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Index 索引 Jin Jiang 关于锦江 Facts 行业现状 HR Issues 关于人力资源 Solution 解决对策

Jin Jiang 关于锦江 Facts 行业现状 HR Issues 关于人力资源 Solution 解决对策

Jin Jiang International Hotel Management Company Ltd. 锦江国际酒店管理有限公司

About Jin Jiang International Hotel Management Co., Ltd. 关于锦江国际酒店管理有限公司 锦江国际酒店管理有限公司, 是中国最大的酒店管理公司, 管理着全中国 125 家星级酒店, 客房数超过 37,000 间, 足迹遍布中国 75 个省会城市 锦江国际酒店管理有限公司运营着一系列酒店品牌, 无论是奢华的五星级酒店 J. Hotel 和汇聚经典的锦江酒店系列 (Jin Jiang) 或是便捷的商务旅馆商悦 (Marvel) 等, 都能为每位旅客提供至臻完善的住宿体验 锦江国际 ( 集团 ) 有限公司 ( 简称 锦江国际集团 ) 是中国规模最大的综合性旅游企业集团之一 集团以酒店管理与投资 旅行服务及相关运输服务为主营业务, 也积极参与不动产, 贸易和金融业务 锦江国际集团的核心产业是锦江国际酒店集团, 上海锦江国际酒店 ( 集团 ) 股份有限公司 ( 锦江酒店 ) 是中国领先的酒店集团, 主要从事星级酒店营运与管理 经济型酒店营运与有限服务式酒店品牌等业务 锦江国际酒店集团是中国最大的星级酒店管理集团, 管理着 900 余家星级酒店及旅馆, 客房超过 190,000 间, 足迹遍布中国近 200 多座主要城市和旅游胜地 在世界酒店管理公司中荣列第 9 位 每一家锦江酒店都充分体现当地的特色文化 锦江国际酒店管理有限公司, 其专业的酒店管理背景和卓越的热情, 致力于为客户提供高性价比的酒店服务 锦江品牌始建于 20 世纪的二十年代, 核心竞争力近年来迅速提高 公司拥有大量本土化专业酒店人才, 我们的目标是不断加强和维护锦江品牌影响力, 最终成为国际知名酒店管理品牌

Our Brands and Properties 品牌及酒店 J Brand J 品牌 Introducing our premier J Brand ultra luxury property, the J Hotel Shanghai Tower, in the new Shanghai Tower, scheduled to open in 2015. 上海中心 J 酒店是 锦江国际酒店 旗下全新的超豪华 J 品牌, 预计于 2015 年开业 J Hotel Shanghai Tower 上海中心 J 酒店

Five Star Collection 五星级酒店系列 Superbly located world-class luxury hotels in China s gateway cities and resort destinations. Opulent accommodations and environments with the highest standard of hospitality and personalized service for all travelers. 这些经典锦江酒店庄重地坐落在中国的世界级旅游度假目的地门户城市 上海, 为所有的宾客提供奢华的住宿环境和最高接待规格的个性化服务 Jin Jiang Hotel 锦江饭店 Jin Jiang Tower 新锦江 Hua Ting Hotel 华亭宾馆 Kun Lun Hotel 昆仑饭店

Heritage Collection 经典酒店系列 This distinguished group has a number of elegant, refined hotels ideally located in the historical French Concession and other landmark areas of Shanghai. 在锦江酒店大家庭中, 有一批融合了中西建筑文化风格的历史悠久的酒店, 它们是上海滩酒店建筑文化的瑰宝 Pacific Hotel (1920) 金门大酒店 (1920) Park Hotel (1930) 国际饭店 (1930) Metropole Hotel (1930) 新城饭店 (1930)

Four Star Collection 四星级酒店系列 Jin Jiang International Hotels operates a wide portfolio of upscale accommodations throughout China s metropolitan and resort destinations. Offering superb facilities for the business, leisure and MICE market guest. 锦江国际酒店在中国主要城市和旅游胜地多种领域经营着一系列高档酒店, 为商务休闲客人和会展差旅市场的客人提供一流的服务设施 Jing An Hotel 静安宾馆 Rainbow Hotel 虹桥宾馆 LVGEM Hotel 深圳绿景锦江酒店

Marvel Brand 商悦品牌系列 The Marvel Brand is a new concept which is geared towards the discerning, contemporary business lifestyle clientele and new generation of business travelers. 商悦品牌系列酒店是一个新的概念, 突出客房的舒适度和酒店的自助式商务服务功能, 旨在针对当今中青年商务人士的个性化需求提供独特舒适的入住体验 Guest Room 客房 Lobby 大堂 Marvel Hotel Shanghai 商悦青年会大酒店

Assets Managed by Other Brands 锦江资产管理的其他品牌酒店 Jin Jiang also has partnerships with some of the world s best- known hospitality companies and owns a number of these well-known hotel brands such as the Fairmont Peace Hotel Shanghai, Waldorf Astoria Shanghai On The Bund, InterContinental Shanghai Pudong, Sofitel Hyland Shanghai, JC Mandarin Hotel Shanghai, Renaissance Yangtze Hotel Shanghai, Double Tree by Hilton Shanghai Pudong and Holiday Inn Downtown Shanghai. 锦江还与一些国际上最著名的酒店集团建立了广泛的合资合作关系, 旗下拥有一大批国际知名品牌酒店 如 : 上海和平饭店, 上海外滩华尔道夫酒店, 上海锦江汤臣洲际大酒店, 上海海仑宾馆, 上海锦沧文华大酒店, 上海扬子江万丽大酒店, 上海东锦江希尔顿逸林酒店, 上海广场长城假日酒店 Peace Hotel by Fairmont 费尔蒙德和平饭店 Waldorf Astoria by Hilton 上海外滩华尔道夫酒店 Intercontinental Pudong by IHG 上海锦江汤臣洲际大酒店 Renaissance by Marriott 上海扬子江万丽大酒店 Sofitel Hyland by Accor 上海海仑宾馆

IHR Group 州逸酒店与度假村集团 The Jin Jiang Group joined hands with US property investment firm Thayer Group in a 50/50 joint venture with the US based Interstate Hotels and Resorts Group, the world s largest third party hotel management group. IHR Group and affiliates have ownership in nearly 400 hotels and resorts worldwide totaling 69,000 rooms in nearly 400 hotels. 锦江与美国房地产投资公司 Thayer 共同投资设立的合营企业 Hotel Acquisition Company( 简称 HAC), 已和美国州际酒店集团达成协议, 实现对州际集团 50% 的持股 美国州际酒店集团是美国最大的独立酒店管理公司, 该集团在全球九个国家管理了近 400 家酒店, 约 69000 间客房 Roosevelt Hotel New York City 美国纽约罗斯福酒店 Belgium Ghent Marriott 比利时根特万豪酒店 Moscow Marriott Grand Hotel 莫斯科万豪大酒店

Jin Jiang International Hotel s Operating Hotels in China 中国境内运营中的锦江国际酒店 No. Star Rated 星级 No. of Hotels 酒店数 No. of Rooms 房间数 1 5 star hotel 五星级 37 13,646 2 4 star hotel 四星级 42 10,965 3 3 star hotel 三星级 9 1,984 4 Marvel Hotel 商悦品牌酒店 2 220 Total 总计 : 90 26,815 Jin Jiang International Hotel s Pre-Opening Hotels in China 中国境内即将开业的锦江国际酒店 No. Star Rated 星级 No. of Hotels 酒店数 No. of Rooms 房间数 1 5 star hotel 五星级 30 8,778 2 4 star hotel 四星级 5 1,322 Total 总计 : 35 10,100

Location of Jin Jiang International Hotels in China 锦江酒店在中国

Jin Jiang 关于锦江 Facts 行业现状 HR Issues 关于人力资源 Solution 解决对策

Some Facts 行业现状

The China Travel and Tourism Industry 中国旅游业 9.2% of GDP or USD 644 Billion, including USD 200 Million direct contribution GDP 的 9.2% 即 6440 亿美元产值, 包括 2 亿美元的直接产值 This is for example larger than the entire automotive industry with 8% contribution 产值高于整个汽车产业 8% 8.1% of employment share in China on 62 Million jobs 占中国就业市场的 8.1% 份额, 提供 6200 万个工作岗位 For every direct job in the tourism sector, nearly two jobs are created on an indirect basis 在旅游业, 每产生一个直接职位, 就有将近两个相关的间接职位产生 Travel and Tourism direct industry GDP expanded 430% between 1990 and 2011 while the total economy expanded 693% 1990 年到 2011 年, 总经济增幅 693%, 旅游业直接 GDP 增幅 430% Travel and Tourism is forecasted to grow 9.2% per annum for next decade 旅游观光预计在下一个十年以每年 9.2% 的幅度增长 Travel and Tourism visitor exports 51 billion USD or 27% of all services exports 旅游观光行业出口旅游观光服务 510 亿美元, 相当于所有服务业出口的 27% 1 million USD spending in Travel and Tourism generates USD 1.4 Million in GDP and supports 144 jobs 100 万美元的旅游观光消费, 为 GDP 创造 140 万美元, 提供 144 个工作岗位

Jin Jiang 关于锦江 Facts 行业现状 HR Issues 关于人力资源 Solution 解决对策

The China Travel and Tourism Human Resource Issues Some Facts 中国旅游业人力资源的现状

The Facts Talent Shortage 现状 人才短缺 Global talent shortage by 2020 in all industries 到 2020 年, 所有行业都将产生全球性的人才短缺 Strongest shortage with middle managers, also lowest engagement level 最短缺为中层经理人才 最基层员工 Talent shortage for hospitality managers by 2020 in Asia 亚洲 2020 年酒店业经理层短缺情况 - No Shortage: Indonesia 无短缺 : 印度尼西亚 - Medium Shortage: Korea, Japan, India 中等短缺 : 韩国 日本 印度 - Strong Shortage: China 严重短缺 : 中国

The Facts Talent Shortage 现状 人才短缺 Hospitality labor shortage in China by 2020 到 2020 年, 中国酒店业劳动力短缺为 : -4.5 Million employees 员工短缺 450 万 This is the highest in Asia 为全亚洲最高 By 2020 the Asian hospitality industry will face a labor shortage of nearly 60% or 8 Million employees 到 2020 年, 亚洲酒店业将面临将近 60% 即 800 万劳动力短缺的局面 The only other industry which forecasts such a shortage of employees in China is Mining 除酒店业外, 中国另一个将面临人才短缺的行业是采矿业 Biggest gap in China hospitality industry by 2020 到 2020 年, 中国酒店业将面临最大缺口 Managers -60% of demand Supervisors -50% of demand Front line employees -42% of demand 60% 的经理层人才短缺 50% 的领班层人才短缺 42% 的一线员工人才短缺

The Reasons for Talent Shortage 人才短缺的原因

What Are The Reasons? 人才短缺的原因? Low interest to join the hospitality industry 人才对加入酒店业兴趣不大 Most preferred employees are financial services, IT and professional services 最需要的员工是财务 信息网络技术, 或专业服务类人才 Hospitality graduates join other industries 酒店业学校毕业生加入其他行业 Strong hiring from competitors instead of going for new source pools 酒店招聘常常通过招募竞争者酒店的人才, 而非通过新的人才资源进行招聘 Generations X and Y change career mindsets more frequently X 代 (60 年代出生人群 ) 与 Y 代 (70 年代出生人群 ) 职业观念改变频繁 Non-attractiveness of operations work 酒店业运营工作不具吸引力 Lower pay 收入偏低

What Criteria Do We Need In Our Industry? 我们需要什么样的人才?

What Criteria Do We Need In Our Industry? 我们需要什么样的人才? Look For It When Hiring 招聘时的标准 Combine traditional service with new modern skills like technology 掌握传统服务技能, 同时掌握先进技能 ( 如高科技 ) 的人才 Willingness to learn 非常愿意学习 Positive attitude 积极乐观的态度 Passion for their profession 对工作充满热情 Love to work with external customers (guests) and internal customers (employees) 殷勤服务外部顾客 ( 客人 ), 并与内部顾客 ( 同事 ) 友好相处

Jin Jiang 关于锦江 Facts 行业现状 HR Issues 关于人力资源 Solution 解决对策

What Can You Do About This As Travel Hospitality Manager? 作为酒店业经理层的您, 能做些什么?

What Can You Do About This As Travel Hospitality Manager? 作为酒店业经理层的您, 能做些什么? Hire from outside the industry 从其他行业招募人才 Train from scratch instead of looking too much for experience / Flexible hiring 培养入门级但有潜力的员工, 而非一味招聘经验丰富的人才 Develop and share a 2-3 year career development pathway 开辟一条 2-3 年的职业发展路径 Campus recruitment 校园招聘 Fast track over achievements 快速追踪成就 Establish reward programs 建立奖励机制 Offer a global career 提供海外工作发展机会 Pay fair 公平支付工资 Have great non financial but industry specific (travel) rewards 可提供非财务性质的行业专项奖励

Upsell 加强 Growth industry 快速发展的行业 A global career potential 海外工作发展机会 Travel opportunities 差旅机会 Non financial benefits 非财务性质的福利 Work / life balance 平衡工作与生活 Physical work environment 工作环境 Recognize your people 认可您的员工 What Can You Do About This As Travel Hospitality Manager? 作为酒店业经理层的您, 能做些什么?

Hiring Mistakes 招聘中存在的误区

Hiring Mistakes 招聘中存在的误区 Result in losing employees quickly 导致快速流失员工 1. Not clearly knowing what you actually need and are looking for 不明白领导究竟需要何种员工 2. No proper interview preparation 缺乏周详的面试准备 3. No in depth interview questions 面试问题不够深入 7. Underestimate soft skills 忽视了应聘者的软实力 8. No reference check 未进行背景调查 9. No clear interviewing SOP and training 缺乏清晰的面试标准操作流程及培训 4. Recruiting too quickly 招聘过于匆忙 5. Don t fall in love 不是你情我愿 6. Hiring people who are like you 招募与领导相似的员工

Questions to Ask Ourselves to Get More the Best Employees? 自问 : 如何获得最优质员工?

Some Questions to Ask Ourselves to Get More the Best Employees? 自问 : 如何获得最优质员工? 1. Do you measure the relationship between employee satisfaction at your company? 您调查过员工满意度吗? 2. What are you doing to attract the best people for a job? 如何做才能吸引最优质员工? 3. What are you doing to guarantee consistency in each service encounter? Are you hiring the right employees for this? 您如何保证每项服务质量的一致性? 您是否聘用了正确的员工? 4. Are you spending enough time on carefully selecting and hiring employees? 您是否花费充足时间, 仔细挑选 聘用员工? 5. Are customer contact employees mainly selected on the basis of attitudes rather than experience? 您在挑选客户联络员时, 相比应聘者的工作经验, 是否更注重应聘者的态度? 6. Are your employees empowered to make decisions on the spot and therefore feel a sense of importance? 您是否鼓励员工作决定, 或赋予他们作决定的权利, 使他们感受到自身的重要性? 7. Is your training frequently, interesting, for the job but also for life training and do your employees look forward to it? 您是否经常为员工提供培训, 您的培训是否能激发员工的兴趣? 培训是否不仅仅局限于工作, 也包含生活方面? 您的员工是否对培训满怀期待?

Some Questions to Ask Ourselves to Get More the Best Employees? 自问 : 如何获得最优质员工? 8. Are you frequently communicating with your employees and sharing information? 您是否经常与员工交流, 分享信息与感受? 9. Do you offer a positive workplace design and adequate tools to serve customers? 您是否提供员工一个良好积极的工作场所, 以及充足的设施以服务顾客? 10. What can you change right away in your circle of influence? 在您的能力范围内, 有什么是能立即改变的吗?

Service Profit Chain 服务利润链

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