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Peripheral Nervous System The Visceral Nerve 内脏神经 Ling Shucai

Introduction Place of the PNS in the structural organization of the nervous system Comparision of the somatic and autonomic nervous system.

Place of the PNS in the structural organization of the nervous system CNS PNS Sensory division Motor division Sympathetic division Parasympathetic division Autonomic nervous system Somatic nervous system

Comparision of the somatic and autonomic nervous system 躯体运动神经与内脏运动神经之比较

Main differences between somatic motor and visceral motor n. 躯体运动神经与内脏运动神经之区别 Somatic Visceral Effectors Skeletal muscles Cardiac, smooth muscles and glands From lower center to effect require Single neuron Two neurons: preganglionic neuron (fiber) and postganglionic neuron (fiber) Kind of fibers One Two: sympathetic and parasympathetic Fibers Thick myelinated Preganglionic: thin myelinated Postganglionic: unmyelinated Distributive form Nerve trunk Nerve plexuses Control Voluntary (consciousness) Involuntary (unconsciousness )

The visceral nervous system Compositions: 1. Visceral sensory nerve 2. Visceral motor nerve (ANS, Autonomic Nervous System) Sympathetic nerves 交感神经 Parasympathetic nerves 副交感神经 3. Centers of visceral nerves

Main differences between sympathetic and parasympathetic 交感与副交感神经之区别 Lower center Ganglia Sympathetic 交感神经 Lateral gray horn of spinal cord segments T1~L3 Paravertebral, 椎旁节 prevertebral 椎前节 Parasympathetic 副交感神经 Four pairs parasympathetic nuclei and sacral parasympathetic nucleus Terminal 终节 Preganglionic f. Shorter Longer Postganglionic f. Longer Shorter Pre: Postganglionic 1: many more 1: a few Distributions Throughout the body Limited primarily to head and viscera of thorax, abdomen, and pelvis Different action Prepares for emergency situation (fight or flight) Conserve and restore body energy (rest and relaxation)

Sympathetic Nerve System 交感神经系统 Lower center: in lateral horn of T1~ L3 (or C8~L3 ) segments of spinal cord (intermediolateral nucleus) Peripheral part: sympathetic trunks 交感干 sympathetic ganglia 交感神经节 sympathetic plexuses 交感神经丛 sympathetic nerves 交感神经 communicating branches 节间支

Lower center: 低级中枢 located in lateral gray horn of spinal cord segments T1~L3

Peripheral part: 周围部 1. sympathetic trunks paravertebral ganglia Interganglionic branches 2. sympathetic ganglia paravertebral ganglia prevertebral ganglia 3. sympathetic plexuses 4. sympathetic nerves 5. communicating branches gray ramus white ramus

Sympathetic trunk 交感干 Formed by paravertebral ganglia and interganglionic branches Lie on either side of vertebral column from base of skull to coccyx The trunks of two side unite in front of the coccyx at a small swelling, the ganglion impar ( 奇节 )

Sympathetic trunks

Paravertebral ganglia 交感神经节 Arranged on either side of vertebral column Consist of 19~22 of oval-shaped ganglia cervical ganglion 3 thoracic ganglion 10~12 lumbar ganglion 4~5 sacral ganglion 2~3 coccygeal ganglion 1

Cervical ganglion Thoracic ganglion

Prevertebral ganglia 椎前节 2 1 3 Lie anterior to vertebral column and near the arteries for which they are named 1. Celiac ganglion 腹腔神经节 2. Aorticorenal ganglion 主动脉肾节 3. Superior mesenteric ganglion 肠系膜上神经节 4. Inferior mesenteric ganglion 肠系膜下神经节

Three fates of preganglionic fibers 节前纤维的三种去向 Preganglionic fibers 15 pairs white communicating branch (only spinal levels T1~L3 have white communicating branch) Sympathetic trunk

Three fates of preganglionic fibers Relay in corresponding ganglion Ascend or descend in sympathetic trunk and relay in higher or lower ganglia Pass without synapse to a prevertebral ganglion for relay

Greater splanchnic nerve 内脏大神经 formed by preganglionic fibers from T5~T9 ganglia, and relay in celiac ganglion. Lesser splanchnic nerve 内脏小神经 formed by preganglionic fibers from T10~T12 ganglia, and relay in aorticorenal ganglion. The postganglionic fibers supply the liver, spleen, kidney and alimentary tract as far as the left colic flexure.

Lumbar splanchnic nerve 腰内脏神经 Formed by preganglionic fibers from L1~L4 ganglia, and relay in prevertebral ganglia (Inferior mesenteric ganglion 肠系膜下节 ). The postganglionic fibers supply descending and sigmoid colon, rectum, pelvic viscera and lower limbs.

Three fates of postganglionic fibers 节后纤维的三种去向 Back to a spinal nerve along gray communicating branches 灰交通支 ( 31 pairs ) to terminate in blood vessels, arrectores pilorum and sweat glands of head, neck, trunk and limbs The fibers from their networks around blood vessels passing to visceral end organs Terminate directly in certain organs

Distribution of sympathetic nerve 交感神经的分布 Preganglionic fibers 节前纤维 T1~T5 T5~T12 Postganglionic fibers 节后纤维 Head, neck, upper limb and thoracic viscera Abdominal viscera L1~L3 Pelvic viscera and lower limb

Parasympathetic Nerve System 副交感神经系统

Parasympathetic nerve 副交感神经 Lower center: located in four pairs parasympathetic nuclei in brain stem and in sacral parasympathetic nucleus of spinal cord segments S2~S4 Parasympathetic ganglia: terminal ganglia are near or within the wall of a visceral organ Para-organ ganglia 器官旁节 : Ciliary ganglion 睫状神经节 Pterygopalatine ganglion 翼腭神经节 Submandibular ganglion 下颌下神经节 Otic ganglion 耳神经节 Intramural ganglia 壁内节

Cranial portion 颅部 Ⅲ ciliary ganglion 睫状神经节 sphincter pupillae and ciliary muscles 瞳孔括约肌和睫状肌 Ⅹ Ⅸ Ⅶ pterygopalatine ganglion 蝶腭神经节 submandibular ganglion 下颌下神经节 otic ganglion 耳神经节 terminal ganglia 终节 lacrimal gland 泪腺 sublingual gland submandibular gland 舌下腺和下颌下腺 parotid gland 腮腺 heart, lungs, liver, spleen kidneys,alimentary tract as far as left colic flexure

Sacral portion 骶部 Preganglionic fibers from sacral parasympathetic nucleus leave spinal cord with anterior roots of the spinal nerves S2~S4, Then leave sacral nerves and form pelvic splanchnic nerve and travel by way of pelvic plexus to terminal ganglia in pelvic cavity Postganglionic fibers terminate in descending and sigmoid colon, rectum and pelvic viscera

Visceral sensory nerves 内脏感觉神经 Nucleus of solitary tract 孤束核 Enteroceptors Ⅶ,Ⅸ, Ⅹ Sympathetic nerve Pelvic splanchnic nerve 交感和副交感神经 Posterior horn 后角 Thalamus 丘脑 Hypothalamus 下丘脑 Somatic motor neurons visceral motor neuclei Cerebral cortex 大脑皮质 Effectors

Referred pain 牵涉痛

Referred pain Gallbladder Appendix Heart Lungs and diaphragm Liver Gallbladder Heart Liver Stomach Pancreas Small intestine Ovaries Colon Kidneys Urinary bladder Ureters

思考题 1. 内脏运动神经与躯体运动神经在形态结构上有何不同? 2. 交感神经和副交感神经在形态结构上有何区别? 3. 解释 : 节前神经元 节后神经元 节前纤维 节后纤维 4. 指出下列神经的性质 : 内脏大神经 内脏小神经 腰内脏神经 盆内 脏神经 5. 指出下列神经节的性质 : 睫状神经节 翼腭神经节 下颌下神经节 耳神经节 三叉神经节 腹腔神经节 肠系膜上神经节 肠系膜下神 经节 主动脉肾节 脊神经节