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ITBNews 2018年5月16日 18日 上海 Your Official Information Source at ITB China 2018 媒体手册 贸易新闻的官方日刊 你的展会通讯不可或缺的一部分 参展商的主要获益点 吸引专业买家 最大化您在ITB CHINA的经济效益 为买家提供他们所需的战略性信息 所有ITB CHINA的新闻报道 全时段阅读所有期刊和文章 上海观光指南

ITB CHINA独家官方日刊 大数据和读者分析 数据来源 ITB China 2017 15,000参会者 参观买家 2% 17% 40% 决策者 它使参展商能够将所有相关信息直接地 智能地传达给客户 买家们和决策者们. 它是所有专业买家和国际媒体的信息来源 并从展会现场实时报道 58% 23% 30% ITB China News / 2018 Mockup 它的多渠道沟通模式能确保您的最大可见度 与影响力, 并随时随地助您触及目标买家 印刷版本 电子邮件 战略性发行地点 发行量 印刷版本 展会第一天 展会第二天 展会第三天 册 册 册 买家地域分布 官方网站 电子杂志 4,000 30% 4,000 4,000 2 所有主要入口 所有主要问询处 重点买家区域 会议区 国际新闻站 新闻中心 TOP 50 合作伙伴和参与者展位 上海顶级酒店 超过850位买家 3

ITBNews THURSDAY 17th MAY 2017 DAY 2 EDITION Your Official Information Source at ITB China NEWS SPECIAL FEATURE: LUXURY TRADE TALK Matthias Fekl Secretary of State for Foreign Trade, the Promotion of Tourism and French Nationals Abroad Our tourism ambition is national and the country is mobilized together behind one great goal: receiving 100 million tourists per year by 2020. Read page 4 Edouard du Coudray Wiehe REGIONAL SPOTLIGHT Chris Cahill T.O. & Product Director, Voyage Privé Italia ITB Berlin represents a key occasion to meet with many consolidated partners, define and study business opportunities. Read page 8 Suman Billa CEO, Luxury Brands, AccorHotels Joint Secretary, Ministry of Tourism, Government of India AccorHotels will integrate in its network 15 iconic hotels that are ideally located in premium resort markets we have taken proactive steps to ease travel to India including with the new e-visa policy Read page 17 Read page 29 Bringing Supply & Demand Together The biggest annual travel family reunion fuels business for the 12 months to come Hall 17 Stand 109 社论内容 Over a period of five days, this is where trends are being set for an industry which (with over 100 million employees) is one of the most important growth sectors in the world. The presence at the ITB Berlin opening ceremony of the President of Botswana, this year s partner country, HE Dr Seretse Khama Ian Khama, and Germany s new Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy, Brigitte Zypries are proof of the huge impact and impetus created by the World s Leading Travel Trade Show not only on tourism, but on national economies across the globe. Hall 4.1 Stand 105b Hall 9 Stand 314 特色收录 与 区域聚焦 Dr Christian Göke said it so well during the opening ceremony: As the world s most important gathering place for the tourism industry, ITB Berlin does one thing above all: it brings people together. Millions of face-to-face meetings at ITB Berlin will build trust - trust on which we increasingly depend in our business dealings, in a digitalised and globalised world that has become more and more difficult to understand. 16 NEWS NEWS 17 would also drive record v i s i t o r s h i p. We a r e extremely optimistic about Adelaide s tourism prospects. Commanding a prized location in the heart of Adelaide s Central Business District, the 250key new build Park Hotel Adelaide will be part of a mixed-use development that also features 280 private residences. As we seek to extend our brand footprint in strategic destinations across Australia, we shall continue building upon Martial Ma General Manager of International Partnership for Accommodation Business, Ctrip Group 日刊内容旨在为参观者和媒体提供高度相关的有 用性信息 帮助他们进行参观日程规划和优先级 设定 并为他们提供市场数据和领导者策略的 局势概览 DESTINATION SPOTLIGHT Nusa Dua Bali Villas Royal Belum State Park, Malaysia ASIA PHAL Hotel Facade Back at ITB Berlin with new ideas and offers, Park Hotel Group is pursuing its expansion plan in APAC. Expertise and passion for the craft of hospitality has defined the growth of the Park Hotel Group for more than fifty years. From a single hotel in Hong Kong in 1961, the group s current portfolio includes twelve properties across five countries and eight cities. Managed under our luxury Grand Park and upscale Park Hotel brands, guests have access to over 3,600 rooms in APAC s region s key gateway cities. Wales 2016: Year of Adventure an unprecedented campaign This year at ITB Berlin, the Visit Wales is presenting its unprecedented campaign to promote Wales as the world s capital of adventure tourism. facilities at centres such as Coed y Brenin, Bike Park Wales and Antur Stiniog. The 870 miles of the Wales Coast Path is the longest continuous path along a nation s coastline and will play a key role in the activities for 2016, it s development has seen a growth in products associated with the coast path costal restaurants, visitor and activity centres. There are adventures to be had at some the major events taking place in Wales, IronMan, Festival No.6 and the Green Man Festival. Bear Grylls, a worldwide icon for the great outdoors and the ultimate in adventure, said: I ve had amazing experiences in Wales with my Survival Academy; the beautiful, rugged and wild terrain of Wales lends itself so well to so many activities and adventures. I m delighted to be an ambassador for next year Wales is where the adventure starts in 2016. The hotel is located on a hilltop in the popular precinct of Nusa Dua, UPSCALE OR LUXURY: IT S FOR YOU TO DECIDE landscape surroundings, the hotel is tastefully designed in natural woods, earthy shades and prints that embrace the botanical theme and provide a relaxed and tranquil atmosphere for guests throughout their stay. Grand Park is a luxury hotel brand synonymous with premium accommodation, facilities, service and comfort designed for discerning business and leisure travellers. The Grand Park brand can be found in our Singapore, China and Japan hotels. As guests enter the hotel they are greeted by a large open-plan reception area, with high ceilings, grand mirrors and stylish lobby furniture to sit and take in the surroundings. There are six room types available to Park Hotel Adelaide, opening last quarter 2018 In a hotel management contract with Pirie Investments (AUS) Pty Ltd, the Park Hotel Group will manage Park Hotel Adelaide, its first hotel in Australia. The hotel is scheduled to open in the last quarter of 2018. The signing ceremony, graced by the Hon Martin HamiltonSmith, Minister for Investment a n d Tr a d e, M i n i s t e r f o r Defence Industries and Minister for Veterans Affairs, South Australia was held in Singapore in August 2015. It signifies the debut of the Park Hotel brand in the Oceania region as the Group continues AS WE SEEK TO EXTEND OUR BRAND FOOTPRINT IN STRATEGIC DESTINATIONS ACROSS AUSTRALIA, WE SHALL CONTINUE BUILDING UPON OUR SERVICE PHILOSOPHY OF GENUINE CARE AND LOVING HOSPITALITY; AND EXTEND IT TO OUR GUESTS IN THIS PART OF THE WORLD its aggressive expansion into key destinations across Asia Pacific. Park Hotel Adelaide marks a significant milestone for Park Hotel Group. We have been looking to expand into Australia for a while and this collaboration presents an exciting opportunity for us to do just that, said Mr. Allen Law, Chief Executive Officer of Park Hotel Group. Adelaide has seen a massive expansion of convention facilities, the medical precinct and the Riverbank and Adelaide Oval development and represents tremendous growth o p p o r t u n i t y. Increased flight connectivity, strong event calendar and continued growth of the Chinese and Asian markets our service philosophy of genuine care and loving hospitality; and extend it to our guests in this part of the world. Mr Law added. FIRST BALINESE RESORT FOR PARK HOTEL GROUP SET TO OPEN THIS MONTH Park Hotel Group is further strengthening its presence in Southeast recent pro-tourism initiatives, such as the visa-free access for major source countries, Park Hotel Nusa Dua Bali is well-poised to ride on an exciting wave of tourism growth. Nestled on 3.4 hectares of land, Park Hotel Nusa Dua Bali has 152 guestrooms and suites with room sizes ranging from 25sqm to 209sqm. The suites are perfect for family getaways providing providing stunning views of Nusa Dua Beach and Benoa Bay, creating the perfect setting for relaxation. It is a 10-minute drive from Ngurah Rai International Airport and is within easy access to the beaches of Nusa Dua, Tanjung Benoa, Uluwatu and the entertainment areas of Jimbaran and Kuta. PARK HOTEL ALEXANDRA NOW OPEN A peaceful oasis on the fringe of Singapore s CBD, Park Hotel Alexandra opened its doors to guests in 2015. In the midst of an urban district with easy access to both business and leisure destinations, Park Hotel Alexandra boasts 442 elegantly furnished guestrooms and suites overlooking the lush greenery of Singapore s woodlands. Inspired by its garden The exclusive Crystal Club Lounge, located at the top level of the hotel, commands stunning views of the city skyline and gives suite and club guests access to exclusive privileges such as personalised check-in and check-out services, buffet breakfast, allday refreshments and complimentary business facilities. 预览期刊 2018年5月2日 competition, the event will not only challenge participants skills and endurance but will also take them to some of the most fascinating parts of the island. As a tropical island only 55 minutes by ferry from Singapore, Bintan Island provides the perfect backdrop for an ultimate triathlon experience combined with a holiday. So, whether it s to compete in the race or simply just to enjoy the exciting atmosphere, this special sporting event is surely something you don t want to miss. WHERE TO GO Hall 26.a / Stands 122, 123 IN Surfing in West Sumatra From 19 th to 21 st April 2016, the spotlight will turn on the Mentawai Islands - an ideal Surfers Paradise in the West Sumatra Province. This is when the Pesona Mentawai Festival or The Charm of Mentawai Festival 2016 will be held for the very first time, centered at the Mapaddegat Beach, North Sipora District, in the Mentawai Islands Regency. Fully supported by the Ministry of Tourism, the festival will feature a range of cultural attractions, tourist activities, and traditional art performances from representatives of 10 districtsthat make up the Mentawai Islands Regency as well as from a number of local tourism stakeholders. The event will also involve other regencies and tourism businesses who will showcase spellbinding tourist attractions of the West Sumatra Province. The festival is also projected to be a regular event that will be held annually and be included in the Park Hotel is an upscale hotel brand symbolising utmost convenience, personalised services and high standards of amenities carefully crafted to please business and leisure travellers. The Park Hotel brand can be found in our Singapore, Indonesia, Hong Kong and Australia hotels. Continuing growth through acquisitions and hotel management services, the group seeks to extend its service philosophy of providing Loving Hospitality. With service at the heart of hospitality, Park Hotels Group endeavours to create unique and memorable travel experiences, and to bring joy to its guests. This is also the brand promise, where every encounter is a discovery of love. The group s motto says it all: At Park Hotel Group, our success is not appraised by the number of hotels under our fold, but by the number of lives we touch and inspire along the way. guests, Superior Room, Deluxe Room, Premier Room, Crystal Club Room, Executive Suite and Park Suite all fitted with the latest modern conveniences, mini bar and complimentary wireless access. The suite rooms showcase lavish touches including a grand living room, designer furniture and state-ofthe-art sound systems. Thomas Keller Excitement and pure adrenaline rush will once again highlight the beautiful island of Bintan, in the Riau Archipelago Province when the challenging multi-sporting event of Bintan Triathlon 2016 takes place from 28th to 29th May 2016. Centered at the Nirwana Gardens Resorts, the event that combines exhilarating challenges, athleticism and camaraderie is expected to be bigger and better than ever, so be sure to expect fireworks, fun fringe activities and definitely a big party. C o m bi n i n g S w i m m i n g, r u n n i n g, and bicycling into one elaborate Park Hotel Group secures Park Hotel Adelaide, its first hotel in Australia and outside Asia; Park Hotel Alexandra, the group s fourth property in Singapore opened in 2015; Park Hotel Nusa Dua Bali is currently undergoing refurbishment, scheduled for completion this month; Park Hotel Farrer Park is scheduled to open in Q4 this year. Yet again, Park Hotel Group was named Best Regional Hotel Chain, its fourth consecutive win at the TTG Travel Awards. EXTENDING THE BRAND FOOTPRINT TO AUSTRALIA HOSPITALITY / Berlin RESTAURANTS / BARS Wonderful Indonesia Adventure Action at ITB Berlin Mr Skates promised to personally embark on as many adventures as possible to promote Wales as the world s home of adventure and has secured the backing of two prominent adventurers, Bear Grylls and Richard Parks, who have agreed to be Adventure Ambassadors for Wales in 2016. Following recent major i nv e s t m e n t s, Wa l e s n o w boasts iconic, reputation changing attractions such a s Z i p Wo r l d a n d t h e world s largest underground trampoline. Wales has world-class Mountain Biking Chief Executive Officer, Park Hotel Group Wonderful Indonesia Coasteering Zip Below Xtreme T h e pr o m o t i o n i s a t t h e initiative of Deputy Minister for Culture, Sport and Tourism, Ken Skates, who has announced a series of themed years, beginning with the Year of Adventure in 2016. Following The Year of Adventure in 2016 will be The Year of Legends in 2017 and The Year of the Sea in 2018. Allen Law SPECIAL FEATURE 35 Indonesia Highlights Adventure with Bintan Triathlon ADVENTURE TOURISM 受益于此独家官方平台 您可轻松传达您的信 息 联系我们的编辑部来安排您的主题采访 the expansive space a family requires and the perfect private space that couples long for. The suites are complete with a generous living room, dining area, kitchen, private balcony and pantry. The resort also has 39 villas comprising of 35 one-bedroom and 4 two-bedroom units, each with a private swimming pool and a traditional Balinese pavilion set in a lush tropical garden. Park Hotel Group brings its unique touch to the Australian market and adds new properties in SE Asia ESSENTIAL NEWS FROM PARK HOTEL GROUP AT ITB BERLIN 2016 Wildwater Rafting Asia with a new management contract in Indonesia. The partnership with TwentyOne Development, introduces the Group s first resort in Indonesia Park Hotel Nusa Dua Bali. M r. A l l e n L aw, P a r k Hotel Group s CEO said, This partnership is an important milestone for our brand and the Group as we expand our presence in Indonesia with our first resort in Bali, a strategic and well-renowned travel destination. With the Indonesian government s Touching Lives and Inspiring Along The Way - agree on one fact when looking at Asia: the continent definitely drove international tourism growth across the globe in 2016 and it should still be the driving force for the tourism industry in 2017. Find out more in our regional spotlight from page 21. Hasselkus PR 1/5 BANNER Tourism in the east continues to prosper - stimulated by Chinese outbound but also new emerging outbound markets such as India & Indonesia. All international organisations dealing with tourism - UNWTO, WTTC or PATA just to name a few 附加中文版面 ADVERTORIAL To do this, the ITB bow this year also takes on another string with the addition of ITB China just around the corner echoing the importance of the Chinese outbound market (See also our exclusive interview with Ctrip s Martial Ma page 13). CLUBS / EVENTS / SHOPPING / CULTURE 交通类 ( 航空公司, 机场, 汽车出租等 旅游技术 (虚拟现实, 机器 人, 大数据...) 骑行 旅 游城市 买家指南 旅游城市 航游 高尔夫游 目的地和度假 村 购物游 自然游和国家 公园 健康 医疗旅游 美 食与葡萄酒 豪 华住宿和旅 行 (酒店, 度假 村, 火车, 航空 公司等 买家指南 航空公司 商务舱 商务旅行 家庭出游目的 地和度假村以 及游乐场 文化旅游 (文化首都 教 科文组织遗产, 文化线路 推动旅游业发 展的大事记 (展 会, 运动会等) 同性恋旅行 LGBT 团体旅行 婚礼 MICE* 买家指南: MICE酒店 中东地区与非洲 Berlin - seen by the GM of a hotel that is in tune with its environs Dirk Dreyer recently took the job as new General Manager of Berlin s striking nhow hotel. He has an atypical background, having worked primarily for music companies like Sony Music and EMI, and spent 20 years on the road as a DJ and music producer before getting into hospitality just a few years ago. So how does this qualify him for the job? The nhow is the hotel industry s first truly music themed establishment. Given his eclectic background we asked Mr Dreyer for some different ideas for where to go in this great city. national tourism Calendar of Events. Mappadegat Beach was chosen as the centre for this year s festival since it offers magnificent natural scenery and is regarded as one of the best beaches on Sipora Island and the Mentawai Islands on the whole. For the festival, the managements of accommodations, transportation and all necessary facilities are already busy making all the needed preparations. the longest remaining section of the Berlin Wall. It s one Already this hotel is a terrific place to visit even for of the most visited sites in Berlin, but it s also a very people not staying overnight. It is inspired by Berlin s emotional place, because you can really sense how it amazing music scene. It is located between the offices of might have felt in the divided city as it was. Universal Music and MTV and is not far from most of the My hidden gem, which can be seen from big concert places like the Mercedes the nhow hotel, is the SpreePark an Benz arena. So this hotel fits very well amusement park from the GDR epoch, in one of the most important economic abandoned in the 90 s. It has featured and also emotional parts of the city. THERE ARE in several movies. There are regular tours We have two professional recording REGULAR TOURS of the park, but otherwise, you can visit it studios in house, we have a big stage OF THE PARK, BUT with a proper PA in the lobby where OTHERWISE, YOU CAN by jumping over the fence! we host big events, so we are really an VISIT IT BY JUMPING Cool places to eat? integral part of the Berlin music scene. OVER THE FENCE! The Sage Restaurant on the other bank of the river in Kreuzberg is a classic. It s What interesting places can ITB been there for six years, and I deejayed attendees visit in the vicinity of the at the Sage club that the owners ran before they opened hotel? the restaurant, so I can strongly recommend the place. The hotel is located on the riverbank of the Spree, and They also have a small beach on the river where there are two very famous landmarks right next door. they host events. I can also recommend the Pantry on One is the Oberbaumbrücke connecting former East Friedrichstrasse. It s a very small restaurant with excellent Berlin and West Berlin. Its history is very rich and it has cuisine, and even if it has become very hip, the service become an important symbol of Berlin s unity. The East Side Gallery also starts very near to the hotel. It s still is still very good, and you can meet a lot of locals there. Dirk Dreyer General Manager nhow hotel, Berlin Hall 26.a / Stands 122, 123 30 SPECIAL FEATURE 当日贸易参观的头条新 闻, 包括重要公告, 探讨和 主题演讲, 国家官员访问 等 蜜月旅行 买家指南 蜜月酒店 And nhow for something completely different 展会新闻 青年旅行 探险旅游 教育 培训和就业 22 SPECIAL FEATURE TRANSPORT Sixt Spotlights Innovative New Services at ITB Berlin 市场走向 While Sixt rent-a-car, founded in Munich in 1912, is Europe s oldest and most prestigious car rental company, it also aims to lead through innovation. We asked Regine Sixt what major new developments will be spearheading her company s marketing push at ITB Berlin We are quickly expanding our presence all over the world, particularly in North A m e r i c a. We r e c e n t l y opened in Las Vegas and will open several stations for example in Texas, New Jersey and in Florida during the next months. So our US-customers as well as travellers from Canada, Latin America or the Caribbean can make use of our innovative services and our premiumfleet. Furthermore we look forward to seeing our customers and partners at ITB because we have some exciting news to tell them. We are working tirelessly on creating as comfortable and flexible a travel experience for our customers as possible. In doing so, we are focusing on the latest technologies and close and trusting partnerships with high-performing providers in the tourism industry. We are continuously expanding these collaborations, not least because of our global expansion strategy. One area in which the sector is evolving rapidly is that of car sharing. How is this new trend affecting your global business We are proud to announce that Sixt is definitely a pioneer and a playmaker in terms of car sharing. We are very much in tune with the times. Car sharing is becoming increasingly important, particularly for residents in large towns and cities who want to stay mobile at all times. This is reflected in user numbers: our premium car-sharing service DriveNow, which we offer together with our long-standing partner BMW, is growing more quickly than any other car sharing offer in Germany. This also shows the growing acceptance of this form of mobility. And this is why we will extend DriveNow to other countries. Car sharing is not just for private customers: our Sixt corporate car-sharing 重要的行业趋势分析和对 来自UNWTO, WTTC, IPK, PhocusWright, Deloitte等 机构的顶级分析师的采 访 While UNESCO preserves what matters most, their label also calls attention to the must-see attractions of the world service is tailored to the needs of companies. This means that Sixt is able to offer mobility solutions from just a few minutes to several years from car sharing to leasing, from a single source. No other mobility service provider can offer this. What key promotions or offers will you be promoting at ITB Berlin? We are looking forward to presenting our full product range to travel and tourism operators. We are particularly proud of our comprehensive tourism offers, as well as our innovative online and mobile services that enable us to keep our customers all over the world mobile. One example is Sixt unlimited, which integrates car rental and leasing solutions and works as a rental car flat rate. Costumers can use a car of a certain category in nine European countries, when they want and as long as they want. So Sixt unlimited can replace all other forms of mobility. Other innovative Services are our premiumcarsharing DriveNow or our exclusive chauffeur service MyDriver, which pushes its expansion in Germany and other countries dynamically at the moment. We warmly invite all visitors to visit our stand and gain an insight into the variety of the Sixt world. It s well worth your while! What is your policy towards third-party online booking agents and what do you think will be the trend over the next year or so? Online booking agents are and will remain an important element of our global business activities. We have a tight network of What does the walled coastal town of Al Zubarah in Qatar have in common with Japan s Mt Fuji? The same thing that makes Germany s monumental water displays of Wilhelmshöhe even more special: they are all recently inscribed UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Regine Sixt Senior Executive VP, Sixt AG SIXT IS ABLE TO OFFER MOBILITY SOLUTIONS FROM JUST A FEW MINUTES TO SEVERAL YEARS FROM CAR SHARING TO LEASING, FROM A SINGLE SOURCE T h e Wo r l d H e r i t a g e programme, launched by UNESCO in 1972, identifies, lists and preserves many of the most highly valued sites of humanity s shared natural and cultural heritage. Since that time 936 sites have been accredited and nearly half of these are located in Europe and North America. In Hall 12 at ITB Berlin, the German National Tourist Board (GNTB) says it will be putting Germany s UNESCO World Heritage sites at the centre of its global marketing activities in 2014 under the banner UNESCO World Heritage Sustainable Cultural and Natural Tourism. Germany has earned 38 heritage sites and this puts TRADE TALK Head of ITB Berlin It is possible to meet the senior decision makers at ITB Berlin and that makes the value come through. Read page 4 Read page 13 Their preservation, in turn, creates interest and drives tourism. Many national organisations - like the German National Tourist Board - find promotional opportunity in the UNESCO list. It s like an international seal of approval. If it s worth saving, then it must be worth coming to see. Yet no one person has ever visited all the UNESCO sites; the leading candidate for this Guinness World Records Book honour has visited only 808 sites so far. As an example, Surtsey is one of the most difficult sites to visit. An Icelandic island created by a volcanic eruption in the 1960 s, the Icelandic government made the island off limits to humans so they could see how the island naturally develops. Sometimes researchers are allowed to set foot on the island with a rare permit but for the rest of us there are only tour boats which sail past the island. 2018年5月16日 In France, national and regional organizations will use the anniversary of UNESCO World Heritage inscriptions to draw renewed attention to sites like Pont du Gard which celebrates its 30 year anniversary in 2015. THURSDAY 9th MAY 2018 EDITION ITB BERLIN CONVENTION Rajesh Nambiar SPECIAL DOSSIER: ISLANDS OF TAHITI Prof. Dr. Roland Conrady Executive Vice President, Ottila International ITB Berlin is this sector s biggest annual family reunion. We are all motivated by a desire for personal encounters, for authenticity and honesty. Papal Palace and Historic Centre of Avignon (1995) and the Banks of the Seine in Paris (1991). From our human history, to our spiritual history, to the early history of our cities, the World Heritage Sites protect all that reflects the uniqueness of man and Earth. PREVIEW Your Official Information Source at ITB China David Ruetz it in joint fourth place with France in the list of countries with the most world heritage sites. Together, the two neighboring countries have an impressive 76 sites. The very diverse world heritage sites divide into the following different themes: historical old quarters, churches and abbeys, castles and palaces, works representing culture and spiritual heritage, parks, gardens and natural landscapes, industrial heritage and outstanding examples of architecture and design. You can see how diverse the range of heritage sites is by looking at a country like France, where the Pont du Gard (Roman Aqueduct) (1985) is listed alongside the ITB BERLIN NEWS Friday 7th March 2014 ITBNews NEWS AT ITB BERLIN, GNTB ANNOUNCES IT WILL BE PUTTING GERMANY S UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE SITES AT THE CENTRE OF ITS GLOBAL MARKETING ACTIVITIES IN 2014 partners and are using this to strengthen the Sixt brand in terms of international benchmarks. However, we are aware that our customers are no longer solely comparing services based merely on price, but increasingly want quality for the best conditions and are therefore approaching providers directly us, in other words. They value our comprehensive services and the contact they have with us when planning their travels. Hall 9 Stand 121 ITB BERLIN NEWS Wednesday 5th March 2014 CULTURAL TOURISM UNESCO Protects Sites, Promotes Tourism Exclusive interview with Regine Sixt, Senior Executive VP, Sixt AG 展会第一日 期刊 Nicole Bouteau Scientific Director of the ITB Berlin Convention, University of Applied Sciences Worms Minister for Tourism, International Transport and Institutional Relations, French Polynesia The role of the convention is to highlight the trends that the future of our Our wish is to preserve our natural heritage and make sure we provide an exclusive tourist experience. Read page 15 Read page 42 will shape industry. 亚洲地区 Knowledge is Power ITB Berlin 2017 addresses burning industry issues Hall 17 Stand 109 Berlin looks forward to welcoming you for the Hall 4.1 Stand 105b 51st edition of ITB Berlin now just around the corner! With exhibitors from 184 countries over Hall 9 Stand 314 160,000 square metres of floor space, and over 7bn in turnover, this event truly stands out as the world s leading travel trade show. But the impact of the show through its promotion of industry intelligence and thought leadership is immeasurable. The key themes addressed at the ITB Berlin Convention reflect the disquiet and concerns of the industry at large, and in particular the questions of security and the influence of media coverage of certain tragic events upon a destination s tourism livelihood. A number of other themes are addressed, including the impact of new technologies, but in this, the UN year of sustainable tourism, CSR and sustainability will be very major themes. So what could be more fitting than Slovenia s partnership with the convention? Why? Because it is the first official green destination. Discover how and why in our exclusive interview with Zdravko Počivalšek, Slovenia s Minister of Economic Development and Technology page 26. Zdravko Počivalšek Minister of Economic Development and Technology, Republic of Slovenia 新闻博客 独家访谈 ITB顶级记者阐述他们来 参加展会的原因以及他们 个人所认为的 ITB亮点 是什么 对于展会众多高水准的会 议和主题演讲 我们将提 供精彩精确的会议内容报 道 并为我们的读者打造 现场独家评论. ITB China旅游会议 贸易对话 由于参观者在各展厅间辗 转, 他们会无法及时参加 一些顶级的会议演讲 我 们在此为他们提供一个独 家概览 负责任旅游 负责任旅游: CSR (企业社 会责任) 与生态旅游 - 减 少我们对地球影响的举 措探讨 DESTINATION SPOTLIGHTS EUROPE, OCEANIA, ISLANDS OF TAHITI In this issue, we spotlight several regions: Europe, Oceania and the Islands of Tahiti. Europe has a very special bearing, as it has been announced that Europe via the ETC and ETOA will be the key partner of the first edition of ITB China in just a couple of months time. You can read all about this, and find the latest news on numerous internal destinations in our special feature from page 29. Small Chris Hill, Ireland Vanuatu 展会第二日 期刊 2018年5月17日 要点再现 所有不容错过的重要信 息 参展商社论版块的参与机会 旅游经营者和旅行社阐述 他们目前存在的关键问题, 并探讨一些展会期间的有 趣提议 如何成为ITB China News 的一部分 展会第三日 期刊 2018年5月18日 向我们提供您的以下信息 上海观光指南 贵公司的主要新闻事件和新闻发布会 欧洲地区 美洲和加勒比海地区 高层管理人员的战略平台解读 为国际参观者提供一份上 海观光旅游的权威性指南, 让他们在这个激情的都市 拥有 家 一般的感觉 为我们的区域聚焦和特色收录版块提供您的独 到见解 回顾期刊 2018年5月31日 4 2018/2019 年主要趋势 ITB CHINA 2018 回顾 5

印刷版本 广告机会 标准位置 修正尺寸 出血尺寸 一整页 版面 250 x 353 mm 260 x 363 mm 双整页 跨版 500 x 353 mm 510 x 363 mm 1/2 版面 230 x 160 mm 1/3 版面 86 x 300 mm 1/4 版面 230 x 80 mm 1/8 版面 90 x 100 mm ITB China News / 2018 Mockup 印刷版本 技术规格 突出位置 位于期刊封面的商标和展台号码 位于期刊封面的1/5页的横幅 56 x 182 mm 250 x 353 mm 260 x 363 mm 期刊封底 250 x 353 mm 260 x 363 mm 期刊封面内页 广告费 广告宣传 或 社论式广告 广告位仅适用于ITB CHINA的参展商 所有期刊 在线预览 期刊 展会第一日 展会第二日 展会第三日 在线回顾 期刊 (5月16日) (5月17日) (5月18日) (5月31日) (5月2日) >> 材料提交截止日期 2018年4月20日 联系方式 : 产品经理 Tel: +33 (0)442 77 46 06 印刷版 和 在线版 1/8 版面 e 2,600 e 400 e 800 e 800 e 650 e 400 1/4 版面 e 4,000 e 550 e 1,300 e 1,300 e 1,000 e 550 1/3 版面 e 5,400 e 700 e 1,400 e 700 1/2 版面 e 7,500 e 1,000 e 2,500 e 2,500 e 2,000 e 1,000 一整页 版面 e 13,700 e 3,600 双整页 跨版 e 24,500 e 3,200 e 8,000 e 8,000 e 6,400 e 3,200 e 3,600 社论式广告 今日展台 城市聚焦 一整页报道 Jean-Guy Bienfait 特殊优惠 另加付20%, 您可同时拥有 预览期刊 例如: 一整页 版面广告 位于展 会第一日期刊+位于预览期刊 修正尺寸 另加付30% 您可同时拥有 预览和回顾期刊 出血尺寸 修正尺寸 5mm出血 only e 5,400 例如 一整页 版面广告 位于 展会第一日期刊+位于预览期 刊+位于回顾期刊 only e 5,850 * 右页版面或指定突出位置加付15% (包括预览和回顾期刊 大尺寸商标和展台号码 e 6,000 位于期刊封面的1/5页的横幅 e 19,000 一整页广告位于期刊前12页 e 15,500 售罄 e 17,500 期刊封底 e 20,500 夹 于杂志中心 4页特制纸张广告位 售罄 标准尺寸的商标和展台号码 + 二维码 标准尺寸的商标和展台号码 封面 e 1,320 大尺寸商标和展台号码 商标和展台 号码 仅需730欧 一整页 版面 34 x 24 mm 80 x 58 mm 双整页 跨版 大尺寸商标 e 19,000 期刊封底内页 期刊封面内页 双整页跨版 标准尺寸的商标和展台号码 e 3,150 1/2 版面 e 36,000 1/3 版面 位于期刊封面的商标和展台号码 期刊封面内页 展馆平面图 展馆平面图 1/5页的横幅 所有期刊突出位置广告宣传 标准尺寸商标 1/8 版面 1/4 版面 e 55,000 6 7

官网 简介 官网 统计 内容结构规划是基于帮助简化买家和决策者 的购买过程 www.itb-china-news.com是官方网 站 每日更新展会新闻和独家采访 响应力和强大性 统计* 预览期刊 会话量 6,700 平均浏览时间 1 42 页面浏览量 13,600 每会话浏览页数 2,04 访问设备 4% 62% 预览期刊中的欧洲特色版块 主页 34% 对展会的全范围报道, 可随时查询 之前已发行的版本内容 预览期刊中对Bavaria特别聚焦报道 * 数据来源 Google Analytics 2017年3月 - 8 9

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