Events 活動 Academy Festival 香港演藝學院節 Programmes at a Glance 精彩節目一覽 School of Dance Spring Performances 舞蹈學院春季演出 Highlighted Programmes 重點節

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背 景 资 料 对 于 在 华 经 营 的 企 业 里, 人 力 资 源 管 理 绝 不 是 一 件 轻 松 的 工 作 HR 从 业 者 除 了 要 具 备 猎 人 的 眼 光 心 理 学 家 的 耐 心 谈 判 专 家 的 口 才, 更 为 重 要 的 是, 还 需 要 具 备 专 业 的 法


Dance: Spring Performances Drama: The Seagull Cantonese Opera: Gongs and Drums Elite Alumni Sharing 舞蹈 :春季演出戲劇 : 海鷗 粵劇 : 鑼鼓響 精英校友分享

Events 活動 Academy Festival 香港演藝學院節 Programmes at a Glance 精彩節目一覽 28.4 6.7.2017 School of Dance Spring Performances 舞蹈學院春季演出 Highlighted Programmes 重點節目 28.4.2017 晚上 8pm 29.4.2017 下午 3pm 晚上 8pm Lyric Theatre 歌劇院 $115, $100(M), $80, $70(M), $55(B) School of Music: o Feast 音樂學院 : 協奏曲盛宴 ihub: Modern Chinese Puppetry Play 演藝教學創新中心 : 現代中國木偶戲 School of Theatre and Entertainment Arts DesignGradEx. 舞台及製作藝術學院設計系畢業展 15.6.2017 下午 2pm The Hong Kong Jockey Club Amphitheatre 香港賽馬會演藝劇院 16-17.6.2017 晚上 7:30pm Hall 音樂廳 17.6-2.7.2017 上午 10am - 晚上 9pm Studio Theatre 實驗劇場 Free admission. Advance registration required for the free guided tour in Cantonese or English for the exhibition.* 免費入場 另設免費粵語或英語導賞團, 需預先登記 * School of Drama: The Seagull 戲劇學院 : 海鷗 Elite Alumni Sharing: Tse Kwan-ho, The Mad Phoenix, on Stage for 20 Years 精英校友分享 : 謝君豪 十三郎 廿載台板結義 School of Music Multimedia : The Cityscape 音樂學院多媒體音樂會 : 我城 School of Chinese Opera: Gongs and Drums 戲曲學院 : 鑼鼓響 1-6.5.2017 晚上 7:45pm 6.5.2017 下午 2:45pm Studio Theatre 實驗劇場 $95, $80(M), $50(B) 11.5.2017 下午 4:30pm The Hong Kong Jockey Club Amphitheatre 香港賽馬會演藝劇院 16-17.5.2017 晚上 8pm Studio Theatre 實驗劇場 26-27.5.2017 晚上 7:30pm Drama Theatre 戲劇院 $90, $85(M), $60, $55(M), $45(B) # School of Film and Television Graduation Screening 電影電視學院畢業作品放映 School of Chinese Opera and School of Music: Yuen Siu Fai x HKAPA: Traditional Cantonese Singing and Music 戲曲學院及音樂學院 : 粵韻大調 阮兆輝 x HKAPA School of Film and Television and The Metroplex present "Virgin Works" 電影電視學院及星影匯呈獻 那些年的作品 24-25.6.2017 下午 2:30pm 晚上 7:30pm Drama Theatre 戲劇院 24.6.2017 晚上 7:30pm The Hong Kong Jockey Club Amphitheatre 香港賽馬會演藝劇院 $150, $140(M), $100, $90, $75(B) # 26,28.6.2017 晚上 8pm The Metroplex, E-Max, Kowloonbay International Trade and Exhibition Center 九龍灣國際展貿中心 E-Max 星影匯 School of Chinese Opera Graduates' Performance 戲曲學院畢業演出 School of Chinese Opera Graduates' Recital 戲曲學院畢業演奏會 29.5.2017 晚上 7:30pm Drama Theatre 戲劇院 1-3.6.2017 晚上 7pm 晚上 8:30pm Hall 音樂廳 School of Drama Graduates Showcase (Preview) 戲劇學院畢業生展演 ( 預演場 ) Ticketing details 票務詳情 :P.17 6.7.2017 晚上 7:30pm Dance Studio 1 一號舞蹈室 # Tickets are available one month before the show 門票於演出前一個月開售 * For details, please visit 詳情請參閱網站 : 1 Academy News 演藝通訊 Apr Issue 四月號 2

Programme 節目 Academy Festival 2017 Presents: School of Dance Spring Performances 香港演藝學院節 2017 呈獻 舞蹈學院春季演出 As part of its spring programme and doubling up as the opening event of the first Academy Festival the School of Dance will be presenting four works, three of which are new creations developed with the students of the Contemporary, Ballet and Chinese Dance Depar tments. The four th work is a re-presentation of the much loved Faint Parallel Lines, choreographed by John Utans, Senior Lecturer in Contemporary Dance. The work, which explores ideas of simultaneous existence and thought, looks at the way different structures and patterns exist independently, in real life and in art, and the moments when these patterns and paths cross, collide or continue to run side by side. International artists, drawn from across the globe, have brought their unique creative talents to the creation of the three new pieces and during their time at the Academy have immersed students in practices that will be needed in the professional world that some students will soon be joining. The Australian choreographer Gabrielle Nankivell has created a work called Cat Dérive with students from the Contemporary Dance Department, in which the routines and rhythms of the city's inhabitants build a moving map that traces our shared environment. Each individual's idea of order is different what might be chaos for one may be order for another. The London-based choreographer Cameron McMillan has been working this semester with the Ballet Depar tment to develop a work 3Q (The Forward Act of Looking Back) that expands on ballet s pure and physically formal architectural base to evolve and re-define the form and explore possibilities for ballet in the 21st century. Gao Chengming has created a work called Fortunes with students from the Chinese Dance Department, investigating the idea that no matter what the results may be, one s wishes are all the same at the beginning. 首屆香 港 演 藝 學 院 節 以 舞 蹈 學 院 的 春 季 演 出 揭開序幕 呈獻四部作品 其中三部是新作 分別由 現代舞 芭蕾舞 以及中國舞學系編創 第四部則 是載譽重演而大受喜愛的作品 模糊的平行線 模 糊的 平 行線 由學院 現代 舞 高 級講師余 載 恩 編舞 探索有關同步存在 同步思想的意念 觀察 在現實生活 和藝術中 不同結構 不同樣式如何 獨立存在 以及這些樣式與途徑之間 互相交會 碰撞或繼續一同運作的時刻 來 自 世 界 各 地 的 藝 術 家 都 將 本 身 獨 有 的 創 藝 才華注入這三部新作 部分演藝學院的學生快要 成 為 專 業 舞 者 一 眾 海 外 藝 術 家 在 演 藝 學 院 期間 讓學生得以熟習專業舞蹈界的常規 澳 洲 編 舞 家 Gabrielle Nankivell 與 現 代 舞 學 生 創作了 Cat Dérive 以城市居民的日常生活 和 節 奏 追 蹤 大 家 共 享 的 環 境 塑 造 出 一 幅 會 移 動 的地圖 人 人 對 秩 序 的 觀念 都不 盡 相同 一個人眼中的 混亂 可能是另一人眼中的 秩序 編舞家 Cameron McMillan 主要在倫敦發展 本學 期來 港 與 芭 蕾 舞 學 系 合 作 編 創 了作 品 3 Q ( T h e F o r w a r d Ac t o f L o o k i ng B a c k ) 拓闊了芭蕾舞純淨正規動作外的樣式 令它繼續 演化 並賦予新定義 探索 21 世紀芭蕾舞的可能性 高 成 明 與 中 國 舞 學 生 創 作 的 簽 則旨 在 探 討 一個想法 無論結果如何 初衷都是一樣的 28.4.2017 晚上 8pm 29.4.2017 下午 3pm 晚上 8pm Lyric Theatre 歌劇院 $115, $80, $100(M), $70(M), $55(B) Ticketing details 票務詳情 P.17 3 Academy News 演藝通訊

Programme 節目 Academy Drama: The Seagull 演藝學院戲劇 海鷗 We should show life neither as it is, nor as it should be, but as we see it in our dreams. Anton Chekhov, The Seagull 生活不應按照現實 也不該按照理性 而應當按照夢想中的生活來表現 The Seagull, a drama in four acts by the Russian writer Anton Chek hov, was f ir s t per for med in 1896 and is one of the most significant plays in the development of the genre. Besides being a great play, it represents the expression of the desire for a new dramatic form and the need for a new style of acting. These two aspirations came together at a performance of the play in 1898 at the Moscow Arts Theatre directed by Konstantin Stanislavsky: a contemporary play, staged in a modern way with a new form of realistic acting. The play deals with being in love with the wrong person, with los t oppor tunities, with the clash bet ween the generations and finally with death itself. These themes are expressed through characters who are linked by lovetriangles and who self-reflect in polarising mirrors. The main characters are guests at a countr y estate on the shores of a remote lake far from the metropolis. A seagull marooned on land by the lake that is shot when it takes flight symbolises the lives of the characters - evoking neither memory nor epitaph for the meaningless of existence. The Seagull is a critique of the mediocrity of people s artistic endeavours and the vacuity of the professional structures and s ys tems of conventional mains tr eam theatr ical performance. While Chekhov calls it a comedy in four acts, it is not a conventional comedy but a wry observation on the behaviour of tragic characters trapped by their dreams in the reality of daily living as time passes inevitably towards death. 5 Academy News 演藝通訊 契訶夫 海鷗 四幕劇 海鷗 出自俄國作家契訶夫手筆 於 1896 年首演 也是戲劇發展史上最重要的作品之一 海鷗 除了是傑出 的劇作外 也代表著對新戲劇形式的渴求 以及對嶄新表演 風格的需求 這兩股潮流體現於 1898 年 由史坦尼斯拉夫 斯基執導 在莫斯科藝術劇院公演的 海鷗 中 一齣當代 劇目 採用嶄新的寫實表演技巧 並以現代手法搬演 此劇講述愛上不該愛的對象 流逝的機會 世代之爭 還有 生死之爭 這些主題由不同角色陷入三角戀 並在兩極化 的鏡像中自省表達出來 幾位要角來到遠離大都會的偏遠 湖畔莊園作客 一隻在湖畔闖蕩的海鷗 騰空起飛之際被 射殺 也象徵了劇中人的生命 生存沒有絲毫意義 既勾 不起回憶 連墓誌銘也欠奉 Academy Cantonese Opera: Gongs and Drums 演藝學院粵劇 鑼鼓響 The School of Chinese Opera will stage its key performance Gongs and Drums with four shor t plays this semester, na m e l y T he Ten -Year D r ea m, E s cor t ing J ing nia ng on a T housa nd - M ile J our ney, E xe cu t io n G r ou nd f r o m The Summer Snow, and The Farewell from Butterfly Lovers. All four plays are directed by teachers and performed by students. Adding a special touch to the performance, these plays feature live musical accompaniment from Chinese Opera music students and teachers. Each of the four shor t plays has a distinctive style. The Ten-Year Dream and Escor ting Jingniang on a ThousandMile Journey are both stories about heroic emperors in ancient times. The newly edited Execution Ground from The Summer Snow expresses the injus tice of Dou Er through traditional singing and dancing. The Farewell is one of the most famous scenes from Butterfly Lovers and is also a classic play by Dr Lam Kar-sing. The highlight of this show is cross-dressing, where female performers are required to play male roles. 戲曲學院將於本學期之 重點演出 鑼 鼓響 上 演四個折子 戲 分別是 隋宮十載菱花夢 千里送京娘 六月雪 之 刑場 和 梁祝 之 十八相送 全部由學院的老師執 導 並由不同年級的學生擔綱演出 現場的音樂伴奏則由 音樂科學生及老師攜手演出 令演出別具意義 四 個 折子 戲 的 風 格 各異 隋 宮十 載 菱花 夢 及 千里 送 京娘 兩劇皆為著名歷史虛構而來的帝王將相民間故事 男主角都是義薄雲天的英 雄 而 千里送京娘 更將崑曲 身段之美揉合到傳統粵劇的大鑼大鼓中 新編的 六月雪 之 刑場 則通過優美的長水袖功 結合唱段展現竇娥的 冤 屈 之苦 梁 祝 是 林 家 聲博 士 的 代 表 作 之一 十八 相 送 更 是 膾 炙 人口的 名 段 而當 中 由 旦 角反串飾 演的 小生是此劇之精髓 海 鷗 批 判 人們 庸 碌 地 為 藝 術 努力 然 其 專 業 架 構 和 傳統主流劇場表演系統卻空洞無物 契訶夫縱稱之為 四幕 喜劇 海鷗 實則並不是傳統的喜劇 它刻劃了悲劇人物 冷眼旁觀 語帶諷刺的行為 時間一點一滴的逝去 死亡也 越來越近 但生活在現實世界的劇中人 卻仍被困在自己的 夢想裡 1-6.5.2017 晚上 7:45pm 6.5.2017 下午 2:45pm Studio Theatre 實驗劇場 $95, $80(M), $50(B) Ticketing details 票務詳情 P.17 26-27.5.2017 晚上 7:30pm Drama Theatre 戲劇院 $90, $85(M), $60, $55(M), $45(B) Ticketing details 票務詳情 P.17 Tickets are available one month prior to the show 門票於演出前一個月開售 Student performers rehearsing for Escorting Jingniang on a Thousand-Mile Journey. 學生為演出排練 圖為 千里送京娘 Apr Issue 四月號 6

26-29.4.2017 晚上 7:30pm 29.4.2017 下午 2:30pm Drama Theatre 戲劇院 $105, $70(M), $90, $60(M), $50(B) Ticketing details 票務詳情 P.17

Events 活動 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 Enjoy the Fun of Performing Arts on Academy Open Day 演藝學院年度開放日與眾同樂 More than 7,000 visitors enjoyed a fun day at the annual Academy Open Day on 5 March. The visitors par ticipated in activities including open classes, film screenings and exhibitions in Chinese opera, dance, drama, music, film and television, theatre and enter tainment ar ts at Wanchai main campus and Béthanie Landmark Heritage Campus. 本年度的開放日於 3 月 5 日圓滿舉行 吸引逾 7,0 0 0 名公眾到訪演藝學院灣仔本部及伯大尼古蹟校園 參與由戲曲 舞蹈 戲劇 音樂 電影電視 舞台及製作藝術學院師生精心安排的節目 包括表演 公開課 放映會和展覽 體驗表演 藝術的樂趣 1. 9 Professor Stephen Chow Chun-kay (2nd row, 9th left), Academy Council Chairman and Professor Adrian Walter (2nd row, 10th right), Academy Director with the Academy Council members, faculty, staff and students at the Opening Ceremony. 演藝校董會主席周振基博士 第二行 左九 校長華道賢教授 第二行 左十 與校董會成員 教職員及學生於開幕典禮後合照 Academy News 演藝通訊 7 8 2. A Cantonese opera excerpt performance at the opening ceremony. 開幕禮中的粵劇選段演出 3. The concert by the Academy Band was well-received by the audience. 演藝管樂團的演出全場滿座 深受歡迎 4. A student from the School of Film and Television showing how special effects are created at the studio control room. 電影電視學院的學生在控制室向市民示範如何製作不同特別效果 5. Backstage area including Scenic Art Workshop, Prop Making Workshop and Scenic Construction Workshop attracted plenty of visitors. 後台包括繪景間 道具製作間和佈景製作間等開放參觀 市民感到趣味盎然 6. Visitors enjoyed interactive theatre games and exchanged ideas in Q&A session. 市民參與互動戲劇遊戲 在問答環節中交流心得 7. Have fun in open class - let s dance in a count of 3! 舞蹈公開課 3 2 1 一同起舞 8. Elite Alumni Sharing Session The Secret of Organising Large-scale Events. 精英校友對談 大型演出是怎樣煉成的 Apr Issue 四月號 10

Events Events 活動 活動 Cinema Masterclass with Award-winning British Actor Clive Owen 英國著名演員克里夫 歐文親授電影大師班 A cinema masterclass to remember was given by Award-winning British Actor Clive Owen at the Academy on 17 February. Co-organised by the Academy and Jaeger-LeCoultre, the title sponsor of 2015-2017 Academy Balls, the masterclass was attended by over 150 students from the School of Drama and the School of Film and Television. The masterclass was hosted by Professor Ceri Sherlock, Dean of the School of Drama, in a question-and-answer format. In Hong Kong for the f irst time, Owen shared his experiences and insights on film and stage acting with students. He encouraged students, who were overjoyed to meet the man behind the fame, to prepare fully and do their best in every role they take on. 著名英國演員克里夫 歐文於 2 月 17 日訪港期間現身演藝學院 與超過 150 名戲劇學院及電影電視學院的學生會面 親授一場非常難得的 大師班 是次大師班由演藝學院及 2015-2017 年度籌款 舞宴 冠名贊 助商 Jaeger- LeCoul tr e 積家 聯合舉辦 大師班在戲劇學院院長薛卓朗教授主持下以問答形式進行 這是克里夫 歐文首次於香港與學生分享他在電影及舞台 表演的經驗及見解 並 勉勵學生要為每一個角色做好充份準備 全力以赴 學生亦把握機會積極提問 了解著名影星 鏡頭背後的一面 Exploring the World of Animation with Camilla Deakin 與卡米拉 狄勤探索動畫的世界 Over 90 students from the School of Film and Television met Camilla Deakin (front row, 3rd right), Producer and Joint Managing Director of UK animation studio Lupus Films, at a talk co-organised by the Academy and the British Council on 22 February. Deakin had been invited to Hong Kong by the British Council to participate in the European Union Film Festival. After the screening of her latest animation feature Ethel & Ernest, Deakin shared her experience of working with the legendary Raymond Briggs, the author and illustrator who created SnowmanTM ; as well as the challenges that she has encountered in the creative process. 電影電視學院 90 多位學生 於 2 月 22 日在演藝學院與英國文化協會合辦的座談會上 與英國動畫製作公司 Lupus Films 製作人及聯席 董事總經理卡米拉 狄勤 前排右三 會面交流 卡米拉 狄勤是次乃應英國文化協會之邀來港參與歐洲電影節 狄勤在她的 動畫新作 英倫戀曲 放映後 與觀眾分享了她與英國殿堂級繪本大師雷文碧斯 雪人 TM 的作者暨插畫家 合作的經歷 以及她在創作過程中遇到的種種挑戰 Professor Adrian Walter (left), Director of the Academy, presented a souvenir to Clive Owen as a token of appreciation. 演藝學院校長華道賢教授 左 頒贈紀念品予克里夫 歐文 Clive Owen (left) shared his thoughts on the performing arts with Professor Ceri Sherlock, Dean of the School of Drama, and students. 克里夫 歐文 左 與戲劇學院院長薛卓朗教授及學生交流演藝心得 Dialogue with Camilla Deakin (Extracts) 訪談卡米拉 狄勤摘錄 A: Academy 演 : 演藝學院 C: Camilla Deakin A : You mentioned that it took seven years to finance Ethel & Ernest. Why did it take so long? 演 你 提 及 花 了 七 年 時 間 才 籌 得 足 夠 資 金 開 拍 英 倫 戀曲 為何要那麼久呢 C: People were worried that it wasn t as commercial as it could be, plus hand-drawn animations are relatively expensive. In fact, no hand-drawn movie had been made in the UK for 20 years. In the end, we were lucky to get help from a number of publicly funded bodies. 狄 因為人們擔心這齣動畫不夠商業化 而且手繪動畫成 本也相對較高 事實上 過去 20 年英國都沒有製作過手繪 動畫了 我們很幸運最後能獲得多間公營機構的贊助 A: I noticed that there are traces of 3D animation in some of the backgrounds. What s the rationale behind this? 11 Academy News 演藝通訊 狄 : 卡米拉 狄勤 C: We used 3D animation for the buildings and vehicles in the movie. It is very common in hand-drawn animations to use computer-generated vehicles, as they are notoriously difficult to draw when they are moving around. This enables more interesting directorial decisions. 演 片中部分背景有 3D 動畫的痕跡 背後有甚麼原因嗎 狄 我們在電影中的建築物和車輛用了 3D 動畫效果 在 手繪動畫裡採用電腦動畫繪畫車輛很常見 因為車輛到處 移動 繪 畫時 非 常困難 用電腦動 畫的 話 導演的 手法就 可以更靈活有趣 Apr Issue 四月號 12

Programme 節目 L C Fung, Sound Designer 馮聯超 音響設計 (Final year, School of Theatre and Entertainment Arts 舞台及製作藝術學院應屆畢業生 ) Photo Gallery of Academy Productions 演藝製作節目精華相集 Howl 嚎叫 20-25.2.2017 Howl was a studio production devised by director Acty Tang and his cast based on Allen Ginsberg s poem. This production offered a multi-sensory theatrical experience where movement, vision, sound and the experimental theatre environment collided to meditate on and interrogate people s living conditions in Hong Kong, while retaining the untamed, individualistic soul of Ginsberg's poem. All performers are School of Drama students. 嚎叫 參考自艾倫 金斯堡的詩作名著 由導演鄧暢為及演員共同編作 是次製作以多元化的感官體驗 透過形體 視覺元素 聲音創作及實 驗 劇 場環 境 的互相 衝擊 從而思考和 批判當下香港 的生活環 境 同 時保留原作野驁 自由 自主的靈魂 所有演員均為戲劇學院學生 In addition to studying the poem in detail, I needed to adjust sound effects to respond to changes in the stor yline and acting approaches whenever the team rehearsed. Once I had completed the initial sound design plan, the director adjusted the stor yline as necessar y to correspond to my arrangements where they improved the overall effect. This experience will prove useful, as the subject of my final year project is very similar to that of devised theatre. 除了研讀詩作 我在每場綵排都要因應導演和演員對情節 或演繹方法的調節 即時編製音效 完成初期音響設計後 導演也會視乎音效而改動情節 使文本與音效互相配合 增添意義 我的畢業習作專題恰巧與編作劇場的形式相似 這次的經驗正好能加以應用 Poon Tai-ming 潘泰銘 (Year 3, School of Drama 戲劇學院三年級生 ) The fact that Howl was a studio production jointly devised by director and cast made it ver y different from performances with a fixed script. While the overall message of the poem was retained, individual actors were able to offer their own interpretation with respect to specific lines, subject to the director s final say. I was par ticularly excited by this project, as my own ideas had been incorporated into this collaborative creation. 有別於以既定劇本的演出 這次以詩作 嚎叫 為藍本的編作 劇場 讓導演與各位演員共同參與文本創作 我覺得即使 大家對詩作的整體理解大致相同 在某些詩句上仍會有不同 的即興演繹 最終由導演選材及編排 完成文本 正因為創作 融入了自身的經驗和感受 使我演出時更加投入 13 Academy News 演藝通訊 Apr Issue 四月號 14

Apr Diary 四月節目表 Apr Diary 四月節目表 1 Sat / 2:45pm & 7:45pm / AU Academy Opera in Cantonese and Documentary: On harmony as Such and on the Harmony of Men 演藝粵語歌劇與記錄片 : 論疊韻 5:30pm / AH Academy Junior Music Programme 演藝青少年音樂課程音樂會 3 Mon / 3pm / AR Academy Vocal Masterclass by Nelly Miricioiu 演奏聲樂大師班 Nelly Miricioiu 6:30pm / AR Academy Wind Chamber 演藝木管室樂音樂會 6:30pm / AR 7pm / AU Academy Multimedia and Chamber Composition by Eric So and Willis Wong 演藝歌劇 : 演藝蘇浩慈與王宇軒多媒體與室樂作品音樂會 7:30pm / AH Academy Band 演藝管樂隊音樂會 13 Thu / 6pm / AR Academy Horn Masterclass by David Cooper 演藝圓號大師班 David Cooper 7pm / AH Academy Cello Composition with Friedrich Gauwerky 演藝 Friedrich Gauwerky 大提琴作品音樂會 8pm / AR Academy Viola by Chris Choi 演藝蔡書麟中提琴音樂會 25 Tue / 8pm / AH Academy Choir 演藝合唱團音樂會 26 Wed / 8pm / AH Academy Chinese Music Min Huifen Erhu Maestro Memorial conducted by Liu Ju 演藝中樂 長城心韻 劉炬指揮二胡大師閔惠芬先生紀念音樂會 7:30pm / AD My Dream 夢想 Presented by Chong Wai Sze Academy of Ballet 莊慧思芭蕾舞學校主辦 $330, $280 1-2 Sat-Sun / 8pm / AL JOEY MY SECRET LIVE 容祖兒 MY SECRET LIVE Presented by Joy Performance Limited 6 Thu / 6:30pm / AR 7:30pm / AH Academy Vocal 演藝聲樂音樂會 6-9 Thu-Sun / 8pm / AL JOEY MY SECRET LIVE 8 Sat / 3pm / AR Academy Junior Music Programme Composition 演藝青少年音樂課程作曲系音樂會 5:30pm / AH Academy Junior Music Programme 演藝青少年音樂課程音樂會 10 Mon / 6:30pm / AR 13 15 Thu-Sat / 8pm / AL JOEY MY SECRET LIVE 容祖兒 MY SECRET LIVE Presented by Joy Performance Limited $1080, $880, $480 20 Thu / 6:30pm / AR 22 Sat / 5:30pm / AH Academy Junior Music Programme 演藝青少年音樂課程音樂會 7:30pm / DS2 School of Chinese Opera: Admissions Talk 戲曲學院 : 招生講座 升學新出路 (F) 26-29 Wed-Sat / 7:30pm / AD Academy Drama: Noises Off by Michael Frayn 演藝戲劇 : 蝦碌戲班 米高. 弗雷恩 $105, $70, $90(M), $60(M), $50(B) 27 Thu / 6:30pm / AR $1080, $880, $480 2 Sun / 2:45pm / AU Academy Opera in Cantonese and Documentary: On harmony as Such and on the Harmony of Men 演藝粵語歌劇與記錄片 : 論疊韻 容祖兒 MY SECRET LIVE Presented by Joy Performance Limited $1080, $880, $480 7 Fri / 2pm / AR Academy Piano Masterclass by Colin Stone 演藝鋼琴大師班 Colin Stone Academy Woodwind 演藝木管樂音樂會 11 Tue / 7pm / AU Academy Multimedia and Chamber Composition by Karen Lam and Evita Yung 演藝林詠嘉與容婉惠多媒體與室樂作品音樂會 21 Fri / 2pm / AR Academy Piano Masterclass by Maxim Mogilevsky 演藝鋼琴大師班 Maxim Mogilevsky 6:30pm / AR 23 Sun / 2pm / AR Gracieux Trio in Recital 2017 Presented by Gracieux Trio $200, $100(B) 24 Mon / 6:30pm / AR Academy Composition 演藝作曲系音樂會 7:30pm / AH Academy Vocal 演藝聲樂音樂會 28 Fri / 6:30pm / AR 15 Academy News 演藝通訊 Apr Issue 四月號 16

Apr Diary 四月節目表 Ticketing Information 訂票須知 31 288 288 7:15pm / HKJCA Cantonese Operatic Singing 粵曲會知音演唱會 名曲欣賞 8pm / AL Academy Festival 2017 Presents: School of Dance Spring Performances 香港演藝學院節 2017 呈獻 : 舞蹈學院春季演出 (B) (F) (M) (S) $115, $80, $100(M), $70(M), $55(B) Chinese Opera 戲曲 Music 音樂 17 Academy News 演藝通訊 Dance 舞蹈 7:30pm / AH Academy Symphony Orchestra 演藝交響樂團音樂會 Guest Conductor: Patrick Furrer 客席指揮 : 符柏德 The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts event 香港演藝學院節目 The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts Festival 2017 event 香港演藝學院節 2017 節目 Full-time students, senior citizens over 65 or people with disabilities 全日制學生 65 歲或以上觀眾或殘疾人士 Free admission 免費入場 The Academy free event; tickets are released half an hour before the start of the performance at the Academy Box Office on a first-come, first-served basis 演藝免費節目, 入場券可於演出前半小時在演藝票房索取, 先到先得 Member of SAPA and Academy Alumni Association 演藝友誼社及演藝校友會會員 Full-time students 全日制學生 29 Sat / 7:15pm / HKJCA Cantonese Operatic Singing 追憶逝水年華 歌壇演唱會 Drama 戲劇 Venue 場地 : AD Academy Drama Theatre 演藝戲劇院 AH Academy Hall 演藝音樂廳 AL Academy Lyric Theatre 演藝歌劇院 AR Academy Recital Hall 演藝演奏廳 AU Academy Studio Theatre 演藝實驗劇場 DS2 Dance Studio 2, 4/F 2 號舞蹈室,4 樓 HKJCA Hong Kong Jockey Club Amphitheatre 香港賽馬會演藝劇院 Remarks 備註 : 2:30pm / AD Academy Drama: Noises Off by Michael Frayn 演藝戲劇 : 蝦碌戲班 米高. 弗雷恩 $105, $70, $90(M), $60(M), $50(B) 3pm & 8pm / AL Academy Festival 2017 Presents: School of Dance Spring Performances 香港演藝學院節 2017 呈獻 : 舞蹈學院春季演出 $115, $80, $100(M), $70(M), $55(B) The programme information is correct at the time of going to press but the organiser reserves the right to change programme information or schedule should unavoidable circumstances dictate. Please contact the Academy Box Office on 2584 8514 for further details. 在本節目小冊子付印後, 如遇特殊情況, 主辦機構有權更改節目資料及時間表, 觀眾請電 2584 8514 向演藝票房查詢有關詳情 Facilities for people with disabilities are available at the Academy by prior arrangement at the time of ticket booking. Please contact our Customer Services Department on 2584 8633 for further details. 演藝設有各項殘疾人士專用設施, 請在訂票時提出, 以便有關方面作特別安排 詳情請電 2584 8633 客務部查詢 If you wish to receive Academy s information in electronic format, please register at the above link. 閣下如欲以電子方式收取演藝資訊, 歡迎到以上網址登記 Enquiries 查詢 :2584 8580 電子快訊 enews Box Offices The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts Wanchai The Academy's Béthanie Landmark Heritage Campus Pokfulam Asia World Expo Lantau Island K11 Select Tsimshatsui D Park Tsuen Wan Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre Wanchai Hong Kong International Trade & Exhibition Centre Kowloon Bay Tom Lee Music Limited Western District, Aberdeen, Causeway Bay, Wanchai, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon Bay, Shatin, Tsuen Wan, Tseung Kwan O, Tsing Yi, Yuen Long, Tai Po, Tuen Mun, Olympian City, Hung Hom Customer Service Fee Ticket purchased over the counter: HK$8/ ticket Online Booking ( and ticket purchase hotline (31 288 288): HK$15/ ticket. There are additional charges for mail and courier delivery where applicable. Enquiries: 2584 8514 Refund and Exchanges We regret that the Box Office is unable to refund money or exchange tickets. Please examine tickets carefully as it may not be possible to rectify mistakes at a later date. Group Booking Discount A 10% discount is offered to group bookings of 10 or more tickets for the same Academy programme in one transaction, only available at the Academy Box Office. Group Booking Discount cannot be used in conjunction with other Academy ticket discounts. The Academy reserves the right to amend these terms without prior notice. Box Office Enquiries For enquiries about the performances at the Academy (other than reservations), call the Academy Box Office on 2584 8514 during opening hours. The Box Office counter is open Monday Saturday from 12 noon to 6pm and additionally on performance days remains open until half an hour after the last performance start time. Parking Limited hourly charged car parking available on site, Octopus card required for access and payment. Béthanie Museum The Museum and guided tours of the building are open to the public. Advance bookings are available at Hong Kong Ticketing outlets. Main Campus 本部 1 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, HK 香港灣仔告士打道一號 Béthanie Landmark Heritage Campus 伯大尼古蹟校園 139 Pokfulam Road, HK 香港薄扶林道 139 號 Tel 電話 :2584 8500 Fax 傳真 :2802 4372 Email 電郵 售票處香港演藝學院 灣仔演藝伯大尼古蹟校園 薄扶林亞洲國際博覽館 大嶼山 K11 Select 尖沙咀 D Park 愉景新城 荃灣香港會議展覽中心 灣仔國際展貿中心 九龍灣通利琴行 西環 香港仔 銅鑼灣 灣仔 尖沙咀 九龍灣 沙田 荃灣 將軍澳 青衣 元朗 大埔 屯門 奧海城 紅磡 顧客服務費各售票處 : 每張港幣八元正網上訂票 ( 及購票熱線 (31 288 288): 每張港幣十五元正郵費或速遞費用將按個別情況而定 查詢 :2584 8514 門票退換已售出之門票一概不能退換或更改其他門票 購票後請檢查門票, 如有錯漏, 須立即提出 集體訂票優惠集體訂購由演藝主辦的各項同場節目門票達十張或以上, 可獲九折優惠 此優惠只適用於演藝學院票房, 同時不能與演藝其他優惠一同使用 演藝保留修改優惠細則的權利, 而毋須另行通知 票務查詢如欲查詢在演藝演出之節目, 請致電票房 2584 8514 票房之開放時間為週一至六中午十二時至下午六時或在有表演當日節目開場後半小時止 停車場演藝提供少量時鐘車位, 須以有效八達通咭進出及繳費 伯大尼博物館歡迎於快達票售票網預約伯大尼導賞團及訂購博物館門票 Academy News 演藝通訊 April 2017 四月 Editing 編輯 Communications Office The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts 香港演藝學院傳訊處 enews subscription 登記電子快訊 : May Issue 五月號 18