目录 3 Table of Contents 11 2

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1 嘉格纳 Gaggenau 说明手册 Instruction manuals VR 230 电烤架 Electric grill

2 目录 3 Table of Contents 11 2

3 目录 重要安全信息 4 损坏原因 5 环境保护 5 环境保护 5 节能技巧 5 更多产品 附件 更换部件以及服务信息请参见 以及在线商店 您的新电器 6 电烤架 6 附件 6 专用附件 6 操作 7 首次使用之前 7 开启 7 关断 7 过热保护 7 使用铸铁烤盘 ( 专用附件 ) 7 设定表 8 使用技巧 9 保养和清洁 9 清洁电器 9 请勿使用以下清洁剂 10 售后服务 10 3

4 : 重要安全信息 请认真阅读本手册 只有这样才能安全正确地使用电器 请保管好说明手册和安装说明, 以备日后使用或供下一任所有者使用 拆箱后请检查电器是否有损坏 如果电器在运输过程中损坏, 请勿连接电器 仅限持有上岗证书的专业人员才可以连接不带插头的电器 因不正确连接导致的损坏将不予保修 本电器仅供家庭使用 本电器只能用于制备食物和饮料 电器工作时必须有人看管 本电器不适合用外部定时器或遥控器操作 8 岁以上儿童以及身体 感官或精神有缺陷的人员或缺乏经验和知识的人员, 必须在有人监督的情况下或在其安全责任人给予电器使用安全指导并了解相关危险的情况下, 方可使用本电器 严禁儿童玩耍本电器 儿童除非年满 8 岁并有人监督, 否则不得清洁本电器或执行一般维护操作 8 岁以下儿童请远离本电器和电源线 有着火危险! 热油着火速度极快 切勿让油在无人监管的情况下烧至灼热 切勿用水扑灭燃烧的油 关断电灶头 使用盖子 灭火毯或类似工具小心扑灭火焰 电器变得灼热, 易燃材料可能会着火 不得在电器下面或其附近存放或使用易燃物品 ( 例如喷雾罐 清洁剂等 ) 不得将易燃物品放在电器上或电器中 电器变得灼热, 易燃材料可能会着火 本电器不得使用碳或其它类似燃料 有灼伤危险! 可触及部件在电器运转时会变得灼热 切勿触碰灼热部件 请将小孩留在安全距离以外 烧烤时滴下的油脂可能会马上着火 不要在本电器上方俯身 保持安全距离 电烤架关断之后, 在较长时间内仍会保持灼热 关断后 分钟内请勿触碰电烤架 当盖上电器盖时, 热量会蓄积 只有在电器冷却之后才能盖上电器盖 切勿在盖上电器盖时开启电器 不要将食物放在电器盖上或用电器盖保温食物 4

5 有电击危险! 如果接触到电器的灼热部件, 电器的电线绝缘层会熔化 切勿使电器电源线接触电器的灼热部件 湿气渗入会导致电击危险 请勿使用高压清洁器或蒸汽清洁器 警告 : 如果保护带电部件的灶台表面为玻璃陶瓷或类似的易碎材料, 表面有裂纹时, 关掉器具以避免可能出现的电击 注意 : 不能使用蒸汽清洁器 注意 : 器具在使用期间会发热, 应避免接触发热单元 注意 : 使用后, 应通过控制器关上灶头, 不能依靠盘探测器 注意 : 打开盖前, 清除盖上溢出物 ; 关上盖前, 灶台表面应被冷却 注意 : 如果电源软线损坏, 为了避免危险, 必须由制造商 其维修部或类似部门的专业人员更换 损坏原因 小心! 使用不合适的附件会导致损坏 : 只能使用指定的原装附件 请勿使用烧烤烤盘或铝制容器 这会损坏铸铁烤架 环境保护 环境保护 节能技巧 本电器依据有关废旧电子电气电器 (WEEE 电子电气设备废弃物 ) 的欧洲指令 2002/96/EU 进行标识 该指令确定了废旧电器回收和再利用的适用框架 为了达到所需温度而预热电器时, 只能预热所需要的时间 如果仅烧烤少量食物, 可以只开启前部或后部烤架加热元件 主要技术参数 : 额定电压范围 :220V-240V ~ 额定频率范围 :50Hz/60Hz 额定功率 :3000W 原产地 : 法国总经销商 : 博西家用电器 ( 中国 ) 有限公司地址 : 江苏省南京市中山路 129 号中南国际大厦 楼执行标准 : GB 家用和类似用途电器的安全第 1 部分 : 通用要求 GB 家用和类似用途电器的安全驻立式电灶 灶台 烤箱及类似用途器具的特殊要求 5

6 您的新电器 本节描述您的新电器及其附件 电烤架 电器盖 铸铁烤架 火山岩槽 油脂收集插盘 烤炉加热元件 操作指示灯 后部加热控制旋钮前部加热控制旋钮 附件 电器标配下列附件 : 烤钳火山岩清洁刷 专用附件 AM 铸铁烤盘 LV 火山岩 ( 用于补充 ) VV 不锈钢连接条, 用于组合多台 Vario 电器 VV 铝连接条, 用于组合多台 Vario 电器 仅使用规定的附件 如果附件使用不当, 制造商概不负责 可以从专业经销商处订购以下专用附件 : 6

7 操作 首次使用之前 在首次使用新电器烧烤之前请遵守下列注意事项 : 1 彻底清洁电器和附件 2 从塑料包装中取出火山岩, 倒入火山岩槽中 3 放下两边的加热元件 加热元件必须放平 4 将铸铁烤架放在加热元件上, 以第 9 档加热烤架若干分钟 这将能消除任何 新 气味和脏污 开启 使用铸铁烤盘 ( 专用附件 ) 供货范围内不包括铸铁烤盘 可以从专业经销商处订购铸铁烤盘 ( 订货号 AM ) 铸铁烤盘特别适合制备剁碎的食物或液体食物 蔬菜 甜品或蛋类菜肴 说明 : 使用带有铸铁烤盘的烤架时, 请勿取出火山岩槽 使用铸铁烤盘进行烧烤 : 1 取下铸铁烤架 2 小心地将铸铁烤盘放在电器上 3 将两个控制旋钮转至第 9 档 预热烤炉 5-6 分钟 4 预热之后切换回所需的档位 在铸铁烤盘上刷点油, 然后将食物放在烤盘上 将控制旋钮转至第 9 档 操作指示灯亮起 预热烤炉 4-5 分钟 预热之后, 将控制旋钮转至所需的档位, 将食物放在烤架上 说明 : 电器的加热元件为独立控制 电器因此能够同时烧烤需要使用不同烧烤设置的食物 关断 将控制旋钮转到 0 操作指示灯熄灭 : 有灼伤危险! 烤炉关断之后, 在较长时间内仍会保持灼热 关断后至少 分钟内请勿触碰烤架 : 有灼伤危险! 必须等电器完全冷却后才能关闭电器盖 在盖关闭的情况下不要操作电器 不要在电器盖上放东西或用电器盖给物品保温 过热保护 为了保护电器和橱柜, 烤炉在过热时会自动关断加热元件 冷却之后, 电器重新开启 7

8 设定表 食物功率等级时间备注 肉和家禽牛排, 五分熟,2-3 cm 8 每一面 2-3 分钟 当肉上出现汁液时, 牛排为五分熟 小牛肉片,2 cm 7 每一面 6 分钟 烤肉 ( 肉串 ),100 g 分钟 翻转几次 羊排, 三分熟,2 cm 7 每一面 6 分钟 猪颈肉排,2 cm 7 每一面 6-8 分钟 香肠, g 分钟 翻转几次 汉堡包,1 cm 分钟 火鸡胸肉,2 cm 分钟 鸡翅,100 g 分钟 翻转几次 鱼和海鲜大虾 分钟 使用生的或预煮过的带壳大虾 预煮过的龙虾 分钟 三文鱼排,3 cm 分钟 金枪鱼排,3 cm 分钟 鱼片,2 cm 分钟 例如, 鲱鱼或大比目鱼 鳟鱼, 整条,200 g 分钟 在鳟鱼上涂上一层油, 确保鱼皮不会粘留在铸铁烤架上 配菜蔬菜 分钟 例如, 西葫芦和茄子切片 切碎的胡椒 蘑菇 分钟 水果 ( 例如, 半只桃或半只梨 ) 5 每一面 5-10 分钟 使用铸铁烤盘煎炒 (AM 专用附件 ) 薄煎饼 7 每一面 1-2 分钟 香煎蘑菇,500 g 分钟 炒蛋 分钟 炒土豆,700 g 分钟 肉糜,600 g 分钟 炒蔬菜,600 g 分钟 例如, 切碎的胡椒 洋葱 胡萝卜 西葫芦 以第 9 档预热烤炉 4-5 分钟 使用铸铁烤盘 (AM ) 时预热 5-6 分钟 这些数值仅作为指南 实际所需要的加热量取决于食物的类型和状况 8

9 使用技巧 保养和清洁 请务必预热电烤架 这样, 集中的热辐射将会密封住烧烤食物的表面, 以免汁液滴溅 为了避免表面变干, 也为了更好的口感, 可以在烧烤食物上稍微涂一层耐热油 ( 例如花生油 ) 不可使用太多油, 否则油会着火或油烟很重 请务必烧烤未加盐的肉 否则, 肉汁和可溶性营养素可能会漏出而流失 将食物直接放在铸铁烤架上 请勿使用铝箔纸或烧烤烤盘 当烤架上的食物可以轻松从烤架上拿下时, 请立即翻转食物 如果肉粘在烤架上, 则说明纤维组织被破坏, 肉汁流出 烧烤时请勿扎穿肉 否则肉汁会流失 避免烧烤腌制食物, 如煮火腿或熏肉等等, 否则可能会产生有害健康的物质 在肉排的骨头和脂肪层上划几刀, 以免在烧烤的时候卷曲 烤好之前请勿去除脂肪层 ( 例如肉排上的脂肪层 ), 否则肉汁将会流失, 也会失去香味 如果在烧烤快结束时给家禽涂上黄油 盐水或橘子汁, 它们将变得松脆金黄 烧烤后根据口味用蜂蜜 枫糖浆或柠檬汁对水果进行调味 您可以以较长烹饪时间预煮蔬菜 ( 例如带玉米穗的玉米 ) 将鱼片放在烤架上, 鱼皮朝下 给鱼皮涂上一层油, 以免粘留在烤架上 食物烤好请立即上桌 如果对烧烤后的食物进行保温, 食物将会变老变硬 本章介绍关于如何正确保养和清洁电器的技巧 : 有灼伤危险! 电器在操作过程中会变热 请等电器冷却后再进行清洁 : 有电击危险! 不要使用高压清洗机或蒸汽清洁器清洁电器 清洁电器 每次使用之后, 等电器冷却后进行清洁 这能避免残留物烧结 残留物烧干后可能会难以清除 请勿刮擦烧干的残留物, 要用肥皂水浸泡进行清洗 取下铸铁烤架, 翻出加热元件 取出装有火山岩的火山岩槽 部件 / 表面铸铁烤架 不锈钢槽 火山岩槽 建议清洁方法请用清洁刷刷去大块油污 将铸铁烤架浸泡在水槽中 用清洁刷进行清洁, 清洗汁液并彻底擦干 待电器冷却后, 用烤炉清洁胶 ( 订货号 ) 覆盖顽固污渍, 至少保持 2 小时, 如有必要可以放过夜 之后请小心地冲洗, 用湿布擦干净, 然后擦干 请遵守产品包装上的说明 请不要在洗碗机中清洁 用柔软的湿布和一些肥皂水清洁 用软布擦干 浸泡顽固污渍 使用我们的不锈钢顽固污渍清洁剂 ( 订货号 ) 或烤炉清洁胶 ( 订货号 ) 清洁之后, 请抹上我们的不锈钢护理剂 ( 订货号 ) 取出火山岩 将火山岩槽放在水槽中, 用肥皂水和软刷清洁 ; 用软布擦干 浸泡顽固污渍或用我们的烤炉清洁胶 ( 订货号 ) 去除污渍 9

10 部件 / 表面火山岩 控制面板 控制旋钮 建议清洁方法当火山岩变成黑色时请进行更换 此时火山岩已经充满了油脂 烧烤时脂肪可能会冒出油烟甚至燃烧 可以从专业经销商处订购合适的火山岩 ( 订货号 LV ) 用柔软的湿布和一些肥皂水清洁 水不要太多 用软布擦干 控制面板上的含酸食物残留物要立即清除 ( 例如醋 番茄酱 芥末 腌泡汁 ) 您可向专业零售商订购或在线订购适用于控制面板的护理剂 ( 订货号 ) 清洁后, 用软布均匀地将护理剂涂在控制面板上 用柔软的湿布和一些肥皂水清洁 水不要太多 铸铁烤盘将粗盐洒在烤盘上将盐与油脂混合, AM ( 专用直到其充分融合 清除盐后用干布擦附件, 不在供货范干净 存放烤盘之前请在烤盘上稍微围内 ) 涂一层油 请勿使用以下清洁剂 请不要在洗碗机中清洁! 售后服务 需要修理时, 请联系我们的售后服务部门 我们致力于提供最佳解决方案, 同时务求避免不必要的上门修理 在联系售后服务部门时请提供电器的 E 编号 ( 产品编号 ) 和 FD 编号 列有这些号码的铭牌可在电器的底部找到 为了便于日后参考, 您可记下您的电器数据以及售后服务电话号码, 如下所示 E 编号 FD 编号 售后服务 O 请注意, 发生故障时, 如果电器不在质保期内, 维修技师上门会收取费用 请在随设备提供的客户服务列表中查找所有国家的联系信息 请相信制造商的专业技术, 我们将确保由经过专业培训的技术人员使用原装配件对您的家电进行修理 : 有电击危险! 修理不当是很危险的 只能由我公司派出的经过培训的售后工程师进行修理 如果电器有故障, 拔下电源插头或断开保险丝盒中的保险丝 请致电售后服务部门 洗擦或化学侵蚀性清洁剂 酸性清洁剂 ( 例如醋 柠檬酸等 ) 含氯的清洁剂或含高浓度酒精的清洁剂 烤箱清洁剂 粗糙的硬海绵 刷子或擦洗片 新海绵布使用前要彻底清洗 10

11 Table of Contents Important safety information 12 Causes of damage 13 Environmental protection 13 Environmental protection 13 Tips for saving energy 13 Additional information on products, accessories, replacement par ts and services can be found at and in the online shop Your new appliance 14 Electric grill 14 Accessories 14 Special accessories 14 Operation 15 Before first use 15 Switching on 15 Switching off 15 Overheating protection 15 Operation with the cast roaster (special accessory) 15 Settings table 16 Tips and tricks 17 Care and cleaning 17 Cleaning the appliance 17 Do not use these cleaning agents 18 Af ter-sales service 18 11

12 : Important safety information Read these instructions carefully. Only then will you be able to operate your appliance safely and correctly. Retain the instruction manual and installation instructions for future use or for subsequent owners. Check the appliance for damage after unpacking it. Do not connect the appliance if it has been damaged in transport. Only a licensed professional may connect appliances without plugs. Damage caused by incorrect connection is not covered under warranty. This appliance is intended for domestic use only. The appliance must only be used for the preparation of food and drink. The appliance must be supervised during operation. This appliance is not intended for operation with an external clock timer or a remote control. This appliance may be used by children over the age of 8 years old and by persons with reduced physical, sensory or mental capacity or by persons with a lack of experience or knowledge if they are supervised or are instructed by a person responsible for their safety how to use the appliance safely and have understood the associated hazards. Children must not play with the appliance. Children must not clean the appliance or carry out general maintenance unless they are at least 8 years old and are being supervised. Keep children below the age of 8 years old at a safe distance from the appliance and power cable. Risk of fire! Hot oil and fat can ignite very quickly. Never leave hot fat or oil unattended. Never use water to put out burning oil or fat. Switch off the hotplate. Extinguish flames carefully using a lid, fire blanket or something similar. The appliance becomes very hot and flammable materials could catch fire. Never store or use flammable objects (e.g. spray cans, cleaning agents) under the appliance or in its immediate vicinity. Never place flammable items on or in the The appliance becomes very hot and flammable materials could catch fire. Do not use any charcoal or similar fuels in this appliance. Risk of burns! The accessible parts become very hot when in operation. Never touch hot parts. Keep children at a safe distance. Dripping fat can catch fire quickly during grilling. Do not bend over the appliance. Keep a safe distance away. The grill remains hot for a long time after being switched off. Do not touch the grill for minutes after switching it off. When the appliance cover is closed, heat will accumulate. Only close the appliance cover when the appliance has cooled down. Never switch the appliance on with the appliance cover closed. Do not rest food on the appliance cover or use it to keep food warm. 12

13 Risk of electric shock! The cable insulation on electrical appliances may melt when touching hot parts of the appliance. Never bring electrical appliance cables into contact with hot parts of the appliance. Penetrating moisture may cause an electric shock. Do not use any highpressure cleaners or steam cleaners. Causes of damage Caution! Damage from unsuitable accessories: only use designated original accessories. Do not use grilling trays or aluminium containers. This will damage the cast grill. Environmental protection Environmental protection This appliance is labelled in accordance with the European Directive 2002/96/EU concerning used electrical and electronic appliances (WEEE waste electrical and electronic equipment). The guideline determines the framework for the return and recycling of used appliances as applicable. Tips for saving energy Only preheat the appliance for the time necessary to reach the required temperature. If you grill only a small amount of food you have the possibility to switch on only the front or the rear grill heating element. 13

14 Your new appliance Your new appliance and its accessories are described in this section. Electric grill Appliance cover Cast grill Lava stone trough Grease collecting insert Grill heating element Operating light Control knob rear heating Control konb front heating Accessories As standard, your appliance comes with the following accessories: grill tongs lava stones cleaning brush Special accessories You can order the following special accessories from your specialist dealer: AM LV VV VV cast roaster lava stones (for refilling) stainless steel connection strip for combination with fur ther Vario appliances aluminium connection strip for combination with fur ther Vario appliances Only use the accessories as specified. The manufacturer accepts no liability if these accessories are used incorrectly. 14

15 Operation Before first use Please observe the following notes before grilling on your new appliance for the first time: 1 Thoroughly clean the appliance and accessories. 2 Take the lava stones out of the plastic wrapping and pour them into the lava stone trough. 3 Tilt down both heating elements. The heating elements must lie flat. 4 Place the cast grill onto the heating elements and heat up the grill on level 9 for some minutes. This will eliminate any newness smells and soiling. Switching on Turn the control knob to level 9. The operating light goes on. Preheat the grill for 4-5 minutes. After preheating, turn the control knob to the required level and place the food on the grill. Note: The appliance features independently controlled heating elements. This allows it to simultaneously grill foods which need different grill settings. Operation with the cast roaster (special accessory) The cast roaster is not included in the scope of delivery. You can order the cast roaster from your specialist dealer (order number AM ). The cast roaster is particularly suitable for preparing chopped or liquid foods, vegetables, sweets and egg dishes. Note: Do not take out the lava stone trough and the lava stones when operating the grill with the cast roaster. Grilling with the cast roaster: 1 Take off the cast grill. 2 Carefully place the cast roaster on the appliance. 3 Turn both control knobs to level 9. Preheat the grill for 5-6 minutes. 4 Switch back to the required level after preheating. Brush some oil onto the cast roaster and place the food onto the roaster. Switching off Turn the control knob to 0. The operating light goes off. : Risk of burns! The grill will remain hot for a long time after switching off. Do not touch the grill for at least minutes after switching off. : Risk of burns! Do not close the appliance cover until the appliance has cooled down completely. Do not operate the appliance with the cover closed. Do not use the appliance cover for placing objects or for keeping things warm. Overheating protection To protect the appliance and the furniture, the grill switches the heating elements off automatically when overheated. After having cooled down, the appliance switches on again. 15

16 Settings table Food Power level Time Remarks Meat and poultry Beef steak, medium, 2-3 cm min. each side the steak is medium when juices appear on the meat Veal cutlets, 2 cm 7 6 min. each side Kebab (skewers), à 100 g min. turn several times Lamb chop, medium rare, 2 cm 7 6 min. each side Neck of pork steak, 2 cm min. each side Sausage, g min. turn several times Hamburger, 1 cm min. Turkey breast, 2 cm min. Chicken wings, à 100 g min. turn several times Fish and seafood King prawns min. use raw or precooked king prawns with the shell Lobster, precooked min. Salmon steak, 3 cm min. Tuna steak, 3 cm min. Fish fillet, 2 cm min. for example herring or halibut Trout, whole, 200 g min. coat trout with oil to make sure the skin does not stick to the cast grill Side dishes Vegetables min. for example sliced courgettes and aubergines, chopped peppers Mushrooms min. Fruit (for example peach or pear halves) min. each side Frying with the cast roaster (AM special accessory) Pancakes min. each side Pan-fried mushrooms, 500 g min. Scrambled egg min. Fries potatoes, 700 g min. Minced meat, 600 g min. Vegetable stir fry, 600 g min. for example peppers, onions, carrots, courgettes, coarsely chopped Preheat the grill on level 9 for 4-5 minutes. Preheat for 5-6 minutes when using the cast roaster (AM ). The values must be looked upon as a guideline. The heat required depends on the type and condition of the food. 16

17 Tips and tricks Care and cleaning Always preheat the grill. In this way, the intensive heat radiation will seal the sur face of the grilled food and juice cannot leak. To avoid drying out of the sur face and to improve the taste, lightly brush grilled food with heat-- resistant oil (e.g. peanut oil). Make sure you do not use too much oil as otherwise the oil may flare up or smoke heavily. Always grill meat unsalted. Otherwise, meat juice and soluble nutrients might leak and be lost. Place the food directly on the cast grill. Do not use aluminium foil or grilling trays. Turn grilled pieces over as soon as they can be removed easily from the grill. If meat sticks to the grill, the fibres are destroyed and juice leaks out. Do not pierce the meat while grilling it. It may lose its juice. Avoid pickled foods such as boiled ham and smoked pork etc. otherwise a substance may be produced that is harmful to health. Notch cutlets several times on the bone and in the fat layer so they do not curve during grilling. Do not remove the fatty layer (e.g. on a cutlet) until after grilling as otherwise the meat will lose juice and aroma. Poultry will become crispy brown if you coat it with butter, salty water or orange juice towards the end of the grilling time. Season fruit to taste after grilling with honey, maple syrup or lemon juice. You can precook vegetables with a long cooking time (for example corn on the cob). Place fish fillet on the grill with the skin down. Coat the skin with oil in order to avoid it sticking to the grill. Serve grilled food hot. Grilled food will become tough if you keep it warm. In this chapter you will find tips on how to maintain and clean your appliance correctly. : Risk of burns! The appliance becomes hot during operation. Allow the appliance to cool down before cleaning. : Risk of electric shock! Do not use high pressure washers or steam cleaners to clean the appliance. Cleaning the appliance Clean the appliance after every use once it has cooled down. This avoids residues burning in. Burnt in residues may be difficult to remove. Do not scrape away burnt in residues, leave them to soak with soapy water. Take off the cast grill and tilt up the heating elements. Remove the lava stone trough with the lava stones. Part/surface Cast grill Stainless steel trough Lava stone trough Recommended cleaning method Remove coarse soiling with the cleaning brush. Soak the cast grill in the sink. Clean with the cleaning brush and washing-up liquid and dry thoroughly. Cover stubborn soiling with our grillcleaning-gel while the appliance is cold (order number ) and leave for at least 2 hours, if necessary overnight. Carefully rinse afterwards with a moist cloth and dry. Observe the instructions on the packaging. Do not clean in a dishwasher! Clean with a soft, moist cloth and some soapy water; dry with a soft cloth. Leave stubborn soiling to soak. Use our stainless steel cleaner for stubborn soiling (order number ) or our grill-cleaning-gel (order number ). After cleaning, apply our stainless steel care product (order number ). Take out the lava stones. Clean the lava stone trough in the sink with soapy water and a soft brush; dry with a soft cloth. Leave stubborn soiling to soak or remove with our our grill-cleaning-gel (order number ). 17

18 Part/surface Lava stones Control panel Control knobs Cast roaster AM (special accessory, not in the scope of delivery) Recommended cleaning method Replace the lava stones when they are black. In this case, the lava stones have become saturated with grease. The fat might smoke during grilling or even flare up. You can order suitable lave stones from your specialist dealer (order number LV ). Clean with a soft, moist cloth and some soapy water; do not use too much water. Dry with a soft cloth. Immediately remove residues of food containing acid from the control panel (e. g. vinegar, ketchup, mustard, marinade). You can order a suitable care product for the control panel (order number ) from your specialist retailer or online. Apply the care product evenly with a soft cloth on the control panel after cleaning. Clean with a soft, moist cloth and some soapy water; do not use too much water. Sprinkle coarse salt onto the roaster. Mix the salt with the grease until it has become saturated with the grease. Remove the salt and wipe with a dry cloth. Lightly coat the cast roaster with oil before storage. Do not clean in a dishwasher! Do not use these cleaning agents Scouring or chemically aggressive cleaners Acidic cleaners (e.g. vinegar, citric acid, etc) Cleaners containing chlorine or with a high content of alcohol Oven cleaner Hard and scratchy sponges, brushes or scouring pads Thoroughly wash out new sponge cloths before using them. After-sales service In the event of repairs please contact our after-sales sevice. We are committed fo find the best solution also in order to avoid an unnecessary call-out. Please quote the E number (product number) and the FD number (production number) of your appliance when contacting the after-sales service. The rating plate bearing these numbers can be found on the bottom of the appliance. For future reference you can note the data of your appliance and the telephone number of our after-sales service below. E-Nr. After-sales service O FD-Nr. Please note that calling out an after-sales service technician is not free of charge, even within the warranty period, should the problem result from an operating error. Please find the contact data of all countries in the enclosed customer service list. To book an engineer visit and product advice GB Calls from a BT landline will be charged at up to 3 pence per minute. A call set-up fee of up to 6 pence may apply. IE AU NZ Trust the expertise of the manufacturer, and rest assured that the repair will be carried out by trained service technicians using original spare parts for your domestic appliance. : Risk of electric shock! Incorrect repairs are dangerous. Repairs may only be carried out by one of our trained after-sales engineers. If the appliance is faulty, unplug the mains plug or switch off the fuse in the fuse box. Contact the aftersales service. 18






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