Page 2 of 5 Zhangjiang Science and Technology City is located in Pudong, Shanghai s prosperous district to the east of the city, strategically placed

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von Gerkan, Marg and Partners Architects Press release 26-06-13 Zhangjiang Science and Technology City as Living University gmp and KCAP, with Ramboll Studio Dreiseitl, win competition in Shanghai Pudong The design of the architects von Gerkan, Marg and Partners (gmp) and KCAP Architects & Planners, in cooperation with landscape architects Ramboll Studio Dreiseitl, was awarded first prize in the competition for Zhangjiang Science and Technology City in Shanghai. The international team was able to prevail against two other competitors. For gmp and KCAP, this is the second successful cooperative effort, having already jointly developed the urban masterplan for Hamburg s OlympiaCity. more For further information please contact: Claudia Tiesler T +49.40.88 151 123 PR & Communications Elbchaussee 139 22763 Hamburg Germany T +49.40.88 151 0 F +49.40.88 151 177 communication@

Page 2 of 5 Zhangjiang Science and Technology City is located in Pudong, Shanghai s prosperous district to the east of the city, strategically placed between the city center and Shanghai Pudong International Airport. The extension and urban development of this area forms part of the overarching national strategy aimed at sustainably strengthening research and development, rather than purely industrial production. In this context it is intended to create China s largest and most important science city on a site of about 84 square kilometers a pilot project serving as a national example. The size of the project area exceeds that of Manhattan or of Lingang New City to the south-east, which is currently under construction. The significant location factor of prosperous high-tech developments such as at Silicon Valley, New York or elsewhere is the formation of clusters, where interdisciplinary exchange and local networking can take place. The importance of physical proximity in explicitly urban environments that fosters direct encounters remains significant, even in times of a globally networked economy ideas sometimes cross corridors and roads more easily than continents and oceans. For this reason, the designers adopted the strategy of creating a living university a constellation of clusters around the existing and future high-tech institutions (industries, universities and technology clusters) in combination with attractive housing and cultural, sports, and educational facilities. At a physical level, this is continued with the definition of clearly contoured roads and landscaping. The design creates a comprehensive framework by utilizing the existing structures that have already been developed in the area to varying degrees, and integrating waterways, landscaping and a dense network of public transport systems, and embedding attractive living environments in mixed-function urban parcels that form fertile ground for sustainable urban development. In this way, this concept articulates a succinct antidote to an undistinguished urban sprawl, creating a network of high-density urban clusters that benefit from the attraction of urban centers, and also radiate outwards. As part of the cooperative effort, KCAP took responsibility for the overall strategic urban masterplan. This was designed for robust growth in accordance with the large scale and heterogeneous existing structures, allowing for long-term development and the dynamic nature of the area. Based on this plan, gmp has designed more detailed masterplans for three key areas including the main center of the Science City, referred to as the Public Center. The design partner for the integrated landscape and environmental technology design was Ramboll Studio Dreiseitl. Design Meinhard von Gerkan and Nikolaus Goetze with Magdalene Weiss Project leader competition Kong Buhong, Jin Zhan Competition design team Ralf Donner, Huang Meng, Lu Yan, Alexa Schmidbauer, Du Haoyue, Shi Mengjing In cooperation with KCAP Architects&Planners and Ramboll Studio Dreiseitl Client Shanghai Municipal Planning and Land Resources Administration/People s Government of Pudong New Area of Shanghai

Page 3 of 5 02 03 04 05 06 To download high resolution images use the following link: Charge-free printing is only permitted when naming the architects and authors of images and plans: gmp/kcap/dreiseitl Masterplan Public Center Willmore 02 Masterplan, bird view Willmore 03 Masterplan, bird view by night Willmore 04 Masterplan, bird view, zoom Willmore 05 Masterplan, bird view, zoom Willmore 06 Masterplan

gmp von Gerkan, Marg and Partners Architects Page 4 of 5 M26 通达网络布局 Connective Network M2 交通策略 Transport 针对基地制定的交通策略是在研究其公 共交通网络布设 城市功能活动需求与 城市开发密度构架的基础上综合考量 的 交通策略的目标在于为城区提供一 个健全的 可持续的交通系统以支持城 市的扩张以及满足市民通勤的需要 该 系统试图提高整个张江科学城的可达 性 并努力完善街道质量使其成为城市 重要的公共空间 对所有使用者开敞 适宜的步行环境和高质量的公共空间是 该系统成功的关键 The Transport Strategy aims to establish a close correlation between public transport, activity and density. It aspires to offer a robust sustainable transport solution that allows for urban growth, together with good accessibility for all citizens. It aims to improve mobility across Zhangjiang Science City and seeks to raise the quality of streets as important public space of the city, welcoming to all users. Walkability and the quality of the public space is key. 公共交通系统的质量有待提高 它应当 成为一项可以真正替代私家车使用 成 为城市空间布设优先选择的出行方式 上海地铁网络更加关注城市中心区 为 了保证能快速到达上海城市中心区 城 郊地铁站的占据往往都过大 上海中心 区的地铁站距往往都较近以保证最高的 地铁覆盖率 我们的设计概念意图将张 江科技城定位于相对于上海市中心的配 套中心 为了实现这样的定位在张江片 区的公共交通服务体系应当具有更高的 质量 因此我们希望在这里实践哥本哈 根公约中提到的公共交通站距不应当 超过500m的设计准则 在我们思考怎样 平衡不同出行方式之间的选择时我们应 当考虑到如下因素 噪声 污染 交通 事故率以及空间使用效率 通常步行系 统 自行车系统以及一个良好设计的公 共交通系统在以上这些层面都将获得较 高的分数 张江科技城应当有雄心成为 最可持续 最先进的交通系统布设示范 区 T1/2/3 龙阳路站 Longyang Rd. M2 M16 The quality of public transport needs to be developed to a high standard. It must become a real alternative to private car use and receive spatial priority. 华夏中路站 Huaxia Zhong Rd. M13 The Shanghai metro network is focused on the city centre. To maintain a high metro speed to the city centre the distance between metro stops in the periphery are big. In the city centre the stops are relatively close to each other to maintain a good coverage. M11 T 3/4 The idea is to position Zhangjiang Science City as a complementary centre to Shanghai City Centre. It needs an even fine public transport service as the centre. The Copenhagen rule of not more than 500 m distance to a public transport stop is taken. 罗山路站 Luoshan Rd. Noise, pollution, road casualties and space efficiency are important factors to balance between different transport modes. Normally walking and cycling and a welldesigned public transport are scoring high in these categories. M11 Zhangjiang Science City should be a show case for the most sustainable and most advanced transport system. T 1/2/4 M25 迪士尼站 Disneyland M2 Disney 02 M25 M16 03 M26 32 11 22 06 现状绿带将张江科技城分为南北两部分 未来连续的环状绿带及东西向的绿化带将完全融入科技城 The green belt is separating the northern from the southern part of Zhengjiang Science City Zhengjiang Science City will be defined by a green belt and green fingers to integrated into one Science City. Waigaoqiao Integration by separation 整合分裂的现状 Jinqiao EAST CHINA SEA Li GEEN FINGER HUANGPU RIVER v le ZHANGJIANG ag 新的绿化带是对现有的绿化以及建设肌理的重新诠 释 新的绿化结构通过将碎片绿地整合在一起形成一 个有意义的系统避免了碎片化绿带使用的局限性 这个绿化系统作为基础指导未来更多服务于街区尺度 的绿化空间的布局 ne 7 M 张江科技城位于上海重要的环城绿带结构体系上 上 Zhengjiang Science City is situated at important big scale green structures Pudong City Centre Shanghai Pudong Maglev HUB 海内环绿带将张江科技城片区分为北部和南部两个区 of Shanghai. The innerinternational green belt Airport is splitting the site in a northern and 域 southern part. 我们建议站在宏观的角度在上海和世界区域范围下对 张江进行一个定位 通过联系环绕基地的现状绿带并 To position Zhangjiang Science City in the world and in Shanghai better we Line 2 将其概念化 我们提议设置科技城绿化带 通过这个 are proposing a physical definition of the site. By connecting and concep绿带带动轻微地调整了区位的边界并将地铁16号线与 tualizing existing green structures around the site a Science green belt can 基地联系起来 be created. This Science green belt is slightly altering the location border Canal and incorporating the exiting M 16 metro line in the site. 探入基地内的绿化体系避免将区域分割开来 通过将 INNER 场地重新梳理成更多东西向的条状地带 区域南北之 TheGREEN greenbelt fingers try to overcome the split in two distinct pieces. By split间显著的分割界线消隐下去 基地变成了一个更加完 ting the site in more strips the clear border between north and south is 整的区域 通过这个途径使北部一些已经城市化的区 vanishing and integrating thedisney site in Zhangjiang Science City. This approach 域和南部的欠城市化区域之间有可能形成更多的有机 makes a more organic relation between the already urbanized northern part 联系 and the less developed southern part possible. The new green structure is a reinterpretation of the existing green and built structure. The clear new structure is avoiding left over green of limited usability by combining fragmented green of the existing zoning plan to a green system of meaning. This green system is a base for further locally placed green spaces. Lingang 04 05 For downloading high resolution images use the following link: Charge-free printing is only permitted when naming the architects and authors of images and plans: gmp/kcap/dreiseitl Scheme Green Structure 02 + 04 Urban Centralities 03 Transportsystems 05 Scheme Urban Centralities 06 Scheme Integration by Separation 07 Scheme position within the city 07

Page 5 of 5 The cooperation partners gmp von Gerkan, Marg and Partners Architects The architectural practice von Gerkan, Marg and Partners was founded by Meinhard von Gerkan and Volkwin Marg in 1965. Since its inception, it has grown to employ more than 500 employees, with offices in twelve cities, both in Germany and internationally. In over 50 years, Meinhard von Gerkan, Volkwin Marg and their partners have designed and constructed buildings in most major German cities. They encompass all typologies from small scale homes, hotels, museums, theaters and concert halls, office buildings, commercial centers and hospitals as well as research, educational and sports facilities, buildings for transportation, trade and industry buildings and master plans. gmp became internationally recognized as a team of architects when, in 1975, the Berlin Tegel airport building, with its drive-in airplane terminal was constructed. This innovative design has been further developed to transform the city airports in Stuttgart and Hamburg. In 2006, Berlin s Central Rail Station was completed, the largest rail transportation hub in Europe. Current projects include cultural buildings such as the Kunsthalle Mannheim and the conversion of the Kulturpalast in Dresden. gmp has established a worldwide reputation for innovative architecture and has been successfully operating internationally for decades. Amongst numerous projects in China, prominent are the grand theaters in Chongqing, Qingdao and Tianjin as well as the Chinese National Museum in Beijing. In addition to these landmark buildings is the realization of the new city of Lingang. Established to the southeast of Shanghai, Lingang will be a completely new city for 1.3 million inhabitants. Designed and built in accordance to a master plan by gmp. Projects in Hanoi/ Vietnam include the Hanoi Museum the Vietnamese National Assembly Building. Along with cultural and infrastructure projects, gmp s sports facilities are gaining attention worldwide, with the oriental Sports Center in Shanghai and the stadia for the last three Soccer Worldcup Events in Germany, South Africa and Brazil. To the present day, more than 390 projects designed by gmp have been constructed and have been recognized with numerous accolades and awards. KCAP Architects&Planners KCAP Architects&Planners is an internationally operating design firm specialised in architecture and urbanism. KCAP holds offices in Rotterdam (NL), Zurich (CH) and Shanghai (CN) and works with a staff of 85 professionals. KCAP is led by five partners: Han van den Born, Kees Christiaanse, Ruurd Gietema, Irma van Oort and Ute Schneider. Since its founding in 1989 by Kees Christiaanse, KCAP has grown to be one of the leading offices for architecture and urban planning in Europe and Asia. Ramboll Studio Dreiseitl At Ramboll Studio Dreiseitl we believe that a vibrant public realm is at the heart of liveable cities. It creates communities, brings people in touch with nature and is a source of learning, pleasure, health and wellness. For more than 35 years we have delivered high quality projects in the field of landscape architecture, urban design and urban hydrology that enables liveability while creating climate adaptive and resilient cities. Our well-tried approach puts collaboration, hands-on public participation and cross-agency coordination as the first step in arriving at innovative solutions that generate civic pride. We solve multiple urban challenges by creating desirable green spaces often in marginal land while at the same time solving stormwater flooding problems, improving water quality and thereby creating harmonious blue-green solutions, increasing also the resilience of urban areas.