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PWT GmbH. Justus-von-Liebig-Ring 4-6. D-25451 Quickborn Je May, 2011 Presentation of our company PWT Prozess- Wärmeträgertechnik GmbH Supplier of thermal oil heating systems for Ships, Offshore and Industrial Plants Ladies and Gentlemen, We thank you for your interest in our thermal oil heating systems and we would like to present to you our company PWT Prozess-Wärmeträgertechnik GmbH. The company PWT GmbH was founded in April 1995 by 4 leading collaborators of a well known thermal oil heater company. The founders of PWT GmbH were: Mr. Reinhardt Jess Mr. Horst Meyer Mrs. Bärbel Warncke Mr. Peter Schumacher All 4 founders were employed at HTI GmbH, some more than 25 years. Our general manager Mr. Reinhardt Jess is active as a constructor and production manager for thermal oil heater systems since more than 35 years. All our further collaborators, which are engaged in design and construction of thermal oil heater plants since more than 20 years, dispose of a large experience regarding world wide installation of these plants on ships and in industry. During the last 16 years PWT GmbH has delivered more than 800 thermal oil heaters. - 1 -

PWT GmbH occupies at present 10 engineers for design, purchase and construction. The technical office is located in Quickborn which is 22 km from Hamburg Airport or 35 km from Hamburg harbour. Our electric engineers are engaged in the switchboard construction including also commissioning and service world-wide. These electric engineers are special qualified for programmable control systems and are able to develop most extensive control systems for the heaters and consumer systems. At present PWT GmbH have 2 locations of production: The boiler factory ISW GmbH was founded by prior collaborators of HTI GmbH and is located in Uetersen, which is 25 km away from the technical office of PWT GmbH. Here is also the stock of PWT GmbH located. At this place of production basically heaters for European market are manufactured. Plants up to 60 t individual weight and a max. diameter of 6000 mm can be produced. Since mid of August 2008 there is also a heater production in China available which is basically used for the Asian market. In China we work together with Saacke Qingdao Marine Boiler Co., Ltd. SQMBC manufactures both: steam boiler plants for Saacke VKK Marine Boilers GmbH in Kiel and thermal oil heaters for PWT GmbH. These factories dispose of the Quality specification acc. to DIN ISO 9001 and acc. to ASME and of all approvals requested by the acceptance and classification authorities for the ships industry. We have supplied boiler plants with following classification: GL, Germanischer Lloyd, LRS, Lloyd s Register of Shipping, CCS, China Classification Society, ABS, American Bureau of Shipping, BV, Bureau Veritas, DNV, Det Norske Veritas, TÜV, Safety Quality License of China, Stoomwesen and ASME etc. The plants delivered by our company are absolute complete and enclose all aggregates and fittings, which will be necessary for the construction of complete thermal oil systems. We are convinced that it will be an advantage, also for your company, to collaborate with such a competent and well priced partner like PWT GmbH. Of course in our scope of capacity the commissioning of the plants world-wide is included. Our scope of capability comprises moreover: Design, calculation, construction, realisation, commissioning Our scope of delivery comprises: Thermal oil heaters direct fired or exhaust gas heated Pump groups, control groups, Process measuring and control technology, Heat exchangers, Degassing pots, expansion tanks, fittings, Spare parts - 2 -

We deliver exclusive proprietary article as well: - Burner by Weishaupt or Saacke - Pumps by Allweiler or KSB - Fittings by ARI, KFM, Leser, Gestra etc. - Electr. controller by KFM-Regelungstechnik, Klöckner-Möller, Siemens etc. - PLC-Programmable Logical Controller by Siemens We would be glad to prepare an offer for a complete thermal oil system cost free and to illustrate our installation design at a personal conversation and to discuss the manner of a co-operation. Furthermore we like to inform you, that we are also able to offer the heat transfer fittings and the heat transfer temperature controllers for the heat consumer of the vessels and of the industrial plants. We would be glad to collaborate with your company and are well prepared to be at your disposal for further questions. We look forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully, PWT GmbH Reinhardt Jess - 3 -

2011 年 5 月 公司简介 PWT (Prozess-Waermetraegertechnik GmbH) 船用 近海设备及工业用热油锅炉系统供应商 尊敬的先生们 : 我们非常感谢您对我们的热油锅炉系统感兴趣, 我们愿介绍我们公司,PWT Prozess- Waermetraegertechnik GmbH PWT 有限公司成立于 1995 年 4 月,4 位创建人都来自于一家著名的热传导锅炉公司 PWT 有限公司的创建人是 :Reinhardt Jess Horst Meyer Baerbel Warncke Peter Schumacher 先生先生女士先生 所有这些 4 位创建人曾都在 HTI 有限公司工作, 有的超过 25 年 我们的总经理 Reinhardt Jess 先生作为热油锅炉系统设计与生产经理工作了 35 年 所有我们的其他的工作人员, 都从事热油锅炉设计及生产工作超过了 20 年, 对全球船用及工业用锅炉拥有丰富的经验 在过去 16 年中 PWT 有限公司已供货了 800 多台热油锅炉系统 PWT 有限公司拥有 10 位工程师从事设计 销售及生产 技术办公室位于距汉堡机场 22 公里, 距汉堡港 35 公里的魁克波恩 我们的电气工程师进行配电箱的生产, 包括全球安装调试及服务 这些工程师都拥有程序控制系统专门技术, 能够开发各种锅炉及附件的控制系统 - 1 -

目前 PWT 有限公司有两个生产厂 : 锅炉生产厂 ISW 有限公司, 该厂也是由过去 HTI 有限公司的合作者创办的, 位于乌特森, 距离 P WT 技术部门的办公室只有 25 公里 PWT 有限公司的仓库也在这里 这里主要生产供应欧洲市场的锅炉, 这里可以生产净重 60 吨以下, 直径 6000 毫米以内的锅炉 从 2008 年 8 月中旬开始,PWT 在中国有了一个供应亚洲市场的锅炉生产基地 在中国我们与青岛扎克船用锅炉有限公司合作, 青岛厂生产两种锅炉 : 为在德国基尔的 Saacke VKK Marine Boiler GmbH 生产蒸汽锅炉, 为 PWT GmbH 生产热油锅炉 这两家公司都拥有 DINISO9001 质量体系证书及 ASME 和船级社有关要求 我们提供过拥有以下船级社认证的锅炉 :GL ( 德国劳氏船级社 ),LRS( 英国劳氏船级社 ),CCS( 中国船级社 ),ABS( 美国船级社 ),BV ( 法国船级社 ),DNV( 挪威船级社 ),TUV, 中国质量安全证书,Stoomwesen, 及 ASME 等 我们提供的产品完全成套并包括所有连接件 固定件, 这些在安装热传导锅炉系统时是非常必需的 我们相信对贵公司来讲, 与 PWT 有限公司这样的高质量 低价格具有竞争力的企业合作将是有益的 当然我们的供货范围还包括全球安装调试服务 我们的供货能力还包括设计 计算 建造 施工和调试 我们的供货范围包括 : 热油锅炉, 燃油或废气加热泵组, 控制系统过程测量及控制技术热交换器膨胀柜, 固定件备件 我们提供各种专用件 : - 燃烧器 Weishaupt 或 Saacke - 泵 Allweiler 或 KSB - 2 -

- 连接件 ARI, Krombach, KFM, Leser, Gestra 等 - 电气及控制 KFM Regelungstechnik, Klockner-moeller, Siemens 等 - 程序逻辑控制 Siemens 我们很高兴无偿的做一个完整热传导锅炉系统的报价, 及通过个人交谈列表说明我们的安装设计和讨论合作方式 另外, 我们想通知您, 我们可以为船用及工业用系统的用户侧提供连接件, 热传导温度控制件等 我们很高兴与贵公司联系并很愿意回答您的问题 我们等待听到您的消息 您真诚的 PWT 有限公司总经理 Reinhardt Jess - 3 -