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1 进境货物物流注意事项 中国国际日用消费品博览会 2016 中国 - 中东欧国家投资贸易博览会 Logistics Notifications for imported cargo The 15th China International Consumer Goods fair China-CEEC Investment and Trade Expo 2016 一 进境货物分类 : 进境货物可分为销售用和非销售用两大类 1. The imported cargo is divided into two categories : the sale use cargo and non-sale use cargo 征税类货物指在展馆内的商店, 餐厅对外进行销售 赠送用的货物, 这类货物需缴纳海关关税, 增值税及消费税 ; 且某些货物进口清关时需额外提交许可证, 配额等 清关耗时比非销售类货物长 The tax cargo refers to cargo which will be used sold,tasted, given-away and donated. Such cargo will be charged with customs duty, VAT and consuming tax. Some of the sale use cargo is required to supply the import admission license additionally, for which the customs clearance procedure may take longer time than non-sale use cargo. 非征税类货物是指用于展示的物品及宣传材料, 一般可免税, 但烟 酒等特殊商品除外 ( 必须交税 ) 此类货物在展会结束后将运回原产国, 如果有展会上有消耗, 海关在展会闭幕后进行征税处理 The non-tax cargo refers to cargo and materials only used to be on display and will return back to the origin country. Such cargo and materials are normally duty-free except cigarettes, alcohol and other special goods. Cargo reduce in exhibition will be taxed by the customs after the closing of the exhibition. 1

2 二 所需提供的单证 : 2. Documents required 类别 Category 所需单证 Documents required 备注 Remarks 普通展品 General Exhibits 提单, 展品清单, 包装证明 散发的资料 宣传品需事先送审 Documents and promotion material which are used to be on display should be sent to 动植物产品 Animal and plant 提单, 展品清单, 包装证明, 原产地证, 动植物检疫证书 ( 官方机构出具 ) or AWB One official issued quarantine 如系濒危动植物需另行审批 The extra authorization should be taken for the animal and plants in extremes. 食品 Food stuff 提单, 展品清单, 包装证明, 原产地证, 食品检验合格证书 / 健康证 ( 官方机构出具 ) One official issued of health 如要销售需做食品标签并经抽样化验合格 The food label in Chinese is needed. The food should not be sold until getting through the 电器产品 Electrical 提单, 展品清单, 包装证明, 产品资料 ( 包含技术参数及用途说明 ) Product introduction 如要销售必须取得 3C 认证 The electrical should not be sold after get the CCC. 化妆品 Cosmetics Stuff 提单, 展品清单, 包装证明, 原产地证, 自由销售证明, 产品成份说明 or AWB Certificate of Origin for cosmetics Certificate for free-sale Introduction of components 如要销售需取得化妆品标签审批并经抽样化验合格 The cosmetics should not be sold until getting through the label authorization and sampling test. 2

3 Customs for inspection sampling test by the quarantine authority 三 关键时间节点要求 : 3. Time points required 1. 参展者应在每批货物发运前至少 45 天向物流中心提交参加展会该批货物的详细运输计划 ( 承运人 货物信息 起运时间 到达时间 船名航次或航班等信息以及展会结束后的回运计划 ) 1). Official participants shall, at least 45 days prior to the shipment of the first batch of cargo, submit a detailed transport plan on all items of their cargo intended for exhibition ( this transport plan shall include, without limitation,the carrier,goods information,shipment time, arrival time,name of vessel and voyage or flight,and shipment schedule after the conclusion of exhibition). 2. 参展者应在货物离港后, 最迟不超过货物抵达展会举办地前 20 天向我们提交经展区总代表或馆长或其授权代表签字的展品清单, 提单及其他所需单证以便我们申请物资证明函并进行通关前单证审核和文件准备工作 2). Participants shall submit the list of Commodities signed by the commissioner-general of Section or Director of Pavilion or the authorized representatives to the Logistics Center 20 days before the arrival of the cargo at the Exhibition. 3. 到港截止期限 :( 所有要求单证需提供齐全 ) 3) The deadline for arrival at the seaport and the airport ( All the documents requirement should be supplied completely. 海运 : 要求进馆日前 7 个工作日 Deadline for arrival at the seaport: 7 working days before entering the pavilion 空运 : 要求进馆日前 5 个工作日 Deadline for arrival at the airport: 5 working days before entering the Pavilion 3

4 4. 一般货物最晚应在 5 月 20 日前到达宁波 / 上海港, 对于需抽样化验合 格后方能使用的食品类, 最晚到达宁波 / 上海港的时间为 5 月 10 日 4) For general cargo, we suggest the deadline for arrival at the seaport should be May 20, For the food stuff which is required to be inspected by the Sanity and Health Inspection department in Ningbo/Shanghai, the deadline for arrival at the seaport we suggest is May 10, 仓储申请需在货物入库前, 提前至少 7 个工作日电子邮件或传真等方 式向物流中心提出申请, 指定物流商可代为办理 5) Official participants who need storage service shall completely fill out the Application for Storage Service of Exhibition at least 7 working days before the materials are put into the warehouse,the applications can also be submitted by facsimile or . 四 特别注意事项 : 4. Reminder 1. 食品类货物如需销售, 货物出运前必须在食品的外包装上全部加贴中文食品标签, 通常办理中文食品标签的手续在 1 个月左右, 到港清关后需经检验检疫部门抽样化验合格后才能销售, 化验过程通常也要一个月左右, 因此对此类货物需要留出足够的时间 1) All Food stuff for sale should be stuck with food label in Chinese on outside before departure. It will normally take about one month to apply for the food label in Chinese. The food should not be sold until getting through the sampling test by the quarantine 4

5 authority after customs clearance. Since the sampling test will take one month, adequate operation time should be given. 2. 黄金制品进口需要许可证, 此证管理很严格, 不建议进口 2) It is not suggested to import gold because the import license for such is strictly controlled. 3. 动植物活体, 生鲜肉类, 生鲜水产品类, 动物皮毛, 新鲜水果, 化妆 品等货物我国准入门槛较高, 申请手续复杂且时间较长, 不建议进口 3) It is not suggested to import goods such as live animal and plants, fresh meat, fresh aquatic, animal leather and furs, fresh fruits, cosmetics and etc. because the admission qualification for such goods is strictly controlled.. 5


1) 进 境 货 物 物 流 注 意 事 项 中 国 国 际 日 用 消 费 品 博 览 会 2015 中 国 - 中 东 欧 国 家 投 资 贸 易 博 览 会 Logistics Notifications for imported cargo The 14th China International Consumer Goods fair China-CEEC Investment and Trade

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