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10 1 (N = 3084) ( 27145, 81647) (N = 3086) 4619 % ; 5311 % (N = 3086) (N = 3002) (N = 3086) (N = 3007) 1816 % ; 5113 % ; 1119 % ; 1514 % ; 219 % ( 5184, 51149) 211 % ; 5712 % ; ( ) 3914 % ; ( , ) : ; :, :, ( N = 3086) ( N = 3086)

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12 5, 7 1, ( ) ( ) 7, ( : 1 :log Y= X X X X X X X X X ( Y, log Y ; 0, 1, X 1,X 2,X 3,X 4,X 5,X 6,X 7 ) 2 :log Y= X X X X X X X X X ( 0, 2, X 8, X 9, X 10 ; X 8 X 9 X 10, 0 1 Y X 1 X 2 X 3 X 4 1) 3 :log Y= X X X X X X X X X ( 0, 3, X 11, X 12,X 13,X 11 X 12 X 13, 0 1 Y X 1 X 2 X 3 X 4 1) 4 ( 3 ) : log Y = X X X X X X X X X X X X X ( 0, 4, X 14,X 15,X 16,X 17,X 18,X 19 X 14 X 15 X 16 X 17 X 18 X 19, ),,, :,,,,, ( ),,, :, ; ( ), ;,, ;,,,, 5 :,,,,, 0 1, 1, 149

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15 et al1, 1981) :, 6 :,,,,, 2,,,, ( ),, (Mouw, 2003), :,, ( ), ( ) (,2004),,,?,,, :,, ( ), 1315 %( 3314 %),,,,, 152

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26 promoting liberty for contemporary democratic countries. Rosanvallon s reading and interpretation of the history of French democracy offers for us an original perspective to understand the limits of market society,the inadequacies of Anglo2Saxon democracy and the antinomies of democracy itself. Pierre Bourdieu s Ultimate Concern Liu Yonghua 113 Abstract : Pierre Bourdieu remarked that the unconsciousness is to forget history. For the question of how history forgets itself, this paper tries to trace the logic of social legitimatization. The basic question is that how classification schema as a tool of knowledge becomes a tool of politics? The reason is that symbolic power imposes and infuses various classification systems,in that the dominant structure is seen to be taken2for2granted and to be accepted. Thus,there is a logical relation between symbolic power and classfication, which is embodied as belief ( doxa). The relation between classification and politics is Bourdieu s ultimate concern. Diversity of Social Network and Labor Market Outcome : A study on how social contacts affect the wage of migrant workers Zhang Chunni &Liu Linping 138 Abstract : Ted Mouw s article on ASR had challenged the effect of embeddedness in labor market, but it ignored the diversity of social network. Responding to Mouw s mistake, this paper suggests a proposition that the effect of using social contacts on job finding depends on how the network relates to the inner network of a corporation. If one s network highly relates to the inner network of a corporation, using contacts will bring more benefits to his labor market outcome. Based on the data collected from migrant workers on Pearl River Delta, we find that using inner contacts gives an advantage to migrant workers wages. There is no effect of their using other contacts outside the corporation or generally using contacts. Among the cases of using inner contacts, those migrant workers who are well connected to their contacts on very high positions or connected to more types of inner contacts will get higher wages. The paper ends with a conclusion that how embeddedness acts on labor market depends on the diversity of social network, and we should pay attention to the level of embeddedness when we talk about its effect. Understanding the Concept of Social Policy : Reviews and reflections Huang Chenxi 163 Abstract : Social policy is a widely used concept yet with no internationally consensus meaning. This article will firstly describe sequence of ideas on social policy from its origin 244


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