Касаев Э. О. Тенденции внутреннеи и региональнои политики арабск

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1 Jan Arab World Studies No. 1 * D815 A 2 * LDQN JJDGJW011

2 Касаев Э. О. Тенденции внутреннеи и региональнои политики арабских стран Восток. Афро-Азиатские общества история и современность No С Концепця внешней политики Российской Федерации. Утверждена Президентом России скои Федерации Д.А. Медведевым Предзидент России http / / ru /acts / Стратегия национальной безопасностой российской федерации до 2020 года. Утверждена Указом Президента России скои Федерации от 12 мая 2009 г No 57 Предзидент России http / / /documents /99.html Foreign Policy Concept of the Russian Federation approved by President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin on November The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation http / / /foreign_policy /news /-/asset_publisher /cknonkje02bw /content /id /

3 ~ ~ % % C-75 C-125-2A C-200 -M Военно-техническое сотрудничество России и Сирии. Досье ТАСС Октябрь http / / zhurnal-politinfo.ru /voenno-texnicheskoe-sotrudnichestvo-rossii-i-sirii-dose Цыганок А.Д. Российско-сирийское военно-техническое сотрудничество http / / / p =

4 M1 C CM T А.В.Панкратов Оборонно-промышленный комплекс мировые тенденции и российская практика Москва Научная книга 2006 С

5 % GDP В. Путин. Россия на рубеже веков Независимая газета Декабрь


7 Борис Долгов Омар Махмуд. Сирийский конфликт позиции России и стран ССАГПЗ Российский совет по международным делам РСМД http / /russiancouncil.ru /inner / id_4 = 6866# Заявление Главы Федеральной службы безопасности Александра Бортникова Телеканал Россия 24 Сентябрь

8 %. 45% S S-00 S http / /tsrus. cn / articles /2012 /12 /27 /19919.html Дмитрий Тренин Внешняя политика России в ближайшие пять лет цели стимулы ориентиры Апрель http / /russiancouncil.ru /inner / id_4 = 762#top-content S-00 http / / world.people.com.cn /n /2015 /0414 /c html

9 MM S A08 2 Военно-техническое сотрудничество России и Сирии. Досье Октябрь http / /zhurnalpolitinfo.ru /voenno-texnicheskoe-sotrudnichestvo-rossii-i-sirii-dose / http / /news.xinhuanet.com /world / /15 /c_ htm IS

10 PYD A Ирина Звягельская Россия и меняющийся Ближний Восток Сентябрь http / /russiancouncil.ru /inner / id_4 = 6978#top-content

11 B http / /news. xinhuanet. com / world / /22 /c_ htm Октябрь Заявление министра иностранных дел РФ Сергея Лаврова в интервью телеканалу 爯 Россия-24 爲 Борис Долгов Омар Махмуд Сирийский конфликт позиции России и стран ССАГПЗ Нобярь http / /russiancouncil.ru /inner / id_4 = 6866#

12 Указ Президента Российской Федерации от г. 68 О Стратегии национальной безопасности Российской Федерации Президент России Декабрь http / /www. kremlin. ru /acts / bank /4091 /page /

13 http / /finance.sina.com.cn /stock /usstock /c / /doc-ifxqaffy59554.shtml

14 201 0% % % % % 1 45

15 % http / / tsrus.cn /jingji /2016 /10 /08 / Иван Тимофеев Новая предсказуемость России Октябрь http / /russiancouncil.ru /inner / id_4 = 6754#top-content

16 Jan Arab World Studies No. 1 Abstracts 0 Erdoǧan's New Turkey and the Crisis of Turkish Model Abstract Turkey's abortive coup in July 2016 portends another highlight of the upheavals in the Middle East since the Arab Spring. As a political anomaly the New Turkey is characterized by dynamic economy strong democracy and proactive diplomacy the essence of which is a restoration of Islam. It aims to go beyond Kemalism as a state ideology. Domestically after a sequence of election victories of the Justice and Development Party Islamic democracy has developed into electoral hegemony internationally economic development and geo-political position have promoted Turkey's ambition on expansionism. Threatened by both refugee crisis and terrorist attacks the New Turkey and Turkish Model represented by Recep Tayyip Erdo ǧ an has nearly gone into bankrupt almost simultaneously. In the new round game between Turkey and great powers Erdoǧan once again showed inconsistency and unpredictability. The future direction of Turkey's politics will become a variable in the Middle East and global politics. Key Words New Turkey Turkish Model AKP Recep Tayyip Erdoǧan Author LIU Yi Ph.D. Associate Professor Department of History Shanghai University. 16 Russia ( Soviet Union) -Syria Alliance in A New Perspective Abstract This paper takes the evolution of the relationship between Russia Soviet Union and Syria as the research object to explore the new relational schema between large and small countries. Since the outbreak of the Cold War the two countries have felt strong sense of insecurity based on which they formed a kind of alignment. Such consistence drives new asymmetrical alliances other than alliance deduced from realist theories. The Russia Soviet Union -Syria alliance has maintained stability after the collapse of Soviet Union political regime change and national crisis and become much closer in face of Western threats. However at the same time the driving force of this relational schema consistency of sense of common insecurity is quite weak. With the change of neighboring and global environment the growing sense of security could weaken the consistency which would negatively impact the Russia-Syria alliance. Key Words Russia Soviet Union Syria Alliance New Alliance Relations Author SUN Chao Ph. D. Candidate School of International Relations and Public Affairs Fudan University. 2 Russia's Military Diplomacy Toward the Middle East Abstract During the Cold War the Middle East was an important area of confrontation between the U.S. and the Soviet Union. After the collapse of the Soviet Union Russia lost its prominence in the Middle East due to the decline of its comprehensive national capabilities. Before the outbreak of the Arab Spring Russia tried to reinforce its existence via mediatorial and neutral position aiming to pursue economic and security interests in the region. With the continuing deterioration of the political 118

17 Abstracts and security environment around Russia stimulated by the intensification of the Syrian crisis and the Ukrainian crisis Russia's Middle East policy has gone through a major shift. Russia is gradually transforming from a neutral mediator to a direct participant or shaper that could grasp the direction in the Middle East. It has broken the U. S. military monopoly in the Middle East through military diplomacy and joint anti-terror action with Middle Eastern countries. Military diplomacy has become a breakthrough for Russia to get rid of political and economic crisis and defend its national interests the effect of which not only contributes to the political solution of Syrian crisis but also consolidates Putin's domestic ruling foundation. Key Words Russia Middle East Military Diplomacy Syrian Crisis Ukrainian Crisis Author CUI Zheng Ph.D. Research Assistant Research Center for the Economics and Politics of Transitional Countries Liaoning University. 47 Review of Russia's Energy Cooperation with the Middle East Abstract Energy cooperation is an important diplomatic tool for Russia's involvement in the Middle East. With the help of energy cooperation Russia is developing relationships with key Middle Eastern countries strengthening cooperation with traditional friendly countries which contributes to the building of Russia's three-dimensional diplomacy toward the Middle East. Russia's energy cooperation with the Middle East serves its overall foreign policy subject to its domestic economic situation and its overall economic strength covering both bilateral and multilateral cooperation. Continued downturn of the oil price and turbulence of the region have promoted the energy cooperation between Russia and regional countries on the one hand but have left hidden inevitable competition between the two both of whom are energy producers and exporters in crucial international energy consumption markets. Key Words Russia Middle East Energy Cooperation Energy Diplomacy Author QIANG Xiaoyun Ph. D. Associate Professor Center for Russian and Central Asian Studies Research Fellow Institute for Global Governance Shanghai Institutes for International Studies 61 Obama Doctrine and Syrian Crisis Abstract The Syrian crisis is a series of complicated geopolitical contests engendered by the Arab Spring. It involves the Syrian civil war global anti-terrorism and interventions from super powers as well as strains exerted by its neighboring countries. Since the Syrian crisis is the one that costs the U.S. government the most to weigh in and mediate under its overall contracted Middle Eastern policy it becomes an important perspective to evaluate Washington's adjustment on foreign policies and Middle East policies. Guided by the Obama doctrine the U.S. continues to promote negotiation through putting pressure in Syrian crisis. It learns the lesson of Iraq and avoids military involvement. It also attaches importance to multilateral means trying to stabilize the Syrian situation though balance of power and interest replacement so as to serve U.S. core interests in the Middle East and its regional policies. With the President-elect Trump's predilection for the new conservatism and isolationism it's foreseeable that Obama doctrine would likely be inherited in Washington's future Syrian and the Middle Eastern policy. Key Words Obama Doctrine Syrian Crisis U.S. Russia Counter-terrorism Author MA Xiaolin Professor Beijing Foreign Studies University President of Blshe.com. 75 Political Development in the Middle East after the Arab Upheavals Predicaments and Reflections Abstract Analyzing from the historical perspective five factors that could exert fundamental structural and directional impacts on the future political development of the Middle East which has experienced the Arab upheaval are as follows First the process of political democratization took 119

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