世貿首創 品茶大會 2015 年台北國際茶文化產業展 - 人潮爆滿佳評如潮 2015 年台北國際茶文化產業展於 9 月 4 日至 9 月 7 日假台北世貿一館舉行, 歷時四天, 成功落下帷幕 本展與佛事用品暨雕刻藝品展 素食養生展三展聯合展出, 規模為歷屆最大, 展出近 350 家廠商, 共計約 7

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1 2016 第 7 屆 台北國際 th Taipei Int l 產業展 Tea Culture Fair 世界茶旅 從此開始 徵展企劃書 Invitation Proposal 02/26-02/29 09/02-09/05 12/09-12/12 Kaohsiung Taipei Taichung 高雄展覽館 Kaohsiung Exhibition Center 台北世貿一館 Taipei World Trade Center, Hall 1 台中朝馬工商展覽中心 Commercial Exhibition Center Taichung Organizer: Top Link International Exhibition Co., Ltd. Co-organizer: The Chinese art of tea craft union The Taipei art of tea craft union Association of Taiwan tea Taiwan tea manufacturers association 主辦單位 : 上聯國際展覽有限公司協辦單位 : 中華茶藝聯合促進會 台灣區製茶工業同業公會 台灣茶協會 台北市茶藝促進會

2 世貿首創 品茶大會 2015 年台北國際茶文化產業展 - 人潮爆滿佳評如潮 2015 年台北國際茶文化產業展於 9 月 4 日至 9 月 7 日假台北世貿一館舉行, 歷時四天, 成功落下帷幕 本展與佛事用品暨雕刻藝品展 素食養生展三展聯合展出, 規模為歷屆最大, 展出近 350 家廠商, 共計約 750 個攤位, 此展參觀人數高達 213,373 人次, 更創造了 650 萬媒體報導價值 對於本屆展出, 展客商們均給予高度的評價, 台灣擁有良好的先天地理條件, 還有多個國際性港口城市, 種茶 製茶 茶加工出口及茶具皆是有口皆碑的高水準品質, 茶文化更深蘊為台灣獨特文化之一, 種種得天獨厚的條件, 造就台北國際茶文化產業展成為一個國際化 專業化的國際茶文化盛會 Praise rained down on 2015 Taipei Int l Tea Culture Fair Hit the new records of exhibition visitors number successfully 2015 Taipei Int l Tea Culture Fair was held on Sep.4 ~Sep.7. in Taipei World Trade Center Hall 1. The exhibition lasted four days and was held together with Buddhism Appliances and Sculptures Exhibition, International Vegetarian Food Fair successfully. The exhibition was in the largest scale with nearly 350 exhibitors, over 750 booths, and 213,373 visitors, furthermore it created 6.5 millions media value of this exhibition. The exhibitors all highly commented the effects of this exhibition. Taiwan has geographic advantage and has some main international port cities. With high standard and quality of tea cultivating, tea manufacturing, tea export processing and tea sets, tea culture has become one of the representative cultures in Taiwan. And because of its unique natural geographical and cultural environments, Taipei Int l Tea Culture Fair has become an international and professional tea culture exchange platform 年台北國際茶文化產業展盛大開展 第七屆台北國際茶文化產業展將於 9 月 2 日至 9 月 5 日假台北世貿一館如期舉行, 本展將秉持持續成長 完整推升的理念, 以專業 創意 多元的策展優勢, 更貼近參展企業 民眾 各種消費通路的服務需求 本展將整合國內外產 供 銷一體化的資源優勢, 提供更廣闊的商貿交易平台, 並邀請各國茶葉界的龍頭企業來參與, 打造一個品牌與質感並進的國際性展會 Launching 2016 Taipei Int l Tea Culture Fair Grandly The 7th Taipei Int l Tea Culture Fair will be held in Taipei World Trade Center Hall 1 during 2th ~5th Sep. The exhibition meets the demands of exhibitors, public, and any consumption channel with profession, creative, and diversified strengths. Exhibition host integrates the resource strength of domestic and international produce-supply-sell unionization, and offers much wider platform for world trade and cultural exchange 第七屆台灣國際文化產業展 th Taipei Int l Tea Culture Fair

3 2016 第七屆台灣國際文化產業展 th Taipei Int l Tea Culture Fair 展覽優勢 Participated Strength 兼具專業與消費效益最加乘 一年一度的台北國際茶文化產業展, 是每年臺灣唯一茶藝文化盛會, 兼具專業展與消費展雙重特性, 且為求本展人潮產生綜效, 增加廠商的人群到點數量, 直接刺激消費成交件數, 同時間舉辦台灣最大的 台北國際佛事用品暨雕刻藝品展 素食養生展, 讓相關產業效益加乘, 成為一個最具代表性的大型展覽, 吸引同好族群前來觀展 Advanced in both profession and consumption, doubled benefits and effects Annual Taipei Int l Tea Culture Fair is the one and only Tea culture exchange platform that has both profession and consumption characteristics. For increasing the numbers of visitors and exhibitors and encouraging consumption, the organiser arranges the other two fairs simultaneously: Taipei Buddhist Appliances and Sculptures Exhibition and Taipei Vegetarian Food and Health Exhibition, and endeavours to become the most representative and largest scale exhibition in Taiwan. 買家組織導向打造上億商機 2016 台北國際茶文化產業展, 以台灣年度規模最大的茶藝文化展為定位, 並將影響力擴及國際市場 本屆將結合國內外各級茶葉專業協會, 邀請各地茶葉代理商 經銷商 茶葉需求市場與企業單位蒞臨, 同時邀請大量中國 日本 東南亞 歐美等全球進口茶葉最多的國家和地區的經銷商 採購商及高端消費族群組團前來參觀採購 Buyer orientation creates billions business opportunity 2016 Taipei Int l Tea Culture Fair is positioned as the biggest tea culture exhibition in Taiwan, and it is expected to make influences in global market. In this year, the exhibition will be co-organised with some domestic and international tea associations, and the worldwide tea dealers, distributors and entrepreneurs are all invited. Meantime, the exhibition host will invite large number of distributors, merchandisers, and high-end customers from the nations that imports tea products the most to come and merchandise, such as China, Japan, Europe, and South-East countries etc. 絕佳地理位置拓展亞洲市場跳板 台灣位居亞太雙黃金航線中央, 特別是與中國直航後, 可向北連結東京與首爾, 西連上海 南接香港 新加坡及東協各國首都, 是推展亞洲市場的兵家必爭之地, 開放的貿易政策也吸引眾多商機, 透過在台灣舉辦的台北國際茶文化產業展, 勢必讓廠商市場更開闊, 未來效益更是無可限量! The best geographic strength, being the stepping-stone to expend the market in Asia Taiwan is located in the center of golden route in Asian-Pacific area, and it is a place contested by all strategists for promoting Asian market, especially after direct flights across the Taiwan Strait were being launched, it could reach to Tokyo, Seoul, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Singapore, and every capital of ASEAN. Besides, Taiwan applies an open trade policy to increase more business opportunities, through participating in Taipei Int l Tea Culture Fair, the market must be more opened, and the value is also limitless. 直效密集廣宣品牌價值最大化 本屆茶文化產業展將承襲歷屆優點, 以精確的話題行銷及豐富的活動執行經驗, 在強力廣宣資源支持下, 策劃以全球茶藝文化交流為主軸的記者會, 打開各地茶藝廠商在台知名度 提高品牌能見度 形象曝光再加分, 同時廣發邀請函, 為本展帶來準確客群, 為參展廠商創造最多的效益與曝光! Direct and concentrated promotion plans enhance the brand values 2016 Taipei Int l Tea Culture Fair follows the past successive experiences to arrange a press conference that focus on global tea culture exchange. With accurate buzz marketing and abundant exhibition organising experiences, the brands popularity would be directly increased, and it could bring a huge amount of exhibition visitors to create the most exposure opportunities and sales volume for exhibitors. 2

4 活動規劃 Events 善心競拍集結關懷 舉辦慈善義賣會, 將義賣所獲得的款項全數捐獻給慈善團體, 更進行回饋社會的公益性活動 Charity Auction, Love Collecting The exhibition host arranges the charity auction for donating the contribution to charities, and also advances the public activities for contribution to the society. 茶道文化創意呈現 設立 茶文化主題館, 安排動靜態性表演, 如茶文化歷史展 茶藝表演等, 並邀請專家對茶道文化做經驗分享, 現場也提供世界各式茶品 手工精緻茶食讓現場民眾品嚐 Tea Culture Presents Creativity The organiser established Tea Culture Theme Area, arranging performances and inviting experts to share the knowledge and experiences of tea culture. There are various world s tea products and handmade snacks offered in the exhibition hall for visitors. 展出內容 Exhibition Plan 世界各式茶品 : 東方美人 烏龍 普洱 花茶 香片 包種 高山 龍井 擂茶 藏茶等 茶工藝品 : 古董 雕塑 琉璃 紫砂工藝品 文獻 照片 出版品等相關物件 茶具產品 : 陶 瓷 玉 鐵等茶具 茶壺 杯茶桌 茶盤 飲茶用具 泡茶用具等 茶加工品 : 茶點 伴手禮 茶保健品 茶罐裝飲料 茶食 茶精油等 茶產葉包裝 : 茶葉包裝設計 製作印刷 金屬製罐 包裝機械等 World s tea products: Oriental Beauty, Oolong, Pu'er tea, Jasmine, Pouchong mountains, Longjing, Leicha, Tibetan tea etc. Tea crafts: Antiques, Sculpture, Glass, Purple clay crafts, Literature, Photographs, Publications etc. related products Tea set: Pottery, Porcelain, Jade, and Iron tea set, Teapot, Tea cup, Tea tables, Tea tray, Tea utensils Tea processed products: Refreshments, Souvenirs, Tea health products, Tea beverages, Cakes and sweetmeats, Tea essential oil etc. Tea commodity package: Tea packaging design, Printing, Metal canning, Packaging machinery and equipments etc. 展出成果 Performance Report (1) 參觀人潮統計 Visitors Statistics of 2015 (2) 客層分析 Visitor Analysis Date 9/4(Fri.) 項次 9/5(Sat.) 9/6(Sun.) 9/7(Mon.) Visitor Number 40,521 62,145 71,833 38,874 9/7( 一 ) 9/4( 五 ) 9/6( 日 ) 34% 18% 19% 9/5( 六 ) 29% 通路商 5% Wholesaler 貿易商 5% Merchandiser 收藏愛好者 5% Collector 企業採購 10% Purchaser 專業人士 25% Professional Buyer 經銷代理商 10% Distributor / Commercial Agent 一般消費者 40% Consumer 較 2014 年 204,869 參觀人次增加 8,504 人次, 總人次約成長 4.2% Comparing to 2014, the visitor number was increasing 10%, with 204,869 visitors during the exhibition period. (3) 感謝國際及兩岸廠商盛大參與 Fully thanks to the international and Chinese companies participating and supporting 日本 Japan 印度 India 斯里蘭卡 Sri Lanka 上海 Shanghai 貴州 Guizhou 廣州 Guangzhou 泉州 Chinchew 第七屆台灣國際文化產業展 th Taipei Int l Tea Culture Fair

5 2016 第七屆台灣國際文化產業展 th Taipei Int l Tea Culture Fair 參展費用 Exhibition Fee (1) 攤位費用 Booth Fee 時間 Time 地點 Venue 基本攤位 (3Mx3M)/ 格 Shell Scheme 匯款方式 請匯入以下指定戶頭 Basis of Payment 2/26-2/29 9/2-9/5 12/9-12/12 高雄展覽館 Kaohsiung Exhibition Center 台北世貿一館 Taipei World Trade Center 台中朝馬工商展覽中心 Commercial Exhibition Center Taichung 人民幣 8,000 元 USD 1,350 人民幣 10,000 元 USD 1,650 人民幣 7,000 元 USD 1,150 戶名 : 上聯國際展覽有限公司帳號 : 公司電話 : 公司地址 : 台北市信義區忠孝東路五段 552 號 11 樓郵遞區號 :11081 銀行名稱 : 上海商業儲蓄銀行世貿分行銀行地址 : 台北市松德路 號電話 : 傳真 : 銀行代碼 :SCSBTWTP043 Beneficiary Nam : TOP LINK INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION CO., LTD. Account Number : Tel : Add : 11F, No.552, Sec.5 Chung Hsiao E. Rd. Hsin-Yi Dist., Taipei 11081,Taiwan,R.O.C. Post code : Bank Name : THE SHANGHAI COMMERCIAL & SAVINGS BANK, LTD. WORLD TRADE CENTER BRANCH Bank Address : 171-6, SUNG TEH RD., TAIPEI, TAIWAN, R.O.C. Tel : Fax : SWIFT : SCSBTWTP043 淨地扣人民幣 400/ 格 Apply for Raw Space: Reduce USD60/per Booth 角位加收人民幣 650/ 格 Once the exhibitor has the opportunity for applying Corner Booth: Extra USD100/per Booth will be charged. (2) 基本攤位裝潢設備圖 (2)Shell Scheme 基本攤位 3Mx3M Partition 3m*3m 插座 (110V500W)1 個 Power 100V/500W 地毯 1 張 Full carpet 9SQM 公司招牌 1 組 Company Name (Fascia Board) 1pc 接待桌椅各 1 張 Reception desk 1pc, Folding Chair 1pc 投射燈 3 盞 Spotlight 3pcs 30CM 250CM 75CM 參展單位名稱看板 總寬 300CM 公司名 + 攤位號碼 Company name (Fascia board) 100W 投光燈 Spotlight 系統組合鋁料白色背板 Partition 折疊椅 Chair 插座 110V500W 一個 Socket(500W) 接待桌 Reception desk 地毯一張 Carpet 攤位分配 Booth Allocation 1. 展場攤位由主辦單位負責規劃, 主辦單位保留參展廠商選位前刪減攤位最後分配權 2. 攤位分配順序 :(1) 依產業別區分展區選位 (2) 攤位數多者優先選位 ; 攤位數一樣多時, 以抽籤決定選位優先順序 (3) 主題區 國家館展區依主辦單位之規劃安排 3. 為順利安頓所有參展廠商及整場美觀, 主辦單位保留臨時因應的場地位置變動權 4. 參展廠商攤位分配預訂於每檔展前 天舉行, 地點時間由主辦單位擇期以書面通知 5. 未參加協調會之廠商, 視同自動放棄攤位位置選擇權, 得由主辦單位最後安排攤位位置, 廠商不得異議 1. Space will be allocated according to the following criteria in descending order: Organizer has the right to map out area distributions for booth allocation, and keep the distribution right for reducing booth numbers from exhibitors before the Booth Allocation Meeting. 2. Number of booths reserved: (1) According to industrial classification, different area distribution meetings will be held by different Booth Allocation Meetings.(2) Exhibitors with largest number of booths will be allocated first; while the number of booths are equal, the booth allocation is decided by ballot.(3) The booth allocation of Pavilions for countries and themes should be arranged by Organizer. 3. In order to maintain the artistic appearance of the Exhibition, the Organizer reserve the right at their sole discretion to change the locationof or venue for the Exhibition. 4. The Booth Allocation Meeting shall be held days prior the Exhibition, the notification will be delivered by both and smart-phone Apps. 5. For the exhibitor who is not able to participate in the Booth Allocation Meeting, the exhibitor shall regarded to give Organizer the right to arrange final booth allocation without any dissenting opinion. 4

6 參展一般規定 參展廠商須嚴格遵守 參展一般規定, 違規者經大會勸導無效, 得當場停止其展出 文化產業展 Taipei Int l Tea Culture Fair 2016 第 7 屆 一般事項 1. 一份報名表只限填一個報名單位, 不得合併報名 6. 安全及保險 : 2. 參展廠商所租攤位, 不得私自分租轉讓或非以報名時申請之公司名稱 ( 包括贊助廠商名稱 ) 參加展出 如有違反, 主辦單位得立即收回轉讓之攤位, 停止非報名廠商繼續展出 展廠商須負一切損害賠償責任 3. 取消與退費 : (1) 凡已繳交攤位費用完成報名手續者, 如因故欲退展者, 需填寫 參展廠商退展申請書 向大會提出正式申請 (2) 於各檔開展前三個月提出申請者, 按攤位費用酌退 50%, 費用於展後退還 ; 於各檔失或毀損, 主辦單位不負賠償責任 開展前三個月後申請者, 恕不退費, 該項費用將充作本展宣傳推廣之經費 4. 參展廠商所展示之產品, 必須與本展主題有關, 否則不得展出 如有矇混報名進場展出者, 一經發現除立即停止其展出外, 所繳納之參展費用概不退還 5. 為配合政府查禁仿冒措施, 本展覽會嚴禁陳列產地標示不實 仿冒商標或侵犯他人遺失或毀損, 主辦單位不負賠償責任 專利或著作權之展品 參展廠商如明知其參展產品業經判決確定有標示不實或侵害商標 專利或著作權之情事, 而仍予以陳列時, 一經發覺, 主辦單位除立即停止其全部產品之展出及沒收其所繳參展費用 凡於參展前或參展期間發生侵害商標 專利或著作權糾紛而涉訟中之產品, 主辦單位一律禁止其展出, 參展廠商不得異議 主辦單位如因此牽連涉訟或受有其他損害, 該參展廠商並須負一切賠償責任 帶方得進出展場 6. 主辦單位保留變更展出日期及地點之權, 如因天災或其他不可抗力而須變更展覽日期或地點, 主辦單位已收之費用概不退還, 亦不負其他賠償責任 7. 主辦單位有權視展場容納狀況酌減商攤位面積或攤位數 違規處理 8. 展場主入口橫向走道規劃為 形象走廊, 參展廠商須遵守大會形象走廊管理規定, 所有參展廠商請勿進入形象走廊內發送傳單 舉牌 人形布偶走動表演 show girl 拍照 等活動, 違規者大會將派請秩序保全逕行驅離, 二次違規者大會將扣除保證金 10,000 元以為告誡, 若經勸告仍未改善者, 得連罰之, 直至扣除全額保 注意事項證金, 位於形象走廊之廠商不在此規範內, 惟其亦不可跨越隔鄰攤位進行活動 9. 為落實節能減碳政策, 請儘量使用節能省電燈泡 10. 參展廠商在展覽期間因示範 操作展品而產生煙霧 廢氣 灰塵 惡臭及刺激性氣體與揮發性有機化學溶劑汙染物等, 需自備汙染處理設備, 立即妥善處理, 不得影本規定如有未盡事宜, 主辦單位得隨時修訂之 響附近攤位及現場展出, 否則主辦單位得禁止該廠商現場示範操作或立即終止展出 台北世貿中心平面圖 11. 攤位之展品 裝潢材料及廢棄物應在出場期限前全部清除完畢並運離展場 12. 展出之產品如不願讓參觀者拍照或錄影, 請自行加設 請勿拍照 或 請勿攝錄影 中英文標示牌, 惟對持有主辦單位所發記者證 (PRESS) 者, 請儘量配合以利宣傳工作之進行 13. 攤位之展品 裝潢材料及廢棄物應在出場期限前全部清除完畢並運離展場 C 14. 展出期間參展廠商未經主辦單位同意不得提前收拾或撤離會場 15. 廠商提供之優惠宣傳商品, 主辦單位保有最終審核權益, 將優先以媒體及市場偏好作為大會廣宣素材, 若提供的商品未選上, 敬請見諒 附1. 工作證每個攤位 5 張, 每增加一格攤位增加 2 張, 超出此需求可向大會申請 2. 若抽籤選位時, 選至兩邊走道之攤位 ( 角位 ), 另需加收人民幣 650 元整 註3. 以上攤位費用不包含場地供電端至攤位內之電力佈線及器材費用 B ( 詳細訊息請洽大會裝潢公司 ) (1) 參展廠商應於事前估算耗電量, 其估算值超出基本供電量則應向主辦單位指定之裝潢公司提出申請, 未申請者如因超負荷使用而致會場電源故障 中斷, 參 (2) 展覽期間 ( 包括展前佈置及展後拆除期間 ) 主辦單位管理人員負責管制展場出入口, 維持人員及展品進出展場公共秩序, 惟參展廠商對其展品 裝潢物料及工程設施均應自行派人照料, 貴重展 ( 物 ) 品請自行投保並聘僱警衛加強保全, 如有遺 (3) 參展廠商自展品及裝潢品運至展場起, 至展覽結束運離展場止, 必須自行投保火險 竊盜險 水漬險及公共意外責任險 ( 包括天然災害附加險, 如颱風 地震 洪水 豪雨及其他天然災害等 ); 任何展品及裝潢品於上述期間在展出場地 (4) 參展廠商攤位上之設施 物品及展覽品在展覽期間 ( 包括展前佈置及展後拆除期間 ) 因設置 操作 保養或管理不當或疏忽致其工作人員或第三人遭受傷亡或財物損失, 應由引起傷亡損失事故之參展廠商自負一切賠償及法律責任 (5) 參展廠商應於進場第二天下午 2 時至大會服務台領取識別證, 展出期間必須佩 (6) 除主辦單位外, 任何人不得於公共區域散發傳單 推廣活動或置放物品 參展廠商如違反以上規定, 經主辦單位勸告無效或情況急迫無從勸告時, 主辦單位將立即停止水 電之供應及採停止展出之措施 本企劃書所載展覽名稱及內容均屬 預計 規劃 之性質, 其具體之展覽名稱 內容 廣告及宣傳之名稱及展區規劃等細節, 將視實際招商之情況, 予以調整 展覽場秩序 1. 參展廠商在展覽期間音量不得超過 85 分貝, 如於展覽期間欲使用大型音響 喇叭或大聲公, 需向主辦單位登記申請, 經審核通過者方可使用 2. 展覽期間欲使用明火設備, 依各館方規範辦理, 請逕洽主辦單位登記辦理申請 3. 參展廠商之展示範圍僅限於各自攤位內, 不得在攤位以外地區如公共設施 走道或牆柱上陳列商品或張貼任何宣傳物品或分發型錄 出版品 紀念品等宣傳資料 如有違反, 主辦單位得強制清除 4. 凡易爆 易燃及其他危險物品 違禁品禁止攜入展場 ; 如經發現, 主辦單位得強制予以搬離展場, 由參展廠商負擔一切費用及責任 5. 展覽期間 ( 含進出場 ), 參展廠商如因債務 個人恩怨或其他私人糾紛, 導致他人至其攤位或展場內外鬧事或進行抗議, 因而影響展覽之秩序或形象, 而該參展廠商又不能有效處理時, 主辦單位有權終止其展出, 所繳費用概不退還 ; 主辦單位如因此牽連涉訟或受有他損害, 該參展廠商並須負一切賠償責任 高雄展覽館平面圖 第七屆台灣國際文化產業展 th Taipei Int l Tea Culture Fair

7 2016 第七屆台灣國際文化產業展 th Taipei Int l Tea Culture Fair Event Rules Exhibitors must strictly abide by Event Rules, violators ignoring Event party s advice will be immediately banned from exhibition grounds. General Rules 1. Only one exhibitor is allowed per application, joint applications are not accepted. The Event Host reserves the right to forfeit violators booth and deposit. 2. Cancel & Refund:Deposit shall be applied 3 months before the Exhibition, 50% refund will be obtained according to the exhibition fee. The refund should be received after the Exhibition. Once the deposit is applied 3 months less before the Exhibition, the exhibition fee will be forfeited for event use. 3. Rented booths cannot be privately transferred or be used by parties other than the name stated on the application (including sponsorship name). Violators booths will be immediately forfeited by Event Host, and the violating exhibitor will be banned from the exhibition. 4. Exhibits must correspond to the exhibition theme. Product displays must be in relation to the theme of this event, other types of displays are not allowed. Violators will be immediately banned from the exhibition, and exhibition fees will be forfeited. 5. In cooperation with government s measures on anti-piracy, the event prohibits the false displays, imitations, or products infringing upon the copyright, patent, or trademark of their legitimate owners. 6. Violators who are found to knowingly exhibit products that are false displays, or items infringing upon the copyright, patent, or trademark of their legitimate owners will be banned immediately with exhibition fees forfeited. Products involved in infringement of trademarks, patents, or copyrights will be prohibited from this exhibition, and the exhibitors may not object otherwise. If the Event Host suffers case involvement or other damages, the corresponding exhibiting company shall be liable for full responsibility and damages. 7. The Event Host reserves the right to change exhibition date and location, if for reasons of force majeure the date and location must be changed, the Event Host will not refund paid payments, nor will the Event host be liable to any damages or responsibilities. 8. The Event party reserves the right to adjust exhibitors booth size and number.exhibitors must not produce noise over 80db during the event. Smoke, gas, dust, smell, pungent gases, or volatile organic solvent pollutants produced by demonstrating or operating exhibits shall be equipped with pollution treatment facilities and properly treated without affecting neighboring booths and the exhibition, otherwise such demonstration or operations shall be banned immediately. 9. If photography or video recording of exhibits taken by visitors are not allowed then please setup no photo or no recording signs in Chinese and English. Please try to accommodate press (personnel with PRESS pass) for promotional purposes. Exhibition Ground Order 1. Exhibitors exhibits are limited to the confines of their respective booths. Promotional items such as exhibits, promotions, catalogues, publications, or souvenirs are prohibited in areas outside of exhibitor s booths, such as public facilities, walkways, walls, or pillars. Violators are subject to removal by Event Host. 2. Explosives, flammables, or other hazardous items and contrabands are prohibited from entering the exhibition; once discovered the Event Host can remove such items from the event grounds and the exhibitor shall be held full liable for all responsibilities and damages. 3. Safety Insurance: (1) During exhibition period (including pre-exhibition renovation and post-exhibition exit) the Even Host personnel are responsible for controlling the exhibition entrance and exit, maintain public order during personnel and exhibit entry and exit, only that exhibitor shall have dedicated personnel for product, renovating materials, and engineering facilities. Valuables shall be privately insured and hire dedicated security, the Exhibition Host will not be responsible for any loss or damages. (2) Exhibitors shall privately ensure fire, theft, flood, public liability (including additional insurance for natural disasters such as typhoons, earthquakes, floods, heavy rain and other natural disasters) insurances for their exhibits and renovating materials from the moment they enter the exhibition grounds until their exit upon the end of the exhibition; Event host will not be liable or responsible for damages for any exhibits during the aforementioned period suffering loss or damages in the exhibition grounds. (3) If during the exhibition periods, facilities, objects, and exhibits within exhibitors booths (including pre-exhibition renovation and post-exhibition periods) that cause the exhibitor s personnel or third party to suffer fatality or loss of property due to placement, operation, insufficient maintenance or management, the exhibitor causing such losses shall be legally responsible for all liabilities and damages. (4) Ground access by pass: Exhibitors shall obtain identification from the reception desk when exhibits enter grounds, during exhibition period pass must be worn to access exhibition grounds. (5) Other than the Event Host, no party shall disseminate flyers, engage in promotional events, or place company or personal items in public areas. Violation Procedures Exhibitors violating these rules and ignore advice from Event Host for more than two times or if urgent circumstances prohibits advice, the Event Host may take measures to cut water, power supply, or ban the exhibitor. If this provision requires amendment, the Event Host shall make amendments accordingly. 6

8 2016 第七屆台灣國際文化產業展 th Taipei Int l Tea Culture Fair 公司名稱 ( 全名 ) Company Name 參展報名表 Application Form 楣板名稱 Name of Fascia Board 公司地址 Address 網址 Website 負責人 Responsible Person 承辦人 Contact Window 姓名 Name 姓名 Name 電話 Tel 分機 Ext 職稱 Job Title 職稱 Job Title 手機 Mobile 傳真 Fax 高雄展覽館 Kaohsiung 2/26-2/29 每一格標準攤位 ( 含基本配備 ): 人民幣 8,000 元 Standard Booth (With Basic Partition):USD 1,350 申請攤位數 Booth Rental Amount 個 台北世貿 Taipei 9/2-9/5 每一格標準攤位 ( 含基本配備 ): 人民幣 10,000 元 Standard Booth (With Basic Partition):USD 1,650 申請攤位數 Booth Rental Amount 個 台中朝馬工商展覽中心 Taichung 12/9-12/12 每一格標準攤位 ( 含基本配備 ): 人民幣 7,000 元 Standard Booth (With Basic Partition):USD 1,150 申請攤位數 Booth Rental Amount 個 商品簡介 Production Information 本公司已詳讀且承諾遵守本展 < 參展一般規定 > 上所列各項條文, 如有違反情事, 本公司願負一切法律賠償責任 We agree to participate in the 2016 Taipei Int l Tea Culture Fair and abide by all aforementioned rules provided, in the case of violations, we will be responsible for all legal Responsibilities and damages. 負責人印鑑章 Responsible Stamp 公司印鑑章 Company Stamp 代表人簽章 Signature Date: / / 報名熱線 Registration Hotline 上聯國際展覽公司 Top Link International Exhibition Co., Ltd. TEL: FAX: 聯絡業務 Contact Window 手機 Mobile


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