1. Pulau Tiga Pulau Tiga was formed just over a century ago when an earthquake, with its epicentre many kilometers away in the Philippines, triggered

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1 爱恋沙巴 The Malaysian state of Sabah straddles the northern tip of Borneo, one of the world's largest islands. With its ancient rainforests, rugged granite mountains, idyllic lagoons and pristine beaches, Sabah is home to some of the world's greatest marine biodiversity. 婆罗洲是世界上最大的岛屿之一, 而马来西亚的沙巴州就跨立在婆罗洲最北端 沙巴是全球海域中海洋生态多样性最为丰富的地方之一, 有着雨林的气候 险峻的花岗岩山脉 田园诗般的泻湖, 还有原始的沙滩! Text & Photo Gil Woolley & Jason Isley / Scubazoo. Sitting in the heart of the Coral Triangle, Sabah is a magnet for both international and local divers. With its glorious tropical islands, sandy beaches, teeming coral reefs and clear warm water, this biodiversity hotspot is indeed a diver's dream come true. From their recently published book; Sensational Seas of Sabah the team from Scubazoo shortlist the very best of what Sabah has to offer. 沙巴位于 珊瑚大三角 区域的中央, 其魅力遍及全球! 它有着壮丽的热带岛屿景致 美丽的沙滩 熙攘争艳的珊瑚礁, 以及清澈的温煦海水, 这样一个集结众多条件所孕育出来的生态多样性, 确实是潜水人实现美梦的人间天堂 Scubazoo 最近出版的 Sensational Seas of Sabah ( 感动. 沙巴. 海 ) 一书, 书里介绍了沙巴的十大潜水景点, 让你一次尽览沙巴独特的美丽与感动

2 1. Pulau Tiga Pulau Tiga was formed just over a century ago when an earthquake, with its epicentre many kilometers away in the Philippines, triggered a volcanic eruption 20km off the west coast of Sabah the result of which was the birth of a new island. Thankfully no further tremors have occurred in recent history and the only reminder of the island's turbulent creation is a 'volcano' still bubbling hot mud in the centre of the island. Pulau Tiga has matured beautifully and now boasts long sandy beaches and sheltered lagoons, although the many large monitor lizards that patrol the beaches can give the island a distinctly prehistoric feel. Below the surface of the sea, the reefs around Pulau Tiga appear to be blanketed with color as extensive patches of soft corals in orange, yellow, purple and red stretch across the sea floor. Massive hard coral outcrops dot the seabed, providing shelter for large numbers of schooling fish and, on closer inspection, a wide variety of critters seek shelter within. This nutrient-rich sea is both home and breeding ground for a huge number of different species that all thrive under the protection offered by the National Park located on this uninhabited island, including the many banded kraits found around Snake Island. 1 迪加岛迪加岛是个 乳臭未干 的岛屿, 在一个世纪前才因一场地震而生成 当时地震的震中远在菲律宾, 但却在沙巴西岸 20 公里处引发了火山爆发 结果, 在漫天的火山浓烟与蒸腾热气中, 冉冉升起了这样的一座岛屿 幸而后来并没有再发生天摇地动的严重威胁, 而岛上对其新生时震荡的唯一残留, 就是岛屿中央仍有一处火山恋旧地持续冒出温暖的泥浆 迪加岛在这些年来, 已出蜕变出其美丽姿态, 拥有绵长的洁白沙滩以及隐蔽的泻湖 不过, 岛上还有着许多大蜥蜴不时在沙滩巡逻, 为这座岛屿平添了几分史前氛围 在迪加岛周围的海底世界, 宛如铺着彩色的软珊瑚礁魔毯, 一大片的亮橙色接续着一大片的明黄, 还有紫色 红色也同来争艳, 此外更有好些个大型硬珊瑚礁岩分布在海床上, 恰巧也替为数众多的鱼群提供了庇护的好地方 靠近些观察, 就会看到各式各样的奇特小生物在其间藏匿 这一片富含营养物的丰饶海域, 是许许多多不同生物栖息与繁殖地 因为迪加岛这座无人岛上设有国家公园 在其保护之下, 这些生物得以在此繁衍茁壮, 而其中特别值得一提的是, 还包括了在蛇岛附近的银环蛇呢! The only reminder of the island's turbulent creation is a 'volcano' still bubbling hot mud in the centre of the island 岛上对其新生时震荡的唯一残留, 就是岛屿中央仍有一处火山恋旧地持续冒出温暖的泥浆 2. Pulau Sapi, Tunku Abdul Raman Marine Park For a location so close to a major city, the reefs within Tunku Abdul Raman Marine Park (Tarp) still have surprisingly good coral cover and a high biodiversity, with an estimated 364 different fish species living within Tarp's boundaries. One of the reasons for this high biodiversity is the wide range of habitats you can be muck diving with a blue-ringed octopus on your first dive of the day, exploring colorful reefs with passing black-tip reef sharks on the second and interacting with turtles and cuttlefish on one of the islands' house reefs on the final dive. Sapi Island based within the park offers both a house reef and a sandy substrate, so perfect for seeing turtles, fish schools and hunting for critters in the rubble. 2 沙比岛 东姑阿都拉曼海洋国家公园 Sapi Island 虽然东姑阿都拉曼海洋国家公园离市区那么近, 但 在此处的珊瑚礁可也是生意盎然, 生物多样性既丰且 富 据统计, 在其范围内约有多达 364 种鱼类栖息其中 这里的生物多样性程度之所以会如此之高, 原因之一是此座海洋国家公园范围内就是许多生物的栖息地所在 游客可以在一天中的第一次下潜, 来场 漫 潜, 会一会蓝环章鱼 ; 而在第二次下潜时, 可好好安排在缤纷珊瑚礁区域探访一番, 定会与乌翅真鲨相见甚欢 ; 当天还可排个最后一次的下潜, 在岛屿四周水下的潜水之旅中, 与海龟和乌贼来场嬉戏互动 海洋国家公园的沙比岛周围就很适合潜水寻奇, 其沙质环境营造出适合海龟 鱼群, 以及碎石里奇特小生物生长的绝佳栖息地 Tiger-tail seahorse (Hippocampus comes) 虎尾海马 Water monitor lizard (Varanus salvator) swimming underwater around Pulau Tiga 畅泳于迪加岛水底的水巨蜥 The reefs within Tunku Abdul Raman Marine Park still have surprisingly good coral cover and a high biodiversity Pulau Tiga 在东姑阿都拉曼海洋国家公园里的珊瑚礁仍是生意盎然, 生物多样性既丰且富 108 Dream it. Plan it. Dive it EZDIVE 109

3 Diver and big-eye snapper (Lutjanus lutjanus) on the Rice Bowl Wreck, Usukan Bay 潜水员在乌斯康湾饭碗沈船拍摄黄笛鲷 4. Layang Layang Malaysia's only atoll, Layang Layang (or Swallow Reef) rises 2,000m from the floor of the South China Sea approximately 300km north-west of Kota Kinabalu. The atoll's almost total isolation means stunning visibility and pristine reefs, along with rich, pelagic marine life. There are only a couple of flights to the atoll a week, so you will need to plan your stay over several days. The steep walls of this remote atoll are covered with healthy corals and huge sea fans, spanning up to three meters. Green and hawksbill turtles are often seen resting or feeding on the reef and even rare macro subjects like pygmy seahorses, harlequin ghost pipefish and frogfish can be encountered. However, Layang Layang's fame lie with its pelagics, in particular the scalloped hammerheads that can be seen in schools cruising the blue water just off the steep walls. Other regular pelagics include grey reef sharks, leopard sharks, marbled rays, manta rays and schools of devil rays. If you're lucky, spinner dolphins may even escort your dive boat back to the resort a perfect end to a day. 4 拉央拉央拉央拉央 ( 或称燕子岛 ) 是马来西亚唯一的环状珊瑚礁岛, 它从南海的海床升起, 高达 2,000 米, 位于亚庇西北约 300 公里处 这座环状珊瑚礁岛可说是全然地与世隔绝, 这里的原始珊瑚礁美得震慑人心, 而这里的远洋海洋生物丰富得令人赞叹! 每个星期只有几个航班在此起降, 因此, 来到拉央拉央之后, 请尽兴在此待上个几天, 恣意享受大自然的礼赞 这座远远伫立的环状珊瑚礁岛有着陡峭的石壁, 壁上满是健康的珊瑚与巨大的海扇, 而大海扇的扇面竟可高达 3 米之宽 在这里, 还可常常见到绿海龟与玳瑁歇息着, 或是正在享用着珊瑚缝隙里的美食, 甚至还可看到像是豆丁海马 剃刀鱼与躄鱼这些少见的 微小 生物! 虽然这样的拉央拉央已是十分精彩, 但是名声远播的它, 更出名的是远洋海洋生物, 特别是锤头鲨 锤头鲨会在陡峭的石壁附近, 成群巡游于一片蔚蓝之中! 这里还可见到其他的远洋海洋生物常客, 包括灰礁鲨 豹鲨 蝠鲼 蝠魟以及魔鬼魟鱼群 如果你够幸运, 那么你还有机会让飞旋海豚一路护送你们的潜水船回渡假中心去, 为一天的潜水之旅划下一个完美的句点 Layang Layang Rice Bowl Wreck, Usukan Bay With three large Japanese wrecks from World War II to choose from, there are a range of possibilities for a day trip 这个海湾有二次世界大战时沉没的三艘大型日本船残骸, 因此可排个一天来回的行程, 在这里好好探险一番 3. Rice Bowl Wreck, Usukan Bay Around 70km north of Kota Kinabalu by boat, the wrecks at Usukan Bay are slowly becoming accessible to leisure divers now that a couple of tour operators are offering trips there. With three large Japanese wrecks from World War II to choose from, there are a range of possibilities for a day trip to this bay. The wrecks offer deep diving on sites that have become home to a vast array of marine life. They have good invertebrate cover, huge fish populations and, on occasion, larger sharks and rays, which when combined with the historic interest of these remarkably intact ships make for some fascinating dives. Conditions can be variable and there is often strong current, so obtaining local knowledge is vital before setting out. 3 乌斯康湾 饭碗沈船乌斯康湾沉船的位置就在沙巴州首府亚庇以北约 70 公里处, 现在已逐渐成为休闲潜水人会前来探险的潜点, 有几家旅行社可提供到此一潜的行程安排 这个潜点有二次世界大战时沉没的三艘大型日本船残骸, 因此可排个一天来回的行程, 在这里好好探险一番 当你潜到沉船残骸深处, 你会遇见许多不同的海洋生物, 这里是它们的家, 因为这些残骸为无脊椎动物提供了安全的遮蔽处 这里有非常大群的鱼群穿梭其中, 偶尔还可见到像是鲨鱼与魟鱼这类较大的鱼类在此巡游 这种自然生态之美再加上访古之幽情, 尤其是这些沉船的结构居然还是那么地完整, 可真是让潜水的乐趣陡增 不过, 潜水情况并非千篇一律, 而这里也常常会有强劲的海流, 因此, 出发潜水前请核实当地情况, 留 Layang Layang's fame lie with its pelagics, in particular the scalloped hammerheads 拉央拉央最出名的就是远洋海洋生物, 特别是锤头鲨 A school of Scolloped Hammerhead sharks (Sphyrna lewini) swimming in the blue off Layang Layang 一大群的锤头鲨在拉央拉央的蓝色大海下畅游 意当地潜水的相关讯息与注意事项 110 Dream it. Plan it. Dive it EZDIVE 111

4 5. Pulau Lankayan The tiny island paradise of Lankayan is located 80km north-west of Sandakan. With its perfect sandy beaches, casuarina trees and total serenity, the island appeals to non-divers and snorkellers, as well as seasoned divers. A few days stay is the best way to relax into the full experience of the island. Lankayan sits on the continental shelf and the surrounding reefs are either fringing or patch reefs, offering some easy and relaxed diving. The macro life is world class, and Lankayan is the only island in Sabah where the charismatic dendritic jawfish can be seen. However, Lankayan also offers regular sightings of leopard sharks and black-tip reef sharks. Closer to shore, the sheltered jetty attracts plenty of marine life, while the owners of the resort on the island have also sunk a number of wrecks that are now home to some very large groupers. 5 兰卡央岛兰卡央这一座小巧的岛屿天堂座落在山打根西北 80 公里处, 完美纯净的沙滩 摇曳着的木麻黄树, 配上清朗的阳光与和风, 这样的岛屿景致不只吸引了一般的游客与浮潜爱好者, 同样也吸引了许多的潜水老手前来寻奇访胜 来到此地, 最好是待上个几天, 让自己的身心灵在这样的美丽岛屿上彻底放松, 惬意感受岛屿风光 兰卡央位于大陆礁层上, 其周围的珊瑚礁不是裙礁, 就是块礁, 在这里潜水可以很安心放松 此地的微距生物生态, 其优质程度可是属世界级的! 此外, 沙巴唯一可见到树状颌鱚鱼这种魅力鱼类的地方, 就在兰卡央 除了这些生物之外, 在兰卡央也能时常见到豹鲨与乌翅真鲨! 岸边码头成了遮蔽的场所, 吸引了许多海洋生物前来借宿, 而岛上渡假中心的主人, 也顺势沉了 造了好几个海底新生沉骸, 现在这些沉骸也已是一些超大型石斑鱼的新家! Semporna Straits A Dendric jawfish (Opistognathus dendriticus) sharing its burrow with a white-eyed moray eel (Siderea thyrsoidea) 跟白眼海鳗分享洞穴的树突大颚鱼 Halimeda ghost pipefish, Solenostomus halimeda, using camouflage to avoid detection by predators 仙掌鬼海龙利用伪装来避开猎食者的攻击 Lankayan Island Christian Loader The macro life is world class, and Lankayan is the only island in Sabah where the charismatic dendritic jawfish can be seen 兰卡央有世界级的微距生物生态, 此外, 这里也是沙巴唯一可见到树状颌鱚鱼这种魅力鱼类的地方 6. Semporna Strait The Semporna Strait is fast building a reputation to rival that of the best muck sites in other locations such as Indonesia, and the variety of macro life to be found on a single dive makes the Strait a very special place. Located minutes away from the fishing town of Semporna, it is very accessible and easy to dive. Being so close to the town, you will notice a fair amount of trash on the shallow seabed and visibility is never great. However, if you look closely you will find the rubbish has actually become home to some amazingly resourceful critters, many of who use the discarded bottles, cans and other items as shelter and a place to lay eggs. It is possible to see frogfish, flamboyant cuttlefish and even sea dragons within a few meters of each other. 6 仙本那海峡仙本那海峡在 漫潜 潜水界的名声建立得很快, 其著名程度很快就足以与印度尼西亚等其他地方最赞的 漫潜 潜点比美! 在仙本那海峡中独独一个潜点可看到的微距生物种类之多, 让它得以为自己挣得一席之地 潜点的所在地离仙本那的渔港才不过几分钟的距离, 要到这里来潜水很是方便, 路程又很轻松 因为距离渔港城镇这么近, 所以在浅水海床上也就积了许多繁荣所带来的垃圾, 实在有碍观瞻 不过, 如果你再靠近些, 就会看到这些垃圾其实已经升格为住家, 住进了一些十分奇特的海洋小生物, 将这些被丢弃的瓶瓶罐罐当作温暖的家, 在这里安心地繁衍下一代 来到这里, 你会有机会看到躄鱼 火焰墨鱼 甚至离岸边不到几米的距离, 就也能瞧见海龙的踪迹 If you look closely you will find the rubbish has actually become home to some amazingly resourceful critters 如果你再靠近这些垃圾一些, 就会看到其实这里已住进了一些十分奇特的海洋小生物 112 Dream it. Plan it. Dive it EZDIVE 113

5 A crinoid shrimp (Periclimenes amboinensis) on a featherstar 羽毛海星上的海百合虾 8. Pulau Si Amil Sabah's largest reef system, the Ligitan reef, has three beautiful islands Pulau Ligitan to the south with Pulau Danawan and Pulau Si Amil to the north. Although the entire edge of the reef can be dived, Si Amil hosts the best dive sites, with shallow sandy slopes to the south-west and a steep wall dropping off to the north-east. Like all the islands in the area, Si Amil has some amazing macro life. At first glance, the sandy slopes may appear devoid of life, however Ambon scorpionfish, thorny seahorses, pipefish, frogfish and cockatoo waspfish can all be found after some careful inspection of the drifting weed and isolated rocks. Pulau Si Amil has very contrasting habitats underwater. To the east the reef drops off steeply to 30m and the walls are covered in colorful sponges and soft corals. Here pelagics are often sighted, especially devil rays in large schools. To the west the sandy beach slopes gently into the channel between Si Amil and Danawan. Soft Coral (Dendronepthya Sp.) 棘穗软柳珊瑚 Only a short boat ride from Semporna, the resort on the island offers an exotic escape and great diving 8 西阿米岛 Mataking Island Gil Woolley 马塔金的小岛离仙本那船程不远, 且岛上一座充满异国风情的渡假中心提供了优质的潜水行程 利吉坦礁是沙巴最大的礁岩系统, 它有着三座美丽的岛屿, 分别是南方的利吉坦岛, 以及北方的答那湾岛及西阿米岛 虽然整个礁岩系统四周都可潜水, 但最佳的潜点就是在西阿米岛, 其西南边有沙质浅斜坡, 东北边则有陡峭的峭壁 Pulau Si Amil 7. Pulau Mataking The picturesque islands of Mataking are surrounded by pristine coral reefs, whilst wall dives and wreck dives are also possible around these tiny islands. Only a short boat ride from Semporna, the resort on the island offers an exotic escape and great diving. A very large resident great barracuda, accompanied by a school of big-eye trevally, can often be encountered while diving under the jetty at Mataking and many small critters such as leaf scorpionfish, frogfish, pygmy seahorses and decorator crabs can be found along the house reef close to a small shipwreck. 7 马塔金马塔金的几座如画般美丽岛屿的四周, 围绕着原始 未受破坏的珊瑚礁, 在这些小岛周围, 也有峭壁潜水与沉船潜水的好去处 从仙本那搭船出发不久, 就可到达这些小岛 而岛上一座充满异国风情的渡假中心, 也提供了优质的潜水行程 当在马塔金岸边的码头底下潜水时, 很有可能会遇见一条很大的巴拉金梭鱼, 还有一大群六带鰺 此外, 在岛屿周围的一艘小沉船附近, 还可见到许多像是叶鱼 躄鱼 豆丁海马 钝额曲毛蟹这样的奇特小生物 西阿米岛跟这个区域的所有其他岛屿一样, 都有一些奇特非常的微距生物可看 在沙质浅斜坡区, 乍看之下好似杳无生物踪迹, 但若仔细盯着漂动的海草与一旁兀自独立的岩石, 你会发现这里并不孤寂, 它其实有着安汶蝎子鱼 刺海马 海龙 躄鱼, 还有济公鱼等许多生物在此出没 西阿米岛的水底世界有着两块截然不同的栖息地, 东边的礁岩陡然向下垂直 30 米, 岩壁上满是五彩缤纷的海绵与软珊瑚, 潜水的人也常在此地见到远洋海洋生物, 尤其是大群的魔鬼魟 而西边的沙滩则是缓缓地向着西阿米岛与答那湾岛中间的海峡斜伸而去 Sabah's largest reef system, the Ligitan reef, has three beautiful islands Pulau Ligitan to the south with Pulau Danawan and Pulau Si Amil to the north 利吉坦礁是沙巴最大的礁岩系统, 它有着三座美丽的岛屿, 分别是南方的利吉坦岛, 以及北方的答那湾岛及西阿米岛 114 Dream it. Plan it. Dive it EZDIVE 115

6 Consistently voted as one of the top dive destinations in the world, Pulau Sipadan is a must for any passionate diver visiting Sabah 10. Pulau Sipadan Consistently voted as one of the top dive destinations in the world, Pulau Sipadan is a must for any passionate diver visiting Sabah. Sipadan is Malaysia's only oceanic island. This tiny speck of land, located 40km south of Semporna, is in fact a needle-like pinnacle of rock and reef surrounded by 600m deep water a constant source of nutrient-rich upwellings. These nutrients provide the basis for a remarkable food chain that culminates in the many large animals commonly encountered in Sipadan's waters. In recognition of this unique and productive ecosystem, the area is now carefully protected, with limits on the number of divers that can visit everyday and a ban on resorts on the island itself. A school of Chevron Barracuda (Sphyraena qenie) swimming over pristine shallow reef 诗巴丹屡次获选为世界最佳潜水胜地之一, 来到沙巴的所有热血潜水人, 一定不能错过诗巴丹岛 As you descend into Sipadan's clear waters, the first things that greet you are the sheer walls dropping down into the abyss, the pristine, colorful reefs, the green and hawksbill turtles, too numerous to count, and the dense schools of fusilier, batfish and anthias. Then you notice the intimidating mass of jacks and barracuda, the napoleon wrasse and white-tip and grey reef sharks, and your eyes are drawn out into the blue, as tales of whale sharks, mantas and hammerheads run through your mind. Diving around Sipadan can be a dizzying experience and the sheer number of highlights brings divers back, time and time again. Sipadan Island 9. Pulau Mabul Pulau Mabul lies 25km south of Semporna and is justifiably renowned for its muck diving on a wide variety of different dive sites. Boasting fantastic reefs, sandy muck sites and even wall dives, the island's many dive sites offer an impressive diversity of marine life to entice both divers and snorkellers alike. There are different dive resorts operating on Mabul catering to every diver's budget. The sandy seabed around the island is home to various species of frogfish and scorpionfish, bizarrelooking sea dragons and an abundance of rare and unusual cephalopods such as flamboyant cuttlefish and poison ocellate, blue-ringed and mimic octopus. Various artificial structures and small wrecks can be seen around Mabul, all of which have become havens for schools of fish, cryptic marine life and reef squid that use the structures to shelter their eggs. Divers exploring the reefs can also see many different species of crabs and shrimps, including mantis shrimp, boxer crabs and the rare and beautiful harlequin shrimp. 9 马布岛 一群巴拉金梭鱼穿梭在诗巴丹水下漂亮的浅礁间 马布岛座落在仙本那以南 25 公里处, 它之所以声名远播有其当然的道理, 那就是它有着许多不同的潜点, 都可让你来趟漫潜之旅 马布岛以其美丽的珊瑚礁 沙质的 漫潜 潜点, 甚至是峭壁潜水这些特色, 让这里的许多潜点都能够提供令人印象深刻的丰富海洋生物多样性, 也因此吸引了潜水与浮潜爱好者前来此地 另外, 马布岛上也有各色各样的潜水渡假村, 为不同需求与预算的潜水人, 提供一应俱全的多样化服务 马布岛四周的沙质海床是各种不同海洋生物共同的家, 其中的居民包括有躄鱼 蠍子鱼 怪模怪样的海龙, 另外还有许许多多罕见的头足类动物, 像是火焰墨鱼, 以及有毒的单眼蓝环拟态章鱼 马布岛海域里也有各种人造结构物, 还有小型的沉船残骸, 现在这些地方都已成了鱼群 海洋秘密客生物, 以及乌贼的避难所, 而且乌贼还会将这些结构物当作遮蔽, 来保护它们所产的卵 来这里探访珊瑚礁的潜水人, 也会看到各种不同种类的虾蟹, 包括螳螂虾 拳师蟹, 还有少见的美丽油彩蜡膜虾 There are different dive resorts operating on Mabul catering to every budget 马布岛上有各色各样的潜水渡假村, 为潜水人提供各种预算的多样化服务 A common lionfish (Pterois volitans) hunting robust silversides (Atherinomorus lacunosus) under the jetty 在码头下方猎食银汉鱼的 狮子鱼 Pulau Mabul 10 诗巴丹 诗巴丹屡次获选为世界最佳潜水胜地之一, 来到沙巴的所有热血潜水人, 一定不能错过诗巴丹岛 诗巴丹岛是马来西亚唯一的一座海洋岛, 位于仙本那以南 40 公里处, 它实际上只有一丁点的陆地, 由针尖般的尖山与珊瑚礁组成, 四周环绕着 600 米深的海水 海里的营养物源源不绝涌现, 而这些营养物为食物链构建了强而有力的基础, 最后滋养了诗巴丹岛海域的大型海洋动物 诗巴丹岛也多亏了拥有这样独特与丰饶的生态系统, 让这一个区域获得了可受到细心维护的特权, 不只每天可到此潜水的人数有限制, 对于岛上设立渡假中心方面, 也有禁令限制 当你潜入诗巴丹岛的清澈海水里, 你会先看到陡然直入海底深渊的峭壁, 之后就会让你目不暇接, 忙着欣赏五彩缤纷的美丽原始珊瑚礁 绿海龟 玳瑁, 还有看不尽 数不完的乌尾冬仔 剥皮鱼 鲈鱼鱼群 接着, 你就要有心理准备了, 因为既会让人生畏又让人兴奋的一大群大型海洋动物就要登场了, 此阵仗包括了甘仔鱼 巴拉金梭鱼 拿破仑隆头鱼 白鳍礁鲨 灰礁鲨, 另外, 像是鲸鲨 蝠魟 锤头鲨这些生物仿佛也都一一从图片游了出来, 游到了你的眼前, 绝对会让你看得瞠目结舌! 在诗巴丹岛潜水的经历, 会在你的脑海中留下晕晕然的愉悦感觉, 你的回忆会不时回到这座岛屿, 回到这片绿水里的感动片刻! 116 Dream it. Plan it. Dive it

99 學年度班群總介紹 第 370 期 班群總導 陳怡靜 G45 班群總導 陳怡靜(河馬) A 家 惠如 家浩 T 格 宜蓁 小 霖 怡 家 M 璇 均 蓁 雴 家 數學領域 珈玲 國燈 370-2 英領域 Kent

99 學年度班群總介紹 第 370 期 班群總導 陳怡靜 G45 班群總導 陳怡靜(河馬) A 家 惠如 家浩 T 格 宜蓁 小 霖 怡 家 M 璇 均 蓁 雴 家 數學領域 珈玲 國燈 370-2 英領域 Kent 2010 年 8 月 27 日 出 刊 精 緻 教 育 宜 蘭 縣 公 辦 民 營 人 國 民 中 小 學 財 團 法 人 人 適 性 教 育 基 金 會 承 辦 地 址 : 宜 蘭 縣 26141 頭 城 鎮 雅 路 150 號 (03)977-3396 http://www.jwps.ilc.edu.tw 健 康 VS. 學 習 各 位 合 夥 人 其 實 都 知 道, 我 是 個 胖 子, 而

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