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10D 7N TIMELESS TURKEY Where East meets West Kusadasi / Pamukkale / Antalya / Konya / Cappadocia / Istanbul WEST ASIA Validity: 2018 onwards

ENTRANCES/FEES INCLUDED House of Virgin Mary Ephesus Hierapolis Aspendos Theater Underground city of Kaymakli Gorome Open Air Museum Blue Mosque Topkapi Palace Hagia Sophia Bosphorus Private Cruise HOTEL ACCOMMODATION Premium tourist class hotels, majority with free wifi (at least at the lobby). 1N Kusadasi: Korumar Hotel 5* or similar 1N Pamukkale: Colossea Thermal Hotel 5* or similar 1N Antalya : The Mamara Hotel 5* or similar 2N Cappadocia: Dinler Hotel 5* or similar 2N Istanbul: Wyndham Grand Europe Hotel 5* or similar *Daily hot breakfast served in all hotels. Cave restaurant with Belly Dancing show Fish restaurant with amazing Bosphorus view Kebap restaurant by the Marina *specific restaurants mentioned will be replaced if closed for private events. Lunch - 8 Meals DINING SPECIALS Dinner - 8 Meals ISTANBUL CAPPADOCIA IZMIR PAMUKKALE KONYA KUSADASI ANTALYA YOUR ITINERARY JOURNEY MAP D1 Depart Kuala Lumpur Depart KLIA in the late evening. D2 Arrive Istanbul Izmir -100km- Kusadasi (-/Local Lunch/Hotel Dinner) Pamukkale Tour Tour start at the impressive Ruins of Hierapolis. Walk on to the picturesque Cotton Castle, a magical and spectacular natural phenomenon created by deposits from the thermal waters that tumble down the mountain over thousands of years, forming a myriad of stunning pools. Truly a photographer s dream location. D4 Pamukkale -238km- Antalya (Hotel breakfast/hotel Lunch/Hotel Dinner) Antalya city tour Tour the Old City that was built within the ancient Castle ramparts. From the main entrance Hadrian s Gate to landmarks such as the Saat Kulesi Clock Tower and the charming Old Harbor, marvel at the beauty of this rustic part of the city with a magnificent harbour as the backdrop. Next, stop by the unique Duden Waterfalls, sending volumes of water plunging straight into the sea. Old Harbor, Antalya Upon arrival in Istanbul, transfer to domestic terminal for flight to Izmir. Sirince Village Visit one of Turkey s best preserved traditional village, Sirince, located on top of Ephesus Mountain. Browse the lively bazaar streets, enjoy a local liquer wine tasting session before tucking in a local lunch. Ephesus & Selcuk Tour Visit the little but intriguing House of Virgin Mary, where some believed that the Virgin Mary lived here with St John towards in her last years. Next, one of the highlights of this journey beckons. Ephesus, one of the largest Roman archaeological sites east of Mediterranean, was founded in 10th century BC. A walk through these magnificent ruins covers the Arcadian Way, the Great Amphitheatre, the Marble Way leading to the iconic Library of Celsius, a magnificent façade still maintaining its architectural sublimity. See the remains of the brothel, Hadrian s Temple, Trojan Fountain and baths. D3 Kusadasi -250km- Pamukkale (Hotel breakfast/local Lunch/Hotel Dinner) Kusadasi leather factory Start the day visiting a Leather Outlet Center to enjoy a Live Fashion Show before picking your favourite leather jacket from a huge retail store of the finest Turkish leather wear. D5 Antalya 304km- Konya -280km- Cappadocia (Hotel breakfast/local Lunch/Hotel Dinner) Aspendos Theater This morning, visit the 2nd century Greco-Roman Theater at Aspendos, still remarkably standing intact. Sultanhani Caravanserai En-route to Cappadocia, visit Sultanhani Caravanserai, a well preserved highway hotel for ancient traders and travellers. Cappadocia Tour (Part I) Visit the Underground City of Kaymakli, where early Christians lived secretly to survive persecution and practise their faith.

D6 Cappadocia (Hotel breakfast/local Lunch/Cave Dinner) Cappadocia Tour (Part II) Rise up early in the morning to board the highly popular Hot Air Balloon ride (at own cost) over some of the most extraordinary landscapes imaginable ( flights maybe cancelled if wind conditions do not allow ). Start the tour at the marvellous Goreme Open Air Museum, a natural landscapes complex with an abundance of finest rock-cut churches dwellings with beautiful frescoes. From the foot of the Uchisar Castle, view the cave dwellings carved into a huge boulder. Photostop at the Pigeon s Valley and head to Avanos village to witness the art of pottery making and carpet weaving. Tonight, relax and unwind in a Cave restaurant while enjoying the captivating Belly Dancing & Folkore dinner show. Visit Topkapi Palace,the residence of Ottoman Sultans for almost four centuries. Stroll the various sections this huge palace grounds and tour the palatial buildings with some great exhibits. Lastly, enjoy a sublime Bosphorus Private Cruise to unwind after a memorable day of discovery. Enjoy some leisure time at the famous Taksim Square. Hot Air Balloon Ride Tokapi Palace D9 Istanbul / Depart for home (Hotel breakfast/local Lunch/Local Dinner) D7 Cappadocia Istanbul (Hotel breakfast/local Lunch/Local Dinner) Explore more of the extraordinary landscapes by making stops at the Rose Valley and Pasabag Valley before heading to the airport to board your flight to Istanbul. D8 Istanbul (Hotel breakfast/local Lunch/Hotel Dinner) European Istanbul tour Start the discovery of Istanbul Old City at the Roman Hippodrome when Horse Chariot races were held during the era of Constantinople. Nearby, enter the dominant Hagia Sophia to admire its sheer beauty and be inspired by its magnificent frescoes depicting Islam and Christianity existence side by side. Next, visit the Blue Mosque and marvel at the blue tiles and façade in classic Ottoman design. Asian Istanbul experience Drive up to Çamlıca Hill for a lovely panoramic view of the Bosphorus, its iconic bridges and the European side of Istanbul. Next, proceed to Bağdat Caddesi, Istanbul most famous shopping boulevard, where you can find numerous high fashion and quality local brands. Enjoy lunch in a stylish kebap restaurant by the marina. Browse the vibrant Kadikoy market, where locals go to purchase their food stuff and delicacies. This is Istanbul at its most authentic and you may be the only tourists around! In the evening, bid farewell to Turkey as we transfer to the airport for our flight back home. D10 Arrival home Tour ends upon reaching KLIA with fond memories of a vacation. Kadikoy Market Hagia Sophia

HIGHLIGHTS 2-way domestic flight (save 18hrs road journey) Asian & European Istanbul Introducing Antalya Extended Cappadocia discovery Pamukkale Cotton Castle 5 star hotels throughout 2 Duden Waterfall, Antalya Overview of the Bosphorus, Camlica Hill Blue Mosque TERMS AND CONDITIONS Please request for a copy of our Standard Terms and Conditions at the point of making reservations Tours Operated By : Please contact us at : Signature World Holidays Sdn Bhd (621885 - H / KKKP No. 3875) Suite 12-2, Faber Imperial Court (Sheraton Imperial Hotel), Jalan Sultan Ismail, 50250 Kuala Lumpur. ( A member of Wawasan TKH Group ) SignatourWorld signatourworld.com