餅乾 早餐穀物和穀物條 小食 類別 產品 產品名稱 成分 獨立包裝 份量 ( 毫克 ) 每獨立包裝 提供熱量 ( 千卡 ) 提交日期 備註 麵粉, 砂糖, 植物油 ( 棕櫚油 ), 杏仁粉 此產品含有木 佳之選杏仁方塊酥本堅果及軼質的穀類 百佳超級

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港 式 糖 水 系 列 ( 凍 熱 ) Traditional Sweet Soups (Cold/Hot) 紅 豆 沙 Red Bean Soup...$3.75 椰 汁 紅 豆 沙 Red Bean Soup w/ Coconut Juice...$4.25 海 帶 綠 豆 沙 Green Be


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餅乾 早餐穀物和穀物條 小食 類別 產品 產品名稱 成分 獨立包裝 份量 ( 毫克 ) 每獨立包裝 提供熱量 ( 千卡 ) 提交日期 備註 Made Good - Chocolate Chip Granola Bars oats, agave nectar, cholocate chips(cane sugar, coca liquor, cocoa butter, vanilla), brown rice syrup, sunflower oil, whole grain crisp brown rice, agave inulin, molasses, vegetable powder( spinach, broccoil, carrots, tomatoes, beets shiitake mushrooms), vanilla flavour. Allergen: Cereals containing gluten. 24.0 90 14.6 25.0 20.8 8.3 Made Good oats, agave nectar, raisins, brown rice syrup, Made Good - Apple Cinnamon Granola Bars apple, sunflower oil, whole grain crisp brown rice, agave inulin, molasses, cinnamon, vegetable powder( spinach, broccoli, carrots, tomatoes, beets, shiitake mushrooms). Allergen: cereals containing gluten. 24.0 90 8.3 25.0 20.8 8.3 Made Good Pure rolled oats, agave nectar, brown rice syrup, bananas,chocolate chips( cocoa liquor, Made Good - Chocolate Banana Granola Bars cane sugar, cocoa butter, cocoa powder), whole grain crisp brown rice, sunflower oil, agave inulin, molasses, vegetable powder( spinach, broccoli, carrots, tomatoes, beets, shiitake mushrooms), banana flavour. Allergen: Cereals containing gluten 24.0 90 10.4 25.0 20.8 8.3 Riverside Natural Foods Ltd. FIRST CHOICE 芝麻梳打餅 小麥粉, 棕櫚油, 芝麻, 鹽, 碳酸鈣, 酵母, 膨脹劑 (E500(ii)) 此產品含有麩質 ( 小麥 ) 18.5 84 20.5 1.1 497.3 3.2 牛奶有限公司 14/03/2017 小麥粉, 棕櫚油, 鹽, 碳酸鈣, 香蔥, 蒜粉, 雞粉 ( 雞肉粉, 酵母提取物, 鹽, 糖, 水解植物蛋白, 麥芽糊精, 葡 Baker Brothers 香萄糖, 胡椒粉, 蒜粉, 增味劑 (E621, E635, 抗結劑蔥梳打餅 (E551)), 酵母, 膨脹劑 (E500(ii)) 此產品含有麩質 ( 小麥 ) 及大豆製品 18.5 84 19.4-530.0 3.6 牛奶有限公司 14/03/2017 全麥粉, 植物油 ( 精煉植物油脂 ( 部份氫化 ), 水, 鹽. 許可乳化劑 (E471, E322(i), E475), 許可防腐劑 (E385), 許可調味劑, 許可抗氧化劑 (E320, E321), 及許可色素 (E100, E160a, E160b)), 糖, 即溶麥片, 黑芝麻, 葡萄糖漿, 穩定劑 (E170(i)), 淡奶 ( 奶固體, 棕全麥黑芝麻營養餅櫚油, 麥芽糊精, 許可乳化劑 (E322(i) 及 E471), 磷酸鹽, 許可穩定劑 (E407a), 維生素 A( 視黃醇棕櫚酸酯 ) 及維生素 D3( 膽鈣化醇 )), 膨脹劑 (E500(i)), 鹽, 許可防腐劑 (E202) 此產品含有麩質( 小麥及燕麥 ), 大豆, 奶類及其製品 生產此食品的廠房亦處理木本堅果製品 22.2 115 27.0 13.5 319.8 9.0 首選牌 14/03/2017 oats, agave nectar, raisins, brown rice syrup, Made Good - Mixed Berry Granola Bars cranberries, sunflower oil, whole grain crisp brown rice, agave inulin, molasses, blueberries, raspberries, vegetable powder( spinach, broccoli, carrots, tomatoes, beets, shiitake mushrooms), raspberry flavour, apple juice concentrate. Allergen: cereals containging gluten. 24.0 80 6.3 29.2 20.8 8.3 Riverside Natural Foods Ltd. 1

餅乾 早餐穀物和穀物條 小食 類別 產品 產品名稱 成分 獨立包裝 份量 ( 毫克 ) 每獨立包裝 提供熱量 ( 千卡 ) 提交日期 備註 麵粉, 砂糖, 植物油 ( 棕櫚油 ), 杏仁粉 此產品含有木 佳之選杏仁方塊酥本堅果及軼質的穀類 15.0 71 17.3 14.0 0.0 1.6 百佳超級市場 ( 香 14/03/2017 港 ) 有限公司 Cereal( Rice,Whole Grain Wheat, Sugar, Wheat Bran, Soluble Wheat Fibre, Salt, Malt Flavouring, Maltodextrin, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2), Corn Syrup, Soluble corn fibre, Fructose, Strawberry Flavoured Fruit Pieces( Sugar, Cranberries, Acidity Regulator(Citric Acid), Natural Strawberry Flavour with other Natural Cereal Bars - Red Berries Naturally & Artificially Flavored Flavours, Natural colour(elderberry juice concentrate), Sunflower oil), Sugar, Vegetable oil( Soybean and Palm Oil with Antioxidnat( tertiary butylhydroquinone), Partilly hydrogenated Palm Kernel Oil), Maltodextrin, Contains 2% or less of dextrose, Humectant( Sorbitol, Glycerin), Nonfat Milk, Natural and Artificial Strawberry Flavour, Emulsifier( Soy Lecithin), Salt, Natural and Artificial Flavour, Niacinamide, Food Colour( Titanium Dioxide), Vitamin B6, Preservative( Butylated Hy droxytoluene). Contains Wheat, Milk and Soy Ingredients. 23.0 82 7.4 33.0 373.9 10.9 LF Asia( Hong Kong) Limited Organic Brown Rice Flour, Organic Brown Rice Syrup, Orginic Honey, Organic Invert Cane Syrup, Organic Milk Chocolate( Organic Cane Envirokidz Organic Koala Chocolate Crispy Rice Bar Sugar, Orgain cocoa butter, Organic Milk Powder, Organic unsweetened Chocolate, Emulsifier( Organic Soy Lecithin)), Organic Sunflower Oil, Organic Cane Sugar, Organic Cocoa, Thickener(Organic acacia gum), sea salt, organic molasses, natural flavor. Cintains Milk, Soy and may contain traces of tree nuts and sesame. 28.0 110 8.9 21.4 250.0 3.6 Rainbow Asset LTD Wheatflour, Plam Oil, Millet, Coix Seed, 5 Gains Low Salt Soyabean, Corn, Rice, Yeast and Sugar. This Product Contains Gluten(Wheat) And Soyabean. 23.3 111 17.8 0.0 28.8 1.9 DFI Brands Limited Cereals( crisped rice(rice flour, malted barley flour, sugar, sunflower oil, emulsifier, sunflower lecithin). Totasted wheat flakes, barley flakes, oats), glucose syrup, raisins( raisins, sunflower TRAIDCRAFT - oil), oligofructose,sweetened dried cranberries( MIXED BERRIES cranberries, sugar, sunflower oil), honey, GEOBAR sunflower oil, sweetened dried blueberries( blueberries, sugar, sunflower oil), natural flavouring. Including cereals containing gluten. May contain tree nuts. 35.0 120 2.5 33.4 20.0 6.8 (H K) Limited Organic brown rice Flour, organic brown rice syrup, Orginic Honey, organic sunflower oil, Envirokidz organic invert cane syrup, organic cane sugar, Organic Cheetah organic corn starch, thickener( organic acacia Berry Crispy Rice gum), organic freeze-dried raspberries, organic Bar freeze-dried blueberrieres, natural flavour, sea salt, organic molasses. May contain traces of tree nuts, sesame, milk and soy. 28.0 110 10.7 21.4 250.0 3.6 RAINBOW ASSET LTD Dried black beans, arrowroot flour, corn starch, Dare Breton Gluten Free Crackers - Black bean with Onion & Garlic canola oil, coconut oil, high amylose corn starch, soya protein isolate, sugar, salt, whey powder, sesame seeds, raising agent(e503(i)), onion powder, thickener(e415), natural flavour, baking soda( raising agent( sodium bicarbonate)), emulsifier( E322). Contains Soya, milk & sesame seeds. 20.0 100 22.5 5.0 600.0 15.0 Dare Foods Limited 2

餅乾 早餐穀物和穀物條 小食 類別 產品 產品名稱 成分 獨立包裝 份量 ( 毫克 ) 每獨立包裝 提供熱量 ( 千卡 ) 提交日期 備註 奶鹽梳打餅 小麥粉, 棕櫚油, 鹽, 碳酸鈣, 酵母, 膨脹劑 (E500(ii)) 此產品含有麩質 ( 小麥 ) 18.5 88 20.0 0.0 510.0 2.9 牛奶有限公司 14/03/2017 穀物 [ 全穀小麥粉 (29.1%), 小麥粉, 玉米粉 ], 糖, 減脂 可可粉, 麥芽精 ( 大麥麥芽, 樹薯澱粉 / 木薯粉 ), 棕櫚 油, 礦物質 ( 碳酸鈣, 還原鐡 ), 加碘食鹽 ( 氯化鈉, 碘酸 雀巢可可脆片穀類鉀 ), 乳化劑 ( 大豆卵磷脂 E322), 香料 / 調味劑 ( 香蘭早餐穀物素 ), 抗氧化劑 ( 混合濃縮生育醇 / 混合生育酚濃縮物 25.0 93 3.2 30.0 156.0 6.4 E307b), 維生素 (B3/ 菸鹼醯胺 / 菸酰胺,B5/ 本多酸 鈣,B6,B2,B9/ 葉酸 ) 含有麩質及可能含有微量木 本堅果及牛奶 香港雀巢有限公 司 14/03/2017 燕麥 ( 速溶燕麥片, 全燕麥粉, 全燕麥片 ), 小麥 ( 小 麥粉, 麥麩 ), 砂糖, 棕櫚油, 提子乾, 乳清粉 ( 含牛 桂格燕麥曲奇 - 提 子 奶 ), 雞蛋, 菊粉, 膨鬆劑 (E500(ii), E503(ii), 27.0 E450(i)), 碘鹽, 調味劑, 乳化劑 (E322). 過敏原信息 : 122 15.3 31.7 480.0 3.9 含有含有麩質的穀類, 奶類, 蛋類及大豆 可能含有微量花生和木本堅果 ( 杏仁 ) 大昌華嘉香港有 限公司 14/03/2017 芝麻方塊酥 麵粉, 砂糖, 植物油 ( 棕櫚油 ), 黑芝麻 此產品含有軼 質的穀類 15.0 72 18.0 14.6 0.0 0.8 (H K) Limited( 產品 14/03/2017 資料只備英文 ) 大豆粉 ( 非基因改造大豆 ), 葡萄乾, 牛油 ( 奶類製品 ), SOYJOY 大豆果滋山楂, 砂糖, 豆沙, 黑糖, 麥芽湖精, 蛋, 枸杞子, 食鹽, 調 27.0 109 18.1 38.9 151.5 7.0 慎昌有限公司 14/03/2017 棒 ( 山楂 ) 味料 ( 紅豆, 黑糖 ) 全麥南瓜營養餅 植物油 [ 精煉植物油脂 ( 部份氫化 ), 水, 鹽, 許可乳化劑 (E471, E322(i), E475), 許可防腐劑 (E385), 許可調味劑, 許可抗氧化劑 (E320, E321) 及許可色素 (E100, E160a, E160b)], 糖, 即溶麥片, 南瓜籽, 葡萄糖漿, 穩定劑 (E170(i)), 淡奶 [ 奶固體, 棕櫚油, 麥芽糊精, 許可乳化劑 (E322(i) 及 E471), 磷酸鹽, 許可穩定劑 (E407a), 維生素 A( 視黃醇棕櫚酸酯 ) 及維生素 D3( 膽鈣化醇 )], 膨脹劑 (E500(i)), 鹽, 許可防腐劑 (E202) 此產品含有麩質( 小麥及燕麥 ), 大豆, 奶類及其製品 生產此食品的廠房亦處理木本堅果製品 22.2 115 27.0 13.5 441.4 9.0 首選牌 14/03/2017 穀物 [ 全穀小麥粉 (37%), 玉米粉 ], 糖, 葡萄糖漿, 蜂 蜜, 棕櫚油, 礦物質 ( 碳酸鈣, 還原鐡 ), 香料 / 調味劑 ( 香 蘭素, 蜂蜜 ), 加碘食鹽,( 氯化鈉, 碘酸鉀 ), 抗氧化劑雀巢蜂蜜星星穀類 ( 混合濃縮生育醇 / 混合生育酚濃縮物 E307b), 維生早餐素 (B3/ 菸鹼醯胺 / 菸酰胺,B5/ 本多酸鈣,B6,B2,B9/ 葉酸 ), 色素 [ β- 胡蘿蔔素 E160a] 含有麩質, 大豆製品及可能含有微量木本堅果及牛奶 20.0 76 3.0 29.5 35.0 4.5 香港雀巢有限公 司 14/03/2017 穀物 [ 全穀小麥粉 (28.2%), 小麥粉, 玉米粉 ], 糖, 麥芽 精 ( 大麥麥芽, 樹薯澱粉 / 木薯粉 ), 減脂可可粉, 棕櫚 油, 礦物質 ( 碳酸鈣, 還原鐡 ), 脫脂奶粉, 加碘食鹽,( 氯 雀巢美祿可可球穀化鈉, 碘酸鉀 ), 乳化劑 ( 大豆卵磷脂 E322), 香料 / 調味 25.0 類早餐劑 ( 巧克力香蘭素 ), 抗氧化劑 ( 混合濃縮生育醇 / 混 93 2.8 29.2 160.0 7.2 合生育酚濃縮物 E307b), 維生素 (B3/ 菸鹼醯胺 / 菸 酰胺,B5/ 本多酸鈣,B6,B2,B9/ 葉酸 ) 含有麩質及 可能含有微量木本堅果 香港雀巢有限公 司 14/03/2017 小麥粉, 植物油 ( 棕櫚油 - 含抗氧化劑 (E319)), 芝麻, 食鹽, 碳酸鈣, 膨脹劑 (E500ii,E503ii), 大麥麥芽提太平芝麻梳打餅乾取物, 酵母, 乳粉, 鐡鹽 ( 乙二胺四乙酸鐡鈉 ), 乳化劑 (E481i) 致敏物信息: 含有小麥, 大麥, 芝麻和牛奶 此生產線也生產含有花生, 蛋製品的餅乾 25.0 119 19.9 2.0 548.0 - Mondelez Hong Kong ( 產品資料 只備英文 ) 14/03/2017 3

餅乾 早餐穀物和穀物條 小食 類別 產品 產品名稱 成分 獨立包裝 份量 ( 毫克 ) 每獨立包裝 提供熱量 ( 千卡 ) 提交日期 備註 嘉頓麥芽酥餅 小麥粉, 植物起酥油 ( 含有抗氧化劑 ( 抗壞血酸棕櫚酸酯, 混合生育酚濃縮物, 大豆卵磷脂 )), 糖, 轉化糖漿 ( 含有酸度調節劑 ( 鹽酸, 碳酸鈉類 )), 人造牛油 ( 含有乳化劑 ( 脂肪酸一甘油酯和脂肪酸二甘油酯, 大豆卵磷脂 ), 抗氧化劑 (a- 生育酚, 乙二胺四乙酸二鈉鈣 ), 色素 ( 胡蘿蔔素類 )), 鹽 ( 含有抗結劑 ( 亞鐡氰化鈉 )), 麥芽精, 膨脹劑 ( 碳酸鈉類 ) 酵母, 麵粉處理劑 ( 氯化銨, 硫酸鈣, 蛋白酶類, 澱粉酶 ) 生產此食品的廠房亦處理蛋類製品, 花生製品奶類製品, 堅果製品及芝麻製品 175.0 774 13.7 14.2 480.0 - 嘉頓有限公司 15/03/2017 DOODINGUES Petales Chocolate cereals (wheat flour-whole wheat flour)- chocolate powder (sugar-cocoa powder)-sugar- Sunflower oil-salt-aroma-emulsifier:citric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acidscinnamon-vitamins: B1,B2,B3,B5,B6,B8,B9,B12-iron. Traces of peanut, soy, milk, nuts and puffed rice sesame. 25.0 97 3.2 28.0 120.0 7.0 (H K) Limited Corn-sugar-barley malt extract-salt-emulsifier: DOODINGUES Corn Flakes mono and diglycerides of fatty acidsvitamins:b1,b2,b3,b5,b6,b9,b8,b12-iron. Traces of peanut, soy, milk, nuts and sesame seeds. 25.0 95 0.5 28.0 520.0 3.5 (H K) Limited Rice-sugar-chocolate powder (sugar-cocoa powder)-chocolate( sugar-cocoa mass-fat DOODNGUES Grain Seed Chocolate cocoa powder)-salt-glucose syrup-barley malt extract-aromas-emulsifier:mono and diglycerides of fatty acids-vitamins:b1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B8, B12-Iron. Traces of peanut, soy, milk, nuts, and seeds. 30.0 118 2.5 23.0 440.0 3.0 (H K) Limited 燕麥梳打餅 小麥粉, 棕櫚油, 燕麥片, 鹽, 碳酸鈣, 酵母, 膨脹劑 (E500(ii)) 此產品含有麩質 ( 小麥及燕麥 ) 18.5 90 22.9 0.9 448.0 3.8 牛奶有限公司 15/03/2017 香蔥梳打餅 小麥粉, 棕櫚油, 鹽, 碳酸鈣, 香蔥, 蒜粉, 雞粉 ( 雞肉粉, 酵母提取物, 鹽, 糖, 水解植物蛋白, 麥芽糊精, 葡萄糖, 胡椒粉, 蒜粉, 增味劑 (E621,E635, 抗結劑 (E551)), 酵母, 膨脹劑 (E500(ii)) 此產品含有麩質 ( 小麥 ) 及大豆製品 18.5 84 19.4 0.0 530.0 3.6 牛奶有限公司 15/03/2017 小麥粉, 棕櫚油 ( 含抗氧化劑 (E321)), 葡萄糖漿, 芝 麻, 洋蔥, 香蔥, 蒜粉, 酵母, 膨脹劑 (E500(ii)), 食用鹽, 香蔥薄餅 防腐劑 (E223) 此產品含有麩質( 小麥 ) 及防腐劑 ( 焦亞硫酸鈉 ) 宜產此食品的廠房亦處理花生及木本堅果製品 18.8 90 23.7 4.1 577.0 4.3 牛奶有限公司 15/03/2017 MADE GOOD Strawberry Muesli Minis Pure rolled oats(37%), apricots, strawberry pieces (apple juice concentrate, apple puree, strawberry puree, cherry juice concentrate, apple pectin, natural flavour)(8.5%), coconut sugar, agave nectar, apples, sunflower oil, whole grain crisp vrown rice, coconut oil, agave inulin, tapioca flour, vegetable powder (spinach, broccoli, carrots, tomatoes, beets)(0.4%), shiitake mushroom powder, strawberry flavour. 24.0 86 12.5 25.0 16.7 8.3 Made Good 穀物 [ 小麥 (83%), 大麥 (1.2%), 黑麥 (1.2%), 玉米 雅樂思維他 9 種穀 物脆餅乾 (0.6%)] 種籽 [ 芥花籽 (1.8%), 亞麻籽 (1.8%) 罌粟籽 (1.8%), 葵花籽 (0.7%)], 植物油, 鹽, 糖, 大豆, 含有奶類, 花生, 木本堅果, 芝麻及其製品 23.2 95 9.4 1.8 452.0 - 金寶湯亞洲有限 公司 15/03/2017 4

餅乾 早餐穀物和穀物條 小食 類別 產品 產品名稱 成分 獨立包裝 份量 ( 毫克 ) 每獨立包裝 提供熱量 ( 千卡 ) 提交日期 備註 Cereal( Rice,Whole Grain Wheat, Sugar, Wheat Bran, Salt, Soluble Wheat Fibre, Malt Flavouring, Niacinamide, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Folic acid), Soluble corn fibre, Pretzel pieces (Enriched wheat flour (flour, Niacin, CEREAL BARS - CHOCOLATEY PRETZEL NATURALLY & ARTFICIALLY FLAVORED Reduced iron, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Folic acid) Malt flavouring, Salt, Soybean and/or Canola oil, Yeast), Sugar Corn syrup, Fructose, 22.0 81 10.0 28.6 531.8 11.4 Partially hydrogenated Palm kernel oil, Sunflower oil, Dextrose, Contains 2% or less of cocoa, Humectant (Sorbitol, Glycerin), Natural and artificial flavours, Whey, Emulsifier(Soy lecithin), Caramel colour, Presercative (Butylated hydroxytoluene), Salt, Vitamin B6, Niacinamide. Contains Wheat, Milk and Soy Ingredients. LF Asia( Hong Kong) Limited RYVITA Multigrain Whole Grain Rye Flour (Gluten) 85%, Toasted Seeds and Grains (11%)(Buckwheat, Kibbled Soya, Sesame Seeds, Brown Linseed, Kibbled Rye( Gluten)), Salt. 22.0 369 7.2 4.9 240.0 18.3 The Jordans & Ryvita Company Australia Pty Ltd WHEAT FLOUR, VEGETABLE OIL (SOYBEANS). WHEAT SHOOT, WHITE EDO Pack ALMOND PASTRY SUGAR, SESAME, ALMOND, (CONTAIN CEREALS CONTAINING GLUTEN, SOYBEANS AND NUT PRODUCTS)(FACTORY MAY PRODUCE CRUSTACEAN, EGG, FISH, PEANUTS AND MILK PRODUCTS) 12.0 59 18.3 18.3 108.0 5.0 KIU FUNG HONG. LTD 芝麻梳打餅 小麥粉, 棕櫚油, 芝麻, 鹽, 碳酸鈣, 酵母, 膨脹劑 (E500(ii)) 此產品含有麩質 ( 小麥 ) 18.6 84 20.4 1.0 495.0 3.2 牛奶有限公司 15/03/2017 MOMOKO BLACK SESMAE LOW SALT CRACKERS WHEAT FLOUR, PLAM OIL, BLACK SESAME, YEAST AND SUGAR. THIS PRODUCT 23.3 110 16.6 0.0 37.4 1.7 CONTAINS GLUTEN (WHEAT). DFI Brands Limited 燕麥梳打餅 小麥粉, 棕櫚油, 燕麥片, 鹽, 碳酸鈣, 酵母, 膨脹劑 (E500(ii)) 此產品含有麩質 ( 小麥及燕麥 ) 18.5 90 22.9 0.9 448.0 3.8 牛奶有限公司 15/03/2017 海苔梳打餅 小麥粉, 棕櫚油, 鹽, 碳酸鈣, 海苔, 雞粉 ( 雞肉粉, 酵母提取物, 鹽, 糖, 水解植物蛋白, 麥芽糊精, 葡萄糖, 胡椒粉, 蒜粉, 增味劑 (E621, E635), 抗結劑 (E551)), 酵 18.5 86 19.3 0.0 634.0 3.4 牛奶有限公司 15/03/2017 母, 膨脹劑 (E500(ii)) ( 此產品含有麩質 ( 小麥 ) 及大豆製品 ) 超值牌麥芽酥餅 小麥粉, 棕櫚油, 白砂糖, 麥芽精, 食鹽, 麥芽糖, 酵母, 膨脹劑 (E500(ii)) 此產品含有麩質的穀類 21.9 100 16.3 5.1 463.0 2.2 屈臣氏集團 ( 香 港 ) 有限公司 15/03/2017 5

餅乾 早餐穀物和穀物條 小食 類別 產品 產品名稱 成分 獨立包裝 份量 ( 毫克 ) 每獨立包裝 提供熱量 ( 千卡 ) 提交日期 備註 小麥粉, 糖, 棕櫚油, 玉米澱粉, 麥芽糖, 膨脹劑 特惠牌 - 瑪利餅 (E503(ii),E500(ii)), 鹽, 調味料及調味劑 ( 雲呢嗱, 香蘭素 ), 麵粉處理劑 (E223,E1101) 此產品含有麩質 ( 小麥 ) 19.6 86 12.4 19.9 365.0 3.0 牛奶有限公司 15/03/2017 MOMOKO SESAME LOW SALT CRACKERS WHEAT FLOUR, PALM OIL, WHITE SESAME, YEAST AND SUGAR. THIS PRODUCT 23.3 108 15.7 0.0 36.8 1.7 CONTAINS GLUTEN(WHEAT). DFI Brands Limited RYVITA- CRISPBREAD ORIGINAL Whole Grain Rye Flour (Gluten)(95%), Salt. Contains: Rye(Gluten). May Contain: Oats(Gluten), Wheat(Gluten), Sesame seeds, Soya. 20.0 80 0.0 3.0 300.0 15.0 (H K) Limited Cereals(33%)(Rice, Whole Oats, Whole Wheat), Oligofructose Syrup(30%), Sultanas(13%), Sugar, Cereal Flours( Rice,Wheat),Humectant: Glycerol Fruit Juice Concentrates (Grape, Apple(0.5%)), Dried Alpen Light Apple Apple Pieces(3%)(with Preservative: Sulphur & Sultana Dioxide), Glucose Syrup, Vegetable Oils (Palm Kernel, Sunflower, Rapeseed), Dextrose, Milk Lactose, Milk Yogurt Powder, Malted Barley Extract, Maize Starch, Flavourings, Salt, Emulsifier: Soya Lecithin, Acidity Regulator: Malic Acid, Antioxidant, Tocopherols. 19.0 63 3.6 25.0 70.0 22.0 Metro Alliance Ltd Sunflower Seed Bread Whole rye meal(56%), water, sunflower seeds (5%), salt. May contain traces of sesame and soya. Without preservatives. 50.0 105 4.1 4.0 510.0 9.6 Nutrition Facts Linseed Bread Whole rye meal(56%), water, linseed (5%), salt. May contain traces of sesame and soya. 50.0 90 3.6 3.6 464.0 7.1 Nutrition Facts Without preservatives. Whole rye meal(51%), water, whole oat Fitness Bread meal(3%), sunflower seeds(2.5%),wheat germ(1.5%),salt. Ma contain traces of sesame and soya. Without preservatives. 50.0 95 1.5 3.0 580.0 8.6 Nutrition Facts Pumpernickel Whloe rye meal(60%), water, sugar beet syrup, salt, malt extract(barley), yeast. May contain traces of sesame and soya. Without preservatives. 50.0 95 1.2 7.8 540.0 10.5 Nutrition Facts whloe rye meal(59%),water, salt. May contain Whole Rye Bread traces of sesame and soya. Without presercatives. 50.0 91 4.1 4.0 510.0 9.6 Nutrition Facts 6

乾果 其他食品 提交日期 備註 美國陽光少女葡萄乾葡萄乾 13.9 42 0.5 71.4 12.0 - 東秀有限公司 16/3/2017 FRUIT BOWL FRUIT FLAKES STRAWBERRY Concentrated Apple Puree, Concentrated Apple Juice, Strawberry Puree, Gluten Free Wheat Fibre, Gelling Agent(Pectin), Concentrated Elderberry Juice, Natural Flavouring. 20.0 64 1.0 58.0 100.0 7.5 (H K)Limited 16/3/2017 產品資料只備英文 Chestnut Chestnut 35.0 65 1.2 9.6 1.0 6.5 Kiu Fing Hong Ltd 16/3/2017 產品資料只備英文 ANGAS PARK- Cranberries, Flame Raisins & Blueberries CRANBERRIES(42%)[CRANBE RRIES, SUGAR], FLAME RAISINS(42%), BLUEBERRIES(15%)[BLUEBER RIES, SUGAR], SUNFLOWER OIL. 35.0 116 0.2 67.0 5.0 0.0 RAINBOW ASSET LTD 16/3/2017 產品資料只備英文 ANGAS PARK- Cranberries Dried CRANBERRIES(54%), SUGAR, SUNFLOWER OIL 30.0 99 0.2 68.0 2.0 - RAINBOW ASSET LTD 16/3/2017 產品資料只備英文 真空凍乾原粒草莓草莓, 糖 20.0 70 1.0 83.8 25.7 3.3 高格行有限公司 16/3/2017 真空凍乾鮮水蜜桃脆片 水蜜桃, 糖 20.0 80 0.2 89.4 30.0 1.4 高格行有限公司 16/3/2017 71

奶品類 提交日期備註 Casino Plain Yoghurt Milk at 15 g per liter of fat, skimmed milk, milk enzymes 125.0 64 1.4 5.2 60.0 0.0 Emmi Swiss Premium Yogurtr Plain Swiss milk, milk proteins, heattreated fermented dairy solids, live lactic cultures (Sc. thermophilus, Lb. bulgaricus. Lb. acidophilus) 100.0 56 1.5 5.0 50.0 - Wing Kee Produce Limited Tims Dairy Natural Yogurt Skim Milk, Milk Protein, Cream, Dairy Cultures (Streptococcus thermophilus & Lactobacillus bulgaricus) 125.0 70 1.0 6.7-0.0 Tims Dairy Ltd Organic Fromage Frais (Milk), Yeo Organic Organic Concentrate Grape Fromage Frais Juice, Milk Protein, Organic with Fruit Puree Pear Puree, Organic Apple - Pear and Puree, Organic Maize Starch, Apple Natural Flavouring, Organic Concentrate Lemon Juice. 45.0 41 2.6 9.2 50.0 - Organic Fromage Frais (Milk), Organic Concentrate Grape Yeo Organic Juice, Milk Protein, Organic Fromage Frais Strawberry Puree, Organic with Fruit Puree Peach Puree, Organic Maize - Strawberry Starch, Natural Flavouring, and Peach Organic Concentrate Lemon Juice. 45.0 41 2.6 9.2 50.0 - Yeo Valley Mixed Fruity Yogurt (Peach) Organic Low Fat Yogurt, Organic Concentrated Grape Juice, Organic Peach Puree, Organic Maize Starch, Natural Flavouring, Organic Concentrated Lemon Juice 120.0 84 1.4 9.7 50.0 - Yeo Valley Mixed Fruity Yogurt (Strawberry) Organic Low Fat Yogurt, Organic Concentrated Grape Juice, Organic Strawberries, Organic Maize Starch, Natural Flavouring, Organic Concentrated Lemon Juice 120.0 84 1.4 9.7 50.0 - Yeo Valley Mixed Fruity Yogurt (Raspberry) Organic Low Fat Yogurt, Organic Concentrated Grape Juice, Organic Raspberries, Organic Maize Starch, Natural Flavouring, Organic Concentrated Lemon Juice 120.0 84 1.4 9.7 50.0-8

奶品類 提交日期備註 Yeo Valley Mixed Fruity Yogurt (Mango) Organic Low Fat Yogurt, Organic Concentrated Grape Juice, Organic Mango Puree, Organic Maize Starch, Natural Flavouring, Organic Concentrated Lemon Juice 120.0 84 1.4 9.7 50.0 - Nestle Acti-V Apricot Low Fat Yoghurt Fresh Milk, Water, Apricot Jam (Apricot, Sugar, Water, Stabilizer (E440, E410, E407), Modified Starch, Flavouring, Acidity Regulator (E330, E331, E341), Milk Solid, Sugar, Modified Starch, FORTIS Bifidobacterium (1 billion percup), Live Lactic Culture. 140.0 116 1.8 12.4 73.0 - Nestle Hong Kong Ltd. Mevgal Fitline KIWI (Yogurt) Yogurt (skimmed cow's milk, milk cream, milk enzymes, bifidobacterium animails ssp lactis), fruit preparation (pieces of kiwi, sugar, modified starch, gelatin, acidity regulator (sodium citrate, calcium citrate), stabilizer (pectin), natural flavors, color (chlorophyll jelly), preservative (potassium sorbate) 150.0 120 0.9 11.0 44.0 - Swiss milk, fruit preparation (aloe vera, sugar, modified starch, flavour, lemon juice Emmi Swiss concentrate, preservatives Premium Yogurt 100.0 90 1.4 14.0 40.0 - sorbic acid), sugar, milk Aloe Vera proteins, live lactic cultures (Sc. Thermophilus, Lb. bulgaricus, Lb. acidophilus) Wing Kee Produce Limited Swiss milk, fruit preparation (pineapples, sugar, modified starch, lemon juice concentrate, Emmi Swiss flavour, preservatives sorbic Premium Yogurt 100.0 95 1.5 15.0 40.0 - acid), sugar, milk proteins, live Pineapple lactic cultures (Sc. thermophilus, Lb. bulgaricus, Lb. acidophilus) Wing Kee Produce Limited Swiss milk, fruit preparation (blueberries, sugar, modified starch, lemon juice concentrate, Emmi Swiss flavour, preservatives: sorbic Premium Yogurt 100.0 95 1.5 15.0 40.0 - acid), sugar, milk proteins, live Buleberry lactic cultures (Sc. thermophilus, Lb. bulgaricus, Lb. acidophilus). Wing Kee Produce Limited 9

奶品類 提交日期備註 ACTIVIA Yougurt with Fruits Mango Yogurt (milk), Mango (8%), Sugar (8%), Modified maize starch, Carrot and pumpkin concentrate, Flavouring, Stabiliser (carrageenan), Acidity 125.0 120 3.4 12.9-0.2 regulators (sodium citrate, citric acid), Bifidobacterium lactis (Bifidus ActiRegularis) and Lactococcus lactis cultures. ACTIVIA Yougurt with Fruits Apricot Yogurt (milk), Apricot (8%), Sugar (7%), Modified maize starch, Acidity regulators (sodium citrate, calcium phosphate), Carrot and pumpkin 125.0 121 3.3 12.7 120.0 - concentrate, Stabiliser (pectin), Flavourings, Bifidobacterium lactis (Bifidus ActiRegularis) and Lactococcus lactis cultures. Yogurt (milk), Strawberry (8%), Sugar (8%), Modified maize starch, Stabiliser (carrageenan), ACTIVIA Purple carrot juice concentrate, Yougurt with Flavouring, Acidity regulators 125.0 124 3.3 13.3 40.0 - Fruits Stawberry (citric acid, sodium citrate), Bifidobacterium lactis (Bifidus ActiRegularis) and Lactococcus lactis cultures. Yogurt (milk), Kiwi (8%), Sugar (7%), Modified maize starch, Stabiliser (pectin), Flavouring, ACTIVIA Acidity regulators (sodium Yougurt with citrate, calcium citrate, citric 125.0 123 3.4 12.8 40.0 - Fruits Kiwi acid), Colour (chlorophyllins), Bifidobacterium lactis (Bifidus ActiRegularis) and Lactococcus lactis cultures. Fresh dairy product (pasteurized skim milk, pasteurized cream, DOODINGUES milk protein, lactic)81.8%, FRUIT sugar8.7%, fruit 6% YOGURTD (strawberry), stabilizer 50.0 48 2.3 12.0 30.0 0.0 (STRAWBERRY (E341(iii)), starch corn, ) concentrate juices of vegetables and fruits (black carrot, carrot, DOODINGUES FRUIT YOGURTD (ABRICOT) DOODINGUES FRUIT YOGURTD (PEACH) DOODINGUES FRUIT YOGURTD (BANANA) pumpkin, grapes, blackcurrant), Fresh dairy product (pasteurized skim milk, pasteurized cream, milk protein, lactic)81.8%, sugar8.7%, fruit 6% (abricot), stabilizer (E341(iii)), starch corn, concentrate juices of vegetables and fruits (black carrot, carrot, pumpkin, grapes, 50.0 48 2.3 12.0 30.0 0.0 blackcurrant), natural flavorings, Fresh dairy product (pasteurized skim milk, pasteurized cream, milk protein, lactic)81.8%, sugar8.7%, fruit 6% (peach), stabilizer (E341(iii)), starch 50.0 48 2.3 12.0 30.0 0.0 corn, concentrate juices of vegetables and fruits (black carrot, carrot, pumpkin, grapes, blackcurrant), natural flavorings, Fresh dairy product (pasteurized skim milk, pasteurized cream, milk protein, lactic)81.8%, sugar8.7%, fruit 6% (banana), stabilizer (E341(iii)), starch corn, concentrate juices of vegetables and fruits (black carrot, carrot, pumpkin, grapes, blackcurrant), natural flavorings, thickener (E410), vitamin D 50.0 48 2.3 12.0 30.0 0.0 10

奶品類 提交日期備註 DOODINGUES FRUIT YOGURTD (RASPBERRY) Fresh dairy product (pasteurized skim milk, pasteurized cream, milk protein, lactic)81.8%, sugar8.7%, fruit 6% (raspberry), stabilizer (E341(iii)), starch corn, concentrate juices of vegetables and fruits (black carrot, carrot, pumpkin, grapes, blackcurrant), natural flavorings, thickener (E410), vitamin D 50.0 48 2.3 12.0 30.0 0.0 Fresh Milk, Water, Mix Berries Jam (Strawberry, Sugar, Water, Dextrin, Blueberry, Blackberry, Raspberry, Stabilizer (E440, E410), Flavouring, Acidity Nestle Acti-V Regulator (E330, E331, E341), Berries Paradise 120.0 104 2.2 13.3 67.5 #VALUE! Lemon Juice Concentrate, Anticaking Agent (E551)), Milk Low Fat Yoghurt Solid, Sugar, Modified Starch, Live Lactic Culture, FORTIS Bifidobacterium (1 billion percup). Nestle Hong Kong Ltd. Nestle Acti-V Apple Low fat yoghurt Fresh Milk, Water, Apple Jam (Apple, Sugar, Water, Modified Starch, Stabilizer (E407), Flavouring, Acidity Regulator (E330, E331), Colour (E160a), Vitamin C), Milk Solid, Sugar, Modified Starch, Live Lactic Culture, FORTIS Bifidobacterium (1 billion percup). 140.0 116 2.0 12.4 59.3 - Nestle Hong Kong Ltd. Nestle Acti-V Plain Low fat yoghurt Fresh Milk, Water, Milk Solid, Sugar, Modified Starch, Live Lactic Culture, FORTIS Bifidobacterium (1 billion percup). 140.0 102 2.5 8.0 73.6 - Nestle Hong Kong Ltd. Casino Vanilia Bifidus Yogurts Whole milk, 8.5% Sugar, lactose and milk protein, vanilla flavor, 125.0 115 3.2 12.0 40.0 - which lactic Bifidobacterium (bifidus active) Casino Lemon Bifidus Yogurts Whole milk, Sugar, lactose and milk protein, natural lemon flavor with other natural flavors, 125.0 109 2.9 12.0 50.0 0.0 lactic ferments including Bifidobacterium Casino Bio Org Vanil Yogurt Liquid Whole milk 77%, 10% cane sugar, water, skimmed milk powder, rice native starch, thickener, guar gum, natural flavor, lactic acid, crushed vanila, bean, acidity regulator, malic acid 125.0 118 2.7 13.0 30.0 - Vaalia Rich & Fruity Yoghurt - Vanilla Blueberry Skim milk, Milk solids, Sugar, Water, Blueberry (3%), Inulin (Dietary Fibre), Thickener (1442), Gelatin (Halal), Flavours, Acidity Regulators 100.0 100 1.3 15.4 71.0 2.0 (331, 330), Live yoghurt cultures (incl. L. Acidophilus, Bifidobacterium, Lactobacillus GG). 11

奶品類 提交日期備註 Vaalia Rich & Fruity Yoghurt - Tropical Basket Skim milk, Milk, Sugar, Water, Milk Solids, Fruit (6%), (Mango, Passion fruit, Pineapple, Banana, Guava), Water, Inulin (Dietary Fibre), Gelatin (Halal), Thickener (1442), Flavours, 100.0 96 1.3 14.3 68.0 2.0 Colour (160a), Acidity Regulators (331), Live yoghurt cultures (incl. L. Acidophilus, Bifidobacterium, Lactobacillus GG). Swiss milk, fruit preparation (raspberries, sugar, modified starch, lemon juice concentrate, Emmi Swiss beetroot juice concentrate, Premium Yogurt flavour, preservatives sorbic 100.0 95 1.5 15.0 40.0 - Raspberry acid), sugar, milk proteins, live lactic cultures (Sc. Thermophilus, Lb. bulgaricus. Lb. acidophilus) Wing Kee Produce Limited Swiss milk, fruit preparation (mangos, sugar, modified Emmi Swiss starch, flavour, preservatives Premium Yogurt sorbic acid), sugar, milk 100.0 95 1.5 15.0 40.0 - Raspberry proteins, live lactic cultures (Sc. thermophilus, Lb. bulgaricus. Lb. acidophilus) Wing Kee Produce Limited Yogurt with Fruits (Strawberry) Yogurt(Skimmed Milk, Cream, Concentrated Milk, Skimmed Milk Powder, Yogurt Cultures), Sugar, Strawberry, Modified Starch, Flavouring, Acidity Regulator(Citric Acid), Colour(Beta-carotene, Anthocyanin), Vitamin D 125.0 119 2.9 13.2 55.0 - Yogurt with Fruits (Mixed Berries) Yogurt(Skimmed Milk, Cream, Concentrated Milk, Skimmed Milk Powder, Yogurt Cultures), Sugar, Mixed Berries(Blackberry, Strawberry, 125.0 119 2.9 13.2 55.0 - Raspberry), Modified Starch, Flavouring, Acidity Regulator(Sodium Citrate, Citric Acid), Colour(Anthocyanin), Vitamin D Yoplait Low Fat Yogurt with Mango Milk, Milk solids, Skim milk, Sugar, Mango (min. 5.5%), Rice Starch, Halal gelatine, Natural Flavours, Preservative (Potassium Sorbate), Colour (Carotene), Live Yoghurt Cultures: (S.Thermophilus, L.Bulgaricus & B.Lactis). 125.0 118 1.9 13.8 59.0 0.1 F&N Foods Pte Ltd Yoplait Low Fat Yogurt with Strawberry Milk, Milk solids, Skim milk, Sugar, Strawberry (min. 6%), Thickeners (Modified Starch, Carrageenan), Halal gelatine, Natural Flavours, Natural Flavours, Acidity Regulators (Sodium Citrate, Citric Acid), Firming Agent (Calcium Chloride), Colour (Carmine), 125.0 116 1.9 13.5 63.0 0.2 F&N Foods Pte Ltd Yeo 0% Fat Vanilla Organic Yogurt Organic Fat Free Yoghurt, Organic sugar, Organic Vanilla Extract, Organic Maize Starch, Organic Vanilla Powder, Organic Concentrated Lemon Juice. 120.0 104 0.0 15.5 90.0-12

奶品類 提交日期備註 雀巢高鈣低脂士多啤梨乳酪 水 士多啤梨醬 ( 士多啤梨 糖 水 改性澱粉 調味劑 穩定劑 (E410 E415 E509) 酸度調節劑 (E330 E331) 色素 (E163) 酵素 抗結劑 (E551) 奶固體 糖 改性澱粉 濃縮奶礦物質 活乳酸菌 ( 每杯 1 億個 ) 140.0 106 1.1 10.7 63.0 - Nestle Hong Kong Ltd. 16/03/2017 雀巢高鈣低脂芒果乳酪 水 芒果醬 ( 芒果 糖 水 穩定劑 (E440 E410) 調味劑 酸度調節劑 (E330 E331) 色素 140.0 120 0.8 14.6 66.0 - (E160a) 抗結劑 (E551) 奶固體 糖 改性澱粉 濃縮奶礦物質 活乳酸菌 ( 每杯 1 億個 ) Nestle Hong Kong Ltd. 16/03/2017 雀巢高鈣低脂藍莓乳酪 水 藍莓醬 ( 水 藍莓 糖 改性澱粉 寡果糖 濃縮檸檬汁 調味劑 ) 奶固體 糖 改性澱粉 濃縮奶礦物質 活乳酸菌 ( 每杯 1 億個 ) 140.0 105 1.0 10.1 42.0 - Nestle Hong Kong Ltd. 16/03/2017 Whole milk 97%, milk proteins, Casino Plain lactic ferments Allergen Warning 125.0 86 3.5 4.9 60.0 0.0 Veloute Yoghurt Milk - Lactose Yoplait Petits Filous Strawberry Frais Fromage Frais (Skimmed Milk, Cream, Lactic culture), sugar, strawberry puree from concentrate, fructose, carrot juice, corn flour, lemon juice, natural flavouring, milk mineral concentrate, vitamin D. 47.0 45 2.3 11.9 46.0 - Yoplait Petits Filous Apricot Frais Fromage Frais (Skimmed Milk, Cream, Lactic culture), sugar, apricot puree from concentrate, fructose, carrot juice, corn flour, 47.0 45 2.3 11.9 46.0 - pumpkin juice, lemon juice, natural flavouring, milk mineral concentrate, vitamin D. DELAMERS Goats Yogurt (Strawberry) Whole Goat Milk, Strawberry, Cane Sugar, Goat Milk Solid, Modified Starch, Tapioca Starch, Lemon Juice from Concentrate, Stabilizer (Carob Gum), Natural Flavouring, Culture (S Thermophilus, L casei) 90.0 95 3.5 10.0 57.0-13

奶品類 提交日期備註 DELAMERS Goats Yogurt (Raspberry) Whole Goat Milk, Raspberry, Cane Sugar, Goat Milk Solid, Modified Starch, Tapioca Starch, Lemon Juice from Concentrate, Stabilizer (Carob Gum), Natural Flavouring, Culture (S Thermophilus, L casei) 90.0 95 3.5 10.0 57.0 - LIBERTE Strained Greek Style Yogurt with Milk Skimmed Milk, Honey, Water, Sugar, Skimmed Milk Powder, Maize Starch, Lemon Juice, 100.0 91 0.1 13.2 50.0 - Stabilizer (Pectins, Guar Gum), Milk Mineral Concentrate, Lactic Cultures, Natural Flavouring Vaalia My First Strawberry Yoghurt Vaalia My First Vanilla Yoghurt Skim Milk, Milk Solids, Cream, Sugar, Water, Strawberry Puree (2.2%), Gelatin (halal), Thickener (1442) (from maize), Elderberry Juice, Natural Flavours, Stabilizer (509), Live yoghurt cultures (incl L Acidophilus, Bifidobacterium, Lactobacillus GG) 90.0 80 2.5 10.9 66.0 less than 1 Skim Milk, Milk Solids, Cream, Apple Juice, Water, Sugar, Gelatin (halal), Rice Starch, Natural Flavours, Acidity Regulators (330, 331), Live yoghurt cultures (incl L Acidophilus, Bifidobacterium, Lactobacillus GG) 90.0 76 2.5 9.9 59.0 less than 1 Organic Whole Milk Yogurt (88%), Organic Peach Puree Little Yeos (5%), Organic Sugar, Organic Smooth Organic Maize Starch, Natural Yogurt with a Flavouring, Organic Smooth Fruit Concentrated Lemon Juice. Puree (Peach) Packed in a dairy that hanles nut ingredients 90.0 97 4.5 10.8 70.0 0.1 Organic Whole Milk Yogurt (88%), Organic Apricot Puree Little Yeos (5%), Organic Sugar, Organic Smooth Organic Maize Starch, Natural Yogurt with a Flavouring, Organic Smooth Fruit Concentrated Lemon Juice. Puree (Apricot) Packed in a dairy that hanles nut ingredients 90.0 97 4.5 10.8 70.0 0.1 Organic Whole Milk Yogurt Little Yeos (88%), Organic Strawberry Smooth Organic Puree (5%), Organic Sugar, Yogurt with a Organic Maize Starch, Natural Smooth Fruit Flavouring, Organic Puree Concentrated Lemon Juice. (Strawberry) Packed in a dairy that hanles nut ingredients 90.0 97 4.5 10.8 70.0 0.1 Organic Whole Milk Yogurt Little Yeos (88%), Organic Paspberry Smooth Organic Puree (5%), Organic Sugar, Yogurt with a Organic Maize Starch, Natural Smooth Fruit Flavouring, Organic Puree Concentrated Lemon Juice. (Raspberry) Packed in a dairy that hanles nut ingredients 90.0 97 4.5 10.8 70.0 0.1 14