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眾 面 前 顯 現 神 蹟 顯 聖 之 處 在 1928 年 建 成 大 教 堂 從 此 教 徒 絡 繹 不 絕 從 各 地 到 來 朝 拜 虔 誠 之 心, 可 見 一 斑 下 午 驅 車 前 往 歐 陸 最 西 端 ~ 大 石 角, 團 友 可 觀 看 風 景 優 美 之 大 西 洋 外, 還

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Abstract Mi-Fu, the master of calligraphy and painting in Song Dynasty, is famous for his unique mist scenery in the Chinese painting world. According

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EUROPE 12Days 9Nights SPAIN & PORTUGAL La Fiesta Iberia Sintra / Lisbon / Seville / Ronda / Granada / Madrid / Toledo / Barcelona VALIDITY: APR 2016 ONWARDS 2016 起出发! HIGHLIGHTS Pena National Palace, Sintra Plaza Del Toros, Ronda Alhambra Palace & Generalife, Granada AVE High Speed Train Experience Extensive Barcelona Tour with include : Park Guell, Sagrada Familia, Casa Mila 03-2143 3939 ENG

ENTRANCES / FEES INCLUDED Pena National Palace, Sintra Jeronimos Monastery, Lisbon Seville Cathedral & Giralda Tower Plaza Del Toros, Ronda Alhambra Palace & Generalife, Granada Santo Tome Church, Toledo Royal Palace, Madrid Park Guell, Barcelona Sagrada Familia, Barcelona Casa Mila, Barcelona AVE High Speed Train - Madrid to Barcelona (2.5hrs) HOTELS ACCOMMODATION Premium tourist class hotels, majority with free wifi (at least at the lobby). 1N Lisbon - Marriott or sml 1N Badajoz - NH. Gran Casino or sml 1N Seville - Melia Lebreros or sml 1N Costa del Sol - Sol Hotel/Melia or sml 1N Granada - NH Collection/Nazaries or sml 2N Madrid - Melia Castilla or sml 2N Barcelona Melia Sky or sml *Daily hot breakfast served in all hotels. DAY 01 Check in at KLIA DAY 02 Kuala Lumpur - 30km - Sintra - 28km - Lisbon Lisbon (Western dinner) Pena National Palace, Sintra ( Portugal ) Start this tour across Portugal and Spain at the most romantic palace in Portugal, UNESCO World Heritage Site - Pena National Palace. It is situated up on the hill with sweeping views of Lisbon metropolitan up to the Atlantic Ocean. Take a tram to the main gate and tour the interior and exterior of this colourful fantasy castle. DAY 03 Lisbon - 225km - Badajoz (Hotel Breakfast / Western lunch / Western dinner) Lisbon city tour ( Portugal ) Entrance into Jeronimos Monastery, built to commemorate Vasco da Gama's voyage. See the tomb of this great voyager and admire the Manueline architecture. Nearby facing the Tagus river are two other key symbols of the Age of Discovery ; Belem Tower & Discoveries Monument. Leave Belem district for the old town with photostop at Sao Jorge Castle before walking down to happening Rossio Square. Have some leisure time after lunch before heading to Badajoz for an overnight stay. Jeronimos Monastery DAY 04 Badajoz - 210km Seville (Hotel Breakfast / Chinese lunch / Western dinner) Seville city tour ( Spain ) Entrance into Seville Cathedral and explore the lavish interior of the Christopher Columbus tomb. Climb up Giralda Tower, the symbol of Seville for a birds-eye view of the city. Stroll Maria Luisa Park with Plaza Espana and round up the tour at the Santa Cruz quarters, former Jewish quarters of Seville. Plaza Espana, Sevilla DAY 05 Seville 128km Ronda - 43km - Costa del Sol (Hotel Breakfast / Western lunch / Hotel dinner) Ronda city tour ( Spain ) Ronda is a lovely mountaintop city set dramatically above the El Tajo Gorge. Views from the awe-inspiring Puente Nuevo bridge and the Alameda Del Tojo park is simply stunning. We will also visit Spain s oldest bullring, Plaza Del Toros, the birthplace of traditional bull fighting and browse the fascinating bullfighting museum within its walls. Spend some free time at the Plaza Mayor and admire the lovely Church of Santa Maria. Tonight, we will be staying along the Costa del Sol, also known as "the Sunshine Coast".

Plaza del Toros Museum, Ronda artery Gran Via. Enjoy great shopping at the heart of city, Puerta Del Sol or visit the Plaza Mayor. Tonight, prepare yourself for a sumptuous Spanish dinner while tapping your feet to the infectious sounds of Flamenco tunes and dancing. DAY 06 Costa del Sol -139km- Granada (Hotel Breakfast / Western lunch / Chinese dinner) Granada tour ( Spain ) This morning is dedicated to explore the magnificent Moorish palace complex of Alhambra. Entrance into Palacios Nazaries for a close up look at this exquisite palace, majestically perched on a hill with the beautiful Sierra Nevada mountain range as its backdrop. Next, entrance into the adjoining Water Gardens of Generalife, a former royal summer residence of the Kings of Granada. (Replace by Mezquita in Cordoba if Alhambra is unavailable). DAY 07 Granada - 368km- Toledo - 73km - Madrid (Hotel Breakfast / Western lunch / Chinese dinner) Toledo tour ( Spain ) This fortified city surrounded by River Tagus was once the capital of Spain. Start with a walking tour through the city and be awed by Toledo s impressive monuments such as the Alcazar; churches and synagogues while simultaneously browsing the souvenir stores. Entrance into the Santo Tomé Church to view El Greco's masterpiece "The Burial of Count Orgaz". Enjoy a drive past the La Mancha region en-route to Madrid in the evening. DAY 08 Madrid (Hotel Breakfast / - / Flamenco Shows dinner) Madrid city tour ( Spain ) Start your tour of Madrid with a photostop at, Santiago Bernabéu Stadium, home to one of LaLiga s top teams Real Madrid FC. Enjoy a drive through Paseo de Castellana, The Prado Museum courtyard and the beautiful Cibeles Fountain in the centre of Madrid. Entrance into the official residence of the Spanish royal family; The Royal Palace. Admire the opulence in this still furnished palace. Stroll the palace grounds for some great photographs. There will be a photostop at Plaza de España and drive past Madrid's main DAY 09 Madrid = DAY 12 Arrival home = Barcelona (Hotel Breakfast / - / Chinese dinner) This morning, board the high speed AVE train to Barcelona for 2 hours and 30 mins. Leisurely Barcelona ( Spain ) Have some leisure and shopping time at the pedestrian street La Rambla and Plaça de Catalunya area. DAY 10 Barcelona Madrid Royal Palace (Hotel Breakfast / - / Western dinner) Barcelona city tour Part I (Spain) Start with entrance into Park Güell, a multi-coloured garden complex with beautiful mosaic structures designed by Antoni Gaudí. La Roca Village Outlet Shopping (Spain) Spend the afternoon at this Chic Outlet shopping village that houses over 100 luxury outlets with savings of up to 60% all year. DAY 11 Barcelona / Depart for home (Hotel Breakfast / Western lunch / -) Barcelona city tour Part II (Spain) Enjoy splendid views of the city from Montjuïc Hill where the Olympic Park is situated. Entrance into La Sagrada Família, Barcelona's most iconic Roman Catholic Church with its tall spires of which some are still under construction since 1882! Next, entrance to Casa Milà, another masterpiece by Antoni Gaudí that was designed as a fashionable home to the wealthy Milà family. Free at own leisure until transfer to airport for flight home. Arrival home with sweet memories.

辛特拉佩纳故宫 里斯本热罗尼姆斯修道院 塞维亚大教堂和吉拉达塔 龙达斗牛场 格拉纳达阿罕布拉宫和拉里弗宫 托莱多圣托美教堂 马德里皇宫 巴塞罗那桂尔公园 巴塞罗那圣家堂 巴塞罗那米拉之家 AVE 高速列车 - 马德里直达巴塞罗那 (2.5 小时 ) 高级旅游酒店, 大部分都有提供免费 WiFi 否则至少在于酒店大堂也可以无限上网 1 晚里斯本 - 丽笙酒店连锁或同级 1 晚巴达霍斯 NH 赌场大酒店或同级 1 晚塞维亚 - 希尔顿花园酒店或同级 1 晚太阳海岸 - 美利亚酒店或同级 1 晚格拉纳达 NH/ 纳扎雷斯酒店或同级 2 晚马德里 - 卡斯蒂利亚美利亚酒店或同级 2 晚巴塞罗那 - 美利亚酒店或同级 * 所有酒店每日供应热早餐 第 1 天往吉隆坡国际机场登机 第 2 天抵达里斯本 - 28 公里 - 辛特拉 - 28 公里 - 里斯本 ( ) 今天您将横跨葡萄牙和西班牙两国, 来到被联合国教科文组织列为世界遗产的佩纳故宫 这座葡萄牙境内最浪漫的宫殿坐落在一座山丘上, 一览无余的凝视着整个里斯本大都会和大西洋 随团乘坐电车到宫殿的正门, 参观这个多姿多彩又梦幻的城堡内部和外部 第 4 天巴达霍斯 - 225 公里 - 塞维利亚 您将进入塞维亚大教堂, 迹察探险家克里斯托弗哥伦布之墓的豪华内部装饰 之后爬上象征塞维亚的吉拉达塔, 鸟瞰整个塞维亚城市 接下来, 再慢慢享受漫步於玛丽亚路易莎公园, 沉醉于一片茂密翠绿与充满摩尔风格的园景, 和毗邻的西班牙广场 最后, 前往塞维亚犹太人的居所区 - 圣克鲁, 为今天参观的最后一个景点 第 3 天里斯本 - 225 公里 - 巴达霍斯 热罗尼姆斯修道院兴建于 1495 年间, 是为了纪念著名航海家 - 瓦斯科达伽马而造 高耸龐大 美轮美奐, 充份突出了曼努埃尔式建筑风格 对着塔霍河的另外两个邻近的景点 - 贝伦塔和贝伦塔发现纪念碑也记载着俗称 发现时代 的重要历史事迹 这些非同凡响 巧夺天工的建筑, 令人惊叹 之后, 将离开贝伦区直达老城区, 远观位于山顶的圣乔治城堡及拍照留念 随后, 我们将步行至热闹的罗西奥广场 吃过午饭后, 享有闲暇时间在里斯本, 继续前往巴达霍斯留宿 第 5 天塞维利亚 - 128 公里 - 龙达 - 43 公里 - 太阳海岸 吉拉达塔 龙达位于厄尔尼诺塔霍峡谷的山顶 从高处俯瞰龙达新桥和阿拉米达德尔塔霍公园美丽的景观 接着, 参观西班牙最古老的斗牛场 这儿是斗牛传统的发源地和浏览引人入胜的斗牛博物馆 过后我们将有一些空闲时间于市政广场及观看圣玛丽亚教堂 第 6 天太阳海岸 - 202 公里 - 格拉纳达 贝伦塔发现纪念碑 今天上午, 我们专程带您探索摩尔族壮丽阿罕布拉城堡, 然后再进入城堡包围着的德帕拉西奥斯纳扎里奥宫殿 这个手工细腻精致 巧夺天工的庞大宫殿, 庄严地栖息在一座小山上, 而美丽的内华达山脉就成了它气势雄伟的背景 毗邻的前王室夏宫水景花园也是大家必游之地

( 如果阿罕布拉无法观光, 将由替换科尔多瓦清真寺 ) 第 7 天格拉纳达 - 368 公里 - 托雷多 - 73 公里 - 马德里 今天, 您将畅游建筑架构坚固的托雷多古城 它被塔霍河环绕着, 曾经是西班牙首都 漫步在城市里游, 观赏富丽堂皇的建筑物, 如 : 阿尔卡萨官, 大教堂和浏览纪念品商店 再进入圣多美教堂参观, 近距离观赏到葛雷柯的杰作 奥尔加斯伯爵的葬礼 在托雷多享受休闲时间后, 继续前往马德里 第 8 天马德里 ( ) 我们将来到皇家马德里足球俱乐部之家 -- 达伯纳乌球场前留影 这就是皇家马德里足球西甲联赛强队的主场 沿着卡斯特拉纳街, 经过普拉多博物馆庭院和美丽的大地女神喷泉 参观西班牙皇宫, 皇室成员的王宫和官邸, 曾经见证过去许多事迹变迁, 而今仍然保存着当年内部的富丽堂皇装饰 接着, 来到马德里的主要热点之 Gran Via 大街 - 格兰维亚 大街西端是西班牙广场, 也是您拍照留念的美丽景点 最后来到马德里的中心点, 享受在热闹的太阳门广场区购物或马约尔广场欣赏其特色 今晚, 享受精致西班牙料理之时, 您也可踏着拍子, 尽情沉醉于引人入胜的西班牙弗拉门戈舞和民族舞蹈表演 第 10 天巴塞罗那 ( ) 今天, 我们将带您参观由西班牙建筑师及加泰罗尼亚现代主义代表人物高迪作品之一 -- 奎尔公园 公园由五颜六色的瓷砖拼成精致的广场 中午, 来到在这个别致的厂家直销购物村疯狂购物 这里有超过 100 个品牌与全年可享有高达 60% 的折扣 第 11 天巴塞罗那 / 启程返回家园 ( ) 早晨, 沿路驾到蒙特胡依克山上, 欣赏这个城市迷人的景色和 1992 年举办过夏季奥运会的奥林匹克公园 接着, 进入巴塞罗那最具标志性的天主教堂 -- 圣家堂 这座自 1882 年开始建设到现在仍在建的教堂, 以它美丽独特的设计闻名世界 巴塞罗那圣家堂 下一站, 参观由安东尼 高迪所设计的另一个伟作 -- 米拉之家 这是为一个富人设计的时尚家居, 许多意想不到地观点等着您探索 所剩余的自由活动时间, 您可做最后一分钟购物 接着送往机场, 乘搭班机飞返家园 达伯纳乌球场 第 9 天马德里 = ( ) = 巴塞罗那 早餐过后, 前往火车站乘搭 AVE 高速火车, 从马德里直达巴塞罗那所需在 2 小时 30 分钟 带领您到加泰罗尼亚广场和巴塞罗那著名的步行街 - 兰布拉大道和大道两旁栽满棕榈树的哥伦布大道, 尽情享受自由购物的欢乐时光 第 12 天抵达家园 米拉之家 抵达吉隆坡国际机场, 结束这次难忘愉快的旅程

KEY ITINERARY FEATURES Bilingual commentaries with high emphasis on English Comprehensive inclusions with sufficient free time for your preferred activity. Meticulously planned logistics for a well paced journey A mixture of Special Cuisines, Western, Chinese and meals on your own to optimize your dining pleasure. DINING SPECIALS Number of Meals : Lunch - 6 ; Dinner - 9 Portuguese Peri Peri Chicken Portuguese Nation dish -Bacalhau Seafood Paella menu Roasted Suckling Pig Segovia style Flamenco Dinner & Show Superior Tapas menu *Specific restaurants mentioned will be replaced, if closed for private events. 以英语为主的双语评述 精心策划及节奏适中的旅程编排 包罗万象的丰富综合旅程, 并让您有足够的空闲时间进行您所喜爱的活动 美味丰富的特别美食料理组合, 包括西餐, 中餐和您自选的美食佳肴, 让您尽情沉醉在享受餐饮的乐趣 餐饮数量 : 午餐 - 6; 晚餐 - 9 葡式烤鸡 葡萄牙国菜 - 鳕鱼 西班牙海鲜烩饭 塞哥维亚风格烤乳猪 弗拉明戈表演 & 晚餐 西班牙著名小吃 * 以上餐馆如因私人活动关闭将以其他餐馆取代 Puente Nuevo, Nuevo Ronda PORTUGAL SPAIN FRANCE Barcelona Lisbon Badajoz Madrid Toledo Sevilla Ronda Costa Del Sol Granada Water Gardens of Generalife Terms & Conditions / 备注 : Tour Code / 团号 : ESPLIS12 Printed Date 15 January 2016 1. Flight details, itinerary, hotel and meals which are stated on the itinerary above subject to change according to different departure dates without prior notice. Any changes after booking, will be informed accordingly. 2. The sequence of itinerary, meals and hotel arrangement are subject to the final adjustment of the local ground operator. 3. Triple room sharing will be based on extra roll in bed basis. 4. We strongly recommend you to purchase travel insurance before departure. 5. To ensure the benefit of consumers, please refer to the standard Terms & Conditions at the back page of your invoice. For Agent use: 1. 行程表所列载的航班资料 交通 行程 酒店住宿及膳食安排, 将可能因应不同出发日期而有所变动, 恕可能不及时通知 然而如报名后有所更动的话, 本公司将另作个别通知 2. 行程, 膳食及住宿的先后次序, 最终以当地地接待社 ( 地接 ) 安排为准 3. 任何三人房都以折叠式加床为标准 4. 团队出发前建议购买旅游保险, 以则安心 5. 为确保消费者权益, 详情请参阅单据背页之基本条规细节 以上行程供参考, 最后行程确定是以最终航班确认及当地旅游社之最终确定为准, 但以上夜宿, 餐食及观光景点将会尽量保持不变, 我们建议您在出发前购买 安心旅游保险 中文行程以英文版本为准 The above itinerary is subject to change ; i) Subject to the final confirmation and the local tour operator final discretion. Hovewer, the night stay, number of meals and sightseeing places will remain unchanged.