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THE JUPITER GLOBAL FUND Société d Investissement à Capital Variable Registered Office : 6, route de Trèves L-2633 Senningerberg R.C.S. Luxembourg B 110.737 (the Company ) Luxembourg, 1 September 2017 NOTICE TO THE HONG KONG SHAREHOLDERS OF THE JUPITER GLOBAL FUND JUPITER DYNAMIC BOND (THE SUB-FUND ) This document is important and requires your immediate attention. If you are in doubt, please seek professional advice. Dear Shareholder, The board of directors of the Company (the Board ) would like to inform you about its decision to amend the dividend policy of the Sub-Fund. Currently, the Sub-Fund does not pay dividends out of capital or effectively out of capital by charging all or part of the Sub-Fund s fees and expenses to the capital of the Sub-Fund. The Board would like to inform you that, as from 2 October 2017 (or such later date as may be determined by the Board and notified to investors) ( the Effective Date ), Classes of the Sub-Fund designated as Inc and Inc Dist may pay all or a portion of their fees and expenses out of its capital, which means that the Sub-Fund may pay dividends effectively out of capital. This amendment seeks to maximise the accrued income payable to Shareholders of the Inc and Inc Dist Classes. In other words, as from the Effective Date, Inc and Inc Dist Classes of the Sub-Fund may pay dividends out of gross income while charging / paying all or part of the relevant Class fees and expenses to/ out of the capital of the relevant Class, resulting in an increase in distributable income for the payment of dividends by the relevant Class and therefore, the relevant Class may effectively pay dividends out of capital. Compositions of the dividends (if any) (i.e. the relative amounts / percentages paid out of (i) net distributable income and (ii) capital) in respect of the relevant Class for the last 12 months would be made available from the Hong Kong Representative on request and also on the website 1. Shareholders should note that the payment of dividends effectively out of capital amount to a return or withdrawal of part of a Shareholder s original investment or from any capital gains attributable to that original investment. Any dividends involving payment of dividends effectively out of the capital of the relevant Class may result in an immediate reduction of the Net Asset Value per Share of the relevant Class. 1 Please note that the content of the above website has not been reviewed or approved by the SFC. It may contain information of funds that are not authorised by the SFC and that may not be offered to the public in Hong Kong, and investors should exercise caution accordingly. WWW.JUPITERAM.COM Asset Management

The Board of Directors may amend the dividend policy with respect to payment of dividends effectively out of capital subject to the prior approval of the SFC and by giving not less than one month s prior written notice to Shareholders. Apart from the change of dividend policy of the Sub-Fund as described above, there will be no change to the operation of the Sub-Fund, nor the manner in which the Sub-Fund is being managed in practice. The amendment indicated in the notice above would not result in any change to the fees and expenses payable from the Sub-Fund or by the Shareholders. There will be no change to the overall risk profile of the Sub-Fund and the rights and interests of the Shareholders would not be materially prejudiced as a result of the above amendments. The costs and expenses associated with the change set out in this notice will be borne by the Management Company. The Hong Kong Summary Prospectus of the Company (the Hong Kong Summary Prospectus ) will be updated by way of an addendum (the Addendum ) and the product key fact statement (the KFS ) of the Sub-Fund will be updated to reflect the above change in due course. The Hong Kong Summary Prospectus (as amended by the Addendum) and the KFS will be uploaded onto our website, www.jupiteram.com1 and will be available free of charge on request from the Hong Kong Representative once they become available. If the amendment indicated in the notice above does not suit your investment requirements, you may request redemption of your shares at any time until 5 p.m. (Hong Kong time) on 29 September 2017 at the latest. The redemptions will be carried out in accordance with the terms of the Hong Kong Summary Prospectus. Terms not defined in this notice have the same meaning as in the Hong Kong Summary Prospectus. If you have any questions or require any further information regarding the contents of this notice, please contact the Company s Hong Kong Representative, JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. Hong Kong Branch, whose business address is at 21/F, JPMorgan Tower, 138 Shatin Rural Committee Road, Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong or by telephone (852) 2800 1523 or fax (852) 2800 0351 or email The Management Company and the Board accept responsibility for the accuracy of the information contained in this notice as at the date of the mailing. Should you require further information, please contact your financial advisor. Yours faithfully The Jupiter Global Fund Board of Directors WWW.JUPITERAM.COM Asset Management

Jupiter Asset Management Limited The Jupiter Global Fund Jupiter Dynamic Bond Product Key Facts August 2017 PRODUCT KEY FACTS This statement provides you with key information about Jupiter Dynamic Bond (the Fund ). This statement is a part of the offering documents You should not invest in this product based on this statement alone. Quick Facts Management Company Jupiter Unit Trust Managers Limited Investment Manager (Internal delegation by Management Company) Jupiter Asset Management Limited, United Kingdom Depositary J.P. Morgan Bank Luxembourg S.A. Ongoing charges over a year*: Class L EUR Q Inc: 1.45% Class L USD Q Inc HSC: 1.45% Class L GBP Q Inc HSC: 1.45% Class L CHF Q Inc HSC: 1.45% Class L EUR Acc: 1.45% Class L USD Acc HSC: 1.45% Class L GBP Acc HSC: 1.45% Class L CHF Acc HSC: 1.45% Class L SGD Acc HSC: 1.45% Class L SEK Acc HSC: 1.45% Class L AUD Acc HSC: 1.45% Class L EUR Q Inc Dist: 1.45% Class L USD M Inc HSC: 1.45% Class L SGD M Inc HSC: 1.45% Class L AUD M Inc HSC: 1.45% Class D EUR Q Inc: 0.68% Class D USD Q Inc HSC: 0.68% Class D GBP Q Inc HSC: 0.68% Class D CHF Q Inc HSC: 0.68% Class D EUR Acc: 0.68% Class D USD Acc HSC: 0.68% Class D GBP Acc HSC: 0.68% Class D CHF Acc HSC: 0.68% Class D EUR Q Inc Dist: 0.68% * The ongoing charges figure is an estimate based on the expenses and the average NAV of the share class for the year ended 30 September 2016 with adjustment to reflect the change in fee structure of the Fund effective from 9th December 2015. This figure may vary from year to year. The Jupiter Global Fund s (the Company ) annual report for each financial year includes detail on the exact charges made. Dealing frequency/valuation Day Daily Base currency Euro Dividend policy Class L: EUR Q Inc / USD Q Inc HSC / GBP Q Inc HSC / CHF Q Inc HSC: Quarterly dividend, if declared, will be reinvested, unless investors elect to receive their dividends in cash EUR Acc / USD Acc HSC / GBP Acc HSC / CHF Acc HSC / SGD Acc HSC / SEK Acc HSC / AUD Acc HSC: No dividends will be paid EUR Q Inc Dist: Quarterly dividend, if declared, with payment (i.e. no automatic reinvestment) by default USD M Inc HSC / SGD M Inc HSC / AUD M Inc HSC: Monthly dividend, if declared, with automatic reinvestment by default Class D: EUR Q Inc / USD Q Inc HSC / GBP Q Inc HSC /CHF Q Inc HSC: Quarterly dividend, if declared, will be reinvested, unless investors elect to receive their dividends in cash EUR Acc / USD Acc HSC / GBP Acc HSC / CHF Acc HSC: No dividends will be paid EUR Q Inc Dist: Quarterly dividend, if declared, with payment (i.e. no automatic reinvestment) by default Financial year end of this fund 30 September Minimum Investment Class L Class L EUR Q Inc/ USD Q Inc HSC/ EUR Acc: USD Acc HSC 1,000 initial, 50 additional Class L CHF Q Inc HSC/CHF Acc HSC CHF 1,000 initial, CHF 50 additional Class L SGD M Inc HSC/SGD Acc HSC SGD 1,500 initial, SGD 75 additional Class D EUR Q Inc/EUR Acc 1,000,000 initial, 100,000 additional Class D CHF Q Inc HSC/CHF Acc HSC CHF 1,000,000 initial, CHF 100,000 additional US$1,000 initial, US$50 additional Class L EUR Q Inc Dist 1,000 initial, 50 additional Class L SEK Acc HSC SEK 12,000 initial, SEK 600 additional Class D USD Q Inc HSC/USD Acc HSC US$1,000,000 initial, US$100,000 additional Class D EUR Q Inc Dist 1,000,000 initial, 100,000 additional Class L GBP Q Inc HSC/GBP Acc HSC 1,000 initial, 50 additional Class L USD M Inc HSC US$1,000 initial, US$50 additional Class L AUD M Inc HSC/AUD Acc HSC AUD 2,000 initial, AUD 100 additional Class D GBP Q Inc HSC/GBP Acc HSC 1,000,000 initial, 100,000 additional

The Jupiter Global Fund Jupiter Dynamic Bond Product Key Facts What is this Product? The Fund is constituted in the form of a mutual fund, domiciled in Luxembourg and its home regulator is the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier ( CSSF ). Investment Objective and Investment Policy Investment Objective To achieve a high income with the prospect of capital growth from a portfolio of investments in global fixed interest securities. Investment Policy The Fund will invest primarily in higher yielding assets including high yield bonds, investment grade bonds, government bonds, convertible bonds and other bonds (such as corporate bonds issued by companies domiciled in emerging markets). The manager will only enter into derivative transactions for the purpose of efficient management of the portfolio including, but not limited to, forward currency transactions to hedge exposures back into Euros, interest rate futures to hedge duration exposure and credit default swaps and options to hedge credit risk, and not for investment. The use of financial derivative instruments, including options, futures, portfolio swaps, forward currency contracts, is restricted to hedging and Efficient Portfolio Management purposes only. There may be significant periods of time where there is no use of financial derivative instruments for efficient portfolio management at all. Financial derivative instruments will not be used either extensively or primarily in order to achieve the Fund s investment objectives or for investment purposes. Nor will financial derivative instruments be used with the objective of introducing gearing into the Fund s investment portfolio. What are the Key Risks? Investment involves risks. The key risks associated with the Fund are set out below. Please refer to the offering documents for details of all the risk factors. 1. General investment risk The Fund is an investment fund. The Fund s investment portfolio may fall in value due to any of the key risk factors below and therefore investment in the Fund may suffer losses. There is no guarantee of the repayment of principal. 2. Risks related to investments in fixed-income securities The Fund is exposed to the credit/default risk of issuers of the fixed-income securities that the Fund may invest in. Credit ratings assigned by rating agencies are subject to limitations and do not guarantee the creditworthiness of the security and/or issuer at all times. The credit rating of a fixed-income security or its issuer may subsequently be downgraded. In the event of such downgrading, the value of the Fund may be adversely affected. The Investment Manager may or may not be able to dispose of the fixed-income securities that are being downgraded. Price changes in fixed-income securities are influenced predominantly by interest rate developments in the capital markets, which in turn are influenced by macro-economic factors. Investment in the Fund is subject to interest rate risk. In general, the prices of fixed-income securities could suffer when capital market interest rates rise, while they could increase in value when capital market interest rates fall. The price changes also depend on the term or residual time to maturity of the fixed-income securities. Valuation of the Fund s investments may involve uncertainties and judgmental determinations. If such valuation turns out to be incorrect, this may affect the NAV of the Fund. 3. Risks related to investments in convertible securities Convertible bonds are a hybrid between debt and equity, corporate bonds with an option that allows an investor to convert the bond into shares at a given price at specified times during the life of the convertible bond. This exposure to equity movements can lead to more volatility than could be expected from a comparable conventional corporate bond, or straight bond investments in general. Investments in convertible bonds are subject to the same interest rate, credit, liquidity and prepayment risks associated with comparable conventional corporate bonds. Price changes in fixed-income securities are influenced significantly by interest rate developments in the capital markets, which in turn are influenced by macro-economic factors. The values of convertible securities also may be affected by changes in the credit rating, liquidity or financial condition of the issuer. The Fund may also be exposed to the credit and insolvency risks of the issuers of the securities. 4. Sovereign debt risks Any investment by the Fund in securities issued or guaranteed by governments may be exposed to political, social and economic risks. In adverse situations, the sovereign issuers may not be able or willing to repay the principal and/or interest when due or may request the Fund to participate in restructuring such debts. The Fund may suffer significant losses when there is a default of sovereign debt issuers.

The Jupiter Global Fund Jupiter Dynamic Bond Product Key Facts What are the Key Risks? continued 5. Risks related to use of financial derivative instruments for hedging/efficient portfolio management Risks associated with financial derivative instruments include counterparty/credit risk, liquidity risk, valuation risk, volatility risk and over-the-counter transaction risk. In adverse circumstances, the Fund s use of financial derivative instruments may become ineffective in hedging/efficient portfolio management and the Fund may suffer significant losses in relation to use of financial derivative investments. The leverage element/ component can even result in a loss significantly greater than the amount invested in the financial derivative instrument by the Fund. 6. Risks related to foreign currencies Given that the Fund may invest in assets which are not in its base currency and the class currency may be different from the base currency of the Fund, the investment returns may be affected unfavourably by the fluctuations in currency exchange rates between these currencies and the base currency and by changes in exchange rate controls. With the exception of those Share classes identified in the offering documents as being passive currency hedged (being the US Dollar, Sterling and Swiss Franc denominated classes), the Investment Manager does not currently intend to hedge the foreign currency exposure of the Fund. How has the Fund performed? 10% 8% 6% 4% 2% 0% 2012 Class L EUR Q Inc 7.9% 2013 Past performance information is not indicative of future performance. Investors may not get back the full amount invested. The computation basis of the performance is based on the calendar year end, NAV-To-NAV, with dividend reinvested. 6.3% 2014 1.5% 2015 3.9% 2016 These figures show by how much the share class increased or decreased in value during the calendar year being shown. Performance data has been calculated in EUR including ongoing charges and excluding subscription fee and redemption fee you might have to pay. Where no past performance is shown there was insufficient data available in that year to provide performance. Fund launch date: 8 May 2012 Class L EUR Q Inc launch date: 8 May 2012 The Investment Manager views Class L EUR Q Inc, being the retail share class denominated in the Fund s base currency and has the longest track record, as the most appropriate representative share class. Is there any Guarantee? The Fund does not have any guarantees. You may not get back the full amount of money you invest. What are the Fees and Charges? Charges which may be payable by you You may have to pay the following fees when dealing in the shares of the Fund. Fee Initial charge (Subscription fee) Conversion fee (Switching fee) Redemption charge What you pay Up to 3% of NAV Up to 1% of NAV None Ongoing fees payable by the Fund The following expenses will be paid out of the Fund. They affect you because they reduce the return you get on your investments. Investment Management fee Depositary fee Performance fee Administration fee Aggregate operating fee Annual rate (as a % of the net asset value of the Fund, accrued daily) Class L: Up to 1.25% Class D: Up to 0.5% Included in aggregate operating fee None Included in aggregate operating fee Class L: Up to 0.2% Class D: Up to 0.18% Other fees You may have to pay other fees when dealing in the shares of the Fund. For further details please refer to page 67 of the Summary Prospectus.

The Jupiter Global Fund Jupiter Dynamic Bond Product Key Facts Additional Information Shares are generally bought and redeemed at the Fund s next-determined net asset value provided that the Administrator, J.P. Morgan Bank Luxembourg S.A., receives a valid dealing request in good order on or before 1.00 pm (Luxembourg time) on every business day in Luxembourg, being the dealing deadline. The Hong Kong Representative, JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. Hong Kong Branch/ local distributors may impose different dealing deadlines for receiving instructions for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions. The Administrator in Luxembourg will accept dealing requests (for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions) submitted directly from Hong Kong investors if a day is a business day in Luxembourg but a public holiday in Hong Kong. Dealing requests (for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions) submitted directly from Hong Kong investors on a business day in Hong Kong but a public holiday in Luxembourg will be processed on the next business day in Luxembourg. The net asset value of the Fund is calculated and the price of shares is published each business day in Luxembourg. They are available online at www.jupiteram.com¹ and at the registered office of the Company on every Valuation Day. Investors may obtain the past performance information of other share classes offered to Hong Kong investors from Jupiter Group s website (www.jupiteram.com¹). Price information is also available on request from the distributors and from the Administrator in Luxembourg. ¹ Please note that the content of the above website has not been reviewed or approved by the SFC. It may contain information of funds that are not authorised by the SFC and that may not be offered to the retail public in Hong Kong, and investors should exercise caution accordingly. Important If you are in any doubt, you should seek professional advice. The SFC takes no responsibility for the contents of this statement and makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness. 4296-08.17

The Jupiter Global Fund Jupiter European Growth Jupiter Asset Management Limited Product Key Facts August 2017 PRODUCT KEY FACTS This statement provides you with key information about Jupiter European Growth (the Fund ). This statement is a part of the offering documents. You should not invest in this product based on this statement alone. Quick Facts Management Company Jupiter Unit Trust Managers Limited Investment Manager (Internal delegation by Management Company) Jupiter Asset Management Limited, United Kingdom Depositary J.P. Morgan Bank Luxembourg S.A. Ongoing charges over a year*: Class L EUR Acc: 1.72% Class L USD Acc HSC: 1.72% Class L GBP A Inc: 1.72% Class L EUR A Inc Dist: 1.72% Class D EUR Acc: 0.95% Class D USD Acc HSC: 0.95% Class D GBP Acc: 0.95% Class D EUR A Inc Dist: 0.95% *The ongoing charges figure is an estimate based on the expenses and the average NAV of the share class for the year ended 30 September 2016 with adjustment to reflect the change in fee structure of the Fund effective from 9th December 2015. This figure may vary from year to year. The Jupiter Global Fund s (the Company ) annual report for each financial year includes detail on the exact charges made. Dealing frequency/valuation Day Daily Base currency Euro Dividend policy Class L EUR Acc / USD Acc HSC: No dividends will be paid GBP A Inc : Annual dividend, if declared, will be reinvested, unless investors elect to receive their dividends in cash EUR A Inc Dist: Annual dividend, if declared, with payment (i.e. no automatic reinvestment) by default Class D EUR Acc / USD Acc HSC / GBP Acc: No dividends will be paid EUR A Inc Dist: Annual dividend, if declared, with payment (i.e. no automatic reinvestment) by default Financial year end of this fund 30 September Minimum Investment Class L EUR Acc/EUR A Inc Dist 1,000 initial, 50 additional Class D EUR Acc/EUR A Inc Dist Class L GBP A Inc: 1,000 initial, 50 additional Class D GBP Acc Class L USD Acc HSC US$1,000 initial, US$50 additional Class D USD Acc HSC US$1,000,000 initial, 1,000,000 initial, 1,000,000 initial, US$100,000 100,000 additional 100,000 additional additional What is this Product? The Fund is constituted in the form of a mutual fund, domiciled in Luxembourg and its home regulator is the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier ( CSSF ). Investment Objective and Investment Policy Investment Objective To achieve long term capital growth by exploiting special investment opportunities in Europe. Investment Policy The Fund will invest primarily in equity and equity related securities (including listed preference shares, listed convertible unsecured loan stock, listed warrants and other similar securities). The Fund will also invest, at all times, at least two thirds of its total assets (excluding liquid assets) in securities of issuers which have their registered office in Europe or exercise the predominant part of their economic activities in Europe (including UK) and which are considered by the Investment Manager to be undervalued or otherwise to offer good prospects for capital growth. The use of financial derivative instruments, including options, futures, portfolio swaps, and forward currency contracts, is restricted to hedging and Efficient Portfolio Management purposes only. There may be significant periods of time where there is no use of financial derivative instruments for efficient portfolio management at all.

The Jupiter Global Fund Jupiter European Growth Product Key Facts Investment Objective and Investment Policy continued Investment Policy continued Financial derivative instruments will not be used either extensively or primarily in order to achieve the Fund s investment objectives or for investment purposes. Nor will financial derivative instruments be used with the objective of introducing gearing into the Fund s investment portfolio. Investment Style The Investment Manager will adopt a primarily bottom up approach to selecting investments for the Fund. The Investment Manager runs a concentrated portfolio of stocks, typically between 40 and 50. He looks to hold these stocks for the long term and the fund, therefore, tends to have a low turnover. The Investment Manager looks to buy companies with a good record, a proven product and business model, combined with evidence of entrepreneurial endeavour and the prospects of above average growth opportunities. Geographical and sector weightings play little part in the investment strategy. Instead, he builds his portfolios around companies whose products or services are in universal demand and are not especially price-sensitive. Almost invariably, he seeks to invest in companies whose prospects depend, as far as is reasonably possible, on their own efforts and not on external factors. What are the Key Risks? Investment involves risks. The key risks associated with the Fund are set out below. Please refer to the offering documents for details of all the risk factors. 1. General investment risk The Fund is an investment fund. The Fund s investment portfolio may fall in value due to any of the key risk factors below and therefore investment in the Fund may suffer losses. There is no guarantee of the repayment of principal. 2. Risks related to investments in equities and equity-related securities The Fund s investment in equity securities and equityrelated securities is subject to general market risks, whose value may fluctuate due to various factors. Equities may be subject to strong price fluctuations, influenced by issuer-specific factors, changes in investment sentiment, the profits or otherwise of individual enterprises and sectors as well as macro-economic developments and political perspectives which determine the expectations of the securities markets and thus the movement of prices of the securities. The Fund s investment in equity-related securities is also subject to counterparty and liquidity risks. In addition, investment through equity-related securities may lead to a dilution of performance of the Fund when compared to a fund investing directly in the underlying equity securities due to, for example, the fees embedded in such equity-related securities. 3. Risks related to use of financial derivative instruments for hedging/efficient portfolio management Risks associated with financial derivative instruments include counterparty/credit risk, liquidity risk, valuation risk, volatility risk and over-the-counter transaction risk. In adverse circumstances, the Fund s use of financial derivative instruments may become ineffective in hedging / efficient portfolio management and the Fund may suffer significant losses in relation to use of financial derivative investments. The leverage element/component can even result in a loss significantly greater than the amount invested in the financial derivative instrument by the Fund. 4. Risks related to foreign currencies Given that the Fund may invest in assets which are not in its base currency and the class currency may be different from the base currency of the Fund, the NAV may be affected unfavourably by the fluctuations in currency exchange rates between these currencies and the base currency and by changes in exchange rate controls. The Investment Manager does not currently intend to hedge the foreign currency exposure of the Fund. 5. Risks related to the European sovereign risks crisis The Fund invests in equity or equity-related securities which the issuers have their registered office or exercise the predominant part of their economic activities in Europe. In light of the current fiscal conditions and ongoing concerns on the sovereign debt risk of certain European countries and certain countries within the Eurozone, there is an increased amount of volatility, liquidity, currency, default, price and foreign exchange risk associated with investments in Europe. The performance of the Fund could deteriorate significantly should there be any adverse credit events (e.g. downgrade of the sovereign credit rating of a European country) occurred. 6. Risks related to geographical concentration The Fund will specialise in investing in a particular geographical region (i.e. Europe) and is likely to be more volatile than funds with a broader range of investments. The value of the Fund may be more susceptible to adverse economic, political, policy, foreign exchange, liquidity, tax, legal or regulatory event affecting the European markets. 7. Risks related to stock concentration The Fund tends to invest in fewer companies and may be more volatile than a broadly diversified one.

The Jupiter Global Fund Jupiter European Growth Product Key Facts How has the Fund performed? 60% 40% 20% 0% -20% -40% -60% 3.6% -42.7% 52.4% Class L EUR Acc 25.9% -12.9% 30.4% 19.4% 12.4% 29.8% -10.8% 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Past performance information is not indicative of future performance. Investors may not get back the full amount invested. These figures show by how much the share class increased or decreased in value during the calendar year being shown. Performance data has been calculated in EUR including ongoing charges and excluding subscription fee and redemption fee you might have to pay. Fund launch date: 21 August 2006 Class L EUR Acc launch date: 21 September 2006 The Investment Manager views Class L EUR Acc, being the retail share class denominated in the Fund s base currency and has the longest track record, as the most appropriate representative share class. The computation basis of the performance is based on the calendar year end, NAV-To-NAV, with dividend reinvested. Is there any Guarantee? The Fund does not have any guarantees. You may not get back the full amount of money you invest. What are the Fees and Charges? Charges which may be payable by you You may have to pay the following fees when dealing in the shares of the Fund. Fee Initial charge (Subscription fee) Conversion fee (Switching fee) Redemption charge What you pay Up to 5% of NAV Up to 1% of NAV None Other fees You may have to pay other fees when dealing in the shares of the Fund. For further details please refer to page 67 of the Summary Prospectus Ongoing fees payable by the Fund The following expenses will be paid out of the Fund. They affect you because they reduce the return you get on your investments. Investment Management fee Depositary fee Performance fee Administration fee Aggregate operating fee Annual rate (as a % of the net asset value of the Fund, accrued daily) Class L: Up to 1.5% Class D: Up to 0.75% Included in aggregate operating fee None Included in aggregate operating fee Class L: Up to 0.22% Class D: Up to 0.2%

The Jupiter Global Fund Jupiter European Growth Product Key Facts Additional Information Shares are generally bought and redeemed at the Fund s next-determined net asset value provided that the Administrator, J.P. Morgan Bank Luxembourg S.A., receives a valid dealing request in good order on or before 1.00 pm (Luxembourg time) on every business day in Luxembourg, being the dealing deadline. The Hong Kong Representative, JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. Hong Kong Branch/ local distributors may impose different dealing deadlines for receiving instructions for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions. The Administrator in Luxembourg will accept dealing requests (for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions) submitted directly from Hong Kong investors if a day is a business day in Luxembourg but a public holiday in Hong Kong. Dealing requests (for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions) submitted directly from Hong Kong investors on a business day in Hong Kong but a public holiday in Luxembourg will be processed on the next business day in Luxembourg. The net asset value of the Fund is calculated and the price of shares is published each business day in Luxembourg. They are available online at www.jupiteram.com¹ and at the registered office of the Company on every Valuation Day. Investors may obtain the past performance information of other share classes offered to Hong Kong investors from Jupiter Group s website (www.jupiteram.com¹). Price information is also available on request from the distributors and from the Administrator in Luxembourg. ¹ Please note that the content of the above website has not been reviewed or approved by the SFC. It may contain information of funds that are not authorised by the SFC and that may not be offered to the retail public in Hong Kong, and investors should exercise caution accordingly. Important If you are in any doubt, you should seek professional advice. The SFC takes no responsibility for the contents of this statement and makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness. 4276-08.17

THE JUPITER GLOBAL FUND Société d Investissement à Capital Variable Registered Office : 6, route de Trèves L-2633 Senningerberg R.C.S. Luxembourg B 110.737 (the Company ) Luxembourg, 1 September 2017 NOTICE TO THE HONG KONG SHAREHOLDERS OF THE JUPITER GLOBAL FUND JUPITER DYNAMIC BOND (THE SUB-FUND ) This document is important and requires your immediate attention. If you are in doubt, please seek professional advice. Dear Shareholder, The board of directors of the Company (the Board ) would like to inform you about its decision to amend the dividend policy of the Sub-Fund. Currently, the Sub-Fund does not pay dividends out of capital or effectively out of capital by charging all or part of the Sub-Fund s fees and expenses to the capital of the Sub-Fund. The Board would like to inform you that, as from 2 October 2017 (or such later date as may be determined by the Board and notified to investors) ( the Effective Date ), Classes of the Sub-Fund designated as Inc and Inc Dist may pay all or a portion of their fees and expenses out of its capital, which means that the Sub-Fund may pay dividends effectively out of capital. This amendment seeks to maximise the accrued income payable to Shareholders of the Inc and Inc Dist Classes. In other words, as from the Effective Date, Inc and Inc Dist Classes of the Sub-Fund may pay dividends out of gross income while charging / paying all or part of the relevant Class fees and expenses to/ out of the capital of the relevant Class, resulting in an increase in distributable income for the payment of dividends by the relevant Class and therefore, the relevant Class may effectively pay dividends out of capital. Compositions of the dividends (if any) (i.e. the relative amounts / percentages paid out of (i) net distributable income and (ii) capital) in respect of the relevant Class for the last 12 months would be made available from the Hong Kong Representative on request and also on the website 1. Shareholders should note that the payment of dividends effectively out of capital amount to a return or withdrawal of part of a Shareholder s original investment or from any capital gains attributable to that original investment. Any dividends involving payment of dividends effectively out of the capital of the relevant Class may result in an immediate reduction of the Net Asset Value per Share of the relevant Class. 1 Please note that the content of the above website has not been reviewed or approved by the SFC. It may contain information of funds that are not authorised by the SFC and that may not be offered to the public in Hong Kong, and investors should exercise caution accordingly. WWW.JUPITERAM.COM Asset Management

The Board of Directors may amend the dividend policy with respect to payment of dividends effectively out of capital subject to the prior approval of the SFC and by giving not less than one month s prior written notice to Shareholders. Apart from the change of dividend policy of the Sub-Fund as described above, there will be no change to the operation of the Sub-Fund, nor the manner in which the Sub-Fund is being managed in practice. The amendment indicated in the notice above would not result in any change to the fees and expenses payable from the Sub-Fund or by the Shareholders. There will be no change to the overall risk profile of the Sub-Fund and the rights and interests of the Shareholders would not be materially prejudiced as a result of the above amendments. The costs and expenses associated with the change set out in this notice will be borne by the Management Company. The Hong Kong Summary Prospectus of the Company (the Hong Kong Summary Prospectus ) will be updated by way of an addendum (the Addendum ) and the product key fact statement (the KFS ) of the Sub-Fund will be updated to reflect the above change in due course. The Hong Kong Summary Prospectus (as amended by the Addendum) and the KFS will be uploaded onto our website, www.jupiteram.com1 and will be available free of charge on request from the Hong Kong Representative once they become available. If the amendment indicated in the notice above does not suit your investment requirements, you may request redemption of your shares at any time until 5 p.m. (Hong Kong time) on 29 September 2017 at the latest. The redemptions will be carried out in accordance with the terms of the Hong Kong Summary Prospectus. Terms not defined in this notice have the same meaning as in the Hong Kong Summary Prospectus. If you have any questions or require any further information regarding the contents of this notice, please contact the Company s Hong Kong Representative, JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. Hong Kong Branch, whose business address is at 21/F, JPMorgan Tower, 138 Shatin Rural Committee Road, Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong or by telephone (852) 2800 1523 or fax (852) 2800 0351 or email The Management Company and the Board accept responsibility for the accuracy of the information contained in this notice as at the date of the mailing. Should you require further information, please contact your financial advisor. Yours faithfully The Jupiter Global Fund Board of Directors WWW.JUPITERAM.COM Asset Management

The Jupiter Global Fund Hong Kong Summary Prospectus Société d Investissement à Capital Variable

THE JUPITER GLOBAL FUND Hong Kong Summary Prospectus The Jupiter Global Fund This Summary Prospectus should be read in its entirety before making an application for Shares. Investors should not treat the contents of this Summary Prospectus as advice relating to legal, taxation, investment or other matters. If you are in any doubt about the contents of this Summary Prospectus, the risks involved in investing in the Company or the suitability for you of investment in the Company, you should consult your stockbroker, accountant, solicitor, independent financial adviser or other professional adviser. Investors should ensure that they fully understand the risks associated with the Company and the Funds before making an investment. This Summary Prospectus has been prepared for the intention of investors residing in Hong Kong and with a view to comply with the requirements of the Securities & Futures Commission (the SFC ). The Product Key Facts Statements form part of this Summary Prospectus, which should be read in their entirety before making any application for Shares. The Company has been authorised by the SFC in Hong Kong. SFC authorization is not a recommendation or endorsement of a product nor does it guarantee the commercial merits of a product or its performance. It does not mean the product is suitable for all investors nor is it an endorsement of its suitability for any particular investor or class of investors. The Directors of the Company have taken all reasonable care to ensure that the information contained in this document is, to the best of their knowledge and belief, in accordance with the facts and does not omit anything material to such information. The Directors accept responsibility accordingly. The Company is a UCITS for the purposes of the UCITS Directive and the Directors propose to market the Shares in accordance with the UCITS Directive in certain Member States of the European Union and elsewhere. The Company is registered pursuant to Part I of the Law. The registration does not imply approval by any Luxembourg authority of the contents of this Summary Prospectus or the portfolio of securities held by the Company. Any representation to the contrary is unauthorised and unlawful. Shares are offered only on the basis of the information contained in the current Summary Prospectus, the latest KFS and the latest annual reports and accounts or interim report and accounts if this was published after the latest annual report and accounts. These documents are available free of charge from the registered office of the Company and from the Company s agents. Prospective purchasers of Shares should inform themselves as to the legal requirements, exchange control regulations and applicable taxes in the countries of their respective citizenship, residence or domicile. No person is authorised to give any information or to make any representations concerning the Company other than as contained in this Summary Prospectus and in the documents referred to herein, and any purchase made by any person on the basis of statements or representations not contained in or inconsistent with the information and representations contained in this Summary Prospectus shall be solely at the risk of the investor. This Summary Prospectus, which contains accurate and up to date information relating to the Company, has been translated into the Chinese language. The Chinese translation contains the same information and has the same meaning as the English language Summary Prospectus. Both versions of this Summary Prospectus are of equivalent standing for legal purposes. This Summary Prospectus does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to purchase Shares in any jurisdiction to any person to whom it is unlawful or in which the person making such offer or solicitation is not qualified to do so. The distribution of this Summary Prospectus and the offering of the Shares in certain jurisdictions may be restricted. Persons interested in acquiring Shares should inform themselves as to (i) the legal requirements within the countries of their nationality, residence, ordinary residence or domicile for such acquisition (ii) any foreign exchange restrictions or exchange control requirements which they might encounter on the acquisition or sale of Shares and (iii) the income tax and other taxation consequences which might be relevant to the acquisition, holding or disposal of Shares. Prospective investors attention is also drawn to Risk Factors on pages 30 to 41 and in the Information Sheets as they relate to specific Funds. United States of America The Shares have not been, and will not be, registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933 (the 1933 Act ), as amended, or the securities laws of any of the states of the United States of America, and the Company has not been, and will not be, registered under the United States Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended. Therefore, the Shares may not be directly or indirectly offered or sold in the United States of America or to or for the benefit of a U.S. Person as defined in Regulation S of the 1933 Act, except pursuant to an exemption from the registration requirements of the 1933 Act. For the purpose of this paragraph, the United States of America includes its possessions, its territories and all areas subject to its jurisdiction and a U.S. Person is a national, citizen or resident of the United States of America or a corporation or partnership organised underw the laws of the United States of America. Canada The Shares have not been, and will not be, registered or qualified by prospectus under any applicable securities laws in Canada and therefore will not be publicly offered in Canada, nor will the Company offer the Shares on a private placement basis in Canada. Accordingly, investments will not be accepted from or on behalf of persons in Canada or with whom the Company would have to deal from or into Canada. This may include a national, citizen or resident of Canada or a corporation, trust or partnership organised under the federal or provincial laws of Canada or having a principal place of business in Canada (each, a Canadian Person ). Shareholder rights The Company draws prospective Shareholders attention to the fact that any investor will only be able to fully exercise his investor rights directly against the Company (notably the right to participate in general meetings of Shareholders), if the investor is registered himself and in his own name in the Register. In cases where an investor invests in the Company through an intermediary investing into the Company in its own name but on behalf of the investor, it may not be possible for the investor to exercise certain Shareholder rights directly against the Company. Investors are advised to take independent legal advice on their rights. 3

THE JUPITER GLOBAL FUND Hong Kong Summary Prospectus The Jupiter Global Fund Enquiries or Complaints Any investor enquiries or complaints should be submitted to the Hong Kong Representative s office at 21/F, JPMorgan Tower, 138 Shatin Rural Committee Road, Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong or by telephone +852 2800 1523 or fax +852 2800 0351 or email Jupiter., and whereupon the Hong Kong Representative will deal with the enquiries or complaints directly. In the event that the enquiries or complaints cannot be addressed by the Hong Kong Representative, the Hong Kong representative will forward the enquiries or complaints to the Administrator for response. As an alternative, investors enquiries or complaints may be submitted to the Administrator s office at 6 route de Trèves, Senningerberg L-2633 Luxembourg or by telephone +352 46 26 85 973 or fax +352 22 74 43 or email and the Administrator will respond to any enquiry or complaint. Under the circumstances where performance related complaints are received, the Administrator will forward the complaint to the Investment Manager for a response. The complaints handling policy established by the Management Company for the Company may be requested by contacting the Administrator at the email address or fax number 00352 22 74 43. If your complaint is not dealt with to your satisfaction you may be able to refer it to the Financial Ombudsman Service, Exchange Tower, London E14 9SR, telephone: +44 20 7964 0500, email:, website: August 2017 4

THE JUPITER GLOBAL FUND Hong Kong Summary Prospectus Contents Management and Administration 6 Definitions 7 Key Features 11 Dividend Policy 15 How to Subscribe, Convert and Redeem 16 Investment Restrictions 22 Risk Factors 30 Taxation 42 General Information 45 Jupiter Asia Pacific Income 57 Jupiter China Select 59 Jupiter Dynamic Bond 62 Jupiter European Growth 66 Jupiter European Opportunities 68 Jupiter Global Convertibles 70 Jupiter Global Ecology Growth 72 Jupiter Global Emerging Markets Equity Unconstrained 74 Jupiter Global Financials 77 Jupiter Global Value 79 Jupiter India Select 81 Jupiter Japan Select 84 Jupiter New Europe 86 5

THE JUPITER GLOBAL FUND Hong Kong Summary Prospectus Management and Administration Board of Directors Management Company Investment Manager Depositary, Paying Agent and Administrator Distributor Auditors Legal Advisers Registered Office Hong Kong Representative Adrian Creedy (Chairman) Company Secretary, Jupiter Fund Management PLC, London Jacques Elvinger Avocat, Elvinger Hoss & Prussen, société anonyme, Luxembourg Garth Lorimer-Turner Managing Director, Cohort Limited, Bermuda Paula Moore Director, Jupiter Unit Trust Managers Limited, London Patrick Zurstrassen Director, The Director s Office, Luxembourg Jupiter Unit Trust Managers Limited The Zig Zag Building 70 Victoria Street London SW1E 6SQ United Kingdom Jupiter Asset Management Limited The Zig Zag Building 70 Victoria Street London SW1E 6SQ United Kingdom J.P. Morgan Bank Luxembourg S.A. 6 route de Trèves Senningerberg L-2633 Luxembourg Jupiter Asset Management Limited The Zig Zag Building 70 Victoria Street London SW1E 6SQ United Kingdom Ernst & Young S.A. 35E, avenue John F. Kennedy L-1855 Luxembourg Elvinger Hoss & Prussen, société anonyme 2, Place Winston Churchill L-1340 Luxembourg The Jupiter Global Fund 6 route de Trèves Senningerberg L-2633 Luxembourg JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. Hong Kong Branch 21/F, JPMorgan Tower, 138 Shatin Rural Committee Road, Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong 6

THE JUPITER GLOBAL FUND Hong Kong Summary Prospectus Definitions Acc or Accumulation Administration Agreement Administrator A Class for which income is accumulated and no dividends will be paid. The agreement between the Company, the Management Company and the Administrator under which the Management Company, with the consent of the Company, has appointed the Administrator to act as administrator, transfer agent and corporate secretary to the Company in accordance with the Law. J.P. Morgan Bank Luxembourg S.A. Aggregate Operating Fee The fixed level of fee paid by the Company to the Management Company, as further described on page 50 of the section headed General Information and as set out in the relevant Information Sheet for each Class. Application Form Articles AUD or Australian Dollars Authorised Entities Base Currency Benchmark Business Day CHF or Swiss Franc China A-Shares Class Class Currency Class D Shares Class I Shares The application form provided by or on behalf of the Company to be completed by subscribers for Shares. The articles of incorporation of the Company as amended from time to time. All references to AUD or Australian Dollars are to the legal currency of Australia. As defined at page 55 of this Summary Prospectus. The currency of denomination of a Fund as set out in the relevant Information Sheet. The benchmark used for the purposes of comparing the performance of, and/or calculating the Performance Fee payable (if any) for, a Fund, as specified in the relevant Information Sheet. A full day on which banks in Luxembourg are open for business. All references to CHF or Swiss Francs are to the legal currency of Switzerland. Mainland China s domestic shares listed on the Shanghai or Shenzhen Stock Exchanges, which are available to Mainland China s domestic investors, QFII, RQFII and through other eligible channels and quoted in CNY. Each class of Shares within a Fund corresponding either to a specific fee structure or some other differentiating factor as may be determined by the Directors. Details on the Classes of Shares available are found under Share Classes and Features on page 11. The currency of denomination of a Class as set out in the relevant Information Sheet. A Class available for subscription only via certain Distributors who have separate fee arrangements with their clients and to other investors with prior approval from the Investment Manager. A Class available for subscription only by Institutional Investors. Class L Shares A Class available for subscription by retail investors and Institutional Investors. Class Z Shares CNH CNY or Yuan Renminbi Commitment Approach Company Correspondent CRS Law CSSF Dealing Deadline Depositary A Class available for subscription only by Institutional Investors and with prior approval from the Investment Manager. Chinese offshore Yuan Renminbi, accessible outside the PRC and traded primarily in Hong Kong. The government of the PRC introduced this currency in July 2010 to encourage trade and investment with entities outside the PRC. The value of CNY (onshore) and CNH (offshore) may be different. All references to CNY or Yuan Renminbi are to the legal currency of the PRC. Has the meaning set out on page 54 of this Summary Prospectus, in the section headed Investment Restrictions. The Jupiter Global Fund, which term shall include any Funds from time to time thereof. A sub-custodian, agent or delegate duly appointed by the Depositary. The Luxembourg law of 18 December 2015 on the automatic exchange of financial account information (Common Reporting Standard). The Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier, the regulatory and supervisory authority in Luxembourg. The cut off time for dealing in the Shares as specified in the Information Sheet for each Fund. J.P. Morgan Bank Luxembourg S.A. 7