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194 边 疆 考 古 研 究 ( 第 14 辑 ) 由 此 可 知, 瓮 衮 汪 古 只 是 一 词 的 不 同 译 音, 应 是 神 之 意 汪 古 部 当 是 以 所 居 的 瓮 衮 山 为 该 部 族 的 名 称, 而 非 来 自 长 城 之 蒙 古 语 译 音, 更 非 来 自 匈 奴 温

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陶波湖位于北岛的 正中心 很适合 作为进行各种活动 的大本营 慢节奏 的陶波湖地区展现 了新西兰崇尚自然 健康 纯粹清新的 一面 在这里你将 了解到新西兰的 文化 风光以及 风土人情 探索 地热 活动 陶波湖 前 踏上月球火山口 (Craters of the Moon) 地热步道 沿途的间歇泉 嘶

瑏瑡 B ~ 瑏瑡

Transcription: - 敍 2011106-18 敍 敍 / $3650 $3450 () 778-2970350 Oct 6 Oct 7 Oct 8 Oct 9 Beirut Deir El QamarTallah Moses PalaceBeiteddine Alomari Dog River, Jeitta Grotto Harrissa Bay of JouniehHarrissa Bazilika Oct 10 Sidon Khan Elfranj Zarephath Tyre Hypodrome Oct 11 Bekka ValleyAnjar 600 Baalbek

Venus Bachus Oct 12 Byblos Cedars of Lebanon Bekaa Kafra Oct 13 Oct 14 Oct 15 Tripoli Krak des Chevaliers 敍 H oms Hama Water Wheels Norias PalmyraTadmor Temple Bel (Baal) & Bel Shamine Palmyra Damascus MaloulaSt. SarkisTomb of Santa Thakla Holy PassageSednaya 敍 Damascus Oct 16 Hamidieh Souk Omayad AZM PalaceStreet Called Straight Ananias House Qasioun Oct 17 BosraShahba Oct 18

2011106~ 18 - 敍 CAD500 ( Equip to Serve) #323-13988 Cambie Road, Richmond, BC, Canada, V6V 2K4 Holy Land Tour in Depth Oct 6-18, 2011 Lebanon, Syria, Study Tour A journey of the biblical world, travel all over Lebanon, Syria, more than fifty various inspection sites to help you understand the Bible, with spiritual renewal. Explain the origin and development of Islam along the tour, and the world s 3 major monotheistic religions including Judaism, Islam and Christianity. The tour includes visiting 10 World Heritage sites listed by UNESCO. Leader Cost Cost include Cost exclude Enquiries Mrs. Nadia Choi Depart from Calgary/Vancouver CA$3650 Depart from Toronto CA$3450 Economy class air ticket, full board and lodging, transportation, tour handbook, site entrance fee. (Free for group visa) transit expenses in London, airport tax & fuel surcharge. 778-2970350 or LEBANON & SYRIA ITINERARY Day 1 (Oct 6) Depart from Canada to Beirut. Day 2 (Oct 7) Transit London; depart London to Beirut at night. Day 3 (Oct 8) Arrive Beirut in the morning and half day tour to Deir El Qamar where they will visit the church of Tallah, the old ruins, Moses Palace, then proceed to Beiteddine Palace visit the museum, the harim sector, Mosaic museum and back to Beirut for dinner and overnight. Day 4 (Oct 9) Morning city tour of Beirut to include the National Museum, Pigeon Rock, American University, ST. George Church, Alomari Mosque, Roman Bath, Old Down Town, etc. Afternoon tour to Dog River where you can see the inscriptions left by all the invaders who passed by Lebanon. Proceed to Jeitta Grotto visit the Upper Cave by cable cars and the Lower Cave by glass bottom boats, proceed to Harrissa from where you can view the Bay of Jounieh, visit the Bazilika of Harrissa and the statue of Lady Mary back to Beirut for dinner and overnight.

Day 5 (Oct 10) After breakfast drive to south Lebanon, visit the crusaders castle of Sidon, the Old Souk, Khan Elfranj, Soap Factory then proceed to Zarepta visit the biblical locations and on to Tyre to visit the two historical locations, with arch of victory, tombs, the hypodrome, etc. Back to Beirut for dinner and overnight. Day 6 (Oct 11) Depart Beirut to the Bekaa Valley where you will visit the city of Anjar with its ruins and the palace built by Calif Alwaleed, proceed to Baalbeck, visit the temples of Bachus, Venus and Jupiter. Back to Beirut for dinner and overnight. Day 7 (Oct 12) After breakfast depart Beirut to Byblos known as one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world; visit the crusaders castle, the Phoenician harbor, Old Souk etc. Proceed to the Cedars of Lebanon visit the Cedars Forest, the village of Bekaa Kafra where St. Charbel was born, then drive to Tripoli for dinner and overnight. Day 8 (Oct 13) Visit the ruins of Tripoli, the Citadel, Old Souks, Khan Elkhayateen, Khan of Soap etc. Proceed to Syria to Homs visiting en route the Citadel of Krak Des Chevaliers which is the most well preserved crusaders castle, visit the church and mosque, the old olive oil jars etc. Proceed to Homs for dinner and overnight. Day 9 (Oct 14) After breakfast drive to Hama where you will visit the Water Wheels Norias, the Old Mosque, the Souk, etc. Then proceed to Palmyra visit the ruins of Palmyra, Temple Bel and Bel Shamine, Agora, Arch of Victory, Museum, etc. Dinner and overnight Palmyra. Day 10 (Oct 15) After breakfast drive to Damascus passing by Maloula where you will visit the tomb of Santa Thakla, visit St., Sarkis Convent and the Holy Passage. Then drive to Sednaya visit the church of Lady Mary and on to Damascus for dinner and overnight. Day 11 (Oct 16) After breakfast all day visiting the ruins of Damascus to include the National Museum, Hamidieh Souk, Omayad Mosque, AZM Palace, Saladin Tomb, Street Called Straight, Ananias House, St. Paul Church and window from where Paul was lowered in a basket, view Damascus from Qasioun Mountain. Back to hotel. Dinner at the Omayad Restaurant with the Darwishes Dancers. Day 12 (Oct 17) After breakfast start on a tour to the city of Bosra where you will visit the Roman AmphiTheatre, the old ruins, visit the city of Shahba then proceed to the airport on time for departure. Day 13 (Oct 18) Arrival to Canada.

Lebanon, Syria, Study Tour Registration Form I decided to join Oct 6-18, 2011 Lebanon, Syria, Study Tour Attached deposit check CA$500 (Check payable Equip To Serve ) Mailing address: #323-13988 Cambie Road, Richmond, BC, Canada, V6V 2K4 Attached a passport copy