐ jí jí tiào 白素贞以深深万福谢过男子, 急急跳 3

11 GLOSSARY 白蛇传 白蛇傳 B ish zhu n the Story of the White Snake (traditional Chinese opera) 峨眉山 峨眉山 Ÿm i ShÐn Mount Emei [S chuðn 四川 Province] 满 滿 mün full; satisfied; Man [surname] 坡 坡 pƒ a slope; sloping; Singapore 古 古 g ancient, old, age-old, archaic; ancient times; {literature, art} of ancient style, classical [like classical-style poetry]; {written} simple, honest, sincere; Gu [surname] 树 樹 sh a tree; plant; set up, establish (mostly of abstract things); a screen, a partition; measure word for trees; Shu [surname] 藤 藤 t ng rattan, cane; vine 蔓 蔓 w n vine, tendril (of trailing plants) 岩石岩石 y nsh a rock 荆荊 j ng {botany} Chaste Tree, Vitex agnus-castus [used in Chinese medicine for gynecological conditions]; flogging staff made of chaste tree twigs (used to administer punishment); modest reference to one's wife; Jing (ancient name of the State of Chu during the Ch nqi 春秋 Period ( BCE)); Jing [surname] 丛 叢 cšng collect, crowd together, cluster; collection; crowd, group; thicket, clump, grove, shrubbery, bush(es); {measure word}... patch(es) of...,... bush(es) of... [used for grass, plants, leaves etc. growing together]; Cong [surname] 在 在 z i in, on, at; exist, be present, be alive; be in a certain category or class [as in z isußb miün 在所不免 "is (one of those things that is) unavoidable"]; Zai [surname] 与 與 y with, and, together with; give, offer; associate with, have contacts with; support, assist, commend, praise; {written} wait for, await 深处 深處 shñnch depths, inner reaches, recesses (of one's heart, a forest etc.) 藏着 藏著 c ngzhe hiding 几 幾 jþ several, some, a few; how many...? 处 處 ch place; department, office; {measure word} [used for places, location of buildings etc., e.g. liüng ch f ngzi 兩處房子 / 两处房子 "houses in two locations"] 僧院 僧院 sñngyu n Buddhist monastery 寺观 寺觀 s -gu n Buddhist monasteries and Taoist temples; temples 野 埜 yý open country, field; wilderness 洞 洞 d ng hole, cavity, cave; deep valley, canyon; hollow, void; {written} (used like d ng 迵 ) go through, arrive, reach, pierce, penetrate; (of 5

12 water, liquids) flow (down) rapidly, gush out; {medical} diarrhoea; thorough(ly), penetrating(ly), clear(ly), deep(ly); (when saying digits over the phone) "zero" [used like l ng 零 / "zero"] 树穴 樹穴 sh xu a hollow in a tree 这里 這裡 zh li here, this place 住着 住著 zh zhe residing, living, staying 一 一 y one, 1; alone; whole; once... ; [as a digit, often pronounced "yðo" for clarity of understanding]; Yi [surname] 位 位 w i {measure word, formal/polite}... lady/ladies/gentleman/gentlemen [used for persons]; place, position, location; status, situation, position; be located; throne; {math} digit, place; {physics} potential; Wei [surname] 白 白 b i (of colour) white; (of daylight) bright, light; (of facts, the truth etc.) clear; plain, blank, pure; in vain, for nothing, futile, fruitless; free (of charge), gratis; (politically) white [symbolizing a counter-revolutionary or other undesirable political orientation]; funeral; give sb. an unfriendly look; {ethnology} the Bai national minority; Bai [surname]; say, state, explain; {theatre} spoken parts (in a Chinese opera etc.); {linguistics} (of Chinese text) written wrong or mispronounced; dialect; spoken (language), vernacular; colloquial [vs literary] 蛇 蛇 sh snake, serpent 精 精 j ng clever, sharp; refined, choice; extract, essence; excellent, best; fine [in contrast to rough, crude, coarse "c "; skilled, proficient; vigor, energy; sperm; {medical} essence (of life, reproduction etc.); polished white rice 青蛇 青蛇 q ngsh {zoology} eurypholis major 都 都 dƒu all, both, every, in every case; (when preceding sh 是, indicates the cause of sth. that happened) it's all because of...; (following a stressed subject, or in the pattern li n 連 / 连 dƒu 都 ) even..., already... [as in dƒu sh y diün le! 都十一點了 / 都十一点了! "It's eleven o'clock already!"] 是 是 sh am, is, are... [equating two things]; (in the pattern 是 是 ) is it...or is it...?; "Yes!"; "Right!" 修炼 修煉 xi li n practice asceticism, practice self-cultivation (especially of a Taoist) 千 千 qiðn thousand, 1,000; thousands, great many; kilo-; Qian [surname] 年 年 ni n year; yearly, annual; age; period of life [like childhood, middle age]; age, period [like of history]; harvest; New Year, lunar New Year 6

13 writer] 有 有 yßu there is [are, were etc.]; be there, exist; have, own, possess; You [surname] 答 答 d reply, respond, answer; return (a visit, banquet etc.), reciprocate; repay (a favour) [in certain compound words pronounced dð] 无 無 w not have, not exist, not be there; no, not; no matter if, irrespective of; (used in a prohibitive sense) do not, must not...; Wu [surname] 问 問 w n ask, inquire; inquire after (sb.'s health etc.); Wen [surname] 低头 低頭 d tšu lower or hang the head; yield, bow, submit; {written} lower one's head, look down 不 不 b not; no 语 語 y language, words; speak, say; saying, idiom; signal, sign (language) 目不斜视 目不斜視 m b xi sh not look to either side, not be distracted 一脸 一臉 y liün the whole face 忠诚 忠誠 zhƒngch ng loyal, faithful 厚道 厚道 h udao honest and kind/generous 由不得 由不得 yšubude be beyond one's control; cannot help (doing sth.) 得心 得心 d x n understand what is giving on (like of a child after a certain age) 心 心 x n heart; mind, feelings; centre, middle, core; {Chinese astronomy} Xin [one of the rsh bð Xi 二十八宿 "28 Lunar Mansions of the Chinese zodiac"]; {anatomy} heart [as one of the w z ng 五臟 / 五脏 "five vital organs] 生 生 shñng give birth to; live; life; unripe; raw, not thoroughly cooked; unprocessed, unrefined; unfamiliar, unacquainted; student (bound form, as in n shñng 女生 "female student", zh ngsh shñng 正式生 "regular student"); suffix for various kinds or groups of people (like y shñng 醫生 / 医生 "medical doctor"); Sheng [surname] 爱慕 愛慕 im yearn for, long for; be envious of, envy; adore, love, admire 千百 千百 qiðnbüi hundreds and thousands; a large number of... 载 載 z i carry, be loaded with [like passengers, cargo]; everywhere (along the road); {written} and, at the same time, moreover; do, implement; begin, start; adorn, decorate; Zai [surname] 不动 不動 b d ng motionless, not moving, at rest, immobile; stand still 陡起 陡起 dßuqþ begin suddenly; rise steeply 狂澜 狂瀾 ku ngl n huge waves; raging tide, desperate situation 砰砰 砰砰 pñngpñng {onomatopoetic} rat-a-tat (or similar sound of a drum) 乱跳 亂跳 lu nti o jump madly; thump (heart of excited person) 片刻 片刻 pi nk very short period of time, instant; momentarily 已 已 yþ already [short for 已經 / 已经 yþj ng] 17

14 还在 還在 h i z i is still in the process of... 落雨 落雨 lu y rain 慷慨 慷慨 kðngküi vehement; generous, liberal 地 地 d earth, ground, land, floor, soil, field(s), farmland; place, locality, site, area; situation, position; background (of a painting, calligraphy etc.); (following specification of distance) a distance of... [e.g. sh gƒnglþ d 十公里地 "a distance of 10 km"] 伞 傘 sün umbrella, parasol; something shaped like an umbrella; parachute; San [surname] 白氏 白氏 b ish the common people; white (as a trade name) 主仆 主僕 zh p master and servant(s) 让 讓 r ng let, allow; have or make (sb. do sth.), cause; yield, give in, give up; let sb. else have sth. 赶快 趕快 günku i quickly 打听 打聽 düting make inquiries 名姓 名姓 m ngx ng name and surname 说 說 shuƒ speak, say, talk; explain, give an explanation; theory, doctrine, views; scold, criticize; act as go-between or matchmaker, introduce; refer to, hint, indicate; point to 他姓 他姓 tð x ng his surname 许 許 x praise; promise; allow, permit; Xu [surname] 名 名 m ng name; fame, reputation; famous, well-known; {measure word} [used for persons of certain social status, reputation, profession etc.] 就 就 ji then, in this case; on the subject of, with regard to, concerning, regarding, in connection with, as far as (sth. is concerned); approach, move towards; take up, enter upon, start doing (sth.); comply with, yield to; avail oneself of (sth. at hand); at once, right away, in a moment; (adverb indicating that a preceding number/quantity/time is relatively small/few/early) as early as, as long ago as, as soon as, as much/many as; exactly, precisely; only, merely, just, nothing (or no one) else than; even if 在 在 z i in, on, at; exist, be present, be alive; be in a certain category or class [as in z isußb miün 在所不免 "is (one of those things that is) unavoidable"]; Zai [surname] 附近 附近 f j n close(-by), adjacent; in the vicinity; neighbouring 居住 居住 j zh live, dwell, reside 指着 指著 zhþzhe pointing to; referring to; being directed at (like criticism); depending on 岸上 岸上 nshang on the bank 一角 一角 y jiüo a corner, a nook; one "jiao" (ten cents); one quarter (of sth.); {zoology} the narwhal, monodon monoceros 红楼 紅樓 hšnglšu red chamber, magnificent chamber [mostly 18

15 women's chambers in wealthy household] 邀请 邀請 yðoqþng invite; invitation 道 道 d o way, path, road; line; method; morality, virtue, ethics; {philosophy} doctrine, principle (of learning/religion/ethics), course, (the right) orientation, justice; Daoism (Taoism); superstitious sect; {measure word} [used for narrow long shapes like rays, lightning, scars, door(way)s, walls, instructions, (math) problems, (test) questions, courses or dishes of a dinner, steps in a procedure, times, repetitions etc.]; speak, say; suppose, think; Dao [surname]; {administrative} (during the T ng 唐 Dynasty) prefecture; (in Japan) prefecture [like BÝihÜid o 北海道 "Hokkaidƒ"]; (in North Korea) province; {unit of measure} used for h mþ 忽米 "one hundredth of a mm" 请 請 qþng ask, request; invite; please; call on, pay one's respects; question; inform, tell 官人 官人 guðnr n gentleman, sir (especially during the S ng 宋 Dynasty), one's husband; government agent 明日 明日 m ngr tomorrow; some day (in the future) 明 明 m ng bright, clear, evident; open, overt; know, understand; next (in time, sequence etc.); the Ming Dynasty ( ); Ming [surname] 日来 日來 r l i recently, lately 家中 家中 jið-zhƒng (at) home, in one's house 取 取 q take, get, obtain; seek, court; select, choose; verb complement added to certain verbs (i.e. "t ng", "k n" etc.) to indicate realization of the action expressed by the main verb; Qu [surname] 家 家 jið family, household; home, residence; expert/specialist in a certain field [like zu jið 作家 "writer"]; {philosophy} school (of thought) [like r jið 儒家 "the Confucian school"]; party, side; {humble} my...; {regionalism} (of animals) tamed, broken, domesticated; {measure word} [used for families, companies, hotels, stores etc.]; Jia [surname] 就 就 ji then, in this case; on the subject of, with regard to, concerning, regarding, in connection with, as far as (sth. is concerned); approach, move towards; take up, enter upon, start doing (sth.); comply with, yield to; avail oneself of (sth. at hand); at once, right away, in a moment; (adverb indicating that a preceding number/quantity/time is relatively small/few/early) as early as, as long ago as, as soon as, as much/many as; exactly, precisely; only, merely, just, nothing (or no one) else than; even if 19

16 住 住 zh live, dwell, reside; lodge, stay at (as in an inn); stop, halt, cease; {grammar} verb complement indicating that the action of the verb has been securely obtained, completed etc.; verb complement used after "de 得 " (be able to...) and after "bu 不 " (not be able to...) 滨河 濱河 b nh edge of a river 滨 濱 b n water's edge, bank, shore; be near, border on (a sea, river etc.); Harbin 河岸 河岸 h ' n river bank, riverside 红 紅 hšng red (colour); {informal} be popular, be "hot", be in great demand; red cloth [hung to symbolize festive occasions, success, happiness, good luck etc.]; {figurative} (politically) "red" [i.e. Communist, socialist-minded, revolutionary]; {economy} dividend, bonus; Hong [surname] 楼上 樓上 lšush ng upper floor or deck, upstairs 一定 一定 y d ng fixed, determined, definite, regular, specific; certainly, definitely, surely; must, bound to; certain, particular; fair amount of 君子 君子 j nzþ perfect gentleman, man of high virtue; man noted for moral integrity and great intelligence; {formal} you (a form of address by a wife to her husband); upper-class person 早早 早早 züozüo very early; at a very early point 光临 光臨 guðngl n (your) visit; (your) presence [used in invitations] 寒舍 寒舍 h nsh (my) humble home, (my) impoverished family 20

17 Reading Comprehension Test Part 1 What does the underlined character/word/phrase marked in BOLD mean? Supply the correct answer. 1 白蛇传 a. snake b. white snake c. play d. transmission, a story transmitted 2. 峨眉山 a. Emei mountains b. a place in Hangzhou c. a city where White Snake was born d. Emei City in Sichuan Province 3. 满坡古树藤蔓 a. slope b. shore c. mountain view d. trunk of a tree 4. 岩石荆丛 a. slope b. thorns c. rock 5. 在岩石与古树深处 a.abyss b. place c. ancient d. deep 6. 藏着几处僧院寺观 a. appearance b. view c. monk d. a Buddhist monastery 7. 野洞树穴 a. cave, grotto, ravine b. open country c. hole d. tree 21

18 偷偷 tōu tōu Definition stealthily/secretly/covertly/on the sly 19b. 青春 qīng chūn Definition youth/youthfulness 20a. 主人 zh rén Definition master/host 21 d. 白素贞 bái sù zhēn Definition (name of a person) Bai Suzhen, from Madam White Snake 22a. 小青 xio qīng Definition name of a person, Xiaoqing, from Madam White Snake 23d. 杭州 háng zhōu Hangzhou (city) 游 yóu to swim; float, drift; wander, roam 玩 wán play with, joke, enjoy 24a 清明 qīng míng Qingming 时节 shí jié season/time Qingming, Pure Brightness [the fifth of the 24 solar periods, approximately April fifth, the time for paying respects to the dead]; orderly and lawful (government); calm and composed; clear and bright 夫 fū,fú man, male adult, husband; those 将 jiāng,jiàng will, going to, future; general 船 chuán 靠 kào lean on, trust, depend on; near 泊 bó,pō anchor vessel; lie at anchor 岸边 àn biān shore 26a. 带 dài belt, girdle, band, strap, zone 我们 w men we/us/ourselves 一 yī one; a, an; alone. 笔划 " 横 ". 程 chéng journey, trip; schedule, agenda 27a 风 fēng wind; air; manners, atmosphere 大雨 dà y heavy rain 暴 bào,pù violent, brutal, tyrannical 28c. 以 y by means of; thereby, therefore; consider as; in order to 深深 shēn shēn deep/profound 万 wàn ten thousand; innumerable 福 fú,fù happiness, good fortune, blessing 29d. 低头 dī tóu Definition bow head 30c. 君子 jūn zi Definition nobleman/person of noble character 25a. 船 chuán ship, boat, vessel 27

19 Part 2 白素贞带着青儿向许仙深施一礼飘然而去 望着两位小姐远去的身影, 许仙愣怔许久, 心中也生爱慕 : 这位小姐貌如天仙, 对人和蔼, 令人难以忘怀 第二天, 许仙早早来到滨河红楼前, 小青已守候门前多时, 白素贞见许仙如约来到, 十分欣喜, 殷勤地端出早已备好的酒菜, 酬谢许仙雨中慷慨借伞的情谊, 劝酒时, 白素贞有意地探询起许仙的身世 许仙是位苦命人, 自幼父母双亡, 由胞姐许氏抚养长大, 姐夫家并不宽裕, 将他推荐到药铺做了个小夥计, 许仙做事勤恳忠实, 深得信任, 昨日是母亲的忌日, 请假到灵隐山后祭扫母坟, 归途有缘遇见白氏主仆 白素贞听说许仙是个无依无靠的贫家子弟 芳心一动, 起身叫过小青要她再三打听许公子是否已娶有妻室? 如若尚未婚配, 求青儿做月老牵红线为她与许仙做媒配鸳鸯, 说罢含羞避进内室 小青心直口快是个急性子, 三言两语地盘问起许仙 : 许官人, 我们小姐问你可有妻室? 小生孤苦伶仃, 何谈娶亲二字 小青拍掌叫好 : 您既没有娶亲, 我家小姐也没有出嫁, 再说我们主仆二人在这儿没亲没故的, 我家小姐意欲与您结为百年佳偶, 您意下如何? 许仙听说此意, 真是喜出望外, 只是顾虑家贫无钱置办彩礼, 无钱养活家小, 小青却要他不必发愁 : 这钱么? 您就不用发愁了, 我们先老爷去世后, 留有一笔丰厚的遗产, 平日吃穿花用是足够的了 您既在药铺做夥计, 我家小姐又深明药理, 会号脉诊病, 成亲后, 开个药店既能治病救人, 又能养活家小, 岂不甚好! 许仙真是大喜过望, 马上起身要回去禀知姐姐与姐夫, 待 28

20 送过聘礼后, 再订日子迎娶小姐过门 小青劝道 : 哎, 要什么聘礼呀! 您那把雨伞就是订亲的上好聘礼, 今天就是吉日良辰, 我点上花烛您们二位就可以拜堂成亲了, 不用惊动你家姐姐与姐夫, 不用花一钱送一礼, 就娶个漂亮的弟媳妇回家, 他们该有多高兴啊! 这种突如其来的幸运, 真叫许仙不知如何是好, 他是个老实人, 对这等天赐良缘, 当然是求之不得的欢喜, 红着脸, 点头不语 许仙答应了婚事, 小青里里外外地忙碌起来, 刹那间堂屋里红烛高照, 喜帐高悬, 身着凤冠霞帔的白素贞楚楚动人地走出堂来, 听凭小青一人摆布 又是证婚人, 又是主婚人的小青热热闹闹地喊道 : 奏乐, 搀新人 邻室果然有喜庆的乐声传来 小青又喊 : 先拜天地, 后拜高堂, 夫妻对拜 礼拜毕, 一对新人送进洞房, 永结百年好合 婚后, 夫妇恩爱异常 不久白素贞带着许仙辞别家人, 搬到镇江金山脚下开了一处药店 保和堂, 白素贞把脉诊病, 许仙进药卖药, 夫妻俩救治不少危难病人, 渐渐地 保和堂 名扬四外, 生意兴隆 许仙自幼孤苦而贫穷, 自成亲后, 在家有人疼爱, 出外为民解除痛苦, 体味到了人生的甜美幸福, 不知不觉白素贞已身怀有孕 镇江金山寺有位法海高僧, 多日来, 静坐禅堂, 觉出金山寺下有股妖雾笼罩, 空气十分异样, 掐算出峨眉山白蛇精携青蛇精来此地定居 不觉十分气恼, 江南一带庙多 经多, 乃是佛家圣地, 岂能容此妖孽生存, 事不宜迟, 他更衣持杖, 亲自下山降服蛇精, 度化许仙 许仙正在堂内忙碌生意, 只见门外隐隐地走进一位白发高 29

21 僧, 点名要见许仙, 自我介绍是从金山寺赶来要为许施主治病的僧人 许仙客气地将他请进后堂, 奉上茶来, 法海无语, 沉重地上上下下打量着许仙, 看得许仙毛骨悚然, 良久, 法海才开口 : 观看施主满脸黑气, 浑身的不祥, 果真是被妖孽所缠 许仙不解其意, 惶恐惊惧, 追问道 : 妖孽现在何方? 如何要与我过不去? 法海压低了声音恐吓道 : 这妖孽就在施主身边, 不是别人, 正是施主的妻子白素贞, 这白素贞貌似天仙, 美丽温和, 实乃蛇精所化, 你若执迷不悟, 旧后必受其害! 许仙被这意外的警告吓得不知所措, 一时绝不能相信美貌善心的妻子, 竟是害人的妖精所变, 慌乱无主连连责问法海 : 娘子既要害我, 为何与我恩爱异常? 为何给我生儿育女? 此乃迷惑你的手段, 时机到来, 定会将你吞吃腹内! 她每日废寝忘食, 医治病人难道也是迷惑于我么? 老实人一连串执著的问题, 问得法海哑口无言, 深深地叹息 : 许官人, 老僧喜你善根甚深, 才亲自下山指点于你, 谁想你妄念太痴, 说也无益了 也罢! 待到今年端阳佳节, 你劝她多喝几杯雄黄酒, 待到她身现原形, 你就知道我不是骗你了 法海告辞而去 许仙回到柜台思来想去 : 突如其来的法海和尚究竟是何人? 他的胡言乱语究竟是何用意? 过了几日, 他就渐渐淡忘此事 端阳节到了, 依扛南民俗, 这一天家家户户绑扎艾叶点燃, 熏杀五毒害虫, 百虫五毒十分惧怕此日, 即使有千年修行道法的白蛇与青蛇到此日也是混身无力, 心神恍惚, 会借故到深山躲避, 但今年痴情的白素贞不愿离开丈夫寸步, 怀着侥幸守在店里, 小青劝说不动, 只好自己躲了 30

22 bái sù zhēndài zhe qīngér xiàngxǔ xiān shēnshī yī lǐ piāo rán ér 白素贞带着青儿向许仙深施一礼飘然而 qù wàng zhe liǎngwèi xiǎojiě yuǎnqù de shēnyǐngxǔ xiānlèng 去 望着两位小姐远去的身影, 许仙愣 zhēngxǔ jiǔ xīn zhōngyě shēngài mù zhèwèi xiǎojiě màorú tiān 怔许久, 心中也生爱慕 : 这位小姐貌如天 xiān duì rén hé ǎi lìng rén nán yǐ wànghuái 仙, 对人和蔼, 令人难以忘怀 dì èr tiān xǔ xiānzǎo zǎolái dàobīn héhóng lóuqián xiǎo 第二天, 许仙早早来到滨河红楼前, 小 qīngyǐ shǒuhòumén qiánduō shí báisù zhēnjiàn xǔ xiānrú yuē lái 青已守候门前多时, 白素贞见许仙如约来 dào shí fēn xīn xǐ yīn qín dì duān chū zǎo yǐ bèi hǎo de jiǔ 到, 十分欣喜, 殷勤地端出早已备好的酒 cài chóuxiè xǔ xiānyǔ zhōngkāng kǎijiè sǎnde qíngyì quàn jiǔ 菜, 酬谢许仙雨中慷慨借伞的情谊, 劝酒 shí bái sù zhēnyǒu yì dì tàn xúnqǐ xǔ xiānde shēnshì 时, 白素贞有意地探询起许仙的身世 xǔ xiānshì wèikǔ mìngrén zì yòu fù mǔ shuāngwángyóu 许仙是位苦命人, 自幼父母双亡, 由 bāo jiě xǔ shì fǔ yǎngchángdà jiě fū jiā bìngbù kuānyù jiāng 胞姐许氏抚养长大, 姐夫家并不宽裕, 将 tā tuī jiàn dào yào pū zuòle gè xiǎohuǒ jì xǔ xiānzuòshì qín 他推荐到药铺做了个小夥计, 许仙做事勤 kěn zhōngshí shēn dé xìn rèn zuó rì shì mǔqīn de jì rì qǐng 恳忠实, 深得信任, 昨日是母亲的忌日, 请 jiǎ dàolíng yǐn shānhòu jì sǎomǔ fén guītú yǒuyuányù jiànbái 假到灵隐山后祭扫母坟, 归途有缘遇见白 31

23 yīngyàn dǎo shì yīngyàn bù guòhòu lái yòuzài fángliángshàngchū 应验倒是应验, 不过后来又在房梁上出 xiànmǎngshé dà jiā dōushuōcǐ nǎi cānglóng jiànglín shì gè fù 现莽蛇, 大家都说此乃苍龙降临, 是个富 guì jí zhào 贵吉兆 nǐ yuányǐ bèibái shé xià sǐ shìtā dàodé xiāncǎo 你原已被白蛇吓死, 是她盗得仙草, cái jiāngnǐ jiù huó zhè cānglóngnǎi shì tā yòngbái líng suǒ 才将你救活, 这苍龙乃是她用白绫所 huà ruò fēi yāoguài yān néngyǒu cǐ běn lǐng 化, 若非妖怪, 焉能有此本领! nǎi shì gè rú cǐ shuōlái wǒ niángzǐ màosǐ jiù wǒ xìngmìngzhēn 如此说来, 我娘子冒死救我性命, 真 hǎorén nǎ 乃是个好人哪! tā bù guòshì tān liàn nǐ de qīngchūn yī dàn niánmào xiāo 她不过是贪恋你的青春, 一旦年貌消 shī qīngchūnbù zài nǐ jiù huì zàngsòngzài shé fù zhī nèi 失, 青春不再, 你就会葬送在蛇腹之内 xǔ xiānběn shì gè bèixià pò dǎn le de rén xiànzài yòu 许仙本是个被吓破胆了的人, 现在又 tīng jǐng gào bù zhī suǒ cuò qǐ qiú jiě jiù fǎ hǎi shuō 听警告, 不知所措, 乞求解救 法海说 : zhǐ yǒu guī yī fó jiāo cái néngjiě jiù nǐ de xìngmìng 只有皈依佛教, 才能解救你的性命 xǔ xiānbù jiā sī kǎo dāngchǎngbài fǎ hǎi wèishī fǎ hǎi 许仙不加思考, 当场拜法海为师, 法海 129

24 GLOSSARY 应验 應驗 y ngy n come true, be fulfilled (of prophesies, expectations etc.) 倒是 倒是 d osh on the contrary, but, yet; but actually, but really; [also pronounced "d oshi"] 不过 不過 b gu but, however, nevertheless; only 不 不 b not; no 过后 過後 gu h u from now on, in the future; afterwards, later 后来 後來 h ul i afterwards, later 又 又 y u again; also; on the other hand...; then [indicating one action happening right after another]; (in the pattern 又 又 y u...y u...) both... and... 在 在 z i in, on, at; exist, be present, be alive; be in a certain category or class [as in z isußb miün 在所不免 "is (one of those things that is) unavoidable"]; Zai [surname] 房梁 房梁 f ngli ng house beam 上 上 sh ng on, on top of...; first (in a series); go up, go up to; go to; last, the previous [like sh ng (g ) x ngq w 上 ( 個 ) 星期五 "last Friday"]; bolt, lock (a door etc.); [used after a verb as a resultative ending to indicate the amount or extent reached] 出现 出現 ch xi n appear, emerge, happen 莽 莽 müng thick growth of grass; rash, careless; grass; big, large; bamboo 蛇 蛇 sh snake, serpent 大家 大家 d jið everybody, everyone, all of us/you (often used in reference to the members of an audience etc.); (after the pronouns nþmen 你們 / 你们, wßmen 我們 / 我们, z nmen 咱們 / 咱们, or tðmen 他們 / 他们 :) all of (you/us/them); master, authority, expert; a powerful family 都 都 dƒu all, both, every, in every case; (when preceding sh 是, indicates the cause of sth. that happened) it's all because of...; (following a stressed subject, or in the pattern li n 連 / 连 dƒu 都 ) even..., already... [as in dƒu sh y diün le! 都十一點了 / 都十一点了! "It's eleven o'clock already!"] 说 說 shuƒ speak, say, talk; explain, give an explanation; theory, doctrine, views; scold, criticize; act as go-between or matchmaker, introduce; refer to, hint, indicate; point to 此 此 cþ this; now, here 乃 乃 nüi be, become; thereupon; only if, only then; you, your 苍龙 蒼龍 CÐnglŠng {Chinese astronomy} Black Dragon [name of 140

25 the seven eastern constellations of the rsh bð Xi 二十八宿 "28 Lunar Mansions of the Chinese zodiac"]; Jupiter; ancient legendary demon; evil-doer 降临 降臨 ji ngl n arrive, befall; come 是 是 sh am, is, are... [equating two things]; (in the pattern 是 是 ) is it...or is it...?; "Yes!"; "Right!" 个 個 g {measure word} (usually pronounced in the q ngshñng 輕聲 / 轻声 "light tone") [used before a noun not having a dedicated measure word of its own, e.g. sðn g x ngq 三個星期 / 三个星期 "three weeks", liüng g w nt 兩個問題 / 两个问题 "two questions/problems"]; (contraction of y g 一個 / 一个, used between a verb and its object) a...; (pronounced with full fourth tone) individual 富贵 富貴 f gu riches and honour, wealth and high position 吉兆 吉兆 j zh o good omen 你 你 nþ you [second person, singular]; one, anyone 原已 原已 yu nyþ already; previously 被 被 b i (as passive prefix) be...; by [followed by a verb: indicates passive voice, used directly before the verb without mentioning the doer of the action]; quilt; {written} cover (with); suffer, meet, encounter 白 白 b i (of colour) white; (of daylight) bright, light; (of facts, the truth etc.) clear; plain, blank, pure; in vain, for nothing, futile, fruitless; free (of charge), gratis; (politically) white [symbolizing a counter-revolutionary or other undesirable political orientation]; funeral; give sb. an unfriendly look; {ethnology} the Bai national minority; Bai [surname]; say, state, explain; {theatre} spoken parts (in a Chinese opera etc.); {linguistics} (of Chinese text) written wrong or mispronounced; dialect; spoken (language), vernacular; colloquial [vs literary] 吓死 嚇死 xi sþ be frightened to death, die of fright; frighten to death 她 她 tð she (third person singular, feminine); {formal} she (as a reference to one's country, party, flag etc.) 盗 盜 d o rob, steal, burglarize; robber, thief, burglar 得 得 de {grammar} (as verb suffix) able to...; to the degree of...[used after certain verbs to indicate ability, possibility, or achievement to a certain degree, e.g. wß k n de hýn q ngchu 我看得很清楚 "I could see it clearly"] 仙草仙草 xiðncüo {botany, Chinese medicine} the Mesona herb, Mesona Procumbens Hemsl. [plant with medicinal uses or to make a cooling summer drink and jellied summer food; also called 141

26 Reading Comprehension Test Part 4 1. Choose the correct answer for the characters, words/phrases/sentence parts in bold underlined below. 应验倒是 (1) 应验, 不过后来又在房梁上出现莽蛇, 大家都说此乃苍 (2) 龙降临, 是个富贵吉兆 你原已被白蛇吓死, 是她盗得仙草, 才将你救活, 这苍龙乃是她用白绫所化, 若非妖怪, 焉能有此本领! (3) 如此说来, 我娘子冒死救我 ( 4) 性命, 真乃是个好人哪! 她不过是贪恋你的青春, 一旦年貌消失,(5) 青春不再, 你就会葬送在蛇腹之内 (6) 许仙本是个被吓破胆了的人, 现在又听警告, 不知所措, 乞求解救 法海说 : 只有皈依佛教,(7) 才能解救你的性命 许仙 (8) 不加思考, 当场拜法海为师, 法海要带许仙回寺剃度出家, 关键时刻, 许仙又犹豫不决了 他舍不得妻子的恩爱, 舍不得妻子腹中的许家骨肉 法海看破他的心思, 略施小计, 假说先带他到庙内拈香还愿, 然后再将蛇精与他的孽缘因果说清,(9) 生死福祸由许仙自己选择 (10) 许仙随法海到达庙内, 立刻便被几个小和尚锁进禅房, 不准回转家门, 被迫苦读法华经卷 (1) a. must verify, examine, b. must not verify, c. has been verified, d. should not verify. (2) a. dragon boat festival, b. dragon befall, c. a symbol of the emperor, d. imperial seal (3) a. so to say, b. that way of not saying it, c. cannot say, d. must be said. (4) a. living, b. existing, c. life, d. eternal life as a Daoist sage (5) a. young, b. becoming old, c. remaining youthful, d. no longer young (6) a. Xu Xian is scared, b. Xu Xian ruins his gall bladder, c. Xu Xian is afraid to ruin his gall bladder, d. Xu Xian never ruined his gall bladder. (7) a. save your life, b. ability to safe your life, c. cannot save your life, d. will not save your life (8) a. increase reflection and thinking, b. not increase reflection and thinking, c. no reflection and thinking at all, d. will increase reflection and thinking. (9)a. Death and life, fortune and misfortune cannot be determined. b. Xu Xian cannot determine his death and life, fortune and misfortune. c. Death and life, fortune and misfortune of Xu Xian depend on his own choice. d. Death and life, fortune and misfortune have all been chosen by Xu Xian. 180

27 (10) a. Xu Xian followed Fahai. b. Fahai followed Xu Xian to the temple inside. c. Xu Xian followed Fahai to the temple inside. d. Fahai could not follow Xu Xian. 2. Insert the missing characters/words/phrases and sentence parts in the correct order. Items to be inserted: a. 金山 b. 拆散夫妻 c. 公夫 d. 高德的和尚 e. 为所欲 f. 法海也施法术调动护江神将 g. 未归 h. 淹 i. 胎气 j. 白娘子 k. 胎. 许仙一连三日 (1), 白素贞情知不妙, 带着小青赶到了 (2) 寺门前要人, 小青火冒三丈, 对着寺门高声叫骂 : 我家小姐与许相 (3) 唱妇随恩爱情真, 你这老匹夫活活 (4), 破坏团圆, 心术太坏, 今日你若放出许官人, 万事不讲, 倘若迟延, 我就让水涌长江,(5) 没你的寺院! 白素贞急忙喝住小青, 缓和地向法海赔笑道 : 我与许仙结良缘同来镇江, 经营药店, 解救人间病痛, 现已是七月怀 (6), 就要临盆, 求禅师替我素贞着想, 发下慈悲心, 还我许郎 白素贞! 你休痴心妄想 许仙前生是位 (7), 岂能与你这妖精配成夫妻, 你如果 (8) 为, 我一定对你严惩不饶! 铁石心肠的法海毫不动容, 白素贞无奈只得与小青依仗千年道行调动来长江各水族的兵将, 将长江大水漫过金山,(9), 双方你来我往, 展开一场殊死搏斗, 白素贞终于敌不过神将之力, 被触 (10), 败下阵来, 在小青掩护下, 退败至杭州 被锁在禅房的许仙, 哪有心思读经卷, 心想的都是 (11) 3. Insert the missing characters/words/phrases and sentence parts: 忽然外面传来惊天动地的喊杀声, 看守他的小沙弥悄悄告诉他 : 是你家娘子找你来了! 果然有妻子焦急地呼唤 : 许郎啊! 许郎, 你到底在哪里? 为妻找你来了! 许仙心如刀绞, 跪在沙弥面前, 求他放出他去见妻子一面 这时获胜归来的法海看见许仙如热锅上的蚂蚁般心神不定, 失望得很 : 似这等凡心不死, 如何能出家修行? 也罢, 我赐你神风一阵, 给你与白妖一重聚之日 一阵狂风骤起, 许仙双足离地而飞, 飘飘摇摇被送往西湖边, 断桥上 惨败的白素贞带着小青落魄地来到西湖断桥,(1) 依旧, 但美满姻缘已不复昨日, 白素贞倚着小青艰难行走, 伤感落泪, 小青咬牙切齿, 痛骂许仙狼心狗肺 白素贞仍旧心疼地维护丈夫 : 许郎疑惧我, 疏远我本是常情, 要怪只怪老法海无缘无故拆散别人的恩爱夫妻 这时天地间骤然狂风刮起, 飘飘扬扬从天上降下一个人来, 落在白素贞面前, 这人正是许官人 小青一见许仙份外眼红, 抽出利剑直朝许仙刺去, 白素贞忙用身体护卫丈夫, 小青依旧不依不饶地追杀许仙, 许仙痛悔地跪在娘子面前乞求饶命, 白素贞心疼地埋 181

28 Answer Key on Test Part 4 1. (1) a. 应 yīng,yìng should, ought to, must 验 yàn test, examine, inspect; verify (2)b. 龙 lóng dragon; symbolic of emperor 降临 jiàng lìn befall (3)a. 如此 rú cǐ in this way/so 说 shuō,yuè,shuì speak, say, talk; scold, upbraid 来 lái come, coming; return, returning (4)c. 性命 xìng mìng (5)d. 青春 qīng chūn youth/youthfulness 不再 bù zài no more/no longer (6) c. 许仙 xǔ xiān name of a person, Xu Xian, from Madam White Snake 本 běn root, origin, source; basis 是 shì indeed, yes, right; to be; demonstrative pronoun, this, that 个 gè,gě numerary adjunct, piece; single 被 bèi passive indicator 'by'; bedding 吓 xià,hè scare, frighten; intimidate 破 pò break, ruin, destroy; rout 胆 dǎn gall bladder; bravery, courage 了 le,liǎo,liào to finish; particle of completed action 的 de,dè,dí,dì possessive, adjectival suffix 人 rén man; people; mankind; someone else (7) b. 才能 cái néng talent/ability/capacity 解救 jiě jiù rescue/save 你 nǐ you, second person pronoun 的 de,dè,dí,dì possessive, adjectival suffix 性命 xìng mìng (n) life (8) b. 不 bù no, not; un-; negative prefix 加 jiā add to, increase, augment 思考 sī kǎo think/reflect/ponder (9) d. 生 shēng life, living, lifetime; birth 死 sǐ die; dead; death 福 fú,fù happiness, good fortune, blessing 祸 huò misfortune, calamity, disaster 由 yóu cause, reason; from 许仙 xǔ xiān name of a person, Xu Xian, from Madam White Snake 自己 zì jǐ self/(reflexive pronoun)/own 选择 xuǎn zé to select/to pick/to choose/to make a choice (10) c. 随 suí follow, listen to, submit to 法海 fà hǎi name of a Buddhist monk, Fahai, from Madam White Snake 到达 dào dá to reach/to arrive 庙 miào temple, shrine; imperial court 内 nèi inside 183

29 Appendix The Entire Text 185

30 186

31 Total Character Occurrences: 5670 Character Index and Frequency Of Occurence Order Char Fanti Pinyin Occur Freq Acc_Freq 1 不 bù 107 1,89% 1,89% 2 许 許 xǔ 102 1,80% 3,69% 3 的 di 101 1,78% 5,47% 4 仙 仙 xiā n 98 1,73% 7,20% 5 白 bái 80 1,41% 8,61% 6 我 wǒ 73 1,29% 9,89% 7 是 shì 71 1,25% 11,15% 8 人 rén 70 1,23% 12,38% 9 你 nǐ 63 1,11% 13,49% 10 一 yī 61 1,08% 14,57% 11 贞 貞 zhē n 59 1,04% 15,61% 12 素 sù 59 1,04% 16,65% 13 子 zǐ 54 0,95% 17,60% 14 青 qī ng 54 0,95% 18,55% 15 小 xiǎ o 52 0,92% 19,47% 16 来 來 lái 46 0,81% 20,28% 17 下 xià 39 0,69% 20,97% 18 了 了 liao 39 0,69% 21,66% 19 家 家 jiā 38 0,67% 22,33% 20 法 法 fǎ 36 0,63% 22,96% 21 地 di 35 0,62% 23,58% 22 在 zài 35 0,62% 24,20% 23 心 xī n 33 0,58% 24,78% 24 这 這 zhè 33 0,58% 25,36% 25 妻 qī 32 0,56% 25,93% 26 夫 夫 fū 32 0,56% 26,49% 27 姐 jiě 32 0,56% 27,05% 28 日 rì 32 0,56% 27,62% 29 海 hǎ i 31 0,55% 28,17% 30 到 dào 31 0,55% 28,71% 31 有 yǒ u 29 0,51% 29,22% 32 得 de 29 0,51% 29,74% 33 山 shā n 29 0,51% 30,25% 34 他 tā 28 0,49% 30,74% 35 去 qù 27 0,48% 31,22% 36 上 shàng 26 0,46% 31,68% 37 如 rú 25 0,44% 32,12% 38 着 著 zhuó 25 0,44% 32,56% 39 将 將 jiā ng 24 0,42% 32,98% 40 与 與 yǔ 24 0,42% 33,40% 41 出 出 chū 23 0,41% 33,81% 42 见 見 jiàn 23 0,41% 34,22% 43 说 說 shuō 23 0,41% 34,62% 44 为 為 wéi 23 0,41% 35,03% 45 道 dào 22 0,39% 35,41% 192

32 46 无 無 wú 22 0,39% 35,80% 47 就 jiù 22 0,39% 36,19% 48 蛇 蛇 shé 22 0,39% 36,58% 49 此 cǐ 21 0,37% 36,95% 50 自 zì 21 0,37% 37,32% 51 后 後 hòu 21 0,37% 37,69% 52 娘 娘 niáng 21 0,37% 38,06% 53 过 過 guò 21 0,37% 38,43% 54 身 shē n 20 0,35% 38,78% 55 生 shē ng 20 0,35% 39,14% 56 天 tiā n 20 0,35% 39,49% 57 她 tā 20 0,35% 39,84% 58 酒 jiǔ 19 0,34% 40,18% 59 大 dà 19 0,34% 40,51% 60 起 qǐ 19 0,34% 40,85% 61 苦 kǔ 18 0,32% 41,16% 62 然 rán 18 0,32% 41,48% 63 已 yǐ 18 0,32% 41,80% 64 个 個 gè 18 0,32% 42,12% 65 救 救 jiù 17 0,30% 42,42% 66 又 yòu 17 0,30% 42,72% 67 命 命 mìng 17 0,30% 43,02% 68 年 年 nián 17 0,30% 43,32% 69 被 bèi 16 0,28% 43,60% 70 亲 親 qī n 16 0,28% 43,88% 71 情 qíng 16 0,28% 44,16% 72 深 shē n 16 0,28% 44,44% 73 想 xiǎ ng 15 0,26% 44,71% 74 要 yào 15 0,26% 44,97% 75 带 帶 dài 15 0,26% 45,24% 76 爱 愛 ài 15 0,26% 45,50% 77 开 開 kā i 14 0,25% 45,75% 78 内 內 nèi 14 0,25% 46,00% 79 中 zhō ng 14 0,25% 46,24% 80 也 yě 14 0,25% 46,49% 81 门 門 mén 14 0,25% 46,74% 82 回 回 huí 14 0,25% 46,98% 83 看 kàn 14 0,25% 47,23% 84 妖 yā o 13 0,23% 47,46% 85 金 jī n 13 0,23% 47,69% 86 恩 ē n 13 0,23% 47,92% 87 何 hé 13 0,23% 48,15% 88 进 進 jìn 13 0,23% 48,38% 89 好 hǎ o 13 0,23% 48,61% 90 端 duā n 13 0,23% 48,84% 91 儿 兒 ér 13 0,23% 49,07% 92 官 guā n 13 0,23% 49,29% 93 动 動 dòng 13 0,23% 49,52% 94 对 對 duì 13 0,23% 49,75% 95 只 只 zhǐ 13 0,23% 49,98% 96 忙 máng 13 0,23% 50,21% 193

33 97 时 時 shí 13 0,23% 50,44% 98 堂 táng 13 0,23% 50,67% 99 高 gā o 13 0,23% 50,90% 100 们 們 men 13 0,23% 51,13% 101 丈 zhàng 12 0,21% 51,34% 102 杯 杯 bē i 12 0,21% 51,55% 103 才 才 cái 12 0,21% 51,76% 104 今 jī n 12 0,21% 51,98% 105 性 xìng 12 0,21% 52,19% 106 意 yì 12 0,21% 52,40% 107 听 聽 tī ng 12 0,21% 52,61% 108 主 zhǔ 12 0,21% 52,82% 109 间 間 jiā n 12 0,21% 53,03% 110 位 wèi 12 0,21% 53,25% 111 住 zhù 12 0,21% 53,46% 112 饮 飲 yǐ n 11 0,19% 53,65% 113 离 離 lí 11 0,19% 53,84% 114 神 shén 11 0,19% 54,04% 115 痛 tòng 11 0,19% 54,23% 116 房 fáng 11 0,19% 54,43% 117 病 bìng 11 0,19% 54,62% 118 活 huó 11 0,19% 54,81% 119 您 nín 11 0,19% 55,01% 120 老 lǎ o 11 0,19% 55,20% 121 药 藥 yào 11 0,19% 55,40% 122 能 néng 11 0,19% 55,59% 123 雨 yǔ 11 0,19% 55,78% 124 精 jī ng 11 0,19% 55,98% 125 死 si 10 0,18% 56,16% 126 所 suǒ 10 0,18% 56,33% 127 待 dài 10 0,18% 56,51% 128 外 wài 10 0,18% 56,68% 129 劝 勸 quàn 10 0,18% 56,86% 130 前 qián 10 0,18% 57,04% 131 怀 懷 huái 10 0,18% 57,21% 132 和 和 hé 10 0,18% 57,39% 133 问 問 wèn 10 0,18% 57,57% 134 己 jǐ 10 0,18% 57,74% 135 早 zǎ o 10 0,18% 57,92% 136 江 jiā ng 10 0,18% 58,10% 137 叫 jiào 10 0,18% 58,27% 138 男 nán 10 0,18% 58,45% 139 连 連 lián 9 0,16% 58,61% 140 帐 帳 zhàng 9 0,16% 58,77% 141 之 zhī 9 0,16% 58,92% 142 知 zhī 9 0,16% 59,08% 143 求 qiú 9 0,16% 59,24% 144 依 yī 9 0,16% 59,40% 145 喜 xǐ 9 0,16% 59,56% 146 而 ér 9 0,16% 59,72% 147 红 紅 hóng 9 0,16% 59,88% 194

34 Characters of White Snake HSK Relevance Order Char Fanti Pinyin HSK S-Rank 1 白 bái 甲 蛇 蛇 shé 乙 传 傳 chuán 乙 峨 峨 é 眉 méi 丙 山 shā n 甲 满 滿 mǎ n 甲 坡 pō 乙 古 gǔ 乙 树 樹 shù 甲 藤 藤 téng 丁 蔓 wàn 岩 岩 yán 丙 石 shí 乙 荆 荊 jī ng 丛 叢 cóng 丙 在 zài 甲 4 18 与 與 yǔ 乙 深 shē n 甲 处 處 chù 甲 藏 cáng 乙 着 著 zhuó 甲 几 幾 jǐ 甲 僧 sē ng 院 yuàn 甲 寺 sì 丁 观 觀 guā n 甲 野 野 yě 乙 洞 dòng 乙 穴 xué 丁 这 這 zhè 甲 里 裡 lǐ 甲 住 zhù 甲 一 yī 甲 2 35 位 wèi 甲 精 jī ng 甲 青 qī ng 甲 都 dū 甲 是 shì 甲 3 40 修 修 xiū 乙 炼 煉 liàn 甲 千 qiā n 甲 年 年 nián 甲 以 以 yǐ 甲 上 shàng 甲

35 46 的 di 甲 1 47 仙 仙 xiā n 丁 呼 呼 hū 乙 风 風 fē ng 甲 唤 喚 huàn 丙 雨 yǔ 甲 变 變 biàn 甲 幻 huàn 丙 莫 mò 丁 测 測 cè 乙 本 bě n 甲 领 領 lǐ ng 甲 十 shí 甲 分 fē n 甲 了 了 liao 甲 5 61 得 de 甲 日 rì 甲 她 tā 甲 们 們 men 甲 终 終 zhō ng 乙 于 於 yú 乙 熬 áo 丙 守 shǒ u 乙 不 bù 甲 6 70 府 fǔ 甲 高 gā o 甲 寒 hán 甲 云 雲 yún 甲 锁 鎖 suǒ 丙 寂 jì 丙 寞 mò 丙 经 經 jī ng 甲 凡 凡 fán 乙 间 間 jiā n 甲 男 nán 甲 婚 hū n 乙 女 nǚ 甲 嫁 jià 丙 市 shì 甲 井 jǐ ng 乙 繁 繁 fán 乙 华 華 huá 丙 诱 誘 yòu 丁 惑 huò 丁 偷 偷 tō u 乙 溜 liū 丙 下 xià 甲 去 qù 甲 化 huà 甲 成 chéng 甲 两 兩 liǎ ng 甲

36 Total Word Occurrences: 3348 Words and Frequency Of Occurence Order Word Fanti Pinyin Occur Freq Acc_Freq 1 的 de 100 2,99% 2,99% 2 许仙 許仙 xǔ xiā n 79 2,36% 5,35% 3 我 wǒ 63 1,88% 7,23% 4 是 shì 62 1,85% 9,08% 5 你 nǐ 60 1,79% 10,87% 6 白素贞白素貞 báisùzhē n 58 1,73% 12,60% 7 不 bù 55 1,64% 14,25% 8 了 了 le 37 1,11% 15,35% 9 小青 xiǎ oqī ng 34 1,02% 16,37% 10 一 yī 32 0,96% 17,32% 11 在 zài 29 0,87% 18,19% 12 法海 fǎ hǎ i 28 0,84% 19,03% 13 到 dào 26 0,78% 19,80% 14 来 來 lái 26 0,78% 20,58% 15 他 tā 25 0,75% 21,33% 16 下 xià 24 0,72% 22,04% 17 这 這 zhè 24 0,72% 22,76% 18 与 與 yǔ 24 0,72% 23,48% 19 地 de 23 0,69% 24,16% 20 着 著 zhe 23 0,69% 24,85% 21 就 jiù 21 0,63% 25,48% 22 许 許 xǔ 20 0,60% 26,08% 23 她 tā 18 0,54% 26,61% 24 将 將 jiā ng 18 0,54% 27,15% 25 又 yòu 17 0,51% 27,66% 26 家 家 jiā 17 0,51% 28,17% 27 有 yǒ u 17 0,51% 28,67% 28 娘子 niángzǐ 17 0,51% 29,18% 29 得 de 17 0,51% 29,69% 30 蛇 蛇 shé 17 0,51% 30,20% 31 妻子 qī zi 15 0,45% 30,65% 32 个 個 gè 15 0,45% 31,09% 33 去 qù 15 0,45% 31,54% 34 被 bèi 14 0,42% 31,96% 35 上 shàng 14 0,42% 32,38% 36 出 出 chū 13 0,39% 32,77% 37 官人 guā nrén 13 0,39% 33,15% 38 为 為 wèi 13 0,39% 33,54% 39 杯 杯 bē i 12 0,36% 33,90% 40 夫妻 fū qī 12 0,36% 34,26% 41 带 帶 dài 12 0,36% 34,62% 42 位 wèi 12 0,36% 34,98% 43 性命 xìngmìng 11 0,33% 35,30% 44 丈夫 zhàngfu 11 0,33% 35,63% 45 想 xiǎ ng 11 0,33% 35,96% 228

37 46 内 內 nèi 11 0,33% 36,29% 47 此 cǐ 11 0,33% 36,62% 48 要 yào 11 0,33% 36,95% 49 后 後 hòu 11 0,33% 37,28% 50 也 yě 11 0,33% 37,60% 51 起 qǐ 11 0,33% 37,93% 52 白 bái 11 0,33% 38,26% 53 救 救 jiù 10 0,30% 38,56% 54 才 才 cái 10 0,30% 38,86% 55 您 nín 10 0,30% 39,16% 56 人 rén 10 0,30% 39,46% 57 对 對 duì 10 0,30% 39,76% 58 道 dào 10 0,30% 40,05% 59 自己 zìjǐ 10 0,30% 40,35% 60 门 門 mén 10 0,30% 40,65% 61 姐姐 jiě jie 9 0,27% 40,92% 62 说 說 shuō 9 0,27% 41,19% 63 已 yǐ 9 0,27% 41,46% 64 中 zhō ng 9 0,27% 41,73% 65 过 過 guò 9 0,27% 42,00% 66 住 zhù 9 0,27% 42,26% 67 今日 jī nrì 8 0,24% 42,50% 68 饮 飲 yǐ n 8 0,24% 42,74% 69 恩爱 恩愛 ē nài 8 0,24% 42,98% 70 小姐 xiǎ ojie 8 0,24% 43,22% 71 给 給 gě i 8 0,24% 43,46% 72 山 shā n 8 0,24% 43,70% 73 年 年 nián 8 0,24% 43,94% 74 腹 fù 7 0,21% 44,15% 75 所 suǒ 7 0,21% 44,35% 76 金山 jī nshā n 7 0,21% 44,56% 77 啊 a 7 0,21% 44,77% 78 进 進 jìn 7 0,21% 44,98% 79 好 hǎ o 7 0,21% 45,19% 80 多 duō 7 0,21% 45,40% 81 钱 錢 qián 7 0,21% 45,61% 82 精 jī ng 7 0,21% 45,82% 83 灵芝 靈芝 língzhī 6 0,18% 46,00% 84 死 sǐ 6 0,18% 46,18% 85 日 rì 6 0,18% 46,36% 86 喝 hē 6 0,18% 46,54% 87 吓 嚇 xià 6 0,18% 46,71% 88 寺 sì 6 0,18% 46,89% 89 劝 勸 quàn 6 0,18% 47,07% 90 开 開 kā i 6 0,18% 47,25% 91 会 會 huì 6 0,18% 47,43% 92 用 yòng 6 0,18% 47,61% 93 真 zhē n 6 0,18% 47,79% 94 既 jì 6 0,18% 47,97% 95 见 見 jiàn 6 0,18% 48,15% 96 青儿 青兒 qī ngér 6 0,18% 48,33% 229

38 CHINESE-ENGLISH GLOSSARY OF ENTIRE TEXT 白蛇传白蛇傳 B ish zhu n the Story of the White Snake (traditional Chinese opera) 峨眉山峨眉山 Ÿm i ShÐn Mount Emei [S chuðn 四川 Province] 满 滿 mün full; satisfied; Man [surname] 坡 坡 pƒ a slope; sloping; Singapore 古 古 g ancient, old, age-old, archaic; ancient times; {literature, art} of ancient style, classical [like classical-style poetry]; {written} simple, honest, sincere; Gu [surname] 树 樹 sh a tree; plant; set up, establish (mostly of abstract things); a screen, a partition; measure word for trees; Shu [surname] 藤 藤 t ng rattan, cane; vine 蔓 蔓 w n vine, tendril (of trailing plants) 岩石 岩石 y nsh a rock 荆 荊 j ng {botany} Chaste Tree, Vitex agnus-castus [used in Chinese medicine for gynecological conditions]; flogging staff made of chaste tree twigs (used to administer punishment); modest reference to one's wife; Jing (ancient name of the State of Chu during the Ch nqi 春秋 Period ( BCE)); Jing [surname] 丛 叢 cšng collect, crowd together, cluster; collection; crowd, group; thicket, clump, grove, shrubbery, bush(es); {measure word}... patch(es) of...,... bush(es) of... [used for grass, plants, leaves etc. growing together]; Cong [surname] 在 在 z i in, on, at; exist, be present, be alive; be in a certain category or class [as in z isußb miün 在所不免 "is (one of those things that is) unavoidable"]; Zai [surname] 与 與 y with, and, together with; give, offer; associate with, have contacts with; support, assist, commend, praise; {written} wait for, await 深处 深處 shñnch depths, inner reaches, recesses (of one's heart, a forest etc.) 藏着 藏著 c ngzhe hiding 几 幾 jþ several, some, a few; how many...? 处 處 ch place; department, office; {measure word} [used for places, location of buildings etc., e.g. liüng ch f ngzi 兩處房子 / 两处房子 "houses in two locations"] 僧院 僧院 sñngyu n Buddhist monastery 寺观 寺觀 s -gu n Buddhist monasteries and Taoist temples; temples 野 埜 yý open country, field; wilderness 洞 洞 d ng hole, cavity, cave; deep valley, canyon; hollow, void; {written} (used like d ng 迵 ) go through, arrive, reach, pierce, penetrate; (of water, liquids) flow (down) rapidly, gush out; {medical} diarrhoea; thorough(ly), penetrating(ly), clear(ly), deep(ly); (when saying digits over the phone) "zero" [used like l ng 零 / "zero"] 树穴 樹穴 sh xu a hollow in a tree 这里 這裡 zh li here, this place 住着 住著 zh zhe residing, living, staying 一 一 y one, 1; alone; whole; once... ; [as a digit, often pronounced "yðo" for clarity of understanding]; Yi [surname] 位 位 w i {measure word, formal/polite}... lady/ladies/gentleman/gentlemen [used for persons]; place, position, location; status, situation, position; be located; throne; {math} digit, place; {physics} potential; Wei [surname] 白 白 b i (of colour) white; (of daylight) bright, light; (of facts, the truth etc.) clear; plain, blank, pure; in vain, for nothing, futile, fruitless; free (of charge), gratis; (politically) white [symbolizing a counterrevolutionary or other undesirable political orientation]; funeral; give sb. an unfriendly look; {ethnology} the Bai national minority; Bai [surname]; say, state, explain; {theatre} spoken parts (in a Chinese opera etc.); {linguistics} (of Chinese text) written wrong or mispronounced; dialect; spoken (language), vernacular; colloquial [vs literary] 蛇 蛇 sh snake, serpent 精 精 j ng clever, sharp; refined, choice; extract, essence; excellent, best; fine [in contrast to rough, crude, coarse "c "; skilled, proficient; vigor, energy; sperm; {medical} essence (of life, reproduction etc.); polished white rice 青蛇 青蛇 q ngsh {zoology} eurypholis major 都 都 dƒu all, both, every, in every case; (when preceding sh 是, indicates the cause of sth. that happened) it's all because of...; (following a stressed subject, or in the pattern li n 連 / 连 dƒu 都 ) even..., already... [as in dƒu sh y diün le! 都十一點了 / 都十一点了! "It's eleven o'clock already!"] 是 是 sh am, is, are... [equating two things]; (in the pattern 是 是 ) is it...or is it...?; "Yes!"; "Right!" 252

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