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VOLUME 142 October 2016 S E L E C T D E L U X E H O M E S FEATURE Interview Thinking out of the box 本期焦點 : 頂級屋苑 Spotlight: Hong Kong s hottest residential complexes 細膩高雅 Sophisticated style high in the hills 優質海外投資物業 Prime Overseas Property for Investment

CONTENTS 02 04 05 07 08 11 MONTHLY HIGHLIGHT Beverly Hill, Happy Valley 跑馬地比華利山 SPOTLIGHT Hong Kong s hottest residential complexes 頂級屋苑 HIGHLIGHT Cherry Court, Pokfulam 薄扶林昌麗閣 HIGHLIGHT Horizon Mansion, Midlevels Central 中半山祟華大廈 Southside & the Peak sale 南區及山頂出售 Midlevels Central & West sale 中半山及西半山出售 12 14 16 20 22 24 28 Midlevels East & Happy Valley sale 東半山及跑馬地出售 FEATURE Interview Thinking out of the box Southside & the Peak lease 南區及山頂出租 Midlevels Central & West lease 中半山及西半山出租 Midlevels East & Happy Valley lease 東半山及跑馬地出租 U.K. Properties 英國物業 Japanese Properties 日本物業 5 EASY WAYS TO LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH THE KEY: 5 個簡單方法在 大宅 刊登您的出售 / 出租物業 : 3102 4818 2866 0015 Fax 6891 3639 WhatsApp 暖意四溢 Keeping warm with style As winter draws closer, it s time to re-think your home s heating facilities fan heaters and portable oil radiators may do the job, but let s face it, they re not pretty to look at and can ruin the design aesthetic of your residence. One innovative and stylish solution is a suspended fireplace. Hung from the ceiling, it ensures floor space beneath is left clear, and will certainly enhance any living area with the right amount of dramatic ambience and warmth. A new generation of retrospective design among hanging central fires means the range available is wider than ever and, even better for Hong Kong, there are many compact models which will provide fireplace excellence in more petite spaces. 天氣漸涼, 是時候重新檢視家中的供暖系統 電暖爐及暖風機雖然實用, 不過外型一般, 未必是點綴家居的好幫手 想增添美感, 懸掛式暖爐是上佳之作 由天花垂直向下, 懸掛式暖爐的下方需要清空, 但安裝後可大大增加室內的氣氛及暖意 近來新推出的懷舊款式, 令懸掛式暖爐更配合香港家居的需要, 特別適合空間有限的居室 Published and distributed by Designed by Landscope Christie s International Real Estate C-018733 Tel: +852 2866 0022 Fax: +852 2866 0015 Email: Website: Address: Units 601-4, 6/F, Sino Plaza, 255-257 Gloucester Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong Tel: +852 2525 0287 Fax: +852 2526 3860 Email: Website: Address: Rm 2408, Dominion Centre, 59 Queen s Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong SCAN HERE TO SUBSCRIBE ONLINE The information, text, photos, analyses and projections contained herein are provided solely for the convenience of prospective clients and no warranty or representation as to their accuracy, correctness or completeness is made by Landscope Christie s International Real Estate, Landscope Surveyors Limited, Landscope Realty Limited or the owners, none of whom shall have any liability or obligation with respect thereto. Interested parties should rely on their own investigations, interpretations and analyses in connection with the purchase or letting thereof. Information has been provided to us by sources deemed reliable, but no warranty or representation is made as to its accuracy, correctness or completeness. These offerings are made subject to contract, correction of errors, omissions, prior sale or lease, change of price or terms or withdrawal from the market without notice. The contents of The Key are for reference only and do not constitute all or any part of a contract. Copyright 2016 Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated The Specialists in Luxury Properties 01

MONTHLY HIGHLIGHT 每月精選 細膩高雅 Sophisticated style high in the hills Set on Broadwood Road in Happy Valley renowned for the many luxury residential blocks along its length Beverly Hill offers its residents convenient access to Causeway Bay, Happy Valley and Central, as well as great mountain and city views. This residence, spanning 1,334 s.f. (saleable area), boasts four bedrooms including one ensuite, two bathrooms, a combined living and dining room, one maid s room, a balcony and a covered car park. Recently modernised with sleek, streamlined design, this stylish apartment offers unusual features such as a walk-in glass cabinet which houses treasured books and ornaments. The open-plan dining and living space leads directly out onto the balcony, from where you can gaze down upon Hong Kong Stadium, setting for many of the territory s biggest and most successful sporting and musical events. Floor-to-ceiling sliding doors in the living room allow fresh air and sunlight to flood in, making this a wonderfully light, bright space overall. Available to purchase at HK$31 million, there is also a fully-fitted and equipped kitchen, along beautifully designed bathrooms featuring marble and granite. 02

比華利山位於跑馬地樂活道, 該區以豪宅聞名 項目毗鄰銅鑼灣 跑馬地及中環, 交通便利, 同時可遠眺山巒景及繁華都市景觀 此單位實用面積達 1,334 平方呎, 提供四間睡房, 包括一間套房, 另有兩間浴室 一個相連的客飯廳 一間家傭房 一個露台及一個有蓋車位 單位設計窗明几淨, 線條明快, 更設一間玻璃房擺放藏書及裝飾品, 盡顯心思 開放式客飯廳連接露台, 坐擁香港大球場壯闊景致, 是舉辦多項大型精彩體育及音樂盛事的地點 客廳的落地敞門打開後, 室外的清新空氣及陽光源源不絕地湧入, 令室內空間更為明亮 廚房及浴室設備齊全, 配有高貴亮麗的大理石, 單位目前以 3,100 萬港元出售 Beverly Hill 比華利山 6 Broadwood Road, Happy Valley 跑馬地樂活道 6 號 GROSS AREA 1,649 s.f. SALEABLE AREA 1,334 s.f. INQUIRIES 9648 6082 Christine Chong 莊小姐 SEARCH REFERENCE NO. 92493 The Specialists in Luxury Properties 03

Hong Kong s hottest residential complexes 頂級屋苑 SALE 出售 Greenery Garden 薄扶林怡林閣 2A Mount Davis Road Full sea view apartment with lots of recreation facilities and close to central 全海景住宅, 連娛樂消閒設施, 鄰近中環 GROSS AREA 1,241 s.f. SALEABLE AREA 1,020 s.f. OFFERED AT $17,800,000 INQUIRIES 9250 0300 Randy Chan 陳先生 SEARCH REFERENCE NO. 43732 Greenery Garden 薄扶林怡林閣 2A Mount Davis Road 3-bedroom flat with balcony in tranquil location enjoys partial sea view 三房單位連露台, 地段寧靜, 享部分海景 GROSS AREA 1,587 s.f. SALEABLE AREA 1,309 s.f. OFFERED AT $20,000,000 INQUIRIES 9648 6082 Christine Chong 莊小姐 SEARCH REFERENCE NO. 111308 37 Repulse Bay Road 淺水灣淺水灣道 37 號 Nicely renovated sea view apartment with facilities on upper Repulse Bay Road 雅致裝修海景單位, 連設施, 位處淺水灣道頭段 GROSS AREA 1,680 s.f. SALEABLE AREA 1,227 s.f. OFFERED AT $41,000,000 INQUIRIES 9551 1077 Walker Lam 林先生 SEARCH REFERENCE NO. 127963 Dynasty Court 中半山帝景園 23 Old Peak Road Renowned luxury apartment with full clubhouse facilities at prime location 著名豪華住宅, 連完善會所設施, 地段優越 GROSS AREA 1,970 s.f. SALEABLE AREA 1,616 s.f. OFFERED AT $42,800,000 INQUIRIES 9833 9509 Michelle Chung 鍾小姐 SEARCH REFERENCE NO. 2780 Scenic Villas 薄扶林美景臺 2-28 Scenic Villa Drive Spacious 4-bedroom apartment with tasteful decorations 寬敞四房單位, 配以品味裝修 GROSS AREA 2,517 s.f. SALEABLE AREA 2,311 s.f. OFFERED AT $49,700,000 (Negotiable) INQUIRIES 9250 0300 Randy Chan 陳先生 SEARCH REFERENCE NO. 49832 Villa Monte Rosa 東半山玫瑰新村 41A Stubbs Road Nicely renovated 4-bedroom apartment with big balcony enjoying stunning view in prime neighbourhood 雅致裝修四房住宅, 連大露台, 享壯麗景色, 地段優越 GROSS AREA 3,300 s.f. SALEABLE AREA 2,832 s.f. OFFERED AT $78,000,000 INQUIRIES 6183 8339 Carman Szeto 司徒小姐 SEARCH REFERENCE NO. 38477 04

SALE 出售 Hong Kong s hottest residential complexes 頂級屋苑 May Tower 2 中半山梅苑二座 5 May Road Rarely available huge duplex apartment overlooking the city; with swimming pool 極罕六千多呎複式巨宅, 開揚城市景觀, 極具氣派, 設游泳池 Hillsborough Court 中半山曉峰閣 18 Old Peak Road Cozy apartment with tasteful decorations enjoys comprehensive facilities 品味裝修舒適住宅, 享完善設施 GROSS AREA 6,786 s.f. SALEABLE AREA 5,339 s.f. OFFERED AT $250,000,000 INQUIRIES 9871 6828 Louis Wong 黃先生 SEARCH REFERENCE NO. 157831 GROSS AREA 841 s.f. SALEABLE AREA 657 s.f. OFFERED AT Open Offer also for lease $39,000 incl. INQUIRIES 9871 6828 Louis Wong 黃先生 SEARCH REFERENCE NO. 163656 私家樂園 Private space for fun Cherry Court 昌麗閣 10-12 Consort Rise, Pokfulam 薄扶林金栗街 10-12 號 GROSS AREA 1,290 s.f. SALEABLE AREA 1,037 s.f. (plus 1,000 s.f. roof) OFFERED AT $18,500,000 INQUIRIES 9551 1077 Walker Lam 林先生 SEARCH REFERENCE NO. 54996 One of Hong Kong s best locations for luxury houses, Pokfulam is just 20 minutes drive from the bustling hub of Central. This boutique apartment boasts three bedrooms, including one ensuite, two bathrooms, a combined living and dining room, a balcony and a covered car park. The two highlights of the property are without a doubt the fully-equipped designer kitchen and a generous 1,000 s.f. private roof space filled with plants, artificial grass and outdoor furniture, creating the perfect spot for entertaining. 薄扶林是香港著名的豪宅區, 距離中環僅 20 分鐘車程 此精品住宅單位提供三間睡房, 包括一間套房 兩個浴室 一個相連的客飯廳 一個露台及一個有蓋車位 另外, 單位設一個設備齊全的廚房, 裝修精美, 以及一個面積達 1,000 平方呎的偌大私家天台, 並栽種了不少植物 設人造草皮及戶外傢具, 是舉辦戶外派對的理想場地 The Specialists in Luxury Properties 05

Hong Kong s hottest residential complexes 頂級屋苑 LEASE 出租 The Repulse Bay 淺水灣影灣園 109 Repulse Bay Road Ideal family apartment within short walk to Repulse Bay Beach 家庭式優質住宅, 信步可達淺水灣泳灘 GROSS AREA 2,140 s.f. SALEABLE AREA 1,437 s.f. OFFERED AT $74,000 excl. INQUIRIES 6277 1295 Henry Chan 陳先生 SEARCH REFERENCE NO. 15179 Cavendish Heights 渣甸山嘉雲臺 27-37 Perkins Road Spacious practical apartment in family friendly development 寬敞實用住宅, 位處受歡迎家庭式住宅項目 GROSS AREA 2,265 s.f. SALEABLE AREA 1,811 s.f. OFFERED AT $86,000 incl. INQUIRIES 9551 1077 Walker Lam 林先生 SEARCH REFERENCE NO. 34036 Tregunter Tower 2 中半山地利根德閣 2 座 14 Tregunter Path Nicely renovated 4-bedroom apartment with big balcony in prime location 雅致裝修四房單位, 連大露台, 地段優越 GROSS AREA 3,050 s.f. SALEABLE AREA 2,330 s.f. OFFERED AT $98,000 incl. INQUIRIES 9551 1077 Walker Lam 林先生 SEARCH REFERENCE NO. 99217 The Manhattan 大潭大潭道 33 號 33 Tai Tam Road Unique penthouse with roof terrace overlooking stunning sea view 獨特頂層單位, 連平台, 俯瞰壯麗海景 GROSS AREA 2,593 s.f. SALEABLE AREA 2,256 s.f. (plus 250 s.f. terrace and 713 s.f. roof) OFFERED AT $105,000 incl. INQUIRIES 9080 6686 Teresa Lau 劉小姐 SEARCH REFERENCE NO. 15044 Clovelly Court 中半山嘉富麗苑 12 May Road High efficiency 4-bedroom family apartment with estate supermarket, clubhouse facilities and shuttle bus 高實用率四房家庭式單位, 設超市 會所設施及穿梭巴士 GROSS AREA 2,809 s.f. SALEABLE AREA 2,348 s.f. OFFERED AT $120,000 incl. INQUIRIES 6277 1295 Henry Chan 陳先生 SEARCH REFERENCE NO. 32763 Hong Kong Parkview 淺水灣陽明山莊 88 Tai Tam Reservoir Road Large family apartment enjoys greenery view and excellent facilities 偌大家庭式住宅, 享翠綠景色及優質設施, 可租可售 GROSS AREA 2,794 s.f. SALEABLE AREA 2,308 s.f. OFFERED AT $120,000 incl. also for sale $56,000,000 INQUIRIES 9833 9509 Michelle Chung 鍾小姐 SEARCH REFERENCE NO. 4869 06

LEASE 出租 Hong Kong s hottest residential complexes 頂級屋苑 Garden Terrace 1 中半山花園臺 1 座 8 Old Peak Road Newly renovated 4-bedroom duplex with large living area in convenient location 全新裝修四房複式單位, 客廳偌大, 交通便利 May Tower 2 中半山梅苑二座 5 May Road High privacy full floor harbour view apartment at highly sought after location 私隱度高海景全層單位, 位處受歡迎住宅地 段, 可租可售 GROSS AREA 3,726 s.f. SALEABLE AREA 3,204 s.f. OFFERED AT $130,000 excl. INQUIRIES 9833 9509 Michelle Chung 鍾小姐 SEARCH REFERENCE NO. 8056 GROSS AREA 3,393 s.f. SALEABLE AREA 2,669 s.f. OFFERED AT $150,000 incl. also for sale $150,000,000 INQUIRIES 9486 1566 Mira To 杜小姐 SEARCH REFERENCE NO. 1613 匠心美夢 A design lover s dream home Horizon Mansion 祟華大廈 102-104 MacDonnell Road, Midlevels Central 中半山麥當奴道 102-104 號 GROSS AREA 2,300 s.f. SALEABLE AREA 1,864 s.f. OFFERED AT $43,800,000 INQUIRIES 9080 6686 Teresa Lau 劉小姐 SEARCH REFERENCE NO. 148423 This spacious apartment spanning 1,864 s.f. (saleable area) with three bedrooms (including one ensuite), is a delight for lovers of design, with beautifully revamped rooms and interior dècor. Additionally, there are two-and-ahalf bathrooms, a combined living and dining room, a maid s room, a utility room and one covered car park. The apartment boasts excellent internal upkeep and decoration, along with a fully-equipped bathroom and kitchen. Additionally, the entrance and external façade of the building have also been refurbished. 此偌大單位實用面積達 1,864 平方呎, 提供三間睡房, 包括一間套房 單位室內設計獨特, 房間及整個內櫳都重新裝修, 洋溢時尚氣息 另外, 單位提供兩間半浴室 一個相連的客飯廳 一間家傭房 一間多用途房, 以及一個有蓋車位 單位室內保養簇新, 另設設備齊全的浴室及廚房 另外, 大廈入口及外牆剛完成翻新 The Specialists in Luxury Properties 07

Southside & The Peak 南區及山頂 SALE 出售 Bisney Terrace 薄扶林碧荔臺 73-79 Bisney Road Western suburb style low-rise apartment in a tranquil neighbourhood with full sea view 鄉郊式低密度單位, 地段清幽恬靜, 眺望全海景 GROSS AREA 1,129 s.f. SALEABLE AREA 918 s.f. OFFERED AT $14,000,000 INQUIRIES 9028 0147 Jenson Au 區先生 SEARCH REFERENCE NO. 124937 Bisney Terrace 薄扶林碧荔臺 73-79 Bisney Road Practical 3-bedroom apartment with private terrace in pokfulam 實用三房單位, 連私家平台, 可租可售 GROSS AREA 1,304 s.f. SALEABLE AREA 1,065 s.f. (plus 560 s.f. terrace) OFFERED AT $19,000,000 also for lease $59,800 incl. INQUIRIES 9028 0147 Jenson Au 區先生 SEARCH REFERENCE NO. 55049 Cape Mansions 薄扶林翠海別墅 56-62 Mount Davis Road Sea view renovated 3-bedroom apartment in Pokfulam 新裝修三房單位, 享海景 GROSS AREA 2,100 s.f. SALEABLE AREA 1,707 s.f. OFFERED AT $38,500,000 INQUIRIES 9028 0147 Jenson Au 區先生 SEARCH REFERENCE NO. 159688 Repulse Bay Garden 淺水灣麗景園 18-40 Belleview Drive High efficiency 3-bedroom sea view apartment with practical layout 高實用率三房海景單位, 間隔實用, 可租可售 GROSS AREA 1,780 s.f. SALEABLE AREA 1,513 s.f. OFFERED AT $43,000,000 also for lease $75,000 incl. INQUIRIES 9648 6082 Christine Chong 莊小姐 SEARCH REFERENCE NO. 33551 Vivian Court 山頂瑞燕大廈 18-22 Mount Kellett Road Colonial style 3-bedroom apartment in desirable location 英式三房住宅, 地段優越 GROSS AREA 2,100 s.f. SALEABLE AREA 1,749 s.f. OFFERED AT $55,000,000 INQUIRIES 9250 0300 Randy Chan 陳先生 SEARCH REFERENCE NO. 40245 Tai Tam Garden 大潭大潭花園 11 Tai Tam Road Well decorated 3-bedroom flat taking in panoramic sea view 優質裝修三房住宅, 飽覽全海景 GROSS AREA 2,500 s.f. SALEABLE AREA 1,891 s.f. OFFERED AT $60,000,000 INQUIRIES 9209 9988 Alan Wong 王先生 SEARCH REFERENCE NO. 123404 08

SALE 出售 Southside & The Peak 南區及山頂 Mountain Lodge 山頂崑廬 44 Mount Kellett Road Fully furnished 4-bedroom flat with practical layout enjoys spectacular sea and mountain view 裝修完善四房單位, 間隔實用, 坐擁壯麗海景及翠綠山巒景 GROSS AREA 2,600 s.f. SALEABLE AREA 2,222 s.f. OFFERED AT $68,000,000 INQUIRIES 9028 0147 Jenson Au 區先生 SEARCH REFERENCE NO. 26404 The Redhill Peninsula 大潭紅山半島 18 Pak Pat Shan Road Nice seaside house with sweeping sea view and clubhouse facilities 雅致海濱大屋, 坐擁遼闊海景, 享會所設施 GROSS AREA 2,672 s.f. SALEABLE AREA 2,584 s.f. (plus 779 s.f. garden, 108 s.f. terrace and 114 s.f. roof) OFFERED AT $68,500,000 INQUIRIES 9209 9988 Alan Wong 王先生 SEARCH REFERENCE NO. 4560 6 & 10 Mount Davis Road 薄扶林摩星嶺道 6 及 10 號 Tastefully furnished townhouse with ample open spaces at a tranquil location 品味裝修排屋, 享充裕戶外空間, 地段清幽恬靜 GROSS AREA 2,702 s.f. SALEABLE AREA 2,508 s.f. (plus 64 s.f. garden, 223 s.f. terrace and 747 s.f. roof) OFFERED AT $73,000,000 INQUIRIES 9093 3381 Stephen Chan 陳先生 SEARCH REFERENCE NO. 41076 Woodbury Court 薄扶林嘉林閣 137 Pok Fu Lam Road 4 bedroom duplex at upscale location with sweeping sea view and 6 car parks 四房複式單位, 地段顯赫尊貴, 坐擁遼闊海景, 連六車位 GROSS AREA 2,895 s.f. SALEABLE AREA 2,549 s.f. OFFERED AT $74,000,000 INQUIRIES 9871 6828 Louis Wong 黃先生 SEARCH REFERENCE NO. 38823 Celestial Garden 淺水灣詩禮花園 5 Repulse Bay Road Bright and airy high floor unit in recently upgraded building 光猛通風高層住宅, 大廈剛完成翻新 GROSS AREA 2,363 s.f. SALEABLE AREA 1,962 s.f. OFFERED AT $76,000,000 INQUIRIES 9721 1339 Brian Lam 林先生 SEARCH REFERENCE NO. 2827 Pine Lodge 壽臣山松苑 10 Shouson Hill Road West Commodious low-rise penthouse with private roof terrace 寬敞低密度頂層單位, 連私家天台 GROSS AREA 3,000 s.f. SALEABLE AREA 2,494 s.f. (plus 2,000 s.f. roof) OFFERED AT $80,000,000 INQUIRIES 9871 6828 Louis Wong 黃先生 SEARCH REFERENCE NO. 157999 The Specialists in Luxury Properties 09

Southside & The Peak 南區及山頂 SALE 出售 Grosvenor Place 淺水灣淺水灣道 117 號 117 Repulse Bay Road Iconic beachfront building with open plan living and dining featuring expansive windows 地標海濱建築, 開放式客飯廳設計, 連偌大 窗戶 Bauhinia Gardens 舂坎角紫荊園 42 Chung Hom Kok Road Spacious 6-bedroom townhouse with large garden and a carpark 寬敞六房排屋, 連偌大花園和車房 GROSS AREA 2,809 s.f. SALEABLE AREA 2,045 s.f. OFFERED AT $98,000,000 INQUIRIES 9721 1339 Brian Lam 林先生 SEARCH REFERENCE NO. 104487 GROSS AREA 3,500 s.f. SALEABLE AREA 2,730 s.f. (plus 1,000 s.f. garden) OFFERED AT $99,800,000 INQUIRIES 9551 1077 Walker Lam 林先生 SEARCH REFERENCE NO. 98987 56 Repulse Bay Road 淺水灣淺水灣道 56 號 Luxury waterfront apartment with walk-out terrace taking in uninterrupted sea view 豪華海濱單位, 連平台, 享遼闊海景 GROSS AREA 2,813 s.f. SALEABLE AREA 2,131 s.f. (plus 222 s.f. garden and 462 s.f. terrace) OFFERED AT $112,000,000 INQUIRIES 9721 1339 Brian Lam 林先生 SEARCH REFERENCE NO. 109345 Single detached house for sale at The Peak with exceptional redevelopment opportunity 山頂區罕有可重建獨立屋出售 Site Area approx. 28,000 s.f. 地盤面積約 28,000 平方呎 OFFERED AT Open Offer INQUIRIES 9871 6828 Louis Wong 黃先生 10

SALE 出售 Midlevels Central & West 中半山及西半山 Haddon Court 西半山海天閣 41C Conduit Road Nicely decorated 3-bedroom apartment with direct access to private roof terrace 雅致裝修三房單位, 連室內內置樓梯往私家天台 GROSS AREA 1,860 s.f. SALEABLE AREA 1,668 s.f. (plus 718 s.f. roof) OFFERED AT $39,800,000 INQUIRIES 9209 9988 Alan Wong 王先生 SEARCH REFERENCE NO. 85899 6A Bowen Road 中半山寶雲道 6A 號 Older-style 3-bedroom apartment on the serene tree-lined Bowen Road 英式三房單位, 位處綠樹成蔭的寶雲道 GROSS AREA 2,105 s.f. SALEABLE AREA 1,866 s.f. OFFERED AT $40,000,000 INQUIRIES 9551 1077 Walker Lam 林先生 SEARCH REFERENCE NO. 14491 Azura 西半山蔚然 2A Seymour Road 3-bedroom apartment in a brand new development with city view 全新三房住宅, 享城市景 GROSS AREA 1,665 s.f. SALEABLE AREA 1,292 s.f. OFFERED AT $40,000,000 INQUIRIES 9028 0147 Jenson Au 區先生 SEARCH REFERENCE NO. 159138 Po Shan Mansion 西半山寶城大廈 10-16 Po Shan Road Designer decorated 4-bedroom sea view apartment with huge balcony 四房海景住宅, 設計匠心獨運, 連偌大露台 GROSS AREA 2,800 s.f. SALEABLE AREA 2,410 s.f. OFFERED AT $58,000,000 INQUIRIES 9093 3381 Stephen Chan 陳先生 SEARCH REFERENCE NO. 34199 Hollywood Heights 中半山好利閣 6 Old Peak Road High efficiency 4-bedroom flat with balcony in convenient location 高實用率四房單位, 連露台, 交通便利 GROSS AREA 2,700 s.f. SALEABLE AREA 2,272 s.f. OFFERED AT $58,800,000 INQUIRIES 9486 1566 Mira To 杜小姐 SEARCH REFERENCE NO. 18760 Grenville House 中半山嘉慧園 1, 3 & 3A Magazine Gap Road Well managed large apartment close to Central 管理完善偌大住宅, 鄰近中環 GROSS AREA 3,400 s.f. SALEABLE AREA 3,073 s.f. OFFERED AT $108,000,000 INQUIRIES 9080 6686 Teresa Lau 劉小姐 SEARCH REFERENCE NO. 43882 The Specialists in Luxury Properties 11

Midlevels East & Happy Valley 東半山及跑馬地 SALE 出售 27-29 Village Terrace 跑馬地山村臺 27 至 29 號 Exquisite and tasteful decorated 2-bedroom apartment in Happy Valley 品味裝修獨特單位, 兩房間隔 GROSS AREA 1,625 s.f. SALEABLE AREA 1,138 s.f. OFFERED AT $17,500,000 INQUIRIES 6277 1295 Henry Chan 陳先生 SEARCH REFERENCE NO. 150164 35-41 Village Terrace 跑馬地山村臺 35-41 號 Colonial style mid-rise apartment with private roof in tranquil location 英式中密度單位, 連私家天台, 地段清幽恬靜 GROSS AREA 1,500 s.f. SALEABLE AREA 1,232 s.f. (plus 1,000 s.f. roof) OFFERED AT $20,000,000 INQUIRIES 9721 1339 Brian Lam 林先生 SEARCH REFERENCE NO. 128055 Sunrise Court 跑馬地金輝園 95 Blue Pool Road Spacious low-rise apartment with private roof in upper Happy Valley 跑馬地頭段低密度單位, 間隔寬敞, 連私家天台 GROSS AREA 1,350 s.f. SALEABLE AREA 1,116 s.f. (plus 1,200 s.f. roof) OFFERED AT $21,000,000 INQUIRIES 9250 0300 Randy Chan 陳先生 SEARCH REFERENCE NO. 95363 27-29 Village Terrace 跑馬地山村臺 27 至 29 號 Boutique 3-bedroom low-rise unit with private roof in tranquil location 精緻三房低密度單位, 連私家天台, 地段寧靜, 可租可售 GROSS AREA 1,625 s.f. SALEABLE AREA 1,138 s.f. (plus 1,625 s.f. roof) OFFERED AT $25,000,000 also for lease $54,000 incl. INQUIRIES 9648 6082 Christine Chong 莊小姐 SEARCH REFERENCE NO. 143978 Waiga Mansion 跑馬地維基樓 6-8 Hawthorn Road Mid-rise flat with private roof terrace in quiet corner of Happy Valley 跑馬地中密度住宅, 連私家天台, 地點寧靜, 可租可售 GROSS AREA 1,300 s.f. SALEABLE AREA 1,097 s.f. (plus 961 s.f. roof) OFFERED AT $25,000,000 also for lease $55,000 incl. INQUIRIES 9721 1339 Brian Lam 林先生 SEARCH REFERENCE NO. 105180 Pine Hill Villa 渣甸山松圃 8-12A Wilson Road Colonial low-rise unit with nice view and balcony in Jardine's Lookout 英式低密度住宅, 享怡人景色, 連露台 GROSS AREA 1,500 s.f. SALEABLE AREA 1,226 s.f. OFFERED AT $29,000,000 also for lease $53,000 incl. INQUIRIES 9080 6686 Teresa Lau 劉小姐 SEARCH REFERENCE NO. 136810 12

SALE 出售 Midlevels East & Happy Valley 東半山及跑馬地 Shuk Yuen Building 跑馬地菽園新臺 2 Green Lane Cosy low-rise apartment with tasteful decorations at tranquil area 舒適低密度單位, 配以品味裝修, 地段寧靜 55 Blue Pool Road 跑馬地藍塘道 55 號 Designer decorated 4-ensuite apartment with huge private terrace 設計師裝修四套房單位, 連巨大私家平台, 可租可售 GROSS AREA 1,950 s.f. SALEABLE AREA 1,560 s.f. OFFERED AT $29,500,000 INQUIRIES 9486 1566 Mira To 杜小姐 SEARCH REFERENCE NO. 124242 GROSS AREA 2,500 s.f. SALEABLE AREA 1,866 s.f. OFFERED AT $45,000,000 also for lease Open Offer INQUIRIES 9093 3381 Stephen Chan 陳先生 SEARCH REFERENCE NO. 130663 The Hampton 跑馬地藍塘道 45 號 45 Blue Pool Road Designer decorated fully furnished luxury home at convenient location 優質裝修豪華住宅, 匠心獨運, 交通便利, 可租可售 Moorsom Road 渣甸山睦誠道 Rarely available single house for sale in prestigious neighborhood 罕有獨立屋出售, 地段尊貴顯赫 GROSS AREA 3,235 s.f. SALEABLE AREA 2,531 s.f. OFFERED AT $95,000,000 also for lease $145,000 incl. INQUIRIES 9871 6828 Louis Wong 黃先生 SEARCH REFERENCE NO. 159548 GROSS AREA 4,165 s.f. SALEABLE AREA 2,955 s.f. OFFERED AT $300,000,000 INQUIRIES 9551 1077 Walker Lam 林先生 SEARCH REFERENCE NO. 13631 The Specialists in Luxury Properties 13

FEATURE Interview Lilian Daubisse, Hermès Thinking out of the box Using corrugated cardboard to create Hermès flagship window display at Hong Kong International Airport, French artist Lilian Daubisse exhibits his passion for the natural world French artist Lilian Daubisse at Hermès s Hong Kong International Airport store TEXT: Leona Liu PHOTOGRAPHY: Dicky Liu Daubisse created Hybrids using his favourite material corrugated cardboard To celebrate the opening of the Hermès boutique at Hong Kong International Airport, the renowned fashion brand enlisted French artist Lilian Daubisse to create Hybrids, an inventive window display conceived with the artist s favourite material corrugated cardboard. The Carte Blanche set of windows, an exhibition that has been staged in most international Hermès stores around the world, was inspired by the process of transformation. Mother Nature creates, transforms and recycles; no matter if it is for plants, animals or humans, it provides the renewal required for our future, Daubisse explains. Inside the windows, the totems of paper, cardboard and leather adorned with silk scarves pay tribute to nature while at the same time having the capacity to renew itself. A sculpture in the form of a hybrid creature seems almost to be resting in the 14

From top Hermés carnets d' équateur porcelain collection depicts Robert Dallet s animal kingdom, set off perfectly against Daubisse s natureinspired backdrop Created with corrugated cardboard, the installations display a number of animals, such as this elephant display, gazing out through a window that offers an opportunity for escape, while the drawing of a sky filled with clouds evokes the beneficial forces of time. Other imaginary animals with hidden anatomical forms horns and claws are found underneath a plant-like coat of fur made from corrugated cardboard inviting the audiences to picture themselves in. Born in France in 1970, Daubisse attended the Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux-Arts, where he began experimenting with corrugated cardboard in his work and which established itself as his primary material ever since. Through meticulous processes, the paper artist transforms this common material into unique objects, leading audiences through its poetry and enigmatic beauty and inviting people to dream, travel and search for a hidden meaning. Originally created for industrial use, corrugated cardboard was developed more than a century ago. No longer limited to a single use, it can be recycled to give birth to new conditions and forms, especially in art, as demonstrated by Daubisse s approach in which he flips the industrial origins of the material to handcraft artworks. Though it s an extremely simple material that one can find everywhere, the possibilities of what you could create with it and the transformed outcomes are amazing, and that s what creation is, the artist says, pointing out that a similar process specialising in the material and commitment to craftsmanship is the shared passion intrinsic to their respective arts that brought him together with Hermès. For more features on design and architecture, don t miss the October issue of Perspective magazine, and check out our website at The Specialists in Luxury Properties 15

Southside & The Peak 南區及山頂 LEASE 出租 South Bay Towers 淺水灣南灣大廈 59 South Bay Road Sea view apartment with clubhouse facilities at tranquil South Bay 海景單位連會所設施, 位處清幽南灣, 可租可售 GROSS AREA 1,433 s.f. SALEABLE AREA 1,112 s.f. OFFERED AT $53,000 incl. also for sale $30,000,000 INQUIRIES 9093 3381 Stephen Chan 陳先生 SEARCH REFERENCE NO. 135646 Repulse Bay Garden 淺水灣麗景園 18-40 Belleview Drive Spacious apartment with large balcony and breath-taking view of Repulse Bay Beach 寬敞住宅連偌大露台, 眺望淺水灣泳灘壯麗景色 GROSS AREA 1,780 s.f. SALEABLE AREA 1,514 s.f. OFFERED AT $65,000 incl. INQUIRIES 6277 1295 Henry Chan 陳先生 SEARCH REFERENCE NO. 5880 Ridge Court 淺水灣冠園 21A-21D Repulse Bay Road Seaview apartment for rent in Repulse Bay 淺水灣海景單位, 罕有出租 GROSS AREA 2,300 s.f. SALEABLE AREA 1,780 s.f. OFFERED AT $88,000 incl. INQUIRIES 9833 9509 Michelle Chung 鍾小姐 SEARCH REFERENCE NO. 178549 102 Repulse Bay Road 淺水灣淺水灣道 102 號 Bargain sea view townhouse in Repulse Bay with private pool and double car parks 淺水灣海景排屋, 連私家游泳池及雙車位 GROSS AREA 3,500 s.f. SALEABLE AREA 2,486 s.f. (plus 1,392 s.f. terrace) OFFERED AT $99,000 excl. INQUIRIES 9833 9509 Michelle Chung 鍾小姐 SEARCH REFERENCE NO. 13995 Bluewater 大潭大潭道 25 號 25 Tai Tam Road Exclusive luxurious 4-bedroom apartment on Tai Tam Road with 2 car parking spaces overlooking sweeping sea view 大潭道獨特豪華四房住宅, 坐擁遼闊海景, 連兩車位 GROSS AREA 2,500 s.f. SALEABLE AREA 1,824 s.f. OFFERED AT $100,000 incl. INQUIRIES 9080 6686 Teresa Lau 劉小姐 SEARCH REFERENCE NO. 34008 Celestial Garden 淺水灣詩禮花園 5 Repulse Bay Road Spacious layout 3-bedroom apartment with lush green surroundings 寬敞三房單位, 環境翠綠 GROSS AREA 2,375 s.f. SALEABLE AREA 1,970 s.f. OFFERED AT $110,000 incl. INQUIRIES 6183 8339 Carman Szeto 司徒小姐 SEARCH REFERENCE NO. 22426 16

LEASE 出租 Southside & The Peak 南區及山頂 33 Cape Road 舂坎角環角道 33 號 Garden townhouse with nice decoration close to Stanley Plaza 雅致裝修花園大屋, 鄰近赤柱廣場, 可租可售 GROSS AREA 3,140 s.f. SALEABLE AREA 2,340 s.f. (plus 645 s.f. garden and 420 s.f. roof) OFFERED AT $120,000 incl. also for sale $65,000,000 INQUIRIES 9209 9988 Alan Wong 王先生 SEARCH REFERENCE NO. 136736 Pine Crest 淺水灣松苑 65 Repulse Bay Road Luxury 4-bedroom apartment with spacious layout enjoys panoramic views 豪華四房住宅, 間隔寬敞, 享怡人全海景 GROSS AREA 2,250 s.f. SALEABLE AREA 1,917 s.f. OFFERED AT $125,000 incl. INQUIRIES 9648 6082 Christine Chong 莊小姐 SEARCH REFERENCE NO. 1527 Helene Court 壽臣山喜蓮閣 14 Shouson Hill Road 5-bedroom garden house with high ceiling in tranquil and green neighbourhood 五房花園大屋, 樓底高, 地段翠綠寧靜 GROSS AREA 3,113 s.f. SALEABLE AREA 2,429 s.f. (plus 1,041 s.f. terrace and 553 s.f. roof) OFFERED AT $145,000 excl. INQUIRIES 9209 9988 Alan Wong 王先生 SEARCH REFERENCE NO. 17777 Grosvenor Place 淺水灣淺水灣道 117 號 117 Repulse Bay Road Exclusive home spanning over full floor enjoys panoramic view of Repulse Bay Beach 獨特全層住宅, 眺望淺水灣全海景 GROSS AREA 2,809 s.f. SALEABLE AREA 1,974 s.f. OFFERED AT $148,000 incl. INQUIRIES 9486 1566 Mira To 杜小姐 SEARCH REFERENCE NO. 109843 9 Coombe Road 山頂甘道 9 號 Spacious townhouse surrounded in lush greenery at The Peak with beautiful green views 山頂寬敞排屋, 環境翠綠, 享怡人景色 GROSS AREA 3,300 s.f. SALEABLE AREA 2,911 s.f. (plus 781 s.f. garden and 306 s.f. terrace) OFFERED AT $198,000 incl. INQUIRIES 9250 0300 Randy Chan 陳先生 SEARCH REFERENCE NO. 5570 Villa Rosa 大潭玫瑰園 88 Red Hill Road Exclusive and spacious hill top townhouse with garden and rooftop enjoys sweeping views 獨特寬敞排屋, 連花園及天台, 飽覽遼闊美景, 可租可售 GROSS AREA 3,960 s.f. SALEABLE AREA 3,314 s.f. (plus 414 s.f. garden and 481 s.f. roof) OFFERED AT $220,000 incl. also for sale $150,000,000 INQUIRIES 9209 9988 Alan Wong 王先生 SEARCH REFERENCE NO. 107188 The Specialists in Luxury Properties 17

Southside & The Peak 南區及山頂 LEASE 出租 Circle Lodge 淺水灣環翠園 79 Repulse Bay Road Unique townhouse with nice decorations in Repulse Bay 淺水灣特色排屋, 配以雅致裝修 The Belvedere 山頂種植道 51-61 號 51-61 Plantation Road Exclusive 4-bedroom harbour view Peak house for rent with indoor private pool 獨特四房維港景大屋, 連私家室內游泳池 GROSS AREA 4,000 s.f. SALEABLE AREA 2,665 s.f. (plus 412 s.f. garden and 616 s.f. roof) OFFERED AT $238,000 incl. INQUIRIES 9250 0300 Randy Chan 陳先生 SEARCH REFERENCE NO. 17840 GROSS AREA 4,800 s.f. SALEABLE AREA 3,189 s.f. (plus 879 s.f. garden, 662 s.f. terrace and 461 s.f. roof) OFFERED AT $240,000 incl. INQUIRIES 9648 6082 Christine Chong 莊小姐 SEARCH REFERENCE NO. 20413 Strawberry Hill 山頂紅莓閣 8 Plunkett's Road Colonial style townhouse with private pool at prestigious location 山頂英式排屋, 連私家游泳池, 地段尊貴 顯赫 Circle Lodge 淺水灣環翠園 79 Repulse Bay Road Large townhouse with 6 bedrooms perched on Repulse Bay waterfront with stunning view across the Bay 淺水灣海濱偌大排屋, 六房間隔, 坐擁優美 海景 SALEABLE AREA 5,507 s.f. (plus 2,103 s.f. garden) OFFERED AT $400,000 incl. INQUIRIES 9871 6828 Louis Wong 黃先生 SEARCH REFERENCE NO. 4606 GROSS AREA 12,800 s.f. SALEABLE AREA 5,848 s.f. (plus 2,547 s.f. garden and 2,277 s.f. roof) OFFERED AT $630,000 incl. INQUIRIES 9250 0300 Randy Chan 陳先生 SEARCH REFERENCE NO. 106214 18

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Midlevels Central & West 中半山及西半山 LEASE 出租 Monticello 中半山滿峰台 48 Kennedy Road Practical 3-bedroom apartment with greenery view close to Central 實用三房單位, 享翠綠景色, 鄰近中環 GROSS AREA 1,261 s.f. SALEABLE AREA 1,075 s.f. OFFERED AT $49,000 incl. INQUIRIES 6183 8339 Carman Szeto 司徒小姐 SEARCH REFERENCE NO. 71033 Regent On The Park 中半山御花園 9A Kennedy Road Excellent move-in condition with 2 ensuites 優質兩套房住宅, 裝修簇新 GROSS AREA 1,344 s.f. SALEABLE AREA 1,093 s.f. OFFERED AT $60,000 incl. INQUIRIES 6183 8339 Carman Szeto 司徒小姐 SEARCH REFERENCE NO. 45014 Bowen Place 中半山寶雲閣 11A Bowen Road Nicely decorated, enjoys both city view and panoramic Victoria Harbour view 地段優越, 俯瞰迷人城市景及維港景觀, 連雅致裝修, 可租可售 GROSS AREA 1,927 s.f. SALEABLE AREA 1,445 s.f. OFFERED AT $75,000 incl. also for sale $49,800,000 INQUIRIES 9721 1339 Brian Lam 林先生 SEARCH REFERENCE NO. 34851 Visalia Garden 中半山蔚山花園 48 MacDonnell Road Spacious and practical 4-bedroom apartment at convenient location 寬敞實用四房單位, 交通便利 GROSS AREA 2,195 s.f. SALEABLE AREA 1,848 s.f. OFFERED AT $78,000 incl. INQUIRIES 6183 8339 Carman Szeto 司徒小姐 SEARCH REFERENCE NO. 16506 Pine Court 中半山翠峰園 5 Old Peak Road Colonial low-rise unit with huge balcony at Old Peak Road 英式低密度單位, 連大露台 GROSS AREA 2,650 s.f. SALEABLE AREA 2,350 s.f. OFFERED AT $85,000 incl. INQUIRIES 6183 8339 Carman Szeto 司徒小姐 SEARCH REFERENCE NO. 10315 Pine Court 中半山翠峰園 5 Old Peak Road Colonial style large apartment with balcony in convenient location 英式偌大住宅, 連露台, 交通便利 GROSS AREA 3,200 s.f. SALEABLE AREA 2,508 s.f. OFFERED AT $95,000 incl. INQUIRIES 9028 0147 Jenson Au 區先生 SEARCH REFERENCE NO. 50329 20

LEASE 出租 Midlevels Central & West 中半山及西半山 The Albany 中半山雅賓利大廈 1 Albany Road Luxury 3-bedroom apartment with panoramic city and garden views 豪華三房單位, 眺望城市及花園美景 GROSS AREA 2,546 s.f. SALEABLE AREA 1,948 s.f. OFFERED AT $98,000 incl. INQUIRIES 9648 6082 Christine Chong 莊小姐 SEARCH REFERENCE NO. 109132 Chung Tak Mansion 中半山重德大廈 2 Magazine Gap Road Large 3-ensuite apartment with brand new decorations 偌大三套房單位, 連全新裝潢 GROSS AREA 2,864 s.f. SALEABLE AREA 2,550 s.f. OFFERED AT $115,000 incl. INQUIRIES 9486 1566 Mira To 杜小姐 SEARCH REFERENCE NO. 11539 Bowen Mansion 中半山寶雲大廈 7C Bowen Road Colonial style mid-rise flat with huge L-shaped balcony enjoys spectacular city view 高實用率四房單位, 連超大露台, 可享無敵天際城市景, 可租可售 GROSS AREA 3,300 s.f. SALEABLE AREA 2,638 s.f. OFFERED AT $120,000 incl. also for sale Open Offer INQUIRIES 9080 6686 Teresa Lau 劉小姐 SEARCH REFERENCE NO. 15436 Grenville House 中半山嘉慧園 1, 3 & 3A Magazine Gap Road Practical layout 4-bedroom apartment for rent in prime location 間隔實用四房單位, 地段尊貴 GROSS AREA 3,700 s.f. SALEABLE AREA 3,349 s.f. OFFERED AT $200,000 incl. INQUIRIES 9833 9509 Michelle Chung 鍾小姐 SEARCH REFERENCE NO. 35553 The Harbourview 中半山港景別墅 11 Magazine Gap Road Rare 5-bedroom duplex apartment enjoying stunning harbour view 罕有五房複式單位, 飽覽壯麗海景 GROSS AREA 4,257 s.f. SALEABLE AREA 3,817 s.f. (plus 80 s.f. terrace) OFFERED AT $220,000 excl. INQUIRIES 9833 9509 Michelle Chung 鍾小姐 SEARCH REFERENCE NO. 18275 Grenville House 中半山嘉慧園 1, 3 & 3A Magazine Gap Road Large 4-ensuite penthouse flat with private rooftop in prime Central Midlevels 偌大四套房頂層住宅, 連私家天台, 位處優越中半山 GROSS AREA 3,700 s.f. SALEABLE AREA 3,349 s.f. (plus private roof) OFFERED AT $250,000 incl. INQUIRIES 6183 8339 Carman Szeto 司徒小姐 SEARCH REFERENCE NO. 174314 The Specialists in Luxury Properties 21

Midlevels East & Happy Valley 東半山及跑馬地 LEASE 出租 Aroma House 跑馬地妙香草堂 98 Blue Pool Road Spacious 3-bedroom apartment in convenient location 寬敞三房住宅, 交通便利 GROSS AREA 1,600 s.f. SALEABLE AREA 1,545 s.f. OFFERED AT $50,000 excl. INQUIRIES 6277 1295 Henry Chan 陳先生 SEARCH REFERENCE NO. 25816 Cavendish Heights 渣甸山嘉雲臺 27-37 Perkins Road Practical 4-bedroom apartment with clubhouse facilities in family friendly estate 實用四房單位, 連會所設施, 位處受歡迎家庭式屋苑 GROSS AREA 1,819 s.f. SALEABLE AREA 1,439 s.f. OFFERED AT $64,000 incl. INQUIRIES 6277 1295 Henry Chan 陳先生 SEARCH REFERENCE NO. 14822 Jardine Court 渣甸山渣甸園 24-38 Mount Butler Drive Garden low-rise apartment in sought after neighbourhood 低密度花園住宅, 位處受歡迎地段 GROSS AREA 1,600 s.f. SALEABLE AREA 1,114 s.f. OFFERED AT $78,000 incl. INQUIRIES 9551 1077 Walker Lam 林先生 SEARCH REFERENCE NO. 38858 Broadwood Twelve 跑馬地樂天峰 12 Broadwood Road 3-bedroom apartment with spacious layout taking in stunning view over the racecourse and deluxe clubhouse facilities 間隔寬敞三房住宅, 坐擁馬場壯麗景致及豪華會所設施 GROSS AREA 1,653 s.f. SALEABLE AREA 1,281 s.f. OFFERED AT $82,000 incl. INQUIRIES 9250 0300 Randy Chan 陳先生 SEARCH REFERENCE NO. 131975 47A Stubbs Road 東半山司徒拔道 47A Nicely decorated large 2-bedroom flat with private gym enjoying stunning harbour view 雅致裝修寬敞單位, 兩房間隔, 連私家健身室, 享壯麗海景, 可租可售 GROSS AREA 2,400 s.f. SALEABLE AREA 2,039 s.f. OFFERED AT $110,000 incl. also for sale $70,000,000 INQUIRIES 9093 3381 Stephen Chan 陳先生 SEARCH REFERENCE NO. 98601 Chantilly 東半山肇輝台 6 號 Fabulous 5-bedroom modern apartment with fantastic view of the racecourse 典雅五房時尚單位, 坐擁迷人馬場景色 GROSS AREA 3,650 s.f. SALEABLE AREA 2,816 s.f. OFFERED AT $130,000 incl. INQUIRIES 9486 1566 Mira To 杜小姐 SEARCH REFERENCE NO. 136288 22

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U.K. PROPERTIES 英國物業 Beautiful Prime London en-bloc commercial building Holborn WC2 - Attractive period corner building in the heart of legal district - Single let to a barrister chamber until March 2020 on FRI basis - Currently passing rent of 300,000 p.a. - Temple Tube station is 3 minutes away on foot (approx. 290 metres distance) - 位處倫敦法律區中心地段的受歡迎單邊轉角大廈 - 現由大律師樓以 FRI 形式獨立承租至 2020 年 3 月 - 租金收入可達 300,000 英鎊 - 距離 Temple 地鐵站僅三分鐘步程 ( 距離約 290 米 ) Mixed-use residential and restaurant investment opportunity The City EC3 - En-bloc building on a prominent corner position - 8 levels with retail at G/F and basement and residential at 1/F to 7/F - Residential element includes 19 serviced apartments - Multi-let with a total passing rent of 572,000 p.a. - 200 metres from Aldgate Tube station - 位處單邊轉角位優越地段的獨幢大廈, 舉步可達 Aldgate High Street - 設八層, 首層及地庫是零售單位, 一樓至七樓是 住宅 - 由多個租戶承租, 年租金收入達 572,000 英鎊 - 距離 Aldgate 地鐵站僅 200 米 Freehold; Gross Yield 4.55% Gross Internal Area 7,343 s.f. Circa 6.6M - 7.26M 9051 3096 Edward Chiang 姜先生 Freehold; Gross Yield 4.53% Total Internal Area 10,572 s.f. Circa 12.6M - 13.8M 9051 3096 Edward Chiang 姜先生 Prime Central London development opportunity Soho W1 - Landmark development site within the fashionable area of Soho - Planning permission in place for creation of a residential-led mixeduse scheme - New interiors would comprise retail or leisure accommodation on G/F and LG/F levels with 27 apartments on the seven upper levels - 350 metres from Oxford Circus Tube station - 座落 Soho 時尚地段的地標地盤 - 已取得城規批准, 可打造成以住宅為主導的混合式使用新建築方案 - 首層及地下一層設娛樂消閒部分, 樓上七層 則是 27 個單位 - 距離 Oxford Circus 地鐵站僅 350 米 En-bloc office investment opportunity Aldgate E1 - Strategically located in an increasingly mixed use area of London - Prominent corner building comprehensively refurbished in 2007 - Single-let to a top UK financial institution with a total passing rent of 2,325,000 p.a. - 3 minute walk to Aldgate Tube station - 物業位處倫敦混合地段的優質地段 - 優越單邊轉角位大廈, 於 2007 年全面翻新 - 由英國著名金融機構獨立承租, 年租金收入達 2,325,000 英鎊 - 距離 Aldgate 地鐵站僅三分鐘步程 Freehold; Vacant Possession Gross Internal Area 44,149 s.f. Circa 57M - 63M 9051 3096 Edward Chiang 姜先生 Freehold; Gross Yield 6.11% Net Internal Area 61,070 s.f. Circa 38M - 41M 9051 3096 Edward Chiang 姜先生 Prime Manchester prestige retail space Manchester M2 Prime London retail investment Fitzrovia W1 - Prominent position within an excellent retailing area in Manchester - Multiple international brands and luxury stores in the immediate area - Retail unit across G/F and 1/F with multiple options for optimum internal configuration - Excellent transport links all within short walking distance - 物業位處曼徹斯特重要零售區的優越位置 - 區內有多個國際品牌及名店 - 首層及一樓設零售旺舖, 室內可改建優化 - 信步可達完善的公共交通網絡 Long Leasehold Upper floors - Vacant Possession; Retail floors fully let Total Internal Area up to 6,500 s.f. Gross Yield for retail area 5.75% Circa 12.7M - 14.0M - Prominent West End retail unit providing retail accommodation over G/F and basement levels - Subject property is subject to ongoing refurbishment - Single-let to a top UK nationwide pharmacy company at a passing rent of 200,000 p.a., with a rent free period to be topped up by the vendor on completion of sale - 8 minute walk to Regent s Park Tube station - 此優越物業的首層及地庫零售商舖 - 物業現正進行翻新 - 現由英國一間全國性著名個人衛生公司獨立承租, 年租金收入達 200,000 英鎊 - 距離 Regent s Park 地鐵站僅八分鐘步程 Virtual Freehold; Gross Yield 4.00% Net Internal Area 4,245 s.f. Circa 5M - 5.5M 9051 3096 Edward Chiang 姜先生 9051 3096 Edward Chiang 姜先生 24

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U.K. PROPERTIES 英國物業 En-bloc office investment opportunity Chancery Lane WC1 - Prime Midtown location, a submarket experiencing unprecedented levels of commercial activity - Grade A office accommodation arranged over basement, LG/F, G/F and 7 upper levels - Multi-let to 3 tenants with 100% occupancy and a passing rent of 5,207,004 p.a. - 400 metres from Farringdon Tube station, ensuring CrossRail access in 2018 - 位處 Midtown 優越地段, 商業活動頻繁 - 地庫 地下一層及七層上層設甲級寫字樓 - 現由三個租戶全數承租, 年租金收入達 5,207,004 英鎊 - 距離 Farringdon 地鐵站僅 400 米, 設 2018 年通車的新車站 Freehold; Gross Yield 4.52% Total Internal Area 101,661 s.f. Circa 115M 6199 7640 Gary Lam 林先生 Prime London en-bloc office investment The City EC1 - Excellent office location near the Old Bailey - Single-let to a respected international company at a passing rent of circa 1.9M p.a. - Reversionary potential via upcoming rent review in 2020-4 minute walk to St Paul s Tube station - 毗鄰 Old Bailey 的優質辦公室地段 - 現由一間國際公司獨立承租, 年租金收入達 190 萬英鎊 - 2020 年租金可向上調整 - 距離 St Paul s 地鐵站僅四分鐘步程 Long Leasehold (until 2147); Gross Yield 4% Total Internal Area 76,800 s.f. Circa 75M - 80M 6199 7640 Gary Lam 林先生 Prime retail investment opportunity Farringdon EC1 - Excellent retail location in heart of Clerkenwell - Large retail G and LG unit single-let to a leading UK pharmacy at a passing rent of 90,000 p.a. - Reversionary potential via upcoming rent review in May 2017 - Less than 100 metres from Farringdon Tube station - 物業位處 Clerkenwell 中心優越地段 - 首層及地下一層的偌大零售商舖由英國一間牽頭製藥公司獨立承租, 年租金收入 達 90,000 英鎊 - 2017 年 5 月租金可向上調整 - 距離 Farringdon 地鐵站少於 100 米 Residential and retail mixed-use development Earls Court SW5 - En-bloc building subject to recent extensive redevelopment work into a modern residential and retail space - Internal accommodation arranged as 17 self-contained luxury apartments on the 7 upper levels with 3 retail units below - 7 minute walk to Gloucester Road Tube station - 此大廈現正翻新成時尚住宅及零售空間 - 大廈七層上層設 17 個設備齊全的豪華 住宅單位, 下層則是 3 個零售單位 - 距離 Gloucester Road 地鐵站僅七分鐘 步程 Long Leasehold; Gross Yield 2.57% Total Internal Area 4,465 s.f. Circa 3.495M - 3.805M 6199 7640 Gary Lam 林先生 Freehold Circa 25M - 30M 6199 7640 Gary Lam 林先生 Historic en-bloc office building The City EC4 Prime London reversionary retail investment Chelsea SW10 - Beautiful Elizabethan Era building in the heart of London s Midtown - Single-let to a firm of barristers on a full repairing and insurance lease at a passing rent of 188,000 p.a. - Upcoming rent review in September 2019 reflects reversionary potential - 6 minute walk to Temple Tube station - 位處倫敦 Midtown 中心地段的伊麗莎白時代華麗 經典建築 - 現由英國一間大律師行獨立承租, 年租金收入達 188,000 英鎊 - 2019 年 9 月租金可向上調整 - 距離 Temple 地鐵站僅四分鐘步程 Freehold; Gross Yield 4.08% Net Internal Area 6,313 s.f. Circa 4.6M - 5.1M - Prominent retail parade with residential uppers sold off on long leaseholds - Large interior accommodation arranged over G and basement levels providing retail, restaurant, and leisure space - Fully-let to 4 reputable tenants producing a passing rent of 236,250 p.a. plus an additional 1,000 p.a. ground rent from the residential uppers - 14 minute walk to Fulham Broadway Tube station - 著名零售商舖, 上層是住宅單位 - 首層及地庫設零售商舖 餐廳及娛樂消閒空間 - 現由四個信譽良好的租戶承租, 年租金收入 236,250 英鎊, 上層住宅年租金收入則是 1,000 英鎊 - 距離 Fulham Broadway 地鐵站僅十四分鐘步程 Freehold; Gross Yield 5.33% Total Internal Area 5,658 s.f. Circa 4.45M - 4.95M 6199 7640 Gary Lam 林先生 6199 7640 Gary Lam 林先生 26

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JAPANESE PROPERTIES 日本物業 En bloc residential bldg. with high yield Tachikawa-Shi, Tokyo 東京立川 - Residential bldg comprising 19 self contained units in reinforced concrete 4 storey bldg - Completed in Feb 1987 - All except one residential unit are leased now with current passing rent of 18,744,000 JPY per annum - 10 min walk to Nishi Kunitachi Station of JR Nanbu Line and 15 min walk to Tachikawa station of JR Chuo, Nanbu, Oume, Itsukaichi Line - 樓高四層的鋼筋混凝土住宅大廈, 共有十九個單位 - 大廈建於 1987 年 2 月 - 尚餘一個單位未租出, 年租金收入達 18,744,000 日元 - 十分鐘步程可抵達 JR 南武線的西國立站, 十五分鐘步程則可抵達 JR 中央線 南武線 青梅線及五日市線的立川站 En bloc residential bldg Setagaya, Tokyo 東京世田谷區 - Residential bldg, comprising 17 self contained units in reinforced concrete 4 storey bldg in Setagaya in Tokyo - Completed in June 1989 - Projected rental is 15.58 Million JPY per annum when it is fully leased - 10 min walking distance to Komazawa Daigaku station of Tokyu Den-entoshi Line and 15 min walking distance to Sangen Jaya Station of Tokyu Den-entoshi Line - 位處東京世田谷的鋼筋混凝土住宅大廈, 樓高四層, 共有十七個單位 - 大廈建於 1989 年 6 月 - 如果滿租, 年租金收入可達 15.58 百萬日元 - 十分鐘步程可抵達東急田園都市線的駒澤大學車站, 十五分鐘步程可抵達東急田園都 市線的三軒茶屋車站 Freehold; Gross yield of 7.0% Total Internal area 905.93 sq.m. Circa JPY 283 Million (approx. HK$21.77 Million) 9051 3096 Edward Chiang 姜先生 Freehold; Projeced gross yield will be 5.41% when fully leased Total internal area is 417.34 sq.m. Circa JPY288 Million (approx. HK$22.2 Million) 9051 3096 Edward Chiang 姜先生 Pre-sale of central Tokyo en bloc residential bldg with good yield Shinjuku-Ku, Tokyo 東京新宿區 - Pre-sale of reinforced concrete en bloc 5 storey residential bldg. currently under construction in the centre of Shinjuku comprising a total of 14 units - Anticipated completion date will be April 2017-4 min walking distance from Edogawabashi Station of Yurakucho Line and 5 min walking distance to Kagurazaka station of Tozai Line - 位處新宿市中心樓高五層的鋼筋混凝土住宅大廈, 現正進行興建及預售, 共有十四個 單位 - 大廈預計 2017 年 4 月竣工 - 四分鐘步程可抵達有樂町線的江戶川橋站, 五分鐘步程可抵達東西線的神樂站 Sought after condominium in modern development Shirokane, Minatoku, Tokyo 東京港區白金 - Beautiful one bedroom condominium on 3rd floor - Completed in Sept 2005 - Current vacant. Projected rental is 1,560,000 JPY per annum - Total exclusive area: approx. 23.31 sq.m. - 位處三樓的雅致一房住宅單位 - 大廈建於 2005 年 9 月 - 單位現正交吉, 年租金收入達 1,560,000 日元 - 總樓面面積 23.31 平方米 Freehold title Projected gross yield when fully leased up 4.3% Total internal area is 443.38 sq.m. Circa JPY 488 Million (approx. HK$37.5 Million) Freehold Gross Yield if leased out 3.7% Total exclusive area approx. 23.31 sq.m. Circa JPY 42 Million (approx. HK$3.23 Million) 9051 3096 Edward Chiang 姜先生 9051 3096 Edward Chiang 姜先生 28