Intermission G. Gershwin ( ) Love is here to stay The man I love Someone to watch over me F. Lehár ( ) Ich weiss es selbernicht, M

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Tunghai University Department of Music Presents Wu, Meng-hansoprano Liu, Wei-tingpiano Lin, Sheng-chenflute Huang, Melvincello Huang, Chia-wei, violin in Graduate Voice Recital March 22, 2007 Recital Hall 6:30 p. m. Program A. Scarlatti ( 1659-1725 ) Cantata per soprano con flauto obbligato W. A. Mozart ( 1756-1791) Schone lacht der holde Frühling, Op. 580 G. Fauré (1845-1924 ) Après un rêve, Op. 7, No. 1 Chanson d amour, Op. 27, No. 1 Toujours, Op.21, No. 2 Amy M. Beach ( 1867-1944 ) Three Browning Songs, Op.44 The Year s at the Spring, No.1 Ah, Love, But a day, No.2 I send my heart up to thee, No. 3

Intermission G. Gershwin ( 1898-1937 ) Love is here to stay The man I love Someone to watch over me F. Lehár ( 1870-1948 ) Ich weiss es selbernicht, Meine Lippen, sie küssen so heiss, from operetta Giuditta Hör ich Cymbalklänge, Macht nichts!...from operetta Zigeunerliebe R. Leoncavallo ( 1857-1919 ) Qual fiamma, Stridono lassù, from opera I Pagliacci G. Verdi ( 1813-1901 ) È strano!, Ah fors è lui che l anima, from opera La Traviata This recital is in partial fulfillment for the degree of Master of Arts in Music. Student of Professor Huey-Ru Tang.

Cantata per soprano con flauto obbligato A. Scarlatti Solitudine avviene, apriche colli notte, ombrose valli, un tempo di ditetto, amiche scene or teatro di duoló al guardo mio. Io da voi non pretendo e non desio conforto al duol che sento, ch ogni vostra delizia è mio tormento; non già che voi non siate e più vaghe e più ornate dogni erbetta, più verde d ogni fior, più riddente, ma voi siete più belle, io più dolente. Io vi miro ancor vestite di fior vaghi e d erba altera e dipinte, e colorite dall amante primavera. Fanno a gara venticelli a baciar le vostre frondi e dan legge i bei ruscelli dalle ninfe ai crini biondi. Ma pur tra voi non trovo quell sollievo ch io bramo a tante pene e in voi pur cerco e non ritrovo Irene.

Una volta eri tu solo del mio duolo gran conforto o vago rio. Or s accresce il mio tormento mentre sento il suo flebil mormorio. Alessandro Scarlatti 1660 1725 G. Carssimi, 1605-1674 600 recitativo aira R-A-R-A A-R-A-R-A R-A-R-A-R-A arioso Cantata per soprano con flauto obbligato Kadenza Schon lacht der holde Frühling W. A. Mozart Schon lacht der holde Frühling

auf blumenreichen Matten, wo sich Zephire gatten unter geselligem Scherze. Wenn auch auf allen Zweigen sich junge Blüten zeigen, kehrt doch kein leiser Trost in dieses arme Herz. Da sitze ich und weine ein sam auf der Flur, nicht um mein verlornes Schäfchen, nein, um den Schäfer Lindor nur. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, 1756-1791 Constanze Mozart, concert aira 50 1789 G. Paisiello, 1740-1816 Il barbiere di Siviglia 2 2 2

Après un Rêve G. Fauré Dans un sommeil que charmait ton image je rêvais le bonheur, ardent mirage, tes yeux étaient plus doux, ta voix pure et sonore, tu rayonnais comme un ciel éclairé par l'aurore; Tu m'appelais et je quittais la terre pour m'enfuir avec toi vers la lumière, les cieux pour nous entr'ouvraient leurs nues, splendeurs inconnues, lueurs divines entrevues, Hélas! Hélas, triste réveil des songes, je t'appelle, ô nuit, rends moi tes mensonges, reviens, reviens radieuse, reviens ô nuit mystérieuse! Chanson d amour J'aime tes yeux, j'aime ton front, ô ma rebelle, ô ma farouche, j'aime tex yeux, j'aime ta bouche où mes baisers s'épuiseront. J'aime ta voix, j'aime l'étrange grâce de tout ce que tu dis, ô ma rebelle, ô mon cher ange, mon enfer et mon paradis!

J'aime tout ce qui te fait belle, de tes pieds jusqu'à tes cheveux, ô toi vres qui montent mes voeux, ô ma farouche, ô ma rebelled. Toujours Vous me demandez de me taire, de fuir loin de vous pour jamais, et de m'en aller, solitaire, sans me rappeler qui j'aimais! Demandez plutôt aux étoiles de tomber dans l'immensité, a la nuit de perdre ses voiles, au jour de perdre sa clarté, Demandez à la mer immense de dessécher ses vastes flots, et, quand les vents sont en démence, d'apaiser ses sombres sanglots! Mais n'espérez pas que mon âme s'arrache à ses âpres douleurs, et se dépouille de sa flamme comme le printemps de ses fleurs! Gabriel Fauré 1845 1924 C. C. Saint-Saëns, 1835-1921 1871 National Society for French Music V. d Indy,1851-1931 C. Lalo, 1877-1953 H. Duparc, 1848-1933 E. Chabrier, 1841-1894 1909 Independent Musical Society

1896 Paris M. Ravel, 1875-1937 L. Boulanger, 1893-1918 G. Enescu, 1881-1955 F. Schmitt, 1870-1958 C. Keochlin, 1867-1950 J. Roger-Ducasse, 1873-1954 1863-1887 1887-1906 1907 C-F. Gounod, 1818-1893 Victor Hugo, 1802-1885 Theophile Gautier, 1811-1872 strophic form modified strophic form 3 4 1910 1877 Romain Bussine 7 Op. 7, No. 1, Après un Rêve Marguerite Baugnies c 3/4 8 bel canto dolce f pp 27 Op. 27, No. 1, Chanson d amour, 1882 Armand Silvestre, 1837-1901 Jane Huré ABACA F 4/4 A B g C p dolce messa di voce

senza rigore A marcato Charles Grandmougin 1878 song cycle 21 Poème d un jour Gauville 3 No.1, Rencontre No. 2, Toujours No.3, Adieu ABA f 4/4 3 f 13 BA p The year's at the spring Amy Beach The year s at the spring, and day s at the morn; morning s at seven; the hill-side s dew-pearled; the lark s on the wing; the snail s on the thorn; God's in His heaven, all's right with the world!

Ah, Love, but a day Ah, Love, but a day, and the world has changed! The sun s away, and the bird estranged; the wind has dropped, and the sky's deranged; summer has stopped. Look in my eyes! Wilt thou change too? Should I fear surprise? Shall I find aught new in the old and dear, in the good and true, with the changing year? Ah, Love, look in my eyes, wilt thou change too? I send my heart up to thee I send my heart up to thee, all my heart in this my singing, For the stars help me, and the sea bears part; The very night is clinging closer to Venice streets to leave one space above me, whence thy face may light my joyous heart to thee, to thee its dwelling place.

1867 1944 Amy Beach 6 7 Henry H. A. Beach, 1843-1910 1884 1885-1910 The Boston Handel & Haydn Society Kneisel Quartet The Boston SO. Emma Eames Marcella Sembrich 19 2 op.19 no.2, Ecstasy 44 1 op.44 no.1, The Year's at the Spring 1910-1911 1912 1942 Elena de Sayn St Bartholomew's Episcopal Church The Music Teachers National Association The Music Educators National Conference 1925 The Society of American Women Composers 1940 1944 7 6 44 Three Browning Songs, op.44 Robert Browning, 1812-1889

1900 The Browning Society of Boston 44 1 Robert Browning, 1812-1889 Pippa passes 1841 Serjeant Talfourd, 1795-1854 AA B D 3/4 Allegro di molto 3 p mf A imitation No. 2, Ah, Love, but a day Elizabeth Barrett Browning, 1806-1861 2 AB f F 4/4 Lento con molto espressione pp agitato 3! No. 3, I send my heart up to thee In a Gondola 2 AB D E 9/8 Andante con affetto

Ich weiss es selber nicht, Meine Lippen, sie küssen so heiss, from operetta Giuditta Franz Lehár Ich weiss es selber nicht, warum man gleich von Liebe spricht, wenn man in meiner Nähe ist, in meine Augen schaut und meine Hände küsst. Ich weiss es selber nicht, warum man von dem Zauber spricht, dem keinern widersteht, wenn er mich sieht, wenn er an mir vorübergeht! Doch wenn das rote Licht erglüht, zur mitternächt gen Stund, und alle lauschen meinem Lied, dann wird mir klar der Grund: In meine Adern drinn da rollt das Blut der Tänzerin, denn meine schöne Mutter war des Tanzes Königin im gold nen Alcazar! Sie war so wunderschön, ich hab sie oft im Traum geseh n. Schlug sie das Tambourin zu wildem Tanz, da sah man alle Augen glüh n!

Sie ist in mir auf s neu erwacht, ich hab das gleiche Los. Ich tanz wie sie um Mitternacht, und fühl das eine bloss: Meine Lippen, sie küssen so heiss, meine Glieder sind schmiegsam und weiss, in den Sternen, da steht es ge schrieben, du sollst küssen, su sollst lieben! Meine Füsse, sie schwaben dahin, meine Augen, sie lokken und glüh n. und ich tanz, wie im Rausch, denn ich weiss, meine Lippen, sie küssen so heiss! Hör ich cymbalklänge, from operatta 鎐 Zigeunerliebe Hör ich cymbalklänge, wird ums Herz mir enge, süsses Land der Muttersprache, Heimatland! 鎐 Seufz nach deinen Wäldern, nach den gold nen Feldern, sehne mich nach dir, mein süsses Ungarland! Siehst du weit hinaus, gehst die Welt du aus,

überall ist s schön und doch am schönsten ist s zuhaus! Macht nichts! Hol s der Teufel! Macht nichts! Ohne Zweifel kann der Mensch nicht immer traurig sein! Liebt mein Schatz mich nimmer, find t man And re immer, schad um jede Träne, die ich wein! Will nicht ohne Küsse leben, nein, nein! Keine Stunde ohne Liebsten sein! Jaj, jaj, hol s der Teufel! Jaj, jaj, ohne Zweifel, immer kann der Mensch nicht traurig sein! Franz Lehár 1870 1948 Franz Lehár 12 A. Dvořák, 1841-1904 1905 operetta Die lustige Witwe 20 Giuditta 1933 5 Octavio Waltz 1910 Zigeunerliebe 3 Jonel Zorika Jozsi

Ilona 鎐 Hcr ich cymbalklänge (Csárdás) Love is here to stay G. Gershwin The more I read the papers the less I comprehend. The world and all its capers and how it all will end. Nothing seems to be lasting, But that isn t our affair; We ve got something permanent, I mean in the way we care. It s very clear our love is here to stay; not for a year but ever and a day. The radio and the telephone and the movies that we know may just be passing fancies, and in time may go. But, oh my dear, our love is here to stay; together we re going a long, long way. In time the Rockies may crumble, Gibraltar may tumble, they re only made of clay, but our love is here to stay.

The Man I love When the mellow moon begins to beam, Ev ry night I dream a little dream, and of course Prince Charming is the theme, the he for me. Although I realize as well as you It is seldom that a dream comes true, to me it's clear that he'll appear. Some day he ll come along, The man I love; and he ll be big and strong, the man I love; and when he comes my way, I'll do my best to make him stay. He ll look at me and smile, I ll understand; and in a little while, He ll take my hand ; and though it seems absurd, I know we both won't say a word. Maybe I shall meet him Sunday, maybe Monday, maybe not; still I'm sure to meet him one day maybe Tuesday will be my good news day. He ll build a little home, just meant for two, from which I'll never roam, who would, would you? And so all else above,

I'm waiting for the man I love. Someone to watch over me There s a saying old says that love is blind, still we re often told seek and ye shall find. So I m going to seek a certain lad I ve had in mind. Looking everywhere, Haven t found him yet; He s the big affair I cannot forget. Only man I ever think of will regret. I d like to add his initial to my monogram. Tell me, where is the shepherd for this lost lamb? There s a somebody I m longing to see. I hope that he turns out to be Someone who ll watch over me. I'm a little lamb who s lost in a wood. I know I could always be good To one who ll watch over me. Although he may not be the man some girls think of as handsome. To my heart he carries the key. Won t you tell him please to put on some speed, Follow my lead, oh, how I need

Someone to watch over me. George Gershwin 1898 1937 20 Broadway 30 Ira Gershwin, 1896-1983 Porgy and Bess Love here to stay, 1938 The man I love, 1924 Someone to watch over me, 1926 Stridono lassù, from opera I Pagliacci R. Leoncavallo Qual fiamma avea nel guardo! Gli occhi abbassai per tema ch ei leggesse il mio pensier segreto! Oh! S ei mi sorprendesse... brutale come egli è! Ma basti, orvia. Son questi sogni paurosi e fole! O che bel sole di mezz agosto! Io son piena di vita, e, tutta illanguidita per arcano desio,

non so che bramo! Oh! Che volo d augelli, e quante strida! Che chiedon? Dove Van? Chissà! La mamma mia, Che la bulna venturea annunziava, comprendeva il lor canto e a me bambina così canava: Hui! Hui! Stridono lassù, liberamente lanciati a vol, a vol come frecce, gli augel. Disfidano le nubi e sol cocente, e vanno, e vanno per le vie del ciel. Lasciateli vagar per l atmosfera, questi assetati d azzurro e di splendor: seguono anch essai un sogno, una chimera, e vanno fra le nubi d'or. Che incalzi il vento e latri la tempesta, con l ali aperte san tutto sfidar; la pioggia, i lampi nulla mai li arresta, e vanno, sugli abissi e il mar. Vanno laggiù verso un paese strano che sognan forse e che cercano invan. Ma i boëmi del ciel seguon l arcano poter che li sospinge... e van! Ruggiero Leoncavallo 1858 1919 P. Mascagni, 1863-1945 I Pagliacci Lison Frandin Sonzongo 1892 Stridono lassù Canio Nedda Silvio

Ah fors è lui che l anima, from opera La Traviata G. Verdi È strano!... In core scolpiti ho quegli accenti! Saria per me sventura un serio amore?... Che risolvi, o turbata anima mia?... Null uomo ancora t accendeva Oh gioia ch io non conobbi, esser amata amando! E sdeganrla poss io per laride follie del viver mio? Ah fors è lui che l anima solinga ne tumulti... godea sovente pingere de suoi colori occulti, Lui, che modesto e vigile all egre soglie ascese, e nuova febbre accese destandomi all amor. A quell amor, quell amor ch è palpito dell universo intero, misterioso, altero, croce e delizia al cor. Follie!... Delirio vano è questo! Povera donna, sola, abbandonata in questo popoloso deserto che appellano Parigi, che spero or più?

Che far degg io? Gioire! Di voluttà ne vortici perir! Gioir! Sempre libera degg io folleggiare di gioia in gioia, vo che scora il viver mio pe sentieri del piacer. Nasca il giorno, o il giorno muoia, sempre lieta ne ritrovi, a diletti sempre nuovi dee volar il mio pensier. Giuseppe Verdi 1813 1901 19 Ah! Fors è lui che l anima solinga ne tumulti... La Traviata Alexandre Dumas, 1802-1870 La Dame aux amélias, 1848 1852 F. M. Piave Violetta Alfredo 3