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8 1 Joseph Heller

9 2 Yossrian CATCH-22





14 7

15 1961 Rose Sallberg Kam Barron s book note Joseph Heller s Catch-22 Jon Woodson A Study of Joseph Hellers Catch-22 Going Around Twice Barron s book note Joseph Heller s Catch-22 Rose Sallberg Kam A Study of Joseph Heller s Catch-22 Going 8

16 Daniel Walden James Nagal T.S Jon Woodson A Study Of Joseph Heller s Catch 22 Going Around Twice 1 Peter Lang New York

17 10 O !


19 1961 CLOSING TIME Kurt Vonneget Malcom

20 Bradbury Jig Bullard




24 World Culture

25 28 Catch 22 Something Happened Good as Gold 28 18

26 catch Goldner catch-22 Catch Green Daniel A World Worth Laughing Catch-22 And the Humor of Black Humor Studies in the novel Colner John Colerige to Catch 22 Image of society London Macmillan Gross Beverly Insanity Is Contagious The Mad World of Catch-22 The Centernial Reviw Merrill Robert The Structure and Meaning of Catch-22 Studies in American Fiction Mchale Brain Postmodernist Fiction New York Methuen Catch

27 34 34 Catch

28 鬰 Black Humor black humor humour noir


30 5 6 Joseph R McCathy Bernard Baruch Walter Lippmann


32 World Culture

33 the power of blackness



36 T.S


38 (Joseph Heller) Isaac Heller BBC Rose sallberg Kam Barron s book note Joseph Heller scatch New York

39 Swift

40 guillain barre yndrome Rose Sallberg Kam Barrons book note Josepg HellersCatch New York Rose Sallberg Kam Barrons book note Josepg Hellers Catch New York

41 35 80 God knows Watch this Closing time World Culture

42 World Culture





47 8 9 Catch





52 Eric Maria Remarque Norman Mailer Rose Sallberg Kam Barrons book note Joseph Heller s Catch New York

53 Rose Sallberg Kam Barron s book note Joseph Heller s Catch New York


55 B 48

56 Catch


58 25 爲

59 35 45 M&M 52





64 31 龌龊 Staughton Lyndy







71 Washionton Rving John Milton 没

72 A.T 65

73 66

74 256 M M 67





79 4 John Yosarrian









88 81



91 20 Max F.Schulz

92 22 Lieuant Cathcat


94 26 Milo Minderbider

95 28 徳



98 Albert Taylor Tappman AT


100 40 疱 Wisconsin singles Major Major Major major 93

101 43 Washton IrvIng John Milton




105 徳 98





110 64 奬 没 奬 65 没





115 74 絶 徳

116 徳 徳

117 81 82 徳 徳





122 _ 3 5 徳

123 . 6 7 IBM

124 _


126 _


128 _


130 _ 没


132 _


134 _


136 _


138 _


140 _

141 37 徳

142 _ 悪

143 41 A A A A

144 _ 43 没

145 138

146 _


148 _


150 _ 49 B

151 51 冲

152 _

153 146

154 catch 22 Catch

155 V YOYO

156 啓 従

157 9. TDS 啓 9 従 従

158 151

159 Joseph Heller Catch-22 Simon and Schuster New York Wiffred L.Gerin John R.Willinghdm O

160 1994 Gaukroger Doug Time Structure in Catch 22 Critique 1970 James Nafel Critical Essays On Catch-22 CA Dickenson 1974 Colner ohn Colerige to Catch 22 Image of society London Macmillan 1978 Gross Beverly Insanity Is Contagious The Mad World of Catch-22 The Centernial Reviw 1982 Nogal James Critical Essay on Joseph Heller 1984 Rose Sallberg Kam Barraon s book notes-joseph Heller s Catch-22 Barron Educational seriese inc Merrill Robert The Structure and Meaning of Catch-22 Studies in American Fiction 1986 Merril Robert Bibliography Joseph Heller 1987 Mchale Brain Postmodernist Fiction New York 1987 Green Daniel A World Worth Laughing Catch-22 And the Humor of BlackHumor Studies in the nove 1995 Jon Woodson A study of Joseph Heller s Catch-22 Going Around Twice Peter Lang Publishing Inc New York


162 catch Touch Life Patrick D Murphy Environmental Ethics,Environmental Justice,And Multicultrure American Literature Indiana Univ. of Pennsylvania U.S.A o O O




166 / China Tranalate.net Casino Royale (Columbia Pictures, 1967), and Dirty Dingus Magee (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1970). joseph heller short introduction 159

167 / 5 10 / 18 / /

168 !

169 /40 162

170 163

171 Rose Sallberg Kam Barron s book notes Joseph Heller s Catch-22 P Barron Educational seriese inc New York

172 Ful Bright Short Fiction Mc calls Catch 22 Catch Catch Catch Catch


174 Catch-22, Simon & Schuster, novel; chapter 1 ("Catch 18") in New World Writing No.7, 1955; additional chapters in Playboy, 1969, (contrib.), "World Full of Great Cities," in Nelson Algren's Own Book of Lonesome Monsters, Lancer, * We Bombed in New Haven, Knopf, two-act play first produced Yale, 1967; Broadway, * Catch-22: A Dramatization, Samuel French, one-act play first produced East Hampton, Clevinger's Trial, Samuel French, play first produced London, * Something Happened, Knopf, novel; excerpt in Esquire, * Good as Gold, Simon & Schuster, novel. * God Knows, Knopf, novel; winner of Prix Interallie and Priz Medicis Etranger, both * No Laughing Matter, Putnam, autobiography (with Speed Vogal) * Picture This, Putnam, novel. 167

175 * Closing Time, Simon & Schuster, novel. Now and Then: From Coney Island to Here, Knopf/Random House, autobiography. Portrait of an Artist, as an Old Man, Simon & Schuster, Catch As Catch Can, ed. Matthew J. Bruccoli and Park Bucker, Simon & Schuster, 2002 In addition, Mr. Heller has contributed short stories, reviews, and articles to many periodicals, including Story, Atlantic Monthly, New Republic, Nation, Smart, Esquire, and Cosmopolitan. His screenplays have included Sex and the Single Girl (Warner Brothers, 1964), Casino Royale (Columbia Pictures, 1967), and Dirty Dingus Magee (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1970)

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