Microsoft PowerPoint - China Underground ppt

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82 热 带 地 理 35 卷 接 关 联 休 闲 空 间 是 城 市 巨 系 统 中 的 一 个 子 集, 城 市 发 展 的 脉 络 深 刻 地 描 绘 了 休 闲 空 间 发 展 的 方 向 与 设 施 面 向, 在 为 休 闲 系 统 的 发 展 提 供 内 在 张 力 的 同 时, 也 设


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第8 期 胡发宗: 市域铁路概算编制原则建议 城 晋城 昆阳方向的快速出行 温州市 S1 线为双 线电气化铁路 设计时速 120 km / h 一期工程线路全 长 51 9 正线 km 设置车站 14 座( 地下车站 4 座 高架 站 7 座 地面站 3 座 ) ; 昆明市东西线铁路为双线电气 化铁


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内容 Outline 1 中国机动化进程及其影响 Motorization and its effects 2 中国道路交通安全发展及形势 Road traffic development and trends 3 中国客车特大事故特征及政策回顾 Fatal crash analysis and s

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建國科大 許您一個海闊天空的未來 建國科大本著術德兼修五育並重的教育方針 持續努力的朝向專業教學型大學邁進 期許建國的學生能成為企業所樂用的人才 建國科大多元性發展與延伸觸角 如 教學卓越計畫 產官學合作 國際交流活動等等 讓師生能充實基礎實力 更提升競爭力 不管將來是要升學或是就業 都能一帆風順

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《北京城市道路空间合理利用指南》 目录


中国地下空间开发利用趋势和重点 Trend and outline of underground space development in China 石晓冬 Shi Xiaodong 北京市城市规划设计研究院 Beijing Municipal Institute of City Planning and Design 10.2011 北京市城市规划设计研究院

The advantages of underground space Save land resources, and effectively restrict urban sprawl. Develop subway, promote public transport. Undertake part of the urban functions. Save energy, reduce carbon emission. Protect open ground space and historical and cultural legacies. Act as the binding agent of mixed utilization. 2

Widespread attention to the planning and management of urban underground space Over 40 cities have compiled overall planning for urban underground space. 3

Attaching importance to underground space construction in urban key function region and main junction area. Underground Space Planning for Beijing CBD Underground space Plan of Expo Boulevard in the Shanghai Expo Site 4

Underground space accompanying rapid development of Chinese railed traffic 20 cities in China have opened operational railed traffic lines with a total of over 1000 kms. 5 Shanghai Metro Plan Beijingi Metro Plan

Attaching importance to underground space exploitation along rail line and hub. Hongqiao Traffic Hub of Shanghai Futian Underground Traffic Hub of Shenzhen 6

Underground space accompanying rapid development of Chinese railed traffic Guogongzhuang section of No. 9 subway of Beijing 7

Current situation of underground space exploitation in China Actively shifting urban infrastructure into underground, gaining experience in building comprehensive underground urban pipelines. 8

Actively promoting underground roads construction to better urban road network. 9

Utilize underground shallow geothermal energy, construct closed-loop cities Utilize the features of underground space such as sealed, stable and heat preservative to save energy and guarantee energy supply. Beijing, one of the capital cities of the only 6 counties in the world that have geothermal resources. Geological Survey Report on Shallow Geothermal Energy Resources in Plain Areas of Beijing 10

Utilize underground shallow geothermal energy, construct closed-loop cities Geothermal energy has been utilized for 30% of the air-conditioning load in the World Expo in Shanghai. 11

Actively preparing and studying the relevant regulations and technical specifications. Code for urban underground space planning in China urban underground space classification coding standard in China 法规名称 深圳市地下空间开发利用暂行办法 深圳市城市规划标准与准则 出台时间 2008 年 2004 年,2010 年修订 法规名称 出台时间 上海市城市地下空间建设用地审批和房地产登记试行规定 2006 年 上海市城市地下空间规划编制暂行规定 2006 开始编制 上海市轨道交通车站及周边地区项目规划管理导则 法规名称 广州市城市地下空间开发利用管理办法 出台时间 2010 年开始编制, 正在征求意见 12

Tendency and concept of underground space development 1. Drive overall development with the support of rail transit. 13 北京市城市规划设计研究院

Tendency and concept of underground space development 2.Comprehensive utilization, to provide quality project 14

Tendency and concept of underground space development 3.Give priority to urban public facilities, enhance hazard prevention capacity. 北京南水北调输水暗涵 15

Tendency and concept of underground space development 4.Promote urban low-carbon development by exploiting underground space. 16

Tendency and concept of underground space development 5.View at long term with properly advanced concept 17

underground space planning along the rail line 地铁带给城市新的发展机遇 地铁快速的发展, 周边地下空间发展带来了机遇 地铁站建设对周边物业发展具有带动作用? How to address the relation of metro and underground space? 地铁建设也面临新的问题 地铁站设计无暇考虑与周边地块的联系 地铁沿线土地开发建设地下空间与地铁联系不紧密 地下空间的建设难度大, 不利于后补建设 18 北京市城市规划设计研究院

underground space planning along the rail line 5 questions Is it necessary to exploit all the underground space adjacent to metro? Should the level and mode in exploiting underground space along metro line be uniform? How much is the developable room of underground space adjacent to metro, and which place shall be developed? How will metro and adjacent underground interact for development together? What kind of mode shall be used to ensure coordinated development of underground space while metro is under construction? 19 北京市城市规划设计研究院

underground space planning along the rail line 4 Aims: To master the good opportunity of metro construction to comprehensively exploit urban space with high quality, efficiency and standard. To provide basis for integrative design of metro station surrounding area, optimizing metro station design and exploiting the underground space adjacent to metro station. To establish ordinated platform between metro construction and adjacent underground space exploitation. Finally to include it into planning preparation and approval, and construction management in line with detailed planning. 20 北京市城市规划设计研究院

underground space planning along the rail line Assessment method for underground space exploitation land use structure development level passengers flow volume 用地比例 强度 客流 旧城平房区的功能需求 产业区发展需求 transfer station 一体化 土地一级开发 integration station type 机遇区 站点分类 换乘站 chance area 21 北京市城市规划设计研究院

underground space planning along the rail line M7 Caishikou station 菜市口站 Location: Integration: Transfer : M7 N Y land use : Business development level: High R= 2.3 passengers flow volume : 140,000 chance area: 26% Conclution: 1 lever 22 北京市城市规划设计研究院

underground space planning along the rail line construction execution of underground space adjacent to metro station land investment Planning management 23 北京市城市规划设计研究院

underground space planning along the rail line 判断是否划定范围明确等级 To determine the range that has the effect of station. The development level of underground space within the station area. To check out the adjacent land that is available for underground space exploitation. 梳理土地 control and guideline of planning means To detail design in line with planning approval. 24 北京市城市规划设计研究院

underground space planning along the rail line 25 北京市城市规划设计研究院

宣武门内大街Practice in integrative development of underground space along rail line in Beijing Caishihou Station 拟建商场 知识产权局 ( 待建 ) 广安门内大街 骡马市大街 现状住宅 中国移动 口大街菜市下沉广场 康有为故居 拟建商业办公 26

Practice in integrative development of underground space along rail line in Beijing 道路下可开发空间 27 规划后道路下开发空间 31200 m2

Practice in integrative development of underground space along rail line in Beijing 七号线机房 四号线机房 四号线站厅 中转站厅 四号线站台 四号线机房 四号线站厅 七号线站台 28 北京市城市规划设计研究院

Practice in integrative development of underground space along rail line in Beijing 29

Practice in integrative development of underground space along rail line in Beijing 文化建筑 机动车环道 人行通廊 公共车库 市政共同沟 30 北京市城市规划设计研究院