體力處理操作的法例要求 Legislative requirement for Manual Handling Operations 根據 職業安全及健康規例, 僱主或工作地點的負責人必須在合理地切實可行的範圍內 : 避免僱員進行有危害的體力處理操作 ; 就那些不可避免而有危害的體力處理操作進行風險

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www.oshc.org.hk 文職及專業服務業 安全健康通訊 Sedentary and Professional Services 第 35 期 Safety and Health Bulletin Introduction 2014 年 10 月 OCTOBER 2014 Issue 第 43 期 辦公室體力處理操作風險評估 Risk Assessment of office Manual Handling Operations 2013 7928 21% Manual handling operations cause thousands of occupational injuries each year in Hong Kong. In 2013, 7,928 such accidents were reported, accounting for approximately 21% of all workplace injuries. The loss in terms of work hours and work injury compensation poses a burden on employers, employees and the society. Office work does not require much manual labour. Examples of manual handling in an office environment include moving boxes of copy paper, folders, distilled water containers and furniture. These common operations are unlikely to cause serious damage and bodily harm. However, there are a number of factors that can increase the risk of injury. These include heavy/bulky loads, awkward postures, incorrect exertion of bodily force, prolonged, frequent or jerky motions and slippery or uneven floors. The most common injuries are sprains, strains and back pain. These injuries have a severe impact on both employers and employees.

體力處理操作的法例要求 Legislative requirement for Manual Handling Operations 根據 職業安全及健康規例, 僱主或工作地點的負責人必須在合理地切實可行的範圍內 : 避免僱員進行有危害的體力處理操作 ; 就那些不可避免而有危害的體力處理操作進行風險評估 ; 作出預防性和保護性措施去減低僱員受傷的風險 ; 及 向僱員提供相關的資料及足夠的訓練 而僱員必須 : 在進行體力處理操作時, 顧及自己和他人的安全 ; 及 與僱主合作減少在進行體力處理操作所引起的危險 風險評估是預防及控制體力處理操作危害的第一步 透過風險評估, 僱主可審視有關體力處理操作的工作性質 負荷物的特性和工作環境等, 並找出具體的危害因素, 及制定預防和保護措施 為協助僱主及僱員評估在辦公室工作間從事體力處理操作時的健康風險, 以下內容將集中討論工作性質 負荷物 個人能力 工作環境的風險因素, 並建議可行的預防措施 Under the Occupational Safety and Health Ordinance, the employer or the person responsible for a workplace must, as far as reasonably practicable: Avoid having employees undertake manual handling operations which may be hazardous; Perform risk assessments of unavoidable, potentially hazardous manual handling operations; Take preventive and protective measures to reduce the risk of injury; and Provide relevant information and necessary training to employees. Employees must: Take good care of their own and the safety of others while performing manual handling operations; Cooperate with the employer to minimize manual handling risks. The first step in preventing or controlling manual handling hazards at work is risk assessment. The risk assessment allows employers to assess the task, the load and the working environment, in order to identify the specific hazards and set up preventive and protective measures. To help employers and employees assess the health risks associated with manual handling operations in their workplaces, the section below will be focusing on the risk factors, namely the task, the load, individual capability and the working environment, and give practical advice on preventive measures.

辦公室體力處理操作的風險因素及預防措施 Risk Factors and Preventive Measures Associated with Manual Handling Operations in Workplaces 在遠離身體軀幹的情況下手持重物, 令身體承受較大的壓力 不正確的身體動作或姿勢搬運物件, 例如扭動身體 彎身 向上伸展 須過量移動負荷物, 例如過長的提舉或放下距離, 及持續搬運過長的運載距離, 肌肉勞損及受傷機會都會增加 須過量推或拉動放置在高處或低位的負荷物, 會增加操作的危險 負荷物堆放得不平穩, 有突然移動的危險, 搬運時很容易倒下 長時間重複搬運動, 沒有充足的休息 減輕搬運物件的重量或減小體積, 或在物件上提供合適的手挽 ; 盡量安排物件在靠近身體的情況下操控 ; 盡量把物件和工具擺放在適當的高度, 避免要扭動身體 彎身或過度伸展上臂 ; 為僱員提供可調校高度和可旋轉的座椅, 並確保有足夠的空間可以移動, 而無需扭動身體 ; 鼓勵僱員採用屈膝蹲下提取物件的姿勢, 避免彎腰的動作 ; 僱主需提供機械輔助設備, 例如手推車, 當運載距離過長或運載次數多的時候, 應鼓勵僱員盡量利用輔助設備來運載物件 ; 要定期維修補養運輸工具, 例如手推車的滑輪及扶手柄 ; 避免在凹凸不平的地面上推或拉動重物 ; 若負荷物有突然移動的危險, 應安排適當人手進行合力提舉 ; 為僱員提供足夠的休息時間 Tasks as the Risk Factor Holding loads at a distance from the body, which puts greater stress on the body. Moving loads with unsatisfactory bodily movements or postures (e.g. twisting of body, stooping, reaching upwards). Excessive movements of loads (e.g. excessive lifting or lowering distances, excessive carrying distances), which can increase the risk of muscle strain and injury. Excessive pushing or pulling of loads on the top or at the bottom, which may increase operational risks. Loads that are not properly stacked and that pose a risk of sudden movement may easily collapse during carrying. Insufficient rest due to frequent or prolonged physical effort. Reduce the weight or size of the load or provide an appropriate handle on the load; Keep the load close to the body for easy control; Place materials and tools at a suitable height to avoid twisting the body, stooping or excessive extending of arms; Provide height-adjustable swivel chairs and sufficient workspace for employees so that they can move their bodies around freely instead of twisting their bodies; Encourage employees to bend knees and squat down to lift objects instead of stooping; Employers should provide and encourage employees to use mechanical devices such as trolleys. Simplify the task using mechanical aids when a long distance have to be covered or when substantial number of movements are required to move loads; Ensure regular maintenance of transport equipment, e.g. wheels and handlers on trolleys; Avoid pushing or pulling heavy loads on rough and uneven floors; If there is a risk of sudden movement of loads, arrange team lifting to perform manual handling operation. Arrange sufficient rest breaks or recovery periods for employees.

www.oshc.org.hk 當搬移的負荷物過重 體積大或難於抓緊的, 僱員因此而受傷的風險便會大大提高 有些負荷物的表面形狀是尖的 鋒利的 燙熱的或有重心不穩的情況, 被迫僱員使用不良姿勢, 而更容易受傷 可考慮改變負重物的形狀或包裝, 以減少物件的體積, 可讓員工易於抓緊及搬運 在物件外面提供手挽 把手 凹位等, 以改善握持方式 ; 或把物件放於一個易抓住的容器內, 減少物件脫手的機會 安排一組員工合力提舉物 選用適當的機械輔助設備, 例如手推車 升降台 若員工有背痛 疝氣 身體傷患或正在手術後的復原期間, 身體沒有足夠能力應付, 提舉重物時亦會較易受傷 懷孕員工在妊娠期內, 荷爾蒙分泌的改變會影響韌帶, 身體狀況較難採取正確的姿勢, 提舉重物會構成危險 僱主應先了解及評估體力處理的工序和有關員工的體能及健康狀況, 才委派工作及安排人手 若孕婦或生產後不久的婦女需要搬運物件, 宜提供特別的照顧, 例如安排他們處理一些體力要求較低的工作 若員工在一段長時間內沒有進行體力勞動工作, 可先給他一段適應期 例如可以讓他處理一些較輕的物件, 或給予較低的工作量, 然後才逐步增加至正常的工作量 狹窄的通道環境, 以致員工不能採取良好的姿勢 在凹凸不平 滑溜或不穩的地面工作, 會增加滑倒 絆倒和失足的危險 ; 例如地面積水 油漬 肥皂或食物渣滓, 也會使人容易滑倒 Loads as the Risk Factor When the loads are excessively heavy, bulky or too difficult to grasp, the risk of injury for employees may significantly increase. Loads with sharp parts or being hot or unstable will force employees to adopt incorrect postures and they can more easily get injured. Change the shape or packaging of the load to make it less bulky and easier to grip. Provide handles, hand grips or indents on the load to improve the grip; place the load in a container that is easy to hold to reduce the risk of dropping the load. Arrange team lifting. Select proper mechanical aids such as trolleys and lifting platforms. Individual Capability as the Risk Factor If an employee is suffering from back pain, hernia or is recovering from surgery, he/she will be more susceptible to injury. Pregnancy and hormonal changes can affect the ligaments. A pregnant woman will experience increased difficulty in adopting correct postures when carry or lift loads. Assess the operation and the employee s physical characteristics and health condition before assigning duties. Take extra care of women who are pregnant or shortly after childbirth when they have to handle loads. For example, arrange less physical demanding tasks to such workers. Allow a certain adjustment period for an employee who has been away from work for a long time. For example, let the employee carry lighter loads first and then gradually increase the workload to normal. Working Environment as the Risk Factor A confined area forces employees to adopt a poor posture. Working on uneven, slippery or unstable floors increases the risk of slipping, tripping and falling. Floors affected by spillages of water, oil, soap or food scraps increase the slipping hazards.

職安熱線 OSH Hotline : 2739 9000 員工需攜帶重物上落梯級, 不同高度的地面或操作面, 會增加其受傷的機會 不良的照明狀況, 會影響員工判斷距離和高度的能力, 亦會增加絆倒的危險 應保持良好的辦公室工作間整理, 在移動物件前, 先清除通道上的障礙物 經常保持工作間地面整齊清潔, 例如茶水間的地面通常會比較濕滑, 經常清理地上積水和油污, 可避免滑倒 攜帶重物上落梯級是非常危險的, 盡可能使用坡道或電梯, 以減低意外的發生 提供充足及良好的照明, 讓員工搬運物件時能清楚察看週邊環境 When worker carries a load up or down steps, variations in level of floors or work surfaces increase the risk of injury. Poor lighting conditions aggravate potential hazards. Any marked contrast between areas of bright light and deep shadow hinders accurate the judgment of height and distance. Maintain good housekeeping in the office. Ensure that obstructions are cleared before attempting to maneuver loads. Ensure the floor of a workplace is clean and tidy. For example, promptly clearing away spillages of water and oil on the pantry floor can prevent slipping. Carrying a load up and down steps is hazardous. Using a ramp or a temporary ramp reduces the risk of accidents. Provide sufficient and suitable lighting to enable employees to see the surroundings clearly when carrying loads. 職 安健訓練課程 OSH Training Courses 1. 人力提舉及搬運 (M) Manual Lifting and Handling(M) 本課程旨在為員工提供正確的人力提舉及搬運方法 ; 並講解不正確的提舉方法對身體造成的傷害和簡單的腰背護理 The purpose of this course is to provide training to candidates on how injury can result from improper manual handling and the correct way of manual lifting. 2. 文職人員的工作健身操工作坊 (SESW) Workshop on Fitness Exercise for Sedentary (SESW) 本課程教授實用的工作健身操, 讓學員在工作前或休息時段能夠學以致用, 預防肌肉勞損 This course is taught the practical stretching exercise. Participants can do stretching exercise after work or during the break time in order to prevent muscle strains. 報名及查詢請瀏覽本局網頁 www.oshc.org.hk For application and enquiries, please browse Council s website: www.oshc.org.hk 有獎問答遊戲 Quiz: 第 42 期文職及專業服務業安全及健康通訊 Issue no.42 - Sedentary and Professional Services Safety and Health Bulletin 答案 Answer.. 1. B 2. C 3. C 得獎者 Winners..李文基 陳慧敏 何偉業 Poon Ka Yuk Sit Wai Hong 恭喜以上各得獎者, 得獎者將獲專函通知領獎事宜 Congratulations to the above winners, winners will be notified separately in writing.

有獎 問答遊戲 Quiz 1 To prevent and control manual handling hazards at work, which risk factors should employers evaluate during the risk assessment in order to identify the hazards? A. 工作性質 負荷物的特性 Nature of the task and characteristics of the load. B. 工作環境 個人能力 Working environment and individual capability. C. 以上全部皆是 All of the above. 2 Which risk factor is associated with the working environment? A. 員工有傷患 Injured and ill employees. B. 狹窄的通道及地面不平的環境 Confined passageways and uneven floors. C. 工作間沒有提供工作服 Lack of uniform in the workplace. 3 Which preventive and protective measure is based on the risk factor of individual capability? A. 先評估工序和有關員工的體能及健康狀況, 才委派工作及安排人手 Assess the operation and the employee s physical and health conditions before assigning duties. B. 安排生產後不久的員工處理一些體力要求較低的工作 Allocate less physical demanding tasks to employees shortly after childbirth. C. 以上全部皆是 All of the above. 請圈出正確答案及填妥下列表格, 郵寄或傳真回 2739 9779 本局總辦事處, 信封面請註明 文職及專業服務業安全健康通訊問答遊戲 2015 1 5 Please circle the correct answers and fill in the following form and send it or by fax 2739 9779 to the Council. Please write Sedentary and Professional Services Safety and Health Bulletin Prize Quiz on the envelope. Closing date: 5/1/2015. 姓名 Name 地址 Address 聯絡電話 Contact Tel. No 必須與香港身份證姓名相同 As appeared on HK Identity Card 香港身份證號碼 HK Identity Card No. 只須填寫首四個號碼, 例如 :A123XXX(X) HK Identity Card No. (First 4 digits),e.g.: A123XXX(X) 所有資料將於活動結束後銷毀 Data will be destroyed after completion of the activity. Rules for Participation 1. 歡迎年滿 15 歲或以上的香港居民參加, 每人只限參加一次 1. Hong Kong citizens aged 15 or above are welcome to participate, each participant can only submit one entry. 2. 得獎者的姓名必須與香港身份證上的姓名相同, 否則將被取消得獎資格 2. Winners will be disqualified if their name are not identical to the name on their HK Identity Card. 3. 參加者有機會贏得價值 $150 超市禮券 3. Participant will get the chance to win a prize of supermarket voucher valued at HK$150. 4. 主辦機構之員工及其直系家屬均一律不得參加 4. The employees and direct family members of the organization are not eligible to enter. 5. 得獎結果以主辦機構的決定為準, 各得獎者將獲專函個別通知 5. The decision of the organization regarding the prize results is final, winners will be notified separately in writing. 6. 主辦機構保留更改有關是項活動事宜的權利, 恕不另行通知 6. The organising body reserves the right to make changes to any matters and will not provide further notice. 7. 倘有任何爭議, 一切以主辦機構的決定為最終決定 7. In the event of any dispute, all decisions made by the organizer are final and binding. 8. 歡迎複印參加表格 8. Welcome to photocopy the form 免費訂閱表格 Free Subscription Form 本人對文職及專業服務業安全健康通訊感興趣, 並希望以電子郵件索取 : I am interested in the Sedentary and Professional Services Safety and Health Bulletin and want to subscribe it by e-mail: 中文姓名 Chi Name 傳真 Fax No. 英文姓名 Eng Name 電子郵件 E-mail Address 電話 Tel. No. 填妥後請將表格傳真至 2739 9779 職業安全健康局 Please fax the form to Occupational Safety and Health Council (Fax No. : 2739 9779) 1. 你向職業安全健康局 本局 所提供的資料, 包括 個人資料 私隱 條例 所指的個人資料, 只會用於相關活動 2. 為讓你得知最新的本局活動, 本局將使用你的個人資料, 包括你的姓名 電話號碼 郵寄和電郵地址, 將有關職業安全健康訓練課程 活動 服務及資訊提供給你 你的個人資料亦可能被用作本局之研究及統計用途 3. 你可選擇是否同意接收上述資訊 若不同意的話, 請於下列拒收資訊一欄之空格內加上 3 號 * 4. 你有權要求查閱及修正你的個人資料 有關申請須以書面向本局提出, 地址為香港北角馬寶道 28 號華滙中心 19 樓 * 本人不同意日後接收由職業安全健康局發出其活動和相關的資訊 Personal Data Collection Statement 1. The information you provide to the Occupational Safety & Health Council (the Council), including any personal data as defined in the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (the Ordinance), will be used solely for purposes related to the activities of the Council. 2. To keep you informed of Council s activities, the Council would like to use your personal data, including your name, telephone number and correspondence and email addresses, to update you in relation to our training courses, events and other OSH related information. Your personal data may also be used for our research and statistical purposes. 3. You are free to decide whether you wish to receive such information. If you choose not to do so, please put a tick in the box below*. 4. You are also entitled to request access to and correction of any errors in your personal data. If you wish to do so, please write to the Council at 19/F, China United Centre, 28 Marble Road, North Point, Hong Kong. * I do not wish to receive any information from the Council in relation to its activities. Occupational Safety & Health Council 文職及專業服務業安全及健康委員會 S e d e n t a r y a n d P r o f e s s i o n a l S e r v i c e s Safety and Health Committee 地址 Address: 中國香港北角馬寶道 28 號華匯中心 19 樓 19/F China United Centre, 28 Marble Road, North Point, HK 電話 Tel : 2739 9377 傳真 Fax : 2739 9779 電郵 E-mail : oshc@oshc.org.hk 網址 Website : www.oshc.org.hk 簽署 Signature 日期 Date 2014 Occupational Safety & Health Council 職業安全健康局 10/2014(1)