Structure Culture surname + title + greeting Question Words 什么, 哪, 几 Interrogative Particle 呢 姓, 叫 How are you? + Response The Question Particle 吗 Omi

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( 一 ) 實 習 的 時 候 就 和 讀 書 會 的 同 學 一 起 把 陳 嘉 陽 紮 實 地 讀 過 一 遍 了, 也 因 此 在 考 完 教 檢 之 後, 我 們 只 有 把 不 熟 或 是 常 考 的 章 節 再 導 讀 一 次 ( 例 如 : 統 計 行 政 法 規 ), 主 力 則 是

旅 句 良 年 理 了 來 不 不 更 更 說 識 更 樓 歷 練 靈 旅 論 不 了 契 諒 老 老 老 不 勵 老 不 良 論 漏 不 老 老 不 勵 不 了 了 老 論 利 行 老 見 不 見 更 老 玲 歷 老 料 理

果 你 有 一 双 能 够 看 到 X 射 线 如 甚 至 伽 玛 射 线 的 眼 睛, 宇 宙 看 起 来 会 是 什 么 样? 你 一 定 会 为 看 到 宇 宙 中 不 断 发 生 的 最 最 激 烈 的 事 件 而 惊 叹 不 已! 但 事 实 上, 要 想 探 测 到 波 长 这 样 短


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人 民 币, 其 中 海 淘 占 到 了 两 成, 代 购 占 到 了 八 成 这 是 现 在 整 个 跨 境 市 场 的 特 点 中 国 消 费 者 为 什 么 要 去 国 外 买 东 西 呢? 主 要 有 几 个 方 面 : 第 一 是 海 外 产 品 非 常 便 宜, 第 二 是 海 外 有

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2 Edmonton 爱 德 蒙 顿 爱 德 蒙 顿 是 加 拿 大 的 节 日 之 城, 一 年 有 超 过 30 多 个 节 日 城 市 总 人 口 1000 多 万 干 净, 安 全 的 居 住 环 境 友 好 的, 充 满 活 力 的 文 化 社 区 附 近 有 许 多 风 景 优 美 的

春 天 来 了 静 悄 悄 的 没 有 鸟 语 没 有 花 香 到 处 死 一 样 的 沉 寂 雷 切 尔 卡 森



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教 学 点 滴 每 篇 课 文 里 的 金 句 都 是 经 过 认 真 挑 选 的 经 文, 便 于 老 师 帮 助 孩 子 们 将 故 事 中 的 真 理 付 诸 生 活 实 践 儿 童 主 日 学 的 一 个 重 要 环 节 就 是 帮 助 孩 子 们 在 了 解 故 事 内 容 的 基 础 上

区 域 活 动 进 入 中 班 我 们 区 域 的 设 置 和 活 动 材 料 都 有 所 变 化, 同 时 也 吸 引 孩 子 们 积 极 的 参 与 学 习 操 作 区 的 新 材 料 他 们 最 喜 欢, 孩 子 们 用 立 方 块 进 行 推 理 操 作 用 扑 克 牌 进 行 接 龙 游

孩 子 更 容 易 获 得 快 乐 ( ) 8. 我 在 网 上 给 你 买 了 几 本 书, 估 计 三 天 左 右 就 能 到, 你 收 到 了 记 得 给 我 打 个 电 话 说 一 声 他 对 买 的 书 很 不 满 意 ( ) 9. 我 问 过 大 家 了, 三 分 之 二 的 同 学 都


第 三, 中 国 有 很 多 好 看 的 电 视 剧 我 也 特 爱 看 韩 剧, 可 是 我 听 不 懂 韩 语 如 果 既 懂 英 语, 有 能 听 得 懂 中 文 的 话, 那 就 不 仅 可 以 看 很 多 很 多 的 中 国 电 视 剧, 还 可 以 看 很 多 很 多 美 国 电 视 剧

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Level 1 Unit Functions Vocabulary New Characters Foundation 1 你好! Six lessons introduce students to: Geography / History, Pronunciation, Classroom Expressions, Characters, and Names. greet someone introduce yourself and others ask how someone is tell how you are thank someone ask or tell where someone is from ask or tell someone s nationality state and inquire about a location ask and tell someone s grade and age greetings and farewells school employees subject pronouns wo, ni, nin, titles question words and particles everyday verbs and adjectives countries and nationalities class subjects numbers 1-20 你, 好, 叫, 什, 么, 名, 字, 我, 呢, 姓, 早, 安, 们, 这, 是, 张, 国, 华, 白, 苹, 林, 淑, 芳, 下, 午, 吗, 很, 谢, 不, 错, 得 (děi), 走, 了, 再, 见, 的, 哪, 国, 人, 韩, 也, 中, 老, 师, 日, 本, 董, 军, 李, 他, 法, 文, 教, 室, 修, 课, 对, 嗯, 上, 几, 高, 年, 级, 一, 二, 学, 生, 岁, 十, 五, 四 2 我的家人 ask for information give information identify family members and pets ask and tell what the date is ask for and give phone numbers express likes and dislikes make and accept an invitation family members and relationships pets adjectives everyday objects birthday terms months of the year dates numbers 21-99 sports and pastimes 那, 个, 谁, 姐, 爸, 妈, 爷, 奶, 狗, 它, 猫, 小, 可, 爱, 大, 胖, 妹, 有, 兄, 弟, 两, 没, 家, 口, 六, 哥, 和, 生, 月, 号, 哇, 电, 话, 码, 多, 少, 手, 机, 喜, 欢, 做, 打, 球, 篮, 看, 影, 法, 明, 天, 起, 吧, 啊 3 在学校里 express needs and emotions identify classroom objects tell location offer help ask for permission express gratitude talk about weekend plans classroom objects nouns of locality say what you and others need ask to borrow ask for permission measure words classes and tests school subjects adjectives names of places recreational activities 奇, 怪, 怎, 英, 本, 在, 儿, 书, 包, 里, 面, 桌, 子, 上, 嘿, 铅, 笔, 盒, 要, 请, 借, 枝, 纸, 给, 还, 以, 当, 然, 现, 点, 八, 分, 今, 数, 学, 化, 意, 思, 难, 觉, 得 (de), 去, 图, 馆, 星, 期, 考, 试, 场, 回, 周, 末, 海, 边, 游, 泳, 排, 跟, 快, 乐 4 我要点菜 order food and beverages ask for and give information ask for and state a price talk about money and change describe the tastes of food say what you want food and beverages sizes of beverages ordering measure words money and prices numbers 100-999 monetary units ordering food at a restaurant expressing tastes food 汉, 堡, 喝, 果, 汁, 汽, 水, 杯, 等, 下, 问, 只, 茶, 红, 绿, 花, 吃, 东, 西, 用, 炸, 鸡, 共, 钱, 块, 七, 毛, 百, 九, 找, 事, 您, 菜, 道, 辣, 想, 汤, 牛, 肉, 都, 马, 来 5 好天气 describe the weather describe future events express feelings tell time invite others give and accept invitations state and ask about the temperature give suggestions describe events weather and seasons telling time expressing feelings about the weather temperature fans, air conditioning, heat flavors of ice cream New Year Lunar Calendar of festivals red envelopes firecrackers Dragon oat Festival 气, 真, 晴, 样, 会, 雨, 唉, 呀, 讨, 厌, 羽, 毛, 钟, 又, 热, 渴, 冰, 饮, 料, 度, 比, 较, 三, 太, 夏, 时, 候, 总, 开, 空, 调, 题, 坏, 糟, 糕, 淇, 淋, 结, 束, 新, 到, 已, 经, 通, 常, 底, 初, 懂, 农, 历, 为, 午, 因, 所, 节, 更, 应, 该, 过, 喂, 粽, 玩, 端, 除, 外, 划, 龙, 舟, 种, 船, 赛, 带, 半 6 逛街去 accept and refuse invitations give comments about clothing express agreement and disagreement express likes and dislikes inquire about prices and discounts ask for and give opinions talk about sizes insist on a price give and ask for help describe needs negotiate prices shopping and stores clothing items colors cheap, expensive prices and discounts sizes adjectives to describe clothing expressions for describing clothing 戏, 后, 行, 货, 商, 店, 买, 衣, 服, 旅, 条, 件, 套, 裤, 自, 己, 色, 长, 漂, 亮, 便, 宜, 选, 黑, 千, 贵, 折, 扣, 成, 熟, 但, 而, 且, 刚, 穿, 合, 适, 次, 裙, 朋, 友, 短, 需, 帮, 忙, 试, 最, 价 Zhen àng! Sampler 4 EMC Publishing, LLC

Structure Culture surname + title + greeting Question Words 什么, 哪, 几 Interrogative Particle 呢 姓, 叫 How are you? + Response The Question Particle 吗 Omitting 的 Determinative 那, 这 The Question Words 谁, 几, 多少 The verb 有 and its negation 没 Measure Words or uxiliary Nouns Saying the Date The Question Word 哪儿 Tell the Location: 在 里面 / 外面 / 上面 / 下面 借 sb.+ sth. 给 sb.+ sth. Permission 可以 The dverb 一起 Choice Question: 还是 V 一下 有没有 N. 的东西 要不要 Question yes: 要 ; no: 不用 N.+ 多少钱? The question word: 怎么样 上 / 下 + time word 会 : will Time+ 见 又 又 太 了 The Comparative: 比较 adj. 的时候 djectives in 得 +VP+ 了 Possession with 的 The dverb 也 The Negative dverb 不 Confirmations with 对不对? The Verb-Object Compound (VO) The Yes-No Question: V 不 V O VO 不 V The Suggestion Particle 吧 The Conjunction 那 The dverb 还 The place of time words in 去 +place 要 +VP 去 +VP The Preposition 跟 : 跟 sb 一起 VP 几 vs. 多少 Pricing ( 块, 元, 毛, 分 ) 要 VP 了 adj. 不 adj. The dverb 都 快要 了 已经 了 为什么 / 因为 所以 在 V-ing Question Particle 吧 一点也不 除了 以外, 也 / 还 names courtesy in making introductions 10 most common surnames in traditional greetings taboos when saying goodbye the importance of titles the meaning of China the relationship between China and its neighboring countries grade levels in schools transportation to school pets in China how to address family members the size of families today birthday celebrations in China popularity of cell phones in China cell phone numbers in China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan basketball in China cram schools the four treasures of the study a day in school ( 换教室 ; 教室布置 ) popular past-times for teens in China international food and drink franchises in China different kinds of tea and tea etiquette foods served in schools currency (RM, NTD, Dollar) beef noodle soup dining customs lazy Susan eihai Park (in eijing) the metric system sports in China New Year lunar calendar vs. solar calendar Dragon oat Festival Time+ 以前 / 以后 几 : a few Pron.+ 自己 Omission of the Noun Numbers above 1,000 打 N 折 有一点儿 adj. 不但 而且 几号 : size of clothes 请 sb+vp Sentence, 好吗? The Question Pronoun: 什么样 dj. 一点儿 (vs. 一点儿 N.) The Reduplication of Verb: VV The Superlative: 最 adj. China s culture influence on Japan the meaning of colors for people traditional dress and merican sizes the celebrities of sian fashion industry Wangfujing story of silk 5 EMC Publishing, LLC Zhen àng! Sampler

Level 2 Unit Functions Vocabulary 1 Review of Level 1 vacation back at school shopping for school 2 Review of Level 1 dinner with family outing with friends grandparents visit 3 在家里 4 媒体 5 毕业典礼 6 工作 7 健康 8 庆典 9 乡村风光 10 梦想与未来 invite greet guests accept an invitation identify objects (Here s the living room.) make a compliment (about a room or piece of furniture) invite (via text message another friend to come over) make suggestions say what you dislike make a decision make suggestions summarize point out exceptions recommend write an invitation give addresses give information about a party assign tasks choose a gift identify someone s profession tell what profession interests you describe talents and abilities express intentions make suggestions explain a health-related problem express sympathy express concern ask for information give information express emotions express emotions identify animals give information about age, health of a pet make suggestions make predictions sequence events of what someone saw in countryside express goals express hope explain a problem express loss express need make suggestions describe offer food and beverages describe daily routines give orders express dislikes state opinions ask what someone likes describe an actor set a time to meet answer the phone ask to speak to someone express what someone likes offer food and beverages give information about what guests are doing express emotions express compliments give opinions inquire about goals make an appointment say what needs to be done give advice state intentions give opinions express hope say what will happen point out something in a photo express astonishment describe daily routine describe people describe past events hypothesize give opinions propose solutions hypothesize rooms & furniture in my bedroom chores TV shows (comedy, documentary, etc.) things to read movies a phone conversation an invitation preparations at the party what parents do what teens want to be a reporter interviews a musician parts of head and body sickness & injuries staying healthy 18th birthday party New Year s Olympics 2008 farm animals / pets outdoors vocabulary visiting grandparents in their village dreams for the future problems dreams for the planet Zhen àng! Sampler 6 EMC Publishing, LLC

Structure Culture 到 place 去 到 place 去 / 来 +VP 有 The Question Word 多久 Place + 怎么走 了 : past event V 了 +time spent V 了 +time spent+ 了 Internet café directors Olympic sports that China excels in- swimming, gymnastics, figure skating 从 到 The Question Word 多久 The Question Word 什么时候 possibility 能,, 还有 虽然 可是 movies famous writers in China (modern literature) phone etiquettes dj.+ 极了 往 有的 有的 如果 的话,, 再 一边, 一边 how students in China celebrate their graduation the format of party in China what teens do in parties 每天都 +V 本来 现在 对 ( 没 ) 有兴趣 dj. + 得不得了 跟 一样 比 permission 能 V + no. of times + O period of time + frequency of an action 不 吗? 越来越 adj. 越 V1 越 V2 social values on jobs fancy jobs for teens in China cram school & talent class sports teens are interested in the most common injury for kids in China how people stay healthy ( 还 ) 没 V 呢 2. 可以算是 怎么 + 这么 / 那么 +adj. 恐怕 会 : ability 从 起 18 an age to be regarded as an adult the proper response when receiving a gift eijing Olympics 2008 比 +adj.+ 一点儿 / 多了 / 得多 没有 这么 / 那么 adj. 不 了 不知道 V 不 V adj. 死了 多半儿 很少 the life of people in countryside in China activities in countryside in China hot vacation spots for teens in China V 过 要是... 就 为什么 呢? 好像 似的 什么 / 谁 / 哪儿 + 都 以前 后来 现在 Gao Kao natural disasters in China what the government does to protect the environment 7 EMC Publishing, LLC Zhen àng! Sampler

Level 3 Unit Functions 1 Review of Level 2 2 Review of Level 2 3 艺术 4 电子科技 5 找工作 6 著名人物 7 人际关系 8 旅行 9 日常琐事 10 在爷爷家 explain describe compare things ask for information give information ask for something write a letter describe talents and abilities make requests express appreciation give information (about someone s beliefs) describe past events sequence events hypothesize (If I were you, I d...) express need and necessity express emotions explain something ask for information give information inquire about details state a preference ask someone to repeat restate information make requests tell a story describe how things were tell how you were compare express emotions give opinions make a decision or compromise describe ask for permission ask for a price express need express disappointment make suggestions give opinions describe experience / training express intentions describe character describe talents and abilities express likes and dislikes give opinions express emotions state a generalization describe character express location ask about prices express hope choose and purchase items express need and necessity give information state a preference tell a story describe events sequence events express satisfaction Zhen àng! Sampler 8 EMC Publishing, LLC

Topic Structure Culture dreams and goals for the year a new school year meeting the exchange student what older siblings are doing (work, college, exchange program) young people today what friends are reading and watching Peking Opera at the art museum (deciding which exhibit to see) clause 1, clause 2, clause 3 又 V V 是 V, 可是 V 得 +adj. Peking Opera traditional art performances using a cell phone shopping for a laptop or cell phone 一 就 V1 得 V2 V1 不 V2 才 +V 就 +V what teens like to do on the Internet what technology teens use at school applying for an internship at the interview student explains what he or she learned from a field school trip bios of famous people famous in the news advising friends two girls discuss real or future boyfriends trip by plane or boat trip by train 以为 其实 (VO)V 得 +adj. 既然 就 多 / 少 +V 不能算是 向来不 从来没 V 过 是 的 对 N+adj. 其实并 + 不 / 没 +V/adj. 最好 +V 像 N+ 这样 / 那样 + 才行 V 完了 只好 就 V V 起来 how to write a resume and personal portfolio tips for an interview in China famous people how to express emotions properly relationships between boys and girls in China planes in China trains in China mailing a package at post office withdrawing or depositing money at bank telling a story about how things used to be telling a child a famous story, myth or legend 是不是这么 V 的? 就是了 从来不 何必 呢? 把 pattern 管 叫 V 来 V 去 非 不可 postal service system in China bank service in China the relationships among family members nowadays legends EMC Publishing, LLC 9 Zhen àng! Sampler

Unit Lesson Functions Vocabulary Characters Review Zhēn àng! Level 2 begins with six lessons that review the content from Zhēn àng! Level 1. Each review lesson has listening, speaking, reading and writing sections. parts of the body 1 ask about and say what you did in the past ask about and say how long events took inquire and express how things were done under certain conditions express personal feelings about an outcome compared to expectations describe symptoms when seeing a doctor physical and emotional feelings C medical treatments 2 C express personal moods and interests give a compliment talk about the amount of time spent on an activity give and respond to suggestions express alternatives and exclamations make a phone call express comments and opinions describe daily life daily routine means of transport extracurricular activities choices of part-time jobs film genres communication tools,,,,

Language Patterns Culture Window Raising the ar Reading Comprehension Characters The particle to indicate the completion of an action The question word to express the time spent / duration of a past event Exclamation question: / The auxiliary verb The pattern VP The particle to soften the tone of interrogative sentences The adverb to show something happened earlier than the speaker expected The particle to show something happened later than the speaker expected The preposition meaning until or up to The particle to indicate the change of status The adverb in imperative sentences Duplicating the adjective plus to be descriptive The adverb to give a suggestion The expression to indicate the way of doing things The pattern period of time + V + numbers of times + O to show the frequency of an action The adverb in front of the verb to show do something more or less The pattern dj. The conjunction The pattern V(O) VO The pattern VO + V + time spent The pattern VP The pattern The pattern V V The conditional pattern The pattern used for emphasis The adverb to indicate repetition The negative question pattern The question word The interrogative clause after a main sentence Sentence + V / + V The pattern ( ) Question word followed by to express inclusiveness or exclusiveness The pattern cupuncture and Moxibustion Social Networking in China Traditional Medicine Dress Code and Etiquette in Schools The National Higher Education Entrance Examination Cultural ctivities in China

Unit Lesson Functions Vocabulary Characters 3 physical traits of a person likes and dislikes personality,, describe a person s feelings suggest interesting things to do with friends make comparisons ask and explain how things are school life,,,, going ask for and provide reasons make invitations describe one s or someone else s life C telephone calls people and life,,, location words directions points of the compass,,, 4 ask for and provide directions describe a room and a house discuss transportation make a guess invite friends to your home describe household items room types in a house things to do in different rooms C types of homes furniture and appliances decoration of a room

Language Patterns The auxiliary verb to indicate the ability to do something The pattern V + complement The comparison pattern + dj. The comparison pattern / + dj. The comparison pattern dj. The negation of the past event: + VP The pattern adjective + The modification The adverb to show exactness The pattern / to show direction / purpose Indirect questions The interrogative clause after a main verb The pattern VP1 VP2 The coverb The adverb to indicate one action takes place after the completion of another Culture Window Raising the ar Reading Comprehension Sports School International Students Neighborhoods Traditional Hutongs and Modern Communities Characters The adverb to indicate preference The sequential pattern VP1 VP2 The pattern + distance/time duration The direction pattern Topic - comment structure The direction pattern Hutongs and Siheyuans Verb + / The pattern to indicate emphasis The pattern / The pattern The pattern S V O, imminent action Fengshui The ongoing pattern + VP The resultative complements: Verb + / The question pattern V The pattern VP1 VP2 Filial Piety

Unit Lesson Functions Vocabulary Characters invitation card groceries,,,, 5 write an invitation make a shopping list plan an event discuss and make decisions describe dishes give comments seasonings seafood desserts vegetables popular dishes,,,, C ingredients tableware food preparation,,, 6 C talk about making a plan make comparisons and giving comments express a person s willingness to do something talk about past experiences and give examples express compliments and reply to other s compliments the post office mails famous cities accommodation part-time work fast-food summer school / camp things in the country side scenic spots in China,,,,,,

Language Patterns The pattern The exaggeration pattern dj. The verb to indicate existence The place noun phrase / The pattern Num. + M.W.1 + N.1 + Num. + M.W.2 + N.2 to indicate the allocation The verb The pattern V The adverb to contradict other s statement The exaggeration pattern dj. The verb compound to predict or estimate The pattern V + place word The tag question word The pattern and variations The conjunction The pattern The exaggeration pattern dj. The correlative conjunction dj The pattern / + VP Culture Window Cooking Mealtime Customs Raising the ar Reading Comprehension Characters Table Etiquette Hong Kong The pattern V to state one s experience The pattern to show certainty The expression to give examples The expression to create emphasis Part-time Jobs in China The word / to show possibility The pattern verb + to indicate continuing action The adverb The pattern The Classical Gardens of Suzhou and the West Lake of Hangzhou

课程架构 Unit Lesson Review 1 做家事 Household Chores TE6 TE0001-TE0032_Z3_TE_FM.indd 6 Vocabulary Language Patterns 真棒 Zhēn àng! Level 3 begins with six lessons that review the content from 真棒 Zhēn àng! Level 2. Each review lesson has listening, speaking, reading and writing sections. 2 我的理想 My Career Dream Functions talk about household chores tell someone you are unable to do something respond to someone s kindness talk about house rules give and take instructions talk about recycling talk about yard work and outdoor chores ask for and give help describe a plant or tree express your life goals talk aout careers clarify what is important / is not important talk about helping others discuss changing your plans ask about post-graduation plans explore future plans apply for college / a job talk about work experiences talk about your education give someone a blessing Electrical ppliances Household Chores The Pattern 从 起 The Pattern 非 不可 The Expression 再也沒 比 更 的了 The Pattern 连 都 The Pattern 当 时 Outdoor Chores Recyclables and Trash Plants and Trees The Complement 掉 The Pattern 有的 有的 The Complement 开 The Expression 不是 吗 The Conditional dverb 才 Careers The Pattern 跟 有关 The Pattern 好像 似的 The Expression 不是不 不 过 The Pattern 是 而不是 The Pattern 本来 后来 The Complement 成 Schools College pplications lessings The Expression 半 半 The Pattern 得 才行 The Pattern 只要 就 The Complement 着 The Passive Coverb 被 6/22/12 12:35 PM

Dialogue Culture Window P Prep Raising the ar Reading Comprehension Characters 来到新家庭 Student Life Outside the Classroom 小时工广告 洗衣要诀 家务一把罩 住宿规定 入境随俗 接待家庭 问 在室外干活 Energy Conservation in China 使用说明书 举手之劳 汽车美容 当家方知 柴米贵 志愿工作 扫 爱你的工作 China s Changing Job Market 慈善招聘 妙手回春 放松一 夏 美梦成真 理想 医 工作还是读 书 and merican University Students 求职信 写简历 选学校 虚位以待 按部就班 打工选择 算 TE0001-TE0032_Z3_TE_FM.indd 7 TE7 6/22/12 12:35 PM

课程架构 Unit Lesson Functions 3 旅行去 Travel 4 中美文学 and merican Literature TE8 TE0001-TE0032_Z3_TE_FM.indd 8 talk about camping describe your environment ask about school trips talk about a visit to a museum give your impression of a situation end a conversation appropriately talk about waiting for the right time talk about making reservations talk about trip plans list events chronologically talk about wild animals talk about merican destinations talk about Middle Eastern countries introduce literature introduce classics and authors talk about homework and school life express your appreciation for literature recommend a book re-tell a story talk about insects express your opinion discuss similarities and differences talk about cold weather talk about a performance describe someone s characteristics Vocabulary Language Patterns Camping nimals in the Wild Countries of the Middle East Continents and Oceans Scenic Spots The Expression 得没话说 The dverb 不至于 The Pattern 倒是... 不过... The Pattern 是为了... The Pattern 像...一样 The Conjunction 要不是 The dverb 反正 The Pattern 等...再... Cities in the United merica s Tourist ttractions Traveling In the Plane Room Types The Pattern 除非... 否则... The Pattern V得差不多了 The Expression 没多少 The Expression 尤其是 The Pattern 在...之內 / 外 The Expression 并不 / 没 Western Literature Famous uthors Winter Scenery Literature Literature Types Performances The Pattern 一方面... 另一方 面... The adverb 可 The Pattern 对...来说 The Pattern 管...叫... The Pattern 任何...都... The Expression 更別说...了 Insects and Other Creatures Characteristics Gender The Pattern 尽管...不过... The Pattern 不管... 都... The Pattern 不是... 就是... The dverb 到底 The dverb 根本 The Expression V来V去 6/22/12 12:35 PM

Dialogue Culture Window P Prep Raising the ar Reading Comprehension Characters 新年活动 森 校外教学 Extracurricular School Programs 露营需知 食甘寝安 增广见闻 国外旅行 Tourism 订酒店 游山玩水 事半功倍 读万卷书 一个人的旅行 行万里路 停 文学欣赏 The Four Classic Novels 文学赏析 语言无国界 怀古思今 书中自有颜 如玉 艺术周 书中自有黄 金屋 出 千里共婵娟 比翼双飞 日久生情 社 Traditional and Simplified Characters 爱情故事 Classical and Modern 中国文学课 Classical Story TE0001-TE0032_Z3_TE_FM.indd 9 TE9 6/22/12 12:35 PM

课程架构 Unit Lesson 5 保护地球 Protecting Earth 6 现代中国 Modern China TE10 TE0001-TE0032_Z3_TE_FM.indd 10 Functions Vocabulary Language Patterns give advice make excuses emphasize the importance of protecting the environment talk about pollution talk about organic foods express sarcasm talk about festivals and holidays talk about Earth day talk about paying bills and fees Environmental Protection Pollution Food The dverb 快 The Pattern V着 The Pattern 何必...呢 The Pattern 不再...了 The Pattern 自从...以后 Expenses Holidays merican Holidays The dverb 原来 The Pattern 对... 没 有影响 The Pattern 与其... 不如... The Pattern 早知道 就 The Pattern 再也不 了 The Complement下 Natural Environment Topography Transportation Methods ll the Regions in China The Pattern 随着... The Pattern 即使... 也 / 还... The Pattern X分之Y The Conjunction 再加上 The Pattern 正 在...中 The Complement 满 The Complement 起 Characteristics Household Items The Expression...啊...啊...啊 The Pattern 一MW比一MW The Pattern 再...也... The Pattern 跟 比起来 The Pattern 就是... 也... The Expression 随N talk about the current direction of China s modern development describe the mass transportation problems during Spring Festival agree with someone s opinion list and analyze problems talk about population density highlight China s contribution and importance to the world talk about China s history talk about keeping in touch describe an outdoor environment list important household items 6/22/12 12:35 PM

Dialogue Culture Window P Prep Raising the ar Reading Comprehension Characters 绿环保 China s Energy Consumption 爱物惜物 节能减碳 己所不欲 哭泣的地球 勿施于人 顺 世界地球日 China s National Day 健康素食 环环相扣 同舟共济 环保周 福 迈向繁荣 Domestic rands 四通八达 老有所终 壮有所用 归心似箭 春节运输 安 中国不下厨 Modern History Timeline 柴米油盐 经贸合作 说故事 济弱扶倾 大学新生活 星 TE0001-TE0032_Z3_TE_FM.indd 11 TE11 6/22/12 12:35 PM