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What is CSP(Certified Scrum Professional)? Certified Scrum Professionals have demonstrated experience, documented training, and proven knowledge in the art of Scrum. CSPs challenge their Scrum teams to improve the way Scrum and other Agile methods are implemented for every project. If you are an active CSM, CSPO, or CSD who has reached that next level of experience and expertise in the art of Scrum, elevate your career even further by earning the CSP credential. - See more at: 什么是 CSP(Certified Scrum Professional)? 拥有丰富的敏捷实战和培训经验 ; 拥有超强的 Scrum 技艺 ; 勇于让 Scrum 团队接受挑战 ; 善于改进项目中的 Scrum 和其他 Agile 使用方式 这就是 CSP! 如果你已经持有 CSM CSPO 或 CSD 认证, 并且已经具备了进阶的经验和 Scrum 的专业知识, 那么加入 CSP 的队伍吧, 是时候通过获得 CSP 资格来进一步提升你的事业和你对组织的影响力了 What are the benefits of earning a Certified Scrum Professional certification? In today's competitive job market, the Certified Scrum Professional certification can set you apart as a more advanced and experienced Scrum practitioner. Going the extra mile to earn your CSP shows you are committed to continuous improvement. The coursework and dedication needed to earn the CSP sharpen your skills and help you become a better practitioner of Scrum. As a CSP, you will gain access to online social networks and a specially designed logo to highlight your credential. By earning a Certified Scrum Professional (CSP) certification you: Validate your practical experience and competency in Scrum. Demonstrate to employers and peers your attainment of a deeper knowledge and ability to execute Scrum successfully. Expand your career opportunities by staying relevant and marketable across all industry sectors adopting Agile practices. Engage with a community of recognized Scrum experts who are committed to continuous improvement. - See more at: 晋升成为 CSP 的好处是什么? 你是否也常常觉得职场竞争激烈? 你是否也一样常常问自己的优势在哪里? CSP 可以让你成为一个更有经验的 Scrum 培训和咨询的专业人员 ; 通过进一步学习 Scrum 获得 CSP 证书, 这表明你对持续改进理念的认可, 通过累计课程和实践次数去获得 CSP 可以磨炼你的技艺, 帮助你成为一个更好的 Scrum 专业人员 ; 当你获得 CSP 认证的时候, 你将有权限进入在线社区, 同时也将获得一个特别的设计徽标, 以证明你的能力 ;

获得 CSP 认证的过程同时证明了你具备以下几种特质 : 证明你拥有在 Scrum 方面的实践经验和能力 ; 证明你可以给你的老板和同事展示你更深层次的知识和成功实施 Scrum 的能力 ; 证明你可以拓展在 Agile 相关行业里的职业机会 ; 证明你有能力和 Scrum 专家们一起致力于为社区持续改进 积极参加专业的社区活动将有助于你早日成为 CSP To apply to become a CSP, you must satisfy three eligibility criteria: Be a current holder of an active CSM, CSPO, or CSD credential. Have a minimum of 36 months of successful Agile/Scrum work experience gained within the past 5 years implementing Scrum inside organizations as team member, product owner, ScrumMaster, or "Other." (Provide details for "Other" in the "How did you use Scrum on this job" field at the bottom of the Work Experience section of your profile page. Align your experience to the basic Scrum roles as much as possible.) Gather and submit 70 Scrum Education Units (SEUs) from the past three years. Note that SEUs earned from your CSM (up to 16 SEUs), CSD (up to 24 SEUs), and/or CSPO (up to 16 SEUs) certifications can put you well on your way. Your CSD, CSM, or CSPO training can be more than 3 years old. All other SEUs need to have been earned within the past 3 years. See our Earn SEUs for your CSP page for more details. - See more at: 申请 CSP 有哪些前置条件? 必须已经是 CSM 或 CSPO 或 CSD; 在过去的 5 年中有不少于 36 个月的企业内部 Scrum 转型成功实践经验 ; 曾经在组织中以团队成员 ScrumMaster ProductOwner 或者其他角色实践 Scrum 转型 ( 在个人概况的 你怎么在工作中使用 SCRUM 的? 一栏中你可以尽可能多的列举你在团队 Scrum 转型过程中的所担任的 Scrum 角色 更多详情查询 : 在过去的 3 年里收集和递交 70 个 Scrum Education Units (SEUs) ( 注意 :CSM 认证最多可以获得 16 个 SEUs,CSD 最多可以获得 24 个 SEUs,CSPO 最多可以 16 个 SEUs 除了 CSD,CSM 或 CSPO 获取的 SEUs 时间可以超过 3 年以外其他方式获得的 SEUs 的时间都是 3 年内有效 ) How to earn SEUs for your CSP? There are several ways to earn SEUs needed to become a Certified Scrum Professional (CSP). Category A: Scrum Alliance Scrum Gatherings Up to 45 SEUs can be earned at a rate of one credit per hour of participation in Scrum Alliance Global Gatherings, Scrum Alliance Regional Gatherings, Scrum Coaching Retreats, and Scrum Alliance-Sponsored Events, as well as in Scrum Alliance-endorsed User Group events and activities.

Presenting, coaching, and attending sessions all count as SEU-eligible activities. Additionally, because Scrum Alliance recognizes the value in impromptu ("hallway") discussions at Scrum Gatherings, SEUs are earned at the same rate for these. A maximum of 8 SEUs may be earned per day. Please verify past Scrum Alliance-affiliated events at our website: Please verify Scrum Alliance-endorsed user groups at When submitting SEUs, your options for Category A are: Attended Global Scrum Alliance Gathering Attended Regional Scrum Alliance Gathering Attended Scrum Alliance User Group Activity Attended Scrum Alliance-Sponsored Event Attended Scrum Coaching Retreat Attended Scrum Alliance CSP Retreat Attended Scrum Alliance Pre or Post Event Workshop 如何获得 Scrum Education Units (SEUs)? 为申请成为 CSP 有很多方法可以获得 SEUs 类别 A:Scrum 联盟的 ScrumGathering 大会通过参加 Scrum 联盟全球 ScrumGathering 大会,Scrum 联盟区域 ScrumGathering 大会和 Scrum 联盟用户团 ScrumGathering 大会, 以及 Scrum 联盟相关的用户组活动 按每参加一个小时可获得一个 SEU 的规则,A 类累积 SEU 的上限是 45 个 当你管理 SEUs 的时候, 你需要选择参加会议的类型 : 1 参加全球 ScrumGathering 大会 ; 2 参加区域 ScrumGathering 大会 ; 3 参加用户组 ScrumGathering 大会 ; 4 参加 Scrum 联盟赞助的活动 ; 5 参加 Scrum 联盟的教练静修 ; 6 参加 Scrum 联盟的 CSP 静修 ; 7 参加 Scrum 联盟的会前会后工作坊 Category B: Scrum Alliance Courses or Coaching There is no limit to the number of SEUs you can submit in this category by working with Scrum Alliance CSTs, REPs, and Coaches. However, a minimum of 14 SEUs is required in this category for CSP certification. Allowable SEUs in this category include working with Scrum Alliance CSTs, REPs, and Coaches. A full day of training is equal to a maximum of 8 SEUs. You can earn SEUs by: Achieving your CSM, CSPO, and/or CSD certifications. We expect to see at least one of these certifications in Category B, and the certification must be current. CSM, CSPO, or CSD certification training is accepted even when training is more than 3 years old. All other SEUs need to have been earned within the past 3 years. Earning Added Qualifications in advanced Scrum topics. Attending training courses provided by a CST. Training by CSTs may include webinars, recorded training, and face-to-face courses. Attending training courses provided by a REP. Please note that the course and trainer must be listed on the Scrum Alliance website, which you may validate via the Course Search page:

Through one-on-one or small group coaching provided by a CSC. Members need not submit SEUs after each coaching session but may list them all at the time of submission. You can verify CSTs, CSCs, or REPs through the Member Directory on our website: When submitting SEUs, your options for Category B are: Received CSM Training Received CSPO Training Received CSD Training Received Training from a CST (including video training) Received Training from a REP (only approved courses and trainers) Received Coaching by a CSC 类别 B:Scrum 联盟的课程或训练你至少需要 B 类 14 个 SEUs 才可以申请 CSP, 你可以通过和 CST,REP 或者 Coaches 一起工作来获得 B 类对 SEU 的累积没有上限, 一天的培训最多算不超过 8 个 SEUs, 你可以通过以下方式获得 SEUs: 1 通过参加 CSM,CSPO 或者 CSD 认证课程的方式, 因为我们希望你至少有一个有效的 CSM, CSPO 和 / 或 CSD 证书 除了 CSD,CSM 或 CSPO 的认证时间可以超过 3 年 所有其他方式获得的 SEUs 的时间必须在 3 年内 2 参加 Scrum 高阶话题, 获得附加资格 ( 目前的附加资格 Scaling Scrum Fundamentals- Certified LeSS Practitioner) 2 参加由一个 CST( 认证 Scrum 培训师 ) 教授的培训课程 注意该 CST 必须是在 Scrum 联盟网站有登记的 3 参加由一个注册教育提供商 (REP) 提供的培训课程 注意, 该教育提供商必须在 Scrum 联盟网站上有登记 4 通过参加由一个 CSC( 认证 Scrum 教练 ) 提供的一对一或小团队的训练 你在新增 B 类时有以下几个选项 : 1. 接受的是 CSM 培训 2. 接受的是 CSPO 培训 3. 接受的是 CSD 培训 4. 接受的是 CST 提供的培训 ( 包括视频培训 ) 5. 接受的是 REP( 注册教育提供商 ) 提供的培训 ( 只有批准的课程和教练 ) 6. 接受的是 CSC 提供的教练活动 Category C: Outside Events Up to 15 SEUs may be earned by participating in other relevant events not sponsored by Scrum Alliance, such as Agile conferences, regional interest group meetings, training from someone who is not a CST, or a REP course that is not approved for Category B. Activities in Category C are attended face to face, and you are receiving rather than providing services. SEUs are earned at a rate of one credit per hour of active participation. When submitting SEUs, your options for Category C are: Received face-to-face training outside of Scrum Alliance Attended live Scrum/Agile events outside of Scrum Alliance Attended user group events outside of Scrum Alliance Received coaching or mentoring outside of Scrum Alliance

类别 C: 外部的活动通过参加不是有联盟赞助的其他相关 Scrum 活动, 比如参加各种敏捷会议, 区域性兴趣小组会议, 一个 REP( 注册教育提供商 ) 提供的不属于 B 类的培训课程或非 CST( 认证 Scrum 讲师 ) 所提供的培训 C 类的活动必须是面对面活动, 按照每参加一个小时数可以获得一个 SEU 计算 C 类累计 SEU 的上限是 15 个 SEU 你在新增 C 类时有以下几个选项 : 1. 接受的是 Scrum 联盟以外的面对面现场培训 2. 参加的是 Scrum 联盟以外的 Scrum/Agile 活动 3. 参加的是 Scrum 联盟以外的用户组活动 4. 接受的是 Scrum 联盟以外的教练活动 Category D: Volunteer Service Up to 15 SEUs may be earned by providing non-compensated, professional Scrum services. Scrum Alliance is looking for ways that you give back to the community. You will be asked to affirm that your volunteer work was not compensated and was not for your employer. Please provide all information requested on the application form. 类别 D: 自愿者服务通过给一个机构或组织提供免费的 Scrum 专业服务来获得 Scrum 联盟希望你能回馈社区, 你必须承诺你的服务是免费得, 不包括给员工提供的培训, 请在申请表上提供所有要求的信息 D 类累计 SEU 的上限是 15 个 SEU Category E: Independent Learning Up to 15 SEUs may be earned through various independent learning activities, such as preparing (but not delivering) presentations; authoring relevant books, articles, or blogs; watching a training video; reading one or two books in depth and then fully describing their benefit to you as a Scrum practitioner. Please follow a 1:1 ratio for this category. One invested hour is equivalent to 1 SEU. When submitting SEUs, your options for Category E are: Prepared a Scrum presentation (preparation time only, not delivering) Authored a book, article, or blog Watched a Scrum/Agile training video by an instructor other than a Scrum Alliance CST -- List one per entry box Read a Scrum/Agile book -- List only one book per entry box (multiple books in a single entry box will not be considered) Other independent learning -- We invite instances of creative learning that do not fit into other categories 类别 E: 独立学习通过参加各种独立的学习活动可以被获得, 比如准备 ( 但不是交付 ) 演讲, 阅读或写作相关的书 文章或博客 ; 或参加所需要的在线培训, 这些只是给到的例子, 不仅限于此 请参照 1:1 规律 每投入的一个小时等于一个 SEU E 类累计 SEU 的上限是 15 个 你在新增 E 类时有以下几个选项 : 1. 准备一个 Scrum 的演讲 ( 只算准备演讲的时间, 不算交付演讲的时间 ) 2. 写一本书, 一片文章或者博客 3. 看一个除了 CST 以外由其他讲师提供的培训视频 4. 看一本 Scrum/Agile 的书 5. 其他独立学习 - 我们鼓励不属于其他类别的创造性学习

Category F: Other Collaborative Learning Up to 15 SEUs may be earned through a variety of other collaborative learning activities engaged in with other Scrum practitioners. Scrum Alliance acknowledges that not all learning fits neatly into the categories above; therefore, an example of an additional way to earn SEUs includes spending time as a co-trainer working with a more experienced trainer, with the objective of learning. Another example is being a participant in a live webinar that is led by an instructor. Please follow a 1:1 ratio for this category. One invested hour is equivalent to 1 SEU. This category may not include submissions that belong in Categories B or C; for example, it is not for face-to-face training or events. Please review options under Category C before submitting SEUs here. When submitting SEUs, your options for Category F are: Co-trained with the objective of learning Received training via live webinar delivered by any trainer other than a CST Other Collaborative Learning -- Add details that explain why this is a learning activity for you Up to 15 SEUs may be earned through a variety of other collaborative learning activities engaged in with other Scrum practitioners. Scrum Alliance acknowledges that not all learning fits neatly into the categories above; therefore, an example of an additional way to earn SEUs includes spending time as a co-trainer working with a more experienced trainer, with the objective of learning. Another example is being a participant in a live webinar that is led by an instructor. Please follow a 1:1 ratio for this category. One invested hour is equivalent to 1 SEU. This category may not include submissions that belong in Categories B or C; for example, it is not for face-to-face training or events. Please review options under Category C before submitting SEUs here. When submitting SEUs, your options for Category F are: Co-trained with the objective of learning Received training via live webinar delivered by any trainer other than a CST Other Collaborative Learning -- Add details that explain why this is a learning activity for you 类别 F: 其他协同式的学习通过各种其他自学习活动 Scrum 联盟认可不是所有的学习活动全部符合以上这些分类, 所以一些补充方法也可以获得 SEU, 包括作为一个协助讲师去讲课或参加由其他讲师主导的在线研讨会或在线课程 请参照 1:1 比律 每投入的一个小时等于一个 SEU F 类累计 SEU 的上限是 15 个 SEU 你在新增 F 类时有以下几个选项 : 1. 以学习为目标的联合培训 2. 接受通过除 CST 以外的培训师提供的网络研讨会 3. 其他协助学习方式 -- 提供为什么这个学习活动对你有帮助的原因 How to apply Go to your dashboard on the Scrum Alliance website. There you can access your CSP application by using a link called "Apply for CSP Certification" (under Actions). - See more at:

如何申请 CSP? 登陆 Scrum Alliance 官网, 找到在右上角的个人中心 (DashBoard) 单击进入 : 点击 Apply for CSP Certification 进入申请页面 If you are entering the CSP application process for the first time, first you will be required to enter prerequisite information to your profile page: Your Work Experience section must show 36 months of "Scrum Role" experience with the details requested. Select your Scrum role from the drop-down menu, add the dates you were in that role, the contact information of the person who can verify your experience, and enough detail in the "How did you use Scrum on this job" field (at the bottom of the page) to let our reviewers see your experience. If you choose "Other" as your role, make sure you provide details to align your experience to the basic Scrum roles as much as possible. All fields must be completed for the total months of your Scrum role to be calculated and added to your application. Your profile must include a bio and your contact information. - See more at: 如果你是第一次申请 CSP, 你首先需要完善你的个人概况页面内容 : 填写你过去 36 个月的详细工作经验, 在填写工作经验的时候需要填写你在项目中担任的 SCRUM 角色, 在 Scrum 角色的下来列表中选择你的 Scrum 角色和你使用该角色工作的开始时间和结束时间, 提供能证明你拥有相关 Scrum 经验的人员信息, 并详细说明你是如何在项目中使用 Scrum 的, 如果你选择的角色是 others 的话, 确保你能尽可能详细的列出你使用的是基本的 Scrum 角色, 所有提供的经验都必须是你在使用该角色的期间所获得的, 如下图所示 :

你还需要填写你的个人履历一栏和联系方式 You will have a link to your CSP application on your dashboard while you are in the application process. On your CSP application, add your Scrum Experience Summary and your SEU information (see "Managing SEUs" below). You must show a total of 70 SEUs and at least 36 months of Scrum Role Experience along with your Scrum Experience Summary in order to submit your application. Once all your required information is filled in, the "Pay $100 Application Fee and Submit" button will appear. This $100 application fee is nonrefundable. Pay the application fee, and this will submit your application. After the payment is processed, your application will be reviewed. The review process may take up to 3 weeks. During the review process, the CSP reviewers may contact you to ask for clarification of certain areas of your application. You will be notified of this need via comments on your application itself (still accessible to you on your dashboard) and via email. If you were already in the application process before February 1, 2014, then you may have a CSP application on your profile that does not include all of your Scrum Role Experience or your bio. In addition, your SEUs will not be online until you add them. You can add the needed components to your profile, then go back into your application through your dashboard to update it and apply your SEUs. - 按要求完善个人概况所有信息后就可以开始填写你的 CSP 申请了, 在申请页面你需要填写你最近 36 个月内的 Scrum 项目经验的概述和 70 个 SEUs 信息 ( 如何管理 SEUs?), 当所有信息都填写完整并提交后需要支付 100 美元申请费用 不管通过与否, 这 100 美元的费用将不予退还的 申请提交后, 你的申请将被相关评审员审阅, 审阅周期为 3 周 在审阅过程中, 审阅你材料的评审员会将问题通过邮件或者在你申请材料添加备注的方式向你提问, 届时需要你澄清申请材料中的相关内容

如果你在 2014 年 2 月 1 日前就已经提交过 CSP 的申请, 但是没有填写你的 Scrum 项目经验和你的个人履历那么你的 SEU 是无法在线的, 需要更新你的个人履历,Scrum 经验和 SEUs 这些内容, 重新提交申请 CSP 和 SEU 的内容 Once you are approved When your application is approved, you will receive an email from Scrum Alliance with a link to pay the $150 certification fee. License and certificate Once your payment is processed, Scrum Alliance staff will add the CSP certification to your account. You will then receive a welcome email with a link to accept the CSP License Agreement. You will be able to download your CSP certificate from your dashboard. Your new credential is effective for two years from the date your application was approved. - See more at: 关于通过审核当你的申请通过后, 会收到来自 Scrum 联盟的确认邮件, 将会被告知需要支付 150 美元 许可和证书当你支付完 150 美元以后, 联盟会授予你 CSP 认证, 你将收到来自联盟的 CSP 许可协议书 你可以从你的个人中心下载 CSP 认证证书, 有效期为 2 年 更多资讯见以下链接 : Managing SEUs You can log and manage the SEUs you earn before you apply for your CSP certification. You will see a "Manage SEUs (for CSP Application") link under Actions on your dashboard profile. As you enter SEUs, they will be listed here. You can enter them by choosing the Category under "Enter an Education Unit" and then by clicking the "Create New" button and completing the required information for each item. You can find helpful information about how to categorize SEUs correctly on the Earn SEUs for your CSP page. Note: Scrum Alliance has discretion to determine whether SEUs are warranted, considering factors such as content, quality, and accuracy of the source material. 如何管理 SEUs? 你可以在提交申请 CSP 认证前就开始积攒你的 SEUs, 那么如何管理你的 SEUs 呢? 首先登陆 Scrum 联盟首页, 进入个人中心 (DashBoard), 单击进入 Manage SEUs (for CSP Application") 如下图所示对你的 SEUs 进行管理 点击新建增加你的 SEUs, 选择相关类型 (SEUs 类型说明见如何获得 Scrum Education Units (SEUs)?), 如下图所示 :

说明 :Scrum 联盟对提交的 SEUs 信息的质量, 准确性和原材料有最终解释权 你还可以单击 CSP 申请页面中的 Add/Adjust SEUs Attached to This Application 链接来维护你的 SEUs 信息, 要申请 CSP 需要积攒 70 个 SEUs 维护的 SEUs 信息讲永久保存在你的个人概况中 更多信息查询 : You can also enter additional SEUs from your CSP application itself by selecting the "Add/Adjust SEUs Attached to This Application" link. At this link, you can choose from your SEU list the specific SEUs you want to apply to your CSP application. You must show at least 70 SEUs to be able to submit your application. The total is calculated for you on the application, based on the maximum allowed for each category. You can show as many SEUs as you like. Once your application is processed, you can continue to use "Manage SEUs" to record SEUs you want to use in the future for certification renewals. These SEUs will be saved in your profile. - See more at: 你也可以在 CSP 的申请页面通过选择 添加 / 调整这个申请的 SEU 链接来管理你的 SEU, 点击这个链接你可以从 SEU 列表中选择你为这个 CSP 申请所提供的 SEU 进行管理 申请 CSP 你一定要集满 70 个 SEU.

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