Classroom Chinese: Please write down the correspondent pinyin to the English meanings. You can choose from the word bank below. Gōng kè hǎo le ma? hǎo

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háng, y u jiàn xiá shì zhèn


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Classroom Chinese: Please write down the correspondent pinyin to the English meanings. You can choose from the word bank below. Gōng kè hǎo le ma? hǎo le Bú kè qì Wén jiàn jiá Wǒ bù zhī shén me yì Xiè xie Jì shì běn dào si? Wǒ zhī dào Hái méi Nán chū Ān jìng méi guān xi Qǐng zài yí cì. méi yǒu wèn tí. Wǒ kě yǐ qù cè suǒ ma? yǒu méi yǒu wèn tí? Duì bù qǐ yǒu wèn tí. 1. Be quiet. 2. Homework. 3. I don t know. 4. I know. 5. Please. 6. Thanks. 7. You are welcome. 8. Sorry. 9. It s ok (in response to sorry) 10. May I go to the bathroom? 11. Take out. 12. Planner. 13. Binder. 14. What does it mean? 2

15. Done? 16. Done. 17. Not yet. 18. Have/not have questions? 19. have a question. 20. No questions 21. One more time. Write the correspondent radicals English sleeping person stretching person two people father stretching person soil scholar king mountain Radical Write the following numbers in characters and pinyin. English Chinese characters Pinyin 0 1 2 3 4 3

5 6 7 8 9 10 18 37 25 99 76 53 84 Translate to characters 1. Hello (respectfully), where is her friend? 2. Is she your good friend? No, she is not my good friend. 4

3. Is he your friend? Yes, he is my friend. 4. My friend is here. Good bye. 5. Are you my good friend? Yes, I m your good friend. 6. Where is her friend? He is here. 7. She is your good friend. 8. Where is his friend? 9. Is he your friend? 10. Is she his good friend? 11. Hello. How are you? I m very good. Thank you. 12. Good morning (respectfully) How about you? I m also very good. 5

13. My friend s last name is Li. 14. What s your name? My name is Li da shan. 15. What is the student s name? His name is Wang shan xiao. 16. What is her last name? Her last name is Ma. 17. Where is your teacher? My teacher is here. 18. Are you a teacher? No, I am a student. 19. Is she a good student? Yes, she is a good student. 20. How about him? Goodbye, my friend. 21. What day was yesterday? Yesterday was Sunday. 22. What month what date is today? Today is August 23rd. 6

23. Is tomorrow May 19 th? No, tomorrow is July 20 th. 24. Where do you live? I live in the U.S. 25. I don t live in Shanghai. My good friend lives in Beijing. 26. What nationality is your teacher? He is British. 27. Her student also lives in China. 28. Is she an American? No, she is Japanese. 29. Where is she? She is not here. 30. What s his name? His name is wang da ming. 31. How many people does his family have? His family has 5 people. 7

32. My family has one dad, one mom, two older brothers, three older sisters and me. 33. Do you have not have siblings? Yes. Are you are you not British? No 34. Who is this person? She is my younger sister. Who is that? That is her younger brother. 35. We work in Beijing and they works in the U.S. 36. Small cats and small dogs both are very cute. I love them. (them in English.) 37. My good friend and I all work. He is very good. 38. How old is your student? She is 8 years old. How old is your teacher? He is 47 years old. 39. What s your name? My name is Wang ming shan. 8

40. Where do you live? I live in Shanghai. Translate to pinyin 1. Hello (respectfully), her friend is here. 2. Is he your good friend? No, he is not my good friend. 3. Where is his friend? 4. Goodbye, hello, his, her, my, your 5. Is she your friend? Yes, she is my friend. 6. Hello (respectfully). How are you? I m very good. Thank you. 7. Good morning. How about you? I m also very good. 8. What s his name? His name is Li da shan. 9. What is the student s last name? Her last name is Li. 10. What is the friend s name? His name is Ma xiao shan. 9

11. What is your last name? My last name is ma. 12. Where is your teacher? She is here. 13. Are you a student? Yes, I am a student. 14. Are you a teacher? No, I am not a teacher. 15. Goodbye, my teacher. 16. Today is September 26 th, Saturday. Tomorrow is Sunday. 17. What month what date was yesterday? May 8th. 18. How are you? I m very good. Thank you. What nationality are you? British. 19. Where does your teacher live? He lives in the U.S. 20. My name is ma xiao ming. I don t live in England. I live in the China. 10

21. My family has one dad, one mom, two older sisters and one younger brother and I. 22. Do you have not have small cats? No. I have small dogs. 23. Who is that person? She is younger sister. She works in China. 24. How old are you (plural)? We are 19 years old. How old is he? He is 6 years old. 25. What month what date is today? Today is May 28 th. 11

Reading: Read the following paragraph and answer questions in English with complete sentences and details. 我姓王, 我叫王小明 我住在英国 我的家有八个人, 我家有一个爸 爸 一个妈妈 一个姐姐 两个弟弟 两个哥哥和我 我的爸爸是英 国人, 我的妈妈是美国人 他们都工作 我的姐姐二十六岁了, 她不 工作 我的哥哥十三岁了, 他住在上海 我的弟弟八岁和六岁了 我 也有小狗和小猫, 他们都很好 我的家很可爱, 我爱我的家 我的生 日 (shēng rì, birthday) 是七月二十八号 昨天十月四号, 星期六 1. 他姓什么? 他叫什么名字? 他住在哪儿? 2. 他的家有几个人? 他家有谁? 3. 他的爸爸是哪国人? 妈妈是哪国人? 4. 他的爸爸和妈妈都工作吗? 5. 他的姐姐多大了? 姐姐不工作,duì bú duì? 6. 他的哥哥多大了? 他的哥哥住在哪儿? 7. 他的两个弟弟几岁了? 12

8. 他有没有小狗? 他有没有小猫? 9. 他的小狗和小小猫怎么样 (zěn me yàng, how)? 他的家怎么样 (zěn me yàng, how)? 他爱他的家吗? 10. 他的生日 (shēng rì, birthday) 是不是九月? 11. 昨天几月几号? 星期几? Write down the English meanings (If you forget, please review the extra vocab) Pinyin English Pinyin English āi ya wǒ de tiān ya wǒ dù zi èr jiā yóu bǎo zhòng wǒ wàng le wǒ zhī dào wǒ bù zhī dào wǒ lèi le bāng wǒ mǎ mǎ hū hū nǐ hěn kù wǒ yě shì nǐ yě shì wǒ hěn máng 13