NOTES TO PURCHASERS OF FIRST-HAND RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES You are advised to take the following steps before purchasing first-hand residential properti

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NOTES TO PURCHASERS OF FIRST-HAND RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES You are advised to take the following steps before purchasing first-hand residential properties. For all first-hand residential properties 1. Important information Make reference to the materials available on the Sales of First-hand Residential Properties Electronic Platform (SRPE) on the first-hand residential property market. Study the information on the website designated by the vendor for the development, including the sales brochure, price lists, documents containing the sales arrangements, and the Register of Transactions of a development. Sales brochure for a development will be made available to the general public at least 7 days immediately before a date of sale while price list and sales arrangements will be made available at least 3 days immediately before the date of sale. Information on transactions can be found on the register of transactions on the website designated by the vendor for the development and the SRPE. 2. Fees, mortgage loan and property price Calculate the total expenses of the purchase, such as solicitors fees, mortgage charges, insurance fees and stamp duties. Check with banks to find out if you will be able to obtain the needed mortgage loan, select the appropriate payment method and calculate the amount of the mortgage loan to ensure it is within your repayment ability. Check recent transaction prices of comparable properties for comparison. Check with the vendor or the estate agent the estimated management fee, the amount of management fee payable in advance (if any), special fund payable (if any), the amount of reimbursement of the deposits for water, electricity and gas (if any), and/or the amount of debris removal fee (if any) you have to pay to the vendor or the manager of the development. 3. Price list, payment terms and other financial incentives Vendors may not offer to sell all the residential properties that are covered in a price list. To know which residential properties the vendors may offer to sell, pay attention to the sales arrangements which will be announced by the vendors at least 3 days before the relevant residential properties are offered to be sold. Pay attention to the terms of payment as set out in a price list. If there are discounts on the price, gift, or any financial advantage or benefit to be made available in connection with the purchase of the residential properties, such information will also be set out in the price list. 4. Property area and its surroundings Pay attention to the area information in the sales brochure and price list, and price per square foot/ metre in the price list. According to the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance (Cap. 621) (the Ordinance), vendors can only present the area and price per square foot and per square metre of a residential property using saleable area. Saleable area, in relation to a residential property, means the floor area of the residential property, and includes the floor area of every one of the following to the extent that it forms part of the residential property - (i) a balcony; (ii) a utility platform; and (iii) a verandah. The saleable area excludes the area of the following which forms part of the residential property - airconditioning plant room; bay window; cockloft; flat roof; garden; parking space; roof; stairhood; terrace and yard. Visit the development site and get to know the surroundings of the property (including transportation and community facilities). Check town planning proposals and decisions which may affect the property. Take a look at the location plan, aerial photograph, outline zoning plan and cross-section plan that are provided in the sales brochure. 5. Sales brochure Ensure that the sales brochure you have obtained is the latest version. According to the Ordinance, the sales brochure made available to the public should be printed or examined, or examined and revised within the previous 3 months. Read through the sales brochure and in particular, check the following information in the sales brochure - Whether there is a section on relevant information in the sales brochure, under which information on any matter that is known to the vendor but is not known to the general public, and is likely to materially affect the enjoyment of a residential property will be set out. Please note that information contained in a document that has been registered with the Land Registry will not be regarded as relevant information ; - The cross-section plan showing a cross-section of the building in relation to every street adjacent to the building, and the level of every such street in relation to a known datum and to the level of the lowest residential floor of the building. This will help you visualize the difference in height between the lowest residential floor of a building and the street level, regardless of how that lowest residential floor is named; - interior and exterior fittings and finishes and appliances; - the basis on which management fees are shared; - whether individual owners have obligations or need to share the expenses for managing, operating and maintaining the public open space or public facilities inside or outside the development, and the location of the public open space or public facilities; and - whether individual owners have responsibility to maintain slopes. 6. Government land grant and deed of mutual covenant (DMC) Read the Government land grant and the DMC (or the draft DMC). Information such as ownership of the rooftop and external walls can be found in the DMC. The vendor will provide copies of the Government land grant and the DMC (or the draft DMC) at the place where the sale is to take place for free inspection by prospective purchasers. Check the Government land grant on whether individual owners are liable to pay Government rent. Check the DMC on whether animals can be kept in the residential property. 7. Agreement for sale and purchase Ensure that the preliminary agreement for sale and purchase (PASP) and agreement for sale and purchase (ASP) include the mandatory provisions as required by the Ordinance. Pay attention that fittings, finishes and appliances to be included in the sale and purchase of the property are inserted in the PASP and ASP. Pay attention to the area plan annexed to the ASP which shows the total area which the vendor is selling to you. The total area which the vendor is selling to you is normally greater than the saleable area of the property. A preliminary deposit of 5% of the purchase price is payable by you to the owner (i.e. the seller) on entering into a PASP. If you do not execute the ASP within 5 working days (working day means a day that is not a general holiday or a Saturday or a black rainstorm warning day or gale warning day) after entering into the PASP, the PASP is terminated, the preliminary deposit (i.e. 5% of the purchase price) is forfeited, and the owner (i.e. the seller) does not have any further claim against you for not executing the ASP. If you execute the ASP within 5 working days after the signing of the PASP, the owner (i.e. the seller) must execute the ASP within 8 working days after entering into the PASP. The deposit should be made payable to the solicitors firm responsible for stakeholding purchasers payments for the property. 8. Expression of intent of purchasing a residential property Note that vendors (including their authorized representative(s)) should not seek or accept any specific or general expression of intent of purchasing any residential property before the relevant price lists for such properties are made available to the public. You therefore should not make such an offer to the vendors or their authorized representative(s). Note that vendors (including their authorized representative(s)) should not seek or accept any specific expression of intent of purchasing a particular residential property before the sale of the property has commenced. You therefore should not make such an offer to the vendors or their authorized representative(s). 9. Appointment of estate agent Note that if the vendor has appointed one or more than one estate agents to act in the sale of any specified residential property in the development, the price list for the development must set out the name of all the estate agents so appointed as at the date of printing of the price list. You may appoint any estate agent (not necessarily from those estate agency companies appointed by the vendor) to act in the purchase of any specified residential property in the development, and may also not appoint any estate agent to act on your behalf. Before you appoint an estate agent to look for a property, you should - find out whether the agent will act on your behalf only. If the agent also acts for the vendor, he/she may not be able to protect your best interests in the event of a conflict of interest; 2 3

- find out whether any commission is payable by you to the estate agent and, if so, its amount and the time of payment; and - note that only licensed estate agents or salespersons may accept your appointment. If in doubt, you should request the estate agent or salesperson to produce his/her Estate Agent Card, or check the Licence List on the Estate Agents Authority website: 10. Appointment of solicitor Consider appointing your own solicitor to protect your interests. If the solicitor also acts for the vendor, he/she may not be able to protect your best interests in the event of a conflict of interest. Compare the charges of different solicitors. For first-hand uncompleted residential properties 11. Pre-sale Consent For uncompleted residential property under the Lands Department s Consent Scheme, seek confirmation from the vendor whether the Pre-sale Consent has been issued by the Lands Department for the development. 12. Show flats While the vendor is not required to make any show flat available for viewing by prospective purchasers or the general public, if the vendor wishes to make available show flats of a specified residential property, the vendor must first of all make available an unmodified show flat of that residential property and that, having made available such unmodified show flat, the vendor may then make available a modified show flat of that residential property. In this connection, the vendor is allowed to make available more than one modified show flat of that residential property. If you visit the show flats, you should always look at the unmodified show flats for comparison with the modified show flats. That said, the Ordinance does not restrict the discretion of the vendor in arranging the sequence of the viewing of unmodified and modified show flats. Sales brochure of the development should have been made available to the public when the show flat is made available for viewing. You are advised to get a copy of the sales brochure and make reference to it when viewing the show flats. You may take measurements in modified and unmodified show flats, and take photographs or make video recordings of unmodified show flats, subject to reasonable restriction(s) which may be set by the vendor for ensuring safety of the persons viewing the show flat. For first-hand uncompleted residential properties and completed residential properties pending compliance 13. Estimated material date Check the estimated material date 1 for the development in the sales brochure. Please note that: - For development which is subject to the Lands Department Consent Scheme, the vendor shall notify the purchaser in writing that it is in a position validly to assign the property within one month after the issue of the Certificate of Compliance or the Consent to Assign, whichever first happens. - For development which is not subject to the Lands Department Consent Scheme, the vendor shall notify the purchaser in writing that it is in a position validly to assign the property within 6 months after the issue of the Occupation Document including Occupation Permit. For first-hand completed residential properties 14. Vendor s information form Ensure that you obtain the vendor s information form(s) printed within the previous 3 months in relation to the residential property/properties you intend to purchase. 15. Viewing of property Ensure that, before you purchase a residential property, you are arranged to view the residential property that you would like to purchase or, if it is not reasonably practicable to view the property in question, a comparable property in the development, unless you agree in writing that the vendor is not required to arrange such a comparable property for viewing for you. You are advised to think carefully before signing any waiver. You may take measurements, take photographs or make video recordings of the property, unless the property is held under a tenancy or reasonable restriction(s) is/are needed to ensure safety of the persons viewing the property. For complaints and enquiries relating to the sales of firsthand residential properties by the vendors which the Ordinance applies, please contact the Sales of First-hand Residential Properties Authority - Telephone 2817 3313 Email Fax 2219 2220 Other useful contacts: Telephone Fax Consumer Council 2929 2222 2590 6271 Estate Agents Authority 2111 2777 2598 9596 Real Estate Developers Association of Hong Kong 2826 0111 2845 2521 1 Generally speaking, material date means the date on which the conditions of the land grant are complied with in respect of the development, or the date on which the development is completed in all respects in compliance with the approved building plans or the conditions subject to which the certificate of exemption is issued. For details, please refer to section 2 of the Ordinance. 4 5

6 7

INFORMATION ON THE DEVELOPMENT 2817 3313 2219 2220 2929 2222 2590 6271 2111 2777 2598 9596 2826 0111 2845 2521 Name of the development Ori Name of the street and the street number No. 3 Leung Tak Street Total number of storeys of each multi-unit building: The development consists of two multi-unit buildings Tower 1 & 2: 28 storeys (including 24 storeys of residential floor, but not including basement, transfer plate, main roof, pump room floor and lift machine room floor) Floor numbering of each multi-unit building: Tower 1 & 2: Basement, G/F, 1/F to 3/F, 5/F to 12/F, 15/F to 23/F, 25/F to 31/F (residential floor starts from 5/F) Omitted floor numbers of each multi-unit building: 4/F, 13/F, 14/F and 24/F are omitted for each tower Refuge floor of each multi-unit building: Refuge roof This development is an uncompleted development (a) The estimated material date for the development, as provided by the Authorized Person for the development is 30 th September, 2018. (b) The estimated material date is subject to any extension of time that is permitted under the Agreement for Sale and Purchase. (c) Under the land grant, the consent of the Director of Lands is required to be given for the sale and purchase. For the purpose of the Agreement for Sale and Purchase, without limiting any other means by which the completion of the development may be proved, the issue of a certificate of compliance or consent to assign by the Director of Lands is conclusive evidence that the development has been completed or is deemed to be completed (as the case may be). 8 9

INFORMATION ON VENDOR AND OTHERS INVOLVED IN THE DEVELOPMENT RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PARTIES INVOLVED IN THE DEVELOPMENT Vendor: Enormous Asset Limited Enormous Asset Limited (a) The Vendor or a building contractor for the development is an individual, and that Vendor or contractor is an immediate family member of an Authorized Person for the development. Not applicable Holding companies of the Vendor: Chen s Group International Limited Chen s Group Holdings Limited Nan Fung International Holdings Limited Nan Fung Group Holdings Limited Nan Fung Development Limited NF Property (Hong Kong) Holdings Limited Easeon Assets Management Limited Authorized Person for the development: NF Property (Hong Kong) Holdings Limited Easeon Assets Management Limited (b) (c) (d) The Vendor or a building contractor for the development is a partnership, and a partner of that Vendor or contractor is an immediate family member of such an Authorized Person. The Vendor or a building contractor for the development is a corporation, and a director or the secretary of that Vendor or contractor (or a holding company of that Vendor) is an immediate family member of such an Authorized Person. The Vendor or a building contractor for the development is an individual, and that Vendor or contractor is an immediate family member of an associate of such an Authorized Person. Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Mr. Ku Siu Fung Stephen of Chau, Ku & Leung, Architects & Engineers Ltd. Building contractor: Chun Yip Construction Company Limited Vendor s solicitor: Guantao & Chow Solicitors and Notaries (e) (f) The Vendor or a building contractor for the development is a partnership, and a partner of that Vendor or contractor is an immediate family member of an associate of such an Authorized Person. The Vendor or a building contractor for the development is a corporation, and a director or the secretary of that Vendor or contractor (or a holding company of that Vendor) is an immediate family member of an associate of such an Authorized Person. Not applicable Not applicable Authorized institution that has made a loan, or has undertaken to provide finance, for the construction of the development: United Overseas Bank Limited Any other persons who have made a loan for the construction of the development: Richmass Trading Limited Nan Fung International Finance Limited Vervain Resources Limited Nan Fung International Finance Limited (g) (h) (i) The Vendor or a building contractor for the development is an individual, and that Vendor or contractor is an immediate family member of a proprietor of a firm of solicitors acting for the owner in relation to the sale of residential properties in the development. The Vendor or a building contractor for the development is a partnership, and a partner of that Vendor or contractor is an immediate family member of a proprietor of a firm of solicitors acting for the owner in relation to the sale of residential properties in the development. The Vendor or a building contractor for the development is a corporation, and a director or the secretary of that Vendor or contractor (or a holding company of that Vendor) is an immediate family member of a proprietor of such a firm of solicitors. Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable (j) The Vendor, a holding company of the Vendor, or a building contractor for the development, is a private company, and an Authorized Person for the development, or an associate of such an Authorized Person, holds at least 10% of the issued shares in that Vendor, holding company or contractor. Not applicable (k) The Vendor, a holding company of the Vendor, or a building contractor for the development, is a listed company, and such an Authorized Person, or such an associate, holds at least 1% of the issued shares in that Vendor, holding company or contractor. Not applicable 10 11

INFORMATION ON DESIGN OF THE DEVELOPMENT (l) (m) The Vendor or a building contractor for the development is a corporation, and such an Authorized Person, or such an associate, is an employee, director or secretary of that Vendor or contractor or of a holding company of that Vendor. The Vendor or a building contractor for the development is a partnership, and such an Authorized Person, or such an associate, is an employee of that Vendor or contractor. Not applicable Not applicable There will be no non-structural prefabricated external walls forming part of the enclosing walls of the development. There will be no curtain walls forming part of the enclosing walls of the development. (n) (o) The Vendor, a holding company of the Vendor, or a building contractor for the development, is a private company, and a proprietor of a firm of solicitors acting for the owner in relation to the sale of residential properties in the development holds at least 10% of the issued shares in that Vendor, holding company or contractor. The Vendor, a holding company of the Vendor, or a building contractor for the development, is a listed company, and a proprietor of such a firm of solicitors holds at least 1% of the issued shares in that Vendor, holding company or contractor. Not applicable Not applicable INFORMATION ON PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Manager (p) The Vendor or a building contractor for the development is a corporation, and a proprietor of such a firm of solicitors is an employee, director or secretary of that Vendor or contractor or of a holding company of that Vendor. Not applicable New Charm Management Limited will be appointed as the manager of the development under the latest draft of deed of mutual covenant. (q) The Vendor or a building contractor for the development is a partnership, and a proprietor of such a firm of solicitors is an employee of that Vendor or contractor. Not applicable (r) The Vendor or a building contractor for the development is a corporation, and the corporation of which an Authorized Person for the development is a director or employee in his or her professional capacity is an associate corporation of that Vendor or contractor or of a holding company of that Vendor. Not applicable (s) The Vendor or a building contractor for the development is a corporation, and that contractor is an associate corporation of that Vendor or of a holding company of that Vendor. The Building Contractor for the development, Chun Yip Construction Company Limited, is an associate corporation of the Vendor and the holding companies of the Vendor. 12 13

LOCATION PLAN OF THE DEVELOPMENT Notation Power plant (including electricity sub-stations) Public convenience Public transport terminal (including a rail station) Public utility installation Religious institution (including a church, a temple and a Tsz Tong) Sports facilities (including a sports ground and a swimming pool) Public carpark (including a lorry park) School (including a kindergarten) Social welfare facilities (including an elderly centre and a home for the mentally disabled) Public park Market (including a wet market and a wholesale market) Police station Clinic Location of the development 50 150 250 M/ NOTES: The map reproduced with permission of the Director of Lands The Government of Hong Kong SAR. License No. 22/2016. The above location plan is prepared by the Vendor with reference to Survey Sheets No. 5-NE-D dated 6 January 2017; 5-SE-B dated 26 October 2016; 6-NW-C dated 6 January 2017 and 6-SW-A dated 6 January 2017. 1. The surrounding areas and environment are subject to change or modification. 2. The Vendor advises prospective purchasers to conduct on-site visit for a better understanding of the development site, its surrounding environment and the public facilities nearby. 3. The plan may show more than the area required under Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance due to the technical reason that the boundary of the development is irregular. 14 15

AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH OF THE DEVELOPMENT Location of the development Survey and Mapping Office, Lands Department, The Government of HKSAR Copyright reserved reproduction by permission only. Adopted from part of the aerial photograph taken by the Survey and Mapping Office of Lands Department at a flying height of 2,500 feet, Photo No. CW116128 dated 3 August 2015. NOTES: 1. The copy of the aerial photograph of the development is available for free inspection at the sales office during opening hours. 2. The Vendor advises prospective purchasers to conduct an on-site visit for a better understanding of the development site, its surrounding environment and the public facilities nearby. 3. The aerial photograph may show more than the area required under the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance due to the technical reason that the boundary of the development is irregular. 16 17

OUTLINE ZONING PLAN RELATING TO THE DEVELOPMENT R(A) 54 Siu Hang Tsuen Notation 8 Zones R(A) V Residential (Group A) Village Type Development OU GB Other Specified Uses Green Belt R(A)24 G/IC O Government, Institution or Community Open Space Leung King Estate 100 R(A) 1 San Wai Court 3 Castle Peak Hospital Tsing Lun Road 3 Ching Chung Koon G/IC Tsing Tin Road Communications Light Rail L R Miscellaneous 1 100 3 NBA Major Road and Junction Boundary of Planning Scheme Planning Area Number Building Height Control Zone Boundary Maximum Building Height (In Metres Above Principal Datum) Maximum Building Height Restriction as Stipulated on The Notes Maximum Building Height (In Number of Storeys) Non-Building Area This area is not covered under Outline Zoning Plan or Development Permission Area Plan, or the plan deemed to be a draft plan. G/IC 1 GB 8 G/IC 100 R(A) Tai Hing Estate Location of the development 100 200 300 400 500 M/ The map, prepared by the Planning Department under the direction of the Town Planning Board, is reproduced with the permission of the Director of Lands. The Government of Hong Kong SAR. Extracted from part of the approved Tuen Mun Outline Zoning Plan, Plan No. S/TM/33, gazetted on 13 February 2015, with adjustment where necessary. 100 R(A) NOTES: 1. The last updated Outline Zoning Plan and the attached schedule as at the date of printing of the sales brochure are available for free inspection at the sales office during opening hours. 2. The Vendor advises prospective purchasers to conduct an on-site visit for a better understanding of the development site, its surrounding environment and the public facilities nearby. 3. The plan may show more than the area required under the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance due to the technical reason that the boundary of the development is irregular. 18 19

LAYOUT PLAN OF THE DEVELOPMENT FLOOR PLANS OF RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES IN THE DEVELOPMENT Site boundary of the development 5 10 15 20 The estimated date of completion of the buildings and facilities within the development as provided by the Authorized Person for the development is 6 January 2018. 20 21

Tower 1 5/F Floor Plan NOTES: 1. The floor-to-floor height of each residential property (refers to the height between the top surface of the structural slab of floor and the top surface of the structural slab of its immediate upper floor) shown on the floor plan is 3.15m. 2. The thickness of the floor slabs (excluding plaster and floor finish) of each residential property shown in the plan is 150mm and 175mm. 3. The internal areas of the residential properties on the upper floors will generally be slightly larger than those on the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the structural walls on the upper floors. 4. Common pipes exposed and / or enclosed in cladding are located at / adjacent to the balcony and / or utility platform and / or flat roof and /or airconditioning platform and / or external wall of some residential properties. For details, please refer to the latest approved building plans and / or approved drainage plans. 5. There may be sunken slabs and / or bulkheads and / or false ceilings for the installation of air-conditioning fittings and / or mechanical and electrical services at some of the residential properties. 6. The dimensions on the floor plans are all structural dimension in millimeter. 7. The indications of fittings such as windows, bi-folding doors, door leafs, kitchen cabinets, drain points, shower cubicles, sinks, water closets, washbasins, bathtubs etc. shown on the floor plan are indications of their approximate locations only and not indications of their actual sizes, designs and shapes. 8. Flat Roofs on 5/F shown on this floor plan are slightly lower than the level of the residential properties shown on this plan. Please refer to the approved building plans of the development for details in level difference. Legend A/C Platform = Air-conditioning Platform E.M.D. = Electrical Meter Duct W.M.D. = Water Meter Duct H.R. = Hose Reel P.D. = Pipe Duct Refuse Room (M.R.R.) = Refuse Room (Material Recovery Room) U.P. = Utility Platform REMARKS: 1. Special Condition No. (6)(e) of the Land Grant provides that the minimum number of residential units in the development is 370. 2. Special Condition No. (38) of the Land Grant stipulates that except with the prior written consent of the Director of Lands, the purchaser shall not carry out or permit or suffer to be carried out any works in connection with any residential unit erected or to be erected on the Lot, including but not limited to demolition or alternation of any partition wall or any floor or roof slab or any partition structure, which shall result in such unit being internally linked to and accessible from any adjoining or adjacent residential unit erected or to be erected on the Lot. The decision of the Director of Lands as to what constitutes works resulting in a unit being internally linked to and accessible from any adjoining or adjacent residential unit shall be final and binding on the purchaser. 3. The Deed of Mutual Covenant and Management Agreement of the development contains the following provisions:- - Clause 9.1.3 provides that the Manager shall deposit in the management office of the development the record provided by the Director of Lands or any other Government authority in place of him from time to time of the information relating to the consent referred to in Clause 5.2.10 hereof. All Owners may inspect the same at the management office of the development during normal office hours free of charge. A photocopy of such record deposited shall be provided to any Owner upon request at the expense of such Owner and on the payment of a reasonable charge. Any monies paid as such a charge shall be credited to the Special Fund. - Clause 5.2.10 provides that no Owner of a Flat shall carry out or permit or suffer to be carried out any works in connection with any Flat, including but not limited to demolition or alteration of any partition wall or any floor or roof slab or any partition structure, which will result in such Flat being internally linked to and accessible from any adjoining or adjacent Flat except with the prior written consent of the Director of Lands or any other Government authority in place of him from time to time, which consent may be given or withheld at his absolute discretion and if given, may be subject to such terms and conditions (including payment of fees) as may be imposed by him at his absolute discretion. 4. A total number of 370 residential units are provided in the development. 22 23

Tower 1 6/F-12/F, 15/F-16/F Floor Plan NOTES: 1. The floor-to-floor height of each residential property (refers to the height between the top surface of the structural slab of floor and the top surface of the structural slab of its immediate upper floor) shown on the floor plan is 3.15m except for Flat F and Flat G of Tower 1 at 16/F, the floor-to-floor heights of which are 3.15m and 2.75m. 2. The thickness of the floor slabs (excluding plaster and floor finish) of each residential property shown in the plan is 150mm and 175mm. 3. The internal areas of the residential properties on the upper floors will generally be slightly larger than those on the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the structural walls on the upper floors. 4. Common pipes exposed and / or enclosed in cladding are located at / adjacent to the balcony and / or utility platform and / or flat roof and /or airconditioning platform and / or external wall of some residential properties. For details, please refer to the latest approved building plans and / or approved drainage plans. 5. There may be sunken slabs and / or bulkheads and / or false ceilings for the installation of air-conditioning fittings and / or mechanical and electrical services at some of the residential properties. 6. The dimensions on the floor plans are all structural dimension in millimeter. 7. The indications of fittings such as windows, bi-folding doors, door leafs, kitchen cabinets, drain points, shower cubicles, sinks, water closets, washbasins, bathtubs etc. shown on the floor plan are indications of their approximate locations only and not indications of their actual sizes, designs and shapes. Legend A/C Platform = Air-conditioning Platform E.M.D. = Electrical Meter Duct W.M.D. = Water Meter Duct H.R. = Hose Reel P.D. = Pipe Duct Refuse Room (M.R.R.) = Refuse Room (Material Recovery Room) U.P. = Utility Platform REMARKS: 1. Special Condition No. (6)(e) of the Land Grant provides that the minimum number of residential units in the development is 370. 2. Special Condition No. (38) of the Land Grant stipulates that except with the prior written consent of the Director of Lands, the purchaser shall not carry out or permit or suffer to be carried out any works in connection with any residential unit erected or to be erected on the Lot, including but not limited to demolition or alternation of any partition wall or any floor or roof slab or any partition structure, which shall result in such unit being internally linked to and accessible from any adjoining or adjacent residential unit erected or to be erected on the Lot. The decision of the Director of Lands as to what constitutes works resulting in a unit being internally linked to and accessible from any adjoining or adjacent residential unit shall be final and binding on the purchaser. 3. The Deed of Mutual Covenant and Management Agreement of the development contains the following provisions:- - Clause 9.1.3 provides that the Manager shall deposit in the management office of the development the record provided by the Director of Lands or any other Government authority in place of him from time to time of the information relating to the consent referred to in Clause 5.2.10 hereof. All Owners may inspect the same at the management office of the development during normal office hours free of charge. A photocopy of such record deposited shall be provided to any Owner upon request at the expense of such Owner and on the payment of a reasonable charge. Any monies paid as such a charge shall be credited to the Special Fund. - Clause 5.2.10 provides that no Owner of a Flat shall carry out or permit or suffer to be carried out any works in connection with any Flat, including but not limited to demolition or alteration of any partition wall or any floor or roof slab or any partition structure, which will result in such Flat being internally linked to and accessible from any adjoining or adjacent Flat except with the prior written consent of the Director of Lands or any other Government authority in place of him from time to time, which consent may be given or withheld at his absolute discretion and if given, may be subject to such terms and conditions (including payment of fees) as may be imposed by him at his absolute discretion. 4. A total number of 370 residential units are provided in the development. 24 25

Tower 1 17/F-23/F, 25/F-31/F Floor Plan NOTES: 1. The floor-to-floor height of each residential property (refers to the height between the top surface of the structural slab of floor and the top surface of the structural slab of its immediate upper floor) shown on the floor plan is 3.15m. 2. The thickness of the floor slabs (excluding plaster and floor finish) of each residential property shown in the plan is 150mm and 175mm. 3. The internal areas of the residential properties on the upper floors will generally be slightly larger than those on the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the structural walls on the upper floors. 4. Common pipes exposed and / or enclosed in cladding are located at / adjacent to the balcony and / or utility platform and / or flat roof and /or airconditioning platform and / or external wall of some residential properties. For details, please refer to the latest approved building plans and / or approved drainage plans. 5. There may be sunken slabs and / or bulkheads and / or false ceilings for the installation of air-conditioning fittings and / or mechanical and electrical services at some of the residential properties. 6. The dimensions on the floor plans are all structural dimension in millimeter. 7. The indications of fittings such as windows, bi-folding doors, door leafs, kitchen cabinets, drain points, shower cubicles, sinks, water closets, washbasins, bathtubs etc. shown on the floor plan are indications of their approximate locations only and not indications of their actual sizes, designs and shapes. Legend A/C Platform = Air-conditioning Platform E.M.D. = Electrical Meter Duct W.M.D. = Water Meter Duct H.R. = Hose Reel P.D. = Pipe Duct Refuse Room (M.R.R.) = Refuse Room (Material Recovery Room) U.P. = Utility Platform REMARKS: 1. Special Condition No. (6)(e) of the Land Grant provides that the minimum number of residential units in the development is 370. 2. Special Condition No. (38) of the Land Grant stipulates that except with the prior written consent of the Director of Lands, the purchaser shall not carry out or permit or suffer to be carried out any works in connection with any residential unit erected or to be erected on the Lot, including but not limited to demolition or alternation of any partition wall or any floor or roof slab or any partition structure, which shall result in such unit being internally linked to and accessible from any adjoining or adjacent residential unit erected or to be erected on the Lot. The decision of the Director of Lands as to what constitutes works resulting in a unit being internally linked to and accessible from any adjoining or adjacent residential unit shall be final and binding on the purchaser. 3. The Deed of Mutual Covenant and Management Agreement of the development contains the following provisions:- - Clause 9.1.3 provides that the Manager shall deposit in the management office of the development the record provided by the Director of Lands or any other Government authority in place of him from time to time of the information relating to the consent referred to in Clause 5.2.10 hereof. All Owners may inspect the same at the management office of the development during normal office hours free of charge. A photocopy of such record deposited shall be provided to any Owner upon request at the expense of such Owner and on the payment of a reasonable charge. Any monies paid as such a charge shall be credited to the Special Fund. - Clause 5.2.10 provides that no Owner of a Flat shall carry out or permit or suffer to be carried out any works in connection with any Flat, including but not limited to demolition or alteration of any partition wall or any floor or roof slab or any partition structure, which will result in such Flat being internally linked to and accessible from any adjoining or adjacent Flat except with the prior written consent of the Director of Lands or any other Government authority in place of him from time to time, which consent may be given or withheld at his absolute discretion and if given, may be subject to such terms and conditions (including payment of fees) as may be imposed by him at his absolute discretion. 4. A total number of 370 residential units are provided in the development. 26 27

Tower 2 5/F Floor Plan NOTES: 1. The floor-to-floor height of each residential property (refers to the height between the top surface of the structural slab of floor and the top surface of the structural slab of its immediate upper floor) shown on the floor plan is 3.15m. 2. The thickness of the floor slabs (excluding plaster and floor finish) of each residential property is 150mm. 3. The internal areas of the residential properties on the upper floors will generally be slightly larger than those on the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the structural walls on the upper floors. 4. Common pipes exposed and / or enclosed in cladding are located at / adjacent to the balcony and / or utility platform and / or flat roof and /or airconditioning platform and / or external wall of some residential properties. For details, please refer to the latest approved building plans and / or approved drainage plans. 5. There may be sunken slabs and / or bulkheads and / or false ceilings for the installation of air-conditioning fittings and / or mechanical and electrical services at some of the residential properties. 6. The dimensions on the floor plans are all structural dimension in millimeter. 7. The indications of fittings such as windows, bi-folding doors, door leafs, kitchen cabinets, drain points, shower cubicles, sinks, water closets, washbasins, bathtubs etc. shown on the floor plan are indications of their approximate locations only and not indications of their actual sizes, designs and shapes. 8. Flat Roofs on 5th Floor shown on this floor plan are slightly lower than the level of the residential properties shown on this plan. Please refer to the approved building plans of the development for details in level difference. Legend A/C Platform = Air-conditioning Platform E.M.D. = Electrical Meter Duct W.M.D. = Water Meter Duct H.R. = Hose Reel P.D. = Pipe Duct Refuse Room (M.R.R.) = Refuse Room (Material Recovery Room) U.P. = Utility Platform REMARKS: 1. Special Condition No. (6)(e) of the Land Grant provides that the minimum number of residential units in the development is 370. 2. Special Condition No. (38) of the Land Grant stipulates that except with the prior written consent of the Director of Lands, the purchaser shall not carry out or permit or suffer to be carried out any works in connection with any residential unit erected or to be erected on the Lot, including but not limited to demolition or alternation of any partition wall or any floor or roof slab or any partition structure, which shall result in such unit being internally linked to and accessible from any adjoining or adjacent residential unit erected or to be erected on the Lot. The decision of the Director of Lands as to what constitutes works resulting in a unit being internally linked to and accessible from any adjoining or adjacent residential unit shall be final and binding on the purchaser. 3. The Deed of Mutual Covenant and Management Agreement of the development contains the following provisions:- - Clause 9.1.3 provides that the Manager shall deposit in the management office of the development the record provided by the Director of Lands or any other Government authority in place of him from time to time of the information relating to the consent referred to in Clause 5.2.10 hereof. All Owners may inspect the same at the management office of the development during normal office hours free of charge. A photocopy of such record deposited shall be provided to any Owner upon request at the expense of such Owner and on the payment of a reasonable charge. Any monies paid as such a charge shall be credited to the Special Fund. - Clause 5.2.10 provides that no Owner of a Flat shall carry out or permit or suffer to be carried out any works in connection with any Flat, including but not limited to demolition or alteration of any partition wall or any floor or roof slab or any partition structure, which will result in such Flat being internally linked to and accessible from any adjoining or adjacent Flat except with the prior written consent of the Director of Lands or any other Government authority in place of him from time to time, which consent may be given or withheld at his absolute discretion and if given, may be subject to such terms and conditions (including payment of fees) as may be imposed by him at his absolute discretion. 4. A total number of 370 residential units are provided in the development. 28 29

Tower 2 6/F-12/F, 15/F-23/F, 25/F-31/F Floor Plan NOTES: 1. The floor-to-floor height of each residential property (refers to the height between the top surface of the structural slab of floor and the top surface of the structural slab of its immediate upper floor) shown on the floor plan is 3.15m. 2. The thickness of the floor slabs (excluding plaster and floor finish) of each residential property is 150mm. 3. The internal areas of the residential properties on the upper floors will generally be slightly larger than those on the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the structural walls on the upper floors. 4. Common pipes exposed and / or enclosed in cladding are located at / adjacent to the balcony and / or utility platform and / or flat roof and /or airconditioning platform and / or external wall of some residential properties. For details, please refer to the latest approved building plans and / or approved drainage plans. 5. There may be sunken slabs and / or bulkheads and / or false ceilings for the installation of air-conditioning fittings and / or mechanical and electrical services at some of the residential properties. 6. The dimensions on the floor plans are all structural dimension in millimeter. 7. The indications of fittings such as windows, bi-folding doors, door leafs, kitchen cabinets, drain points, shower cubicles, sinks, water closets, washbasins, bathtubs etc. shown on the floor plan are indications of their approximate locations only and not indications of their actual sizes, designs and shapes. Legend A/C Platform = Air-conditioning Platform E.M.D. = Electrical Meter Duct W.M.D. = Water Meter Duct H.R. = Hose Reel P.D. = Pipe Duct Refuse Room (M.R.R.) = Refuse Room (Material Recovery Room) U.P. = Utility Platform REMARKS: 1. Special Condition No. (6)(e) of the Land Grant provides that the minimum number of residential units in the development is 370. 2. Special Condition No. (38) of the Land Grant stipulates that except with the prior written consent of the Director of Lands, the purchaser shall not carry out or permit or suffer to be carried out any works in connection with any residential unit erected or to be erected on the Lot, including but not limited to demolition or alternation of any partition wall or any floor or roof slab or any partition structure, which shall result in such unit being internally linked to and accessible from any adjoining or adjacent residential unit erected or to be erected on the Lot. The decision of the Director of Lands as to what constitutes works resulting in a unit being internally linked to and accessible from any adjoining or adjacent residential unit shall be final and binding on the purchaser. 3. The Deed of Mutual Covenant and Management Agreement of the development contains the following provisions:- - Clause 9.1.3 provides that the Manager shall deposit in the management office of the development the record provided by the Director of Lands or any other Government authority in place of him from time to time of the information relating to the consent referred to in Clause 5.2.10 hereof. All Owners may inspect the same at the management office of the development during normal office hours free of charge. A photocopy of such record deposited shall be provided to any Owner upon request at the expense of such Owner and on the payment of a reasonable charge. Any monies paid as such a charge shall be credited to the Special Fund. - Clause 5.2.10 provides that no Owner of a Flat shall carry out or permit or suffer to be carried out any works in connection with any Flat, including but not limited to demolition or alteration of any partition wall or any floor or roof slab or any partition structure, which will result in such Flat being internally linked to and accessible from any adjoining or adjacent Flat except with the prior written consent of the Director of Lands or any other Government authority in place of him from time to time, which consent may be given or withheld at his absolute discretion and if given, may be subject to such terms and conditions (including payment of fees) as may be imposed by him at his absolute discretion. 4. A total number of 370 residential units are provided in the development. 30 31

AREA OF RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES IN THE DEVELOPMENT 1. The saleable area of each residential property is calculated in accordance with Section 8 of the Residential Properties (Firsthand Sales) Ordinance. 2. The floor area of every one of the balcony, utility platform and verandah, if any, to the extent that it forms part of the residential property is calculated in accordance with Section 8 of the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance. 3. The areas of other specified items (not included in the saleable area) are calculated in accordance with Part 2 of Schedule 2 to the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance. Remarks: (a) The areas in square feet have been converted from square metres based on a conversion rate of 1 square metre = 10.764 square feet and rounded off to the nearest whole square foot, which may be slightly different from the areas presented in square metres. (b) There is no verandah in the residential properties of the development. 32 33

1. The saleable area of each residential property is calculated in accordance with Section 8 of the Residential Properties (Firsthand Sales) Ordinance. 2. The floor area of every one of the balcony, utility platform and verandah, if any, to the extent that it forms part of the residential property is calculated in accordance with Section 8 of the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance. 3. The areas of other specified items (not included in the saleable area) are calculated in accordance with Part 2 of Schedule 2 to the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance. Remarks: (a) The areas in square feet have been converted from square metres based on a conversion rate of 1 square metre = 10.764 square feet and rounded off to the nearest whole square foot, which may be slightly different from the areas presented in square metres. (b) There is no verandah in the residential properties of the development. 34 35

1. The saleable area of each residential property is calculated in accordance with Section 8 of the Residential Properties (Firsthand Sales) Ordinance. 2. The floor area of every one of the balcony, utility platform and verandah, if any, to the extent that it forms part of the residential property is calculated in accordance with Section 8 of the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance. 3. The areas of other specified items (not included in the saleable area) are calculated in accordance with Part 2 of Schedule 2 to the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance. Remarks: (a) The areas in square feet have been converted from square metres based on a conversion rate of 1 square metre = 10.764 square feet and rounded off to the nearest whole square foot, which may be slightly different from the areas presented in square metres. (b) There is no verandah in the residential properties of the development. 36 37

1. The saleable area of each residential property is calculated in accordance with Section 8 of the Residential Properties (Firsthand Sales) Ordinance. 2. The floor area of every one of the balcony, utility platform and verandah, if any, to the extent that it forms part of the residential property is calculated in accordance with Section 8 of the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance. 3. The areas of other specified items (not included in the saleable area) are calculated in accordance with Part 2 of Schedule 2 to the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance. Remarks: (a) The areas in square feet have been converted from square metres based on a conversion rate of 1 square metre = 10.764 square feet and rounded off to the nearest whole square foot, which may be slightly different from the areas presented in square metres. (b) There is no verandah in the residential properties of the development. 38 39

1. The saleable area of each residential property is calculated in accordance with Section 8 of the Residential Properties (Firsthand Sales) Ordinance. 2. The floor area of every one of the balcony, utility platform and verandah, if any, to the extent that it forms part of the residential property is calculated in accordance with Section 8 of the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance. 3. The areas of other specified items (not included in the saleable area) are calculated in accordance with Part 2 of Schedule 2 to the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance. Remarks: (a) The areas in square feet have been converted from square metres based on a conversion rate of 1 square metre = 10.764 square feet and rounded off to the nearest whole square foot, which may be slightly different from the areas presented in square metres. (b) There is no verandah in the residential properties of the development. 40 41

FLOOR PLANS OF PARKING SPACES IN THE DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY OF PRELIMINARY AGREEMENT FOR SALE AND PURCHASE Basement Floor (B/F) 1. A preliminary deposit of 5% of the purchase price is payable on the signing of the Preliminary Agreement for Sale and Purchase ( Preliminary Agreement ); 2. The preliminary deposit paid by the purchaser on the signing of that Preliminary Agreement will be held by a firm of solicitors acting for the owner, as stakeholders; 3. If the purchaser fails to execute the Agreement for Sale and Purchase within 5 working days after the date on which the purchaser enters into that Preliminary Agreement a. that Preliminary Agreement is terminated; b. the preliminary deposit is forfeited; and c. the owner does not have any further claim against the purchaser for the failure. Number, Dimensions and Area of Parking Spaces on the Basement Floor of the development: Category of Parking Space Residential Parking Spaces Disabled Residential Parking Spaces Commercial Parking Spaces Disabled Commercial Parking Spaces Visitor Parking Spaces Disabled Visitor Parking Spaces Residential Motorcycle Parking Spaces Commercial Motorcycle Parking Spaces Bicycle Parking Spaces Number Dimensions (L x W) (m) Area of each parking space (sq.m.) 38 5 x 2.5 12.5 1 5 x 3.5 17.5 15 5 x 2.5 12.5 1 5 x 3.5 17.5 9 5 x 2.5 12.5 1 5 x 3.5 17.5 4 2.4 x 1 2.4 2 2.4 x 1 2.4 25 1.8 x 0.8 1.44 42 43

SUMMARY OF DEED OF MUTUAL COVENANT A. Common parts of the development There are the following kinds of common areas in the development: the Development Common Areas, the Residential Common Areas, the Commercial Common Areas and the Carpark Common Areas (collectively General Common Areas ), which includes those fall within the definition of common parts set out in section 2 of the Building Management Ordinance. Development Common Areas including but not limited to the lobby, transformer room, emergency generator rooms, meter rooms, pump rooms, plant rooms, duct rooms, switch rooms, planters, F.S. control room, tanks rooms, sprinkler control valve room, genset room, lift lobby, management office, areas for the installation or use of aerial broadcast distribution or telecommunication network facilities, driveways (other than those forming part of the Carpark Common Areas), passageways, emergency vehicular access, staircases, the Landscaped Areas on the ground floor, architectural fins and external walls and fences of the whole development (other than those of the Residential Accommodation and the External Wall Signage Spaces), refuse storage and material recovery chamber, stores, lavatory and other areas and spaces containing the Development Common Facilities and other areas and spaces in any part or parts of the development which are designated as being for the common use and benefit of the Owners of the development. Residential Common Areas including but not limited to Roofs (unless otherwise specifically included in the Flat assigned), Upper and Top Roofs (unless otherwise specifically included in the Flat assigned) and flat roofs (unless otherwise specifically included in the Flat assigned); lift machine room, electric meter rooms, entrance lobbies, caretakers counters, skylight, lift lobbies, lift pits and lift shafts of the Towers; A/C platforms, passageways, staircases, corridors, acoustic noise barriers, architectural fins, acoustic fins and external walls of the Towers; the Recreational Areas and Facilities, the Landscaped Areas on the 2 nd floor and Roofs, meter rooms, filtration plant room, telecommunication and broadcasting equipment room, landscape area, planters, canopies, the car parking space for the disabled person for the Residential Accomodation, Visitors Carparking Spaces, bicycle parking spaces, the loading and unloading bay for the Owners of the Flats, and other areas and spaces in any part or parts of the development which are designated for the common use and benefit of the Owners of the Residential Accommodation. Commercial Common Areas including but not limited to the car parking space for the disabled person for the Commercial Accommodation provided pursuant to Special Condition No.(20)(c)(i) of the Land Grant, the loading and unloading bays designated as being for the common use of the Commercial Accommodation provided pursuant to Special Condition No.(21)(a)(iii) of the Land Grant, and other areas and spaces in any part of parts of the development which are designated for the common use and benefit of the Owners of the Commercial Accommodation. Carpark Common Areas including but not limited to all spaces and areas in the Car Park intended for use in common by Owners of the Parking Spaces and occupiers of the parking spaces forming part of the Residential Common Areas and the Commercial Common Areas including (but not limited to) accessory areas, circulation passages, void spaces, driveways, ramps, entrances, exits and other spaces or areas containing the Carpark Common Facilities. B. Number of undivided shares assigned to each residential property in the development For the number of undivided shares assigned to each residential property in the development, please refer to the tables entitled Allocation of Undivided Shares to each residential property in the development. C. Terms of years for which the manager of the development is appointed The Manager shall be appointed for an initial term of 2 years from the date of the DMC and to be continued thereafter until and unless terminated by 3 months written notice by either the Manager or the Owners Committee (prior to formation of the Owners Corporation) in accordance with the terms of the DMC. D. Basis on which the management expenses are shared among the owners of the residential properties in the development (a) Where any expenditure relates wholly to the Residential Common Areas or the Residential Common Facilities providing services to the Owners of the Flats the expenditure shall form part of the Management Expenses of the Residential Accommodation and shall be borne by the Owners of the Flats according to the proportions borne by the number of the Management Shares of their respective Flats to the total number of Management Shares allocated to all the Flats. (b) Where any expenditure relates wholly to the Development Common Areas and/or the Development Common Facilities, the expenditure shall form part of the Management Expenses of the development as a whole and shall be borne by all Owners of the development in accordance with the proportion that the respective Management Shares of the relevant part of the development bear to the total number of Management Shares of the development less those Undivided Shares allocated to the General Common Areas and the General Common Facilities. (c) The Owners of the Flats shall also bear 21% of the expenditure relating wholly to the Carpark Common Areas or the Carpark Common Facilities. E. Basis on which the management fee deposit is fixed Management Fee deposit is equivalent to 3 months Management Fee payable in respect of his unit. F. The area (if any) in the development retained by the vendor for the vendor s own use Not applicable. Note: Please refer to the latest draft of the DMC for full details. A full script of the latest draft of the DMC is available for inspection during office hours free of charge in the sales office upon request. 44 45

Allocation of Undivided Shares to each residential property in the development * Flat with Flat Roof pertaining thereto. Remark: There is no 4/F, 13/F, 14/F and 24/F in each Tower. 46 47

SUMMARY OF LAND GRANT 1. The development is erected on Tuen Mun Town Lot No. 508 ( Lot ), which is held under New Grant No. 21781 dated 19th March 2014 ( the Land Grant ). 2. The lease term is 50 years from 19th March 2014. 3. Subject as hereinafter mentioned, the Lot or any part thereof or any building or buildings erected or to be erected thereon shall not be used for any purpose other than for non-industrial (excluding godown, hotel and petrol filling station) purposes. Any building or part of any building erected or to be erected on the Lot shall not be used for any purpose other than the following:- (i) as to the lowest three floors (including any basement floor in counting the number of floors), for nonindustrial (excluding godown, hotel and petrol filling station) purposes subject to sub-clause (iii) below; (ii) as to the remaining floors (excluding any basement floor or basement floors above the lowest three floors in the event that there are more than 3 basement levels), for private residential purposes; (iii) as to any basement floor, for non-industrial (excluding residential, godown, hotel and petrol filling station) purposes. 4. General Condition No.(7)(a) provides that the Purchaser shall throughout the tenancy: (i) maintain all buildings in accordance with the approved design and disposition and any approved building plans without variation or modification thereto; (ii) maintain all buildings erected or to be erected in good and substantial repair and condition. 5. Special Condition No.(2) provides that the Purchaser shall develop the Lot by the erection thereon of a building or buildings complying in all respects with the Land Grant and all Ordinances, bye-laws and regulations relating to building, sanitation and planning which are or may at any time be in force in Hong Kong, such building or buildings to be completed and made fit for occupation on or before 31st December 2019. 6. Special Condition No.(4) provides that no tree growing on the Lot or adjacent thereto shall be removed or interfered with without the prior written consent of the Director of Lands. 7. Special Condition No.(5) provides that:- (i) the Purchaser shall at his own expense submit to the Director of Lands for his approval a landscape plan indicating the landscaping proposals for the Lot. The Purchaser shall at his own expenses landscape the Lot in accordance with the approved landscape plan. (ii) the Purchaser shall thereafter at his own expense keep and maintain the landscaped works in a safe, clean, neat, tidy and healthy condition all to the satisfaction of the Director of Lands. 8. Special Condition No.(10)(a) stipulates that the Purchaser may erect, construct and provide within the Lot such recreational facilities and facilities ancillary thereto (collectively referred to as the Facilities ) as may be approved by the Director of Lands. Special Condition No.(10)(c) provides that: (i) in the event that any part of the Facilities is exempted from the gross floor area calculation ( the Exempted Facilities ), the Exempted Facilities shall be designated as and form part of the common areas ( the Common Areas ) for the common use and benefit of the owners of the Lot; (ii) the Purchaser shall at his own expense maintain the Exempted Facilities in good and substantial repair and condition and operate the same to the satisfaction of the Director of Lands; and (iii) the Exempted Facilities shall only be used by the residents of the residential block(s) erected on the Lot and their bona fide visitors and by no other persons. 9. Special Condition No.(20) stipulates that the Residential Parking Spaces (including the parking spaces for vehicles of disabled persons) and the Residential Motor Cycle Parking Spaces shall not be used for any purpose other than for the parking of motor vehicles (including the motor vehicles by disabled persons) and motor cycles licensed under the Road Traffic Ordinance respectively and belonging to the residents of the building or buildings erected or to be erected on the Lot and their bona fide guests, visitors or invitees and in particular the said spaces shall not be used for the storage, display or exhibiting of motor vehicles for sale or otherwise or for provision of car cleaning and beauty services. 10. Special Condition No.(24) stipulates that the Residential Parking Spaces and the Residential Motor Cycle Parking Spaces shall not be assigned except together with undivided shares in the Lot giving the right of exclusive use and possession of a residential unit or units in the building or buildings erected or to be erected on the Lot or to a person who is already owner of undivided shares in the Lot with the right of exclusive use and possession of a residential unit or units in the building or buildings erected or to be erected on the Lot; or shall not be underlet except to residents of the residential units in the building or buildings erected or to be erected on the Lot. Provided that in any event not more than three in number of the total of the Residential Parking Spaces and the Residential Motor Cycle Parking Spaces shall be assigned to the owner or underlet to the resident of any one residential unit in the building or buildings erected or to be erected on the Lot. 11. Spaces shall be provided within the Lot to the satisfaction of the Director of Lands for the parking of bicycles belonging to the residents of the residential units in the building or buildings erected or to be erected on the Lot and their bona fide guests, visitors or invitees. It shall also be provided within the Lot to the satisfaction of the Director of Lands spaces for the loading and unloading of goods vehicles. 12. Special Condition No.(28) provides that where there is or has been any cutting away, removal or setting back of any land, or any building-up of filling-in or any slope treatment works of any kind whatsoever, the Purchaser shall at his own expense carry out and construct slope treatment works, retaining walls or other support, protection, drainage or ancillary or other work as may be necessary to protect and support such land within the Lot and also any adjacent or adjoining Government or leased land and to obviate and prevent any falling away, landslip or subsidence occurring thereafter. The Purchaser shall at all times maintain at his own expense the said land, slope treatment works, retaining walls or other support, protection, drainage or ancillary or other works in good and substantial repair and condition to the satisfaction of the Director of Lands. In the event of any falling away, landslip or subsidence, the Purchaser shall at his own expense reinstate and make good the same to the satisfaction of the Director of Lands. The Director of Lands shall be entitled by notice in writing to call upon the Purchaser to carry out, construct and maintain the said land, slope treatment works, retaining walls or other support, protection, and drainage or ancillary or other works or to reinstate and make good any falling away, landslip or subsidence. 13. Special Condition No.(30) provides that where prestressed ground anchors have been installed, upon development or redevelopment of the Lot or any part thereof, the Purchaser shall at his own expense carry out regular maintenance and regular monitoring of the prestressed ground anchors throughout their service life to the satisfaction of the Director of Lands and shall supply to the Director of Lands such reports and information on all such monitoring works as the Director of Lands may from time to time in his absolute discretion require. 14. Special Condition No.(33) provides that: (i) The Purchaser shall construct and maintain at his own expense and to the satisfaction of the Director of Lands such drains and channels, whether within the boundaries of the Lot or on Government land, as the Director of Lands may consider necessary to interpret and convey into the nearest stream-course, catchpit, channel or Government storm-water drain all storm-water or rain-water falling or flowing on to the Lot. (ii) The works of connecting any drains and sewers from the Lot to the Government storm-water drains and sewers may with the prior written approval of the Director of Lands, be carried out by the Purchaser at his own expense to the satisfaction of the Director of Lands and in such case any section of the said connection works which is constructed within Government land shall be maintained by the Purchaser at his own cost. 15. Special Condition No.(34) stipulates that the Purchaser shall at his own expense within such time limits as shall be stipulated by the Director of Lands to carry out and implement the Noise Mitigation Measures as proposed in the noise impact assessment and approved by the Director of Lands. 16. Special Condition No.(38) stipulates that the Purchaser shall not carry out or permit or suffer to be carried out any works in connection with any residential unit erected or to be erected on the Lot, including but not limited to demolition or alternation of any partition wall or any floor or roof slab or any partition structure, which shall result in such unit being internally linked to and accessible from any adjoining or adjacent residential unit erected or to be erected on the Lot. 17. Special Condition No.(39) provides that no grave or columbarium shall be erected or made on the Lot, nor shall any human remains or animal remains whether in earthenware jars, cinerary urns or otherwise be interred therein or deposited thereon. Notes: 1) The Purchaser as mentioned in this section means the Purchaser under the Land Grant and where the context so admits or requires include its executors, administrators and assigns and in case of a corporation its successor and assigns. 2) For full details, please refer to the Land Grant and a copy of the Land Grant is available for inspection upon request by prospective purchasers free of charge. 48 49

50 51

INFORMATION ON PUBLIC FACILITIES AND PUBLIC OPEN SPACES 公共設施及公眾休憩用地的資料 Not applicable CROSS-SECTION PLAN OF BUILDING IN THE DEVELOPMENT 發展項目中的建築物的橫截面圖 不適用 Key Plan 指示圖 WARNING TO PURCHASERS 對買方的警告 1. The purchaser is hereby recommended to instruct a separate firm of solicitors (other than that acting for the Owner) to act for the purchaser in relation to the transaction. 1. 特此建議買方聘用一間獨立律師事務所 代表擁有人行 事者除外 以在此交易中代表買方行事 2. If the purchaser instructs such separate firm of solicitors to act for the purchaser in relation to the transaction, that firm will be able to give independent advice to the purchaser. 3. 如聘用代表擁有人行事的律師事務所同時代表買方行 事 而擁有人與買方之間出現利益衝突 3. If the purchaser instructs the firm of solicitors acting for the Owner to act for the purchaser as well, and a conflict of interest arises between the Owner and the purchaser: 2. 如買方聘用上述的獨立律師事務所 以在交易中代表買 方行事 該律師事務所將會能夠向買方提供獨立意見 a. 該律師事務所可能不能夠保障買方的利益 及 b. 買方可能要聘用一間獨立的律師事務所 4. 如屬段落3(b) 的情況 買方須支付的律師費用總數 可能高於如買方自一開始即聘用一間獨立的律師事務 所而須支付的費用 a. that firm may not be able to protect the purchaser s interests; and b. the purchaser may have to instruct a separate firm of solicitors 4. In case of paragraph 3(b), the total solicitors fees payable by the purchaser may be higher than the fees that would have been payable if the purchaser had instructed a separate firm of solicitors in the first place. Cross-Section Plan A-A 橫截面圖A-A 1) The part of Leung Tak Street adjacent to the building is 12.58 metres to 13.10 metres above the Hong Kong principal datum. 2) The part of pedestrian passageway adjacent to the south side of the building is 11.34 metres to 12.29 metres above the Hong Kong principal datum. 3) Red dotted line donates the level of the lowest residential floor. 52 1) 毗鄰建築物的一段良德街為香港主水平基準以上12.58米 至13.10米 2) 毗鄰建築物南面的一段行人通道為香港主水平基準以上 11.34米至12.29米 3) 紅色虛線為最低住宅樓層水平 53

Key Plan 指示圖 Cross-Section Plan B-B 橫截面圖B-B 1) The part of Tsun Wen Road adjacent to the building is 13.13 metres to 13.35 metres above the Hong Kong principal datum. 2) The part of pedestrian passageway adjacent to the west side of the building is 12.34 metres to 12.54 metres above the Hong Kong principal datum. 3) Red dotted line donates the level of the lowest residential floor. 54 1) 毗鄰建築物的一段震寰路為香港主水平基準以上13.13米 至13.35米 2) 毗鄰建築物西面的一段行人通道為香港主水平基準以上 12.34米至12.54米 3) 紅色虛線為最低住宅樓層水平 Key Plan 指示圖 Cross-Section Plan C-C 橫截面圖C-C 1) The part of Tsun Wen Road adjacent to the building is 13.13 metres to 13.28 metres above the Hong Kong principal datum. 2) The part of pedestrian passageway adjacent to the west side of the building is 11.34 metres to 12.22 metres above the Hong Kong principal datum. 3) Red dotted line donates the level of the lowest residential floor. 1) 毗鄰建築物的一段震寰路為香港主水平基準以上13.13米 至13.28米 2) 毗鄰建築物西面的一段行人通道為香港主水平基準以上 11.34米至12.22米 3) 紅色虛線為最低住宅樓層水平 55

ELEVATION PLAN EAST ELEVATION SOUTH ELEVATION Key Plan Key Plan Authorized Person for the development certified that the elevations shown on these plans: (1) are prepared on the basis of the approved Building Plans for the development as at 21 June 2016; and (2) are in general accordance with the outward appearance of the development. Authorized Person for the development certified that the elevations shown on these plans: (1) are prepared on the basis of the approved Building Plans for the development as at 21 June 2016; and (2) are in general accordance with the outward appearance of the development. 56 57

WEST ELEVATION NORTH ELEVATION Key Plan Key Plan Authorized Person for the development certified that the elevations shown on these plans: (1) are prepared on the basis of the approved Building Plans for the development as at 21 June 2016; and (2) are in general accordance with the outward appearance of the development. Authorized Person for the development certified that the elevations shown on these plans: (1) are prepared on the basis of the approved Building Plans for the development as at 21 June 2016; and (2) are in general accordance with the outward appearance of the development. 58 59

INFORMATION ON COMMON FACILITIES IN THE DEVELOPMENT FITTINGS, FINISHES AND APPLIANCES Covered Uncovered 1. Exterior finishes Category of Common Facilities Area sq m Area sq ft Area sq m Area sq ft (a) External wall External wall of tower is finished with ceramic tiles and metal louvers. A residents clubhouse (including any recreational facilities for residents use) 732.665 7,886 538.72 5,799 External wall of podium is finished with natural stone, ceramic tile, glass wall, glass balustrade, aluminum cladding, external paint and external timber. A communal garden or play area for residents use on the roof, or on any floor between the roof and the lowest residential floor, of a building in the development whether known as a communal sky garden or otherwise) A communal garden or play area for residents use below the lowest residential floor of a building in the development (whether known as a covered and landscaped play area or otherwise) N/A N/A N/A N/A 446.809 4,809 190.902 2,055 (b) Window (c) Bay window (d) Planter Window in living/dining room and bedroom is fitted with aluminum-framed single-glazed clear tempered glass and single glazed clear glass. Window in kitchen is fitted with aluminum-framed singleglazed clear glass. Window in bathroom is fitted with aluminum-framed single-glazed frosted glass for the following units: - Flat B & E for Tower 1 - Flat C & H (For all floors), & Flat E (For all floors except 5/F) of Tower 2 Not Applicable Finished with ceramic tile, artificial granite stone, natural stone, external paint and wood plastic composite decking. Notes: The areas in square feet have been converted from square metres based on a conversion rate of 1 square metre = 10.764 square feet and rounded off to the nearest whole square foot, which may be slightly different from the areas presented in square metres. INSPECTION OF PLANS AND DEED OF MUTUAL CONVENANT 1. The address of the website on which a copy of the Outline Zoning Plan relating to the development is available at: 2. A copy of the latest draft of every deed of mutual covenant in respect of the residential property as at the date on which the residential property is offered to be sold is available for inspection at the place at which the residential property is offered to be sold. 3. The inspection is free of charge. (e) Verandah or balcony (f) Drying facilities for clothing Balcony is fitted with aluminum-framed clear tempered glass balustrade with aluminum handrail. Wall of balcony is finished with ceramic tile for the following units: - Flat A, C, D, E, F, G & H on 5/F-12/F, 15/F-16/F, & Flat A, C, D, E, F & G on 17/F-23/F, 25/F-31/F of Tower 1 - Flat A, B, E, F, G & H of Tower 2 Wall of balcony is finished with ceramic tile and aluminum acoustic cladding for the following units: - Flat B of Tower 1, Flat C & D of Tower 2 Floor of balcony is finished with ceramic tile for all units. Ceiling of balcony is finished with aluminum acoustic ceiling for the following units: - Flat A, B, C, D & E of Tower 1, Flat C, D, E & F of Tower 2 Ceiling is finished with external paint on plaster for the following units: - Flat F, G & H of Tower 1, Flat A, B, G & H of Tower 2 All balconies are covered. Verandah is not provided. Not Applicable 60 61

2. Interior finishes 3. Interior fittings (a) Lobby (b) Internal wall and ceiling (c) Internal floor (d) Bathroom (e) Kitchen Main Entrance Lobby Wall is finished with natural stone, stainless steel panel and timber veneer panel to the false ceiling level where exposed. Floor is finished with natural stone where exposed. Ceiling is finished with gypsum board false ceiling with emulsion paint where exposed. Typical Lift Lobby Wall is finished with ceramic tile, stainless steel panel and timber veneer panel to the false ceiling level where exposed. Floor is finished with natural stone where exposed. Ceiling is finished with gypsum board false ceiling with emulsion paint where exposed. Internal wall of living/dining room and bedroom is plastered and finished with emulsion paint where exposed. Ceiling of living/dining room and bedroom is plastered and finished with emulsion paint where exposed. Part of the ceiling and bulkhead is finished with gypsum board false ceiling with emulsion paint. Internal floor of living/dining room and bedroom is finished with ceramic tile flooring with timber skirting where exposed. Wall is finished with ceramic tile to the false ceiling level where exposed. Ceiling is finished with aluminum false ceiling. Floors is finished with ceramic tile on exposed surface. Wall is finished with ceramic tile, metal panel and glass panel with metal backing to false ceiling level where exposed. Ceiling is finished with aluminum false ceiling. For open kitchen, ceiling is finished with gypsum board false ceiling with emulsion paint. Floors is finished with ceramic tile where exposed. (a) Doors Unit Main Entrance Door Solid core timber door finished with timber veneer, fitted with electronic lockset, concealed door closer and magic eye. Kitchen Door (Not applicable to open kitchen) Solid core timber door finished with timber veneer and fire rated glass panel, fitted with metal handle and door closer. Balcony Door Aluminum door fitted with clear tempered glass, metal handle and lockset. Bathroom Door and Lavatory Door Hollow core timber door with louver finished with timber veneer, fitted with metal handle, lockset and door stopper. Bedroom Door Hollow core timber door finished with timber veneer, fitted with metal handle, lockset and door stopper. Utility Platform Door Aluminum-framed frosted tempered glass door fitted with metal handle and lockset for the following units: - Flat A, E and F of Tower 1 - Flat B, F and G of Tower 2 Aluminum-framed clear tempered glass door fitted with metal handle and lockset for the following units: - Flat B of Tower 1 - Flat C of Tower 2 Door Access to Private Flat Roof Aluminum-framed clear glass door fitted with metal handle and lockset for the following units: - Flat F & G on 5/F of Tower 1 - Flat F on 5/F of Tower 2 Aluminum-framed frosted glass door fitted with metal handle and lockset for the following units: - Flat E on 5/F of Tower 2 Cooking bench is finished with solid surfacing material. 62 63

(b) Bathroom (c) Kitchen & open kitchen (d) Bedroom Basin countertop is finished with solid surfacing material Sanitary wares and fittings include: Wooden basin cabinet with plastic laminate and door panel finished with acrylic gloss paint Ceramic washbasin with chrome-plated basin mixer Hanging cabinet with mirror for the following units: - Flat A (Bathroom), B & E on 5/F-12/F, 15/F-16, Flat A (Bathroom), B, E & F on 17/F-23/F, 25/F-31/F of Tower 1 - Flat B, C, E & F of Tower 2 Hanging wooden mirror cabinet finished with acrylic gloss paint for the following units: - Flat C, D, F, G & H on 5/F-12/F, 15/F-16, and C, D & G on 17/F-23/F, 25/F-31/F of Tower 1 - Flat A, D, G & H of Tower 2 Vitreous china water closet Chrome-plated shower set Chrome-plated towel bar Chrome-plated paper holder Chrome-plated hook Vitreous china bathtub (1,500mm L x 700mm W x 390mm D) and chrome-plated bathtub mixer (applicable to bathrooms with bathtub) Tempered glass shower cubicle fitted with polished chrome shower mixer (applicable to bathroom with shower cubicle). Lavatory for Flat A Tower 1 is fitted with: Vitreous china closet Ceramic washbasin with chrome-plated basin mixer Hanging wooden mirror cabinet finished with acrylic gloss paint. Copper pipes are used for cold and hot water supply system Wooden kitchen cabinet with plastic laminate and wooden door panel finished with acrylic gloss paint. Fitted with stainless steel sink and chrome-plated hot and cold water mixer. Fitted with stainless steel utensil bar. Copper pipes are used for cold and hot water supply system. Sprinkler heads and smoke detector are installed in Open Kitchen / Living Area (for flats with open kitchen only) For appliances provision and brand name, please refer to Fittings, Finishes and Appliances. Not Applicable (f) Aerials (g) Electrical installations (h) Gas supply (i) Washing machine connection point (j) Water supply For the number and the location of connection points, please refer to Schedule of Mechanical & Electrical Provisions of Residential Units. For Flat C, D & G on 5-12/F, 15-23/F & 25-31/F and Flat H on 5-12/F & 15-16/F of Tower 1 and Flat A, D & H of Tower 2, three phase electricity supply distribution board with residual current device (RCD) and miniature circuit breakers (MCB) are provided. For Flat A, B, E & F of Tower 1 and Flat B, C, E, F & G of Tower 2, Single phase electricity supply distribution board with residual current device (RCD) and miniature circuit breakers (MCB) are provided. Electrical conduits are partly concealed and partly exposed*. For the number and location of power and air conditioning points, please refer to Schedule of Mechanical provision of Residential Units. * Note: Other than those parts of the electrical conduits concealed within concrete, the rest of them are exposed. Exposed conduits are mostly covered or hidden by false ceilings, bulkheads, cabinets, claddings, non-concrete walls, pipe ducts or other materials and are not readily visible. Towngas piping is installed and connected to gas water heater and gas cooker for the following units: - Flat A, B & E on 5/F - 12/F, 15/F - 23/F & 25/F - 31/F & Flat F on 17/F - 23/F & 25/F - 31/F of Tower 1 - Flat B, C & F of Tower 2 Towngas piping is installed and connected to gas water heater for the following units: - Flat F on 5/F -12/F, 15/F 16/F of Tower 1 - Flat E & G of Tower 2 Other flats do not have gas supply. Water point of a design of 22mm in diameter and drain point of a design of 40mm diameter are provided for washing machine. For the location of points, please refer to Schedule of Mechanical and Electrical Provisions of Residential Units. Copper pipes are adopted for cold and hot water supply system. Water pipes are partly concealed and partly exposed*. Hot water is available via water heater. * Note: Other than those parts of the water pipes concealed within concrete, the rest of them are exposed. Some of the exposed water pipes are covered or hidden by false ceilings, bulkheads, cabinets, claddings, non-concrete walls, pipe ducts or other materials and are not readily visible. (e) Telephone For the number and the location of connection points, please refer to Schedule of Mechanical & Electrical Provisions of Residential Units. 64 65

4. Miscellaneous (a) Lifts (b) Letter box (c) Refuse collection (d) Water meter, electricity meter and gas meter 5. Security facilities 3 passenger lifts (brand name: Hitachi, model no. VFI-II-900-CO150) serving for the following floors of each tower: Basement (B/F), G/F-3/F, 5/F-12/F, 15/F-23/F & 25/F-31/F Metal letter boxes are provided. Refuse room (material recovery room) is provided at each residential floor with refuse collection at G/F for collection of refuse by cleaners. Water meter: Individual water meter is installed at Water Meter Room (WMR)/ Water Meter Cabinet (WMC) located at common area. Electricity meter: Individual electricity meter is installed at Electrical Meter Room (EMR)/ Electrical Meter Cabinet (EMC) located at common area. Gas meter: Individual gas meter is installed in kitchen / bathroom. Door phone system is provided in each residential unit. Octopus card reader is provided for access control to the entrance, main lobbies, passenger lifts and carpark entrances. CCTV system is provided in the common areas including main lobbies, passenger lifts, podium, carpark and clubhouse, connected to management office 6. Appliances Please see Appliances Schedule for details. Appliances Schedule: : Tower 1 5/F - 12/F, 15/F - 16/F) (5121516 Location Kitchen Bathroom Living / Dining Room and Bedroom Appliance Refrigerator Washer Dryer Cooker Hood Induction Hob Gas Hob Microwave Oven Electric Water Heater Gas Water Heater Gas Water Heater Electric Water Heater Ventilation Fan Thermo Ventilator Split Type Air-conditioner Brand Bauknecht Model Flat A B C D E F G H URI 145 - - 1 1-1 1 1 KGIN 3183 A++ 1 1 - - 1 - - - Bauknecht BKWD6121 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bauknecht DNHV 650 - - 1 1-1 1 1 DNHV 950 1 1 - - 1 - - - Bauknecht CTAI 6360 IN - - 1 1-1 1 1 Bauknecht TGC 8750 IN - 1 - - 1 - - - TGC 8860 IN 1 - - - - - - - Bauknecht EMCP 9200 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Stiebel Eltron TGC DHM 6 - - 1 1 - - 1 1 TNJW221TFQL 1 1 - - - - - - TNJW161TFQL - - - - 1 - - - TGC TNJW161TFQL - - - - - 1 - - Stiebel Eltron Ostberg Gelec DHE 18/21/24 SLi - - 1 1 - - 1 1 LPK 125 B 1-1 1 - - 1 1 VV 180-1 - - - - - - Panasonic FV-30BG2H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Toshiba RAS-10N3KCV(HK)1 (Indoor) - - - - - - - - RAS-10N3ACV-1 (Outdoor) - - - - - - - - RAS-13N3KCV(HK) (Indoor) - 1-1 1 - - - RAS-13N3ACV (Outdoor) - 1-1 1 - - - RAS-18N3KCV(HK) (Indoor) - - - - - - 1 - RAS-18N3ACV (Outdoor) - - - - - - 1 - RAS-M13N3KCV(HK) (Indoor) 1 1 1 - - 1-1 RAS-3M23GACV-E (Outdoor) 1 1 1 - - 1-1 RAS-M10N3KCV(HK) (Indoor) 2 1 1-1 1-1 RAS-M22N3KCV(HK) (Indoor) 1 - - - 1 - - - RAS-5M38UACV (Outdoor) 1 - - - 1 - - - The Vendor hereby undertakes that if lifts or appliances of the specified brand name or model number as stated respectively in items 4(a) and 6 are not installed in the development, lifts or appliances of comparable quality will be installed. Notes: 1. The symbol - as shown in the above table denotes Not provided. 2. The Vendor undertakes that if lifts or appliances of the specified brand name or model number are not installed in the development, lifts or appliances of comparable quality will be installed. 66 67

Appliances Schedule: : Tower 1 17/F - 23/F, 25/F - 30/F) (17232530 Location Kitchen Bathroom Living / Dining Room and Bedroom Appliance Refrigerator Washer Dryer Cooker Hood Induction Hob Gas Hob Microwave Oven Electric Water Heater Gas Water Heater Electric Water Heater Ventilation Fan Thermo Ventilator Split Type Air-conditioner Brand Bauknecht Model Flat URI 145 - KGIN 3183 A++ 1 Bauknecht BKWD6121 1 Bauknecht DNHV 650 - DNHV 950 1 Bauknecht CTAI 6360 IN - Bauknecht TGC 8750 IN - TGC 8860 IN 1 Bauknecht EMCP 9200 1 Stiebel Eltron TGC Stiebel Eltron Ostberg Gelec DHM 6 - TNJW221TFQL 1 TNJW161TFQL - DHE18/21/24 SLi - LPK 125 B 1 VV 180 - Panasonic FV-30BG2H 1 Toshiba RAS-10N3KCV(HK)1 (Indoor) - RAS-10N3ACV-1 (Outdoor) - RAS-13N3KCV(HK) (Indoor) - RAS-13N3ACV (Outdoor) - RAS-18N3KCV(HK) (Indoor) - RAS-18N3ACV (Outdoor) - RAS-M13N3KCV(HK) (Indoor) 1 RAS-3M23GACV-E (Outdoor) 1 RAS-M10N3KCV(HK) (Indoor) 2 RAS-M22N3KCV(HK) (Indoor) 1 RAS-5M38UACV (Outdoor) 1 A Appliances Schedule: : Tower 1 17/F - 23/F, 25/F - 31/F) (17232531 Location Kitchen Bathroom Living / Dining Room and Bedroom Appliance Refrigerator Washer Dryer Cooker Hood Induction Hob Gas Hob Microwave Oven Electric Water Heater Gas Water Heater Electric Water Heater Ventilation Fan Thermo Ventilator Split Type Air-conditioner Brand Bauknecht Model Flat B C D E F G URI 145-1 1 - - 1 KGIN 3183 A++ 1 - - 1 1 - Bauknecht BKWD6121 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bauknecht DNHV 650-1 1 - - 1 DNHV 950 1 - - 1 1 - Bauknecht CTAI 6360 IN - 1 1 - - 1 Bauknecht TGC 8750 IN 1 - - 1 1 - TGC 8860 IN - - - - - - Bauknecht EMCP 9200 1 1 1 1 1 1 Stiebel Eltron TGC Stiebel Eltron Ostberg Gelec DHM 6-1 1 - - 1 TNJW221TFQL 1 - - - 1 - TNJW161TFQL - - - 1 - - DHE 18/21/24 SLi - 1 1 - - 1 LPK 125 B - 1 1 - - 1 VV 180 1 - - - - - Panasonic FV-30BG2H 1 1 1 1 1 1 Toshiba RAS-10N3KCV(HK)1 (Indoor) - - - - - - RAS-10N3ACV-1 (Outdoor) - - - - - - RAS-13N3KCV(HK) (Indoor) 1-1 1 1 - RAS-13N3ACV (Outdoor) 1-1 1 1 - RAS-18N3KCV(HK) (Indoor) - - - - - - RAS-18N3ACV (Outdoor) - - - - - - RAS-M13N3KCV(HK) (Indoor) 1 1 - - - 1 RAS-3M23GACV-E (Outdoor) 1 1 - - - 1 RAS-M10N3KCV(HK) (Indoor) 1 1-1 1 1 RAS-M22N3KCV(HK) (Indoor) - - - 1 1 - RAS-5M38UACV (Outdoor) - - - 1 1 - Notes: 1. The symbol - as shown in the above table denotes Not provided. 2. The Vendor undertakes that if lifts or appliances of the specified brand name or model number are not installed in the development, lifts or appliances of comparable quality will be installed. Notes: 1. The symbol - as shown in the above table denotes Not provided. 2. The Vendor undertakes that if lifts or appliances of the specified brand name or model number are not installed in the development, lifts or appliances of comparable quality will be installed. 68 69

Appliances Schedule: : Tower 1 31/F) (31 Location Kitchen Bathroom Living / Dining Room and Bedroom Appliance Refrigerator Washer Dryer Cooker Hood Induction Hob Gas Hob Microwave Oven Electric Water Heater Gas Water Heater Electric Water Heater Ventilation Fan Thermo Ventilator Split Type Air-conditioner Brand Bauknecht Model Flat URI 145 - KGIN 3183 A++ 1 Bauknecht BKWD6121 1 Bauknecht DNHV 650 - DNHV 950 1 Bauknecht CTAI 6360 IN - Bauknecht TGC 8750 IN - TGC 8860 IN 1 Bauknecht EMCP 9200 1 Stiebel Eltron TGC Stiebel Eltron Ostberg Gelec DHM 6 - TNJW221TFQL 1 TNJW161TFQL - DHE 18/21/24 SLi - LPK 125 B 1 VV 180 - Panasonic FV-30BG2H 1 Toshiba RAS-10N3KCV(HK)1 (Indoor) - RAS-10N3ACV-1 (Outdoor) - RAS-13N3KCV(HK) (Indoor) 1 RAS-13N3ACV (Outdoor) 1 RAS-18N3KCV(HK) (Indoor) - RAS-18N3ACV (Outdoor) - RAS-M13N3KCV(HK) (Indoor) 2 RAS-3M23GACV-E (Outdoor) 2 RAS-M10N3KCV(HK) (Indoor) 2 RAS-M22N3KCV(HK) (Indoor) - RAS-5M38UACV (Outdoor) - A Appliances Schedule: : Tower 2 5/F - 12/F, 15-23/F, 25/F -31/F) (51215232531 Location Kitchen Bathroom Living / Dining Room and Bedroom Appliance Refrigerator Washer Dryer Cooker Hood Induction Hob Gas Hob Microwave Oven Electric Water Heater Gas Water Heater Gas Water Heater Electric Water Heater Ventilation Fan Thermo Ventilator Split Type Air-conditioner Brand Bauknecht Model Flat A B C D E F G H URI 145 1 - - 1 - - 1 1 KGIN 3183 A++ - 1 1-1 1 - - Bauknecht BKWD6121 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bauknecht DNHV 650 1 - - 1 1-1 1 DNHV 950-1 1 - - 1 - - Bauknecht CTAI 6360 IN 1 - - 1 1-1 1 Bauknecht TGC 8750 IN - 1 1 - - 1 - - TGC 8860 IN - - - - - - - - Bauknecht EMCP 9200 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Stiebel Eltron DHM 6 1 - - 1 - - - 1 TGC TNJW221TFQL - 1 - - - - - - TGC Stiebel Eltron Ostberg Gelec RJW200SFL - - 1-1 - 1 - TNJW161TFQL - - - - - 1 - - DHE 18/21/24 SLi 1 - - 1 - - - 1 LPK 125 B 1 - - 1 - - - - VV 180 - - - - - - - 1 Panasonic FV-30BG2H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Toshiba RAS-10N3KCV(HK)1 (Indoor) - - - - 1 - - - RAS-10N3ACV-1 (Outdoor) - - - - 1 - - - RAS-13N3KCV(HK) (Indoor) - 1 1 - - 1-1 RAS-13N3ACV (Outdoor) - 1 1 - - 1-1 RAS-18N3KCV(HK) (Indoor) - - - - - - 1 - RAS-18N3ACV (Outdoor) - - - - - - 1 - RAS-M13N3KCV(HK) (Indoor) 1 - - 1 - - - - RAS-3M23GACV-E (Outdoor) 1 - - 1 - - - - RAS-M10N3KCV(HK) (Indoor) 1 1 1 1 1 1 - - RAS-M22N3KCV(HK) (Indoor) - 1 1-1 1 - - RAS-5M38UACV (Outdoor) - 1 1-1 1 - - Notes: 1. The symbol - as shown in the above table denotes Not provided. 2. The Vendor undertakes that if lifts or appliances of the specified brand name or model number are not installed in the development, lifts or appliances of comparable quality will be installed. Notes: 1. The symbol - as shown in the above table denotes Not provided. 2. The Vendor undertakes that if lifts or appliances of the specified brand name or model number are not installed in the development, lifts or appliances of comparable quality will be installed. 70 71

Schedule of Mechanical & Electrical Provisions of Residential Units: Tower 1 (5/F - 12/F, 15/F - 16/F) (5121516 Location Main Entrance Living/Dining Room Kitchen/ Open Kitchen Master Bedroom Appliance Flat A B C D E F G H Door Bell Push Button 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 TV/FM Outlet 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Telephone Outlet 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Door Phone 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Lighting Switch 6 5 3 4 5 3 4 3 Equipment Switch 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Lighting Point 4 2 4 4 3 3 4 3 13A Single Socket Outlet 13-1 - 2 1-2 - 13A Twin Socket Outlet 13 3 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 20A Double Pole Switch for A/C 20 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Door Bell 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Lighting Point 3 3 1 1 3 1 1 1 13A Single Socket Outlet for Washing Machine 13 13A Single Socket Outlet for Refrigerator 13 13A Single Socket Outlet for Microwave Oven 13 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13A Twin Socket Outlet 13 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13A Single Socket Outlet 13 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 5A Fused Spur Unit 5 3 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 20A Connection Unit 20 - - 1 1-1 1 1 MCB Distribution Board 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 32A Double Pole Switch For Electric Water Heater 32 - - 1 1 - - 1 1 TV/FM Outlet 1 1 - - 1 - - - Telephone Outlet 1 1 - - 1 - - - Lighting Switch 1 1 - - 1 - - - Lighting Point 1 1 - - 1 - - - 13A Twin Socket Outlet 13 2 2 - - 2 - - - 20A Double Pole Switch for A/C 20 1 1 - - 1 - - - Notes : 1. 1, 2,... denotes the quantity of such provision(s) provided in the residential unit. 2. - denotes not applicable. 3. The quantity of the lighting switch shown in the schedule denotes the quantity of switch faceplate. Schedule of Mechanical & Electrical Provisions of Residential Units: Tower 1 (5/F - 12/F, 15/F - 16/F) (5121516 Location Bedroom Bedroom 1 1 Bedroom 2 2 Bathroom Lavatory (Flat A Only) Appliance Flat A B C D E F G H TV/FM Outlet - - 1 - - 1-1 Telephone Outlet - - 1 - - 1-1 Lighting Switch - 1 1-1 1-1 Lighting Point - 1 1-1 1-1 13A Single Socket Outlet 13-1 1-1 1-1 13A Twin Socket Outlet 13-1 1-1 1-1 20A Double Pole Switch for A/C 20-1 1-1 1-1 Lighting Switch 1 - - - - - - - Lighting Point 1 - - - - - - - 13A Single Socket Outlet 13 1 - - - - - - - 13A Twin Socket Outlet 13 1 - - - - - - - 20A Double Pole Switch for A/C 20 1 - - - - - - - Lighting Switch 1 - - - - - - - Lighting Point 1 - - - - - - - 13A Single Socket Outlet 13 1 - - - - - - - 13A Twin Socket Outlet 13 1 - - - - - - - 20A Double Pole Switch for A/C 20 1 - - - - - - - Lighting Point 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 13A Single Socket Outlet 13 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13A Fuse Spur Unit 13 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5A Fuse Spur Unit 5 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 Gas Water Heater Panel 1 1 - - 1 1 - - 40A Waterproof Isolator For Electric Water Heater 40 - - 1 1 - - 1 1 Lighting Point 1 - - - - - - - 13A Single Socket 13 1 - - - - - - - 5A Fuse Spur Unit 5 1 - - - - - - - Balcony Lighting Point 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 A/C Platform Utility Platform 16A Double Pole Weatherproof Switch For A/C Outdoor Unit 16 20A Double Pole Weatherproof Switch For A/C Outdoor Unit 20 - - - - - - - - 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 Lighting Point 1 1 - - 1 1 - - Notes : 1. 1, 2,... denotes the quantity of such provision(s) provided in the residential unit. 2. - denotes not applicable. 3. The quantity of the lighting switch shown in the schedule denotes the quantity of switch faceplate. 72 73

Schedule of Mechanical & Electrical Provisions of Residential Units: Tower 1(17/F - 23/F, 25/F - 31/F) (Excluding Flat A of 31/F) (1723253131A Location Main Entrance Living/Dining Room Kitchen/ Open Kitchen Master Bedroom Appliance Flat 31/F A B C D E F G A Door Bell Push Button 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 TV/FM Outlet 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Telephone Outlet 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Door Phone 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Lighting Switch 6 5 3 4 5 5 3 6 Equipment Switch 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 Lighting Point 4 2 4 4 3 3 3 4 13A Single Socket Outlet 13-1 - 2 1 1 - - 13A Twin Socket Outlet 13 3 2 2 1 2 2 2 3 20A Double Pole Switch for A/C 20 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 Door Bell 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Lighting Point 3 3 1 1 3 3 1 3 13A Single Socket Outlet for Washing Machine 13 13A Single Socket Outlet for Refrigerator 13 13A Single Socket Outlet for Microwave Oven 13 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13A Twin Socket Outlet 13 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13A Single Socket Outlet 13 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 5A Fused Spur Unit 5 3 3 2 2 3 3 2 3 20A Connection Unit 20 - - 1 1 - - 1 - MCB Distribution Board 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 32A Double Pole Switch For Electric Water Heater 32 - - 1 1 - - 1 - TV/FM Outlet 1 1 - - 1 1-1 Telephone Outlet 1 1 - - 1 1-1 Lighting Switch 1 1 - - 1 1-1 Lighting Point 1 1 - - 1 1-1 13A Twin Socket Outlet 13 2 2 - - 2 2-2 20A Double Pole Switch for A/C 20 1 1 - - 1 1-1 Notes : 1. 1, 2,... denotes the quantity of such provision(s) provided in the residential unit. 2. - denotes not applicable. 3. The quantity of the lighting switch shown in the schedule denotes the quantity of switch faceplate. Schedule of Mechanical & Electrical Provisions of Residential Units: Tower 1(17/F - 23/F, 25/F - 31/F) (Excluding Flat A of 31/F) (1723253131A Location Bedroom Bedroom 1 1 Bedroom 2 2 Bathroom Lavatory (Flat A Only) Appliance Flat 31/F A B C D E F G A TV/FM Outlet - - 1 - - - 1 - Telephone Outlet - - 1 - - - 1 - Lighting Switch - 1 1-1 1 1 - Lighting Point - 1 1-1 1 1-13A Single Socket Outlet 13-1 1-1 1 1-13A Twin Socket Outlet 13-1 1-1 1 1-20A Double Pole Switch for A/C 20-1 1-1 1 1 - Lighting Switch 1 - - - - - - 1 Lighting Point 1 - - - - - - 1 13A Single Socket Outlet 13 1 - - - - - - 1 13A Twin Socket Outlet 13 1 - - - - - - 1 20A Double Pole Switch for A/C 20 1 - - - - - - 1 Lighting Switch 1 - - - - - - 1 Lighting Point 1 - - - - - - 1 13A Single Socket Outlet 13 1 - - - - - - 1 13A Twin Socket Outlet 13 1 - - - - - - 1 20A Double Pole Switch for A/C 20 1 - - - - - - 1 Lighting Point 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 13A Single Socket Outlet 13 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13A Fuse Spur Unit 13 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5A Fuse Spur Unit 5 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 Gas Water Heater Panel 1 1 - - 1 1-1 40A Waterproof Isolator For Electric Water Heater 40 - - 1 1 - - 1 - Lighting Point 1 - - - - - - 1 13A Single Socket 13 1 - - - - - - 1 5A Fuse Spur Unit 5 1 - - - - - - 1 Balcony Lighting Point 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 A/C Platform 16A Double Pole Weatherproof Switch For A/C Outdoor Unit 16 20A Double Pole Weatherproof Switch For A/C Outdoor Unit 20 - - - - - - - - 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 3 Utility Platform Lighting Point 1 1 - - 1 1-1 Notes : 1. 1, 2,... denotes the quantity of such provision(s) provided in the residential unit. 2. - denotes not applicable. 3. The quantity of the lighting switch shown in the schedule denotes the quantity of switch faceplate. 74 75

Schedule of Mechanical & Electrical Provisions of Residential Units: Tower 2 (5/F - 12/F, 15/F - 23/F, 25/F -31/F) (51215232531 Location Main Entrance Living/Dining Room Kitchen/ Open Kitchen Master Bedroom Appliance Flat A B C D E F G H Door Bell Push Button 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 TV/FM Outlet 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Telephone Outlet 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Door Phone 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Lighting Switch 3 5 5 3 5 5 4 4 Equipment Switch 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Lighting Point 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 13A Single Socket Outlet 13-1 1-1 1 2 2 13A Twin Socket Outlet 13 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 20A Double Pole Switch for A/C 20 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Door Bell 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Lighting Point 1 3 3 1 1 3 1 1 13A Single Socket Outlet for Washing Machine 13 13A Single Socket Outlet for Refrigerator 13 13A Single Socket Outlet for Microwave Oven 13 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13A Twin Socket Outlet 13 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13A Single Socket Outlet 13 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5A Fused Spur Unit 5 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 20A Connection Unit 20 1 - - 1 1-1 1 32A Double Pole Switch For Electric Water Heater 32 1 - - 1 - - - 1 MCB Distribution Board 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 TV/FM Outlet - 1 1-1 1 - - Telephone Outlet - 1 1-1 1 - - Lighting Switch - 1 2-1 1 - - Lighting Point - 1 1-1 1 - - 13A Twin Socket Outlet 13-2 2-2 2 - - 20A Double Pole Switch for A/C 20-1 1-1 1 - - Schedule of Mechanical & Electrical Provisions of Residential Units: Tower 2 (5/F - 12/F, 15/F - 23/F, 25/F -31/F) (51215232531 Location Bedroom Bathroom Appliance Flat A B C D E F G H TV/FM Outlet 1 - - 1 - - - - Telephone Outlet 1 - - 1 - - - - Lighting Switch 1 1 1 1 1 1 - - Lighting Point 1 1 1 1 1 1 - - 13A Single Socket Outlet 13 1 1 1 1 1 1 - - 13A Twin Socket Outlet 13 1 1 1 1 1 1 - - 20A Double Pole Switch for A/C 20 1 1 1 1 1 1 - - Lighting Point 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 13A Single Socket Outlet13 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13A Fuse Spur Unit 13 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5A Fuse Spur Unit 5 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 40A Waterproof Isolator For Electric Water Heater 40 1 - - 1 - - - 1 Gas Water Heater Panel - 1 1-1 1 1 - Balcony Lighting Point 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 A/C Platform Utility Platform 16A Double Pole Weatherproof Switch For A/C Outdoor Unit 16 20A Double Pole Weatherproof Switch For A/C Outdoor Unit 20 - - - - - - - - 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 Lighting Point - 1 1 - - 1 1 - Notes : 1. 1, 2,... denotes the quantity of such provision(s) provided in the residential unit. 2. - denotes not applicable. 3. The quantity of the lighting switch shown in the schedule denotes the quantity of switch faceplate. Notes : 1. 1, 2,... denotes the quantity of such provision(s) provided in the residential unit. 2. - denotes not applicable. 3. The quantity of the lighting switch shown in the schedule denotes the quantity of switch faceplate. 76 77

ACC. LAV. P.D. (GAS) ACC. LAV. ACC. LAV. SERVICE AGREEMENTS DEFECT LIABILITY WARRANTY PERIOD Potable and flushing water is supplied by Water Supplies Department. Electricity is supplied by CLP Power Hong Kong Limited. Town gas is supplied by the Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited. Defects liability warranty period for the residential property and the fittings, finishes and appliances as provided in the sale and purchase agreement is within 6 months from the date of completion of the sale and purchase. MAINTENANCE OF SLOPES GOVERNMENT RENT The Vendor will pay or has paid (as the case may be) all outstanding Government rent in respect of the land on which the development is in the course of being erected, from the date of the Government Grant up to and including the date of the respective Assignments to the purchasers. Under the DMC of the development, the owners shall at their own expense maintain and carry out all works in respect of, and the Manager shall have the owner s authority to engage suitable qualified personnel to inspect keep and maintain in good substantial repair and condition, the Slopes and Retaining Walls (as defined in the DMC) within or outside the Land or the development as required by the Land Grant in accordance with the Geoguide 5-Guide to Slope Maintenance issued by the Geotechnical Engineering Office as amended from time to time and the maintenance manual for the Slopes and Retaining Walls and with such other guidelines issued from time to time by appropriate Government departments regarding the maintenance of slopes, retaining walls and related structures and to carry out any necessary works in relation thereto. TSUN WEN ROAD E C D PLANTER MISCELLANEOUS PAYMENTS BY PURCHASER (a) On the delivery of the vacant possession of the residential property to the purchaser, the purchaser is liable to reimburse the Vendor for the deposits for water, electricity and gas; and (b) On delivery, the purchaser is not liable to pay to the Vendor a debris removal fee. Notes: (a) The above applies even though the amount of the deposits or fee is yet to be ascertained at the date on which the sales brochure is printed. (b) On delivery, the purchaser shall pay a debris removal fee to the manager (not the Vendor) of the development under the deed of mutual covenant, and where the Vendor has paid that debris removal fee, the purchaser shall reimburse the Vendor for the same. A X Z F.S. /SPR. INLETS Y LEUNG TAK STREET PLANTER PLANTER MODIFICATION Not Applicable F.S. /SPR. INLETS TX. EXCLUSIVE STAIR ST-1 TX HOISTING DUCT PLANTER PLANTER BST-1 TX. CABLE DUCT F.S. CONTROL RM. B SPR. CONTROL VALVE RM. ST-2 PLANTER L1 L2 (RESIDENTIAL) VENT.D. L/UL R MASTER METER RM. TOWER 1 RESIDENTIAL LIFT LOBBY L3 CARETAKER COUNTER VENT.D. L7 STORE LOBBY LAV. (COMMERCIAL) SHOP 8 L/UL OPEN AREA ACC. LAV. SHOP 7 OPEN AREA (COMMERCIAL) (COMMERCIAL) L/UL L/UL RAMP DOWN SHOP 6 (COMMERCIAL) STORE (RESIDENTIAL) L/UL ACC. LAV. EVA PLANTER PLANTER PLANTER PEDESTRIAN PASSAGEWAY R P.D. OPEN AREA STORE L/UL REFUSE SOTRAGE & MATERIAL RECOVERY CHAMBER STORE SHOP 5 PLANTER OPEN AREA BST-2 ST-4 ACC. LAV. BST-3 TOWER 2 RESIDENTIAL LIFT LOBBY Legend ST-6 ST-3 CARETAKER COUNTER STORE L4 L5 L6 L8 PLANTER P.D. ST-5 ACC. LAV. G ACC. LAV. PLANTER PLANTER SHOP 2 SHOP 3 SHOP 4 PLANTER PLANTER Slope & retaining structures under Commercial Accomodation SHOP 1 Slope & retaining structures under Commercial Common Areas Slope & retaining structures under Development Common Areas PLANTER OPEN AREA PLANTER OPEN AREA PLANTER R F OPEN AREA PLANTER OPEN AREA R PEDESTRIAN PASSAGEWAY 78 79

RELEVANT INFORMATION Noise mitigation measures 1. Noise Impact Assessment The development is situated in districts dominated by residential and institutional uses. Light Rail Transit (LRT) is aligned to the south of the development which is substantially shielded by the existing residential development. Noise Impact Assessment has been carried out by the Vendor as required under Special Condition No. (34) of the Land Grant. 2. Noise Impact Assessment Report A Noise Impact Assessment Report ( the NIAR ) has been approved under Special Condition No. (34) of the Land Grant with reference number R3586_V.1.5 and 4. Schedules of Noise Mitigation Measures (i) Fixed Glazing and Maintenance Windows are installed in the following location of Flats for noise mitigation. Tower Flat Floor Location Tower 1 Tower 2 A B C D E C D E F 5/F, 6/F - 12/F, 15/F - 16/F, 17/F - 23/F, 25/F - 31/F 5/F, 6/F - 12/F, 15/F - 16/F, 17/F - 23/F, 25/F - 31/F 5/F, 6/F - 12/F, 15/F - 16/F, 17/F - 23/F, 25/F - 31/F 5/F, 6/F - 12/F, 15/F - 16/F, 17/F - 23/F, 25/F - 31/F 5/F, 6/F - 12/F, 15/F - 16/F, 17/F - 23/F, 25/F - 31/F 5/F, 6/F - 12/F, 15/F - 23/F, 25/F - 31/F 5/F, 6/F - 12/F, 15/F - 23/F, 25/F - 31/F 5/F, 6/F - 12/F, 15/F - 23/F, 25/F - 31/F 5/F, 6/F - 12/F, 15/F - 23/F, 25/F - 31/F dated March 2015. The NIAR will be available in the sales office for inspection by prospective purchaser free of charge (photocopies will be available on payment of photocopying charges). 3. Noise Mitigation Measures According to Appendix I of the NIAR, the Noise Mitigation Measures specified in the Schedules of Noise Mitigation Measures below will be constructed and installed in the development. The Noise Mitigation Measures are described in details in the NIAR. Master Bedroom facing Tsun Wen Road Bedroom facing Tsun Wen Road Living Room facing Tsun Wen Road Master Bedroom facing Tsun Wen Road and Leung Tak Street Bedroom facing Leung Tak Street Living Room facing Leung Tak Street Bedroom facing Leung Tak Street Living Room facing Leung Tak Street Living Room facing Leung Tak Street Master Bedroom facing Leung Tak Street Bedroom facing Leung Tak Street Living Room facing Leung Tak Street Master Bedroom facing Tsun Wen Road Bedroom facing Tsun Wen Road Living Room facing Tsun Wen Road Bedroom facing Tsun Wen Road Master Bedroom facing Tsun Wen Road Bedroom facing Tsun Wen Road Master Bedroom facing Tsun Wen Road Bedroom facing Tsun Wen Road Living Room facing Tsun Wen Road (ii) Acoustic fins are constructed at the following location of Flats for noise mitigation. Tower Flat Floor Location Tower 1 Tower 2 A B C E C D E F 5/F, 6/F - 12/F, 15/F - 16/F, 17/F - 23/F, 25/F - 31/F 5/F, 6/F - 12/F, 15/F - 16/F, 17/F - 23/F, 25/F - 31/F 5/F, 6/F - 12/F, 15/F - 16/F, 17/F - 23/F, 25/F - 31/F 5/F, 6/F - 12/F, 15/F - 16/F, 17/F - 23/F, 25/F - 31/F 5/F, 6/F - 12/F, 15/F - 23/F, 25/F - 31/F 5/F, 6/F - 12/F, 15/F - 23/F, 25/F - 31/F 5/F, 6/F - 12/F, 15/F - 23/F, 25/F - 31/F 5/F, 6/F - 12/F, 15/F - 23/F, 25/F - 31/F Balcony Master Bedroom Balcony Master Bedroom Bedroom Balcony Bedroom Master Bedroom Bedroom Bedroom Bedroom Balcony Master Bedroom Bedroom The above Fixed Glazing and Maintenance Windows shall be closed for noise mitigation. 80 81

(iii) Acoustic materials are installed in the following location of Flats for noise mitigation. Tower Flat Floor Location Tower 1 Tower 2 A B C D E C D E F 5/F, 6/F - 12/F, 15/F - 16/F, 17/F - 23/F, 25/F - 31/F 5/F, 6/F - 12/F, 15/F - 16/F, 17/F - 23/F, 25/F - 31/F 5/F, 6/F - 12/F, 15/F - 16/F, 17/F - 23/F, 25/F - 31/F 5/F, 6/F - 12/F, 15/F - 16/F, 17/F - 23/F, 25/F - 31/F 5/F, 6/F - 12/F, 15/F - 16/F, 17/F - 23/F, 25/F - 31/F 5/F, 6/F - 12/F, 15/F - 23/F, 25/F - 31/F 5/F, 6/F - 12/F, 15/F - 23/F, 25/F - 31/F 5/F, 6/F - 12/F, 15/F - 23/F, 25/F - 31/F 5/F, 6/F - 12/F, 15/F - 23/F, 25/F - 31/F Ceiling of Balcony Ceiling of Balcony Acoustic Fin to the side of Bedroom Acoustic Fin at Balcony on both sides Acoustic Fin to the side of Utility Platform Ceiling of Balcony Ceiling of Balcony Ceiling of Balcony Ceiling of Balcony Acoustic Fin to the side of Bathroom Acoustic Fin to the side of Balcony Ceiling of Balcony Acoustic Fin to the side of Bedroom Acoustic Fin to the side of Balcony Ceiling of Balcony Acoustic Fin to the side of Master Bedroom Acoustic Fin to the side of Bedroom Ceiling of Balcony (iv) Balconies with solid parapet are provided in the following Flats for noise mitigation. Tower Flat Floor Tower 1 Tower 2 A 5/F, 6/F - 12/F, 15/F - 16/F, 17/F - 23/F, 25/F - 31/F B 5/F, 6/F - 12/F, 15/F - 16/F, 17/F - 23/F, 25/F - 31/F C 5/F, 6/F - 12/F, 15/F - 16/F, 17/F - 23/F, 25/F - 31/F D 5/F, 6/F - 12/F, 15/F - 16/F, 17/F - 23/F, 25/F - 31/F E 5/F, 6/F - 12/F, 15/F - 16/F, 17/F - 23/F, 25/F - 31/F C 5/F, 6/F - 12/F, 15/F - 23/F, 25/F - 31/F D 5/F, 6/F - 12/F, 15/F - 23/F, 25/F - 31/F E 5/F, 6/F - 12/F, 15/F - 23/F, 25/F - 31/F F 5/F, 6/F - 12/F, 15/F - 23/F, 25/F - 31/F (iv) Vertical acoustic noise barrier is installed at Landscaped Areas on 2/F facing Tsun Wen Road. Horizontal acoustic noise barrier is installed at transfer plate facing Leung Tak Street. Cantilevered acoustic noise barrier is installed at the transfer plate facing Tsun Wen Road. 82 83


INFORMATION IN APPLICATION FOR CONCESSION ON GROSS FLOOR AREA OF BUILDING Breakdown of GFA Concessions Obtained for All Features Latest information on breakdown of GFA concessions as shown on the general building plans submitted to and approved by the Building Authority (BA) prior to the printing of the sales brochure is tabulated below. Information marked ( # ) may be based on information provided by the authorized person if the sales brochure is printed prior to submission of the final amendment plans to the BA. The breakdown of GFA concessions may be subject to further changes until final amendment plans are submitted to and approved by the BA prior to the issuance of the occupation permit for the development. Disregarded GFA under Building (Planning) Regulations 23(3)(b) 1( # ) Carpark and loading/unloading area excluding public transport terminus 2 Plant rooms and similar services 2.1 Mandatory feature or essential plant room, area of which is limited by respective Practice Notes for Authorized Persons, Registered Structural Engineers and Registered Geotechnical Engineers (PNAP) or regulations such as lift machine room, telecommunications and broadcasting (TBE) room, refuse storage and material recover chamber, etc. 2.2( # ) Mandatory feature or essential plant room, area of which is NOT limited by any PNAP or regulation such as room occupied solely by fire services installations (FSI) and equipment, meter room, transformer room, potable and flushing water tank, etc. 2.3 Non-mandatory or non-essential plant room such as air-conditioning plant room, air handling unit (AHU) room, etc. Green Features under Joint Prasticce Notes 1 and 2 Area (m 2 ) 3,163.578 321.576 1,215.737 30.458 3 Balcony 370.000 4 Wider common corridor and lift lobby Not Applicable 5 Communal sky garden Not Applicable 6 Acoustic fin 93.336 7 Wing wall, wind catcher and funnel Not Applicable 8 Non-structural prefabricated external wall Not Applicable 9 Utility platform 144.000 10 Noise barrier 243.397 Amenity Features 11 Counter, office, store, guard room and lavatory for watchman and management staff, Owners Corporation Office 12 Residential Recreational facilities including void, plant room, swimming pool filtration plant room, covered walkway etc serving solely the recreational facilities 19.102 732.665 13 Covered landscaped and play area 446.809 14 Horizontal screens/covered walkways, trellis Not Applicable 15 Larger lift shaft 334.692 16 Chimney shaft Not Applicable 17 Other non-mandatory or non-essential plant room, such as boiler room, satellite master antenna television (SMATV) room 18( # ) Pipe duct, air duct for mandatory feature or essential plant room 19 Pipe duct, air duct for non-mandatory feature or non-essential plant room 20 Plant room, pipe duct, air duct for environmentally friendly system and feature Not Applicable 140.363 Not Applicable Not Applicable 21 Void in duplex domestic flat and house Not Applicable 22 Projections such as air-conditioning box and platform with a projection of more than 750mm from external wall Other Exempted Items 529.349 23( # ) Refuge floor including refuge floor cum sky garden Not Applicable 24( # ) Other projections Not Applicable 25 Public transport terminus Not Applicable 26( # ) Party structure and common staircase Not Applicable 27( # ) Horizontal area of staircase, lift shaft and vertical duct solely serving floor accepted as not being accountable for GFA 481.099 28( # ) Public passage Not Applicable 29 Covered set back area Not Applicable Bonus GFA 30 Bonus GFA Not Applicable Note: The above table is based on the requirements as stipulated in the Practice Note for Authorized Persons, Registered Structural Engineers and Registered Geotechnical Engineers ADM-2 issued by the Buildings Department. The Buildings Department may revise such requirements from time to time as appropriate. 86 87

INFORMATION IN APPLICATION FOR CONCESSION ON GROSS FLOOR AREA OF BUILDING The development has achieved the unclassified rating under the BEAMPlus V1.2 for new buildings. Estimated Energy Performance or Consumption Latest information on the estimated energy performance or consumption for the common parts of the development as submitted to the Building Authority prior to the printing of the sales brochures: Part I Provision of Central Air Conditioning Provision of Energy Efficient Features Energy Efficient Features proposed: YES YES 1. High Efficient Air Conditioning Units 2. High Efficient Lighting System Part II : The predicted annual energy use of the proposed building / part of building Location Area served by central services building installation (Note 3) Internal Floor Served Area (m 2 ) Domestic portion 8,517 Non-domestic portion (Podium) 447 Notes: 1. In general, the lower the estimated Annual Energy Use of the building, the more efficient of the building in terms of energy use. For example, if the estimated annual energy use of proposed building is less than the estimated annual energy use of baseline building, it means the predicted use of energy is more efficient in the proposed building than in the baseline building. The larger the reduction, the greater the efficiency. The predicted annual energy use, in terms of electricity consumption (kwh/m2/annum) and town gas/lpg consumption (unit/m2/annum), of the development by the internal floor area served, where: (a) total annual energy use has the same meaning of annual energy use under Section 4 and Appendix 8 of the BEAM Plus for New Buildings (current version); and (b) internal floor area, in relation a building, a space or a unit means the floor area of all enclosed space measured to the internal faces of enclosing external and/or party walls. 2. Baseline Building has the same meaning as Baseline Building Model (zero-credit benchmark) under Section 4 and Appendix 8 of the BEAM Plus for New Building (current version). 3. Central Building Services Installation has the same meaning as that in the Code of Practice for Energy Efficiency of Building Services Installations in Buildings (February 2010 edition)(draft). Annual Energy Use of Baseline (Note 2) Building Electricity kwh/m 2 /annum Town Gas/LPG unit/m 2 /annum (Note 1) Annual Energy Use of Proposed Building Electricity kwh/m 2 /annum Town Gas/LPG unit/m 2 /annum 295 0 248 0 880 0 817 0 Part III : The following installation(s) is / are* designed in accordance with the relevant Codes of Practices published by the Electrical & Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) Type of Installations YES NO N/A Lighting Installations Air Conditioning Installations Electrical Installations Lift & Escalator Installations Performance-based Approach 88 89