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WORLD CLASS FLOWER COURSES Learn the Best from the Best at the award -winning international flower school The Hong Kong Academy of Flower Arrangement (since 1989) TM NufleurTM I.A.F. Belgium

a place to share our unique flower philosophy www.hkafa.com.hk 1

The Hong Kong Academy of Flower Arrangement hkafa was founded in 1989. Many graduated students had established successful floral businesses. Being the most renowned international flower school in the Pacific Rim, hkafa has been teaching creative courses and leading the international flower arrangement trend. Our students come from all parts of the world and we have well-established international classes. All courses are designed by I.A.F. (International Academy of Floristry) & Theresa Lam, the Principal of hkafa, with International Floral Designer Tomas De Bruyne as the official consultant. hkafa is the sole course provider of the famous JANE PACKER SCHOOL London & Tomas De Bruyne (Belgium) courses in H.K. Our Official Consultant 官方顧問 - Mr. Tomas De Bruyne 香港插花藝術學院 hkafa 於 1989 年成立 許多畢業學生已建立成功的花卉企業 作為太平洋地區最負盛名的國際花藝學府, 先後任教創意課程, 引領國際插花潮流 我們的學生來自世界各地, 本院有完善的英語 / 普通話授課國際班 所有課程由 I.A.F. 國際花會 (International Academy of Floristry) 及校長 Theresa Lam 設計, hkafa 以國際花藝大師 Mr. Tomas De Bruyne 作為課程顧問 hkafa 擔任著名英國花藝學院 JANE PACKER SCHOOL London 和 Tomas De Bruyne, Belgium 課程香港獨家培訓機構 Our Partner 英國認證院校 - JANE PACKER LONDON I.A.F. EUROPEAN DESIGNER CERTIFICATION & JANE PACKER LONDON CERTIFICATION 歐洲花藝大師及英國 JANE PACKER SCHOOL 認證 About hkafa. I.A.F. 國際花會專業證書 / 文憑 / 高級文憑 INTERNATIONAL ACADEMEY OF FLORISTRY Professional Certificates/ Diplomas/ Advanced Diplomas 英國 JANE PACKER LONDON 證書 / 文憑 JANE PACKER LONDON Certificates/ Diplomas Websites : www.hkafa.com.hk 相關網頁 www.iaf-floralartresearch.org www.tomasdebruyne.com www.janepacker.com. 2

. World Renowned Flower School & Consultant 世界知名花藝學府及顧問 AWARD-WINNING FLOWER ACADEMY 2009 Principal Theresa Awarded China Outstanding Women Entrepreneur (CAWE) (International Floral Education) 2010 &2011 Quality Wedding Merchant Award (HK Productivity Council) 2003-2014 Hong Kong Flower Show Awards: Grand Award For Design Excellence, Special Award for Unique Feature Design, Special Award For Design Excellence 2014 Label Floral Master Gold Medal -Tomas De Bruyne 2014-2015 The Best Flower Arrangement School Brand Award (PCCW Yellow Pages Brand Award) 2015 Hong Kong s Most Valuable Companies Award (Media Zone) Panel judge for various flower arrangement competitions- Kunming Flower Arrangement Competition in China, Social Welfare Dep t-let Them Shine Flower Arrangement Competition HKTVB Flower Arrangement Program Host Open University of Hong Kong Guest Lecturer 屢獲殊榮的國際花藝學院 2009 校長獲中國傑出女企業家獎 ( 國際花藝教育 ) 2010-2011 優質婚禮商戸 ( 香港生産力促進局 ) 2003-2014 香港花卉展覽 最佳設計獎 最具特色 創意獎 最佳設計大獎 ( 本地及非本地展品組 ) 2014 Belgium Label Floral Master Gold Medal -Tomas De Bruyne 比利時皇家勞動局花藝大師金牌榮譽 2014-2015 最佳插花藝術培訓品牌大獎 (PCCW 黃頁 ) 2015 香港最具價值企業品牌大獎 (Media Award) 校長於插花比賽擔任評判 - 包括中國昆明插花比賽, 香港社會福利處 能人所不能 插花比賽等 HKTVB 無缐電視 < 都市閒情 > 主持花藝示範 香港公開大學客席講師 Why hkafa? Full time experienced Europe trained teachers with experience in the floral business Small class size (average 2 to 6 for regular classes) Flexible class schedules with school branches Internationally recognized designer certification from world famous floral designer and Jane Packer London (*This recognition is superior than any irrelevant qualification from any academic university not specialized in the horticultural field) International classes available (taught in English) Private tuition & Intensive / learn at-your-own-pace courses International trend updates guaranteed with international floral designer Tomas De Bruyne as official consultant & JANE PACKER LONDON trend updates Free career referral platform for qualified students 為何選擇 hkafa? 本院特色 全職經驗老師歐洲受訓, 具花藝行內相關經驗 小班教學 ( 常規班平均 2-6 人 ) 彈性上課時間, 分校時段選擇多 國際花藝大師及 JANE PACKER LONDON 證書文憑加簽認證 (* 花藝業内大師及著名花藝學會認證, 認受性更 勝任何大學文學士不相關資格 ) 英語及普通話國際班 個別教授或速成連堂班 保證乎合最新花藝潮流 - 國際花藝大師 Tomas De Bruyne 為官方顧問及英國 JANE PACKER LONDON 提供最新潮流動向, 定期更新教學內容 為乎合資歷之學生免費職位轉介 Want to know more? Attend one of the course briefing seminars! ( Registration : info@hkafa.com.hk, details & dates on P. 16 登記課程簡介講座見第 16 頁 ) 3

WS3 Freehand Vase Design is very practical, I can arrange any number of flower without using oasis & on any vases! WS3 徒手花藝好實用, 現在我懂得用任何花量, 及任何花瓶徒手 ( 不用花泥 ) 插花了! The joy of accomplishment, no words can describe it! 完成作品後的喜悅, 很難用文字來形容 IFA Int l Trendy Floral Art - Great to work on This FRB design is special seasonal flowers challenging, but worth it! on new techniques 這堂法式花束用結構式設計, IFA 潮流花藝班用不同季節花卉創作, 大開眼界! 雖然具挑戰性, 但很值得哩 JPHT JANE PACKER Bouquets ELEGANT! JPHT JANE PACKER 花束設計, 優雅獨特! flower brings in new dimension, vitality & joy in classes... 花帶給課堂無盡的創意 活力和歡樂 Our classes 課堂剪影. Tomas De Bruyne signed on his book for a student after a hotel workshop. 難得 Tomas 親自來港於酒店舉辦工作坊, 學生索取 Tomas 於其著作內親筆簽名 NB Nufleur Contemporary Minimal Bouquet is easy to learn, but super trendy & pretty! NB 新派簡約花束 既易學, 又型格! hkafa teachers patiently correct my work makes me know what s wrong with my design, so I improved a lot! 導師精簡地改良我的作品, 我在技巧及設計上有很大的進步 NF Nufleur Minimal Freehand no oasis! We are proud of our assignments! NF 新派徒手花藝, 不用花泥好多新技巧, 非常實用! hkafa welcomes ladies & gentlemen as students. Let s put our works together for a photo hkafa 歡迎男女學員, 不同年齡和國藉, 讓我們的作品併在一起拍照吧 4

Outside the Classroom 課堂以外 Hong Kong Flower Show Teacher Student Display Workshop 香港花卉展覽師生參展工作坊 International Floral Art Workshop & Teacher Training by official consultant Mr. Tomas De Bruyne. 本院官方顧問 : 國際花藝大師 Mr.Tomas De Bruyne 來港舉辦國際花藝工作坊及導師培訓 Charity Projects 慈善活動 Principal Theresa leads students to participated in fund raising project at the ELEMENTS 校長帶領學生參與慈善花卉製作活動 ( 圓方 THE ELEMENTS) A Student seeking Tomas s signature on his flower book. 5

Which course is right for me? 我應選擇那個課程? hkafa courses cater for students of different levels or learning background. You are advised to : Consult our course ambassadors or experienced teachers who are ready to assist you to choose the right courses base on your background or requirements Attend one of our monthly course briefing seminars (date refer to website what s new ) Follow the color of course codes below which indicate the pathway of learning. hkafa 課程適合初學者及不同程度之學員 : 興趣消閒 創業求職增値或業内再培訓 本院課程大使及經驗導師會協助您選擇合適的課程 亦可出席本院每月舉辦的課程簡介講座 不同顏色的課程編號配合不同的程度及認證 預備投身花藝相關行業先修 Recommended priority courses for career or flower related businesses. 特別推介 Special Recommendations * 以下不同顏色的課程編號配合不同的程度, 風格及認證 Different course code categories below indicate different levels/styles of learning & accreditations. 適合完全未學過插花或有少許學習經驗的初學者 Suitable for complete beginners or students with little knowledge of flower arrangement 適合具備西式插花基礎 (EFA), 並希望學習不同風格花藝之學員 Suitable for students with basic western flower arrangement knowledge (EFA), aiming to learn different design styles & new skills. 現代英倫風格 - 英國 Jane Packer London 課程, 建議學員有西式插花基礎 (EFA) オ修讀 Jane Packer London courses - Students taking these courses are recommended to acquire basic flower arrangement skill in EFA first. Tomas De Bruyne 大師設計系列 ( 請留意個別課程基本要求 ) Tomas De Bruyne Professional Designer Courses (note pre-requisite of each course) I.A.F. 專科職業文憑課程 ( 完成課程並具備相關証書, 可直接申請文憑 ) I.A.F. Professional Diplomas Courses (complete and acquired relevant certificates can apply for respective diplomas.) I.A.F. 專業高級文憑課程 ( 完成課程並具備相關証書, 可直接申請高級文憑 ) I.A.F. Professional Advanced Diploma Courses (complete and acquired relevant certificates can apply for respective diplomas.) 6

I.A.F. Tomas De Bruyne, Belgium 證書或文慿 英國 JANE PACKER LONDON 証書或文憑 I.A.F. 國際花會 Tomas De Bruyne, Belgium 証書或文憑 -- 完成任何課程可申請英國 JANE PACKER LONDON 証書或文憑 -- 完成 JP 課程編號可申請 初學精選課程興趣班及職業先修 BEST STARTERS HOBBY or CAREER EFA 歐洲花藝設計 (Modern European) ( 初級 25 課 ) (EFA1+EFA2) Modern European Floral Design Concepts (Elementary 25 Designs) (EFA1+EFA2) JPBB 結婚花球班 (JANE PACKER LONDON) ( 初級 16 課 ) Wedding Bouquet Arrangements (JANE PACKER LONDON) (16 Designs) FG 花店花束及花禮品包裝設計 ( 初級 16 課 ) Creative Floral Gift Design (16 Designs) CPD I.A.F. 綜合職業花藝先修文憑 (EFA+JPBB+FG = 57 課 ) I.A.F. Comprehensive Florist Diploma (EFA+JPBB+FG = 57 lessons) WS3 徒手組花插花技巧工作坊 ( 不用花泥 ) (10 課 ) Freehand Vase Arrangement Techniques (no oasis) (10 Designs) EFA WS3 JPBB FG 7

短期工作坊及特色初學課程 WORKSHOPS & SPECIALTIES FOR BEGINNERS WS1 花店潮流花束設計 (8 款 ) Trendy Bouquet Packaging Designs for Florists (8 Designs) WS2 特色開張花籃製作 (8 款 ) Unique Opening Stands & Celebration Flower Basket Designs (8 Designs) WS4 節日洋酒糖果禮籃包裝設計 (8 款 ) Creative Festive Hampers & Fruit Baskets Designs (8 Designs) WS5 中西式商業殯儀及靈堂佈置設計 (10 課 -15 款 ) Funeral Tribute Designs, Ceremony & Hearse Decoration (10 lessons -15 Designs) IK1-4 日式花藝 (IK1, IK2, IK3, IK4) ( 毎級 10 課 -20 款 ) Ikebana (IK1, IK2, IK3, IK4) (each level 10 lessons 20 Designs) SK 藝術絲花插花班 (12 課 x 2 級 ) Silk & Artificial Flower Arrangements (12 Designs x 2 levels ) WS1 WS2 WS4 WS5 IK SK 8

專科花藝設計課程 - 皇牌推介系列 DESIGN ADVANCING HOT COURSES IFA 國際潮流花藝創作班 (EFA 之進階 ) (IFA1 中級 25 課 ) (IFA2 高級, IFA3 深造, IFAD 文憑班 - 毎級 50 課 ) International Trendy Floral Art Designs (take this after EFA) (IFA1 Intermediate 25 lessons) ( IFA2 Higher, IFA3 Advanced, IFAD Diploma - each level 50 lessons) 9

Nufleur TM 新派簡約設計系列 Nufleur TM CONTEMPORARY MINIMAL DESIGN SERIES NF 新派徒手簡約花藝設計 (16 課 x 3 級 ) Nufleur TM Contemporary Minimal Freehand Vase Designs (16 Designs x 3 levels) NB 新派簡約花束設計 (16 課 x 3 級 ) Nufleur TM Contemporary Minimal Bouquet Designs (16 Designs x 3 levels) NS 新派簡約結構技巧設計 (16 課 x 3 級 ) Nufleur TM Innovative Minimal Structural Designs (16 Designs x 3 levels) NC 新派簡約創意花藝 ( 部份用花泥 ) (16 課 x 3 級 ) Nufleur TM Contemporary Minimal Floral Designs Settings (16 Designs x 3 levels) NG 新派花園式綠化花藝創作設計 (12 課 x 2 級 ) Nufleur TM Garden & Greenery Floral Designs (12 Designs x 2 levels) NF NB NC NS NG 10

歐洲大師設計系列 EUROPEAN MASTER DESIGN SERIES FRA 法式花藝設計 (16 課 x 3 級 ) French Floral Design (16 Designs x 3 levels) FRB 法式花束設計 (16 課 x 3 級 ) French Hand-tied Bouquet Designs (16 Designs x 3 levels) DFA 荷蘭花藝研習 (16 課 x 3 級 ) Dutch Floral Art Designs (16 Designs x 3 levels) GBFA 德國及比利時花藝研習 (16 課 x 3 級 ) German & Belgian Master Designs (16 Designs x 3 levels) AFG 創意花禮品包裝設計進階 (FG 之進階 ) ( 中 高級各 16 課 ) Advanced Floral Gift Designs (Advance of FG) (Intermediate16, Advanced 16) FRA FRB DFA IKEBANA 日式花藝硏習課程 IKEBANA - ADVANCED COURSES GBFA AFG 11 CIK 日式花藝特色創作 (IK4 之進階 )(20 課 x 2 級 ) TIK 日式主題及季節設計 (CIK 之進階 ) (20 課 x 2 級 ) Creative Ikebana (20 Designs x 2 levels) Thematic Ikebana Designs (20 Designs x 2 levels)

TOMAS DE BRUYNE - 大師班設計證書課程 TOMAS DE BRUYNE - PROFESSIONAL DESIGNER COURSES TDA Tomas 設計師花藝創作 (16 課 x 3 級, 1.5 小時 ) Tomas Designer Arrangements (16 Designs x 3 levels, 1.5 hours) THT Tomas 獨特藝術花束設計 (16 課 x 3 級, 1.5 小時 ) Tomas Unique Artistic Hand-tied Bouquet (16 Designs x 3 levels, 1.5 hours) THT Tomas 現代潮流結構花藝 (16 課 x 3 級, 1.5 小時 ) Tomas Constructions & Structures (16 Designs x 3 levels, 1.5 hours) TDA THT TCS 12

英國 JANE PACKER LONDON 証書 / 文憑課程 JANE PACKER LONDON Certificate / Diploma Courses JPBB 結婚花球班 ( 初級 16 課 ) Wedding Bouquet Arrangements (Elementary 16 Designs) JABB 結婚花球進階 ( 中 高級各 16 課 )( 每課 1.5 小時 ) Advanced Wedding Bouquet Designs (1.5 hrs) (Intermediate 16 lessons, Advanced 16 lessons) JPPB 婚禮及宴會佈置設計文憑 (16 課 -32 款 ) ( 每課 1.5 小時 ) Party Decorating & Event Flower Design Diploma (1.5 hrs per lesson) (16 lessons-32 Designs) JPTA 餐桌及創意室內花藝設計 (16 課 x3 級 ) Table Flower & Creative Interior Arrangements (16 Designs x 3 levels) JPVA 現代設計概念及徒手花藝 (16 課 x3 級 ) Contemporary Design Concepts & Vase Arrangements (16 Designs x 3 levels) JPHT 特色花束設計 (16 課 x3 級 ) Hand-Tied Bouquet Designs (16 Designs x 3 levels) JPCR 顏色概念設計 (16 課 x3 級 ) Color Conceptual Designs (16 Designs x 3 levels) **Unique syllabus of Jane Packer courses exclusively at hkafa **Comprehensively focused & elaborate course structures only at hkafa HKAFA Teachers trained and certified by JANE PACKER SCHOOL LONDON 導師在英國受訓並由 JANE PACKER SCHOOL LONDON 認證 Akira, Principal Theresa Jackie Esther Candice Mayor 13

JPBB > See Page 7 for reference photos. JABB JPPB JPTA JPVA JPHT JPCR *Flower photos this page copyright : Jane Packer London 14

I.A.F. 專科職業文憑課程 I.A.F. PROFESSIONAL CAREER DIPLOMA COURSES CPD I.A.F. 綜合職業花藝先修文憑 ( 請參看綠色初學類別 CPD) I.A.F. Comprehensive Florist Diploma (*Refer to the Green Category CPD) FM 花店創業管理文慿 (15 課 -60 節, 每課 1.5 小時 ) Florist Management Diploma (15 lessons 60 lectures,1.5 hours each lesson) JPPB 婚禮及宴會佈置設計文憑 (16 課 -32 款 ) ( 每課 1.5 小時 ) IJD IFAD Party Decorating & Event Flower Design Diploma(1.5 hrs per lesson) (16 lessons-32 Designs) 花藝設計師 - 初級文憑 Junior Floral Designer Diploma - CPD + IFA2 + NF2 國際潮流花藝創作文憑 International Floral Art Design Diploma - IFA1 + IFA2 + IFA3 + IFAD I.A.F. 專業高級文憑課程 I.A.F. PROFESSIONAL ADVANCED DIPLOMAS FMAD 花店實務花藝及管理高級文憑 : CPD + FM + IFA2 + WS1 TO 5 Professional Advanced Diploma in Commercial Floristry & Florist Management PBAD 專業婚禮及宴會花藝佈置管理高級文憑 : JPPB + JPBB + FM + IFA1 + NF3 + NB3 Professional Advanced Diploma in Wedding & Party Floral Decoration Management FDAD 國際專業花藝設計師專業高級文憑 : IFAD +NF3+NC3+NB3+ NS3+FRA3 + FRB3 Professional International Floral Designer Advanced Diploma IFDP 插花與室內設計花藝設計師高級文憑 (40 課 x2 級 ) Floral Art Designer in Interior Design Advanced Diploma (40 lessons x 2 levels) DDIP 大型結構陳列花藝設計師高級文憑 (40 課 x2 級 ) Structural Settings & Floral Display Designer Advanced Diploma (40 lessons x 2 levels) JDIP 日式花藝設計師高級文憑 (40 課 x2 級 ) Ikebana Floral Designer Advanced Diplomas (40 lessons x 2 levels) IAFD I.A.F. 國際花會專業導師高級文憑 FMAD + FDAD + JPPB + 6 個月在職培訓 +1 星期海外培訓 I.A.F. Professional Flower Arrangement Instructor Advanced Diploma FMAD + FDAD + JPPB + 6months training at school, 1 week overseas training 15

其他興趣課程 OTHER INTEREST COURSES GW 創意禮物包裝設計 (12 課 x 3 級 ) Creative Gift Wrapping (12 Designs x 3 levels) JF 兒童及少年花藝興趣工作坊 (8 課 x 3 級 ) Creative Floral Workshop for Juniors (8 Designs x 3 levels) JFP 親子實用花藝工作坊 (8 課 x 3 級 ) Parent-Child Practical Floral Workshop (8 Designs x 3 levels) Want to know more? Register for the course briefing seminars! 登記課程簡介講座 : info@hkafa.com.hk Course Briefing Seminars for hobbies or career /floral businesses on course contents, the way of teaching, how to choose a right course for hobby or career development. - conducted in English or in Cantonese Everyone is welcome including existing students Check out the dates in our website What s New section and email to register : info@hkafa.com.hk or scan the QR code below for dates. 課程簡介講座 - 花藝興趣消閒及創業進修 讓新學員對課程內容和教授方式了解更多, 本院定期舉辦課程簡介講座 內容包括 : 如何選擇合適自己的興趣課程, 上課形式及內容簡介 ; 如何在發展興趣並同時增值 花兿相關行業之前景及入行求職創業須知,FM 創業文憑課程簡介等 歡迎新舊學員參加 最新講座日期請看本院網頁 最新消息, 電郵 info@hkafa.com.hk 預先登記留位, 日期可 scan 以下 QR. Next Seminar dates 最新講座日期 Other Services 其他服務 Group Flower Jamming Workshops Intensive Course Private Tuition Brand VIP Workshops Gift Wrapping Training Corporate Events Private Themed Parties Product Launch Imaging Event Decoration Consultancy & Florists Training 機構團體花藝班 圑隊建立工作坊速成班 個別教授 宴會佈置品牌 VIP 工作坊 包裝培訓統籌機構活動 私人主題派對産品發佈會 形像設計 顧問服務 16

C O R P O R A T E S E R V I C E S Group interest class, Team building, Product launch, VIP workshops, Staff training Hong Kong Hospital Authority staff recreation workshop A.I.A. Insurance Group P & G SKII MTR Management Ltd ( the ELEMENTS) Valmont Spa VIP event Chow Sang Sang Jewelry Ltd. K11 Shopping Mall VIP Event American Club Flower Jamming Workshop Residents Club workshops 17 Gift Wrapping Workshop at Credit Agricole & LCX staff training Hong Kong Bank staff floral workshop

PRIVATE THEMED PARTIES & COMMUNITY SERVICES Bridal Shower workshop GROUPON Nufleur Bouquet Workshop Bridal Shower Guest Lecturer at the Open University of Hong Kong Mother s Day workshop at The Harbour City Shopping Mall Kids Birthday Flower Arrangement Party Sponsorship on Charity Painting Exhibition The Good Rock Assn Gift Wrapping Competition Judge Flower Arrangement Competition Judge Social Welfare Department Charity Flower Show at the ELEMENTS fund raising for UNICEF YWCA Parent child Floral Workshop Vocational Training at the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals social centre 18

www.hkafa.com.hk FACEBOOK Page HKAFA.HKAcademyofFlowerArrangement 最新消息 What s New Special events/workshops 香港插花藝術學院 The Hong Kong Academy of Flower Arrangement t : +852 2388 2979 www.hkafa.com.hk f : +852 2388 1064 e : info@hkafa.com.hk 香港校 HONG KONG Branch 九龍校 KOWLOON Branch 灣仔軒尼詩道 164-166 號亨寧商業大廈 15 樓尖沙咀樂道 25-27 號樂輝商業大廈 8 樓 ( 港鐵灣仔站 A4 出口右轉 ) ( 樓港鐵尖沙咀站 A1 出口右轉, 澳門茶餐廳樓上, 近 i-square 及九龍公園 ) 15/F, Hennessy Plaza, 164-166 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai, 8/F Lokville Commercial Building, 25-27 Lock Road, Hong Kong Tsimshatsui, Kowloon.