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土壤 (Soils), 2017, 49(3): 565 571 DOI: 10.13758/ 1 曲靖烤烟镁含量特征及其影响因素 1,2 2 2 2* 3 4 4 3 4 (1 410128 2 410128 3 655000 4 ( ) 650231) 3 506 4.10 g/kg (0.36 ~ 17.70 g/kg) 46.36% <4 g/kg (R 2 = 0.720 P=0.000) (4.98 g/kg) (3.82 g/kg) 2 000 mg/kg S572 A [1] ATP 20 [1] [1] [1] [2] [3] 21% [4] 50% [5] 1.317 cmol/kg 40% 0.378% 66.3% [6] 74% 76% [7] Mg 2+ 8.67 10 4 hm 2 1.8 10 5 t 1 1.1 102 42 ~ 104 49 E 24 21 ~ 27 04 N 103 km (2014YN24) (HYHH2012YL03 HYHH2016YL03) * ( (1982 ) E-mail:

566 49 302 km 28 904 km 2 317 (1 = 667 m 2 ) 1 800 ~ 2 100 m 1.2 GPS 667 m 2 3 506 GPS W 5 0 ~ 20 cm 1 kg 3 506 2 ~ 5 GB2635 1992 C3F 3 506 3 kg 60 ph [8] [9] 1.3 K-S (Kolmogorov-Smirnov test) SPSS17.0 [10] GS+9.0 [11] Kriging ArcGIS10.22 [12] 2 2.1 2.1.1 [1,5] 4 g/kg 2 ~ 4 g/kg 2 g/kg 1 4.10 g/kg 0.36 ~ 17.70 g/kg 47.80% K-S 55.79% 10.58% 44.21% 表 1 曲靖烤烟镁含量基本统计特征 Table 1 Mg contents in flue-cured tobacco leaves in Qujing ± (g/kg) (%) (g/kg) (%) <2 [2,4) 4 241 5.83 ± 1.69 Aa 29.05 2.50 ~ 11.50 0.00 17.43 82.57 474 5.32 ± 2.17 Bb 40.68 1.03 ~ 13.78 1.90 27.85 70.25 369 4.34 ± 1.76 Cc 40.62 1.40 ~ 12.20 2.44 47.43 50.14 245 4.07 ± 1.77 CDcd 43.57 1.47 ~ 11.86 6.53 51.43 42.04 318 3.84 ± 1.59 Dd 41.40 0.54 ~ 9.12 9.43 48.43 42.14 550 3.69 ± 1.43 Dde 38.80 0.77 ~ 12.10 9.27 59.64 31.09 335 3.57 ± 1.63 DEde 45.69 0.36 ~ 10.12 10.45 60.30 29.25 736 3.55 ± 2.17 DEe 61.16 0.60 ~ 17.70 26.49 36.96 36.55 238 3.27 ± 1.13 Ef 34.55 0.98 ~ 7.01 10.92 64.71 24.37 3 506 4.10 ± 1.96 47.80 0.36 ~ 17.70 10.58 45.21 44.21 (P<0.01) (P<0.05) 2.1.2 9 3.27 ~ 5.83 g/kg (sig.= 0. 000) 24.37% ~ 82.57%

3 567 2.1.3 ( 2) (R 2 ) 0.813 [13-14] ( 1) RMSSE 1 MSE 0 ArcGIS 53.64% 44.73% 1.63% 表 2 烤烟镁含量半方差函数模型及其插值精度 Table 2 Semi-variogram model of Mg content in flue-cured tobacco leaves and interpolation accuracy (%) (km) RMSSE MSE 0.023 1 0.035 9 64.35 0.78 0.813 0.970 0.005 RMSSE MSE n=3 506 Fig. 1 图 1 曲靖烤烟镁含量空间分布 Spatial distribution of Mg content of flue-cured tobacco in Qujing 2.2 2.2.1 1 923 m (1 187 ~ 2 901 m) (r= 0.156 P=0.000) 200 m 6 ( 3) 1 400 ~ 1 600 m 2 200 m [16] ( 2) (R 2 = 0.720 P=0.000) 2.2.2 4 6 3.91 ~ 4.96 g/kg ( F=7.349 sig.= 0.000) 表 3 海拔对烤烟镁含量的影响 Table 3 Effect of altitude on Mg content in flue-cured tobacco leaves (m) ± (g/kg) (%) (g/kg) 2 200 81 3.80 ± 2.13 C 56.17 1.10 ~ 11.18 2 000 ~ 2 200 1173 3.81 ± 1.83 C 47.98 0.54 ~ 12.00 1 800 ~ 2 000 1582 4.09 ± 1.99 B 48.68 0.36 ~ 13.78 1 600 ~ 1 800 423 4.56 ± 1.97 A 43.14 0.80 ~ 12.1 1 400 ~ 1 600 177 4.97 ± 2.05 A 41.32 1.30 ~ 17.70 <1 400 26 4.87 ± 1.52 A 31.14 2.40 ~ 8.20

568 49 图 2 烤烟镁含量与海拔的回归分析 Fig. 2 Correlation between altitude and Mg content in flue-cured tobacco leaves 4 5 6 3.82 ~ 4.98 g/kg ( F=35.637 sig.=0.000) 4 表 4 土壤质地对烤烟镁含量的影响 Table 4 Effect of soil texture on Mg content in flue-cured tobacco leaves ± (g/kg) (%) (g/kg) 93 4.96 ± 2.83 Aa 57.05 0.90 ~ 17.70 23 4.90 ± 2.16 ABab 44.16 1.10 ~ 9.60 663 4.30 ± 2.27 Bb 52.64 0.80 ~ 13.78 999 4.10 ± 1.87 Bc 45.63 0.36 ~ 12.10 1 646 3.97 ± 1.8 Bc 45.29 0.54 ~ 13.31 42 3.91 ± 2.06 Bc 52.71 0.80 ~ 8.20 表 5 土壤类型对烤烟镁含量的影响 Table 5 Mg content in flue-cured tobacco leaves under different soil types ± (g/kg) (%) (g/kg) 579 4.98 ± 2.35 Aa 47.12 0.94 ~ 17.70 49 4.75 ± 2.04 Aa 42.96 0.90 ~ 8.94 215 4.53 ± 1.71 ABab 37.65 1.40 ~ 10.30 536 3.99 ± 1.76 Bb 44.11 0.98 ~ 11.57 368 3.98 ± 1.9 Bb 47.73 0.70 ~ 12.90 1 714 3.82 ± 1.82 Bb 47.66 0.36 ~ 12.10 2.2.3 (1.97 ~ 86.55 g/kg) (r= 0.117 P=0.000) ( 3) 18.68 31.96 55.12 g/kg 3 4 <18.68 18.68 ~ 31.96 31.956 ~ 55.12 >55.12 g/kg 4.64 4.23 4.03 3.56 g/kg (R 2 = 0.677 P=0.000)( 4) 30 g/kg 2 (31.96 g/kg) [16] 2.2.4 (27.95 ~ 1 005.43 mg/kg) (r=0.369 P=0.000) 1 5 ( ) 108.63

3 569 Fig. 3 图 3 土壤有机质对烤烟镁含量影响的决策树分析 Decision tree analysis of SOM effects on Mg content in flue-cured tobacco leaves 5 (469.88 mg/kg) 2.2.5 图 4 烤烟镁含量与土壤有机质含量的回归分析 Fig.4 Correlation between SOM and Mg content in flue-cured tobacco leaves 182.25 271.89 325.12 469.88 601.81 mg/kg 6 7 <108.63 108.63 ~ 182.25 182.25 ~ 271.89 271.89 ~ 325.120 325.12 ~ 469.88 469.88 ~ 601.81 >601.81 mg/kg 2.87 3.20 3.86 4.37 4.63 5.018 5.42 g/kg (R 2 = 0.958 P=0.000)( 6) 500 mg/kg Fig. 5 图 5 曲靖土壤有效镁含量空间分布 Spatial distribution of soil available Mg in Qujing

570 49 图 6 Fig. 6 烤烟镁含量与土壤有效镁含量的回归分析 Correlation between soil available and Mg content in flue-cured tobacco leaves (r= 0.093 P=0.000) (r= 0.340 P=0.000) (r= 0.338 P=0.000) ( 7) R 2 0.281 (P=0.023) R 2 0.575 (P=0.000) 2 000 mg/kg R 2 0.971 (P=0.000) R 2 0.970 (P=0.000) Fig. 7 图 7 烤烟镁含量与土壤有效钙镁含量 土壤钙镁比及钾镁比值的回归分析 Correlation between Mg content in flue-cured tobacco leaves with soil available Ca, available Mg, Ca/Mg and K/Mg ratios 3 4.10 g/kg 53.64% ( 4.0 g/kg) 46.36% (2 ~ 4 g/kg) (<2 g/kg) (R 2 = 0.720 P=0.000) (4.98 g/kg) (3.82 g/kg) 18.68 31.96 55.12 g/kg 4 108.63 182.25 271.89

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