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1 more innovative Coffee Maker 咖啡机 more innovative MR4667 在使用本产品之前请仔细阅读使用说明书并保存好, 以备日后参考

2 安全注意事项 1. 使用前请详细阅读此说明书 2. 检查你所用的电压是否与产品的额定电压相符 3. 使用咖啡机时应有人监看, 不要让小孩和无自理能力的人接近咖啡机 4. 不要在高温处使用 5. 在不使用或清洁咖啡机时请先拔去插座 在安装或取下咖啡机的部件及清洁前需先让咖啡机的冷却 6. 当电源线 插头受损时请不要使用, 若咖啡机有故障或其它原因造成不能正常工作时, 请把咖啡机拿到服务商处作测试 修理 7. 当咖啡机有故障时, 请立即停止使用, 送到最近的维修点维修 请不要自行拆开, 以免造成人身伤害或危险 产品示意图 使用时咖啡机系统处于高压状态, 严禁打开漏斗以防烫伤 9. 应把咖啡机放置于台面或平整的地方使用, 不要把电源线挂在桌子或台的边缘 10. 确保电源线不要与咖啡机的高热部分接触 11. 不要接触咖啡机温度较高的地方, 只能接触温度较低的塑料部分或手柄 12. 严禁在水箱没有水的情况下工作及加热易燃液体 13. 煮咖啡过程中不可打开上盖, 以免烫伤人或损伤咖啡机 14. 在使用前先请把插头插到电源插座上, 在切断电源前, 请把按钮按至关位, 然后从插座拔下插头 15. 不要将咖啡机另作他用 16. 保留本说明书以便日后使用 TROUBLE SHOOTING Symptom Cause Corrections There is much water in the drip tray. Please clean the drip tray. Water leaks from the bottom of coffee maker. Water leaks out of outer side of filter. Acid (vinegar) taste exists in Espresso coffee. The coffee maker cannot work any more. The steam cannot froth. The coffee maker is malfunction. There is some coffee powder on filter edge. No clean correctly after cleaning mineral deposits. The coffee powder is stored in a hot, wet place for a long time. The coffee powder turns bad. The power outlet is not plugged well. The steam ready indicator (white indicator) is not illuminated. The container is too big or the shape is not fit. You have used skimmed milk Please contact with the authorized service facility for repairing. Get rid of them. Clean coffee maker per the content in before the first use for several times. Please use fresh coffee powder, or store unused coffee powder in a cool, dry place. After opening a package of coffee powder, reseal it tightly and store it in a refrigerator to maintain its freshness. Plug the power cord into a wall outlet correctly, if the appliance still does not work, please contact with the authorized service facility for repairing. Only after the steam ready indicator (white indicator) is illuminated, the steam can be used to froth. Use high and narrow cup. Use whole milk or half-skimmed milk 蒸汽工作指示灯 2 电源指示灯 3 咖啡工作指示灯 4 泵开关 5 电源开关 Do not take apart the appliance by yourself if the cause of failure is not found, you had better contact certified serving center. Environment friendly disposalyou can help protect the environment! Please remember to respect the local regulations: hand in the non-working electrical equipments to an appropriate waste disposal center. 6 咖啡 \ 蒸汽选择开关 7 金属滤网 8 金属漏斗 9 压钩 10 水箱盖 11 可移出水箱 12 蒸汽旋钮 13 金属手柄 14 可移动隔板 15 滴落盘 16 量勺 1 10

3 CLEAN AND MAINTENANCE 1. Cut off power source and let the coffee maker cool down completely before cleaning. 2. Clean housing of coffee maker with moisture-proof sponge often and clean water tank, drip tray and removable shelf regularly then dry them. Note: Do not clean with alcohol or solvent cleanser. Never immerse the housing in water for cleaning. 3. Detach the metal funnel through turn it clockwise, get rid of coffee residue inside, then you can clean it with cleanser, but at last you must rinse with clear water. 4. Clean all the attachments in the water and dry thoroughly. CLEANING MINERAL DEPOSITS 1. To make sure your coffee maker operating efficiently, internal piping is cleanly and the peak flavor of coffee, you should clean away the mineral deposits left every 2-3 months. 2. Fill the tank with water and descaler to the MAX level ( the scale of water and descaler is 4:1, the detail refers to the instruction of descaler. Please use household descaler, you can use the citric acid (obtainable from chemist's or drug stores) instead of the descaler (the one hundred parts of water and three parts of citric acid). 3. According to the program of pre-heating, put the metal funnel (no coffee powder in it) and carafe (jug) in place. Brewing water per PRE-HEATING. 4. Press down the ON/OFF button to the lower position, the power indicator (red) will be illuminated, you should press the pump control button to the lower position, make sure the coffee/steam button is on the higher position, when there is water flowing out and close the pump by pressing the pump control button again to the higher position, and waiting for a moment, the coffee maker begins to be heated. 5. When the coffee ready indicator (white) is illuminated, it shows the heating is finish. Pressing down the pump control button to the lower position and make make two cups coffee (about 2Oz). Then close the pump and wait for 5s. 6. Press down the coffee/steam button to the lower position, waiting for until the steam ready indicator is illuminated. Make steam for 2min, then turn the steam control knob to the minimum position to stop making steam. Press and release the ON/OFF to the higher position to stop the unit immediately, make the descalers deposit in the unit at least 15 minutes. 7. Restart the unit and repeat the steps of 4-6 at least 3 times. 8. Then pressing and release the coffee/steam button to the higher position, when the coffee ready white lamp is illuminated, press down the pump control button to the lower position to brew until no descaler is left. 9. Then brewing coffee (no coffee powder) with tap water in the MAX level, repeat the steps of 4-6 for 3 times (it is not necessary to wait for 15 minutes in step of 6), then brewing until no water is left in the tank. 10. Repeat the step of 9 at least 3 times to make sure the piping is cleanly. 9 初次使用之前 为保证第一杯咖啡即可味道上乘, 您需要先冲洗一下咖啡机 步骤如下 : 1. 根据水尺上的刻度向水箱内加入适量的清水, 不要超过最大刻度, 盖上水箱盖 注意 : 为了方便清洁, 该咖啡机配有一个可拆卸的水箱, 你可以先将水箱充满水, 然后再将水箱装到咖啡机上 2. 将不锈钢滤网装入金属漏斗 ( 滤网内不加咖啡 ) 将一个咖啡杯放在可移动搁板上 确保蒸汽旋钮在最小的位置 注意 : 该器具不配有咖啡杯, 请使用你自己的咖啡杯 3. 连接电源, 将电源开关按下, 则电源指示灯就会亮起 4. 将泵开关按按下, 水泵将会泵水, 当有水从咖啡出口流出的时候关闭水泵, 确保咖啡 / 蒸汽选择开关处于高位 ( 没有按下 ), 一会儿器具将开始预热直到咖啡工作指示灯亮起, 显示预热结束 再次将泵开关按下, 咖啡出口将会有水流出 5. 当水不再滴之后, 将所有容器中的水倒出, 然后彻底清洗它们, 现在可以开始煮咖啡了 注意 : 当第一次泵水时可能会有噪音, 这是正常的, 器具正在释放空气, 大约 20S 之后, 噪音就会消失 预热 为了制作美味可口的浓缩咖啡, 我们建议在制作咖啡之前先预热咖啡机, 包括漏斗, 滤网和杯, 这样咖啡的香味就不会被冷的部件影响 1. 打开上盖, 将水箱取出, 装上适量的水, 水位不要超过水箱中的最大标识, 然后再将水箱放回器具, 再重新盖上上盖. 2. 选择一杯或两杯滤网, 将不锈钢滤网放到金属漏斗上, 然后握住金属漏斗手柄并将压钩往后拉起, 按咖啡机上的标识所示, 向上放入卡位, 然后通过逆时针旋转把它装入咖啡机, 直到 LOCK 位置. 3. 将咖啡杯放在可移动搁板上 4. 接通电源, 确保咖啡 / 蒸汽选择开关在 关 的位置 蒸汽旋钮处于最小位置 5. 将电源开关按下, 电源指示灯就会亮起, 将泵开关按下, 当有水流出的时候, 立即关闭水泵, 这个步骤的目的是水泵将水从水箱泵到机身里 6. 当咖啡工作指示灯亮起的时候, 你应该再次将泵开关按下, 将会有热水流出, 当咖啡工作指示灯熄灭的时候, 关闭水泵, 预热结束! 制作意式浓缩咖啡 1. 顺时针旋转漏斗将它取出, 用量勺将研磨咖啡加入金属滤网内一杯咖啡大约需要一勺咖啡粉, 具体请依照不锈钢滤网上的刻度, 然后用量勺后部将咖啡粉轻轻抹平 2. 将不锈钢滤网放入金属漏斗, 然后握住金属漏斗手柄并将压钩往后拉起, 按咖啡机上的标识 所示, 向上放入卡位, 然后通过逆时针旋转把它装入咖啡机, 直到 LOCK 位置, 见右图 3. 将杯中的热水倒出, 然后将热杯放在可移动搁板上 4. 此时, 咖啡工作指示灯是亮的, 如果咖啡工作指示灯熄灭, 等一会儿, 一旦咖啡工作指示灯亮起, 你应该将泵开关按下, 一会儿, 将会有咖啡从咖啡出口流出 注意 : 在煮咖啡过程中, 咖啡工作指示灯可能会熄灭 ( 仅表示发热煲在加热, 保持发热煲温度恒定在标准围内 ), 属正常现象 ; 2

4 5. 当要求的咖啡量已经达到或咖啡的颜色明显的变浅, 你应该手动的将电源开关关闭, 电源指示灯和咖啡工作指示灯都将熄灭, 咖啡机停止工作, 你可以享用美味的咖啡了 警告 : 在煮咖啡过程中, 不要让咖啡机无人照看, 因为有时你需要手工操作 6. 在制作完咖啡之后, 你可以顺时针旋转将金属漏斗取出,, 然后用压钩按住不锈钢滤网, 倒去咖啡残渣 7. 让其充分冷却后用清水冲洗漏斗, 并小心擦洗不锈钢滤网 制作发泡牛奶 / 卡普契诺咖啡 当你在一杯意式浓缩咖啡上加发泡牛奶后, 即可得到一杯卡布契诺咖啡 操作步骤 : 1. 用足够大的杯子按照第五部分操作先准备好意式浓缩咖啡, 确保蒸汽控制旋钮处于最小位置 2. 将咖啡 / 蒸汽选择开关按下, 等一会儿, 直到蒸汽工作指示灯亮起. 3. 为每份卡布基诺咖啡准备 100 克左右冰冷的牛奶, 分别装在意式浓缩咖啡杯里 我们建议使用全脂冰牛奶 ( 不要使用热牛奶 ) 注意 : 选择杯大小时, 建议杯口直径不小于 70±5mm, 由于牛奶将以两倍的体积增加, 确保杯有足够的高度 4. 将蒸汽管插入到杯中的牛奶液面大约 2cm 以下的地方, 逆时针慢慢旋转蒸汽旋钮, 蒸汽将从蒸汽口冒出 从上至下沿环形移动盛有牛奶的容器, 对牛奶进行打泡 注意 : 千万不可快速旋转蒸汽旋钮, 由于蒸汽会在短时间内快速积聚, 这样容易发生潜在的爆炸危险 5. 当要求的效果达到之后, 旋转蒸汽控制旋钮到最小的位置 注意 : 蒸汽停止产生后, 应及时用湿海绵清洁蒸汽喷口, 但要小心以免烫伤! 6. 把打好泡的牛奶倒入事先准备好的意式浓缩咖啡内, 卡布基诺咖啡就准备好了 您也可根据自己的口味, 加入适量的糖或洒一些可可粉在上面 7. 将电源开关关闭, 切断电源 注意 : 建议您制完蒸汽后至少等咖啡机冷却 5min 后再使用, 否则您的意式咖啡可能有股 焦 味 制作热饮料 蒸汽可以用来制作热饮料, 比如巧克力饮料, 水或茶等 操作步骤 : 1. 打开上盖, 将水箱取出, 装上适量的水, 水位不要超过水箱中的最大标识, 然后再将水箱放回器具, 再重新盖上上盖. 2. 接电源 3. 将电源开关按下, 电源指示灯会亮起 4. 将泵开关按下, 确保咖啡 / 蒸汽选择开关处于关的位置, 水泵会泵水, 当有水流出的时候, 立即关闭水泵, 将咖啡 / 蒸汽选择开关按下, 一会儿, 器具开始加热, 直到蒸汽工作指示灯亮起, 表示加热结束 5. 将蒸汽管口浸入到需要加热的液体中, 然后逆时针慢慢旋转蒸汽旋钮去开始制作蒸汽 6. 当达到了你所要的温度时, 将蒸汽旋钮转至最小位置 7. 将电源开关关闭, 切断电源. 清洁及维护 FROTHING MILK/ MAKE CAPPUCCINO You get a cup of cappuccino when you top up a cup of espresso with frothing milk. Method: 1. Prepare espresso first with container big enough according to the part MAKE ESPRESSO COFFEE, make sure that the steam control knob is at the minimum position. 2. Press down the coffee/steam button to the lower position, waiting for until the steam ready indicator (white) is illuminated. Note: During continuous operations, the steam ready indicator is likely to extinguish due to the inadequate temperature of the water in the boiler, but it does not mean the unit will stop operating, you may continue to make coffee regardless of it. 3. Fill a jug with about 100 grams of milk for each cappuccino to be prepared, you are recommended to use whole milk at refrigerator temperature (not hot!). Note: In choosing the size of jug, it is recommend the diameter is not less than 70±5mm, and bear in mind that the milk increases in volume by 2 times, make sure the height of jug is enough. 4. Insert the frothing device into the milk about two centimetre, then turn the steam control knob slowly in anti-clockwise, steam will come out from the frothing device. Froth milk in the way moving vessel round from up to down. Note: Never turn the steam control button rapidly, as the steam will accumulate rapidly in short time which may increase the potential of the risk of explosion. 5. When the required purpose is reached, you can turn the steam control knob to the minimum position. Note: Clean steam outlet with wet sponge immediately after steam stops generating, but care not to hurt! 6. Pour the frothed milk into the espresso prepared, now the cappuccino is ready. Sweeten to taste and if desired, sprinkle the froth with a little cocoa powder. 7. Press and release the ON/OFF button to the higher position to cut the power source off. Note: we recommend you allow the maker to cool down at least for 5 min before making coffee again. Otherwise burnt odor may occurred in your Espresso coffee. PRODUCING STEAM TO HEAT LIQUIDS The steam wand (without the frothing device) can be used to make hot beverages like drinking chocolate, water or tea. Method: 1. Remove the detachable tank and fill it with desired water, the water level should not exceed the MAX mark in the tank. Then place the tank into the appliance properly. 2. Then connecting the appliance to power supply source. 3. Press down the ON/OFF button to the lower position, the power indicator (red) is illuminated. 4. Press down the pump control button to the lower position, make sure the coffee/steam button is on the higher position, the pump will pump water, when there is water flowing out, close the pump immediately, pressing down the coffee/steam button to the lower position and waiting for a moment, the appliance begins to be heated until the steam ready white lamp is illuminated, it shows the heating is finish. 5. Remove the frothing device from the steam wand. 6. Dip the steam wand into the liquid to be heated. Turn the steam control knob in anti-clockwise slowly to start making steam. 7. When the required temperature is reached, you can turn the steam control knob to the minimum position. 8. Press and release the ON/OFF button to the higher position to cut the power source off. 1. 清洁前先将电源插头断开, 使咖啡机充分冷却 2. 用防潮海绵清洗咖啡机主体, 定期清洗水箱, 滴水盘和杯座并擦干 注意 : 请勿用酒精或溶剂性清洁剂清洁, 不可把主体浸入水中清洗 3 8

5 PRE-HEATING To make a cup of good hot Espresso coffee, we recommend you preheating the appliance before making coffee, including the funnel, filter and cup, so that the coffee flavour can not be influenced by the cold parts. 1. Remove the detachable tank and open the tank cover to fill it with desired water, the water level should not exceed the MAX mark in the tank. Then place the tank into the appliance properly. 2. Set steel mesh into metal funnel, make sure the tube on the funnel aligns with groove in the appliance, then insert the funnel into the appliance as indicating of mark, and you can fix them into coffee maker firmly through turn it anticlockwise until it is at the lock position.(see fig. 1). 3. Place an espresso cup (yourself cup) on removable cup shelf. 4. Then connecting the appliance to power supply source. Make sure the steam control knob is on the minimum position. 5. Press the ON/OFF button to the lower position, the power indicator (red) will be illuminated, make sure the coffee/steam button is on the higher position. Press down the pump control button to the lower position, when there is water flowing out, close the pump immediately by pressing the pump control button again to the higher position. The purpose of the step is that pump the water of the tank into the housing. 6. When the coffee ready indicator (white) is illuminated, you should press down the pump control button to the lower position again, there will be hot water flowing out. When the coffee ready indicator (white) is extinguished, close the pump by pressing the pump control button again to the higher position. The pre-heating is finished. MAKE ESPRESSO COFFEE 1. Remove the funnel by turning it in clockwise,.add ground coffee to steel mesh with measuring spoon, a spoon ground coffee power can make about a cup of top-grade coffee, then press the ground coffee powder tightly with the tamper. 2. Set steel mesh into metal funnel, make sure the tube on the funnel aligns with groove in the appliance, then insert the funnel into the appliance as indicating of mark, and you can fix them into coffee maker firmly through turn it anticlockwise until it is at the lock position.(see fig. 1). Fig 1 3. Pour out the hot water in the cup. Then place the hot cup (yourself cup) on removable cup shelf. 4. At the time, the coffee ready indicator (white) is illuminated, once the white lamp is illuminated, you should press down the pump control button to the lower position, waiting for a moment, there will be coffee flowing out. Note: During continuous operations, the coffee ready indicator is likely to extinguish due to the inadequate temperature of the water in the boiler, but it does not mean the unit will stop operating, you may continue to make coffee regardless of it. 5. You should press and release the ON/OFF button to the higher position manually when desired coffee is obtained or the colour of coffee changes weak obviously, the power indicator and coffee ready indicator go out and the coffee maker stops working, your coffee is ready now. WARNING: Do not leave the coffee maker unattended during making the coffee, as you need operate manually sometimes! 6. After finishing making the coffee, you can take the metal funnel out through turn clockwise, then pour the coffee residue out with the steel mesh pressed by press bar. 7. Let them cool down completely, then rinse under running water. 3. 通过顺时针旋转把滤网和漏斗拆下, 倒掉里面的咖啡渣, 然后用清洗液和涮洗巾来清洁滤网和漏斗, 但最后务必用清水冲洗 4. 在水中清洗所有附件并彻底晾干 清洁矿物质沉淀 1. 为保证咖啡机正常使用功能及内部水流道清洁 咖啡口味纯正, 咖啡机在使用 2-3 个月后需对其除垢 清结维护 2. 往水箱装入水和除垢剂至 MAX 位 ( 约 1.25L, 水和除垢剂比例为 4:1, 具体比例以除垢剂的使用说明书为准 ), 请使用 家用咖啡机除垢剂 或到服务中心购买专用除垢剂, 如果没有除垢剂, 可用柠檬酸代替 ( 水和柠檬酸比例为 100:3) 3. 根据预热程序将金属漏斗 ( 无咖啡粉 ) 和杯子放置在位, 根据 预热 程序煮水 4. 将电源开关按下, 工作指示灯会亮起, 确保咖啡 / 蒸汽选择开关处于关的位置. 将泵开关按下, 当有水流出的时候, 立即关闭水泵, 等一会儿, 咖啡开始加热 5. 当咖啡工作指示灯亮起, 表示加热结束. 将泵开关按下, 制作两杯咖啡 ( 大约 2Oz) 然后关闭水泵等待 5s. 6. 将咖啡 / 蒸汽选择开关按下, 直到蒸汽工作指示灯亮起, 打 2 分钟蒸汽, 然后将蒸汽控制旋钮调到最小位置停止打蒸汽, 将电源开关关闭, 立即停止咖啡机, 让除垢剂在器具内至少停留 15 分钟 7. 重新启动咖啡机, 重复 3 次 4-6 的步骤 8. 将咖啡 / 蒸汽选择开关关闭, 当咖啡工作指示灯亮起的时候, 将泵开关按下开始煮咖啡直到所有的除垢剂全部流出 9. 然后使用自来水煮咖啡 ( 无咖啡粉 ), 重复 3 次 4-6 的步骤 ( 但是在步骤 6 中不用等待 15 分钟 ), 然后煮水直到水箱中的水全部流出 10. 重复步骤 9 至少 3 次来确保管道都被清洗干净 常见故障解答 故障可能原因解决办法 制好的意式浓缩咖啡滴落太慢 水从咖啡机底部流出 漏斗外侧漏水 制成的意式浓缩咖啡有股酸 ( 醋 ) 味 咖啡机不工作了 咖啡研磨太细 咖啡机已坏 滴水盘中积聚了太多的水 选择研磨得稍粗一些的咖啡粉 勿再使用咖啡机, 与特约服务中心联系 定期清洁滴水盘 漏斗的边缘被咖啡粉堵住了去除多余的咖啡粉 除完水垢后没正确冲洗 咖啡粉放置在热并且潮湿的环境中时间太长了 可能是电源插座没有插好 按 初次使用前 所述清洗咖啡机几次 使用新鲜的咖啡粉或将咖啡粉存储在干燥的地方, 打开袋子的咖啡粉, 不使用的时候应该密封好并保存在冰箱里 检查电源插座是否插好, 若插好仍然不工作, 则联系专业维修机构 7 蒸汽喷口喷出的蒸汽不能将牛奶发泡 预备打蒸汽指示灯还没有亮 容器太大或形状不合适 您用了脱脂牛奶 只有蒸汽指示灯亮的时候, 才能开始打蒸汽 使用高窄杯 用全脂或半脱脂牛奶

6 IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS Before using the electrical appliance, the following basic precautions should always be followed including the following: 1. Read all instructions. 2. Before using check that the voltage of wall outlet corresponds to rated voltage marked on the rating plate. 3. This appliance has been incorporated with a grounded plug. Please ensure the wall outlet in your house is well earthed. 4. To protect against fire, electric shock and injury to persons do not immerse cord, plug, in water or other liquid. 5. Remove plug from wall outlet before cleaning and when not in use. Allow appliance cool down completely before taking off, attaching components or before cleaning. 6. Do not operate any appliance with a damaged cord or plug or after the appliance malfunctions, or is dropped or damaged in any manner. Return appliance to the nearest authorized service facility for examination, repair or electrical or mechanical adjustment. 7. The use of accessory attachments not recommended by the appliance manufacturer may result in fire, electric shock or injury to persons. 8. Place appliance on flat surface or table, do not hang power cord over the edge of table or counter. 9. Ensure the power cord do not touch hot surface of appliance. 10. Do not place the coffee maker on hot surface or beside fire in order to avoid to be damaged. 11. To disconnect, remove plug from wall outlet. Always hold the plug. But never pull the cord. 12. Do not use appliance for other than intended use and place it in a dry environment. 13. Close supervision is necessary when your appliance is being used near children. 14. Be careful not to get burned by the steam. 15. Do not touch the hot surface of appliance (such as steam wand, and the steel mesh just boiling). Use handle or knobs. 16. Do not let the coffee maker operate without water. 17. Scalding may occur if the water tank is removed during the brewing cycles. 18. Do not remove the metal funnel when appliance in brewing coffee or when steam and hot water escape from metal funnel and ensure to release the pressure in water tank before removing metal funnel. 19. Connect plug to wall outlet before using and turn any switch off before plug is removed from wall outlet. 20. Relief pressure through steam wand before removing tank cover or metal funnel. 21. This appliance is not intended for used by persons (including children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliances by a person responsible for their safety. 22. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance. 21. Do not use outdoors. 22. Save these instructions. HOUSEHOLD USE ONLY 5 KNOW YOUR COFFEE MAKER (Product may be subject to change without prior notice) Steam ready indicator Power indicator Coffee ready indicator C offee/steam button ON/OFF button Pump control button Steel mesh M etal funnel Press bar Funnel handle R em ovable cup shelf D rip tray BEFORE THE FIRST USE Tank cov er Detanchable tank Steam control knob M easuing spoon To ensure the first cup of coffee tastes excellent, you should rinse the coffee maker with warm water as follows: 1. Pour water into water tank, the water level should not exceed the MAX mark in the tank. Then replace the water tank cover. Note: the appliance is supplied with a detachable tank for easy cleaning, you can fill the tank with water firstly, and then put the tank into the appliance. 2. Set steel mesh into metal funnel (no coffee in steel mesh). make sure the tube on the funnel aligns with groove in the appliance, then insert the funnel into the appliance as indicating of mark, and you can fix them into coffee maker firmly through turn it anticlockwise until it is at the central position of appliance. 3. Place an espresso cup (yourself cup) on removable cup shelf. Make sure the steam control knob is on the minimum position. Note: the appliance is not equipped with jug, please use yourself jug or coffee cup. 4. Connect to power source, press down the ON/OFF button to the lower position. The power indicator (red) will be illuminated. 5. Press down the pump control button to the lower position, the pump will pump water, when there is water flowing out and close the pump by pressing the pump control button again to the original position, make sure the coffee/steam button is on the higher position and waiting for a moment, the appliance begins to be pre-heated until the coffee ready indicator (white) is illuminated, it shows the pre-heating is finish. Pressing the pump to the lower position again, and water will flow out. 6. After water not dropping out any more, you can pour the water in each container out then clean them thoroughly, now you can start brewing. Note: There may be noise when pump the water on the first time, it is normal, the appliance is releasing the air in the appliance. After about 20s, the noise will disappear. 6

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