NACSCOM COUNCIL PATRON Y.A.Bhg Tun Dr Ling Liong Sik ADVISOR Y. Bhg Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye PRESIDENT Datuk Dr Soon Ting Kueh Tel :

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建國科大 許您一個海闊天空的未來 建國科大本著術德兼修五育並重的教育方針 持續努力的朝向專業教學型大學邁進 期許建國的學生能成為企業所樂用的人才 建國科大多元性發展與延伸觸角 如 教學卓越計畫 產官學合作 國際交流活動等等 讓師生能充實基礎實力 更提升競爭力 不管將來是要升學或是就業 都能一帆風順

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我 国 医 疗 业 舆 情 现 状 与 对 策 events of medical industry in 2011 have reflected that the independent third - party investigation mechanism should be improve




NACSCOM COUNCIL 2016-2018 PATRON Y.A.Bhg Tun Dr Ling Liong Sik ADVISOR Y. Bhg Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye PRESIDENT Datuk Dr Soon Ting Kueh Tel : 03-7732 5096 H/P : 012-287 2842 DEPUTY PRESIDENT Dato V. Thammimalai H.P : 012-431 7049 VICE PRESIDENTS Datuk William Chai H/P : 012-833 7865 Mr. Hai Ah Hong H/P : 012-287 8299 Mr. Jimmy Ng Thau Syn H/P : 016-841 7188 Encik Azlan Hussain H/P : 019-381 1381 Mr. David Tan Sing Leong H/P : 012-671 2039 HON. SEC. GENERAL Prof. Datin Dr Zuriati Zakaria H/P : 013-326 9908 HON. ASST. SEC. GENERAL Mdm Koo Yuan Jo H/P : 016-804 0828 HON. TREASURER Mdm Janette Yap Poh Lim H/P : 012-325 0522 HON. ASST. TREASURER Mdm. Jennifer Ho Koon Yik H/P : 012-383 1355 COMMITTEE MEMBERS Mr. Henry Khoo Taw Yong Mr. Wee Beng Khim Mr. Ng Koon Kow Mr. Sunny Yap Koon Fong Mr. Yong Kun Sang Mr. Wong Pau Leong Mr. Yang Chor Leong Mr. K. Sivaprakasam Mdm Cindy Lim Kuen Kuen Mdm Ivy Foo Yuk Lean Mr. Soon Boon Keng Mr. Leo Leslie Armstrong LEGAL ADVISOR Mr. S. Radhakrishnan Tel : 03-2027 2727 NACSCOM SENIOR VOICE EDITORIAL BOARD Datuk Dr. Soon Ting Kueh Mr. Soon Boon Keng Mr. Jimmy Ng Thau Syn Mdm Yap Poh Lin Printer: Print Wizard Sdn Bhd No. 9, Jalan 17/45, 46400, Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia. Tel: 03-7956 2600 CONTENTS HIGHLIGHTS Issue 32 AUGUST 2016 Address By President, At NACSCOM 15 th AGM:-... NO SENIOR CITIZENS SHOULD BE LEFT BEHIND in our socioeconomic development. A total of 75 people, comprising 63 delegates from 25 affiliates, 9 observers and 3 Council members attended the 15 th AGM meeting. A buffet lunch was also held at the same time to celebrate the Golden Voice Choir 7 th Anniversary. Buka Puasa Dinner with heart patients at Institute Jantung Negara, KL on 29 th June 2016 National Council of Senior Citizens Organisations Malaysia 8 6 10 23 In This Issue 3 Message From Co-Chairman NACSCOM Senior Voice 4 Mesej Daripada Presiden (Bahasa Malaysia) 5 Message From The President (English & Chinese) 6 Ucapan Oleh Presiden, Di Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan NACSCOM KE-15 (Bahasa Malaysia) 7 Address By President, At NACSCOM 15 th Annual General Meeting 8 Report On The NACSCOM 15 th AGM NACSCOM Activities 10 Celebrating NACSCOM Golden Voice 7 th Anniversary cum Singing Evaluation on 26 th April 2016 11 Friendly Interaction with Phoenix singers on 31 st May 2016 Affiliates Activities 12 Persatuan KOAT 亚庇长青文康乐龄协会会讯 14 KLANG Senior Citizens Club 巴生乐龄公民俱乐部 14 Sungai Petani Senior Citizens Association 15 SSCA PJ 16 SCCSJ Appeal Letter 17 NACSCOM Food And Charity Fair (English / Chinese) 19 Appeal For Donation To Help The Elderly Poor In Conjunction with Chinese New Year 2017 (English / Chinese) 21 Appeal For Donation Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony NACSCOM Karaoke PK Competition Charity Dinner 2016 (English / Chinese) 23 NACSCOM Hari Raya Aidilfitri Social Night Party Organized By NACSCOM Activity Committee On 23 th July 2016 30, Jalan SS22/2, Damansara Jaya, 47400 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia. Tel: 03-7732 5096 Fax: 03-7722 3346 Email: Website:

MESSAGE FROM CO-CHAIRMAN MESSAGE FROM CO-CHAIRMAN NACSCOM SENIOR VOICE 主编献词 My sincere thanks and immense gratitude to the President, Datuk Dr. Soon Ting Kueh and the Management Mr Soon Boon Keng Board of NACSCOM for nominating me as a Committee Member for the term 2016 2018 and also the Co- Chairman of the Editorial Board of the English/ Bahasa Malaysia version together with Mr. Jimmy Ng Thau Syn for the Mandarin version of the tri-annual NACSCOM SENIOR VOICE. For this second issue of the SENIOR VOICE, we have included a Message from the President, Report on NACSCOM 15 th AGM, Programmes & Activities organized by NACSCOM and its affiliates, SCCA PJ, SCC Klang, SCC Subang Jaya and SCA Sg.Petani. The NACSCOM SENIOR VOICE aims to be the VOICE of all senior citizens of the country and cover issues relating to financial security, social and welfare services for the elderly, healthy ageing, dietary advices, life long learning activities and others. 谢马来西亚乐龄组织总会会长拿督孙镇信博士感和理事会诸同仁委任我为一名为期 2 年 (2016-2018) 之理事并兼任本会每年出版三期之 乐龄之声 特刊之国, 英文版主编, 华文版亦由吴道鑫副主席负责 今年完成之第二期 乐龄之声 包括会长献词, 大马乐总第 15 届之常年大会, 和一些 SCCA PJ, SCC KLANG, SCC SUBANG JAYA 和 SCA SG. PETANI 之会员活动花絮 大马 乐龄之声 志向成为全国乐龄人士之喉舌, 研讨有关理财, 长者社会福祉, 享乐金色年华, 营养辅导及终生学习之课题 最后衷心铭谢各属会之稿件 谨祝安康孙文琼乐龄之声主编 Finally, my profound thanks to the affiliates and their members who have contributed articles and activities to the SENIOR VOICE. Warmest regards and thank you. SOON BOON KENG CO-CHAIRMAN OF SENIOR VOICE August 2016 SENIOR VOICE 3

MESEJ DARIPADA PRESIDEN Implikasi Sosial dan Ekonomi Penuaan Penduduk Malaysia adalah salah satu daripada beberapa negara di rantau Asia Pasifik yang mengalami pembangunan ekonomi yang pesat serta penuaan penduduk. Menjelang tahun 2030, Malaysia akan menjadi sebuah negara penuaan dengan lebih daripade 15% daripada pendudk yang berusia 60an dan ke atas. Terdapat banyak isu dan cabaran yang berkaitan dengan penuaan penduduk. Oleh itu, implikasi sosial dan ekonomi penuaan penduduk perlu dikaji dan dinilai dengan teliti untuk memastikan bahawa kita dapat menangani dan menyelesaikan isu-isu dan cabaran tersebut. Penuaan penduduk bermakna perubahan demografi, tenaga kerja dan produktiviti, penjagaan kesihatan dan sokongan sosial dan banyak faktor mikroekonomi lain termasuk perumahan, pengangkutan, infrastruktur awam dan lain-lain lagi. Apakah implikasi kewangan dan sosial daripada perubahan ini? Apa yang perlu kita lakukan untuk menyesuaikan diri dan menampung perubahan ini dalam ekonomi dan infrastruktur sosial? Ini adalah antara beberapa soalan yang NACSCOM menggesa Kerajaan untuk meneliti dengan serius dan mengambil tindakan yang perlu. Dengan sokongan daripada Kementerian Pembangunan Wanita, Keluarga dan Masyarakat (KPWKM), NACSCOM akan menganjurkan Seminar Kebangsaan pada bulan April / Mei tahun hadapan. Seminar Kebangsaan ini adalah untuk mengkaji implikasi sosial dan ekonomi penuaan penduduk. Ia akan menjadi satu usaha negara daripada semua pihak berkenaan untuk mencari jawapan dan penyelesaian bagi menyelesaikan isu-isu yang berkaitan dengan penuaan penduduk. Peserta akan terdiri daripada pegawai-pegawai tinggi kerajaan dan pembuat keputusan, institusi kewangan daripada sektor perbankan dan insuran, Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja dan SOCSO, wakil-wakil Kementerian dan jabatan kerajaan, universiti dan institusi pengajian tinggi, Badan Bukan Kerajaan (NGO) sosial dan kebajikan dan wakilwakil dari masyarakat sivil. Kami juga bercadang untuk menjemput pertubuhan antarabangsa seperti HelpAge International dan UNFPA (United Nations Fund for Population Activities). Seminar ini akan membincangkan pelbagai isu dan cabaran yang berkaitan dengan penuaan penduduk. Ia bercadang untuk menghasilkan resolusi dan cadangan kepada Kerajaan Malaysia mengenai perkara yang perlu dilakukan. Ini juga termasuk cadangan untuk semua sektor ekonomi dan masyarakat Malaysia mengenai tindakan yang perlu dilakukan untuk berdepan dengan realiti penuaan penduduk. Bagi Malaysia, masa untuk penuaan penduduk pada 2030 agak pendek. NACSCOM percaya bahawa kita perlu mengambil tindakan yang perlu sekarang supaya kita boleh berurusan dengan apa-apa masalah yang serius seperti isu-isu kewangan dan sosial. Adakah warga tua kita mempunyai sumber kewangan untuk terus hidup 15 hingga 20 tahun akan datang selepas bersara? Bagaimana pula dengan infrastruktur sosial dan kesihatan yang lain? Kita perlu meneliti dan mengenalpasti semua ini dengan segera untuk mengambil langkah-langkah dan tindakan yang perlu untuk memastikan Malaysia sebagai sebuah negara yang makmur dan harmoni. Datuk Dr Soon Ting Kueh Presiden, NACSCOM Tarikh: 31 hb Julai 2016 4 SENIOR VOICE August 2016

MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT/ 主席的话 The Social and Economic Implications of Ageing Population Malaysia is one of a number of countries in the Asia Pacific region experiencing rapid economic development as well as population ageing. By the year 2030, Malaysia will be an ageing nation with more than 15% of the population having the age of 60s and above. There are many issues and challenges associated with ageing population. Thus the social and economic implications of ageing population need to be studied and evaluated carefully to ensure that we are able to deal with and resolve these issues and challenges. Ageing population means changes in demography, workforce and productivity, health care and social support, and many other microeconomic factors including housing, transportation, public infrastructure and many others. What are the financial and social implications of these changes? What do we need to do to adapt and accommodate these changes in economy and social infrastructure? These are some of the questions that NACSCOM is urging the Government to look into seriously and take the necessary actions. With the support of the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development (KPWKM), NACSCOM is organising a National Seminar some time in April / May next year. The National Seminar is to study the social and economic implications of ageing population. It will be a national effort of all stake holders to search for answers and solutions to resolve issues related to an aged population. Participants will include top government officials and decision makers, financial institutions from the banking and insurance sector, Employee Provident Fund and SOCSO, representatives of relevant government ministries and departments, universities and institutions of higher education, social and welfare NGOs and representatives from civil societies. We also propose to invite international organisations such as HelpAge International and UNFPA. The Seminar will discuss various issues and challenges to the Malaysian Government on what needs to be done. It will also include recommendations for all sectors of the Malaysian economy and community on what needs to be done to face the reality of an aged population. For Malaysia, the time to an ageing population in 2030 is rather short. NACSCOM believe that we need to take the necessary actions now so that we can deal with such serious problems as financial and social issues. Do our aged population have the financial resources to survive the next 15-20 years after retirement? What about other social support and health infrastructures? We need to examine and identify all these quickly in order to take the necessary steps and actions to ensure a prosperous and harmonious Malaysia. 来西亚是亚太区遭受到经济和国马民老化急速发展之国家 到了 2030 年马来西亚将拥有超过 15% 的人口在 60 岁以上, 许多难题和挑战都牵连在国家人口老化 于是, 人口老化所面对的社会和经济保障须详细的研讨和确定方针来面对这些课题和挑战 人口的极速老化, 打乱了国家的人口策划 劳力的不足, 生产力减速, 健保成本增加, 社会扶助成本亦相应增长, 再加上其他的社会成本诸如交通, 房屋, 各类基建费用等等 我们是不是准备好了如何去应付因人口老化而带来的变化? 在助力上, 在社会的结构转变上, 我们将如何面对? 有鉴于此, 大马乐龄总会呼吁政府重视此项课题, 快速地, 有方针地付诸行动 感谢妇女家庭及社会发展部, 将于明年四月或五月支撑大马乐龄总会召开全国研讨会 该研讨会将深入研究因人口老化对社会及经济的冲击 这项冲击将影响全国各行各业, 也许全国各阶层的精英寻求解决方案 参与者除了官方个高层部门, 各决策部门之外, 还涵盖大部分的金融街机构, 诸如银行界 保险界 公积金局 劳工保险局等的代表以及政府其他部门的代表及联合各大学学院 社会福利部的高层人员及社团代表等 我们更计划邀请国际团体诸如国际长者援助组织, 联合国人口援助基金局派员出席 我们将会把大会的议决案及解决方案一并呈交予大马政府 建议大马政府该如何务实地处理人口老化问题 NACSCOM 相信我们可充分的应付所面对制经济保障及社会难题 我们的长者能否在退休后再拥有经济能力来度过那 15 至 20 年之余月光辉? 还有其他的社会福利和卫生设备又如何? 我们必须尽快地检讨及明确这些难题, 让我们能以精明的规划和行动来落实一个繁荣又和谐的马来西亚 Datuk Dr Soon Ting Kueh President, NACSCOM Date: 31 st July 2016 马来西亚乐龄组织总会总会长拿督孙镇信博士 31-7-2016 August 2016 SENIOR VOICE 5

UCAPAN OLEH PRESIDEN, DI MESYUARAT AGUNG TAHUNAN NACSCOM KE-15 UCAPAN OLEH DATUK DR SOON TING KUEH, PRESIDEN NACSCOM DI MESYUARAT AGUNG TAHUNAN NACSCOM KE-15 PADA 7 MEI 2016 (SABTU), KUALA LUMPUR YB SENATOR DATIN PADUKA CHEW MEI FUN, TIMBALAN MENTERI PEMBANGUNAN WANITA, KELUARGA DAN MASYARAKAT Tuan-tuan & Puan-puan, NACSCOM telah meraikan ulangtahun ke-25 pada tahun lepas. Sejak ditubuhkan pada 1990, kami telah bergerak jauh sebagai suara kepada warga emas di Malaysia. Kami mempunyai sejumlah 37 badan bersekutu (affiliates) di Malaysia dengan keahlian hampir 20,000 ahli. NACSCOM sering bekerjasama dengan badan bersekutu, dan terlibat secara aktif dalam menggalakkan hak dan kebajikan komuniti warga kanan dalam Malaysia. Tuan-tuan dan Puan-puan, Malaysia mempunyai sebuah masyarakat penuaan yang pesat. Pada dewasa ini, 8% daripada penduduknya adalah berusia lebih 60 tahun. Adalah dianggarkan bahawa pada 2030, kita akan menjadi sebuah masyarakat penuaan dengan 15% penduduk berusia lebih daripada 60 tahun. Adakah kita bersedia menghadapinya dalam perubahan demografi? Matlamat utama NACSCOM adalah untuk mempromosikan hak dan kebajikan warga kanan di Malaysia. Kami bimbang dengan tahap kesediaan kita bagi masyarakat penuaan dalam tahun 2030. Apakah isuisu utama yang bakal dihadapi? Isu utama dalam senarai adalah jaminan kewangan. Di Malaysia, warga emas adalah terlalu bergantung kepada sokongan keluarga. Kita mempunyai sekumpulan pesara yang menerima pencen daripada kerajaan. Terdapat kumpulan lain yang mana telah mencarum kepada KWSP dan menerima sejumlah wang besar setelah bersara dari bekerja. Terdapat kumpulan ketiga yang lebih besar yang tidak mempunyai pendapatan tetap dan bergantung kepada sokongan keluarga, masyarakat dan kerajaan. Tuan-tuan dan Puan-puan, Malangnya unit keluarga secara perlahan-perlahan sedang runtoh. Kita mempunyai orang tua yang ditinggalkan oleh anak mereka, golongan miskin di luar bandar dan bandar yang tidak mempunyai pengantunggan dan ramai warga emas yang diabaikan oleh keluarga atau masyarakat. NACSCOM berpendapat bahawa adalah menjadi tanggungjawab kerajaan dan masyarakat sivil supaya warga emas dijaga semasa berusia tua. Dengan erti kata yang lain, Tiada warga emas patut dipinggirkan dalam proses pembangunan sosio-ekonomi. Dari aspek ini, NACSCOM ingin mencadangkan supaya ditubuhkan Jabatan Hal Ehwal Warga Emas di bawah Kementerian Pembangunan Wanita, Keluarga dan Masyarakat (KPWKM) untuk menjaga kebajikan sosial dan jaminan kewangan warga emas di Malaysia. Satu lagi isu adalah berkenaan dengan rawatan kesihatan dan perubatan orang berusia. Kita perlu mengaku bahawa pada ketika ini, Kerajaan sedang menyediakan rawatan kesihatan dan perubatan asas kepada semua kumpulan penduduk. Kami ingin mencadangkan supaya Kerajaan menubuhkan satu kumpulan pakar untuk mengkaji dan melihat ke arah rawatan perubatan dan kesihatan orang tua, terutama mereka yang memerlukan penjagaan jangka khas atau panjang. Hak-hak warga emas juga mesti dilindungi. Warga tua mesti dilayan dengan hormat dan bermaruah. Mereka perlu diberi peluang yang sama dalam semua aspek masyarakat, termasuk kebajikan dan perkhidmatan sosial yang lain, peluang pekerjaan dan sebagainya. Kerajaan harus menyokong Konvensyen PBB mengenai Hak Orang Tua. Tuan-tuan dan puan-puan, NACSCOM adalah sangat aktif dalam melibatkan warga emas dalam pelbagai aktiviti untuk menggalakkan suasana yang sihat fikiran dan badan. Kami berasa gembira kerana ramai warga emas secara aktif sentiasa mengambil bahagian dalam pelbagai program yang dianjurkan oleh NACSCOM dan badan sekutu kami. NACSCOM juga akan secara aktif mempromosikan Pembelajaran Sepanjang Hayat dalam masyarakat warga emas selaras dengan dasar kerajaan mengenai penuaan secara produktif dan sihat. Dalam aspek ini, kami memerlukan sokongan Kerajaan untuk menyediakan bantuan kewangan dan sokongan lain supaya kami dapat melaksanakan pelbagai program Pembelajaran Sepanjang Hayat. Akhir kata, saya ingin merakamkan penghargaan ikhlas kepada ahli bersekutu, ahli-ahli Majlis NACSCOM, kakitangan NACSCOM dan Urusetia yang bekerja rapat dengan saya untuk menjadikan NACSCOM sebagai suara warga emas di Malaysia dan dalam mencapai matlamat kami untuk berkhidmat kepada masyarakat warga emas di Malaysia. Saya berharap badan bersekutu kami, sektor korporat dan orang awam akan memberi sokongan kuat untuk mengumpul dana, terutama bagi Rumah Warga Emas NACSCOM di Setapak, Kuala Lumpur. Kami mengucapkan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan kepada Timbalan Menteri, YB SENATOR DATIN PADUKA CHEW MEI FUN atas sokongan yang kuat kepada NACSCOM. Kami akan bekerjasama dengan YB Menteri untuk menjaga kebajikan dan hak-hak warga emas di Malaysia. Terima kasih. Datuk Dr Soon Ting Kueh Presiden, NACSCOM 7hb. Mei 2016 6 SENIOR VOICE August 2016

ADDRESS BY PRESIDENT, AT NACSCOM 15 TH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING ADDRESS BY DATUK DR SOON TING KUEH, PRESIDENT, NACSCOM AT NACSCOM 15 TH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 2016 ON SATURDAY 7 TH MAY 2016, KUALA LUMPUR YB SENATOR DATIN PADUKA CHEW MEI FUN, TIMBALAN MENTERI PEMBANGUNAN WANITA, KELUARGA DAN MASYARAKAT Dato -Dato, ahli Lembaga NACSCOM, ahli-ahli dari affiliate NACSCOM, wakil media, para hadirin-hadirat, tuan-tuan dan puan-puan yang dihormati sekalian. Terlebih dahulu saya ingin mengucapkan selamat pagi dan salam sejahtera kepada semua para jemputan. Saya juga ingin merakamkan ribuan terima kasih kepada YB SENATOR DATIN PADUKA CHEW MEI FUN, TIMBALAN MENTERI PEMBANGUNAN WANITA, KELUARGA DAN MASYARAKAT atas kesudian beliau untuk merasmikan Mesyuarat Tahunan NACSCOM pada hari ini. Seterusnya izinkan saya memberi ucapan saya dalam Bahasa Inggeris. Ladies & Gentlemen, First of all, I would like to thank YB SENATOR DATIN PADUKA CHEW MEI FUN, DEPUTY MINISTER OF WOMEN, FAMILY & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT for accepting our invitation to officiate at the opening of the NACSCOM 15th Annual General Meeting (AGM) this morning. NACSCOM has celebrated our 25th Anniversary last year. Since its inception in 1990, we have come a long way to become the voice of senior citizens in Malaysia. We have a total of 37 affiliates throughout Malaysia with a total membership close to 20,000. Working closely with the affiliates, NACSCOM is actively involved in promoting the rights and welfare of senior citizens community in Malaysia. Ladies and Gentlemen, Malaysia is a rapidly ageing society. At this moment, we have 8% of the population above the age of 60. It is estimated that by 2030, we will be an ageing society with 15% of the population above the age of 60. Are we prepared for this change in demography? The main objective of NACSCOM is to promote the rights and welfare of the senior citizens in Malaysia. We are really concerned on our preparedness for an ageing society in 2030. What are the main issues? First on the list is financial security. In Malaysia, older persons are very much dependent on family support. Of course, we have a large group of retirees who received pensions from the Government. There is another group who have contributed to EPF and received a lump sum upon retirement from work. But there is a third and much bigger group of older persons who have no fixed income and are very much dependent on the support of the family, the community and the Government. Ladies and Gentlemen, Very unfortunately, the family unit is slowly breaking down. We have aged parents who are abandoned by their children, urban and rural poor who have no dependents, and many other older persons who are being neglected by the family or the community. NACSCOM felt that it is the responsibility of the Government and civil society to ensure that all older persons are taken care of in their old age years. In other words, NO SENIOR CITIZENS SHOULD BE LEFT BEHIND in our socio-economic development. In this aspect, NACSCOM will like to recommend that a Senior Citizens Affairs Department be set up under the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development, or KPWKM in Bahasa, to look into the social welfare and financial security of senior citizens in Malaysia. There is another issue of health and medical care of the aged. We must admit that at this moment, Government do provide the basic health and medical care to all population groups. But we feel that senior citizens need special consideration in their medical treatments and health care. We would like to propose that the Government set up a specialist group to study and look into medical and health care of the aged, especially those who require special or long term care. The rights of the senior citizens must also be protected. Older persons must be treated with respect and dignity. They should be given equal opportunity in all aspects of society, including welfare and other social services, job opportunity, etc. The Government should support the UN Convention on the Rights of Older Persons. Ladies and Gentlemen, NACSCOM has been very active in engaging senior citizens in various activities to promote a healthy state of mind and body. We are happy that many senior citizens are actively taking part in various programmes organised by NACSCOM and our affiliates. NACSCOM will also be actively promoting Lifelong Learning in senior citizens community in line with the government s policy on Productive and Healthy Ageing. In this aspect, we will need Government support to provide us with financial grants and other support for us to implement various Lifelong Learning programmes. Last, but not least, I would like to record my sincere appreciation to the Affiliates, members of NACSCOM Council, the NACSCOM Secretariat staff for working closely together with me to make NACSCOM the voice of senior citizens in Malaysia and in achieving our objective of serving our senior citizens community in Malaysia. I hope that our Affiliates and also the corporate sector and the general public will give us strong support to raise fund, especially for our NACSCOM Old Folks Home in Setapak, Kuala Lumpur. Our utmost gratitude and since appreciation goes to the Deputy Minister, YB SENATOR DATIN PADUKA CHEW MEI FUN, for your staunch support of NACSCOM. We shall work closely with your Minister to promote the welfare and rights of senior citizens in Malaysia. Thank You. Datuk Dr Soon Ting Kueh President, NACSCOM 7 th May 2016 August 2016 SENIOR VOICE 7

REPORT ON THE NACSCOM 15 TH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING REPORT ON THE NATIONAL COUNCIL OF SENIOR CITIZENS ORGANISATIONS MALAYSIA [NACSCOM] 15 TH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING [AGM] HELP ON 7 TH MAY 2016 AT 9.30AM AT ANCASA HOTEL & SPA, JALAN TUN TAN CHENG LOCK, 50786 KUALA LUMPUR Reported by: Mr. Soon Boon Keng The National Council of Senior Citizens Organisations Malaysia [NACSCOM] held its 15 th Annual General Meeting [AGM] on 7 th May 2016 at 9.30am at Ancasa Hotel & Spa, Jalan Tun Tan Cheng Lock, 50786, Kuala Lumpur. A total of 75 people, comprising 63 delegates from 25 affiliates, 9 observers and 3 Council members attended the meeting. The Minutes of the 14 th AGM held on 7 th May 2016 were presented and since there were no questions being raised, it was adopted on the proposal by Mr. Wee Beng Khim and seconded by Mr. Hai Ah Hong. In the President s address, Datuk Dr. Soon Ting Kueh welcomed and thanked all delegates, observers and Council members for making their efforts to attend the Annual General Meeting. He pointed out that Malaysia is a rapidly ageing society and thus NACSCOM has to play an active role to promote the rights and welfare of all senior citizens. He stressed on the various issues and challenges facing the senior citizens such as financial security, health and medical cares, social and welfare services, etc,. He announced that Y.B. Senator Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun, Deputy Minister, Women, Family and Community Development had earlier at officiating the opening of the AGM, pledged a grant of RM5,000.00 to NACSCOM. 8 SENIOR VOICE August 2016

REPORT ON THE NACSCOM 15 TH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The Honorary Treasurer, Madam Janette Yap Poh Lin presented the Audited Statement of Account for the year ended 31 st December 2015 and it was adopted after being proposed by Mr. Sunny Yap Koon Fong and seconded by Mr. K.M.Nambiar. To ensure a transparent and fair election of new office bearers for 2016-2018, it was agreed that non-contesting members be appointed to conduct the election. Mr. K.M.Nambiar was appointed as Election Chairman and he was assisted by Mr. Soon Boon Keng, Mr. Leo Leslie Armstrong, Dr. Ng Kok Han and Mr. Daniel Ng Chai Weng to conduct and supervise the election by secret ballot. Finally after a careful and detailed counting and checking, the Chairman of the Election Panel announced the results of the election as follows:- In his closing remark, Datuk Dr. Soon extended his appreciation and gratitude to all delegates who had shown confidence in him as President to lead the organization. He conveyed his appreciation and thanks to all past Council Members who had contributed towards the progress of the Organization. The President stressed that with the new incoming team, he hoped that they would work as a team to turn NACSCOM into a progressive organization championing the welfare of senior citizens in Malaysia. President Deputy President Vice Presidents Hon.Sec.General Hon.Asst.Sec-Gen Hon. Treasurer Hon.Asst.Treasurer Council Members Datuk Dr. Soon Ting Kueh Dato V. Thannimalai Datuk William Chai Mr. Hai Ah Hong Mr. Jimmy Ng Thau Syn Encik Azlan bin Hussain Mr. David Tan Sing Leong Prof.Datin Dr.Zuriati Zakaria Md. Koo Yuan Jo Md. Janette Yap Poh Lin Md.Jennifer Ho Koon Yik Mr. Sunny Yap Koon Fong Mr. Henry Khoo Taw Yong Mr. Yong Kun Sang Mr. Wee Beng Khim Mr. Wong Pau Leong Md. Lim Kuen Kuen Mr. Yang Chor Leong Mr. Ng Koon Kow Mr. K.Sivaprakasam August 2016 SENIOR VOICE 9

NACSCOM ACTIVITIES NACSCOM GOLDEN VOICE CHOIR ACTIVITIES 2016 Celebrating NACSCOM Golden Voice 7 th Anniversary cum Singing Evaluation on 26 th April 2016 The Singing Evaluation is an annual event. This year, there were about 35 participants for the Singing Evaluation which was held at one of the karaoke studios in Petaling Jaya. A buffet lunch was also held at the same time to celebrate the Golden Voice Choir 7 th Anniversary. NACSCOM President, Datuk Dr. Soon Ting Kueh concluded the celebration by presenting a song at the end of the singing evaluation. 马来西亚全国乐龄组织总会金嗓子合唱团在今年 (2016) 已经迈入第七个年头了, 本团为了庆祝七周年团庆, 在 4 月 26 日举行了一项常年活动 : 独唱回报评估 这项活动提供了一个平台, 让团员们把平时努力所学到的成果呈现出来, 在团员之间互相观摩和分享, 使自身不断得到提升 该项 独唱汇报评估 是租用八打灵一间环境舒适, 音响设备齐全的卡拉 OK 中心举行, 并邀请本团指导陈艳薇老师作评审 合唱团很荣幸邀请了总会长拿督孙镇信博士出席, 给予了团员最大的鼓舞和支持, 在众人热情要求下, 总会长献唱了一首 另一种乡愁, 使听者大饱耳福 过后, 进行了一项切蛋糕仪式, 并享用美味丰盛的自由餐, 众人在欢乐的气氛下共渡一个美好的下午 10 SENIOR VOICE August 2016

NACSCOM ACTIVITIES Friendly Interaction with Phoenix singers on 31 st May 2016 NACSCOM Golden Voice Choir was invited to join the Phoenix Singers for a friendly interaction. This includes group singing and solo performances by both group leaders. The Choir teachers, Professor Ian Lim Kean Seng and Miss Chan gave some comments on the performances. This was followed by a Tea Party giving members an opportunity to meet and exchange views. 与凤凰歌者合唱团的歌唱交流会 2 016 年 5 月 31 日本团很荣幸获得凤凰歌者合唱团 (PHOENIXSINGER) 之邀, 在八打灵槟华校友会会所进行了一项歌唱交流会 活动开始先由凤凰歌者合唱团王宝珠团长和本团何君仪团长致词, 之后双方团队以抽签方式轮流上台, 本团由何君仪团长独唱一首意大利歌剧选曲 : Ombra Mai Fu, 合唱团则呈献了五首曲子, 包括日本歌曲 Hana, 德文歌曲 Heiden Roslein, 英文歌曲 Cielito Lindo, 意大利歌曲 归来吧 和中文歌曲 斑鸠调 凤凰歌者合唱团指导林建成教授在点评中也大大的赞赏本团, 给予本团极大的鼓励 两团团员过后在欢乐轻松的气氛下共享茶点, 同时交流彼此学习歌唱的心得, 友谊的种子肯定也茁壮成长了 本团预告活动 1. 2016 年九月 11 日参加 第二十二届欢乐之声交流会 这是一项大型的合唱交流演出, 将有 26 个合唱团体参与 2. 2016 年 11 月 25 日至 29 日将会飞赴沙巴参与世界乐龄日庆典活动, 并呈献演唱节目 招生 : 众所周知, 歌唱有益身心健康, 除了自娱提升外, 也可把欢乐带给他人, 更可作为演出, 为社会贡献正能量 本团随时欢迎对歌唱有兴趣的乐龄人士加入这个大家庭, 共同发扬歌唱艺术, 一同学习, 一同享受中晚年的美好时光 练习时间 : 每星期二 2pm - 4pm 练习地点 : NACSCOM 会所 August 2016 SENIOR VOICE 11

AFFILIATES ACTIVITIES 亚庇长青文康乐龄协会 (KOAT) 丙申年新春联欢舞会晚宴主 (21/2/2016) 吴道鑫鼓励银发族携手展示存在价值 ( 本报亚庇二十二日讯 ) 亚庇长青文康乐龄协会丙申年 2016 新春联欢舞会晚宴大会主席吴道鑫, 鼓励乐龄同仁们要更加团结, 携手同心, 把会务日益强大, 展示长者存在的意义, 让国家与社会聆听他们的心声和诉求, 在我国步入老人社会之际, 未雨绸缪, 为老人设备做出健全和妥善的计划, 这是长青的心愿, 也是马来西亚银发族的新年宏愿 他是于昨晚假亚庇兴旺海鲜楼举行的亚庇长青文康乐龄协会丙申年 2016 新 春联欢舞会晚宴时, 如此致词表示 他指出, 在新的一年, 人们会有很多期许和祈望, 如新思维, 新希望, 新突破, 而他是期盼长青同仁们, 同心合力, 团结一致, 迎向新的挑战和展望, 为长者们创造一个更美好的未来 他说, 也难得可贵的有 30 位曾经与 1988 年在打里卜圣彼得中学一起求学的同窗, 在分别 20 多年后, 该晚是第一次与他重逢, 使他心里充满万分喜悦, 也希望同学们能把 尊师重道 关爱长者 的美德永远传承下去, 以 厚道载物 渊源长流 他指出, 该会是以爱心社会和平博爱为前提, 以服务长者为先, 所走之路坎坷漫长, 在成立 20 余年里, 一直得到大家的支持和认可, 才有今天的成就 他补充, 乐龄人士被忽略的弱群, 有维护他们的福利和尊严? 大家是有目共睹, 所以他们必须自立, 自强, 寻找生命真谛, 学习自我认同, 找出生命的意义 庇商会与长青文康乐协合作缔造和谐温馨社会 ( 亚庇三十日讯 ) 亚庇中华工商总会会长拿督雷远生表示, 要进一步加强与深化亚庇中华工商总会与亚庇长青文康乐龄协会之间的密切关系, 一起为社会, 为国家做出贡献, 缔造一个和谐, 温馨及充满爱心的社会 他说, 从已故永久名誉会长拿督斯里邦里玛陈友仁局绅开始, 已经建立非常密切的关系, 尤其是这几年两会也一起合作联办一些活动, 包括医药健康讲座会, 让两会的会员获益不浅 他希望这种合作伙伴的关系, 继续延续及发扬 拿督雷远生是出席亚庇长青文康乐龄协会新加玻合悦团交流会受邀致词时这么表示 他热烈欢迎远道而来的 星加玻 2011 年黄金年华总冠军 合悦团主席黄业强, 团长谢玉兰率领二十名团员莅临 风下之乡 沙巴交流访问 他希望在交流访问期间, 团员多抽空进行观光活动以及品尝本地的美食, 尽情到处游览, 毕竟沙巴风景秀丽, 多元种族和多元文化, 更是一个特色 拿督雷远生在致词时指出, 亚庇长青文康乐龄协会在自己拥有的永久会所里, 提供给会员参与的活动与学习项目, 其中包括桌球 乒乓 乐队 合唱团 舞蹈 甚至空手道等活动 他认为这是极为重要的, 尤其是提供给会员一个场地平台, 让人生进入乐龄阶段的会员, 快乐学习与参与 乐龄人士可以通过这些活动自我调整时间与身心, 用心学习去做一件让人感觉到开心, 自己也获益不少的事 其实跟着大家做平凡无奇的事, 也会显得非常有意义及获得心灵上的喜悦 为自己的人生创造更多的彩虹, 并以真诚一致的决心追寻人生的快乐与幸福, 让自己获得更加充实及有意义, 也使自己心灵更富足 年龄其实在我们的人生中并不是关键的大问题, 最重要要走出那约束的框框, 让自己活得灿烂, 开心与快乐 12 SENIOR VOICE August 2016


AFFILIATES ACTIVITIES KLANG SENIOR CITIZENS CLUB / 巴生乐龄公民俱乐部 Board Of Directors 2015-2017 年度理事左起坐 : 潘淑英, 何堂武, 胡金坤, 黄金枝, 庄木成, 杨细妹, 严崇光, 拿督庄秀春, 陈盛亮, 周翠红左起后 : 苏娇莲, 黄月英, 张贵国, 周金华, 萧玉玲 Club Activities Weekly Line Dance Sessions Klang Senior Citizens Club No.24, Jalan Dato Dollah, off Persiaran Raja Muda Musa, 41100, Klang, Selangor Notice Madam Lee Swee Eng is 100 years old and is the oldest member in the club. She is generous and approachable and she visit the club every Tuesday morning. Monthly Members Birthday Celebration AFFILIATES ACTIVITIES SUNGAI PETANI SENIOR CITIZENS ASSOCIATION Raya Muhibbah Get Together SP Senior Citizens Association celebrated Hari Raya Puasa with High Tea and a Health Talk at 3.00 p.m. on Saturday, 16 th July 2016 at SP Inn, Jalan Kolam Air, Sungai Petani, Kedah. Day Centre of The Aged The Management of SP Senior Citizens Association is seriously considering starting a centre for the aged in Sungai Petani for the senior citizens. They have nowhere to go and nobody to talk to at home. Their family members are too busy with their work and other commitments. Their children could drop them at this centre in the morning when they go to work and pick them up in the evening after work. Their parents can mingle with those of their age group, read newspapers or engage in indoor games to kill their time. Thus, we are looking for a suitable property with ample space for such a centre. Should there be such a suitable place in the vicinity, kindly inform the President of SP Senior Citizens Association. 14 SENIOR VOICE August 2016

AFFILIATES ACTIVITIES SSCA PJ President Encik Azlan chairing the SSCA PJ Annual General Meeting The AGM happily ended with sumptous food for everyone. Very good attendance. President Encik Azlan Hussain & Secretary Sum Lai Sung, handing out the goodies bag to guests. All dressed for the occasion, GONG XI FA CAI August 2016 SENIOR VOICE 15

AFFILIATES ACTIVITIES SCCSJ KEBUN KOMUNITI USJ 6-Subang Jaya / SCCSJ GREEN FINGERS Did you know many of our SCCSJ members have green fingers and green thumbs? The Club was very privileged when the USJ6 Residents Association donated 2 plots of farm land at the Kebun Komuniti USJ6 Project to SCCSJ in March 2016 for our green fingers to do farming. The joint project will help develop the relationship and cooperation between members and the community at large. The SCCSJ Green Fingers team of 10 farmers immediately tilled the barren land, put in the black soil and fertilizer, and planted various varieties of vegetables and also papaya trees. The vegetable seeds were donated by MPSJ and by a member. Many came forward as volunteers to water and weed the plants. The attached photos show the transformation of the farm land from barren soil to land filled with luscious vegetables, ready for harvesting. We look forward to the official launch of this Kebun Komuniti USJ 6/6D by YB Hannah Yeoh at the end of August 2016. All are welcome to the launch. SCCSJ-Subang Jaya USJ6-Subang Jaya 垦植园规划 你是否知道梳邦再也乐龄俱乐部的会员有多少人有 青手指 吗? USJ6 居民协会在 2016 年 3 月通过 社区垦植园计划 授予梳邦再也乐龄俱乐部两块地让会员栽种瓜果蔬菜 这项联合计划将拉近及建立俱乐部会员与社区居民的友情及合作关系 本俱乐部的 10 位 农夫 立即在这荒地开始耕种, 铺上黑泥土, 肥料, 同时栽种各类蔬菜及木瓜树 菜籽乃由市议会及一名会员捐送 多人义务前来浇水及清除杂草 照片显示这片耕地已由荒地变成青葱的菜园, 就将收成了 我们期望 USJ6/6D 的这片垦植园将在 8 月底由 YB 杨巧双主持开幕 欢迎大家出席开幕礼 SCCSJ - Subang Jaya 16 SENIOR VOICE August 2016

PRESIDENT Datuk Dr. Soon Ting Kueh Tel : 03-7732 5096 H/P : 012-287 2842 DEPUTY PRESIDENT Dato V. Thannimalai H/P : 012-431 7049 VICE PRESIDENT Datuk William Chai H/P : 012-833 7865 Mr. Hai Ah Hong H/P : 012-287 8299 Mr. Jimmy Ng Thau Syn H/P : 016-841 7188 Encik Azlan Hussain H/P : 019-381 1381 Mr. David Tan Sing Leong H/P: 012-671 2039 HON. SECRETARY GENERAL Prof. Datin Dr Zuriati Zakaria H/P : 013-326 9908 HON. ASST. SECRETARY GENERAL Mdm. Koo Yuan Jo H/P : 016-804 0828 HON. TREASURER Mdm. Janette Yap Poh Lin H/P : 012-325 0522 HON. ASST TREASURER Mdm. Jennifer Ho Koon Yik H/P : 012-383 1355 COMMITTEE MEMBERS Mr. Henry Khoo Taw Yong Mr. Wee Beng Khim Mr. Ng Koon Kow Mr. Sunny Yap Koon Fong Mr. Yong Kun Sang Mr. Wong Pau Leong Mr. Yang Chor Leong Mr. K. Sivaprakasam Mdm. Cindy Lim Kuen Kuen Mdm. Ivy Foo Yuk Lean Mr. Soon Boon Keng Mr. Leo Leslie Armstrong PATRON Y.A.Bhg Tun Dr Ling Liong Sik ADVISOR Y. Bhg Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye LEGAL ADVISOR Mr. S. Radhakrishnan Tel: 03-20272727

PRESIDENT Datuk Dr. Soon Ting Kueh Tel : 03-7732 5096 H/P : 012-287 2842 DEPUTY PRESIDENT Dato V. Thannimalai H/P : 012-431 7049 VICE PRESIDENT Datuk William Chai H/P : 012-833 7865 Mr. Hai Ah Hong H/P : 012-287 8299 Mr. Jimmy Ng Thau Syn H/P : 016-841 7188 Encik Azlan Hussain H/P : 019-381 1381 Mr. David Tan Sing Leong H/P: 012-671 2039 HON. SECRETARY GENERAL Prof. Datin Dr Zuriati Zakaria H/P : 013-326 9908 HON. ASST. SECRETARY GENERAL Mdm. Koo Yuan Jo H/P : 016-804 0828 HON. TREASURER Mdm. Janette Yap Poh Lin H/P : 012-325 0522 HON. ASST TREASURER Mdm. Jennifer Ho Koon Yik H/P : 012-383 1355 COMMITTEE MEMBERS Mr. Henry Khoo Taw Yong Mr. Wee Beng Khim Mr. Ng Koon Kow Mr. Sunny Yap Koon Fong Mr. Yong Kun Sang Mr. Wong Pau Leong Mr. Yang Chor Leong Mr. K. Sivaprakasam Mdm. Cindy Lim Kuen Kuen Mdm. Ivy Foo Yuk Lean Mr. Soon Boon Keng Mr. Leo Leslie Armstrong PATRON Y.A.Bhg Tun Dr Ling Liong Sik ADVISOR Y. Bhg Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye LEGAL ADVISOR Mr. S. Radhakrishnan Tel: 03-20272727

30 th August 2016 Dear friends, APPEAL FOR DONATION TO HELP THE ELDERLY POOR In conjunction with Chinese New Year 2017 The National Council of Senior Citizens Organisations Malaysia (NACSCOM) is a non-profit federation of senior citizens organizations established on 14 th July 1990. We have 39 affiliates throughout Malaysia with a total membership of close to 20,000 members. We are the voice of the senior citizens in Malaysia and we are represented in the National Senior Citizens Advisory and Consultative Council under the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development. We are also affiliated to HelpAge International, a global network of non-profit organizations working for the disadvantage older persons. Currently NACSCOM manages an Old Folks Home located in Setapak whereby we provide free food and shelter for the elderly poor who are without any dependent or were abandoned by their families. We need about RM150,000 a year to finance the Home. We source our funds from government grant, donation from the generous and kind-hearted public as well as organizing fund-raising activities. We have set up 3 Day Centres for Senior Citizens in Damansara Jaya, Subang Jaya and Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. The senior citizens now have a place to spend their leisure time productively and actively. NACSCOM helps the poor, lonely and abandoned elderly irrespectively of race, religion or cultural background. In this context, we wish to appeal to you for generous donation to help the underprivileged. NACSCOM s overall annual expenditure is about RM250,000 and we are dependent on public funding. Your kind donation, whether big or small, will be very much appreciated. Tax exempt receipt will be issued for your donation. Wishing you a very Happy and Prosperous Chinese New Year 2017. Thank you very much. Yours sincerely, Datuk Dr. Soon Ting Kueh President, NACSCOM Donations to NACSCOM are tax exempted through our reference no. LHDN.01/35/42/51/179-6.4934)

敬致热心慈善的社会人士, 2017 春节爱心捐款 马来西亚乐龄组织总会是一个全国性非盈利的长者社团, 於一九九零年七月十四日正式成立 本会目前在全国各地拥有 39 个团体, 会员共计两万人, 我们是扮演着马来西亚乐龄人士的喉舌亦是政府妇女, 家庭及社会发展部属下咨询委员会的代表, 我们也是国际扶老机构 (HelpAge International) 为弱势老人群体谋福利机构 目前, 本总会拥有及管理一间位於吉隆坡文良港的老人院, 为不幸而遭遗弃的老人 免费为他们提供宿食, 每年本总会需要 RM150,000.00 的经费以维持这间老人院, 经费的来源除了政府的拨款, 还需要向外募捐 本总会也在下列的地方, 成立活动中心场地 1) Damansara Jaya 2) Subang Jaya 3) Kota Kinabalu 故会员们可以利用上述的活动中心以进行更有意义的心身活动以消磨他们悠闲时间 本总会在不分种族 宗教或文化背景下, 为贫穷 无依及遗弃的老人提出缓助 在迎接春节到来的同时, 希望得到你们的鼎力支持, 能筹募达到 RM250,000.00 的筹款以应付本总会的全年开消 你的捐款, 无论多寡, 本总会将会为你的捐款寄上免税收据, 以示证明, 感谢万分 並祝新年吉祥, 万事如意 Cheque/Banker s cheque/postal Order made payable to National Council of Senior Citizens Organisations Malaysia or NACSCOM 1. Name of Donor 2. Name of Company 3. Address Donation/Reply Slip 4. Cheque No. 5. Telephone No. 6. E-mail Please reply to:- Send to: National Council of Senior Citizens Organisations Malaysia (NACSCOM) No. 30, Jalan SS22/2, Damansara Jaya, 47400 Petaling Jaya, Selangor D.E. Tel : 03-7732 5096 Fax : 03-7722 3346 E-mail : Websites : Please email your bank slip to us for issuance of tax exempt receipt if you opt for direct banking. NACSCOM MAYBANK Account No. 514271-616149

PRESIDENT Datuk Dr. Soon Ting Kueh Tel : 03-7732 5096 H/P : 012-287 2842 DEPUTY PRESIDENT Dato V. Thannimalai H/P : 012-431 7049 VICE PRESIDENT Datuk William Chai H/P : 012-833 7865 Mr. Hai Ah Hong H/P : 012-287 8299 Mr. Jimmy Ng Thau Syn H/P : 016-841 7188 Encik Azlan Hussain H/P : 019-381 1381 Mr. David Tan Sing Leong H/P: 012-671 2039 HON. SECRETARY GENERAL Prof. Datin Dr Zuriati Zakaria H/P : 013-326 9908 HON. ASST. SECRETARY GENERAL Mdm. Koo Yuan Jo H/P : 016-804 0828 HON. TREASURER Mdm Janette Yap Poh Lin H/P : 012-325 0522 HON. ASST TREASURER Mdm. Jennifer Ho Koon Yik H/P : 012-383 1355 COMMITTEE MEMBERS Mr. Henry Khoo Taw Yong Mr. Wee Beng Khim Mr. Ng Koon Kow Mr. Sunny Yap Koon Fong Mr. Yong Kun Sang Mr. Wong Pau Leong Mr. Yang Chor Leong Mr. K. Sivaprakasam Mdm. Cindy Lim Kuen Kuen Mdm Ivy Foo Yuk Lean Mr. Leo Leslie Armstrong Mr. Soon Boon Keng PATRON Y.A.Bhg Tun Dr Ling Liong Sik ADVISOR Y. Bhg Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye LEGAL ADVISOR Mr. S. Radhakrishnan Tel: 03-20272727 LEGAL ADVISOR Mr. S. Radhakrishnan Tel: 03-20272727 08thth October October 2016 07

PRESIDENT Datuk Dr. Soon Ting Kueh Tel : 03-7732 5096 H/P : 012-287 2842 敬致热心慈善的社会人士, 08 th October 2016 DEPUTY PRESIDENT Dato V. Thannimalai H/P : 012-431 7049 VICE PRESIDENT Datuk William Chai H/P : 012-833 7865 Mr. Hai Ah Hong H/P : 012-287 8299 Mr. Jimmy Ng Thau Syn H/P : 016-841 7188 Encik Azlan Hussain H/P : 019-381 1381 Mr. David Tan Sing Leong H/P: 012-671 2039 HON. SECRETARY GENERAL Prof. Datin Dr Zuriati Zakaria H/P : 013-326 9908 HON. ASST. SECRETARY GENERAL Mdm. Koo Yuan Jo H/P : 016-804 0828 HON. TREASURER Mdm Janette Yap Poh Lin H/P : 012-325 0522 HON. ASST TREASURER Mdm. Jennifer Ho Koon Yik H/P : 012-383 1355 COMMITTEE MEMBERS Mr. Henry Khoo Taw Yong Mr. Wee Beng Khim Mr. Ng Koon Kow Mr. Sunny Yap Koon Fong Mr. Yong Kun Sang Mr. Wong Pau Leong Mr. Yang Chor Leong Mr. K. Sivaprakasam Mdm. Cindy Lim Kuen Kuen Mdm Ivy Foo Yuk Lean Mr. Leo Leslie Armstrong Mr. Soon Boon Keng PATRON Y.A.Bhg Tun Dr Ling Liong Sik ADVISOR Y. Bhg Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye LEGAL ADVISOR Mr. S. Radhakrishnan Tel: 03-20272727 LEGAL ADVISOR Mr. S. Radhakrishnan Tel: 03-20272727 马来西亚全国乐龄组织总会 (NACSOM) 將於 2016 年 12 月 11 日 ( 星期日 ) 下午 5.00 时至晚上 11.00 时联合巴生乐龄公民俱乐部, 巴生快乐乐龄协会, 沙登南芸星歌坊一齐假巴生乐龄公民俱乐部为马来西亚全国乐龄组织总会所设在文良港之黄金之家举办一项卡拉 ok 歌唱赛既公益筹款晚宴 素迎台端热心公益, 关爱长者, 特涵恭请台端为该赛会及晚宴之剪彩嘉宾, 期望赐允, 是所为盼 剪彩之乐捐款项分为 4 组 : 1) RM300 至 RM500 以下之乐捐者 - 将获得普通枱餐劵一张 2) RM500 至 RM1000 以下之乐捐者 - 将获得普通枱餐劵两张 3) RM1000 之乐捐者 - 将获得贵宾枱 (VIP) 餐劵三张 4) RM3000 之乐捐者 - 将获得十张贵宾 (VIP) 餐劵 ( 一桌 VIP 枱 ) 恭请把回条填好连同乐捐款项 ( 支票或现金 ) 於 2016 年 11 月 30 日前交回本会秘书处 台端之热诚垂顾 本会全体同仁将会永远铭记於心 致此颂祝前途似锦 马来西亚全国乐龄组织总会会长拿督孙镇信博士谨启 我 / 我们... 愿意成为剪彩人乐捐款项如下 1) RM300 至 RM500 以下之乐捐者 [ ] 2) RM500 至 RM1000 以下之乐捐者 [ ] 3) RM1000 之乐捐者 [ ] 4) RM3000 之乐捐者 [ ] 兹付上现金 RM... / 支票号码 :... RM... 签名 :... 日期 :...

NACSCOM HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI SOCIAL NIGHT PARTY ORGANIZED BY NACSCOM ACTIVITY COMMITTEE ON 23TH JULY 2016 Some of NACSCOM Activities Committee members were invited by Mr Logan of YMCA to Buka Puasa Dinner with heart patients at Institute Jantung Negara, KL on 29th June 2016 Post after dinner. Group photo of the Activities Committee members President Datuk Soon presenting a prize to Winner of a game Visit up the Young Heart patient in the wad HEALTHY INFO ZONE Healthy Aging, Happy Aging By Diana Rodriguez Reviewed by Pat F. Bass, III, MD, MPH While maintaining your physical health is important to healthy aging, it s also key to value the experience and maturity you gain with advancing years. Practicing healthy habits throughout your life is ideal, but it s never too late reap the benefits of taking good care of yourself, even as you get older. Here are some healthy aging tips that are good advice at any stage of life: Stay physically active with regular exercise. Stay socially active with friends and family and within your community. Eat a healthy, well-balanced diet dump the junk food in favor of fiber-rich, low-fat, and low-cholesterol eating. Don t neglect yourself: Regular check-ups with your doctor, dentist, and optometrist are even more important now. Take all medications as directed by your doctor. Limit alcohol consumption and cut out smoking. Get the sleep that your body needs. Finally, taking care of your physical self is vital, but it s important that you tend to your emotional health as well. Reap the rewards of your long life, and enjoy each and every day. Now is the time to savor good health and happiness. August 2016 SENIOR VOICE 23