Dear Residents and Friends As you know, Yew Tee will soon become part of a new 4-man Marsiling-Yew Tee GRC. I would like to take this opportunity to t

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MCI (P) 149/06/2014 August 2015 Yew Tee Connects Chua Chu Kang TOWN COUNCIL Special Edition 1

Dear Residents and Friends As you know, Yew Tee will soon become part of a new 4-man Marsiling-Yew Tee GRC. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for your support over the last four years. It has been a great honour to serve all of you as part of the B.I.G. Chua Chu Kang family. The change will be significant, but my pledge is that you will continue to be served by the Chua Chu Kang Town Council team during the changeover and it will be as seamless as possible. Our Yew Tee is an amazing place, full of hospitable and compassionate people. You have responded with great kindness whenever there have been calls to action. You donated milk powder to young patients, you stepped forward to help needy families remake their homes, you joined us in helping provide breakfast through our Food on the Wall initiatives, you have responded generously in our annual Yew Tee Day A Gift of Rice donation drive. With your help, Yew Tee has blossomed gracefully into an estate with a wide range of facilities, good schools and community amenities, the now-beautiful Pang Sua Canal, and steady improvements in our public transport. Our Community Club has been upgraded with your inputs. Our partners in our Family Service Centres have expanded their services as has a new Senior Activity Centre. And Blocks 601 to 621 and 625 to 627 have been selected for the Neighbourhood Renewal Programme! In the past five years, Yew Tee has enjoyed over $98m of rejuvenation through repainting and other cyclical works. In addition, the Town Council built many playgrounds, fitness corners, covered linkways and ramps, in fact, the whole of Chua Chu Kang is now barrier-free. A successful project is often the result of interagency cooperation. Much credit must go to the Town Council, grassroots organisations and all the other agencies for their strong working relationships. We live in a historic part of Singapore, proud of our heritage. As we join a new family in Marsiling, we welcome the new challenges and opportunities. We thank the wonderful Chua Chu Kang team for all their work and help over the years. May Chua Chu Kang continue to be a Beautiful, Inclusive and Gracious community! Mr Alex Yam Ziming MP for Chua Chu Kang GRC 2

亲爱的居民 : 如您所知, 油池即将归入马西岭 - 油池新四人集选区 借此机会, 我想衷心感谢大家过去四年来给予我们的大力支持 您们是蔡厝港大家庭的重要成员, 能为您们服务是我的荣幸 不久之后, 油池将迎来重大变化 但我承诺, 在改组期间, 蔡厝港市镇理事会将一如既往地为大家服务, 确保改组工作顺利进行 油池是一个了不起的地方, 这里的人热情好客 富有同情心 每当我们呼吁大家行动时, 您们总是报以极大的支持 您们为年轻患者捐赠奶粉, 为有需要的家庭重建家园, 通过我们的 爱心早餐 (Food on the Wall) 倡议提供早餐, 在年度爱心百家米捐赠活动中 (A Gift of Rice) 慷慨解囊 在大家的齐心协力下, 油池实现了跃进的发展 如今, 我们拥有更多便利的公共设施 健全的学校和社区设施, 美丽的蔡厝港翻沙公园, 以及逐步改善的公共交通设施 在大家的共同努力下, 我们的民众俱乐部已经完成了翻新 家庭服务中心的合作伙伴们也已经扩大了服务范围, 开设了新的老年活动中心 第 601 至 621 组屋区和第 625 至 627 组屋区也已被纳入邻区更新计划! 过去四年间, 油池享有 9800 万元落实翻新重建工作 此外, 蔡厝港市镇理事会还新建了许多游乐场 健身角落 有盖走廊和斜坡道路 事实上, 如今的蔡厝港已变得畅通无阻 一个项目的成功往往离不开各部门之间的精诚协作 我们亲爱的居民朋友 市镇理事会 基层组织和所有其他机构都是功臣 有了您们的共同合作让我们取得了今天的成就 油池的发展是新加坡历史的另一见证, 也是我们为之骄傲的遗产 随着我们加入马西岭这个大家庭, 我们将敞开怀抱迎接新的挑战和机遇 感谢蔡厝港团队的出色工作, 感谢他们多年来的支持与帮助 祝愿蔡厝港永远是一个美丽 包容 和谐的社区! 任梓铭蔡厝港集选区国会议员 3

Para Penduduk dan Rakan-rakan Yang dihormati Seperti yang anda maklum, tidak lama lagi Yew Tee akan menjadi sebahagian daripada 4-orang GRC Marsiling- Yew Tew yang baru. Saya ingin mengambil peluang ini untuk mengucapkan terima kasih kepada anda semua di atas sokongan anda sejak empat tahun yang lalu. Ia merupakan satu penghormatan besar untuk berkhidmat kepada anda semua yang merupakan sebahagian daripada keluarga BESAR Chua Chu Kang. Ini merupakan satu perubahan besar, tetapi saya berikrar bahawa anda akan terus mendapat perkhidmatan daripada pasukan Majlis Bandaran Chua Chu Kang semasa pertukaran ini dan ia akan berjalani selancar mungkin. Yew Tee adalah tempat yang sungguh mengagumkan, penuh dengan orang-orang yang peramah dan penyayang. Anda dengan baik hati telah memberi pertolongan setiap kali terdapat panggilan untuk tindakan. Anda telah mendermakan susu tepung kepada pesakit kanak-kanak, anda telah tamapil ke depan untuk membantu keluarga yang memerlukan mengubah suai rumah mereka, anda menyertai kami dalam membantu menyediakan sarapan melalui inisiatif Food on the Wall kami, anda dengan murah hati telah memberi bantuan dalam kempen derma tahunan Yew Tee Day A Gift of Rice. Dengan bantuan anda, Yew Tee telah berkembang pesat menjadi estet yang menpunyai pelbagai kemudahan, sekolah yang baik dan kemudahan komuniti, Pang Sua Canal yang telah dicantikkan sekarang, dan peningkatan berterusan dalam pengangkutan awam Kelab Komuniti kita telah dinaik taraf berdasarkan input anda. Rakan kongsi kita di Pusat Perkhidmatan Keluarga telah mengembangkan perkhidmatan mereka menjadi Pusat Aktiviti Warga Emas. Dan Blok 601 hingga 621 dan 625 hingga 627 telah dipilih untuk Program Pembaharuan Kejiranan! Dalam tempoh lima tahun yang lalu, lebih $98 juta telah diperuntukkan untuk memberi Yew Tew nafas baru melalui kerja-kerja mengecat semula dan kitaran lain. Selain itu, Majlis Bandaran telah membina banyak taman permainan, sudut senaman, laluan pejalan kaki berbumbung dan tanjakan, malah, seluruh Chua Chua Kang kini bebas halangan. Projek yang berjaya selalunya adalah hasil daripada kerjasama antara agensi. Penghargaan patut diberikan kepada Majlis Bandaran, pertubuhan akar umbi dan semua agensi lain untuk hubungan kerja mereka yang kuat. Kita tinggal di kawasan bersejarah di Singapura, dan patut berbangga dengan warisan kita. Apabila kita menyertai keluarga baru di Marsiling, kita mengalu-alukan cabaran dan peluang baru. Kami berterima kasih kepada pasukan Chua Chu Kang yang sangat baik atas semua kerja dan bantuan selama ini. Semoga Chua Chu Kang terus menjadi komuniti yang Indah, Menyeluruh dan Baik budi. Encik Alex Yam Ziming AP untuk GRC Chua Chu Kang 4

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We believe in celebrating ALL the Festivals. Not just the festivals that are part of our own religion and culture, but the festivals that are important to our neighbours and friends. We get to know one another better that way, and we have good times all through the year! The Fun Walkers @ SouthWest is one of the most popular community activities we have. Not only does it give you good, regular exercise, brisk-walking also gives you a great opporltunity to get to know your neighbours and have a good chat. We believe communit For Singapore to thrive and for Yew Tee to be everything you want it s important for us all to come together as one community. To make this happen, we have get-togethers, parties, dinners, outings and other events. We have organised sports leagues, clubs and interest groups. If you live in Yew Tee, you have many opportunities to get out and meet your neighbours, get to know them, work and play with them, help to build a stronger sense of community for all of us. Come on. Join in. 6

Emergency Preparedness Day is an annual event organised by the constituency s Community Emergency and Engagement Committee (C2E), the SCDF and Town Council to show neighbours what they can do in an emergency, and how to do it. Our founding father, Mr Lee Kuan Yew, decided that a Garden City would have an advantage and started planting trees in 1963. We continue the annual tradition of Tree Planting Day as the best way to nurture a love and respect for the trees that cool our neighbourhoods. y action matters 7

we believe improving Barrier Free Access (BFA) Ramp at Block 674 Choa Chu Kang Crescent Drop-off porch at Block 689A Choa Chu Kang Drive The Barrier- Free Access Ramps have definitely made it easier for wheelchairs to move around the estate. Senior Fitness Corner at Block 517 Choa Chu Kang Street 51 Senior Fitness Corner at Block 687C Choa Chu Kang Crescent The fitness equipment is handy for a late evening or early morning workout. Covered Linkway from Block 627 to 608 Choa Chu Kang Street 62 Playground at Block 675 Choa Chu Kang Crescent 8

amenities matters Playground at Block 543 Choa Chu Kang Street 52 Covered Linkway from Block 541 to 541A Choa Chu Kang Street 52 Senior Fitness Corner at Block 668 Choa Chu Kang Crescent This Senior Fitness Corner is really good for exercising, especially for the elderly. The Town Council completed improvements in Yew 74 Tee in the past 5 years, including 16 covered linkways, 5 drop-off porches, 18 playgrounds, fitness corners, 15 some barrier-free ramps, a community garden and the upgrading of 2 community halls. In the next 5 years we plan to spend another $5.5m on improvement projects here, including 13 fitness corners, 25 5 playgrounds, covered linkways, 2 drop-off porches and the upgrading of 4 community halls and 4 BBQ pits. In addition 24 blocks have already been selected for a $9.5m Neighbourhood Renewal Programme. 9

we have big plans for the future Hong Kah North Chua Chu Kang Keat Hong Bukit Gombak Nanyang Yew Tee 10


We have great plans for the rail corridor; the section running beside the Sungei Pang Sua in particular. The international competition for design has closed and soon you will be able to give your feedback on the plans for the reuse of this wonderful 26 km-long green path. We re growing our We are improving and adding parks. Choa Chu Kang Park is the green heart of our Town. It was recently expanded with new facilities such as innovative play areas for children. You will get to enjoy more new parks and leisure spaces such as the linear park at Keat Hong Close and a neighbourhood park at Keat Hong Link. 12

We are building a network of approximately 12.5km of new off-road cycling paths in our Town. It is part of the plan to build over 700km of cycling paths islandwide by 2030. LTA plans to implement the Choa Chu Kang and Bukit Panjang sectors around the same time, targeting completion in 2018. garden Together with the Ministry of Transport, we are looking into the possible redevelopment of the bus interchange within the next three to five years. This will be part of the broader redevelopment plans for the town centre. and building better pathways through it! We are improving connectivity and accessibility by adding more sheltered linkways that are directly connected to MRT and LRT stations, as well as bus stops. This is all part of LTA s Walk2Ride programme. We will see 1,000 Government-funded buses running by 2017 for better service. The Downtown Line, opening soon, will connect with our LRT and offer an alternative for trips to the City. In 10 years, the upcoming Jurong Region Line will give us faster links to the West. 13

The Home Improvement Programme (HIP) will be brought to all eligible blocks by 2020. It helps you deal with the maintenance problems common to ageing flats. If your block is selected for the HIP you will be offered a range of free Essential Improvements such as fixing spalling concrete and replacing pipes and laundry pole holders and heavily subsidised Optional Improvements such as new bathroom fixtures. The Neighbourhood Renewal Programme (NRP) aims to improve older estates through renewal and the provision of additional facilities. With an NRP, residents are invited to participate actively in the planning process, by giving feedback and deciding collectively on the facilities for their neighbourhood. big Two new Community Clubs will be completed. Keat Hong will have a new Community Club built on the hard court opposite Lot One (below). Bukit Gombak will have theirs (left). Both will be completed in late 2016 and will be great places for sports, learning, making friends, and fun. 14

Solar power panels will be installed on the roofs of 40 blocks in our Town and HDB plans to install more. HDB aims to have solar power contribute 350MWp to Singapore s system by 2020. To encourage a greener lifestyle and give you more convenience and security, we will install two-tier bicycle racks in all blocks that now have insufficient parking space for bicycles. or small, it all matters to us Automated External Defibrillators, or AEDs, will be installed in every other block by the end of 2016. And for enhanced security, the Police will install CCTV cameras in all HDB blocks and multi-storey carparks by 2017. For your convenience and to meet the needs of working families, the National Environment Agency is going to build another Hawker Centre for our Town. The proposed location and completion date will be announced at a later date. 15

16 Let s work together to make our Town an even better home for all