: /STAT3 25 attenuated by a neutralization antibody against. The inhibition of STAT3 in Saos-2 cells by neutralizing antibody or down-regulated the le

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Chinese Journal of Cell Biology 216, 38(1): 24 31 DOI: 1.11844/cjcb.216.1.286 /STAT3 ( 1,, 332; 2, 336; 3, 336) (interleukin-6, )/STAT3(signal transducer and activator of transcription 3, STAT3), ELISA (human umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cells, huc-mscs) Saos-2-6 Western blot Saos-2 STAT3 p-stat3 RT-PCR PCNA CyclinD1 Survivin STAT3 CCK-8 Saos-2 Transwell Saos-2, huc-mscs Saos-2 ; huc-mscs (conditioned medium, ) STAT3, huc-mscs- ; STAT3, Saos-2 PCNA CyclinD1 Survivin mrna,,, STAT3 ; ; 6; STAT3; ; huc-mscs Promote the Proliferation and Migration of Osteosarcoma Cells through /STAT3 Signaling Hu Wenlong 1,2,3, Yin Changchang 1, Wu Pingping 2, Wu Yahua 1, Wang Lili 1, Ke Xiumei 1 ( 1 Jiujiang Key Laboratory of Translational Medicine, Basic Medical College, Jiujiang University, Jiujiang 332, China; 2 Medicine Graduate School, Nanchang University, Nanchang 336, China; 3 Department of Orthopedics, the Second Affi liated Hospital of Nanchang University, Nanchang 336, China) Abstract This work was aimed to study the effects of /STAT3 signaling on the proliferation and migration of osteosarcoma cells. The expressions of interleukin-6 () in human umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cells (huc-mscs) and Saos-2 cells were assayed by ELISA. The protein levels of STAT3 and p-stat3 in extracts from Saos-2 cells were determined by Western blot. RT-PCR was used to determine the transcription levels of PCNA, CyclinD1, Survivin and STAT3 genes. The proliferation of Saos-2 cells was measured by cytometry and CCK-8 assay, and migration potential by wound-healing assay and Transwell assay. The results demonstrated that the expression of in huc-mscs was obviously higher than that in Saos-2 cells. STAT3 was activated by conditioned medium from huc-mscs (huc-mscs-) and and the activation could be : 215-9-1 : 215-12-15 ( : 2142BBG718) Tel: 792-85778, E-mail: yinchangchang112@163.com Received: September 1, 215 Accepted: December 15, 215 This work was supported by the Foundation of the Science and Technology Planning Project of Jiangxi Province (Grant No.2142BBG718) Corresponding author. Tel: +86-792-85778, E-mail: yinchangchang112@163.com : 216-1-8 14:54:16 URL: http://www.cnki.net/kcms/detail/31.235.q.21618.1454.8.html

: /STAT3 25 attenuated by a neutralization antibody against. The inhibition of STAT3 in Saos-2 cells by neutralizing antibody or down-regulated the levels of mrnas of PCNA, CyclinD1 and Survivin proliferation related genes related to proliferation, decreased cell proliferation and migration. The results proved that STAT3 activation by from huc-mscs might promote the proliferation and migration of osteosarcoma cells in vitro. Keywords umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cells; osteosarcoma; interleukin-6; STAT3; proliferation; migration,,,, [1-3] (human umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cells, huc-mscs),, [4], [5] [6], huc-mscs [7],,, -6(interleukin-6, ) [8],,, [9] α (R) β (gp13) gp13,, 2(janus kinase 2, JAK2)/ 3(signal transducer and activator of transcription 3, STAT3) [1] STAT3 [11], STAT3, [12] Ryu [13], STAT3, p-stat3,, huc- MSCs, huc-mscs JAK2/STAT3 huc-mscs, huc-mscs JAK2/STAT3 1 1.1 5,,, 1.2 α-mem.25% -EDTA Gibco -6(recombinant human interleukin-6, rh) Peprotech Selleckchem.1% STAT3 p-stat3 Cell Signaling Teachnology GAPDH Abcam HiFi-MMLV cdna -8(cell counting kit-8, CCK-8) GREENspin RNA 2 Taq Master Mix 25 cm 2 6 96 Transwell 24 Corning Nikon BioTek 1.3 1.3.1 huc-mscs huc-mscs 1% FBS α-mem huc-mscs, 8%~9%, 3 1 5, huscs CD19 CD29 CD9 CD15

26 1.3.2 huc-mscs (conditioned medium, ) 5 huc-mscs, 5 1 5 /ml, 3 ml T25, α-mem, 24 h, 3 r/min 2 min,.22 μm, 8 C 1.3.3 (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, ELISA) Saos-2 huc-mscs, ELISA Saos-2 huc-mscs 1.3.4 RNA RT-PCR Saos-2 1 1 5 / 6, 6 (1) : ; (2) : 2 μg/l rh ; (3) : 4% huc-mscs- ; (4) : 2 mg/l 4% huc-mscs- ; (5) : 5 μmol/l 4% huc-mscs- ; (6) : 5 μmol/l 24 h, RNA, cdna PCR, 1% RNA PCR β-actin, : PCNA CyclinD1 Survivin STAT3, 1 1.3.5 Western blot STAT3 Saos-2, 8%, 3 min,, BCA SDS-PAGE ( 3~5 μg),, 4 C, 2 h, X-, GAPDH, STAT3 p-stat3 1.3.6 CCK-8 : Saos-2 1 1 4 / 6, 6, 1.3.4, 2 ml, 4, CCK-8 : Saos-2 1 / 96, 6,, 4, 2 μl 6 d 9 d 1, 1 μl CCK-8 37 C 2 h, 45 nm (D) 1.3.7 Transwell Saos-2 6, 8%, 48 h,, α-mem, 1 1 6 /ml 1 μl, 6 μl 1% FBS α-mem, 37 C 12 h 1%, 5 1.3.8 Saos-2 6, 8%, 6, 2 μl,, 37 C 5% CO 2, 24 h 1.4 3, ± Genes β-actin PCNA CyclinD1 Survivin STAT3 1 Table 1 Sequence of primers and product length Sequences of primers Forward: 5 -CGG GAA ATC GTG CGT GAC-3 Reverse: 5 -TGG AAG GTG GAC AGC GAG G-3 Forward: 5 -CGG TTA GAA GGG GTT A-3 Reverse: 5 -GAC GGT CTC GGT GTG T-3 Forward: 5 -GTGCTGCGAAGTGGAAACC-3 Reverse: 5 - ATC CAG GTG GCG ACG ATC T-3 Forward: 5 -AGG ACC ACC GCA TCT CTA CAT-3 Reverse: 5 - AAG TCT GGC TCG TTC TCA GTG-3 Forward: 5 -CCT GAA GCT GAC CCA GGT AG-3 Reverse: 5 -TTC CAA ACT GCA TCA ATG AAT C-3 Product length 443 bp 36 bp 174 bp 118 bp 133 bp

: /STAT3 27 A B C 2 μm D 2 μm 2 μm 2 μm A: huc-mscs 6 d; B: huc-mscs 14 d; C: 1 huc-mscs 2 d; D: 5 huc-mscs 3 d A: huc-mscs at primary cultured for 6 days; B: huc-mscs at primary cultured for 14 days; C: huc-mscs at passage 1 cultured for 2 days; D: huc- MSCs at passage 5 cultured for 3 days. 1 huc-mscs Fig.1 Morphology observation of huc-mscs, SPSS 19., Scheffe,, P<.5 2 2.1 huc-mscs 1~14 d,,,, ( 1), CD29 CD9 CD15(>95%), CD19(.1%), 2.2 huc-mscs- Saos-2 STAT3 p-stat3 2 μg/l rh 4% huc-msc- Saos-2 3 min, p-stat3 STAT3, ELISA, huc- MSCs- (1 84.8±152.2) ng/l, Saos-2 (17.1±22.5) ng/l ( 2), p-stat3, STAT3, JAK2, Saos-2 STAT3, Concentration of (ng/l) 2 1 8 1 6 1 4 1 2 1 8 6 4 2 Saos-2 1.5 1 6 huc-mscs Saos-2 3 ml DMEM 24 h, ELISA n=4, P<.5, Saos-2 1.5 1 6 huc-mscs and Saos-2 cells were grown in 3 ml serum-free DMEM for 24 h, and the level in the supernatant was measured by ELISA. n=4, P<.5 vs Saos-2 cell group. 2 ELISA Saos-2 huc-mscs Fig.2 The expressions of in Saos-2 and huc-mscs detected by ELISA STAT3, (P<.5) STAT3 ( 3) 2.3 STAT3 Saos-2 RT-PCR, PCNA CyclinD1 Survivin, huc-mscs

28 GAPDH β-actin PCNA STAT3 Survivin p-stat3 CyclinD1 Relative proten expression 1.. STAT3 p-stat3 Relative mrna expression. PCNA Survivin CyclinD1 STAT3 STAT3 Western blot Saos-2 3 min STAT3 p-stat3 n=3, P<.5, ; P<.5, ; P<.5, The expressions of STAT3 and p-stat3 protein in the different groups of Saos-2 cells cultured for 3 min were analyzed by Western blot. n=3, P<.5 vs control group; P<.5 vs group; P<.5 vs group. 3 huc-mscs- Saos-2 STAT3 p-stat3 Fig.3 Effects of and huc-mscs- on the expressions of STAT3 and p-stat3 protein in Saos-2 cells Saos-2 24 h, RNA RT-PCR PCNA CyclinD1 Survivin STAT3 mrna n=3, P<.5, ; P<.5, ; P<.5, Total RNA was extracted from different groups of Saos-2 cells cultured for 24 h, and the expressions of PCNA, CyclinD1, Survivin and STAT3 mrna were detected by RT-PCR. n=3, P<.5 vs control group; P<.5 vs group; P<.5 vs group. 4 STAT3 Saos-2 Fig.4 Effects of and STAT3 on the expressions of proliferation related genes in Saos-2 cells (A) Cells/well ( 1 4 ) 15 1 5 (B) D 45 1.5 1..5 6 9 6 9 (A) CCK-8 (B) 6 d 9 d Saos-2 n=4, P<.5, ; P<.5, ; P<.5, The proliferation of Saos-2 cells in different groups were measured at 6 d and 9 d with cytometry (A) and CCK-8 assay (B). n=4, P<.5 vs control group; P<.5 vs group; P<.5 vs group. 5 STAT3 Saos-2 Fig.5 Effects of and STAT3 on the proliferation of Saos-2 cells

: /STAT3 29 (A) (B) 8 Cells/field 6 4 2 (C) A: Saos-2 24 h,, Transwell, 12 h ( =5 μm); B: Transwell ; C: ( =2 μm) n=5, P<.5, ; P<.5, ; P<.5, A: Saos-2 cells in different groups were cultured for 24 h, then cells were suspended in complete medium and plated onto upper chamber of a transwell plate for 12 h. Cells migrated to the undersurface were fixed, stained and counted (Scale bars=5 μm). B: the number of migratory cells. C: woundhealing assay (Scale bars=2 μm). n=5, P<.5 vs control group; P<.5 vs group; P<.5 vs group. 6 STAT3 Saos-2 Fig.6 Effects of and STAT3 on the migration of Saos-2 cells, STAT3 ( 3), Saos-2 PCNA CyclinD1 Survivin mrna, rh, (P<.5) STAT3 24 h, ( 4) 2.4 STAT3 Saos-2 CCK-8, huc-mscs- Saos-2, D Saos-2,, (P<.5)( 5) 2.5 STAT3 Saos-2 2 μg/l rh 4% huc-msc- Saos-2 24 h, (P<.5);,, (P<.5); (P<.5)( 6A 6B), huc-msc- Saos-2,,, Transwell Saos-2 JAK2/ STAT3, huc-msc-,

3 ( 6C) 3 Chang [14],, huc-mscs, Saos-2 1, huc- MSCs, CCK-8 Transwell, huc-mscs- Saos-2,,, huc-mscs, JAK2/STAT3 [1], STAT3, CyclinD1 Survivin Cdc2 Bcl-2 HIF1α Hsp9 VEGF(vascular endothelial growth factor) [15], STAT3 mir-2c, [16], STAT3, huc-mscs- Saos-2 STAT3,, STAT3 huc-mscs-, STAT3, huc-mscs Saos-2 STAT3 ; +anti- p-stat3 huc- MSCs- STAT3 JAK2, STAT3, Lck Lyn Btk Syk Src [17], JAK2/STAT3 [18] STAT3 huc-mscs, STAT3,, huc-mscs, Saos-2 STAT3, STAT3 Bid [19], STAT3 LLL12 (VEGF) -9(matrix metalloproteinase-9, MMP-9) -1(fibroblast growth factor-1, FGF-1), Onimoe [2] LLL12 STAT3,,, huc-mscs- Saos-2 PCNA CyclinD1 Survivin, huc-mscs Saos-2 huc-mscs- Saos-2 ( )STAT3, PCNA CyclinD1 Survivin, huc-mscs STAT3 Saos-2 huc-mscs- STAT3,,, JAK2/STAT3, Saos-2 STAT3, rh STAT3 Saos-2 ; STAT3, Saos-2, JAK2/STAT3 huc-mscs Saos-2, (P>.5),,, Saos-2, +anti-il6 Saos-2, huc-mscs, huc-mscs Saos-2,, JAK2/STAT3 huc-mscs, STAT3

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