2015 香港中學文憑試考試報告 2015 DSE Exam Report

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1 表 3 : Table 3 : 2015 年香港中學文憑考試成績統計 2015 HKDSE Results statistics 高等院校學士學位課程一般入學的最低要求, 須於文憑試核心科目中取得 3322 成績, 指中國語文科及英國語文科均取得 3 級成績, 而數學必修部分及通識教育科則取得 2 級成績 部分課程更要求於核心科目中取得 3332 成績, 指中國語文科 英國語文科及數學必修部分均取得 3 級成績, 而通識教育科則取得 2 級成績 The general minimum requirement for admissions to first-degree courses in tertiary institutions is core subjects at 3322, which refers to attainment with level 3 in Chinese Language and English Language, and level 2 in Mathematics Compulsory Part and Liberal Studies, respectively. Some courses may require core subjects at 3332 which refers to attainment with level 3 in Chinese Language, English Language, and Mathematics Compulsory Part, and level 2 in Liberal Studies, respectively. 表 3a 列出各類考生 ( 日校考生及全體考生 ) 一般成績統計, 包括男女考生的分析 Table 3a shows the statistics on general performance for each of the two categories of candidates (day school candidates and all candidates). and female statistics are also provided. 表 3b 列出各類考生最佳五科的成績表現, 包括男女考生的分析 Table 3b shows the general performance in the best five subjects under two different categories of candidates. and female statistics are also provided. 表 3c 列出各類考生符合副學位課程入學要求 / 應徵有關公務員職位的成績統計及積點分佈, 包括男女考生的分析 Table 3c shows the results statistics and grade point distribution for eligibility to sub-degree programmes / relevant civil service appointment for each of the two categories of candidates. and female statistics are also provided. 表 3d-3e 列出各類考生符合大學或院校入學要求的成績統計及積點分佈, 包括男女考生的分析 Tables 3d-3e show the results statistics and grade point distribution related to university admission for each of the two categories of candidates. and female statistics are also provided. 表 3f 列出特殊需要考生的成績統計 Table 3f shows the statistics on performance of candidates with special needs. 表 3g-3h 分別列出各類考生兩個語文科的等級分佈 Tables 3g-3h show respectively for each of the two categories of candidates, the level distribution in both languages. 表 3i-3j 分別列出各類考生數學必修部分及延伸部分的等級分佈 Tables 3i-3j show respectively for each of the two categories of candidates, the level distribution in Mathematics Compulsory Part and Extended Part. 表 3k-3l 分別列出各類考生成績達最高等級的統計 Tables 3k-3l show respectively for each of the two categories of candidates, the top levels / grades statistics

2 表 3a : Table 3a : 2015 年文憑試一般成績統計 2015 HKDSE Statistics on general performance 考生類別 Candidate category 出席 sat 日校考生應考最少五科 Day school candidates taking at least five subjects 全體考生應考最少五科 All candidates taking at least five subjects 成績 Results 日校考生 Day school candidates 全體考生 All candidates (a) 於四個核心科目中取得 2 級或以上 Level 2+ in the four core subjects (61.9) (74.6) (68.2) (61.5) (73.6) (67.5) (b) 於五科甲類學科中取得 2 級或以上 Level 2+ in five Category A subjects (68.1) (78.7) (73.4) (68.0) (77.9) (72.9) (c) 於五科甲類學科 / 乙類學科中取得 2 級或以上 Level 2+ in five Category A / B subjects (68.2) (79.0) (73.6) (68.1) (78.2) (73.1) (d) 於五科甲類學科中取得 2 級或以上, 其中包括中國語文科及英國語文科 Level 2+ in five Category A subjects, including Chinese Language and English Language (e) 於五科甲類學科 / 乙類學科中取得 2 級或以上, 其中包括中國語文科及英國語文科 Level 2+ in five Category A / B subjects, including Chinese Language and English Language (62.5) (62.6) (75.7) (75.9) (69.2) (69.2) (62.4) (62.4) (74.9) (75.0) (68.6) (68.6) 包括乙類學科取得 達標並表現優異 成績 Including candidates achieving Attained with Distinction in Category B subjects

3 表 3b : 2015 年文憑試最佳五科的成績表現 Table 3b : 2015 HKDSE General performance in the best five subjects 考生類別 Candidate category 日校考生應考最少五科 Day school candidates taking at least five subjects 全體考生應考最少五科 All candidates taking at least five subjects 出席 sat 成績 Results 日校考生 Day school candidates 全體考生 All candidates 五科取得 5** 級 Five level 5** 五科取得 5* 級或以上 Five level 5* or above 406 (1.4) (1.3) 410 (1.3) 五科取得 5 級或以上 Five level 5 or above (4.1) (5.3) (4.7) (3.8) (5.0) (4.4) 五科取得 4 級或以上 Five level 4 or above (16.3) (23.4) (19.8) (15.7) (22.6) (19.1) 五科取得 3 級或以上 Five level 3 or above (38.5) (50.2) (44.4) (38.2) (49.3) (43.7) 五科取得 2 級或以上 Five level 2 or above (68.2) (79.0) (73.6) (68.1) (78.2) (73.1) 五科取得 1 級或以上 Five level 1 or above (88.6) (92.8) (90.7) (88.4) (92.4) (90.4) 四科取得 1 級或以上 Four level 1 or above (94.3) (96.8) (95.5) (94.1) (96.5) (95.3) 三科取得 1 級或以上 Three level 1 or above (97.1) (98.6) (97.8) (96.9) (98.3) (97.6) 兩科取得 1 級或以上 Two level 1 or above (98.6) (99.4) (99.0) (98.4) (99.2) (98.8) 一科取得 1 級或以上 One level 1 or above (99.5) (99.8) (99.6) (99.3) (99.7) (99.5) 註 : (i) 在計算最佳五科成績表現時, 數學必修部分及延伸部分會被視為同一個科目組合 若考生同時應考兩個部分, 則選擇其中成績較好的一個 (ii) 以上統計表只包含甲類學科及乙類學科成績 若選修乙類學科, 成績獲 達標並表現優異 則被視為甲類學科的第 3 級成績 Notes: (i) In the calculations for attainment in the best five subjects, Mathematics Compulsory Part and Mathematics Extended Part are counted as one subject. When candidates have results in both parts, the better of the two will be selected. (ii) Both Category A and Category B subjects are included in the above table. Attained with Distinction in Category B subjects is deemed comparable to level 3 in Category A subjects

4 表 3c : 2015 年文憑試符合副學位課程入學要求 / 應徵有關公務員職位的成績統計 Table 3c : 2015 HKDSE Statistics for eligibility to sub-degree programmes / relevant civil service appointments 若選修乙類學科並取得 達標並表現優異 成績, 會被視為甲類學科的第 3 級成績, 取得 達標 成績, 會被視為甲類學科的第 2 級成績, 以符合副學位課程入學及有關公務員職位入職的成績要求 數學必修部分及延伸部分會被視為同一個科目組合 若考生同時應考兩個部分, 則選擇其中成績較好的一個 Attained with Distinction in Category B subjects is deemed comparable to level 3 in Category A subjects and Attained in Category B subjects is accepted as level 2 in Category A subjects for admission to sub-degree programmes and relevant civil service appointment. Mathematics Compulsory Part and Mathematics Extended Part are counted as one subject. When candidates have results in both parts, the better of the two will be selected. (i) 成績統計 Results statistics 考生類別 Candidate category 出席 sat 日校考生應考最少五科 Day school candidates taking at least five subjects 全體考生應考最少五科 All candidates taking at least five subjects 成績 Results 日校考生 Day school candidates 全體考生 All candidates 於五科甲類學科中取得 2 級或以上 / 於乙類學科取得 達標 或以上成績, 其中包括中國語文科及英國語文科 5 subjects with level 2+ in Category A subjects / Attained or above in Category B subjects, including Chinese Language and English Language (62.7) (76.3) (69.5) (62.6) (75.4) (68.9)

5 表 3c : 2015 年文憑試符合副學位課程入學要求 / 應徵有關公務員職位的成績統計 Table 3c : 2015 HKDSE Statistics for eligibility to sub-degree programmes / relevant civil service appointments (ii) 最佳五科的積點分佈 Grade point distribution in the best five subjects 在統計表內, 計算最佳五科的總積點已包括甲類及乙類學科的成績 在甲類學科中, 達第 5** 級為 7 分, 第 5* 級為 6 分, 第 5 級為 5 分, 第 4 級為 4 分, 第 3 級為 3 分, 第 2 級為 2 分, 以及第 1 級為 1 分 在乙類學科中, 達標並表現優異 為 3 分, 達標 為 2 分 此積點分佈統計表只可作為參考, 各大學或院校收生時亦會考慮其他因素, 如有關課程的特別入學要求 報名 學額及考生的學生學習概覽和面試表現等 Both Category A and Category B subjects are included in the calculation of the total grade points of the best five subjects shown in the table below. Level 5** in Category A subjects is counted as 7 points, level 5* as 6 points, level 5 as 5 points, level 4 as 4 points, level 3 as 3 points, level 2 as 2 points, and level 1 as 1 point. For Category B subjects, Attained is given two points and Attained with Distinction 3 points. It should be noted that the score distribution table only serves as a reference and admission to any programme offered by individual universities / institutions will depend on a number of factors including specific programme requirements, the number of applicants and places offered, and candidates Student Learning Profile and performance at interviews, etc. 最佳五科甲類學科中取得 2 級或以上 / 於乙類學科取得 達標 或以上成績, 其中包括中國語文科及英國語文科 Best five subjects with level 2+ in Category A subjects / Attained or above in Category B subjects, including Chinese Language and English Language 日校考生應考最少五科 Day school candidates taking at least five subjects 全體考生應考最少五科 All candidates taking at least five subjects 總積點 grade points (a) (7.5) (8.2) (7.9) (7.4) (8.2) (7.8) (b) (13.9) (15.8) (14.9) (13.9) (15.8) (14.9) (c) (15.1) (18.4) (16.8) (15.3) (18.3) (16.8) (d) (11.6) (15.6) (13.6) (11.7) (15.5) (13.6) (e) (7.1) (9.2) (8.2) (7.0) (9.0) (8.0) (f) (3.9) (5.1) (4.5) (3.8) (4.9) (4.3) (g) (2.0) 725 (2.4) (2.2) 597 (1.9) 729 (2.3) (2.1) (h) (1.1) (i) (0.4) 76 (0.3) 195 (0.3) 120 (0.4) (0.3)

6 表 3d : 2015 年文憑試符合大學或院校入學要求的成績統計 Table 3d : 2015 HKDSE Statistics related to university admission 在統計表內, 於核心科目中取得 3322 成績是指中國語文科及英國語文科均取得 3 級成績, 而數學必修部分及通識教育科則取得 2 級成績 此外, 於核心科目中取得 3332 成績是指中國語文科 英國語文科及數學必修部分均取得 3 級成績, 而通識教育科則取得 2 級成績 In the table below, core subjects at 3322 refers to attainment with level 3 in Chinese Language and English Language, and level 2 in Mathematics Compulsory Part and Liberal Studies, respectively. Core subjects at 3332 refers to attainment with level 3 in Chinese Language, English Language, and Mathematics Compulsory Part, and level 2 in Liberal Studies, respectively. 成績 Results 日校考生 Day school candidates 全體考生 All candidates (a) 於核心科目中取得 3322 或更佳成績 Core subjects at 3322 or better (b) 於核心科目中取得 3322 或更佳成績, 並於一個選修科目取得 2 級或以上成績 (32.5) Core subjects at 3322 or better, with one elective at level 2+ (32.3) (c) 於核心科目中取得 3322 或更佳成績, 並於兩個選修科目取得 2 級或以上成績 Core subjects at 3322 or better, with two electives at level 2+ (30.1) (d) 於核心科目中取得 3322 或更佳成績, 並於一個選修科目取得 3 級或以上成績 Core subjects at 3322 or better, with one elective at level 3+ (31.3) (e) 於核心科目中取得 3322 或更佳成績, 並於兩個選修科目取得 3 級或以上成績 Core subjects at 3322 or better, with two electives at level 3+ (26.8) (f) 於核心科目中取得 3332 或更佳成績, 並於一個選修科目取得 3 級或以上成績 Core subjects at 3332 or better, with one elective at level 3+ (29.8) (g) 於核心科目中取得 3332 或更佳成績, 並於兩個選修科目取得 3 級或以上成績 Core subjects at 3332 or better, with two electives at level 3+ (26.2) (h) 於核心科目中取得 3322 或更佳成績, 並於一個選修科目取得 4 級或以上成績 (26.2) Core subjects at 3322 or better, with one elective at level 4+ (i) 於核心科目中取得 3322 或更佳成績, 並於兩個選修科目取得 4 級或以上成績 Core subjects at 3322 or better, with two electives at level 4+ (j) 於核心科目中取得 3322 或更佳成績, 並於一個選修科目取得 5 級或以上成績 Core subjects at 3322 or better, with one elective at level 5+ (k) 於核心科目中取得 3322 或更佳成績, 並於兩個選修科目取得 5 級或以上成績 Core subjects at 3322 or better, with two electives at level 5+ (l) 於核心科目中取得 3322 或更佳成績, 數學延伸部分取得 2 級或以上成績, 並於一個選修科目取得 2 級或以上成績 Core subjects at 3322 or better, with Mathematics Extended Part at level 2+ and one elective at level 2+ (m) 於核心科目中取得 3322 或更佳成績, 數學延伸部分取得 3 級或以上成績, 並於一個選修科目取得 2 級或以上成績 Core subjects at 3322 or better, with Mathematics Extended Part at level 3+ and one elective at level 2+ (n) 於核心科目中取得 3322 或更佳成績, 數學延伸部分取得 3 級或以上成績, 並於一個選修科目取得 3 級或以上成績 Core subjects at 3322 or better, with Mathematics Extended Part at level 3+ and one elective at level (18.9) (15.3) (8.6) (12.2) (11.2) (11.2) (48.2) (48.0) (45.3) (45.9) (38.7) (42.1) (36.7) (36.2) (24.2) (17.3) (8.5) (7.0) (6.3) (6.3) (40.3) (40.2) (37.7) (38.6) (32.8) (35.9) (31.5) (31.2) (21.6) (16.3) (8.5) (9.6) (8.8) (8.7) (28.4) (28.1) (25.6) (27.1) (22.8) (25.9) (22.2) (22.7) (16.0) (13.2) (7.2) (10.2) (9.4) (9.4) (42.8) (42.6) (39.6) (40.6) (33.8) (37.2) (32.1) (31.9) (21.1) (15.2) (7.3) (6.1) (5.5) (5.5) (35.4) (35.1) (32.4) (33.7) (28.1) (31.4) (27.0) (27.2) (18.5) (14.1) (7.3) (8.2) (7.5) (7.5) 若選修乙類學科並取得 達標並表現優異 成績, 會被視為甲類學科的第 3 級成績 Attained with Distinction in Category B subjects is deemed comparable to level 3 in Category A subjects

7 表 3e : 2015 年文憑試最佳五科的積點分佈 ( 符合大學或院校入學要求的成績統計 ) Table 3e : 2015 HKDSE Grade point distribution in the best five subjects (Statistics related to university admission) 在統計表內, 計算最佳五科的總積點已包括甲類及乙類學科的成績 在甲類學科中, 達第 5** 級為 7 分, 第 5* 級為 6 分, 第 5 級為 5 分, 第 4 級為 4 分, 第 3 級為 3 分, 第 2 級為 2 分, 以及第 1 級為 1 分 若選修乙類學科並取得 達標並表現優異 成績, 會被某些學士學位課程視為甲類學科的第 3 級成績 此積點分佈統計表只可作為參考, 各大學或院校收生時亦會考慮其他因素, 如有關課程的特別入學要求 報名 學額及考生的學生學習概覽和面試表現等 Both Category A and Category B subjects are included in the calculation of the total grade points of the best five subjects shown in the table below. In Category A subjects, level 5** is counted as 7 points, level 5* as 6 points, level 5 as 5 points, level 4 as 4 points, level 3 as 3 points, level 2 as 2 points, and level 1 as 1 point. Attained with Distinction in Category B subjects is deemed comparable to level 3 in Category A subjects for admission to some degree programmes. It should be noted that the score distribution table only serves as a reference and admission to any programme offered by individual universities / institutions will depend on a number of factors including specific programme requirements, the number of applicants and places offered, and candidates Student Learning Profile and performance at interviews, etc. 最佳五科包括於核心科目中取得 3322 或更佳成績 Best five subjects with core subjects at 3322 or better 日校考生應考最少五科 Day school candidates taking at least five subjects 全體考生應考最少五科 All candidates taking at least five subjects 總積點 grade points (a) (b) (2.5) (4.5) (3.5) 818 (2.6) (4.5) (3.5) (c) (7.7) (12.4) (10.1) (7.8) (12.3) (10.0) (d) (9.0) (14.0) (11.5) (9.0) (13.8) (11.4) (e) (6.5) (8.9) (7.7) (6.4) (8.7) (7.5) (f) (3.8) (5.0) (4.4) (3.7) (4.9) (4.3) (g) (1.9) 723 (2.4) (2.2) 589 (1.8) 727 (2.3) (2.1) (h) (1.1) (i) (0.4) 76 (0.3) 195 (0.3) 119 (0.4) (0.3) 註 : Notes: (i) 於核心科目中取得 3322 成績是指中國語文科及英國語文科均取得 3 級成績, 而數學必修部分及通識教育科則取得 2 級成績 (ii) 數學必修部分及延伸部分會被視為同一個科目組合 若考生同時應考兩個部分, 則選擇其中成績較好的一個 (i) Core subjects at 3322 refers to attainment with level 3 in Chinese Language and English Language, and level 2 in Mathematics Compulsory Part and Liberal Studies, respectively. (ii) Mathematics Compulsory Part and Mathematics Extended Part are counted as one subject. When candidates have results in both parts, the better of the two will be selected

8 表 3f : Table 3f : 2015 年文憑試特殊需要考生的成績統計 2015 HKDSE Statistics on performance of candidates with special needs 特殊需要考生類別 Type of candidates with special needs 肢體活動能力障礙 Physical Disabilities 視障 Visual Disabilities 聽障 Aural Disabilities 語障 Oral Disabilities 特殊學習障礙 Specific Learning Disabilities 自閉症 Autism Spectrum Disorder 注意力不足 / 過度活躍症 Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder 精神問題 Mental Derangement 其他障礙 Other Disabilities 出席 sat 五科取得 2 級或以上 Five level 2 or above 五科取得 3 級或以上 Five level 3 or above 五科取得 4 級或以上 Five level 4 or above 五科取得 5 級或以上 Five level 5 or above 於核心科目中取得 2222 或更佳成績 Core subjects at 2222 or better 於核心科目中取得 2222 或更佳成績, 並於一個選修科目取得 2 級或以上成績 Core subjects at 2222 or better, with one elective at level 2+ 於核心科目中取得 3322 或更佳成績 Core subjects at 3322 or better 於核心科目中取得 3322 或更佳成績, 並於一個選修科目取得 2 級或以上成績 Core subjects at 3322 or better, with one elective at level 2+ 於核心科目中取得 3322 或更佳成績, 並於一個選修科目取得 3 級或以上成績 Core subjects at 3322 or better, with one elective at level 註 : Notes: (i) 在計算最佳五科成績表現時, 數學必修部分及延伸部分會被視為同一個科目組合 若考生同時應考兩個部分, 則選擇其中成績較好的一個 (ii) 以上統計表只包含甲類學科及乙類學科成績 若選修乙類學科, 成績獲 達標並表現優異 則被視為甲類學科的第 3 級成績 (i) In the calculations for attainment in the best five subjects, Mathematics Compulsory Part and Mathematics Extended Part are counted as one subject. When candidates have results in both parts, the better of the two will be selected. (ii) Both Category A and Category B subjects are included in the above table. Attained with Distinction in Category B subjects is deemed comparable to level 3 in Category A subjects. 包括長期病患及 / 或出席少於 30 的其他障礙類別的考生 Including candidates with chronic medical illnesses and/or other types of disabilities with number of candidates sat fewer than

9 表 3g : 2015 年文憑試兩個語文科的等級分佈日校考生 Table 3g : 2015 HKDSE Level distribution in both languages Day School Candidates 日校考生出席兩個語文科的總 no. of day school candidates sitting both languages: 中國語文科成績 Attainment in Chinese Language 英國語文科成績 Attainment in English Language 5** 5* U 5** (0.8) 5* (0.5) 318 (0.5) 424 (0.7) (2.2) (0.6) 566 (0.9) (1.8) 512 (0.9) (4.6) (1.0) (2.2) (6.7) (6.0) (1.8) (18.1) (0.3) 636 (1.1) (5.9) (10.9) (7.8) 681 (1.1) (27.3) (1.7) (7.5) (13.0) (5.4) 899 (1.5) (29.4) (0.8) (4.0) (5.6) (4.6) (15.2) U (0.4) (1.8) (2.4) 524 (0.9) (2.7) (5.2) (17.1) (26.3) (27.0) (12.7) (8.2) (100.0)

10 表 3h : 2015 年文憑試兩個語文科的等級分佈全體考生 Table 3h : 2015 HKDSE Level distribution in both languages All Candidates 全體考生出席兩個語文科的總 no. of all candidates sitting both languages: 中國語文科成績 Attainment in Chinese Language 英國語文科成績 Attainment in English Language 5** 5* U 5** (0.7) 5* (0.5) 322 (0.5) 446 (0.7) (2.1) (0.6) 575 (0.9) (1.7) 562 (0.9) (4.4) (0.9) (2.1) (6.4) (6.0) (1.8) (17.6) (0.3) 675 (1.0) (5.8) (10.9) (7.8) 737 (1.1) (27.3) (1.7) (7.7) (13.2) (5.3) 957 (1.5) (29.7) (0.8) (4.3) (5.7) (4.5) (15.5) U (0.4) (2.1) (2.7) 533 (0.8) (2.5) (4.9) (16.8) (26.7) (27.5) (12.7) (8.2) (100.0)

11 表 3i : 2015 年文憑試數學必修部分及延伸部分的等級分佈日校考生 Table 3i : 2015 HKDSE Level distribution in Mathematics Compulsory Part and Extended Part Day School Candidates 延伸部分共設兩個選修單元, 均採用同一評核標準 若報考延伸部分, 考生只可選擇兩個單元中的其中一個 There are two optional modules in the Extended Part which are graded to the same standard. Candidates are allowed to choose only one of the modules if they take the Extended Part. 日校考生出席數學必修部分及延伸部分的總 no. of day school candidates sitting both Compulsory Part and Extended Part: 數學必修部分成績 Attainment in Mathematics Compulsory Part 5** 174 (2.0) 5* 84 (1.0) 數學延伸部分成績 Attainment in Mathematics Extended Part 5** 5* U 348 (4.1) 456 (5.3) 196 (2.3) 22 (0.3) (2.5) 687 (8.0) 762 (8.9) 219 (2.5) 50 (0.6) 346 (4.0) 838 (9.8) 698 (8.1) (1.3) 383 (4.5) (12.0) 89 (1.0) (1.1) 690 (8.0) 243 (2.8) (2.3) 248 (2.9) 66 (0.8) 4 32 (0.4) (1.0) 1 13 U (3.2) (11.9) (22.0) (22.7) (18.9) (12.4) 533 (6.2) 234 (2.7) 799 (9.3) (19.8) (26.9) (33.6) 698 (8.1) 174 (2.0) (100.0)

12 表 3j : 2015 年文憑試數學必修部分及延伸部分的等級分佈全體考生 Table 3j : 2015 HKDSE Level distribution in Mathematics Compulsory Part and Extended Part All Candidates 延伸部分共設兩個選修單元, 均採用同一評核標準 若報考延伸部分, 考生只可選擇兩個單元中的其中一個 There are two optional modules in the Extended Part which are graded to the same standard. Candidates are allowed to choose only one of the modules if they take the Extended Part. 全體考生出席數學必修部分及延伸部分的總 no. of all candidates sitting both Compulsory Part and Extended Part: 數學必修部分成績 Attainment in Mathematics Compulsory Part 數學延伸部分成績 Attainment in Mathematics Extended Part 5** 5* U 5** 197 (2.1) 5* 90 (0.9) (3.9) 494 (5.2) 226 (2.4) 24 (0.3) (2.4) 736 (7.7) 847 (8.8) 253 (2.6) 1 56 (0.6) 379 (4.0) 926 (9.7) 806 (8.4) (1.3) 432 (4.5) (12.0) 100 (1.0) (1.1) 773 (8.1) 264 (2.8) 25 (0.3) (2.4) 287 (3.0) 74 (0.8) 8 41 (0.4) (1.0) 1 15 U (3.2) (11.7) (21.6) (22.8) (19.0) (12.4) 611 (6.4) 286 (3.0) 865 (9.0) (19.2) (27.0) (34.2) 791 (8.3) 204 (2.1) (100.0)

13 表 3k : 2015 年文憑試考生成績達最高等級的統計日校考生 Table 3k : 2015 HKDSE Top levels / grades statistics Day School Candidates 考生考獲最高等級成績的總科數 no. of subjects at top levels / grades 在甲類 乙類或丙類科目考獲有關成績的考生 Candidates with the corresponding results in Category A/B/C subjects 在甲類科目考獲有關成績的考生 Candidates with the corresponding results in Category A subjects 表 3l : 2015 年文憑試考生成績達最高等級的統計全體考生 Table 3l: 2015 HKDSE Top levels / grades statistics All Candidates 考生考獲最高等級成績的總科數 no. of subjects at top levels / grades 在甲類 乙類或丙類科目考獲有關成績的考生 Candidates with the corresponding results in Category A/B/C subjects 在甲類科目考獲有關成績的考生 Candidates with the corresponding results in Category A subjects

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