BIP Asia 2017 Highlights 亞洲知識產權營商論壇 2017 亮點 80+internationally renowned speakers 國際知名的演講嘉賓 who are IP owners, international brands or service provider

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BIP Asia 2017 Highlights 亞洲知識產權營商論壇 2017 亮點 80+internationally renowned speakers 國際知名的演講嘉賓 who are IP owners, international brands or service providers 90+exhibitors 知識產權擁有者 國際品牌和知識產權服務供應商參展 2,500+IP professionals and business leaders from 知識產權專業人士及商界領袖來自 35countries and regions 國家及地區 Business of IP Asia Forum 亞洲知識產權營商論壇 The Business of IP Asia Forum (BIP Asia) brings together IP professionals and business leaders from around the world to discuss the latest developments in the IP world, and to explore business collaboration opportunities. The Forum s seventh edition, held 7-8 December 2017, featured more than 80 prominent speakers and attracted over 2,500 IP professionals and industry leaders. 亞洲知識產權營商論壇 為世界各地知識產權業界專家及商界領袖提供一個理想平台, 共同探討亞洲知識產權市場的最新發展, 探索商機 第七屆論壇已於 2017 年 12 月 7-8 日圓滿舉行, 邀請了超過 80 位星級講者和專家出席分享, 吸引超過 2,500 位世界各地的業界及專業人士參與 85% * 96% * of respondents regarded BIP Asia as a leading event compared to similar events in Asia 受訪者認為 亞洲知識產權營商論壇 於亞洲同類型活動當中佔有領導地位 92% * of respondents were satisfied with the Forum 受訪者對是次論壇表示滿意 of respondents indicated their keen interest to attend the next BIP Asia Forum 受訪者表示有意參與下屆論壇 * Survey conducted by CAP Strategic Research during the Forum 調查機構嘉柏市場策略研究於論壇期間進行訪問 Who Will You Meet? 與會人士概要 : Nature of Business 業務性質 Corporate 企業 Policy Makers 政策制定者 24% 22% 14% 15% 15% 10% Service Providers 服務供應商 Law Firms 律師事務所 Academics / R&D Centres 學者 / 研究機構 Industry Associations 商會 Origin 地區 Others 其他 19% Chinese mainland 中國內地 38% Hong Kong 香港 43%

Past Speakers at BIP Asia 亞洲知識產權營商論壇 歷屆星級講者 The annual forum gathers world-class IP authorities, innovators from international brands and many high-profile leaders for groundbreaking discussions on the global IP infrastructure as well as trading opportunities and challenges facing the business world. 論壇凝聚蜚聲國際的知識產權權威人士 國際品牌的創新專家 以及眾多知名業界領袖 就全球 知識產權基礎建設 商界面對的發展機遇及挑戰 進行具前瞻性的討論 Gustav Brismark Ericsson AB 愛立信 Luo Li 羅立 China Literature 閱文集團 Toshimoto Mitomo 御供俊元 Prof Dr Habip Asan Sony Corporation 索尼公司 Mayank Vaid Louis Vuitton 路易威登 Takayuki Sumita 住田孝之 Turkish Patent and Trademark Office 土耳其專利局 Hao Ma 馬浩 The International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property 國際保護知識產權協會 Cabinet Office of Japan 日本內閣府 Molan Karim Tarigan The ASEAN Working Group on Intellectual Property Cooperation 東盟知識產權合作工作組 Song Liuping 宋柳平 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 華為技術有限公司 Yi Xiaozhun 易小準 World Trade Organization 世界貿易組織 Shen Changyu 申長雨 State Intellectual Property Office of the People's Republic of China 中華人民共和國國家知識產權局 Liu Chuntian 劉春田 Renmin University of China 中國人民大學 Udo Meyer, DE Uwe Over Ira Blumberg Andrew Robinson Miguel Ángel Margáin Jürgen Koch BASF SE 巴斯夫 Henkel AG & Co. KGaA 漢高公司 Lenovo 聯想集團 Bird & Bird 鴻鵠律師事務所 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation 亞太經濟合作組織 Robert Bosch GmbH 羅伯特 博世有限公司 Francis Gurry World Intellectual Property Organization 世界知識產權組織 Christian Frey Dr Eric Chang 張益肇博士 Microsoft Research Asia 微軟亞洲研究院 T. Maria Lam 林彤 Siemens 西門子 Intel Corporation 英特爾公司 Shen Nan 申楠 ZTE Corporation 中興通訊公司 Prof Simon See 施忠偉教授 NVIDIA AI Technology Center NVIDIA 亞太區人工智能技術中心 Kenneth S. Korea Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 三星電子 Keith Bergelt John LaBarre Open Invention Network OIN 開放創新聯盟 Google Inc. 谷歌

Exhibition Zone 展覽專區 The BIP Asia exhibition stages alongside the main forum, bringing together IP practitioners from different sectors and countries. In 2017, more than 90 exhibitors joined the exhibition, including the World Intellectual Property Organization as well as large international technology corporations, IP service providers, top-tier research centres and universities. Forum participants can ride on the one-stop consultation services at the exhibition zone to know more about technology transfer, commercialisation, and various IP aspects such as patent and trade mark applications, licensing, trade and legal issues. 亞洲知識產權營商論壇設有展覽專區, 匯聚各方面從事知識產權人士, 分享最新發展及資訊, 論壇於 2017 年吸引超過 90 家參展商, 包括世界知識產權組織 國際大型科技公司 中外頂尖科研中心及大學 知識產權服務供應商等, 營造更多商機 無論參加者對知識轉移及商品化, 或對專利 商標 版權等知識產權的申請 授權 買賣或法律等環節, 有任何需要或者查詢, 都可以使用展覽專區的一站式現場諮詢服務 Global Tech Summit 環球科技峰會 Technological innovation is closely linked to IP. The Global Tech Summit at BIP Asia invites technology pioneers and industry disruptors to share insights into the latest global technology trends, success cases of business applications, and explore the impacts of technological innovations on the IP industry. 科技創新與知識產權息息相關, 亞洲知識產權營商論壇 同場舉辦 環球科技峰會, 邀請多名科技先驅和行業革新先鋒, 剖析最新環球科技趨勢, 分享創新科技商業應用的成功個案, 並探討對知識產權業界的影響, 讓企業與時並進, 搶佔先機 Networking Opportunities 交流機會 A series of networking events, including a keynote luncheon and coffee breaks, is a highlight at BIP Asia, offering ample opportunities for participants to establish new business contacts. 交流活動是論壇的重要元素, 一系列包括專題午宴及茶歇等交流活動將為參加者提供良機廣交新知, 擴展商網 Breakout Sessions 分組專題討論 A series of breakout sessions allows participants to hold in-depth discussions and interact with speakers from various industries, examining the comprehensive aspects of IP, such as practical legal tips, business practice tips, entrepreneurs and start-ups, as well as market and industry insights. 論壇設多場分組專題討論, 來自不同行業演講嘉賓及與會人士作深入討論和互動, 探討商業及法律知識 初創企業 市場及行業透視等熱門議題, 內容實用和多元化

Beyond the Forum: Asia IP Exchange Asia IP Exchange (AsiaIPEX) is a free online platform and database showcasing numerous tradable IPs from around the globe, to facilitate international IP trade and connect global IP industry players. AsiaIPEX has formed alliances with more than 30 strategic partners from around the globe, as well as local R&D centres and technology transfer offices of local universities. It features more than 27,000 tradable IP listings, ranging from patents, trademarks, copyrights to registered designs, and covering industries such as biotechnology, medicine, electronics, engineering, film and publication, generating IP trading opportunities. 超越論壇界限 : 亞洲知識產權交易平台 亞洲知識產權交易平台 : 一個免費的網上知識產權交易平台及數據庫, 旨在促進國際知識產權交易, 並超越論壇界限, 聯繫世界各地的知識產權業界人士 亞洲知識產權交易平台 現已與來自世界各地超過 30 個策略夥伴達成合作協議, 羅列超過 27,000 項包括專利 版權 商標及外觀設計等可供交易的知識產權項目, 涵蓋生物科技 醫學 電子 工程 電影和出版等行業, 絕對是促成知識產權貿易的有效工具 Partners from outside Hong Kong 境外合作夥伴 Hong Kong Partners 香港合作夥伴

Innovation & IP Week 創新及知識產權周 To raise awareness of IP issues and opportunities, the Innovation and Intellectual Property Week takes place in Hong Kong mid-november to December. Organised jointly by the HKTDC and a number of other organisations, the Innovation and Intellectual Property Week aims to facilitate innovation, international IP trading and exchange among global IP industry players, generate synergy through a range of IP-related events, and provide SMEs with a one-stop platform for value-added services and solutions. 為加強企業對知識產權議題的關注, 香港貿發局聯同多個機構於 11 月中至 12 月舉辦 創新及知識產權周 創新及知識產權周 透過一系列論壇 展覽會 研討會和交流活動, 產生協同效應, 促進國際知識產權交易活動及全球知識產權業界的交流, 共同為中小企提供一站式增值和解決方案 Hong Kong as Asia's IP Business Hub 香港 : 亞洲知識產權中心 Hong Kong is a regional marketplace for IP trading, underpinned by its strengths in copyright trading, licensing, franchising, technology transfer and design services. With the globalisation of IP trade, together with growing IP supply and demand in Asia, Hong Kong is an ideal IP intermediary to serve as an IP management hub, marketing and sourcing platform, and provide various support services. 隨著知識產權貿易活動愈趨全球化, 亞洲的知識產權供應及需求與日俱增, 市場對能提供區域多元服務的知識產權中介者需求殷切, 要求擔當知識產權管理 推廣 營商以及提供相關服務等多重角色 香港一直是區內的知識產權貿易樞紐, 在版權貿易 授權 特許經營 技術轉讓和設計服務等各方面均表現卓越, 地位超然

Be our audience 參加論壇 Get inspired and connect with global IP elites, brands and technology leaders 與國際知識產權業界精英 品牌及科技領袖建立聯繫, 深入交流 Be our exhibitor 預訂展位 Book a stand to showcase your latest technologies, IP portfolios, solutions and services 在展覽專區展示企業的最新技術 知識產權組合 解決方案及服務 Be our partner 贊助活動 Project your professional corporate image onto the stage of this key international event through sponsorship opportunities 把握此國際業界盛事的宣傳良機, 在論壇的舞台上突顯企業的專業形象 Contact Us Now 聯繫我們 Hong Kong Trade Development Council 香港貿易發展局 Email 電郵 : Tel 電話 : (852) 1830 668 Fax 傳真 : (852) 2824 0249 38/F, Office Tower, Convention Plaza, 1 Harbour Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong 香港灣仔港灣道 1 號會展廣場辦公大樓 38 樓 #BIPAsia