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1 Intranet Web Based * * ***** * ** *** ( ) Intranet Web IntranetInternetWeb (World Wide Web, WWW) EIS (Executive Information System) Web Multi-homepage Web Based EIS MIS Multi-homepage Web Based EIS Intranet Web Based EIS EIS (Internet) Internet (Intranet) (World Wide Web, WWW) Internet (Management Information System, MIS) (Decision Support System, DSS) * EIS

2 WebIntranet Intranet/Web Calgary EIS (Anonymous, 1996) (Vandenbosch & Huff, 1997) Liddle EIS 5 EIS EIS (Liddle, Alan 1996; Vandenbosch & Huff, 1997)Campbell 1996 EIS (Campbell, 1996) Frolick & Ramarapu 1993 Hypermedia: The Future of EIS EIS (Hypermedia EIS) (Hypertext) (Hypermedia)

3 Intranet Web Based 3 EIS (Conklin, 1987; Garrity & Sipior, 1994) 20 (Extended Warnier Diagran, EWD) (Kuo, 1993) Web Java Java-Based (1) Intranet(2) Web server(3) Java Intranet Web home environment (Tribal, 1996) Internet Intranet Data WarehouseEIS DSS Web Based (Web Based Hypermedia EIS) Goulde (1995) Web-based (Multimedia) Internet (Client-Server) (Goulde, 1995) Web (hyperlink) Web-Client Web-Server Web-ServerWeb MIS Oracle Informix Web CGI (Common Gateway Interface) HTML SQL Web Based Hypermedia EIS Intranet Web Based EIS Web

4 EIS 2.EIS 3.EIS 4.EIS 5.EIS EIS Web EIS ) ( Web Web EIS Web EIS 11 ( ) Web 7 (1) ( )(2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Web Web

5 Intranet Web Based Multi-homepage Web Based EIS EIS EIS) MIS TPS Web EIS Web EIS ( ) Web EIS

6 Web EIS 2.Web EIS Web EIS EIS MIS (Menu) 3. MIS EIS Web 4. MIS WordExcelPower ( PointCAD) Web EIS 5. Web EIS EIS Web EIS 5 EIS Web Web Multi-homepage Web Based EIS Multi-homepage WWW Web Based EIS

7 Intranet Web Based 7 User User User Windows NT Clients Multi-homePage WWW Windows NT Server (Web Server) Web Based EIS Windows NT Servers (SQL Server) External Information Corporate MIS Databases System (Mainframe Computer) Multi-homepage Web Based EIS Web-based EIS Windows NT Server Windows NT SQL Server data warehouse MIS (source database) (application database) data warehouse MIS database SQL Server InformixOracleSybase Web ASP WWW MIS Web EIS Web EIS SQL Server MIS

8 MIS Web ASP EIS Web-based EIS MIS HTML HTML EIS Web HTML Web Web EIS Web Great DBF Input / Output Modified / Replace Delete Query Print MIS MIS Web Based EIS Web Based EIS

9 Intranet Web Based 9 Multi-homepage WWW Windows NT Server WWW Browser Web Server Windows95 Windows NT client WWW Web Server Web Server Window NT Server homepage Web Server Web server (homepage) Multi-homepage WWW homepagewww Homepage File user Web (Match) Multi-homepage WWW homepage Server Web Web USER WWW Homepage A B user 1 N A B user k N WWW SEVER Data Module A1 Ak B1 Bk ( WWW ) ( WWW ) (EIS WWW ) N1 Nk Multi-homepage WWW Web Multi-homepage WWW Web Web Based EIS Web Web Based EIS (hyperlink) Web ( ) (

10 ) Web EIS Web WWW Server Web Module AModule BModule N Module A WWW WWW Module A Module A1 Module A2Module Ak Module A1 Module A2 Module A3 N x K Module A Multi-homepage homepage Web (hyperlink) homepage Web Web URL homepage Web Web WWW Server Data Module Multi-homepage Web Based EIS MIS MIS Web Web Based EIS WWW Browser EIS WordExcelPowerPoint Web HTML Web WWW EIS Multi-homepage Web Based EIS EIS

11 Intranet Web Based 11 Wed-based EIS MIS EIS EIS EIS (Process-Oriented System) MIS EIS EIS Multi-homepage Web Based EIS Multi-homepage WWW EIS hyperlink Multi-homepage WWW EIS EIS Multi-homepage WWW

12 Web Based EIS (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)MIS ( ) ( )

13 Intranet Web Based 13 Web Based EIS EIS EIS Web Based EIS Web Baesd EIS Web Based EIS Homepages Web Based EIS (1) Homepage (2) (3) (4)MIS database Link (5) Link Web Based EIS EIS input/output EIS EIS EIS homepage Web Based EIS Intranet Web Based EIS Intranet Web Based EIS

14 Multi-homepage Web Based EIS Web Based EIS EIS Homepages 88 1 Web Based EIS (1) (2) (3) Web Based EIS Homepages (1) (2) (3) Homepages Homepage Web Based EIS Homepage Web EIS (1) (2) (3) (4) Web Based EIS(5) Web EIS

15 Intranet Web Based EIS Web 2. Web EIS Multi-homepage Web Based EIS 3. Multi-homepage Web Based EIS EIS EIS MIS Intranet Web Based EIS Intranet Web Based EIS (1)Web WWW Browser EXCEL (2) Web ASP EXCEL Java (3) Intranet Intranet Web Based EIS

16 Internet Intranet Web Based EIS Intranet Web Based EIS Intranet, "Add Web Based Technologies to CAD/CAM", Manufacturing Engineering, 119 (2), 1996, pp Campbell, John, "Using Executive Information Systems for Better Management Information", Singapore Management Review, 1996, pp Frolick, Mark and Narender K. Ramarapu, "Hypermedia: The Future of EIS", Journal of System Management, 1993, pp Garrity, E. J. and Sipior, J. C., "Multimedia as a Vehicle for Knowledge Modeling in Expert Systems", Expert System with Applications, 7 (3), 1994, pp Goulde, M. A., "World Wide Web Servers", Open Information Systems, 10 (9), Kuo, Feng-Yang, "A Cognitive Engineering-based Approach to Designing Hypermedia Applications", Information & Management, 25 (5), 1993, pp Tribble, Guy, "Java Computing in the Enterprise: Revolution", Computer Reseller News, 706, 1996, pp Vandenbosch, Belly & Sid L Huff, "Searching and Scanning: How Executive Obtain Information from Executive Information Systems", MIS Quarterly, 21 (1), 1997, pp

17 Intranet Web Based 17 Research on Planning for Intranet Web Based Executive Information System YIN-YIH CHANG *, CHANG-SUNG YU**, TSUNG-YUAN TSAY***, SHU-CHIUNG LIN* ABSTRACT *Department of Information Management, Fu-Jen Catholic University **Department of Business Administration, National Taiwan University ***Graduate Institute of Management, Chang Gung University Global environment of business management has been rapidly changed because of new development of technology. Organizations are forced to get out some important strategy in response to new environment situation. Many of them use new IT (Information Technology) to support their decision making in achieving their strategic objectives and to improve their management efficiency and effectiveness in order to get the competitive advantage in the market. This research studies deeply the possibility of applying Intranet, Internet and Web (World Wide Web, WWW) techniques to the development of Executive Information System (EIS). We plan to develop a new EIS with practical mechanisms by the way of analyzing the demands of users in practice, the formation of data, the information flow among departments, and the operational mechanism. Construct a systematic framework of new Multi-homepage Web Based EIS by using a systematic, structural and well-contented document method of design to make executives get the information on demand. In order to build up an integral, real model, we combine strategic objectives, management indicators and standards of performance into the design of EIS s screens. Use management metric of systematic filing and safety control, data warehouse, and systematic strategy of construction in connection to databases of Management Information System (MIS). Set up an Input-Mechanism-Output, systematic data integration model in cooperation with functional design of departmental mechanism in order to build up a systematic prototype of Multi-homepage Web Based EIS. Intranet Web Based EIS has many benefits, for examples, providing executives with simple-assess interface of operations, raising the management and control capability of executives, the abilities of finding and solving problems, improving on-line communication and easy maintenance. The others are releasing executives from constrains of distance and limitation of time to get the computerized information of business management easily, raising the efficiency and effectiveness of management, and supporting the quality of decision making. Keywords: executive information system, Internet, intranet, world wide web WWW


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