目錄 注意事項 04 產品結構 05 安裝說明 06 請即進行保用登記!有關保用條款細則, 請看本說明書最後一頁 Please register your warranty information now! For Warranty Terms & Conditions, please refer

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移動座地式冷暖空調 Portable Reverse Cycle Air Conditioner PAC-115 即時網上登記保用 Online Warranty Registration 在使用之前請詳細閱讀 使用說明書 及 保用條款, 並妥為保存 Please read these instructions and warranty information carefully before use and keep them handy for future reference. 使用說明書 U S E R M A N U A L

目錄 注意事項 04 產品結構 05 安裝說明 06 請即進行保用登記!有關保用條款細則, 請看本說明書最後一頁 Please register your warranty information now! For Warranty Terms & Conditions, please refer to the last page of this user manual. 操作說明 12 清潔與保養 19 常見故障及處理 21 技術規格 22 環境與回收 22 保用條款 43 P.3

注意事項 產品結構 重要說明 - 為安全起見, 初次使用本產品前請仔細閱讀本說明書, 並保存說明書, 以便作參考之用 - 本產品只適合室內使用, 請勿將本機放置於潮濕環境下使用, 如浴室或室外 請務必按照本說明書內的指示安裝及操作 1. 所有電線接線必須符合當地及國家的用電規程, 並由合資格的技術人員安裝 如您對以下說明書有任何疑問, 請聯繫合資格技術人員 2. 本機安裝必須根據國家用電接線標準 安裝使用前應檢查好可供電容量並解決存在的用電隱患 3. 為確保用電安全, 本機必須完全接地並與匹配的插座配合使用 如果您不確定家裡牆上的插頭是否有效接地, 請諮詢技術人員 如果電源線出現損壞, 應聯繫生產商, 當地經銷商或相關合資格人士進行更換 4. 本產品並不適宜讓 8 歲以下兒童 身體或心智殘障 缺乏經驗或知識的人士操作, 除非該人士得到負責保障其安全的人士的監管或指引 5. 嚴禁在放置或者使用揮發性 腐蝕性 可燃性的化學製品環境中使用本機, 否則可能發生火災 6. 本機應遠離汽油 易燃性氣體 爐灶和其他熱源 7. 請勿使用延長電線, 外接頭或移動接地插槽, 亦不要與其他電器共用一個插座 8. 使用前確保機器電源斷開, 並關機時不要直接拔電源線 9. 請勿擅自拆卸 維修或組裝本產品, 以免造成傷害或財產損失, 若發現異常情況, 如異常噪音 異味 煙霧 漏電等現象, 請立即切斷電源開關, 並聯繫製造廠商或其服務處或合資格的專業人員更換和維修 10. 請勿在移動空調上面放置物品 11. 請勿堵塞進氣口和排氣口, 以免溫度過高 12. 請勿敲打或搖晃本機 13. 請勿把產品放在水附近或者在上面灑水, 請勿用濕手連接或拔電源, 以防觸電 14. 移動或安裝本產品需要兩個人以上 15. 請將本機置於平坦 乾燥的地方 使用移動空調時, 確保空調處於直立狀態 保持空調與周圍的事物之間有 50 厘米的距離 正確使用本機的必要空間間隔尺寸包括空調與周圍事物的最小允許距離 16. 長期不使用機器時, 請切斷電源, 否則可能發生意外 17. 使用空調, 儘量關好門或窗以免室外的空氣進入 18. 始終保持電源線放置規則有序, 避免有人被絆倒或將插頭扯出 19. 請勿用手撥動出風口自動擺葉, 以免在關機時自動擺葉無法蓋住出風口 20. 請勿將皮膚或者眼睛長時間的直接對著吹出來的涼風 21. 勿將任何東西放入進出風口, 保持進出風口暢通無阻 22. 勿用尖銳的東西劃傷空調外觀 23. 勿用水清洗空調, 用半濕的軟布擦拭即可 24. 請把本機置於電視或收音機 1 米以外的地方, 以防電磁干擾 25. 請勿把本機直接暴露於太陽底下, 以免外殼褪色 26. 運輸過程中, 請確保本機傾斜角度不大於 35 以及不倒置 27. 本機應放至在平坦的表面並直立, 傾斜角不得大於 5 28. 保持排氣管完好無打折現象, 並連入本機 29. 本機在特定室內條件工作效率高 ( 見安裝說明 ) 30. 長時間不使用本機前先排淨機內的水, 以延長使用壽命 31. 勿用諸如苯 汽油 酒精等之類的化學溶劑擦拭本機 若機器表面比較髒, 則可使用中性的清潔劑擦洗 32. 拆下或安裝過濾網時, 請確保本機斷電 33. 勿將油或水濺入本機 34. 為獲得更好的效果, 建議製冷模式下環境溫度請勿高於 35, 或者製熱模式下不低於 7 主機 3 2 1 1. 前殼 2. 遙控接收鏡 3. 控制面板 4. 頂蓋 5. 橫擺葉 6. 右裝飾面板 7. 後上過濾網組件 8. 隱藏式遙控器放置盒 9. 左裝飾面板 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 20 21 22 大斜面 23 24 10. 中間排水口 11. 電源線 12. 繞線柱 13. 後下過濾網組件 14. 排水蓋 15. 萬向腳輪 16. 後下左過濾網組件 17. 排風口安全網 18. 卡扣 25 8 9 19 18 17 16 15 19. 把手 20. 排風管圓形接頭 21. 排風軟管 22. 排風管外接頭 23. 排風口擺葉 24. 百葉窗接頭 25. 窗戶密封板 P.4 P.5

安裝說明 安裝說明 A. 取裝遙控器 B. 安裝排風管 1. 用手輕壓(下圖手壓位置) 隱 藏 式 遙 控 器 放 置 盒 下 部 打 開遙 控 器 放 置 盒 用 手 持 住 遙 控 器 朝 警告 上即可取出遙控器 圖1 - 移 動 時 應 確 保空調處於直立狀態 2. 用手持遙控器插入左側遙 控 器 放 置 盒 內 再 用 手 輕 壓 遙 控 器 放 置 盒 上 部 合 上 遙 控 器 放 置 盒 - 使 用 空 調 前 請 保持空調直立狀態至少兩個小時 - 本 機 應 安 放 於 平坦地面上 圖1 - 請 勿 在 浴 室 及 其他潮濕環境下安裝或使用本機 遙控器 裝取方向 圖 2 旋轉方向 遙控器盒 1. 將 排 風 軟 管 的 兩端拉開幾圈 將排風管圓形接頭無齒端及排風管外接頭的圓形端按逆時針方 向 旋 入 排 風 軟 管兩端 注 意 排 風 軟 管接頭要確保到位 旋入圈數至少3 圈 2. 將 排 風 管 組 件 有圓形接頭端齒對準齒槽插入排風口 如圖3 兩端卡位會自動扣上 注意 - 注 意 大 斜 面 安裝方向 - 排 風 管 需 要 裝到位 鎖扣 齒槽 圖 1 排風管組件 圖 3 P.6 P.7

安裝說明 安裝說明 排風管組件安裝 ( 帶百葉窗接頭 ) 1. 確定窗戶密封板的方向, 水平或垂直 2. 如果窗戶密封板為水平安裝, 大斜面 A 的接頭應朝上 3. 如果窗戶密封板垂直安裝在窗戶左側, 大斜面 A 接頭應朝右, 並確保百葉窗接頭保持向下方向 如機器停止工作, 百葉窗受重力而關閉, 當機器重新工作或通風, 百葉窗重新打開 4. 如果窗戶密封板垂直安裝在窗戶右側, 大斜面 A 接頭應朝左, 並確保百葉窗接頭保持向下方向 如機器停止工作, 百葉窗受重力而關閉, 當機器重新工作或通風, 百葉窗重新打開 D. 機體的安裝 1. 將安裝好排熱管與接頭的機器移動到窗戶前, 機體離牆面或其他物體的距離至少在 50cm 注意 : - 裝運前, 百葉窗及其接頭是默認密封板位於窗戶左側的情況下安裝的 - 如密封板裝在窗戶右側, 請調整百葉窗朝向以確保接頭正常工作 圖 6 2. 將排熱管拉長, 將排熱管接頭的長方形端卡入視窗密封板組件的長方形孔內 ( 如圖 ) 百葉窗接頭大斜面 A 大斜面 A 百葉窗接頭排風管及接頭 窗戶 窗戶 C. 安裝窗戶密封板組件 1. 半開窗戶, 將窗戶密封板組件安放到窗戶上,( 如圖 4, 圖 5), 元件可以水平和垂直放置 2. 拉開視窗密封板元件的各部件, 調整窗戶密封板元件拉開的距離, 使元件兩端接觸到窗戶邊框, 固定元件的各部件 注意 : - 排熱管接頭的扁形端一定要卡到位 - 安裝時需分清大斜面方向, 如方向裝反視窗密封板裝在視窗上裝不到位 - 排熱管不能摺疊彎曲, 不能有大幅度 ( 大於 45 ) 的轉折, 要保持排熱管的通風順暢 圖 7 圖 8 注意 : 排氣軟管長度在 280mm 到 1500mm 之間 ( 排氣管長度是根據空調的規格而定 ) 不要使用加長的管子或用其它不同的軟管代替, 這樣可能會引起故障 排氣必須通暢, 如有阻滯可能會造成空調過熱停機 圖 4 圖 5 P.8 P.9

安裝說明 安裝說明 E. 排水手動排水 : 1. 機器水滿停機後, 先關閉機器電源, 拔出電源插頭 2. 將盛水的容器放在機體後側排水蓋的下方 3. 右旋擰開排水蓋, 拔出水塞, 水自動流入盛水的容器裡 4. 當水放完後, 請立即向左旋擰緊排水蓋 注意 : - 請勿隨便移動機器, 以免機體內底部水盤的水溢出 - 請妥善保護好排水蓋和水塞 - 在排水時, 可將機體稍微向後傾斜 - 如果盛水容器不能盛完機體內的水, 在盛水容器滿水前, 儘快旋入排水蓋塞住出水口, 避免水流到地面或地毯上 - 排水蓋內已安裝水塞 連續排水 ( 二 ) 適用於中間排水口, 請在除濕模式下使用 : 1. 先將機器上的放水蓋取下 2. 將直徑 13.0mm 的排水管插入中間排水口 3. 將排水管連到衛生間或者盛水容器 注意 : - 必須在接水盤無積水時安裝排水管 - 如果使用盛水容器, 盛水容器放置高度不得高於出水口 ; 在盛水容器滿水前, 儘快更換容器, 避免水流到地面或地毯上 - 放水蓋請收好, 以便下次使用 連續排水 ( 一 ) 冷暖機型在製熱模式下需使用此功能 : 1. 右旋擰開放水蓋 2. 將直徑 12.0mm 排水管插入出水口 3. 將排水管連到衛生間或者室外 放水蓋 排水管 注意 : - 必須在接水盤裡無積水時安裝排水管 - 為保證機器冷凝器的散熱用水, 提高機器的製冷效果, 使用本機時, 建議儘量勿設置連續排水 - 將排水軟管放置在不易碰到的地方, 管的放置高度不得高於出水口, 保持排水軟管無摺疊彎曲現象 ; - 採用連續排水時, 妥善保管排水蓋和水塞 放水蓋 圖 9 排水管 P.10 P.11

操作說明 面板及按鍵說明 控制面板 模式鍵 上調鍵 顯示屏 下調鍵 - 按此鍵轉換模式, 模式選擇 : 製冷 除濕 製熱 送風 節能製冷操控此鍵用於各功能模式的 定時鍵 風速鍵 模式鍵 電源開關鍵 切換 製冷溫度設定範圍 16-30 (60-86 ) 除濕 - - 運轉模式 製熱溫度設定範圍 16-30 (60-86 ) 初次通電, 開機音樂響起 液晶顯示幕所有圖示亮起後 ( 顯示為環境溫度值, 處 送風 - - 顯示溫度單位 或 ), 除 圍為 :5~35 (41~95 ), 機器進入待機狀態 繼續顯示環境溫度外, 其餘圖示熄滅, 溫度顯示範 節能製冷溫度設定範圍 16-30 (60-86 ) 面板及按鍵說明 本機內置製冷, 製熱, 除濕, 送風, 節能製冷, 睡眠六大模式 上調鍵和下調鍵 - 按此兩按鍵可調節溫度及定時時間 - 每按一次上調鍵, 設定溫度增加 1 或 1 每按一次下調鍵, 設定溫度降低 1 或 1, 按住 上調或下調鍵 2 秒以上, 溫度上升 / 下降時 0.5 秒單位繼續上升 / 下降 - 同時按上調鍵和下調鍵, 可實現攝氏度 及華氏溫度 的單位轉換 電源開關鍵 - 按此鍵開啟和關閉本機 - 按下電源鍵開機後, 蜂鳴器播放開機音樂, 首先預設進入製冷模式 ( 溫度設定值為 22 / 注意 : 可調溫度範圍為 16~30 ( 或 60~86 ) 72 ), 風速默認中檔風速 ( 第一次通電 ) - 開機時, 顯示屏直接顯示, 出風口擺葉自動打開 - 開機狀態下按此鍵可關機, 所有負載停止工作, 擺葉自動全閉, 蜂鳴器播放關機音樂, 機器進入待機狀態 P.12 P.13

面板及按鍵說明 面板及按鍵說明 風速鍵 高速中速低速 定時鍵 + 上調鍵 - 同時按下可設置睡眠功能 - 按此鍵可調整風速 : 高速, 中速, 低速 - 在製熱模式下, 剛進入製熱模式時, 上風機需在壓縮機工作 2 分鐘後運行 ; 壓縮機工作後持續 2 分鐘強制上風機低風速運行 若管溫感測器溫度達不到 30, 則強制上風機低風速運行, 若管溫感測器溫度高於 36 則按照設定風速運行 - 在除濕模式下, 強制以低風速運行, 不可調節溫度 - 在製冷和製熱模式下同時按定時鍵 + 上調鍵, 開啟睡眠功能, 液晶屏上的睡眠圖示 點亮 ; 再按定時鍵 + 上調鍵, 關閉睡眠功能, 同時睡眠圖示 熄滅 注意 : 送風和除濕模式下無睡眠功能 - 如機器在製冷和送風模式之間切換, 風速不變, 即當風機在送風模式下以低速運行, 當切換到 製冷模式時, 風速依然為低速 同理, 當高風速製冷時, 切換送風模式後, 依然為高風速 - 在除濕和睡眠模式下, 風機強制設定為以低速運轉 風速不可調整 定時鍵 + 風速鍵 - 同時按下可開啟或關閉擺風 定時鍵 - 按此鍵可以設定定時開機 定時關機, 查詢定時, 取消定時 - 定時時間為 24 小時進制 設定時, 閃動顯示 6 秒, 在跳動顯示的時間內, 通過上調鍵和下調鍵可調整定時時間 : 前一個雙 8 顯示小時 00-24, 後一個雙 8 顯示分鐘 00-60, 每按一次或鍵, 上升或下降 30 分鐘 - 定時設定後, 液晶屏上定時圖示一直點亮直到定時時間完成 在定時設定期間或定時設定好後, 重新按定時鍵則系統預設重新設定定時 ( 遙控器設定定時不同 ) - 預定時間到達前, 按遙控或操作面板上的 開關, 預設時間自動取消, 定時圖示熄滅 其他功能 節能功能 : 當機器初上電或在背光關閉情況下, 操控任何一個按鍵, 背光都會開啟並持續顯示 10 秒鐘後自動關閉 自動清潔功能 : 在製冷, 除濕, 節能製冷功能狀態模式下, 用遙控器操作開啟自動清潔功能,LCD 液晶屏上 同時會開啟 ; 關機時功能會自動啟動, 顯示 CL, 延時 3 分種自動清潔後再關機 節能製冷模式 : 在節能模式下, 製冷情況下耗電量會低很多 P.14 P.15

遙控器操作說明 遙控器操作說明 遙控器介面 上調鍵下調鍵複合鍵 - 同時壓下和可在攝氏度 C 和華氏度 F 間切換 上下調節鍵 顯示區域 風速鍵 開關鍵 風速鍵 - 按此鍵可在低 中 高 低三檔風速間循環選擇風速輸出 定時鍵 睡眠鍵 模式鍵 擺風鍵 擺風鍵 - 按此鍵可開關擺風功能 自動清潔鍵 睡眠鍵 - ( 此鍵只能在製冷 製熱 節能製冷模式下有效 ): 按此鍵可啟用睡眠功能 電源開關鍵 - 按此鍵可進行開關機 定時鍵 - 按此鍵後在設定的定時時間閃動期間, 可通過上調鍵和下調鍵在 0.5~24 小時之間循環調節定時時間,5 小時之前每上調或下調一次為 30 分種,5 小時之後每上調或下調一次為 1 小時, 選定後 顯示器閃爍顯示五次所選時間予以確認 模式鍵 - 按此鍵可在製冷 製熱 除濕 送風 節能製冷五種模式間進行模式切換, 選擇您當前所需要 的模式 清潔鍵 - 開啟及關閉自動清潔功能 ( 只有在製冷 除濕 節能模式下有效 ) 安裝遙控器電池 上調鍵 - 按此鍵在可上調溫度和定時設定值 下調鍵 - 按此鍵在可上調溫度和定時設定值 注意 : - 應使用鹼性電池 請勿使用充電電池 - 更換電池時應全部更換, 請勿混合使用新舊電池 - 若長時間不使用本機, 應及時取出遙控器的電池 P.16 P.17 安裝電池時請注意電池的極性

遙控器操作說明 清潔與保養 警告 : - 若電池液體濺到皮膚或衣物, 應立刻用清水沖洗乾淨 長時間不使用遙控器應將電池取出, 警告 : 為免觸電, 在清潔與維修前必須關掉本機, 並拔除電源插頭 避免洩漏 - 若不慎攝入液體電池液體, 應馬上刷牙並儘快就診 因電池液體中的化學物質可能造成燒傷 或其他健康危害 機身 - 清潔前先拔除電源插頭 - 用柔軟乾布擦拭機身外殼及出風口周圍 切勿使用化學劑 ( 如酒精 稀釋劑等溶劑 ), 否則 保護功能 本機配備五大自動保護功能 : 1. 防霜凍保護功能 : 製冷時, 當壓縮機連續工作 10 分鐘後, 如果盤管溫度連續 20 秒低於 2 /36 則啟動防霜凍保護 : 壓縮機和打水電機自動關閉, 並且 LCD 顯示 E4, 上風機不停 ; 當盤管溫度上升到大於或等於 8 /46 後, 系統自動退出防霜凍功能, 恢復到原先工作狀態, 壓縮機滿足 3 分鐘延時保護 2. 水滿保護功能 : 當接水盤中的水超過警戒水位時, 機器停止運作並自動報警, LCD 屏上水滿圖示同時顯示, 此時需要您將機器或出水口接上排水管移到下水道等排水處將水排出 ( 詳細排水方法請見 排水說明 部份 ), 水排清後機器會自動恢復到原先的工作狀態, 也可以重新插電開啟機器 可能損壞本機表面甚至內部 - 請勿使用經化學處理的除塵用品清潔機身, 或將該類物品長期放置本機附近 嚴禁使用輕油精 稀釋劑 光粉或者其它類似溶劑清洗 過濾網 - 若濾網被灰塵堵塞, 本機效率將降低 建議每兩周清洗一次濾網 - 可握住過濾網扣手位置, 向外拉出, 再從濾網格取出濾網 ( 如下圖 ) 先用吸塵器吸走濾網上的大顆粉塵, 然後將濾網放入已加入中性洗滌劑的溫水 ( 約 40 ) 清洗乾淨, 漂洗乾淨 蒸發器過濾網蓋 3. 自動除霜 : 本機器有自動除霜功能 : 除霜期間製熱符號會閃爍顯示 4. 自動熱保護 : 為保護整機的使用壽命, 在製熱模式下有自動熱保護功能, 保護期間壓縮機和下電機停止運行, 機器溫度回復後自動恢復正常製熱狀態 5. 壓縮機的保護功能本機器對壓縮機實現壽命保護, 在壓縮機關閉後馬上再重啟時有 3 分鐘的延時開啟保護功能 吸塵器蒸發器過濾網 - 安裝時, 將濾網安裝在濾網蓋內, 並用濾網蓋卡位卡住 後將濾網右側的卡位插入機體, 再安裝在後殼上濾網槽內, 再用手輕輕拍濾網左側使濾網左側卡位裝到到位 P.18 P.19

清潔與保養 常見故障及處理 注意 : - 安裝時, 先裝右側, 再裝左側 - 請勿用力過猛, 以免損壞下過濾網框的扣位 - 請勿擠壓或者用尖銳物品敲打過濾網 - 切勿在沒有裝上過濾網的情況下使用本機 下濾框下濾網空調的貯藏長時間不使用本機時, 應妥善貯藏 請注意以下步驟 : 1. 旋開放水蓋, 拔出水塞, 排出接水盤中的水 側濾網 側濾框 問題 原因 解決方法 沒有電 接到有電的插座上後開機 水滿指示圖示點亮 排掉內部貯水 空調不工作 環境溫度過低或過高 建議在 7-40 間使用本機器 製冷模式下房間溫度低於設定溫度, 製熱模式下房間溫度高 改變設定溫度 與設定溫度 有陽光直射 拉上窗簾 製冷或製熱效果不佳 門窗打開, 人較多或在製冷模式下有其它熱源 關上門窗, 關閉其它熱源, 增加新的空調 過濾網很髒 清洗或更換過濾網 進風口或出風口被堵塞 清除障礙物 噪音大 空調未放平 將空調放在平坦堅硬處 壓縮機不工作 過熱保護啟動 等 3 分鐘直到溫度降下後再開機 距離太遠讓遙控器靠近空調, 確保遙控器正對著遙控器未對準遙控器接收頭遙控器不工作遙控器接收頭方向方向 電池沒電 更換電池 錯誤代碼 CH 01 室溫感測器感知溫度異常 請聯絡售後服務部 錯誤代碼 CH 02 管溫感測器感知溫度異常 請聯絡售後服務部 顯示 E4 防霜凍功能保護 待解凍後, 自動恢復功能 2. 開啟機器並調至送風模式的低風狀態, 運行半天直至導管變乾, 如此操作可使機體內部乾燥並防止發霉 3. 關閉機器後拔出電源插頭, 繞好電源線, 將插頭插入機體後殼處的萬能插座孔內 ; 安裝好水塞和排水蓋 4. 拆除排氣管元件後妥善保管 空調機應做好適當的防塵保護 5. 取出遙控器的電池並放回本機左側遙控器盒內 顯示示機體內底盤的水到達滿水位排出底盤內的水注意 : 請勿自行修理或拆卸空調 如問題持續發生 遇上表中未列出的解決方案或解決方案無效時, 請關機及拔除電源插頭, 並送回本公司維修 注意 : 應放置於乾燥處, 並妥善保管本機附件 避免小孩接觸或玩耍 P.20 P.21

技術規格 Table of Contents 型號 電壓 / 頻率 製冷能力 製熱能力 製冷劑 PAC-115 220-240V ~50Hz 15000 BTU/h 16000 BTU/h R410A/650g 額定電流製冷 7.8A 製熱 8.0A 除濕量 風量 1.5 L/h 450 m³/h 機身尺寸 H x W x D 850 471 355mm 淨重 36.5kg 適用面積 20-27 m² 產品規格及設計如有變更, 恕不另行通知 中英文版本如有出入, 一概以英文版為准 本產品使用說明書以 www.germanpool.com 網上版為最新版本 Safety Instructions 24 Product Structure 25 Installation Instructions 26 Operating Instructions 32 Care and Maintenance 40 環境與回收 德國寶非常注意環境保護, 這一點也體現在所採用的包裝材料中 請妥善處理廢棄物以改善環境 元件運輸過程中有必要採取包裝加以保護 包裝由可重複使用的環保瓦楞紙板製成 ; 塑膠袋由可再生聚乙烯 (PE) 製成 設備的塑膠元件均標有材料代碼, 以便在使用壽命結束時予以回收 如果分類得當, 這些有用材料可 100% 回收利用 Troubleshooting 41 Technical Specification 42 Environment and Recycling 42 Warranty Terms & Conditions 43 P.22 P.23

Safety Instructions Product Structure Important For safety purposes, you should read the instructions carefully before using the appliance for the first time. Save for future reference. The appliance is designed for domestic use and may only be installed and operated in accordance with these instructions. 3 2 4 5 6 7 1. All wiring must comply with local and national electrical codes and be installed by a qualified electrician. If you have any questions regarding to the following instructions, contact a qualified electrician. 2. The unit must be installed in accordance with national wiring regulations. Check available power supply and resolve any wiring problems before installation and operation of this unit. 3. For your safety and protection, this unit is grounded through the power cord plug when plugging into a matching wall outlet. If you are not sure whether the wall outlet in your home are properly grounded, please consult an electrician. If supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer, its service agent or similarly qualified person in order to avoid any hazards. 4. This appliance is not intended for people(including children)with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety. This appliance can be used by people aged from 8 years and above. Young children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance. 5. Never place this unit in chemical environments, like volatile, corrosive or flammable environment, to avoid risk of fire. 6. Never place the unit near gas appliances, fire or flammable liquids. 7. Do not use an adapter or extension power cord or remove ground prong, and share the power outlet with other appliances is also forbidden. 8. Unplug air conditioner before servicing, but never turn off the unit by unplugging. 9. Never dismantle, repair or modify the unit without authorization to avoid body injury or property damage. If there is any unusual situation, like unusual noise, smell, smoke or electric leakage, be sure it repaired by manufacturer or professionals. 10. Never put any objects into the unit. 11. Never cover or obstruct air inlet or outlet to prevent overheating. 12. Never hit or shake the unit to prevent damage. 13. Never spray water or place the unit near water, and do not connect or disconnect the power plug with wet hands to prevent electric shocks. 14. Need two or more people to remove and install air conditioner. 15. Please place this unit in even and dry surface. Make sure the air conditioner stay in upright position during the removal. Keep the unit at least 50cm away from the walls or other objects. Ensure proper space interval of this unit including the minimum distance from surrounding objects. 16. Unplug power cord if the unit will not be used for a long time. 17. Make sure windows and doors are closed during usage. 18. Make sure the power cord is placed in order to avoid people being tripped down. 19. Do not move the louver of air outlet by hand, in case the louver cannot cover the outlet after power-off. 20. Do not let skin and eyes face the cool breeze directly for a long time. 21. Do not put any stuff in air inlet and air outlet. 22. Do not scratch or damage the unit. 23. Do not clean the unit with water, use wet cloth instead. 24. Keep the unit at least 1 meter away from TV or radios to avoid electromagnetic interference. 25. Do not expose the unit under sun light directly, to avoid color fading of the surface. 26. Do not tilt the unit for more than 35 degrees or upside-down while transporting. 27. Place the unit on a flat surface and upright with less than 5 degrees inclination. 28. Keep the drain hose in good condition without flexure then connect with unit. 29. The unit operates more efficiently in certain room locations (Installation and Adjustment). 30. Empty the condensed drainage pan before putting the unit in storage to prolong the unit lifetime end of the season. 31. Do not use chemical solvents (e.g. Benzene, alcohol-glazer) to clean the unit surface. If it is dirty, please use neutral solvents. 32. Make sure to cut off the power before disassembling or installing the filter. 33. Do not spray oil or water into the appliance. 34. Remark: Do not use this unit in cooling mode if the ambient temperature is higher than 35 o C or heating mode if ambient temperature is lower than 7 o C. 1 1. Front panel 2. Remote control receiving window 3. Control panel 4. Top panel 5. Horizontal louver 6. Right decoration board 7. Upper filter assembly of back panel 8. Remote control compartment 9. Left decoration board 10. Drain outlet in the middle 11. Power cord 12. Winding-pillar 13. Lower filter assembly of back panel 10 11 12 13 14 20 21 22 Slant Panel of Adapter 23 24 25 8 9 19 18 17 16 15 14. Drain cover 15. Universal wheel 16. Filter assembly of side panel 17. Protective grid 18. Fastener 19. Handle 20. Round connector of exhaust hose 21. Exhaust hose 22. Adapter of exhaust hose 23. Window kits 24. Adapter Louvers 25. Windows seal-plate P.24 P.25

Installation Instructions Installation Instructions A. Remote Control Installation B. Exhaust Hose Installation 1. Press the lower part of built-in compartment gently to open it and take out remote controller. (Fig.1) 2. Insert remote controller into built-in compartment in left side of unit, and push it gently for closure. (Fig.1) Warning - Keep the unit in upright position while moving it. - Keep this mobile air-conditioner in upright position at least 2 hours before first installation. - The appliance shall be placed at flat surface. - Do not install or operate this air-conditioner in bathroom or other wet environments. Remote Control Remote Control Hold direction Open and Close Direction Remote Control Box F ig.2 1. Take out the exhaust hose and its connector and adapter, to remove the plastic bag. Extend both end of exhaust hose, screw the end without slot of round connector and the adaptor onto it with anticlockwise direction at least 3 laps. Note: Screw round connector should screw into right position, at least 3 laps, to keep good connection of exhaust hose assembly. 2. Put front end of exhaust hose assembly onto jugged position of exhaust air outlet at back panel, fasteners will lock the exhaust hose assembly.(fig.3) Note: - Keep the right direction of slant side of adapter, for ease installation of window seal-plate. - Keep exhaust hose connected in good position. Fig.1 Fasteners Slot Exhaust Hose Assembly F ig.3 P.26 P.27

Installation Instructions Installation Instructions Exhaust Hose Installation 1. Determine window seal-plate position, vertical or horizontal direction. 2. If window seal-plate will be in horizontal position, the slant panel A of adapter should be upwards. 3. If window seal-plate will be in vertical position, and will be at left side of window, the slant panel A of adapter should be at right direction, and make sure adapter louvers keep downward direction always, it shall be closed by gravity if unit doesn t work, and open automatically when unit start working and venting. 4. If window seal-plate will be in vertical position, and will be at right side of window, the slant panel A of adapter should be at left direction, and make sure adapter louvers keep downward direction always, it shall be closed by gravity if unit doesn t work, and open automatically when unit start working and venting. D. Installation of The Unit 1. Move the unit with the exhaust hose assembly installed in front of window and keep the unit at least 50cm away from the walls or other objects. Remarks: - Adapter and its louvers are assembled according to seal-plate at left side of window before shipment. - If seal-plate will be placed at right side of window, please adjust its louvers direction accordingly in order to keep adapter in good use. Fig.6 Adapter Louvers Slant Panel A Slant Panel A Adapter Louvers Exhaust Hose & Adapter Assembly 2. Extend the exhaust hose. Install the rectangle end of exhaust hose assembly into the corresponding rectangle hole in window seal-plate assembly, fix it with screw and close the window. C. Installation of Window Seal-Plate 1. Make the window half open; put the seal-plate into window, either in vertical or horizontal position. (Fig.4,5) 2. Extend seal plate parts and adjust it to the length of window, keep both ends to meet window edge, fix it with screws then. Note: - Slide the adapter downwards and assure adapter installed in good position. - Assure the slant panel direction to match seal-plate direction. - Exhaust hose cannot be bent or with flexure higher than 45, in order to keep good ventilation of exhaust hose. Window Window Fig 7 Fig 8 Fig.4 Fig.5 Important notes: The exhaust hose is 280mm-1500mm long and this length is determined based on the specification of the air-conditioner (s). Do not use prolonged the hose or replace it with other different hoses as this may affect the functions of the air-conditioner. The exhaust hose must be smooth or it may lead air-conditioner overheat and damage. P.28 P.29

Installation Instructions Installation Instructions E. Drainage Instruction Manual drainage: 1. Once the unit shuts down upon water-full, turn off the unit and then unplug. 2. Put the tray below the water outlet at the back of the unit. 3. Screw off the drain cover, unplug the water stopper for water flow into the tray. 4. Plug in stopper and screw the drain cover tightly onto water outlet after drainage. Notes: - Protect the drain cover and water stopper properly. - Move the unit carefully to avoid the leakage it is necessary. - Tilt the unit slightly backwards when draining. - Block the drain hole as soon as possible before the tray is full if it cannot hold all water in the unit to prevent the water leakage and wet the floor or carpet. - Water stopper and drain cover must be tightly installed, to avoid new condensate to wet the floor or carpet when the unit re-starts working. Continuous drainage 2: Suitable for drain outlet in the middle, please use under dehumidifying mode. 1. Take off the drain cover from the drain outlet. 2.Connect the drain outlet with φ13.0mm drain hose. 3.Pull the drain hose to bathroom or a container. Notes: - Drain hose must be installed when there s no water in the tray. - If use a container, make sure put the position of container is not higher than drainage hole. Clean and replace the container before it is filled, in order to avoid water leakage. - Keep the drain cover well for future use. Continuous drainage 1: 1. Screw off the drain-cover & unplug the water stopper. 2. Connect drain-hole with φ12mm drain hose, as deep as possible to avoid leakage. 3. Pull the drain hose to bathroom or outdoor. Notes: - Drain hose must be installed when there s no water in the tray. - It is suggested that not to use continuous drainage when unit is in COOL mode, to ensure enough water recycle in the unit to enhance the system cooling effects. - It is suggested that to adopt continuous drainage when unit is in HEAT mode, to avoid frequent drainage. - Put the drain hose in an inaccessible place, not higher than drainage hole and keep drain hose straight without any flexure. - Keep the drain cover and its stopper properly when continuous drainage is adopted. Drain Cover Drain hose Drain Cover Fig 9 Drain hose P.30 P.31

Operating Instructions Control Panel Operation Control Panel MODE Up Display Window Down - Touch this key to switch and select unit working mode you want, all modes turn as below for your Timer Fan Speed Mode Power: ON/OFF confirmation. COOLING Temperature Setting Range 16-30 (60-86 ) Energize the Unit: Plug in and all icons in LCD display window ( shows the ambient temperature, the position of shows temperature unit or ) will light up for 2 seconds and reminding music will be on, then LCD display window will show ambient temperature with range 5-35 (41-95 ) with other icons light out, unit is standby for operation. Modes DEHUMIDIFYING - - HEATING Temperature Setting Range 16-30 (60-86 ) FAN - - ECO-COOLING Temperature Setting Range 16-30 (60-86 ) Control Panel Operation This unit is with Cooling, Heating, Dehumidifying, Fan, Eco-Cooling & Sleep modes operations. Power : Power on or off the unit - Touch this key to turn on the unit, reminding music is sounded, and unit runs under cooling mode automatically with set temperature 22 (72 ),fan runs in medium speed. Touch this key again, the unit turn off the reminding music will sound again. - When unit is on, LCD display window will show ambient temperature, fan starts running and air outlet window will open automatically. UP and DOWN - These two buttons are for temperature and time setting. - Touch or to increase or decrease the temperature 1 or 1 by pressing once. Touch these button over 2 seconds to continuously increase or decrease the temperature number by 0.5 second interval. - Touch and together in same time to convert Celsius degrees and Fahrenheit degrees. ( transition). Note: Temperature setting range is 16~30 /60~86 - When unit is off, all parts stop working, air outlet window will close automatically. unit will turn to standby mode and reminding music will sound. P.32 P.33

Control Panel Operation Control Panel Operation High Medium Low SPEED TIMER + UP - Touch this key to change fan running speed to High speed Medium speed or Low speed. - Under HEATING mode, upper fan will run at low speed after the compressor works 2 minutes. After compressor begins to work, it forces upper fan to work in low speed for 2 minutes, 2 minutes later, upper - These two button can set SLEEP Function - Start SLEEP Function by pressing + in the same time under COOLING or HEATING mode, in LCD screen will be on; press + again to stop SLEEP function, will be off. fan runs in cooling mode. If the tube inside is lower than 30, upper fan is forced to work in low speed; if the temperature is higher than 36, the upper fan works according to setting. Note: Sleep function will be ineffective under FAN or DEHUMIDIFYING mode. - Under DEHUMIDIFYING mode, fan will be forced to run at low speed, temperature can t be adjusted. - Fan speed will be unchanged if unit operated between COOLING and Fan modes, that means if fan running at low speed under FAN mode, the fan speed will keep same when unit changed to COOLING mode; if fan running at high speed under COOLING mode, it would keep same when unit changed to FAN mode. - Fan will be forced running at low speed under Dehumidify and Sleep modes and fan speed can t be TIMER + SPEED - These two buttons can turn on/off fan swing function adjusted. Other functions TIMER - Touch this key to set unit auto turn-on /turn-off time, to check or cancel time setting. - This unit is designed with 24-hour timer, during the setting, will flash for 6 seconds. First two digits are for hours 00-24, and last two digits are for minutes 00-60. You can increase or decrease half an hour each time by touching or to finish hour and minute setting, and setting time will increase or decrease 30 minutes by every press. - You can set unit AUTO OFF time when it is running. Or set unit AUTO ON time when unit is standby. Once timer setting is OK, will be lighting till the time you set is over and will be off. You can touch again to re-set time when TIMER function is on. The TIMER is subject to the final time setting. And TIMER would be ineffective and would be off if any operation from control panel or remote control to turn on or turn off the unit. Energy Saving - Background light in LCD screen will light up for 10 seconds then automatically off if you touch any key when unit is energized or background light is off. Auto-Clean - Unit will start by remote control and keep three minutes before off under COOLING, DEHUMIDIFYING and ECO-COOLING modes, with displaying CL. Eco-Cooling - Low energy consumption under ECO-COOLING mode. P.34 P.35

Remote Control Operation Remote Control Operation Control panel of remote control UP and DOWN combination - Press two buttons at the same time to convert Celsius degrees and Fahrenheit degrees. Up and Down button LCD display window Fan speed button Power button Fan - Press this button to select fan speed in sequence: Low Medium High. Timer button Sleep button Mode button Auto-swing button Auto-Swing - Press this button to turn on or turn off auto-swing function. Auto-clean button Sleep - Press this button to select or cancel sleep mode (only effective under cooling, heating operation or ecocooking modes). Timer Power - Press this button to start the unit when it is energized or stop the unit when it is in operation. - Press this button to set AUTO-ON and AUTO-OFF time. Time can be adjusted between 0.5-24 hours. It jumps by 0.5 hour interval within 5 hours, and 1 hour interval over 5 hours, set time will flash 5 times on screen then confirm the setting. Mode - Press this button to select operation mode, such as COOLING, HEATING, DEHUMILITYING, FAN and ECO- COOLING. Auto-clean - Press this button to turn on or turn off auto-clean mode (only effective under cooling, dehumidifying or eco-cooling modes). UP - Press this button to increase room temperature and timer setting. DOWN - Press this button to decrease room temperature and timer setting. P.36 P.37

Remote Control Operation Battery Installation Before using your remote, install the AAA batteries into remote control. Notes: - Use alkaline batteries only. Do not use rechargeable batteries. - When replace batteries, always replace both batteries with new batteries, do not mix old and new batteries. - If the air conditioner will not be used for an extended period of time, remove the batteries from the remote control. WARNING - If the liquid from the batteries gets onto your skin or clothes, wash it well with clean water, do not use the remote control if the batteries have any leakage. - If you eat the liquid from the batteries, brush your teeth and see doctor. The chemicals in batteries could cause burns or other health hazards. Safety Protections The appliance is equipped with five auto protection: Be sure to note proper polarity of batteries Anti-frozen protection function Under COOLING mode, when the compressor continuously runs over 10 minutes, if tube temperature is 2 /36 for 20 seconds, the anti-frozen protection function will be on, E4 will be shown on LCD display, compressor and water wheel motor will stop working, but upper fan remains running; If tube temperature 8 /46, the unit will stop anti-frozen protection and recover to the original working condition. Compressor will re-start working with 3 minutes delay for protection. Care and Maintenance WARNING Be sure to turn off the unit and pull out the plug before maintain or send to service center. Surface cleaning - Unplug the appliance before cleaning. - Clean the unit surface with wet soft cloth and do not use chemical solvents such as alcohol and gasoline to avoid any damage to unit. Any thinner, alcohol-glazer or other similar solvents is prohibited for unit cleaning. - Clean the dirty air outlet or louvers with wet soft cloth and detergent. Any chemical solvent is prohibited to use for unit cleaning or put such things near the unit for a long time. Filter cleaning - Clean the filter once every two weeks, or it would influence the unit function if filter clogged with dust. - Grip the filter handle and pull it out gently in correct direction. Clean the dirty particles in filter by cleaner if it is necessary. Immerse and wash the filter gently into warm water (about 40 ) mixed with neutral cleaner, and then rinse and dry them thoroughly in the shade. - Install the filter with opposite direction of removal, aim the end of the filter toward slot then push filter gently into slot. Install the filter into place gently to avoid any damage to filter. Be sure to install the filter to side panel then for the filter to back panel. Upper Filter frame Water-full safety alarm and shut off protection function When the water volume exceeds its alarm level in chassis, warning sounds automatically and water-full icon is lighting in LCD display, you need to drain the condensate and re-start the unit. (For more information about how to drain, refer to the Drainage Instruction please). If the unit is not shut down manually, the unit will recover to the original operating status automatically once the water is fully drained. Or connect the power to re-start the unit again. Upper filter Dust cleaner Auto-Defrosting Protection The system of this unit is with Auto Defrosting function, and will light up until Auto Defrosting is finished. Auto overheat protection This unit is with auto overheat function under heating mode. Compressor and lower fan will stop working if unit with higher temperature, and recovery if unit temperature down to normal to prolong unit working life. Delay protection function of compressor This unit offers restart protection to compressor. Except that the compressor may start immediately when the unit is energized first time, there is 3-minute delay re-start protection after compressor is shut down. P.38 P.39

Care and Maintenance Notes: - Pull out the filter gently. - Removal of filter at back panel is at priority then for the filter at side panel, to avoid any twist or damage to filter. - Do not squash or hit the mesh with sharp objects or brush. - Do not use the appliance without installing the filter. Troubleshooting Please refer to below chart if you have any questions during operating. Trouble Cause Solution The unit fails to start up Power supply failure Water-full and its icon lighting Ambient temperature too low or low high Connect the unit to a live socket and turn it on. Drain the water stored in the unit. It is recommended to use this unit between 7-40 The room temperature is lower than the set temperature in cooling mode or higher temperature in heating mode Change the set temperature There is direct sunlight Close the window curtain Side filter frame Bad cooling or heating effects The doors and windows are open, the room is crowded or there are other heat sources Dirty filter Close the door and window, remove other heat sources, and add new air-conditioners Clean or replace the filter mesh Push direction High noise level Air inlet or air outlet clogged The unit is being placed at uneven surface. Remove the obstruction Put the unit at a flat and firm place (may reduce noise) Lower filter frame Lower filter Side filter The compressor does not work The remote control does not work Initiation of overheat protection. Too long distance The remote control didn t aim at signal receptor on unit. Wait for 3 minutes until the temperature decrease, the unit will re-start automatically Bring the remote control close to the air-conditioner and ensure airs at signal receptor on unit. Storage Please store the air conditioner properly if not in use. 1. Screw off the drain cover and pull out the stopper to drain condensate water completely. Or tilt the unit to drain water. 2. Keep unit running in fan mode for half day to dry inside of unit completely to prevent from going moldy. 3. Turn off the unit, pull out plug then wrap the power cord around the wire-winding pillar, insert the plug into the universal fixing hole at the back panel of the unit, install the water stopper and drain cover. 4. Remove the heat exhaust hose to assembly, clean and keep it properly. 5. Take out the batteries from remote controller and place it in the remote control box. Note: Assure the unit is stored in a dry place. All accessories of the unit shall be protected together properly. Keep the unit away from children. The batteries have no electricity Replace the batteries CH01 code displays Room temperature sensor failure Contact customer service & repair centre CH02 code displays Tube temperature sensor failure Contact customer service & repair centre E4 code displays Anti-freeze protection Restore the functions automatically once anti-freeze protection is over. Displays Water tank in chassis is full Drain the condensate and re-start the unit Note: - Do not dismantle or repair the unit without authorization, improper repair will void the warranty card and cause harm to you and your property. - If your problem is not listed on the Troubleshooting, please ask for professional service. P.40 P.41

Technical Specification 保用條款 此保用提供德國寶產品之機件在正常使用下壹年保用 ( 自購買日起計算 ) Warranty Terms & Conditions Under normal operations, the product will gurantee a 1-year full warranty provided by German Pool (effective from the date of purchase). Model Power Supply Cooling Capacity Heating Capacity Refrigerant PAC-115 220-240V ~50Hz 15000 BTU/h 16000 BTU/h R410A/650g Rated Current Cooling 7.8A Heating 8.0A Moisture Removal Air Circulation 1.5 L/h 450 m³/h Body Size H x W x D 850 471 355mm Net Weight/Gross 36.5kg Weight Application Area 20-27 m² Specifications are subject to change without prior notice. If there is any inconsistency or ambiguity between the English version and the Chinese version, the English version shall prevail. Refer to www.germanpool.com for the most up-to-date version of the Operating Instructions. Environment and Recycling GERMAN POOL is very conscious of the importance of environmental protection, and we extend our belief to our packaging materials. You can help conserve the environment by carefully separating your waste. The packaging is essential for protecting the components during transportation. Our packaging is made from environmentally-friendly, re-usable corrugated cardboard. The plastic bags are made of recyclable polythene (PE). The plastic components of the appliance are marked with a material code so that they can be recycled at the end of their useful life. These valuable materials are 100 % recyclable, provided they are correctly disposed * 貴戶須在購機十天內, 以下列其中一種方式向本公司登記資料, 保用手續方正式生效: 另請填妥以下表格並與正本發票一併保存, 以便維修時核對資料 用戶提供之所有資料必須正確無誤, 否則免費保用將會無效 Please fill out the form below. This information and the original purchase invoice will be required for any repairs. Warranty will be invalidated if information provided is found to be inaccurate. 型號 Model No. : PAC-115 機身號碼 Serial No. : 發票號碼 Invoice No. : 購買商號 Purchased From : 1. 未能出示購買發票正本者, 將不獲免費維修服務 2. 用戶應依照說明書的指示操作 本保用並不包括: - 上門安裝 檢驗 維修或更換零件之人工以及一切運輸費用; - 因天然與人為意外造成的損壞 ( 包括運輸及其他 ) ; - 電源接合不當 不依說明書而錯誤或疏忽使用本機所引致之損壞 3. 於下列情況下, 用戶之保用資格將被取消: - 購買發票有任何非認可之刪改 ; - 產品被用作商業或工業用途 ; - 產品經非認可之技術人員改裝或加裝任何配件 ; - 機身編號被擅自塗改 破壞或刪除 4. 總代理有權選擇維修或更換配件或其損壞部份 5. 產品一經被轉讓, 其保用即被視作無效 客戶服務及維修中心 香港 1) 填妥本公司網頁內之保用登記表格 www.germanpool.com/ warranty 2) 填妥保用登記卡, 郵寄至本公司 九龍灣啟興道 1-3 號九龍貨倉 10 樓電話 :+852 2333 6249 傳真 :+852 2356 9798 電郵 :repairs@germanpool.com 澳門 澳門俾利喇街 145 號寶豐工業大廈 3 樓電話 :+853 2875 2699 傳真 :+853 2875 2661 * This warranty is not valid until customer registration information is received by our Service Centre within 10 days of purchase via one of the following means: 1) Visit our website and register online: www.germanpool.com/ warranty 2) Complete all the fields on the attached Warranty Card and mail it back to our Customer Service Centre. 購買日期 Purchase Date : 1. Customer who fails to present original purchase invoice will not be eligible for free warranty service. 2. Customer should always follow the operating instructions. This warranty does not apply to: - labour costs for on-site installation, check-up, repair, replacement of parts and other transportation costs; - damages caused by accidents of any kind (including material transfer and others); - operating failures resulting from applying incorrect voltage, improper usage, and unauthorized installations or repairs. 3. This warranty is invalid if: - the purchase invoice is modified by an unauthorized party; - the product is used for any commercial or industrial purposes; - the product is repaired or modified by unauthorized personnel, or unauthorized parts are installed; - the serial number is modified, damaged or removed from the product. 4. German Pool will, at its discretion, repair or replace any defective part. 5. This warranty will be void if there is any transfer of ownership from the original purchaser. Customer Service & Repair Centre Hong Kong Macau 10/F, Kowloon Godown 1-3 Kai Hing Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel : +852 2333 6249 Fax : +852 2356 9798 Email : repairs@germanpool.com 3/F, Edificio Industrial Pou Fung, 145 Rua de Francisco Xavier Pereira, Macau Tel : +853 2875 2699 Fax : +853 2875 2661 此保用只適用於香港及澳門 This warranty is valid only in Hong Kong and Macau P.42 P.43

德國寶 ( 香港 ) 有限公司 German Pool (Hong Kong) Limited 香港 Hong Kong 香港九龍土瓜灣馬頭角道 116 號新寶工商中心 2 期 113 號室 Room 113. Newport Centre Phase II. 116 Ma Tau Kok Road. Tokwawan. Kowloon. Hong Kong. 電話 Tel: +852 2773 2888 傳真 Fax:+852 2765 8215 中國 China 廣東省佛山市順德區大良五沙工業區新翔路 8 號 8th, Xinxiang Road, Wusha Industrial Park, Daliang, Shunde, Foshan, Guangdong 電話 Tel:+86 757 2388 1896 傳真 Fax:+86 757 2980 8349 澳門 Macau 澳門俾利喇街 145 號寶豐工業大廈 3 樓 3/F, Edificio Industrial Pou Fung, 145 Rua de Francisco Xavier Pereira, Macau 電話 Tel:+853 2875 2699 傳真 Fax:+853 2875 2661 HONG KONG TOP BRAND TEN YEAR ACHIEVEMENT AWARD 版權所有 未獲德國寶授權, 不得翻印 複製或使用本說明書作任何商業用途, 違者必究 All rights reserved. Copying, reproducing or using the contents of this manual is not allowed without prior authorization from German Pool, violators will be prosecuted. PAC-115-M-18(3)