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Application Procedures ST. PAUL S CO-EDUCATIONAL COLLEGE Form 1 Admissions 2018/2019 Notes to Applicants Applicants are required to submit the following documents to the College (33 MacDonnell Road) - A4 paper and double-sided, clipped with a binderclip: A completed application form with a recent photograph attached Copies of the 1st term and 2nd term Primary 5 school reports Evidence of participation and achievement in extra-curricular activities and services (Please provide the most recent qualifications/ results only.) Evidence showing good English and Putonghua skills, if any Three self-addressed and stamped return envelopes (required postage: $0, $0, $0) School Nomination Form [applicants of School Nomination Scheme only] Fee Remission Application Form & supporting documents [applicants of School Nomination Scheme (Financially Disadvantaged Students) only] Application Form for Young Talents Scheme (if applicable) Only paper documents will be accepted (Please do not hand in CDs, clear folders etc.) Please note that the application form and the documents must be submitted BY HAND. Application by post, e-mail or facsimile will not be accepted. Please keep the Application Number issued for future reference. Applicants names (both Chinese and English) should be identical to those on their junior ID cards. Applicants for School Nomination Scheme / Young Talents Scheme are required to specify their application in Part IV Additional Information of the application form and provide relevant and updated supporting documents. Application Period: 6 November to 24 November 2017 Office hours: 9:00am 4:00pm (Mon Fri) 9:00am 12:00pm (Sat) Interviews School Nomination Scheme / Young Talents Scheme Date of interviews: Saturday, 16 December 2017 Details will be sent to applicants by mail one week before the interview date General Admissions Date of interviews: Saturday, 3 March 2018 Details will be sent to applicants by mail one week before the interview date NOTE: APPLICANTS AND PARENTS ARE REMINDED NOT TO OFFER ANY ADVANTAGES TO SCHOOL STAFF IN CONNECTION WITH THEIR APPLICATIONS. ******************************************************************************** BRIEFING SESSION ON FORM 1 ADMISSIONS Date : Saturday, 11 November 2017 Time : Venue : 11:00am 12:00pm School Hall (33 MacDonnell Road) * No registration required. No parking spaces available.

Admissions Schemes A. General Admissions Please refer to Application Procedures. B. School Nomination Scheme (Financially Disadvantaged Students) Students may be nominated for admission if they rank among top ten in the whole class level and have grade B or above in conduct (based on P5 results and confirmed in the headteacher s nomination document); and meet 100% fee remission requirement. Admitted students will each receive 100% fee remission. The nomination form can be downloaded from our school website. ( C. School Nomination Scheme (Outstanding Students) Students may be nominated for admission if they rank first in the whole class level and have grade B or above in conduct (based on P5 results and confirmed in the headteacher s nomination document). Admitted students will each receive an entrance scholarship of an amount equivalent to 10% of the annual school fees. The nomination form can be downloaded from our school website. ( D. Young Talents Scheme Students will be given preference if they achieve national/ regional junior level in their talented areas. Young Talents Scholarships of an amount no more than the annual school fees may be awarded. Scholarship Examination A Scholarship Examination will be held after admission. Students who rank among top 15% in the Scholarship Examination will each be awarded an entrance scholarship (Top 3-3-year scholarship worth 100% of annual school fees each year; next 3-3-year scholarship worth 40% of annual school fees each year; the rest of the top 15% - 1-year scholarship worth 10% of annual school fees). The 3-year entrance scholarship is renewable on promotion to F2 and F3, provided the awardee remains in the top 15% of the whole class level and scores grade B or above in conduct. Otherwise, the scholarship will be terminated. The same examination also serves as an allocation test. All admitted students, including students admitted through the School Nomination Scheme, are required to sit for the examination. Scholarship for Academic Excellence On promotion to F2 and up to F6, students who rank within the top 15% of the whole class level and score grade B or above in conduct will each receive a Scholarship for Academic Excellence ranging from 10% to 100% of the annual school fees. Concurrent Award of Scholarships A student who is entitled to two academic scholarships (School Nomination Scheme, Scholarship Examination or Scholarship for Academic Excellence) will receive both in name and an amount equivalent to the scholarship of the higher value. Academic scholarships may be awarded concurrently with the Young Talents Scholarship. However, the total amount of scholarships granted will not exceed the annual school fees.

Fee Remission and Bursary Eligible students, including those from families receiving the Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) and students receiving financial assistance provided by the Student Financial Assistance Agency (SFAA), could apply for fee remission. Please refer to the Prospectus or the school website for details. Moreover, students eligible for full fee remission will be granted a bursary to help cover their expenses on textbooks, school uniforms and meals. Students under fee remission may still be entitled to the scholarships. However, if the amount of scholarship(s) awarded exceeds the tuition fee payable after fee remission, the amount in excess will be maintained in a preserved account to be used for school-related expenses such as textbooks, school meals, uniforms and overseas learning trips. The account will be forfeited when the student graduates or withdraws from the College.

ST. PAUL'S CO-EDUCATIONAL COLLEGE APPLICATION FORM FOR FORM ONE 2018/2019 聖保羅男女中學 2018/2019 學年中一入學申請表格 For School Use 學校專用 Application No. 申請編號 For School Use 學校專用 學校專用 OS School Nomination Form FD School Nomination Form Fee Remission Application Form & supporting documents YT Music YT Form DVD ( ) Sports YT Form ( ) Others YT Form ( ) General NCS Please read carefully the attached Notes to Applicants 填寫表格前請參閱 申請須知 Part I. Applicant s Particulars 申請學生學生資料 Name 姓名 English Surname Other Names 姓名 Sex 性別 Age 年齡 Date of Birth 出生日期 HK ID Card No. 香港身分證號碼 Y 年 M 月 D 日 Place of Birth 出生地點 Student Reference No. issued by EDB 教育局發給之學生編號 Photograph 相片 Religion 宗教 Denomination 所屬教會 English Address 住址 Contact Person 聯絡人姓名 (1) (2) (3) Contact 通訊 Relation with Applicant 與申請人關係 Phone No. 電話 Residential 住宅 Mobile 手提 Office 辦公室 Primary School(s) attended 就讀小學 (Please specify the session 請註明上 / 下午校 ) (1) English (2) English Part II. Academic Performance 學業成績 Chinese 科 English 英文科 Maths 數學科 Primary 5 Final Examination Result 小學五年級升班試成績 Position in P.5 / Total No. in P.5 (if any) 全級名次 / 全級人數 ( 如適用 ) Conduct 操行 Position in Class / Total No. in Class (if any) 全班名次 / 全班人數 ( 如適用 ) Request to take / currently taking an adapted and simpler Chinese Language curriculum (applicable to non-chinese speaking students / students from international schools) 需要 / 現正修讀經調適並較淺易的中國語文課程 ( 適用於非華語學生 / 國際學校學生 ) No 否 Yes 是 (Please provide relevant information in Part IV e.g. academic background, Chinese competency level, Chinese textbooks currently used in school, etc.) ( 請於第四部份提供補充資料, 如學歷背景 程度 校內所用科課本等

Part III. Other Information (if any) 其他資料 ( 如有現成資料 ) (Separate sheets if necessary 如有需要, 可另加紙補充 ) Awards 獎項 (Please specify issuing organization & year 請註明頒發機構及年份 ) Voluntary Services 服務 (Please specify organization & year 請註明機構及年份 ) Extra-curricular Activities 課外活動 Others 其他 Part IV. Additional Information 補充資料 Information provided will be used in processing the application only. 申請人所提供的資料, 只供處理申請時參考之用

Part V. Declaration 聲明 I declare that: (1) I am the parent/guardian of the above-mentioned applicant. (2) I understand the purpose for which the personal data provided by means of this form will be used and my rights for data access/correction. (3) To the best of my knowledge and belief the information contained in this form is true and correct. If false information is supplied, this application will be rendered null and void. (4) I submit photocopies of all relevant documents with this Application Form. (5) I am aware that St. Paul s Co-educational College is a Direct Subsidy Scheme School. Form Three students will not be allocated subsidised Secondary 4 places through EDB and they may continue their Form Four studies in the same school. I confirm, on behalf of the applicant, that I would apply for a St. Paul s Co-educational College Form One Place in 2018/2019. 本人聲明 本人為上述申請人的家長 / 監護人 ; 本人明白此表格提供的個人資料的用途, 和有關查閱及改正資料的權利 ; 此表格內的資料全屬正確無訛, 倘若有虛報資料, 則本申請作廢 ; 本人現隨申請表提交各有關證明文件之副本以供參考 ; 本人知悉聖保羅男女中學為直接資助學校 中三學生將不會經教育局獲分配其他政府資助中四學位, 學生可在原校升讀中四 本人決定為上述申請人申請貴校 2018/2019 學年中一學位 校印 School Chop 家長 / 監護人簽署 Signature of Parent/Guardian 家長 / 監護人姓名 Name of Parent/Guardian 日期 Date... St. Paul s Co-educational College Receipt of Form One Application Form 聖保羅男女中學中一入學申請表收據 2018/2019 中一 Form One 茲收到申請人 Received from Parent / Guardian of ( 學生姓名 Name of student) 家長 / 監護人向聖保羅男女中學 an application form for 遞交之中一入學申請表乙份 admission to Form One at St. Paul s Co-educational College. 收表日期 Date received 收表人簽署 Collector s signature Application No. 申請編號 (Please quote this number for future correspondence.) 如有查詢, 請引此編號