02 Senior Pastor s Message We often think, church is about me. How church can please or satisfy me. The church is the body of Christ. It is called to

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Associate Pastor s Message 017 150

02 Senior Pastor s Message We often think, church is about me. How church can please or satisfy me. The church is the body of Christ. It is called to be the light and the salt of the earth and to fulfill the Great Commission. Its uniqueness is for members to be equipped so as to reach out and touch its neighbours, city, nation and beyond. The church cannot be self-centred. It is vital for the church to be spiritual and practical in its ministry. This balance is needful if we are to be effective in doing God s work. There must be a balance of faith and works. The problem today is we tend to go into extremes. One extreme is to be extremely spiritual, so much so we are heavenly minded and not of earthly perfect? (James 2:22). That is why obeying or works are very important when we say we have faith. For instance, you say, I don t have to study but have faith that God will help me in my examinations. This is not faith. This is being extreme and presumptuous and you are deceiving other side of doing what is natural. Everything has to be logical and make sense. As the saying goes, Seeing is believing! What is not reasonable or explainable, you will not accept or do. The Bible says, For we walk by faith, not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7). For since, in The church is to reach out and touch its neighbours, community, nation and beyond. good. Such people are difficult to live with. They also have a wrong concept of faith. For them, faith is just believing while God does all the work! The Bible says, Was not Abraham our father justified by works when he offered Isaac his son on the altar? (James 2:21). Abraham offered his only son Isaac on the altar, even though he believed God promised him to be the father of many nations. Let us also be obedient to give our offerings willingly, meaningfully and cheerfully as the Bible teaches. The Bible says, Do you see that faith was working together with his works, and by works faith was made yourself. It is not that God has no power to help you but James says, faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead (James 2:17). It is a testimony how God honoured our faith in the building of Calvary Convention Centre. We did not have all the answers nor resources, but we did what God wanted us to do and had faith for God to do what we cannot do. The wonderful thing about faith is we do what we can and God will do what we cannot. Today, CCC is a completed project. Our obedience or works testify of our faith in God. The other extreme is to say we don t have to be so spiritual and swing to the the wisdom of God, the world through wisdom did not know God, it pleased God through the foolishness of the message preached to save those who believe (1 Corinthians 1:21). The Bible also says, Let no one deceive himself. If anyone among you seems to be wise in this age, let him become a fool that he may become wise. For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He catches the wise in their own craftiness (1 Corinthians 3:18-19). Let us perfect our faith with works. The Bible gives an account of how the early Church was a blessing to the outsiders, who are not believers. Now

Calvary Associate News Pastor s 2013 July Message Issue 03 The Mission of the Church By Senior Pastor Prince Guneratnam Peter and John went up together to the temple at the hour of prayer, the ninth hour. And a certain man lame from his mother s womb was carried, whom they laid daily at the gate of the temple which is called Beautiful, to ask alms from those who entered the temple; who, seeing Peter and John about to go into the temple, asked for alms (Acts 3:1-4). Let us note the following: Firstly, the Bible did not name the lame man (a certain lame man, lame from his birth). He represents the masses, who are outside the church. The Bible says, For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). Sin has separated us from God, the source of life. Therefore sin has crippled us in many ways. He was at a beautiful place but he was lame. We can have good things and bad things happen to us. He had limitations that affected his potential. In the same way, we have potential but our sinful state permits satan to kill, steal and destroy what we have and can become. It paid off for the lame man to be in the right place (the gate of the temple Beautiful), at the right time (time of prayer) and with the right people (met up with Peter and John). You need to respect the prayer times set by Church and meet with people of faith who glorify God. He came expecting to receive. We must have this attitude of expecting to receive. You need to expect when you act in faith. When you come to Church expecting nothing, don t be surprised you received nothing. God and the Holy Spirit is looking for hearts that are expecting in faith. The preaching of the Word is to encourage faith, so your needs can be met. The lame man was outside the temple Beautiful. There are many outside the church. The mission of the church is to bring them inside. The church is not for entertaining nor to baby sit the believer but for discipleship to bring in the lost and hurting. If we do that, God will do His part to perform His miracles. How the lame man got into the Temple Beautiful? Continuing the Biblical account, And fixing his eyes on him, with John, Peter said, Look at us. So he gave them his attention, expecting to receive something from them. Then Peter said, Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk. And he took him by the right hand and lifted him up, and immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength. So he, leaping up, stood and walked and entered the temple with them walking, leaping, and praising God (Acts 3:4-8). We learnt that: There was human cooperation. Peter and John said, Look at us. Unity and respect in the body of Christ paves the way for God s power to work. The lame man was expecting something material but Peter and John gave something far more valuable. They gave Jesus. Silver and gold cannot meet all your needs. Giving Jesus will both save the lost and meet the human need. Partner with Jesus, He will work through you, to do what you cannot do (supernatural). Faith and works is needed for miracles to happen. It was the faith of Peter and John and the willingness of the lame man to leap and walk that made him experience a miracle of healing. Many of us receive a miracle from God but go back to where we were. But this man entered the temple, praising God. Real faith has evidence. The lame man was walking, jumping and praising God, expressing his faith in God. The Bible says, And all the people saw him walking and praising God. Then they knew that it was he who sat begging alms at the Beautiful Gate of the temple; and they were filled with wonder and amazement at what had happened to him. Now as the lame man who was healed held on to Peter and John, all the people ran together to them in the porch which is called Solomon s, greatly amazed (Acts 3: 9-11). Do you know Jesus as your Lord and Saviour? Today, you can believe in Him and experience a miracle of salvation and healing, whatever your need might be! The Church is the body of Christ, commissioned to go out and be His witnesses in all the world. The Bible says, But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth (Acts 1:8). You are empowered to fulfill God s mission. + All Bible quotations are in New King James Version.

04 Operation Senior Pastor s Saturation Message 2 Calvary Church Partnered with 15 Million Christians on Global Outreach Day on 25 May 2013 By Catheryn ong Calvary Church, in fulfilling its vision to be an evangelistic and missionsminded church, partnered with 15 million Christians worldwide on 25 May 2013 for Global Outreach Day. Jessie says, Before I set out, I prayed that God will bring people and opportunities for me to share the Gospel and for God to take away my fear of sharing to strangers. Praise God, I had opportunity to share the gospel with 5 persons, out of which 3 accepted Christ! Stepping Up and Stepping Out in Momentum on One Single Day! More Than 10,000 Homes Reached! Calvary Church mobilised more than 1,000 Calvarites to be a witness on that day, wherever they were, working together alongside our brothers and sisters around the globe to impact the world for Christ. More than 400 Calvarites reached out to the community at OUG and Bandar Kinrara with leaflets and evangelistic tracts, and shared the gospel. Calvarites showed greater boldness and enthusiasm to evangelize. Samuel testifies, After being encouraged by the fruit of the OS2, I was so excited that I shared with a guy while waiting for bus and praise God, while we were in the bus talking, he said the Salvation Prayer and invited Jesus into his heart! Church, let us continue to be a witness, sharing the gospel in word and in deed. We don t labour for God s love; we labour in response to His already demonstrated love. Evangelistic tracts are available at the counter let us continue reaching out to our communities! In the coming months, the Life Groups will be reaching out at OUG and Bandar Kinrara through organising community services and special programs to meet the needs of the people. If you are keen to be a witness, come join the LGs by calling us at 03-20944912 or email to pascare@calvary.org.my! +

Calvary Associate News Pastor s 2013 July Message Issue 05 Clockwise from top left: Senior Pastor exhorting Calvarites on reaching out; Registration counter for all participants; Youths packing tracting materials; Praying two by two before setting out; Youth witnessing on the street; Witnessing to youths ; Sharing in the mall

06 Deacons Senior Pastor s Installation Message Senior Pastor praying for the Deacons with the congregation From left: Stephen Liu, Helen Read, Puan Chen Keck, Ngeow Zoo Gin, Bernadette Foo, Chow Sang Hoe & David Peter 2013 DEACONS INSTALLATION The ministry of Deacons is to provide practical and spiritual supervision of the Church. Once again God declared Himself faithful at our Stewardship Day on 23 May 2013 at the Damansara Heights sanctuary. His blessings were evident as we heard reports of the church experiencing growth, financial miracles and being able to occupy the completed building of Calvary Convention Centre. The good attendance that evening spoke of unity, ownership and love for the church. We were able to successfully accomplish all that was planned. We also confirmed our deacons for the coming year. Bernadette Foo, David Peter, Helen Read and Ngeow Zoo Gin were returned to serve another two-year term as deacons, joining the other three deacons, Chow Sang Hoe, Stephen Liu and Puan Chen Keck. On Sunday, 26 May, the deacons were introduced to the congregation at Calvary Convention Centre and installed to their positions of responsibility. Senior Pastor Prince Guneratnam exhorted and charged them with biblical principles of leadership from Romans 12:6-8, 1 Corinthians 4:1-2 and Colossians 3:15-17. The seven deacons indicated their willingness to accept these responsibilities by pledging to serve God and the church after which Senior Pastor led in prayer for them together with the Church Elder and Associate Pastors. The congregation was then reminded by Senior Pastor that they are responsible to support the deacons and to make every provision for the effectiveness of their work. This would ensure that we would all come in the unity of faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ (Eph. 4:13). The installation concluded with the Deacons joining in prayer with our Senior Pastors, Associate Pastors and Church Elder for the congregation. + Portfolios of the Board of Deacons Church Secretary DAVID PETER Church Treasurer & Human Resource CHOW SANG HOE Church Membership &Church Relations BERNADETTE FOO Church Administrative Affairs NGEOW ZOO GIN Church Business PUAN CHEN KECK Church Publicity & Communications HELEN READ Church Hospitality & Special Functions STEPHEN LIU

Associate Pastor s Food Message Fest 07 [ ] FATHER S DAY FOOD FEST SPECTACULAR By Esther Wong Calvarties streaming out of the Calvary Convention Centre (CCC) sanctuary after Father s Day service on 16 June 2013 were met with a welcome sight of all the food and gifts stalls set up at the CCC Foyer and Plaza. The Plaza underwent a simple makeover with balloons to give a festive ambience. Families sat with their fathers and friends enjoying a lovely meal at tables set up specially for the Father s Day Food Fest. A good variety of food and drinks were offered, ranging from local favourites such as nasi lemak and popiah to foreign fares such as Vietnamese baguettes and spaghetti bolognese. The Dimensions Tuesday ladies played an active role in setting up six of the stalls offering home cooked food like rendang chicken, nasi briyani, vinegar pig trotters, pasta and porridge. Gifts items for sale included cakes, handmade soaps made by CCFILS (Calvary Centre for Independent Living Skills) and transparent paper weights with a 3D laser-etched image of the CCC in it. This wonderful CCC souvenir was specially made available by the CCC Dedication Celebration Committee. Clockwise from top: Calvarites fellowshipping at Plaza; Two dads enjoying a light hearted moment; A father having a meal with his family; A dad with two ties made by his kids; Dads buying cakes for their families Young fathers were seen walking around with oversized cardboard ties around their necks, made by their children in the Carpenter s Workshop (CW). They made a delightful sight as they walked with their children, hand in hand, wearing the ties. Praise and thank God for a good response to the Father s Day Food Fest. After being blessed in the service, the Calvary family and friends took advantage to fellowship over refreshments at our spacious Plaza at CCC. +

08 Father s Senior Pastor s Day Message [ RESPONDING TO Fathers and all Calvarites inspired to take Father s Day at Calvary Convention Centre (CCC) auditorium on 16 June 2013 was special in many ways. Check out its first time scores! First Father s Day celebration at CCC! First foreign guest speaker preaching at CCC! First time Alpha Life Groups performing at CCC for Father s Day! And many fathers who are potential believers visiting CCC for the first time, being brought by Calvarites. All fathers present were warmly acknowledged and welcomed by Senior Pastor Prince Guneratnam who prayed a prayer of blessing for them. Each father also received a momento to remind them of this special Father s Day service. Dr. Robert Lim from Singapore preached on the importance of Responding to Responsibility. Calvarites were challenged to take up our responsibilities and impact our children and children s children. We were encouraged to follow the example of Jesus who fulfilled His responsibility to His best ability. The Bible says, So when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, It is finished! And bowing His head, He gave up His spirit (John 19:30). Jesus released and maximized his potential for the task God sent Him for. Down-to-earth and good humoured Pastor Robert also shared powerful testimonies to inspire us to chase after our dreams. He pointed out that every time we hesitate to do something that has the potential to change the world, we are robbing the future generations of it. Senior Pastor Prince Guneratnam ministered during the altar call and many responded for prayers. He reminded us that the Father s Day message was not just for fathers but for all.

Calvary Associate News Pastor s 2013 July Message Issue 09 RESPONSIBILITY] up our responsibilities to make impact! By Esther Wong We were much blessed throughout the service. The finale was a hip-hop dance & song presentation dedicated to fathers by about 100 teens from Alpha Life Groups (aged 12-14). And after service there was time for fellowshipping among family, friends and fellow Calvarites at the Food Fest. + Clockwise from top far left: Senior Pastor ministering during altar call; (Middle top to bottom) Senior Pastor, a father & a grandpa receiving a Father s Day momento respectively; Pastor Robert Lim preaching; Well attended service; Energetic finale of dance & song presentation by Alpha LGs

010 Senior Tributes Pastor s Fathers Message Associate Pastor David Seah with daughter Natalie My dad is caring and funny. He takes care of my needs and tells me funny jokes. I enjoy swimming and playing games with him. The best lessons I learnt from dad is discipline in waking up early, cleaning my room and learning to be independent. - Natalie Seah Hon Woei Loon with son Sir Neng My dad is funny, very strict sometimes and loving at all times. I love dad for serving God and the fact that he was close to getting first Dan in Taekwando. I enjoy joking alongside with him over the dining table. He always reminds me, Don t just complete your work, but complete it with your best effort. - Hon Sir Neng [ INSTILLING VAL FATHERLY LOVE Hear from Calvary Church Carpenter s Workshop (CW) children, te and see the impact of fat S.Kanesan with son Joshua Reubendra Every one who knows my dad tells me he is quiet and a nice guy. He is actually very strict and strong, both physically and mentally. When I was growing up, I admired his academic prowess and now I marvel at his perseverance he is still working and serving the Lord. I enjoy playing sports with my dad. He has countless trophies from his younger days in sports. I am learning discipline and diligence from my dad s example. - Joshua Reubendra Tan Boon Seng with son Joshua My dad is patient, caring and thoughtful. Every morning without fail, he makes each of us a drink. I am inspired by his faithfulness in all his Church ministry involvement for as long as I can remember. - Joshua Tan

Associate Pastor s Message Calvary News 2013 July Issue 011 Park Dong Jin with son Joshua My father is patient and always put his family first. What I love most about my dad is that he can always lighten up my mood when I m upset. He always encourages me to spend my time wisely, to think smart when working out problems and most importantly, to pray. - Joshua Park Amani Mayage with daughter Margaret & sons Mark & Matthew (the younger boy) Our dad is kind and smart. He helps us in our studies and gives us a quiz in our subjects so we understand better. We enjoy studying with dad and going to Church as a family. The best lessons we learnt from him is to be obedient and take care of our spiritual nature. - Margaret & Mark Mayage UES THROUGH AND GUIDANCE ] ens and young working adults on their relationship with their dads therly love and guidance. Ngeow Zoo Gin with sons Jonathan, Samuel & David Our dad is soft-spoken and quiet-mannered. But what comes out loud and clear to us is his love for us, his family. We enjoy going on road trips with him. Each time we go on family holiday trips, the good old excitement with dad is there. Our dad is a shining example to us of what it means to live a life of faith, responsibility, moderation and to be a good man. - Samuel, Jonathan & David Ngeow Sam Kurian with daughters Leah & Hannah (left) Our dad is so significant in our life. He is very kind, loving, fun and yet strict. He taught us important life lessons, to fear God and be the best we could be. We spend quality time playing and teasing each other. We guess we can never really put in writing how cool our dad is despite all his flaws. What we will always love about him is his love for God, his compassion, courage and determination. - Leah & Hannah Samuel

012 Mesej Senior Pendita Pastor s Bersekutu Message Misi Gereja Oleh Pendita Kanan Prince Guneratnam Lalu ia memegang tangan kanan orang itu dan membantu dia berdiri. Seketika itu juga kuatlah kaki dan mata kaki orang itu. Ia melonjak berdiri lalu berjalan kian ke mari dan mengikuti mereka ke dalam Bait Tuhan, berjalan dan melompat-lompat serta memuji Tuhan (Kisah Para Rasul 3:7-8). Kita sering berfikir, gereja adalah tentang saya. Bagaimana boleh gereja membuat saya girang atau memuaskan hati saya. Gereja ialah tubuh Kristus. Ia dipanggil untuk menjadi terang dan garam dunia dan memenuhi Amanat Agung. Keunikannya adalah untuk memperlengkapkan jemaat bagi memenuhi mereka yang bukan jemaat. Gereja adalah untuk mendekati dan menjamah orang di sekeliling kita, masyarakat, negara dan seterusnya. Apabila gereja berpusat pada diri sendiri, ia tidak memenuhi kehendak dan tujuan Tuhan untuk Gereja. Ia adalah penting bagi gereja untuk menjadi rohani dan praktikal dalam pelayanan mereka. Keseimbangan ini diperlukan jika kita mahu menjadi berkesan dalam melakukan pekerjaan Tuhan. Mesti ada keseimbangan dalam iman dan perbuatan. Masalahnya hari ini ialah kita cenderung ke arah yang ekstrem atau melampau. Satu ekstrem adalah sangat ekstrem dalam rohani, sehingga kita berfikiran surgawi dan bukannya hal duniawi. Orang seperti ini sukar untuk berbicara. Mereka juga mempunyai konsep yang salah tentang iman. Bagi mereka, iman hanya mempercayai sementara Tuhan melakukan semua kerja! Alkitab mengatakan, Bukankah Abraham, bapa kita, dibenarkan karena perbuatan-perbuatannya, ketika ia mempersembah-kan Ishak, anaknya, di atas mezbah? (Yakobus 2:21). Abraham menawarkan Ishak anak yang satu sahaja di atas mezbah, apabila Tuhan bertanya kepadanya. Marilah kita juga taat untuk memberikan pemberian kita secara sukarela, bermakna dan girang. Alkitab mengatakan, Kamu lihat, bahwa iman bekerjasama dengan perbuatanperbuatan dan oleh perbuatanperbuatan itu iman menjadi sempurna (Yakobus 2:22). Itulah sebabnya melakukan atau mentaati adalah amat penting apabila kamu mengatakan kamu memiliki iman. Sebagai contoh, kamu berkata, Saya tidak perlu belajar tetapi mempunyai kepercayaan bahawa Tuhan akan membantu saya dalam peperiksaan saya. Ini bukan iman. Ini sudah melampau atau angkuh dan kamu menipu diri sendiri. Ia tidak bermakna bahawa Tuhan tidak mempunyai kuasa untuk membantu kamu tetapi Yakobus berkata,..jika iman itu tidak disertai perbuatan, maka iman itu pada hakekatnya adalah mati (Yakobus 2:17). Ia adalah bukti bagaimana Tuhan memuliakan iman kita di dalam pembinaan Pusat Konvensyen Calvary. Kita tidak mempunyai semua jawapan atau sumber, tetapi yang kita lakukan ialah apa yang Tuhan mahu kita lakukan dan beriman kepada Tuhan untuk melakukan apa yang kita tidak mampu lakukan dan menyediakan keperluan kita. Perkara yang menarik mengenai iman ialah kita melakukan apa yang kita mampu manakala Tuhan akan melakukan apa yang kita tidak mampu lakukan. Hari ini, CCC adalah projek yang telah selesai. Ekstrem yang lagi satu adalah untuk mengatakan bahawa kita tidak perlu menjadi begitu rohani dan beralih ke sisi lain melakukan apa yang semula jadi. Segala-galanya mesti logik dan masuk akal. Seperti kata pepatah, Melihat adalah mempercayai! Apa yang tidak munasabah atau sukar dijelaskan, tidak akan diterima atau dilakukan. Alkitab mengatakan, sebab hidup kami ini adalah hidup karena percaya, bukan karena melihat (2 Korintus 5:7). Oleh karena dunia, dalam hikmat Tuhan, tidak mengenal Tuhan oleh hikmatnya, maka Tuhan berkenan menyelamatkan mereka yang percaya oleh kebodohan pemberitaan Injil (1 Korintus 1:21). Alkitab juga berkata, Janganlah ada orang yang menipu dirinya sendiri. Jika ada di antara kamu yang menyangka dirinya berhikmat menurut dunia ini, biarlah ia menjadi bodoh, supaya ia berhikmat. Karena hikmat dunia ini adalah kebodohan bagi Tuhan. Sebab ada tertulis: Ia yang menangkap orang berhikmat dalam kecerdikannya (1 Korintus 3:18-19). Marilah kita menyempurnakan iman kita dengan perbuatan. Alkitab memberikan perihal bagaimana Gereja awal adalah satu rahmat kepada

Calvary Associate News Pastor s 2013 July Message Issue 013 bukan jemaat atau kepada orang lain. Pada suatu hari menjelang waktu sembahyang, yaitu pukul tiga petang, naiklah Petrus dan Yohanes ke Bait Tuhan. Di situ ada seorang laki-laki, yang lumpuh sejak lahirnya sehingga ia harus diusung. Tiap-tiap hari orang itu diletakkan dekat pintu gerbang Bait Tuhan, yang bernama Gerbang Indah, untuk meminta sedekah kepada orang yang masuk ke dalam Bait Tuhan. Ketika orang itu melihat, bahwa Petrus dan Yohanes hendak masuk ke Bait Tuhan, ia meminta sedekah. Mereka menatap dia dan Petrus berkata: Lihatlah kepada kami (Kisah Para Rasul 3:1-4). Mari kita perhatikan yang berikut: Pertama, Alkitab tidak menamakan orang lumpuh (seorang lelaki tempang tertentu, lumpuh dari kelahirannya). Dia mewakili orang ramai hari ini. Alkitab mengatakan, Karena semua orang telah berbuat dosa dan telah kehilangan kemuliaan Tuhan (Roma 3:23). Dosa kita memisahkan kita daripada Tuhan, sumber kehidupan. Oleh itu dosa telah melumpuhkan kita dalam pelbagai cara. Dia berada di tempat yang indah tetapi dia lumpuh. Kita boleh mempunyai perkara-perkara yang baik namun perkara-perkara buruk berlaku kepada kita. Dia mempunyai keterbatasan yang menjejaskan potensi. Dengan cara yang sama, kita mempunyai potensi tetapi keadaan kita yang berdosa membenarkan syaitan untuk membunuh, mencuri dan memusnahkan apa yang kita ada dan boleh menjadi. Ia berhasil untuk lelaki lumpuh berada di tempat yang betul (Gerbang Indah), pada masa yang tepat (masa berdoa) dan dengan orang yang tepat (bertemu dengan Petrus dan Yohanes). Kamu juga perlu menghormati waktu berdoa yang ditetapkan oleh Gereja dan bertemu dengan orang-orang yang beriman yang memuliakan Tuhan. Dia datang berharap untuk menerima. Kita mesti mempunyai sikap menantinantikan sesuatu untuk menerima. Kamu perlu menanti-nantikan apabila kamu bertindak dalam iman. Apabila kamu datang ke Gereja dengan tidak menanti-nanti, jangan terkejut jika kamu tidak menerima apa-apa. Tuhan dan Roh Kudus sedang mencari hati yang menanti-nantikan dalam iman. Penyampaian Firman Tuhan adalah untuk mendorong iman percaya, supaya keperluan kamu dipenuhi. Orang yang lumpuh berada di luar Bait Indah. Terdapat ramai berada di luar gereja. Misi gereja adalah untuk membawa mereka berada di dalam. Gereja ini bukan untuk menghiburkan mahupun menjaga kristian seperti bayi tetapi untuk memuridkan supaya membawa mereka yang hilang dan terluka. Jika kita berbuat demikian, Tuhan akan melakukan bahagian-nya untuk melakukan mukjizat-nya. Bagaimana manusia yang lumpuh masuk ke bait yang indah? Meneruskan perihal alkitab, Mereka menatap dia dan Petrus berkata: Lihatlah kepada kami. Lalu orang itu menatap mereka dengan harapan akan mendapat sesuatu dari mereka. Tetapi Petrus berkata: Emas dan perak tidak ada padaku, tetapi apa yang kupunyai, kuberikan kepadamu: Demi nama Yesus Kristus, orang Nazaret itu, berjalanlah! Lalu ia memegang tangan kanan orang itu dan membantu dia berdiri. Seketika itu juga kuatlah kaki dan mata kaki orang itu. Ia melonjak berdiri lalu berjalan kian ke mari dan mengikuti mereka ke dalam Bait Tuhan, berjalan dan melompat-lompat serta memuji Tuhan (Kisah Para Rasul 3:4-8). Kita belajar bahawa: Terdapat kerjasama manusia. Petrus dan Yohanes berkata, Lihatlah pada kami. Kesatuan dan menghormati dalam tubuh Kristus membuka jalan bagi kuasa Tuhan untuk bekerja. Orang yang lumpuh mengharapkan sesuatu tetapi Petrus dan Yohanes memberikan sesuatu yang jauh lebih berharga. Mereka memberi Yesus. Perak dan emas tidak dapat memenuhi semua keperluan kamu. Memberi Yesus dapat menyelamatkan kedua-duanya iaitu yang hilang dan memenuhi keperluan manusia. Bekerjasama dengan Yesus, Dia akan bekerja melalui kamu, untuk melakukan apa yang kamu tidak mampu lakukan. Iman dan perbuatan yang diperlukan untuk mujizat berlaku. Ia adalah iman Petrus dan Yohanes dan kesanggupan orang yang tempang untuk melompat dan berjalan yang menjadikan dia mengalami mujizat kesembuhan. Ramai di antara kita menerima mujizat dari Tuhan tetapi kembali kepada di mana kita berada. Tetapi lelaki ini memasuki bait, memuji Tuhan. Iman sebenar mempunyai bukti. Orang lumpuh sedang berjalan, melompat dan memuji Tuhan, menyatakan imannya kepada Tuhan. Alkitab mengatakan, Seluruh rakyat itu melihat dia berjalan sambil memuji Tuhan, lalu mereka mengenal dia sebagai orang yang biasanya duduk meminta sedekah di Gerbang Indah Bait Tuhan, sehingga mereka takjub dan tercengang tentang apa yang telah terjadi padanya. Karena orang itu tetap mengikuti Petrus dan Yohanes, maka seluruh orang banyak yang sangat keheranan itu datang mengerumuni mereka di serambi yang disebut Serambi Salomo (Kisah Para Rasul 3: 9-11). Adakah kamu tahu Yesus sebagai Tuhan dan Penyelamat kamu? Hari ini, kamu boleh percaya kepada-nya dan mengalami mujizat keselamatan dan kesembuhan, apapun keperluan kamu! Gereja adalah tubuh Kristus, diamanatkan untuk keluar dan menjadi saksi-nya di seluruh dunia. Alkitab mengatakan, Tetapi kamu akan menerima kuasa, kalau Roh Kudus turun ke atas kamu, dan kamu akan menjadi saksi-ku di Yerusalem dan di seluruh Yudea dan Samaria dan sampai ke ujung bumi (Kisah Para Rasul 1:8). Kamu diberi kuasa untuk memenuhi misi Tuhan. + Semua ayat Al-kitab ialah daripada Al-Kitab Terjemahan Baru.

014 主任牧师的信息 Mesej Senior Pendita Pastor s Bersekutu Message 文 : 古纳南主任牧师 于是拉着他的右手, 扶他起来 ; 他的脚文和踝子骨立刻健壮了 : 古纳南主任牧师, 就跳起来, 站着, 又行走, 同他们进了殿, 走着, 跳着, 赞美神 ( 徒 3:7-8) 们经常认为, 教会是关于我 教会如何能使我满意或者满足我 教会是基督的身体 她被召是要作光和作地上的盐并完成大使命 她的独特性是使会友得到装备, 以照顾非会友 教会是要向外扩展去触及她的邻居, 社区, 国家和更远的地方 当教会以自我为中心时, 她不能履行神给教会的旨意和目的 教会在其事工上是属灵和实际是极其重要 如果我们要有效执行神的工作, 这种平衡是不可或缺的 信心和行为必须有一个平衡 今天的问题是, 我们往往走向极端 一个极端是非常属灵, 以至于我们 拥有属天的心思, 却无利于人间 这样的人是很难与他交谈 他们对信心也有一种错误的概念 对他们来说, 信心只是相信, 而神会做所有的工作! 圣经上说 : 我们的祖宗亚伯拉罕把他儿子以撒献在坛上, 岂不是因行为称义吗? ( 雅 2:21) 当神吩咐他时, 亚伯拉罕献上了他唯一的儿子以撒在坛上 让我们也顺服, 并甘心, 有意义和乐意地献上我们的奉献 圣经上说 : 可见, 信心是与他的行为并行, 而且信心因着行为才得成全 ( 雅 2:22) 这就是为什么当你说你有信心时, 行为或顺服是很重要 例如, 你说, 我不用读书, 但有信心在我考试时神会帮助我 这不是信心 这是极端的或自以为是, 你是在欺骗自己 不是神没有能力帮助你, 但雅各说 :... 信心若没有行为就是死的 ( 雅 2:17) 加略山会议中心的建筑是神如何看重我们的信心的一个见证 我们没有一切的答案, 也没有资源, 但我们做了神要我们去做的事, 并相信神会做我们不能做的事及供给我们的需要 关于信心的奇妙是我们做我们能做的事, 神就会做我们不能做的 今天,CCC 是一个完成的工程 另一个极端是认为我们不必如此的属灵而摆到另一个极端, 去做自然的事 一切都必须合乎逻辑和合理 常言道, 眼见为实! 不合理或不能解释的事, 你不会接受或去做 圣经上说 : 因我们行事为人是凭着信心, 不是凭着眼见 ( 林后 5:7) 世人凭自己的智慧, 既不认识神, 神就乐意用人所当作愚拙的道理拯救那些信的人 ; 这就是神的智慧了 ( 林前 1:21) 圣经上说 : 人不可自欺 你们中间若有人在这世界自以为有智慧, 倒不如变作愚拙, 好成为有智慧的 因这世界的智慧, 在神看是愚拙 如经上记着说 : 主叫有智慧的, 中了自己的诡计 ( 林前 3:18-19) 让我们以行为来 成全我们的信心 圣经有一个记载关于早期教会如何成为非会友或他人的祝福 申初祷告的时候, 彼得 约翰上圣殿去 有一个人, 生来是瘸腿的, 天天被人抬来, 放在殿的一个门口 ( 那门名叫美门 ), 要求进殿的人周济 他看见彼得 约翰将要进殿, 就求他们周济 彼得 约翰定睛看他 ; 彼得说 : 你看我们! ( 徒 3:1-4) 让我们注意以下几点 : 首先, 圣经没有提到瘸腿的人的名字 ( 有一个人, 生来是瘸腿的 ) 他代表今天的群众 圣经上说 : 因为世人都犯了罪, 亏缺了神的荣耀 ( 罗 3:23) 罪把我们与神, 生命之源头隔绝 因此, 罪在许多方面使我们瘫痪 他是在一个叫美门的地方, 但他是一个瘸腿的人 我们会有好和不好的事情发生在我们身上 他有缺陷而影响了他的潜在能力 同样的, 我们有潜在能力, 但是我们有罪的状况允许撒旦来杀害, 偷窃, 和毁坏我们有的和能成为的人 那瘸腿的人, 因在对的地方 ( 在圣殿的美门口 ), 在对的时间 ( 祷告的时间 ), 并和合适的人一起 ( 遇到了彼得和约翰 ) 而得到回报 你需要尊重教会所定的祈祷时间, 并与有信心和荣耀神的人相聚 他来到期待领受 我们必须有这样期待领受的态度 当你靠信心行事时, 你需要期待 当你来教会而没有期待的心, 不要惊讶你什么也没有得到 神和圣灵正在寻找有信心期待的心 神话语的宣讲是要鼓励信心, 以致你的需求可以得到满足 瘸腿的人在圣殿外的美门口 有许多人在教会外面 教会的使命是去带他们进来 教会不是为娱乐信徒, 也不是当信徒的保姆, 而是为造就门徒去把失丧和受伤的人带进来 如果我们这样做, 神将动工行祂的神迹 瘸腿的人如何进入圣殿美门? 圣经继续记载 : 彼得 约翰定睛看他 ; 彼得说 : 你看我们! 那人就留意看他们, 指望得着什么 彼得说 : 金银我都没有, 只把我所有的给你 : 我奉拿撒勒人耶稣基督的名, 叫你起来行走! 于是拉着他的右手, 扶他起来 ; 他的脚和踝子骨立刻健壮了, 就跳起来, 站着, 又行走, 同他们进了殿, 走着, 跳着, 赞美神 ( 徒 3:4-8) 我们得知 : 有人的合作 彼得和约翰说 : 你看我们 基督身体的合一和尊重铺平了道路让神的能力工作 瘸腿的人在期待着得到一些物质的帮助, 但彼得和约翰施给他更有价值的东西 他们给他耶稣 银和黄金不能满足你的所有需求 分享耶稣能拯救失丧的灵魂和满足人类的需要 与耶稣合作, 祂会通过你工作, 做你不能做的事 ( 超自然 ) 神迹的发生需要信心和行为 这是彼得和约翰的信心, 和瘸腿的人愿意跳跃和行走, 使他经历了一个治愈的神迹 我们中间有许多人从神得到一个神迹, 但却回去我们以前的地方 但是, 这人进入了圣殿, 赞美神 真正的信心是有明显的证据 瘸腿的人能行走, 跳跃和赞美神, 表达了他对神的信心 圣经上说 : 百姓都看见他行走, 赞美神 ; 认得他是那素常坐在殿的美门口求周济的, 就因他所遇着的事满心希奇 惊讶 那人正在称为所罗门的廊下, 拉着彼得 约翰 ; 众百姓一齐跑到他们那里, 很觉希奇 ( 徒 3:9-11) 你是否认识耶稣为你的主和救主? 今天, 你可以相信祂和经历救恩和医治的神迹, 无论你的需求是什么! 教会是基督的身体, 任命出去在世上各地作祂的见证人 圣经上说 : 但圣灵降临在你们身上, 你们就必得着能力, 并要在耶路撒冷 犹太全地, 和撒马利亚, 直到地极, 作我的见证 ( 徒 1:8) 你被授权去完成神的使命 + 以上经文是采用中文圣经和合本 中文团契 ( 七月份 ) 主题 : 让我们靠圣灵行事 ( 弗 5:11-20) 讲员 : 翁有富牧师日期 :28-7-13( 日 ) 时间 : 早上十一点半地点 :CCC, 一楼,6 号课室 ( 敬备茶点招待 ) 申请浸礼及会籍 v 浸礼及会籍课程日期 :7-9-13( 六 ) 时间 : 下午一点 v 浸礼聚会日期 :7-9-13( 六 ) 时间 : 下午五点地点 : 加略山教会 ( 大堂 ) v 报名截止日期 :28-7-13

Calvary Associate News Pastor s 2013 Announcement April Message Issue 015 JULY 2013 SERVICE SCHEDULE Chinese FELLOWSHIP 28 JULY (SUNDAY) 11.30AM Speaker : Associate Pastor Timothy Ong Topic : Let Us Walk In the Spirit (Eph 5:11-20) Venue : CCC Level 1, Room 05 Refreshments will be served. BAHASA MALAYSIA FELLOWSHIP 28 JULY (SUNDAY) 11.30AM Speaker : Associate Pastor David Seah Topic : Fulfilment At Work (Kepuasan Dalam Pekerjaan) Venue : Level B1 Institutional Block, CCC WATER BAPTISM & MEMBERSHIP CLASS 7 September 2013 Saturday 1.00pm at Damansara Heights WATER BAPTISM & MEMBERSHIP CLASS DamAnsara Heights Saturday 5.00pm CCC DAY Rev Rick Seaward Dr Amos Yong JULY 20 calvary convention centre Sunday 9.00am JULY 6 JULY 7 Senior Pastor Prince Guneratnam CCC DAY Rev Rick Seaward Senior Pastor Prince Guneratnam Holy Communion Holy Communion JULY 13 JULY 14 Dr Amos Yong JULY 21 7 September 2013 Saturday 5.00 pm at Damansara Heights WATER BAPTISM SERVICE Closing date: 28 July 2013 Associate Pastor Steven Kum JULY 27 Senior Associate Pastor Petrina Guneratnam JULY 28

016 Senior Water Baptism Pastor s Message BAPTISED IN WATER Praise the Lord for the 17 Calvarites who followed the Lord in water baptism on 8 June 2013 at the 5pm worship service at Damansara Heights. If you have not been water baptised yet, do not miss the next water baptism on 7 September 2013. Water Baptism & Membership Forms available at Hospitality Lounge & Information Counter. Front Row (Left to right) Nicholas Tan Win Kit, Alisa Jan Chin Sze Ann, Alison Tee Hui Ping, Riya Anne, Cheyenne Yeung Yeu-Yeynn, Dhiren Ryan a/l Ramesh Ramanathan, Ang Yoke Loo, Joanne Yee Sork Fern, Nicholas Lai Juun Meng Back Row (Left to right) Yeung Yeu-Mynn, Yeung Yeu-Gynn, Zoey Tan Hui Ying, Tan Hsu Mei, Amy Lau Yit Mee, Gabriel Lazarus Dams, Nathanel Jariev Pinto, Lai Kham Loong