Travelsure Protection Plan Annual China Terms & Conditions 1 QBE General Insurance (Hong Kong) Limited hereinafter called the Company agrees, subject

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TravelSure Protection Plan Annual China Insurance Policy

Travelsure Protection Plan Annual China Terms & Conditions 1 QBE General Insurance (Hong Kong) Limited hereinafter called the Company agrees, subject to the terms, exclusions and conditions contained or endorsed herein, that if during the Period of Insurance stated in the Schedule issued under this Policy, any Insured Person suffers loss as shown below, the Company will indemnify such Insured Person to the extent as defined. The Policyholder as the Proposer on behalf of the Insured Person(s) by the Proposal Form or Statements, including a declaration made to the Company, which shall be the basis of and shall form part of each relevant contract, has applied for insurance and the Company has agreed to provide such insurance. The Company agrees only on the basis of the terms and conditions contained in the Policy and subject to payment of the relevant premium, to provide insurance cover to the Insured Persons.Where the Proposal Form or Statements, including a declaration, is in respect of more than one Insured Person, the Company further only agrees to provide the insurance on the basis that this Policy, notwithstanding any other provision, is deemed and accepted to constitute separate insurance in respect of each such Insured Person covered. DEFINITIONS Accident as referred to the definitions of Injury means a sudden unforeseen and fortuitous event with violent, external and visible means. Booked Holidays including any pre-paid and unused travel fare, accommodation deposit and / or cost of admission ticket to any major sporting event, musical concert, museum or theme park at the booked destination and the booked date of consumption shown on the booking invoice must be within the Period of Insurance. Child / Children means dependent and unmarried child/children who is/are aged under 18 as at commencement of the Journey and are travelling with the Policyholder and/or his/her Spouse for the entire Journey. China Medical Card the card issued by the Company to the Insured Person by which the Insured Person can be admitted to the Designated Hospitals, upon presenting it, without the need to present prior guarantee of hospital admittance deposit. Covered Special Activities horse riding, trekking, submarine riding, bungee jumping, helicopter riding or hot-air ballooning (only if as a farepaying passenger in the helicopter or hot air balloon flown in the course of licensed operations by properly-licensed crews). Curtailment means abandonment of the Booked Holidays after arrival at the booked destination as shown on booking invoice by returning to place of residence in Hong Kong. Designated Hospital hospital on the Hospital List of the China Medical Card provided by the Company. The Company reserves the right to update the Hospital List at its own discretion from time to time without prior notice. Hong Kong the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of People s Republic of China. Insured Person all Insured Person(s) as named in the Schedule and where applicable, including the Insured Person(s) guardian(s) acting in the capacity of guardian(s). In the case of the Policyholder is a business entity/company, the Insured Persons are to be interpreted as Insured Employees so long as they are named or described in the Schedule. Injury means bodily injury resulting solely, directly and independently of all other causes from an Accident occurred during the Period of Insurance. Journey means travel originating from Hong Kong and ceasing when the Insured Person returning and re-entering into Hong Kong. Policyholder the Proposer, individual or business entity/company who takes out the insurance policy on behalf of the Insured Person(s).

Registered Medical Practitioner means any person who is a legally qualified and registered medical practitioner to render medical or surgical service, but excluding a Registered Medical Practitioner who is the Insured Person, the Spouse, the relative or the employer of the Insured Person. Registered or Listed Chinese Medicine Practitioner means any person whose name appears on the List of Registered or Listed Chinese Medicine Practitioners as approved and qualified practitioner administrated by the Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong, but excluding a Registered or Listed Chinese Medicine Practitioner who is the Insured Person, the Spouse, the relative or the employer of the Insured Person. Serious Injury or Serious Sickness - means Injury or Sickness certified by a Registered Medical Practitioner as being dangerous to life or causing critical impairment to health conditions. Sickness means illness or disease commencing or contracted by the Insured Person during the Period of Insurance which is the direct and independent cause of loss for which the claim is made and which requires the attendance of a medical practitioner. Spouse means someone to whom the Insured Person is legally married to or with whom the Insured Person lives in a relationship equivalent to marriage (whether of the same or opposite gender) and with whom the Insured Person has continuously cohabited for a period of at least 3 months prior to the commencement date of the Journey. Underwater Activities including underwater strolling, underwater diving and / or scuba diving. Water Sports including swimming, snorkelling, wind surfing, water surfing, water skiing, parasailing, banana boat trip, water motorcycling, rafting, canoeing, boating or kayaking, sailing, cruising, fishing on boat or yacht, and sliding in licensed water park. Winter Sports including skiing, snowboarding, tobogganing, sledding, snow motorcycling and ice skating. GEOGRAPHICAL LIMIT Mainland China (excluding Hong Kong) and Macau This Policy is only valid for travel originating from Hong Kong. PERIOD OF INSURANCE 1. For all Sections (except for Section 5 (Personal Money and Documents) and Section 7 (Loss of Deposit or Cancellation), the Period of Insurance shall be as shown in the Schedule issued under this Policy, and shall commence when the Insured Person leaves his/her place of residence or business in Hong Kong (whichever is the earlier) to commence the Journey until the time of return to his/her place of residence or business in Hong Kong (whichever is the later) on completion of the Journey. In any event, the Period of Insurance shall not commence more than 24 hours prior to booked departure time or cease more than 24 hours after booked return to Hong Kong, or arrival at final destination. 2. In respect of Section 5 (Personal Money and Documents), insurance commences (1) at the time when the Schedule is issued OR (2) 24 hours before the Journey, which ever is the later. 3. In respect of Section 7 (Loss of Deposit or Cancellation) insurance is effective immediately when the Policy is issued. 4. This Policy covers multiple Journey within the Period of Insurance. Each Journey shall not exceed 60 days. This Policy covers end at (1) the last day of the Period of Insurance OR (2) the ending of Insured Person s last Journey provided that the Journey starts within the Period of Insurance, whichever is the later. SECTION 1 MEDICAL AND OTHER EXPENSES (a) Medical Expense Maximum Limit per Insured Person Plan A Plan B i) Insured Person aged below 70 at the date of incident HKD200,000 HKD600,000 2

ii) For Insured Person aged 70 or above at the date of incident, he/she will receive 50% of the benefits under this Section. The Company will pay 1. Medical, hospital, treatment expenses including the cost of dental treatment as a result of accident only, guarantee of hospital admittance deposit up to HKD20,000 in Mainland China (excluding Hong Kong) and Macau, emergency transportation to a registered medical institution, additional accommodation and travelling expenses (including such additional expenses of a relative or friend required on medical advice to travel to, or remain behind with the Insured Person), necessarily incurred outside Hong Kong, within 12 months of the date of incident giving rise to the claim as a direct result of accidental bodily Injury sustained or Sickness contracted by the Insured Person during the Period of Insurance. 2. In the case of admission to the Designated Hospital in Mainland China and upon presentation of the China Medical Card, guarantee of hospital admittance deposit up to the Maximum Limit of this Section, in the event that the Insured Person suffers accidental bodily Injury or Sickness. 3. Reasonable additional accommodation and travelling expenses (confined to economy class) incurred to return dependent Children back to the Insured Person s place of residence in Hong Kong who are left unattended as a result of the Insured Person s hospitalisation. 4. Reasonable additional accommodation and travelling expenses (confined to economy class) to Hong Kong, necessarily and unavoidably incurred as a result of (a) death, Injury or Sickness of the Insured Person s Spouse, parent, parent-in-law, Child, brother, sister, fiance, fiancee, grandparent who resides in Hong Kong or (b) hi-jack, or riot or civil commotion which first occurs during the Period of Insurance. 5. The necessary medical, hospital and treatment expenses (including the cost of a private ambulance or professional home-nursing fees and Registered or Listed Chinese Medicine Practitioner fees*) reasonably incurred by the Insured Person in Hong Kong within three months after the Insured Person s return from abroad, such expenses having resulted from an insured accidental bodily Injury or Sickness, which occurred or was contracted abroad during the Period of Insurance and which necessitated hospitalisation over 24 hours whilst in Mainland China (excluding Hong Kong) and Macau, up to a limit of HKD20,000 (for Plan A) and HKD75,000 (for Plan B) in total for each Insured Person. (*N.B. Registered or Listed Chinese Medicine Practitioner is subject to a maximum of HKD150 per visit per day, up to a maximum of HKD2,000. Such cover is extended to bonesetting fee, which is applicable to Plan B only) 6. (Applicable to Plan B only) A Hospital Cash Benefit of HKD500 per day up to a maximum limit of HKD5,000 in total is allowed to any Insured Person who is admitted to hospital outside Hong Kong for more than 24 hours. 7. (Applicable to Plan B only) A Hospital Cash Benefit of HKD500 per day up to a maximum limit of HKD5,000 in total is allowed to any Insured Person who, on return to Hong Kong, is admitted to hospital in Hong Kong for more than 24 hours as a result of an insured accidental bodily Injury or Sickness which occurred or was contracted during the Period of Insurance. An Insured Person shall not claim more than HKD5,000 in total under benefits 6 and 7. PROVISIONS 1. In respect of the operation at the admission to the Designated Hospital, the Insured Person shall a) approach the admission reception of the Designated Hospital b) present the China Medical Card together with the relevant identification document on which the photo of the Insured Person is attached e.g. China Entry Visa or Hong Kong Identity Card, to the admission reception c) be admitted as an in-patient immediately provided that both the China Medical Card and the relevant identification document are valid. The Company will guarantee hospital admittance deposit to the Designated Hospital directly. The Insured Person shall however be required to sign the letter of undertaking hospital guarantee when the diagnosis is yet to be confirmed to be covered under the Policy 2. In case of any problem during the admission to the Designated Hospital, please call our 24-Hour Worldwide Emergency Telephone Service at (852) 2862 0183 for assistance. 3

EXCLUDING 1. Treatment or aid obtained in Hong Kong (except as specifically provided for in benefit 5 and 7 of Section 1(a) above). 2. Surgery or medical treatment which, in the opinion of the medical practitioner treating the Insured Person, can be reasonably delayed until the Insured Person s return to Hong Kong or arrival in Country of final destination for travellers not returning to Hong Kong. 3. The additional cost of single or private room accommodation at a hospital, clinic or nursing home, except where the medical practitioner treating the Insured Person deems it medically necessary for the Insured Person to occupy such accommodation. 4. Medical consultation or treatment (other than by chinese medicine practitioner and bone-setting), not received from local legally Registered Medical Practitioner. 5. For the follow up medical treatment obtained outside Hong Kong (b) 24 Hours Worldwide Emergency Assistance Services Maximum Limit per Insured Person Plan A Plan B i) Emergency Medical Evacuation / Repatriation Actual Cost Actual Cost ii) Repatriation of Mortal Remains Actual Cost Actual Cost Access to a Worldwide Emergency Assistance network operated by Inter Partner Assistance, a nominated service provider of the following services for the Insured Person: (1) Emergency Medical Evacuation and / or Repatriation In the event the Insured Person is suffering from a Serious Injury or Serious Sickness whilst travelling Overseas: (i) Emergency Medical Evacuation shall be provided by utilizing appropriate and suitable means, based on the Insured Person s medical condition, to arrange the Insured Person to the nearest Hospital or clinic with appropriate or adequate medical facility, and / or (ii) Emergency Medical Repatriation shall be provided, if the Insured Person s medical conditions allow, to arrange the Insured Persons back to Hong Kong for continuation of treatment. Evacuation or repatriation arrangement by Worldwide Emergency Assistance shall include but not be limited to air ambulance, regular air transportation, road network or any other appropriate means and if required, the assignment of a doctor and /or nurse to accompany the Insured Person throughout the process. All costs and expenses incurred shall be borne by Worldwide Emergency Assistance. (2) Repatriation of Mortal Remains In the event of death of Insured Person whilst travelling Overseas, Worldwide Emergency Assistance shall (i) Arrange and pay for repatriation of mortal remains to Hong Kong; or (ii) Pay for Overseas burial expenses not exceeding the costs of repatriating the mortal remains to Hong Kong (3) 24 Hours Emergency Assistance Services A 24-Hour Emergency Telephone Assistance Service is provided to the Insured Person so that, in the event of an emergency medical problem or situation herein covered, help and advice will be given, and, if necessary emergency repatriation will be arranged. SECTION 2 PERSONAL ACCIDENT In the event of bodily Injury caused solely and directly by accidental, violent, external and visible means being sustained by an Insured Person during the Period of Insurance, the following benefits will be paid:- Maximum Limit per Insured Person Plan A Plan B (1) Death by Accident HKD200,000 HKD600,000 4

(2) Loss of one or more limbs or one or both eyes HKD200,000 HKD600,000 (3) Permanent Total Disablement HKD200,000 HKD600,000 (4) Loss of hearing in both ears HKD200,000 HKD600,000 (5) Loss of speech HKD200,000 HKD600,000 Double Indemnity (applicable to Plan A only) The maximum amount payable under above benefits (1) to (5) shall be doubled if the Insured Person sustains bodily Injury caused by an assault during a robbery while traveling. (6) In addition to benefit (1) above, in the event of death of the Insured Person resulting from an accident, an immediate Cash Relief benefit of HKD50,000 will be paid to the next of kin of the deceased. (7) In addition to benefit (1), (3) and (6) above, in the event of accidental death or Permanent Total Disablement of the Policyholder who is also the Insured Person under the policy during the Period of Insurance and the premium of this Policy is paid by any credit card issued by Hang Seng Bank Limited ( Relevant Credit Card ) and held by the Policyholder, this Policy covers the outstanding balance including credit card interest and charges at the date of the Accident causing the Policyholder s death or Permanent Total Disablement of the Relevant Credit Card for up to maximum HK$50,000 per Policy. OR In the event of death of the Insured Person due to Sickness, an immediate Cash Relief benefit of HKD20,000 will be paid to the next of kin of the deceased. PROVISIONS i) In respect of an Insured Person who is aged under 18 at the time of Death, the death benefit (1) above will be limited to HKD100,000. ii) In respect of an Insured Person who is aged 70 or above at the date of accident, the maximum amount the Company will pay under this Section will be limited to 50% of the above benefits. iii) No claims will be payable:- (a) Under benefits (1), (2), (6), (7) and death due to Sickness above, unless such death or loss occurs within 12 months of the date of Accident or the date of contracting Sickness. (b) Under benefits (3), (4) and (5) above, except on proof to the Company that the disablement has continued for 12 months from the date of Injury and in all probability, will continue for the remainder of the Insured Person s life. iv) The maximum amount of all benefits, except benefit (6) and (7), payable for one or more injuries sustained by an Insured Person during the Period of Insurance shall not exceed HKD400,000 (for Plan A) and HKD600,000 (for Plan B). v) Under the benefit (7), if the Policyholder is additionally covered by one or more policy(ies) underwritten by the Company for the covered credit card in the same Accident, this Policy will only cover the portion (if any) of the outstanding balance of the covered credit card after deducting the benefit payable from those policy(ies). 5 DEFINITIONS Loss of a limb means loss by physical severance or total and permanent loss of use of a hand at or above the wrist or of a foot at or above the ankle. Loss of an eye means the complete and irrecoverable and irremediable loss of the sight of an eye. Loss of hearing means permanent irrecoverable loss of hearing rendering the Insured Person absolutely deaf in both ears irremediable by surgical or other means of treatment.

Loss of speech means total and irrecoverable loss of speech irremediable by surgical or other means of treatment. Permanent Total Disablement means absolute disablement from engaging in or giving attention to any gainful occupation for 12 calendar months and at the end of that time being beyond hope of improvement. SECTION 3 BAGGAGE AND PERSONAL EFFECTS Maximum Limit per Insured Person Limit per article Plan A & Plan B HKD3,000 HKD1,500 The Company will pay for loss of or damage to baggage taken, sent in advance or purchased on the Journey (including clothing and personal effects worn or carried on the person, trunks, suitcases, receptacles and the like), occurring during the Period of Insurance and owned by the Insured Person. In the event that the Insured Person purchases a comparable replacement for the lost article, the Company will pay the replacement cost providing the lost article was not more than two years old at the date of loss. If the Insured Person cannot prove the age of the lost article or if the article is more than two years old or if the article is not replaced, the Company will assess the claim on the basis of intrinsic value of the article, or the cost of repair, whichever is the lesser. If any article is proven to be beyond economic repair, a claim will be assessed under this Policy as if the article had been lost. The Company has its option to indemnify the Insured Person by cash payment for the loss or damage or by repair or replacement. In the event of loss or damage occurring whilst the insured property is in the custody or control of an airline or carrier, the Insured Person should firstly lodge his/her claim against that airline or carrier. The Company shall reimburse the balance if the Insured Person is not fully compensated by the airline/carrier subject to the limit under this Section of the Policy. In any circumstances, the maximum amount payable under this Section for an Insured Person shall not exceed the maximum limit of HKD3,000. PAIR AND SET CLAUSE Where any insured item consists of articles in a pair or set, this Section will not pay more than the value of any particular part or parts which may be lost, without reference to any special cause which such article or articles may have as part of such pair or set, nor more than a proportionate part of the insured value of the pair or set. EXCLUDING 1. Loss or damage arising from delay or confiscation or detention by Customs or other official. 2. Loss of or damage to foods, stamps, documents (other than those specifically mentioned in Section 5), contact or corneal lenses or damage to fragile articles. 3. Business goods or samples. 4. Normal wear and tear, gradual deterioration or mechanical or electrical breakdown or derangement. 5. Loss or damage whilst in the custody of an airline or other carrier, unless reported immediately on discovery and, in the case of an airline, a Property Irregularity Report obtained. 6. Loss not reported to the police within 24 hours and a report obtained. 7. Loss of or damage to banknotes, treasury bills, currency notes or any other form of negotiable document. 6

8. Replacement cost of credit cards (other than those specifically mentioned in Section 5). 9. Loss of unattended properties. 10. Any property or personal belongings specifically insured elsewhere or recovered/repaired by a third party SECTION 4 PERSONAL LIABILITY Maximum Limit per Insured Person (Inclusive of all costs and expenses) Plan A & Plan B HKD500,000 The Company will indemnify the Insured Person for his/her legal liability to third parties in Mainland China (excluding Hong Kong) and Macau arising during the journey as a result of:- a) accidental bodily Injury (including death or disease) to any person. b) accidental loss of or damage to third party property. In addition, the Company will indemnify the Insured Person for:- c) third parties costs and expenses recoverable from the Insured Person either under Common Law or under the law of the country where the accident, loss or damage occurred; and d) the Insured Person s costs and expenses incurred with the written prior consent of the Company. EXCLUDING Claims arising directly or indirectly from, in respect of or due to:- 1. employers liability, contractual liability or liability to a member of an Insured Person s family. 2. property belonging to or held in trust or in the care, custody or control of an Insured Person. 3. any wilful, malicious or unlawful act of an Insured Person. 4. pursuit of trade, business or profession. 5. ownership or occupation of land or building (other than occupation only of any temporary residence). 6. ownership, possession or use of vehicles, aircraft or watercraft. 7. legal costs resulting from any criminal proceedings. 8. the Insured Person being under the influence of drugs or intoxicating liquor, or engaging in mountaineering (except that incidental to Winter Sports), ski-racing in major events, ski-jumping, ice hockey, the use of bob-sleighs or skeletons, riding or driving in races or rallies or the use of firearms. THE BELOW SECTIONS 5-8 ARE APPLICABLE TO PLAN B ONLY SECTION 5 PERSONAL MONEY AND DOCUMENTS (applicable to Plan B only) Plan A Plan B Maximum Limit per Insured Person Not applicable HKD750 The Company will pay for loss of money owned by the Insured Person (including cash, bank or currency notes, cheques, travellers cheques, postal or money orders), travel tickets, passports, Hong Kong Identity Card or the like, applicable entry visas, driving licences and/or any other travel 7

documents, petrol coupons or credit vouchers, or loss of and unauthorised use of credit cards by any person not related to, or residing with, the Insured Person. The Company shall reimburse the replacement cost of travel documents including passports, Hong Kong Identity Card or the like, applicable entry visas, credit cards, driving licences and other travel documents. In any circumstances, the maximum amount payable under this Section for an Insured Person shall not exceed the maximum limit of HKD750. EXCLUDING 1. Loss not reported to the police within 24 hours and a report obtained. 2. Shortages due to error, omission, exchange or depreciation in value. 3. Loss or damage arising from delay or confiscation or detention by Customs or other official. 4. Loss of traveller s cheques and credit cards not immediately reported to the local branch or agent of issuing authority. 5. Loss of credit cards not complying with the terms and conditions of the issuing authority. 6. Loss of or damage to documents (other than those specifically mentioned in this Section). 7. Loss of membership cards of any kind. SECTION 6 TRAVEL DELAY OR RE-ROUTING (applicable to Plan B only) (a) Travel Delay Plan A Plan B Maximum Limit per Insured Person - Benefit 6(a)(i) Not applicable HKD2,000 OR Maximum Limit per Insured Person - Benefit 6(a)(ii) Not applicable HKD1,000 Insured Person cannot claim under both Section 6(a)(i) and Section 6(a)(ii) for the same loss. In the event of the departure or arrival of the aircraft, train, sea vessel in which the Insured Person has arranged to travel being delayed for at least 6 hours from the time specified in the itinerary supplied to the Insured Person caused by events beyond control of the Insured Person, the Company will pay EITHER:- i) HKD250 for the first 6 hours delay and HKD200 for each full 8 hours delay thereafter (the delay being calculated from the departure time of the aircraft, train, or sea vessel specified in the itinerary) up to a maximum of HKD2,000 per Insured Person. OR ii) In the event of a travel delay outside Hong Kong for more than 24 consecutive hours, the Company shall reimburse the Insured Person on either the irrecoverable loss of pre-paid or reasonable and necessary additional expenses incurred on hotel room charges up to a maximum of HK$1,000 per Insured Person; (b) Re-routing Plan A Plan B Maximum Limit per Insured Person Not applicable HKD2,000 In the event of the departure or arrival of the aircraft, train, sea vessel in which the Insured Person had arranged to travel being delayed for at least 8 hours from the time specified in the itinerary supplied to the Insured Person caused by events beyond control of the Insured Person and Insured Person will not claim for benefit from Section 6 (a) Travel Delay, the Company will pay travel re-routing expenses arising from the travel delay, including: i) loss of irrecoverable tour or travel or accommodation deposits or payments paid in advance or contracted to be paid for the benefit of the Insured Person only after the Insured Person has commenced the Journey abroad, in the event of necessary and unavoidable cancellation 8

OR ii) of the holiday/trip by the Insured Person, any additional travel costs including alternative public transportation costs and accommodation expenses necessarily incurred as a direct consequence of travel delay if the Insured Person has to re-route to get to his/her original destination in the event of necessary and unavoidable cancellation of the transportation arranged. EXCLUDING Claims arising directly or indirectly from, in respect of or due to: 1. failure of the Insured Person to check in according to the itinerary supplied to him/her, and obtain written confirmation from the carriers (or their handling agents) of the number of hours of delay and the reason for such delay. 2. strike or industrial action existing at the date this insurance is purchased by the Insured Person. 3. late arrival of the Insured Person at the airport or port or train station after check-in or booking-in-time (except for the late arrival caused by events beyond control of the Insured Person) Insured Person cannot claim under both Section 6(a) and Section 6(b) for the same loss. SECTION 7 LOSS OF DEPOSIT OR CANCELLATION (applicable to Plan B only) Plan A Maximum Limit per Insured Person Not applicable HKD5,000 The Company will pay for the loss of irrecoverable deposits or charges paid in advance or contracted to be paid for the benefit of the Insured Person only, in the event of necessary and unavoidable cancellation by the Insured Person arising from the death, Serious Injury or Serious Sickness of the Insured Person, immediate family members (Insured Person s Spouse, parent, parent-in-law, Child, brother, sister, fiance, fiancee, grandparent) or business partner of the Insured Person, or upon receipt of a witness summon or being summoned for jury service occurring after this Policy has been effected and prior to the commencement of Journey. EXCLUDING Claims arising directly or indirectly from, in respect of or due to:- 1. government regulation or act, delay or amendment of the booked itinerary, or failure in provision of any part of the Booked Holidays (including error, omission or default) by the provider of any service forming part of the Booked Holidays as well as of the agent or tour operator through whom the holiday was booked. 2. disinclination to travel or financial circumstances of any Insured Person. 3. any unlawful act or criminal proceedings of any person on whom the holiday plans depend, other than attendance under subpoena as a witness at a Court of Law. 4. failure to notify travel agent/tour operator or provider of transport or accommodation immediately once it is found necessary to cancel the travel arrangements. 5. any training or studying courses fee deposits. SECTION 8 CURTAILMENT (applicable to Plan B only) Plan B 9 Plan A Plan B Maximum Limit per Insured Person Not applicable HKD5,000

The Company will allow proportional return of the irrecoverable prepaid cost of the Booked Holidays as shown on the booking invoice, calculated at pro-rata for each complete day of the Booked Holidays lost, arising from the death, Serious Injury or Serious Sickness of the Insured Person, immediate family members (Insured Person s Spouse, parent, parent-in-law, Child, brother, sister, fiancé, fiancée, grandparent) or business partner of the Insured Person, or upon receipt of a witness summon or being summoned for jury service occurring after this Insurance has been effected and/ or additional hotel accommodation incurred to obtain lost travel documents arising out of robbery, burglary or theft provided that such accommodation is not better than that before the loss. EXCLUDING Claims arising directly or indirectly from, in respect of or due to:- 1. government regulation or act, delay or amendment of the booked itinerary, or failure in provision of any part of the Booked Holidays (including error, omission or default) by the provider of any service forming part of the Booked Holidays as well as the agent or tour operator through whom the holiday was booked. 2. disinclination to travel or financial circumstances of any Insured Person. 3. any unlawful act or criminal proceedings of any person on whom the holiday plans depend, other than attendance under subpoena as a witness at a Court of Law. 4. failure to notify travel agent/tour operator or provider of transport or accommodation immediately once it is found necessary to curtail the travel arrangements. CHILDREN Provided both the Policyholder and his/ her Spouse have enrolled the Plan with such category that the Children are involved, the Company agrees to extend the cover to the Policyholder s Children (irrespective of the number), subject to the terms and conditions of this Policy and the Schedule. INSURED PERSON AGED BETWEEN 6 AND 11 Insured Person aged between 6 and 11 and enrolled in the Plan individually should travel with at least one adult relative for the entire period. EXTENSION FOR WINTER SPORTS, UNDERWATER ACTIVITIES, WATER SPORTS AND COVERED SPECIAL ACTIVITIES This Policy will cover the Winter Sports, Underwater Activities, Water Sports and the Covered Special Activities as defined in Definitions and subject to the terms, conditions and exclusions of this Policy. TERRORISM EXTENSION - ENDORSEMENT Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary within this Policy or any endorsement thereto it is agreed that this Policy has been extended to include cover for acts of terrorism other than for loss, damage, death, Injury, Sickness, cost or expense of whatsoever nature directly or indirectly caused by, contributed by, resulting from or in connection with any acts of terrorism involving the use or release or the threat thereof of any nuclear weapon or device or chemical or biological agent, regardless of any other cause or event contributing concurrently or in any other sequence to the loss. This endorsement also excludes loss, damage, death, Injury, Sickness, cost or expense of whatsoever nature directly or indirectly caused by, resulting from or in connection with any action taken in controlling, preventing, suppressing or in any way relating to any acts of terrorism involving the use or release or the threat thereof of any nuclear weapon or device or chemical or biological agent. Burden of Proof If the Company alleges that by reason of this endorsement, any loss, damage, cost or expense is not covered by this Policy, the burden of proving the contrary shall be upon the Insured Person or his/her estate administrator. In the event any portion of this endorsement is found to be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder shall remain in full force and effect. 10

11 GENERAL EXCLUSIONS Applied to All Sections (A) This Policy does not cover claims:- 1. Directly or indirectly occasioned by, happening through or in consequence of:- (a) any Sickness, disease, infirmity, physical defect or condition which existed prior to the Journey. (b) accidents whilst the Insured Person is engaging in sports or games in a professional capacity. (c) war, invasion, acts of foreign enemies, hostilities (whether war be declared or not), civil war, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, military or usurped power or confiscation or nationalisation or requisition or destruction of or damage to property by or under the order of any government or public or local authority or riot or civil commotion (except as defined under Section 1(a).4). (d) accidents whilst the Insured Person is engaging in racing (other than on foot), motor rallies and competitions, mountaineering (reasonably requiring the use of ropes or guides), ski-jumping, use of bob-sleighs, hanggliding, gliding, parachuting, pot-holing, rugby or aviation (other than as a fare-paying passenger in a duly certified multi-engined passenger-carrying aircraft flown in the course of licensed operations for the transportation of passengers by air by a properly-licensed crew). (e) wilfully self-inflicted Injury or Sickness, insanity, the effect or influence (temporary or otherwise) of alcohol, or the use of drugs (other than drugs taken in accordance with treatment prescribed and directed by a Registered Medical Practitioner, but not for the treatment of drug addiction), self-exposure to needless peril (except in an attempt to save human life). (f) nuclear fission, nuclear fusion or radioactive contamination. 2. In respect of any property more specifically insured or any claim which, but for the existence of this Policy, would be recoverable under any other Policy of insurance. 3. Incidents which may give rise to a claim not notified directly in writing to the Company within 31 days of the expiry of the Schedule. 4. If the Insured Person is travelling contrary to the advice of a medical practitioner or for the purpose of obtaining medical treatment or for migration. 5. For sexually transmissible diseases including AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) and ARC (AIDS Related Complex), 6. For pregnancy, miscarriage, childbirth and all complications thereof (this exclusion shall not be applicable to Section 3 and 5). 7. In respect of Insured Person reaching the age of 75 before the inception of the Policy. 8. In respect of any manual work engaged in during the Period of Insurance. 9. Injuries sustained or contracted as a result of participation in illegal acts. 10. Expense or loss, regardless of any other cause or event contributing concurrently or in any other sequence to the loss, involving the use or release or threat thereof of any nuclear weapon or device or chemical or biological agent caused or contributed to by acts of terrorism. (B) IT Clarification Clause Property damage covered under this Policy shall mean physical damage to the substance of property. Physical damage to the substance of property shall not include damage to data or software, in particular any detrimental change in data, software or computer programs that is caused by a deletion, a corruption or a deformation of the original structure. Consequently the following are excluded from the policy: (a) Loss of or damage to data or software, in particular any detrimental change in data, software or computer programs that is caused by a deletion, a corruption or a deformation of the original structure, and any business interruption losses resulting from such loss or damage. Notwithstanding this exclusion, loss of or damage to data or software which is the direct consequence of insured physical damage to the substance of property shall be covered.

(b) Loss of damage resulting from impairment in the function, availability, range of use or accessibility of data, software or computer programs, and any business interruption losses resulting from such loss or damage. Rights of Third Parties (1) Each party acknowledges that the other party has entered into this Policy on behalf of and for the benefit of itself and its Affiliates and each of the other party s Affiliates shall be entitled to enforce and take the benefit of the terms of this Policy in accordance with the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance (CAP. 623). (2) Subject to clause 1, any person who is not a party to this Policy has no rights under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance (CAP. 623) or any other applicable law to enforce any term of this Policy. SANCTION LIMITATION AND EXCLUSION CLAUSE No (re)insurer shall be deemed to provide cover and no (re)insurer shall be liable to pay any claim or provide any benefit hereunder to the extent that the provision of such cover, payment of such claim or provision of such benefit would expose that (re)insurer to any sanction, prohibition or restriction under United Nations Resolutions or the trade or economic sanctions, laws or regulations of the European Union, United Kingdom or United States of America. Subject otherwise to the terms, conditions and exceptions of the Policy. GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. Interpretation This Policy and the Schedule shall be read together and any word or expression to which a specific meaning has been attached in any part of this Policy or of the Schedule shall bear such meaning wherever it may appear. 2. Compliance with Conditions The due observance and fulfilment of all the terms and conditions of this Policy by the Policyholder, Insured Person, or anyone acting on his/ her behalf insofar as they relate to anything to be done or complied with by the Policyholder, Insured Person, or anyone acting on his/her behalf shall be a condition precedent to any liability of the Company to make any payment under this Policy. 3. Reasonable Care The Policyholder or Insured Person shall act in a prudent manner and exercise reasonable care and prevent accidents, Injury, Sickness, loss or damage. 4. Fraud If any claim shall be fraudulent or intentionally exaggerated or if any false declaration or statement shall be made, then this Policy shall be void and no claim shall be payable. 5. Claim In the event of a claim, the Policyholder or Insured Person should:- (a) advise the Company in writing as soon as possible. (b) provide all documents, information and evidence as may be required by the Company at the expense of the Policyholder, Insured Person or his/her legal representatives. (c) in the case of loss of or damage to baggage whilst in the custody of carriers or loss of baggage or money, obtain a report from the carrier, the police or other proper authority and provide a copy when claiming to the Company. (d) in the event of loss of money, report such loss to the police within 24 hours of discovery and obtain a report. 12

13 (e) not entitle to admit liability on behalf of the Company or to give any representations or other undertakings binding upon them except with the Company s written consent. (f) render his/her full co-operation during the course of investigation or assessment of the claim. 6. Company s Rights after a Claim Upon receipt of the settlement sum by the Insured Person, the Company shall be entitled to conduct in the name of and on behalf of the Policyholder or Insured Person, the defence or settlement of any legal action and take proceedings at their own expenses and for their own benefit but in the name of the Policyholder or Insured Person to recover compensation from any third party in respect of anything covered by this Policy and to instruct solicitors of their own choice of this purpose. In the event of the death of the Insured Person, the Company shall have the right to have a post mortem at their own expense. 7. Arbitration If any difference shall arise as to be the amount to be paid under this Policy (liability being otherwise admitted), such difference shall be referred to an arbitrator to be appointed by the parties in accordance with the statutory provisions for the time being in force in Hong Kong. Where any difference is, by this condition, to be referred to arbitration, the making of an award shall be a condition precedent to any right of action against the Company. 8. Payment of Claims (a) Indemnity payable under this Policy shall be paid to the Insured Person unless the Insured Person directs the Company otherwise in writing in a manner as accepted by the Company prior to payment. In the absence of any such written direction, any indemnity unpaid at the time of death of the Insured Person (including indemnity for loss of life) shall be paid to the estate of the Insured Person. (b) Any receipt given to the Company by the person indicated under paragraph (a) above shall be deemed as a final and complete discharge of all liability of the Company. (c) Under paragraph (a) above, payment to the designated beneficiary or, if none or if such beneficiary cannot be found after reasonable enquiry, to the Insured Person s executors or personal representatives shall discharge the Company from all further liability hereunder and the Company shall in no circumstances be liable to see to the application or distribution of any amount so paid pursuant to this Policy. (d) Payment of the claims will be based on the exchange rate prevailing at the date of loss. 9. Cancellation The Company may cancel this Policy by sending 30 days written notice to the Policyholder at his/her last known address and, in such event, the Policyholder shall become entitled to the return of a proportionate part of the premium corresponding to the unexpired portion of the Period of Insurance. The Policyholder may, on behalf of the Insured Persons or any of them, cancel the Policy or cancel insurance with respect to any Insured Person, and each Insured Person may also cancel his/her own insurance, by sending 30 days written notice to the Company. The Company will then refund the unexpired portion of premium of the Period of Insurance of the insurance so cancelled to the Policyholder subject to a maximum premium of 50% of the annual premium paid, whether the cancellation is requested by the Policyholder or the relevant Insured Person. The Insured Person s China Medical Card has to be immediately returned to the Company upon cancellation and the card will no longer be valid for use. 10. Duplicate Application An Insured Person shall not be covered under more than one Travelsure Protection Plan underwritten by the Company for the same trip. In the event that an Insured Person is covered by more than one policy issued by the Company, benefit will be based on the policy which provides the greatest amount of benefit.

11. Loss of or Damage to China Medical Card If the Insured Person declares that the China Medical Card has been lost or damaged, the Insured Person shall report to the Company within 48 hours. A replacement card will be issued upon receiving the written notification to the Company together with a replacement fee of HKD100 from the Insured Person/ Policyholder. The Travelsure Protection Plan Annual China is underwritten by QBE General Insurance (Hong Kong) Limited, which is authorised and regulated by the Commissioner of Insurance of the Hong Kong SAR. Hang Seng Bank Limited is an insurance agent authorised by QBE General Insurance (Hong Kong) Limited. The Travelsure Protection Plan Annual China is only available for subscription for residents of Hong Kong. 14

15 / 18 / /

/ 1. 5 7 / 24 24 2. 5 (1) (2) 24 3. 7 4. 60 (1) (2) 1 (a) A B i) 70 HKD200,000 HKD600,000 ii) 70 1. 12 HKD20,000 2. 3. 16

4. (a) / (b) 5. 24 3 * HKD20,000 A HKD75,000 B * HKD150 HKD2,000 B 6. B 24 HKD500 HKD5,000 7. B 24 HKD500 HKD5,000 6 7 HKD5,000 1. a) b) c) 2. (852) 2862 0183 24 1. 1(a) 5 7 2. 3. 4. 5. (b) A B i) / ii) 17

Inter Partner Assistance 1. / i) / ii) / 2. i) ii) 3. 24 24 2 A B (1) HKD200,000 HKD600,000 (2) HKD200,000 HKD600,000 (3) HKD200,000 HKD600,000 (4) HKD200,000 HKD600,000 (5) HKD200,000 HKD600,000 A (1) (5) (6) (1) HKD50,000 (7) (1)(3) (6) 5 18

HKD20,000 i) 18 (1) HKD100,000 ii) 70 iii) (a) (1) (2) (6) (7) 12 (b) (3) (4) (5) 12 iv) (6) (7) HKD400,000 A HKD600,000 B v) (7) 12 19 3 A B HKD3,000 HKD1,500

HKD3,000 1. 2. 5 3. 4. 5. 6. 24 7. 8. 5 9. 10. 4 A B HKD500,000 a) b) c) d) 20

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 5 8 B 5 B A B HKD750 / HKD750 21 1. 24 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

6 / B a) A B - 6 (a)(i) HKD2,000-6 (a)(ii) HKD1,000 6 (a)(i) 6 (a)(ii) 6 i) 6 HKD250 8 HKD200 HKD2,000 ii) 24 HKD1,000 b) A B HKD2,000 8 6 (a) i) / ii) 1. 2. 3. 6 (a) 6 (b) 22

7 B A B HKD5,000 / 1. 2. 3. 4. / 5. 8 B A B HKD5,000 / 1. 2. 3. 4. / 23

6 11 6 11 (A) 1. (a) (b) (c) 1(a) 4 (d) (e) (f) 2. 3. 31 24

4. 5. 6. 3 5 7. 75 8. 9. 10. (B) (a) (b) (1) ( 623 ) (2) ( 623 ) 25

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. (a) (b) (c) (d) 24 (e) (f) 6. 7. 8. (a) (b) (a) 26

(c) (a) (d) 9. 30 30 50% 10. 11. 48 / HKD100 27