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POPSICLE Y LEXA 80-901-1/-/-7/-0 or indoor domes c use / March 018-01 Designed in Denmark, made in Europe

80-901-1/-/-7/-0 A 3930-10030 Ø10x30mm x8 C D 3930-1000 Ø10x0mm x1 E 3917-1001 M10x1mm x1 J 033-00 mm x1 i 3933-108 Ø18mm x1 00-019 Ø10xmm x1 3901-30 -17 3,mm x x8 008-0 -17 70x0,mm 3913-0803 M8x3mm G 00-0 Ø8mm x1 H - - 130-13-1/-/-7/-0 130-133-1/-/-7/-0 130-131-1/-/-7/-0 1-0171-1/-/-7/-0 1-0091-1/-/-7/-0 x 3 1

K x1 L M x8 N x8 O x8 P x8 Q mm 033-00 Ø7,0x0mm 3908-7000 Ø10x10mm 3939-00010 -1/-/-7/-0 Ø8x0mm 3930-0800 Ø7x38,mm 00-018 Ø1x1,mm 3933-101 x8 M8x8,mm 3917-08009 80-01-30 1-01991 1-01801-30 7 8 1-0180901-30-3 -

80-01-x 80-0-x 11 80-0-x + 80-103-x 1 - -

1 N O O 8 8 N N O O O x N! x8 x8 Q 8 P 8 8 8 - -

80-0-x - -

3 D D C D 1 D 3 x E - 7 -

H H x 1 N! x H 1-8 -

7 x H 8 3 3 x - 9 -

9 7 L J i x G x M - 10 -

80-01-x - 11 -

3 D C D 1 D C 3 x E - 1 -

H x 1 N! H 1-13 -

7 x H 8 3 3 x - 1 -

9 7 L J i G x - 1 -

80-0-x +80-103-x - 1 -

3 D D C D 1 D 3 3 x E - 17 -

H H x 1 N! x H 1-18 -

7 x H 8 3 3 x - 19 -

9 7 L J i G x M 10 80-103-x - 0 -

11 80-103-x 1 80-103-x - 1 -

80-0-x +80-103-x 80-0-x 80-103-x - -

Product Declaration Product: Product No: Technical character and size: Main material: Lacquer: Glue: Metal parts: Children's furniture Please refer to the label or the Assembly and User Instruction. The product code refers to the type, length and color of the product. As an example the item number 80-01101-1, a single bed, 80-01101 - 190cm long, 80-01101-1 clear lacquered. 80-0110-, a single bed, 80-0110- 00cm long, 80-0110- white lacquered. Please refer to the Assembly and User Instruction. European solid oak wood and oak veneer Water soluble UV lacquer complying with the EN standard Glue complying with the EN standard Coating complying with the EN71 standard, part 3 Production date: Please refer to the label on the outer package. urniture products from LEXA are tested according to relevant European and American safety standards, e. g. EN, CE, GS, and CR. urthermore, LEXA's products are tested by the China National Quality Supervision Center for urniture and complying with the G8007-011 children furniture standard in China and other relevant standards. Also, we comply with the EN717 concern the formaldehyde release. Assembly and spare parts: Please refer to the Assembly and User Instruction. Maintenance: Please refer to the Assembly and User Instruction. S D Safety tested LEXA furniture is made for children. We have carefully checked every single detail so you can safely set up your child's bedroom. or example, there are no sharp edges or corners on LEXA furniture- they are all rounded. All beds with a sleeping height of more than 0 cm are safety tested according to the EU standard EN:77 by TUV. Quality materials LEXA insists on the highest quality and sustainability as a standard when we make furniture. or example, we only use the highest quality oak from sustainable forests in Europe. We are thereby ensuring that only the very best material is used for our furniture. -year guarantee LEXA's aim is always to deliver the highest quality and safety. That is why we provide a -year guarantee against manufacturing defects on all our furniture. The guarantee does not cover damage to the lacquer surface caused by knocks or wear and tear. -year availability guarantee on our bed system When you purchase a bed from the LEXA Classic bed system, you buy a flexible system than can be altered and extended as and when the need arises. We offer a -year availability guarantee on the current LEXA Classic bed system. If a product is no longer in our product range, the year-availability guarantee still applies from the date the product is discontinued. We will notify your dealer. Lacquer LEXA furniture is surface treated with lacquer several times to give our furniture an optimal and elegant finish. At the same time it makes our furniture robust and more resistant to signs of wear and tear. LEXA is only using eco-friendly water-based lacquer and UV lacquer, which meets the EU standard for lacquer. Colour differences Many LEXA furniture is made of solid wood or part of it is in solid wood and natural differences in colour may appear between individual products. This is only natural since wood is a living product. All LEXA textiles are made of natural products. Natural differences in colour may occur. Non-toxic furniture LEXA cherishes the health of your child, given that all LEXA furniture is tested according to the strict international safety standards EN71-3, DIN717-3 and DIN 310. Your guarantee of non-toxic furniture. Children's furniture from the Danish company, LEXA, is designed by LEXA according to Scandinavian design traditions. The wood furniture are manufactured by LEXA in Europe and sold worldwide. LEXA and the LEXA logo are trademarks of lexadreams Holding A/S. or six years old or above. Only for adult to assemble. Manufacturer: LEXADreams Holding A/S, Denmark Address: Hornsyld lndustrivej, 8783 Hornsyld, Denmark Tel: + 78 80 ax: + 78 809 Email: Website:

80-01101-190cm 80-01101-1 S D