What is the Spirit Trail NORTH SHORE CITY OF NORTH VANCOUVER S Mosquito Creek Park Mahon Park Whytecliff Park Dundarave Village Horseshoe Bay Village

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Welcome Spirit Trail Open House SUNRISE PARK TO LYNNMOUTH PARK FEBRUARY 2016 1

What is the Spirit Trail NORTH SHORE CITY OF NORTH VANCOUVER S Mosquito Creek Park Mahon Park Whytecliff Park Dundarave Village Horseshoe Bay Village West Vancouver Civic Centre HSB Ferry Terminal Park Royal Mall Lighthouse Park Waterfront Park Lonsdale Quay Deep Cove Village Cates Park / Whey-ah-Wichen Tsleil-Waututh Nation Ambleside Town Centre Ambleside Park Lions Gate Bridge Capilano River Regional Park Versatile Shipyards Maplewood Conservation Area Option 1 (to be confirmed) SeaBus Terminal Option 1 Option 2 (to be confirmed) King's Mill Park Option 2 Lower Mackay Creek Park Maplewood Farm Second Narrows Bridge Park and Tilford Mall What is the Spirit Trail? A 4m wide separated asphalt path Fully accessible for all ages and abilities Multi-use (both pedestrians and cyclists) Waterfront oriented from Horseshoe Bay to Deep Cove Connects North Shore major trail systems and open spaces F EBR UA RY 2016 2

Proposed Alignment 䠀䔀 夀 䔀䔀 吀刀 䐀匀 伀 圀伀 吀 匀唀一刀䤀匀䔀 倀䄀刀䬀 䔀䄀匀吀 㔀吀䠀 匀吀刀䔀䔀吀 匀唀一刀䤀匀䔀 䄀䰀䰀ⴀ圀䔀䄀吀䠀䔀刀 䘀䤀䔀䰀䐀 䔀䄀匀吀 㐀吀䠀 匀吀刀䔀䔀吀 䬀䔀一一䄀刀䐀 䄀嘀䔀一唀䔀 䔀䄀匀吀 㐀吀䠀 匀吀刀䔀䔀吀 䌀一嘀 䐀一嘀 䈀伀唀一䐀䄀刀夀 SUNRISE PARK TO LYNNMOUTH PARK SEC TION 一嘀 䈀伀吀吀䰀䔀 刀䔀吀唀刀一ⴀ䤀吀 䐀䔀倀伀吀 Design Responses - Trail Route Heywood St. to Kennard Ave. The trail generally follows an existing foot path down the slope from Heywood to Kennard. Alternative routes down the slope were examined but dismissed due excessive slopes or disturbance to existing trees. Kennard Ave. to Gladstone Ave. The proposed alignment follows an existing footpath south of the Sunrise All-Weather Field adjacent to East 4th. By positioning the trail on the north side of East 4th a street crossing at Kennard is not required. A normalized intersection layout is proposed at East 4th and Gladstone Ave. creating a safer, simplified cross walk. Park + Tilford Section Planning for the Spirit Trail alignment through the Park+Tilford parking lot is ongoing. Brooksbank to Lynnmouth Park The Spirit Trail crosses Brooksbank Ave. at East 3rd Street where we will install a pedestrian activated traffic signal. The Trail is located on the North side of East 3rd to avoid crossing the busy MEC parking lot entrance and to retain a large tree. Lynnmouth Park The Trail alignment within Lynnmouth Park provides a connection through the park outside the riparian area. F EBR UA RY 2016 3

Sunrise Park 䠀䔀夀圀伀伀䐀匀吀刀䔀䔀吀 匀唀一刀䤀匀䔀倀䄀刀䬀 䔀䄀匀吀㔀吀䠀匀吀刀䔀䔀吀 匀唀一刀䤀匀䔀䄀䰀䰀 ⴀ 圀䔀䄀吀䠀䔀刀䘀䤀䔀䰀䐀 HEYWOOD ST. TO KENNARD AVE. 䬀䔀一一䄀刀䐀䄀嘀䔀一唀䔀 一嘀䈀伀吀吀䰀䔀 刀䔀吀唀刀一 ⴀ 䤀吀䐀䔀倀伀吀 䌀一嘀 䐀一嘀䈀伀唀一䐀䄀刀夀 Opportunities and Constraints Connections An accessible connection for residents to the Park and Tilford area. Accessible slopes Making the path slope accessible in this area is a requirement. Vegetation The Spirit Trail provides an opportunity to replace invasive and weak wooded species with native ones. Section A - A Cycling Path Invasives at Heywood St. FEBRUARY 2016 4

Sunrise Park 䠀䔀夀圀伀伀䐀匀吀刀䔀䔀吀 匀唀一刀䤀匀䔀倀䄀刀䬀 䔀䄀匀吀㔀吀䠀匀吀刀䔀䔀吀 匀唀一刀䤀匀䔀䄀䰀䰀 ⴀ 圀䔀䄀吀䠀䔀刀䘀䤀䔀䰀䐀 EAST 4TH ST. AND GLADSTONE AVE. 䬀䔀一一䄀刀䐀䄀嘀䔀一唀䔀 一嘀䈀伀吀吀䰀䔀 刀䔀吀唀刀一 ⴀ 䤀吀䐀䔀倀伀吀 䌀一嘀 䐀一嘀䈀伀唀一䐀䄀刀夀 Opportunities and Constraints Parking Impacts Angled parking is proposed to create the space required for the Spirit Trail. Although this will lead to the loss of 16 parking stalls a recent parking study indicates this will have limited impact as low occupancy rates were observed during nonevent times. Sunrise Field Gravel Vehicular access to the field will be relocated to the west to improve vehicular circulation and help eliminate gravel migration from the field to the trail. Stormwater The proposed trail is designed to create a swale to detain and infiltrate storm water run-off from the all-weather field. Improved Safety The improved intersection increases visibility making for a safer crossing. Section B - B Sunrise Field Gravel in Road FEBRUARY 2016 5

Lynnmouth Park 䠀䔀夀圀伀伀䐀匀吀刀䔀䔀吀 匀唀一刀䤀匀䔀倀䄀刀䬀 䔀䄀匀吀㔀吀䠀匀吀刀䔀䔀吀 匀唀一刀䤀匀䔀䄀䰀䰀 ⴀ 圀䔀䄀吀䠀䔀刀䘀䤀䔀䰀䐀 BROOKSBANK AVE. AND EAST 3RD ST. 䬀䔀一一䄀刀䐀䄀嘀䔀一唀䔀 一嘀䈀伀吀吀䰀䔀 刀䔀吀唀刀一 ⴀ 䤀吀䐀䔀倀伀吀 MATCH LINE Opportunities and Constraints 䌀一嘀 䐀一嘀䈀伀唀一䐀䄀刀夀 Safety Pedestrian activated traffic signal at East 3rd improves safety during crossings. Pedestrian scale Lighting will be installed for safety while minimizing disturbance to local wildlife. Parking The existing angle parking stalls are changed to parallel stalls to accommodate the trail, eliminating 6 stalls. With increased bylaw enforcement the proposed changes are estimated to have similar parking rates. Habitat Enhancements Decreasing the width of the existing gravel path allows us to restore native plants and remove invasives. Habitat fencing will reduce access to control damage in this zone. Section C - C Exotic Invasive in the Park FEBRUARY 2016 6

Lynnmouth Park 䠀䔀夀圀伀伀䐀匀吀刀䔀䔀吀 匀唀一刀䤀匀䔀倀䄀刀䬀 䔀䄀匀吀㔀吀䠀匀吀刀䔀䔀吀 匀唀一刀䤀匀䔀䄀䰀䰀 ⴀ 圀䔀䄀吀䠀䔀刀䘀䤀䔀䰀䐀 EAST 4TH ST. TO LYNNMOUTH AVE. 䬀䔀一一䄀刀䐀䄀嘀䔀一唀䔀 一嘀䈀伀吀吀䰀䔀 刀䔀吀唀刀一 ⴀ 䤀吀䐀䔀倀伀吀 䌀一嘀 䐀一嘀䈀伀唀一䐀䄀刀夀 Opportunities and Constraints Vegetation An opportunity to remove invasive plants and replace them with native species to improve the park s overall habitat value. MATCH LINE Seating Seating areas are proposed for the entry points to the park at 3rd, 4th and 5th Streets. These areas will create a sense of arrival for park visitors. Lighting Pedestrian scale lighting will provide added safety and security for after dark Spirit Trail users. Section D - D Habitat Fence FEBRUARY 2016 7

Lynn Creek Inter River Park- District of North Vancouver PARKS & USERS Lynn Creek travels through several parks, most of them lay within the District of North Vancouver with Lynnmouth Park being in the City of North Vancouver. The parks host a variety of users mostly in a naturalized environment that provides wildlife habitat. With the introduction of the Spirit Trail to Lynnmouth Park, the City is interested in understanding the current users and how we can safely integrate the Spirit Trail. Safety and ecological health are top priorities for the City. Forested Trails- Passive Park Dogs- Off-leash Lynn Canyon Park Park- District of North Vancouver Forested Trails- Passive Park Dogs- Off-leash SeylynnPark- District of North Vancouver Community Sports Park Dogs - On-Leash Bridgman Park- District of North Vancouver Neighbourhood Passive Park Dogs- On-Leash Lynnmouth Park- City of North Vancouver Neighbourhood Passive Park Dogs-off leash Harbourview Park- District of North Vancouver Community Waterfront Park Dogs-off leash F EBR UA RY 2016 8

Recent Efforts COMMUNITY PROJECTS: IMPROVING THE CORRIDOR AND BEYOND Lynnmouth Stewardship Project A combined effort with MEC & Evergreen resulted in three planting events and fifteen different invasive plant removal events between Jan. 2012 to Nov. 2014. Rivers Day at Lynnmouth Park in September 2012 Approximately 100 volunteers worked to remove invasive plant species and plant native plants and trees. Native Tree Relocation The City of North Vancouver relocated close to forty native conifers that were slated for removal from elsewhere in the city. FEBRUARY 2016 9

Next Steps We will summarize all public comments and feedback Design team will develop conceptual design informed by feedback Public review of conceptual design at second open house Thanks for attending our open house. We look forward to your comments. Watch our website for updates on this exciting project. www. cnv.org/spirittrailsunriseparklynnmouthpark FEBRUARY 2016 10