5 Kesalahan Fatal Belajar Bahasa Asing Belajarlah Seperti Bayi Bayi menghabiskan banyak waktunya sebelum berbicara untuk mendengar, menyimak, dan meny

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5 Kesalahan Fatal Belajar Bahasa Asing Belajarlah Seperti Bayi Bayi menghabiskan banyak waktunya sebelum berbicara untuk mendengar, menyimak, dan menyaksikan orang dewasa bercakap-cakap. Kita semua terlahir tanpa bisa berbicara sepatah katapun apalagi membaca dan menulis. Adalah sebuah kesalahan besar jika Anda berniat mulai mempelajari sebuah bahasa asing, berharap bisa langsung fasih speaking, paham bacaan kompleks, atau bahkan mampu menulis dalam bahasa yang baru saja Anda pelajari. Bayi menghabiskan ratusan jam untuk listening, listening, dan listening. Setelah dewasa, mengapa kita justru tidak memprioritaskan aspek listening? Kurikulum sekolah lebih sibuk membahas grammar, penggunaan software mahal, atau memaksa siswa-siswi untuk langsung bisa menulis dan berbicara (conversation). Maka tak heran, jika sebagian besar kita merasakan kesulitan dalam aspek listening ini. Karena mendengar tidak pernah dilatih dari awal proses belajar bahasa, selalu disepelekan atau bahkan tidak diasah sama sekali. Padahal pendengaran adalah indera pertama yang harus dilatih sebelum seseorang benarbenar bisa berbicara (speaking), membaca (reading), dan menulis (writing). Merusak urutas belajar di atas adalah sebuah kesalahan fatal Disinilah mengapa belajar menggunakan video menjadi salah satu alternatif yang alami, terjangkau, & natural untuk mempelajari sebuah bahasa asing. Dengar, dengar, & dengar sebanyak mungkin, terus dengarkan meskipun Anda belum paham. Jangan tergesa-gesa untuk menjadi FASIH. Ingat! Bayi menghabiskan waktunya hingga ratusan bahkan ribuan jam untuk bisa berbicara, itupun baru a, i, u, e, o saja. Bersabarlah, ini adalah proses yang natural. Metode belajar lainnya seperti melalui buku atau kursus hanya menjadi pelengkap saja. Berapa banyak orang yang telah mengikuti kursus bertahun-tahun tapi tidak bisa apa-apa kecuali mengatakan How are you? I am fine. Hal ini karena mereka kehilangan essensi yang sebenarnya. Kursus dan pelajaran melalui buku tetap penting, tapi di luar itu, Anda harus tetap banyak terekspos dengan target bahasa yang ingin Anda kuasai. Mulailah dengan banyak menyimak video. Selamat mencoba dan semoga berhasil!

Video & Bonus ebook Bahasa-Bahasa Dunia Rp 100,000 Rp 49,000 (Hemat 50%) Keuntungan Belajar Bahasa Asing Melalui Video Fleksibel Anda bebas menentukan waktu belajar; pagi, siang, sore, malam, sesuai dengan kesibukan Anda Kecepatan Bisa Diatur Anda dapat mengulang-ulang video tanpa batas. Kecepatan dapat disesuaikan, diperlambat atau dipercepat 2x, 3x, atau 4x. Native Speaker Anda akan mendapatkan kesempatan diajar langsung oleh para native speaker yang telah sangat berpengalaman Dua Indera Penting Belajar melalui video melibatkan dua indera vital; penglihatan dan pendengaran Dimanapun & Kapanpun Anda bisa memutar video menggunakan smartphone, tablet, laptop atau komputer dimanapun Beli 1 Gratis 1 DVD Promo ini masih tetap berlaku dan bisa berubah sewaktuwaktu setiap saat Proses Pemesanan Pesan Melalui WA: +62 838 7 31 31 31 7 Transfer Bank Mandiri atau BCA DVD Segera Dikirim ke Alamat Anda

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Ayo Belajar Bahasa Mandarin 千里之行, 始于足下 Qiān lǐ zhī xíng, shǐ yú zú xià A journey of a thousand miles starts with one step. Laozi Bahasa Mandarin semakin penting seiring dengan meningkatnya kekuatan ekonomi Tiongkok. Dari Singapura hingga London, dari Medan hingga Vancuver, bahasa Mandarin telah menjadi bahasa yang menjadi prioritas utama untuk diajarkan di berbagai sekolah maupun universitas di seluruh dunia. Popularitas ini bukan tanpa alasan, terdapat lebih dari 1 milliar orang yang berbicara bahasa Mandarin. Seperlima dari penduduk bumi berbicara bahasa Mandarin, mulai dari rakyat Tiongkok, Taiwan, Tahiland, Malaysia, Singapura, Brunei, sampai Indonesia. Bahasa Mandarin memiliki reputasi sebagai salah satu bahasa yang sangat sulit untuk dipeajari. Tapi dengan adanya karakter bahasa Mandarin yang telah disederhanakan dan pengembangan Hanya Pinyin, mempelajari bahasa Mandarin semakin mudah. Pemakaian huruf-huruf sederhana bahasa Mandarin sejak tahun 1954 telah mengurangi kompleksitas simbol-simbol bahasa tersebut. Hal ini tentunya juga semakin memudahkan penulisan hurufhuruf bahasa Mandarin. Kamus bahasa Mandarin terdiri dari 40,000 karakter, hanya sekitar 2,000-3,000 saja yang dibutuhkan untuk dapat membaca koran berbahasa Mandarin. Kaum terdidik di Tiongkok biasanya mengetahui 6,000-7,000 karakter. Angka-angka ini bukanlah jumlah yang harus ditakutkan, karena dalam sebuah bahasa, seseorang menggunakan rata-rata 8,000 kata. Jadi

jumlah 6,000-7,000 kata yang harus Anda kuasai untuk memahami bahasa Mandarin bukanlah sesuatu yang harus Anda cemaskan. Dengan karakter tulisannya yang unik, sebuah penelitian menujukkan bahwa mempelajari dan menulis bahasa Mandarin dapat meningkatkan kemampuan kognitif seseorang. Hal ini tidak didapatkan dari mempelajari bahasa lainnya. Banyak orang yang mempelajari bahasa Mandarin hanya karena alasan bisnis dan perdagangan, padahal manfaatnya untuk kemampuan intelektual seseorang juga dapat menjadi alasan lain yang patut dipertimbangkan. Mempelajari bahasa Mandarin dapat merangsang beberapa bagian otak. Hal ini karena bahasa Mandarin adalah bahasa yang sangat peka terhadap suara, intonasi dan karakter penulisan yang unik. Penutur bahasa Mandarin menggunakan intonasi untuk membedakan arti dari satu kata yang sama. Sebuah penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Wellcome Trust di United Kingdom melaporkan bahwa orang-orang yang berbicara bahasa Mandarin menggunakan kedua temporal lobe pada otak mereka. Temporal lobe adalah bagian yang terdapat otak yang berfungsi untuk memproses ingatan. Hal ini berbeda pada penggunaan bahasa lainnya yang hanya mengaktifkan satu temporal lobe. Proses penulisan karakter bahasa Mandarin juga dipercaya membantu perkembangan motorik seseorang, mengasah identifikasi bentuk, membantu visualisasi geometri, dan menjaga otak agar tetap tajam. Berbeda dengan huruf latin yang statis dan ditulis dari kiri ke kanan, karaketer bahasa Mandarin sangat dinamis dan kompleks serta ditulis dalam empat arah orientasi: atas, bawah, kiri, dan kanan. Proses menulis karakter Mandarin ini dapat mengaktivasi kerja saraf untuk berfikir dan mengingat. Penelitiann lain juga banyak yang mengindikasikan adanya korelasi antara mempelajari bahasa Mandarin dan peningkatan kemampuan matematika seseorang.

Bahasa Mandarin tidaklah sesulit yang dibayangkan orang. Seperti bahasa Asia lainnya, grammar bahasa Mandarin cukup sederhana, tidak ada tenses, plural, dan gender layaknya bahasa-bahasa Eropa. Bagian yang cukup menantang mungkin terletak pada intonasi. Bahasa Mandarin adalah bahasa yang sangat sensitif terhadap penekanan suara. Sebagai contoh, jika Anda mengucapkan tāng denan nada tinggi itu berarti sup, tapi jika Anda mengucapkannya dengan nada naik maka itu bermakna gula. Salah satu proses yang paling menyenangkan dalam bahasa Mandarin mungkin terdapat pada pelajaran menulis hurufnya. Kaligrafi bangsa Tiongkok sangat indah dipandang mata dan memiliki makna yang begitu dalam.

Manfaat Menguasai Bahasa Mandarin 1. Menjadi bagian dari perkembangan negara Tiongkok. Bangsa Tiongkok adalah salah satu dari kebudayaan dunia yang paling tua dan kaya, yakni lebih dari 5000 tahun. Setelah Tiongkok membuka diri, kekuatan ekonominya menjadi tak terbendung. Tidak ada yang meragukan bahwa dalam beberapa tahun ke depan, Tiongkok akan menjadi pemain besar dalam peta perekonomian dunia. Dan penguasaan bahasa Tiongkok dapat menjadi modal Anda untuk mengambil bagian dari kemajuan Tiongkok. 2. Memperluas networking. Banyak pelaku usaha Indonesia yang bekerjasama dan menjalin hubungan baik dengan para pengusaha Tiongkok. Para pebisnis dari negeri tirai bambupun lebih menyukai bertransaksi dengan bahasa Mandarin, meskipun mereka dapat menggunakan bahasa Inggris dengan cukup fasih. 3. Menambah teman. Bahasa Mandarin dapat memperluas jaringan pertemanan Anda. Jika Anda hanya mampu berbicara bahasa Indonesia, maka teman-teman sosial media Anda kemungkinan besar adalah 100% orang Indonesia. Jika Anda mampu menguasai bahasa Inggris, teman-teman Anda mungkin hanya akan bertambah sedikit saja karena orang-orang yang berbahasa Inggris cenderung menutup diri. Tetapi jika Anda mampu berbahasa Mandarin, jumlah teman-teman Anda akan bertambah drastis bukan hanya dari Tiongkok, tapi juga dari Thailand, Singapura, Malaysia, Inggris, Amerika, sampai Afrika. Orang Tiongkok ada di mana-mana yang sukses merantau dan memiliki keturunan di seluruh penjuru dunia.

4. Menjadi bahasa perantau. Tidak ada satupun negara besar dan maju di dunia ini yang tidak memiliki China Town. Warga Indonesia di luar negeri patut bersyukur dengan adanya kampung pecinan ini, sebab banyak makanan dan bumbu khas Indonesia yang dijual di sana. Menguasai bahasa Mandarin membuat Anda merasa bersaudara dengan lebih dari 1 miliar orang Tiongkok di seluruh dunia. 5. Bahasa akademis. Lihat pencapaian orang-orang Tiongkok dalam prestasi akademik. Banyak kampus-kampus top dunia yang memiliki mahasiswamahasiswa jenius asal negeri Panda. Bahkan, tak jarang ketika mereka lulus, banyak yang akhirnya menjadi dosen dan menyebar di kampus-kampus bergengsi di Amerika dan Eropa. Menguasai bahasa Mandarin akan sangat membantu Anda untuk berkomunikasi dengan teman-teman atau dosen asal Tiongkok di luar negeri. 6. Bahasa wisata. Dari Hongkong sampai Singapura, dari Beijing sampai Makau, mempelajari bahasa Mandarin membuka kesempatan travelling yang lebih luas. Di Tiongkok sendiri, negeri itu penuh dengan objek-objek wisata yang sangat indah mulai dari Beijing, Xi an, Nanjing, dll. 7. Bahasa Martial Art. Siapa yang tidak kenal dengan bela diri asal Tiongkok, shaolin, wing chun, kung fu, dsb. Jika Anda ingin sekedar bisa, belajar ilmu bela diri dapat dilakukan di perguruan-perguruan silat di tanah air. Tapi jika Anda ingin serius mendalami hingga mencapai tingkat master. Tidak ada kata lain selain harus berguru ke tempat asal kelahiran bela diri tersebut. Dan bahasa adalah syarat

pertamanya. Pelajari bahasa Mandarin maka Anda akan mampu menyelami ribuan kitab-kitab jurus kuno dari negeri tirai bambu. 8. Bahasa Mandarin adalah bahasa nenek moyang Indonesia. Banyak arsip sejarah yang menunjukkan bahwa bangsa Indonesia berasal dari daerah Yunan, Tiongkok Selatan. Warisan budaya Tiongkok bukan hanya ada pada makanan di Indonesia seperti bakso, bakmi, cincau, cap cai, cahkwe, dan siomay, tapi juga pada arsitek dan pakaian khas suku-suku di Indonesia. Begitu pula dengan serapan bahasa Mandarin ke dalam bahasa Indonesia seperti engkong, giok, hoki, dan banyak lainnya. 9. Memudahkan mempelajari bahasa Jepang. Mengetahui bagaimana membaca dan menulis aksara bahasa Mandarin akan membantu Anda untuk memahami kanji dalam bahasa Jepang dengan lebih mudah. Sebab bahasa Jepang banyak menggunakan aksara bahasa Mandarin dengan arti yang sama, meskipun pengucapan dan tata bahasanya sama sekali berbeda. 10. Bahasa Mandarin adalah bahasa kuno. Para arkeologis telah menemukan tulisantulisan bahasa Mandarin pada tulang-tulang binatang dan rumah kura-kura yang dapat ditelusuri hingga ke Dinasti Shang lebih dari 3,000 tahun yang lalu. Karya klassik Book of Songs merupakan koleksi puisi-puisi berbahasa Mandarin yang ditulis sekitar 1,000 tahun sebelum Masehi. Karya Confusius yang ditulis pada 400 tahun sebelum masehi juga masih dapat kita temukan. Bangsa Tionkok memiliki tradisi menulis yang kuat. Dengan kemampuan bahasa Mandarin, kita yang hidup

hari ini masih bisa membaca dan memahami karya-karya kuno peninggalan umat manusia ribuan tahun yang lalu.

Chinese NCEA Level 1 Appendix for external assessment The appendix indicates language Words and expressions) which students need to be able to recognise for Level 1 Chinese examinations: 1.1 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of spoken Chinese texts on areas of most immediate relevance 1.4 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of Chinese texts on areas of most immediate relevance The texts will reflect the communication achievement objectives levels 5 and 6 for learning languages: Communicate information, ideas, and opinions through different text types. Respond to personal ideas and opinions. Communicate appropriately in different situations. Students are expected to understand more complex language which goes beyond the immediate context e.g. past and future events. Students are expected to understand a variety of text types. This will involve sentences and frequently used expressions related to basic personal information in areas of most immediate relevance. The texts will reflect the relationship between language and culture and be adapted as appropriate. Note: The language which students use to communicate in internal assessment activities will reflect the Chinese teaching and learning in each individual classroom. NOTES TO TEACHER: Students are expected to be able to recognise: 1. Obvious cognates and loan words; 2. Numbers, days of the week and months of the year; and 3. All characters may be used with other characters in this list to form new vocabulary items. The compounds given in the list are examples to show how this can be done. 1

No Pinyin Characters English Compounds/ Examples 1 ǎi short My sister is shorter than me. 2 ài love, lovable, cute 3 ba used at the end of a sentence to indicate! Let s go! consultation, suggestion, request or recommendation. 4 bā eight eight hundred 5 bà dad, father his dad, father 6 bái white daylight 7 bǎi hundred million 8 bān class, team, shift, a Chinese class; to go to work to finish work 9 bàn half half a day; 1:30 10 bāng help, assist help 11 bāo bag, bundle, school bad red pocket bread 12 běi North northern part/regions; Beijing 13 bèi to prepare, get ready to prepare, get ready 14 běn Mw for book(s) five books (or copies) 15 bǐ compare. She is taller than me. 16 bǐ pen brush pen 17 biān side, edge east; beach 18 pián biàn (piányì) cheap convenient 19 biǎo form, table, (wrist) watch; 20 bié other, don t other/s not at all 21 bìng sick, ill be ill, get sick 2

No Pinyin Characters English Compounds/ Examples 22 bù no, not is not is not good 23 bù step make progress, running 24 cài vegetable Chinese food to stir-fry vegetable 25 cháng long long hair The Great Wall 26 cháng often often, frequently 27 chǎng place, site market airport sports ground 28 chàng to sing to sing a song 29 chǎo to stir fry fried rice 30 chē vehicle bus bus stop train station 31 chéng city, town city; downtown 32 chī eat to have a meal; to take medicine 33 chū go or come out to go out, to get out; to be born to come out 34 chù place every where; 35 chuān wear, put on to wear clothes, put on clothes 36 chuáng bed to get up, to get out of bed 37 chūn Spring Spring the Spring Festival 38 cì order, sequence; time twice 39 cóng from from...to 40 cuò wrong You are wrong. not bad 3

No Pinyin Characters English Compounds/ Examples 41 dá to reply answer 42 dǎ to strike, hit to play ball; to make a phone call; to open; 43 dà big, large everybody; university; 44 dài to take, bring. I ll take you (there) 45 dāng to work as, become to work as a teacher 46 dàn but but, yet 47 dào way, path, road to know 48 dào arrive, to go arrive home walk to school 49 dǎo island north island 50 dè particle; possessive particle big new, my, mine; ours 51 dé degree. My mum cooks well. 52 dēng lamp, lantern electric light 53 děng wait wait a minute 54 dì earth, land, soil; place; 55 dì indicate ordinal number first, second 56 dì younger brother younger brother little brother 57 diǎn o clock, drop, dot ( ) a little bit; 5 o clock snack 58 diàn shop store, shop book store hotel, high class restaurant 59 diàn electricity computer; TV 4

No Pinyin Characters English Compounds/ Examples movie trolley bus 60 dìng* surely, definitely certainly 61 dōng east thing Tokyo 62 dōng Winter winter 63 dǒng understand? (do you) understand? 64 dòng move activity animal sports 65 dōu all, (inclusive). We all went. 66 duì correct, opposite sorry opposite sorry 67 duō more, how many, a lot; many thanks; how much; how old; 68 è hungry, starve. I am hungry. 69 ér son daughter a while here there 70 ér not only but also 71 èr two twenty dollars 72 fā hair; hair; 73 fàn cooked rice, meal, food have a meal; to cook boiled/cooked rice; restaurant 74 fāng square place 75 fàng to put, place finish school 76 fēi extremely 77 fēi to fly airplane 5

No Pinyin Characters English Compounds/ Examples airport 78 fēn minute; cent (money) five minutes 25 cents 79 fēng wind strong wind 80 fù fú clothes clothes school uniform 81 fù father father parents 82 gāi should ought, should 83 gàn do, work? What are you doing? 84 gāo tall, high happy 85 gào to tell tell me 86 gē a song sing a song 87 gē older brother older brother 88 gěi give to?who gave it to you? 89 gōng work worker work, job 90 gōng homework 91 gōng public bus park 92 gòng total altogether 93 gǒ puppy 94 guān shut never mind to close the door 95 guán certain service restaurant library 96 guì expensive very expensive What is your surname? 97 guó country nation, country China 98 guǒ fruit Juice if fruit 6

No Pinyin Characters English Compounds/ Examples 99 hái still, also, return thing so so; furthermore, also; 100 hái child child/children 101 hǎi sea Shanghai beach; the sea 102 hàn the largest ethnic Chinese language; group indigenous to Chinese characters China 103 hǎo good, fine, easy to good looking; ( ) fun; delicious; easy to learn 104 hào number, date No 18, Shanghai Road. 105 hē drink drink coke drink water drink tea 106 hé and; with you and I/me 107 hěn very very good 108 hóng red red red apple 109 hòu behind behind day after tomorrow later after 110 hòu sometimes. when..? when? 111 huā flower; garden 112 huà speech, language speak Chinese language 113 huà draw, picture to draw a picture 114 huān happy like welcome 115 huí return answer 7

No Pinyin Characters English Compounds/ Examples 116 huì meeting can; able to; be likely to go back go home to have a meeting party ball I can drive. a little while 117 huǒ fire train volcano 118 jī machine airplane cell phone airplane 119 jí extreme!extremely good! Wonderful 120 jǐ how many, several?what time??how many??how old? (used in asking children s age 10 years or younger) 121 jǐ self, oneself oneself 122 jiā home, family, family members nation 123 jiàn see good bye 124 jiào be called He is called... 125 jué feel, feel, think jiào sleep sleep 126 jiān room, mw Gaps or duration in time or space Mmddle time period of time 127 jiào to teach teaching Chinese teacher classroom 128 jié festival, holiday the Spring Festival; festival; season; 8

No Pinyin Characters English Compounds/ Examples 129 jiē to receive, catch pick me up for home 130 jiě older sister older sister; Miss, Ms. 131 jīn present today; this year 132 jìn enter come in; go in; Please come in 133 jìn near very close 134 jīng capital Beijing; Nanjing; Tokyo 135 jiǔ nine Nine people are going to China 136 jiǔ wine, liquor Red wine white wine drink wine 137 kāi open boiled water begin drive a vehicle happy When will the shop open? 138 kàn look at; read read a book; good looking 139 kě may, can can, may; but; coke lovely 140 kè class; lesson Chinese class text; textbook; attend class/class begins. finish the class/ class is over. 9

No Pinyin Characters English Compounds/ Examples 141 kè guest, guest, 142 kè quarter of a hour a quarder past three (three fifteen) 143 kōng unoccupied have free time 144 kǒu Mw for people, mouth There are 5 people in my family population 145 kuài fast; run fast happy 146 kuài dollar; one dollar; 147 lái come; arrive? Are you coming? 148 lán orchid orchid; New Zealand 149 lǎo old old people; old friend; teacher 150 lèi tired I m tired 151 lěng cold It s cold outside. 152 lí leave, from leave, depart from; far from. 153 lǐ inside, in here insider in the park 154 lǐ surname luggage 155 liǎn face to wash one s face 156 Liàn to practise to practise 157 liǎng two, a couple two people 158 liù six six dogs 159 lù road cross the road 160 mā mother mother 161 mǎ horse immediately 162 ma question particle?are you going? 163 mǎi to buy go shopping 10

No Pinyin Characters English Compounds/ Examples 164 mài to sell All sold out 165 màn slow He drives very slowly. 166 máng busy.i m busy. 167 māo can kitten 168 máo hair, except for human head hair; wool; ten cents unit brush pen wool; woollen jumper 40cents 169 me used as suffix what? in that manner; then; so how about it? 170 méi have not do not have have no time 171 měi each, every every day 172 měi beautiful beautiful 173 mèi younger sister younger sister little sister, little girl 174 mén door, gate entrance gate 175 mén plural suffix for we, us people people 176 mǐ rice cooked rice 177 mí fan of.. lost ball game fan 178 miàn side, flour, noodles lost way front bread noodles 179 míng name famous name 180 míng bright next year tomorrow understand 181 mǔ mother mother parents 182 mù wood wood 11

No Pinyin Characters English Compounds/ Examples 183 nǎ which which student něi / where 184 ná hold, take carry/take things 185 nà that nèi over there 186 nǎi milk milk grandmother 187 nán male male, man male student boyfriend boys school 188 nán South Southern region; Nanjin nan dao 189 nán difficult, hard ugly difficult to learn 190 ne question particle what about you? 191 nǐ you How are you? 192 nián year New year next year last year year level 193 nín you (polite form) What is your surname (polite form) 194 niú cattle, ox Milk 195 nǔ female daughter girl friend female student girls school 196 nuǎn warm warm 197 pà be afraid, fear not afraid I am afraid of dogs 198 páng side beside 199 pàng fat, plump (for people) He is plump 200 pǎo run jogging 201 péng friend friend 12

No Pinyin Characters English Compounds/ Examples old friend good friend little friend 202 piāo to float pretty 203 piào ticket buy a ticket door ticket bus/train ticket 204 píng common, usual usual, generally usually 205 qī seven July seven days later 206 qī period of time week Monday 207 qǐ to get up, rise get up, get out of be together 208 qì air get angry weather 209 qì steam petrol engined vehicle,car etc 210 qián cash, money how much? 211 qián front, forward in front of before, formerly the day before yesterday 212 qiě and also, but also --- not only but also 213 qīn* dear/intimate mother dear 214 qǐng please, invite, request may I ask? He invited me to his home. 215 qiū autumn Autun the Mid-autumn Festival ( moon festival) 216 qiú a ball soccer criket 217 qiān thusand two thousand dollars 218 qù go to go to school last year 219 quán whole, complete the whole class 13

No Pinyin Characters English Compounds/ Examples the whole family 220 rán then, after that, afterwards 221 ràng to make/let someone (do something) The doctor told him to drink more water Not allowed, to forbid 222 rè hot hot water hot dog 223 rén person, people population 224 rèn to recognize, to identify to recognise, to know 225 rì the Sun, day day date 226 róng easy, easily 227 rú for example 228 sān three three days later 229 sè colour red green 230 shān mountain, hill go up the mountain go down the mountain on the hill/mountain at the bottom of the hill/mountain 231 shāng business, commerce shop, store businessman 232 shàng up, top, above last month last week attend school at work/ go to work early morning late morning 233 shǎo little, few how much? 234 shéi/ who shuí?who are you? 235 shēn body/health body 236 shén what why 237 shēng be born, give birth to birthday 14

No Pinyin Characters English Compounds/ Examples be born be angry student Mr / husband 238 shē teacher, master teacher chef 239 shí ten after Octorber 240 shí time when Ttme 241 shi* to know, knowledge to know 242 shì to be this is 243 shì vision television 244 shì affair, matter have things to do it s nothing 245 shì market, city food market city 246 shì room classroom 247 shǒu hand cell phone 248 shū book schoolbag library 249 shù tree a big tree 250 shuǐ water fruit hot water 251 shuì to sleep to sleep 252 shuō speak talk / to talk about 253 sī to think meaning interesting embarrassed 254 sǐ die, dead; express strong degree of something my dog died it s extremely hot extremely hungry extremely happy 255 sì four 4th April 256 sòng to send send me to school 15

No Pinyin Characters English Compounds/ Examples 257 suī though, although although 258 suì year of age two years old 259 suǒ place toilet because (so.) therefore; 260 tā he his mum 261 tā she She is my sister 262 tā It it is black. 263 tài over Mrs.!too expensive! wife, Mrs 264 tī to kick play soccer 265 tí topic problem, question 266 tǐ body body PE 267 tiān sky / everyday 268 tīng listen listen and speaking dictation 269 tíng stop stop the car car park 270 tóng the same fellow students the same class agree at the same time 271 tóu head hair 272 tú picture library map 273 wài outside outside foreign country forreign language 274 wán end, be over, finish finished homework 275 wán to Play, to have fun to play, fun 276 wǎn late in time Evening to be late an evening party 16

No Pinyin Characters English Compounds/ Examples 277 wàn ten thousand 30,000 Million 278 wáng king (surname) Miss Wang the King 279 wǎng in the direction of. towards turn left go forward 280 wàng forget I forgot 281 wèi for because why 282 wén written language Chinese language culture; 283 wèn ask to send regards to ask the teacher; problem/question 284 wǒ I, me I am a student 285 wǔ five I have five people in my family. 286 wǔ noon midday; lunch; afternoon 287 xī west to the western side 288 xi rest to rest 289 xí practice to study,to learn 290 xí happy, joyful like 291 xià take off, next, later, finish, down, under, fall(of rain, snow etc.) get off a vehicle next week; to rain, raining snowing next month; finish class; below, under; a little 292 xiān first first then ; Mr.Wang 293 xiàn present now 294 xiǎng to think think it over,think about it 17

No Pinyin Characters English Compounds/ Examples would like to? Where would you like to go 295 xiǎo small, young primary school child ; 296 xiào school school ; school uniform school bus 297 xiào Smile, laugh joke 298 xie some, plural particle several ; these those 299 xiě write to write character to write a letter 300 xīn new new clothes 301 xīn heart happy 302 xìn letter write a letter 303 xīng star week ; 304 xíng Okay? Is that OK? 305 xìng surname, family name? What is your surname? 306 xìng happy 307 xiū rest take a rest 308 xǔ permit; Many Don t talk! 309 xué to study, to learn student to learn, to study 310 xuě show snowing 311 yáng sheep wool 312 yàng the same;? how about it? how is...? 313 yào want, don t / don t want 314 yé grandfather paternal grandfather 315 yě also, too. I m also a student. 316 yī clothes clothes, 18

No Pinyin Characters English Compounds/ Examples coat, jacket swimming tug night gown 317 yī one a little bit; altogether; the same; altogether; a little while; as soon as; 318 yì cheap 319 yǐ already already 320 yǐ after, later a month later 321 yì easy easy 322 yì meaning, idea meaning interesting to agree 323 yì unit of numbers billion 324 yīn cause because, for 325 yīn sound music 326 yìng should ought, should 327 yīng English 328 yíng welcome 329 yòng to use, with useful to write with a pen 330 yǒu have, there is(are) be famouse; interesting, some some 331 yǒu friend friend; friendly 332 yòu list several conditions both and 333 yòu right the right side 334 yǔ rain raining rain coat a rainy day 19

No Pinyin Characters English Compounds/ Examples 335 yǔ language, word Chinese language language 336 yuán unit of currency Chinese (dollar) one Chinese Yen 337 yuán park a park a garden 338 yuǎn far; distant not far 339 yuè/lè music; happy music; happy; 340 yuè mouth; moon May 341 yùn motion, movement; sports; 342 zài again goodbye 343 zài in, at at school now 344 zǎo early early morning breakfast; 345 zěn (why, what, how) how;?how about it? 346 zhàn bus stop; station, stop, depot 347 zhāng surename Miss Zhang 348 zháo worry 349 zhǎo look for; give change look for a job. Here is the $5 change 350 zhè this recently zhèi these 351 zhēn really really good 352 zhèng in the process of doing is on the phone. 353 zhī know know, realise 354 zhī only only have; can only only like He only wrote one character; 355 zhōng time, o clock three o clock 356 zhōng middle middle midday 20

No Pinyin Characters English Compounds/ Examples college, middle school Chinese China 357 zhòng heavy important 358 zhù live, reside I live in Beijing 359 zhǔn approve, allow, permit prepare, get ready 360 zhuō table, desk table, desk 361 zǐ son, child son child 362 zì character, word write characters; 363 zì oneself bicycle; myself; yourself 364 zǒu walk; go; be off, walk outside leave has left, has gone 365 zú foot football 366 zuì most recently last lastly you d better 367 zuó yesterday yesterday 368 zuǒ left / left side 369 zuò make, do do the cooking, prepare a meal; do home work 370 zuò sit take a bus, by bus; please sit down Measure words No Pinyin Characters English Examples gè General measure word kǒu Mouth or counter for people two people How many people in your family? zhī Measure word for I have three birds. 21

certain animals tiáo Measure word for long and flexible I bought two fish. animals pī Counter for horses Five horses. běn Counter for books Three books zhāng Couner for sheets Four pieces of paper. píng Counter for bottlles of liquid bēi Counter for cups of liquid Ten bottles of wine. Six cups of water. gōngjīn kilogram One kilogram of rice. kuài Piece or counter for currency unit One piece of cake. One dollar. bāo pack Three packs of candy. jiàn Counter for clothes Two pieces of clothes. Expressions Daily greetings nǐhǎo/zǎo / nǐhǎoma? wǒhěnhǎò,xièxie lǎoyéye,nínhǎo! Goodbye zàijiàn Chinese New Year and birthday greetings míngtiān jiàn! gōngxǐfācái! xīnnián kuàilè! Shēngrì kuàilè! 22

zhùnǐmen xìngfú. Thanks and apologies duìbùqǐ méi guānxi xièxiè nǐ búyòng xiè duō xiè búyòng kèqì bié kèqì zhēn bàoqiàn méi shénme After a compliment nǎli,nǎli bùxíng,búxíng Classroom instructions gāi shuí(shéi) le? gāi nǐ le!/gāi tā lē! duì búduì? duì./búduì. hénhǎo/fēicháng hǎo. qílì! / qǐngzuò! qǐng jìn. qǐng ānjìng! dà shēng diǎn. zài shuō yí cì. / / / / / Introducing themselves and others Asking for and giving personal details: Pronoun + shi +name. I am Xiao ming Pronouns: What is your family name? What is your name? Asking Pronoun/noun/ How old are you? 23

about age Asking about nationality Asking where someone lives Asking about occupation Asking about family name + inter rogative/number Pronoun +shi +n + country + ren? Pronoun +shi + country + ren Pronoun + zhu +zai +nar/nail / Pronoun + zhu +zai +place/city Subject + zuo +shenme Pronoun + shi +occupation I am How old is Xiao ming? What zodiac sign are you? Subject +shi +occupation +ma / How many family members do you have? My famili has? What family members do you have? Father mother and one little brother. Identifying people, things Using numbers Time expressions Weekdays Dates money Shopping Zhe /na /ta +shi / / / +interrogative/ noun / Subject + +noun+ / Who/what is this/that? This is my grandfather. Who is he? He is my father. I can count 0 to one hundred What is the time? When? O clock/a quarter/half/ three quarters What is the day today? Today is Monday /Saturday Today is Sunday. Year / month/ date What is the date today? When is your birthday? Money/cent/dollar How much is a hotdog? 2.35 24

Telephone expressions Possessions Describing people Describing places Describing things and animals Asking where +measure word +noun+? yāo = yī Person wanted +zai +place Pronoun/name +de Subject + hěn + adjective Subject +bù +adjective Subject +you measure word + adjective + noun Subject +you +measure word +noun Zhe shi +place + nar Person /Place /thing +? Zai +place + Time noun +tianqi +hen +adjective How much is this sweater? This sweater is $100. Hello // May I ask? Wait for a moment // telephone number// What number // wrong number // sorry // it doesn t matter. Whose book is this? Excuse me, is Miss Wang at home? My /your/his/her/its//your/our/their He is tall. She is not tall. He has a big head. Where is this? This is my house. My house has a living room. My family has a black dog. My schoolbag is pretty. Is this your house? Where is this? Talking / about / --- weather Time noun + verb phrase. / /. Location Person +verb Where does he live? /position +zai nar expressions Subject + verb He lives in Beijing. + zai +place Subject + zai nar Where is my schoolbag? zai + place + On the table. Today the weather is fine /cold /hot---. It rained/snowed/ is windy today 25

Some position words Simple directions Feelings and opinions location word Subject + zai nar + verb phrase Subject + zai +noun+verb Zai shang xia qianmian/bian / houmian/bian / zuo / you / dui pangbian dong / xi / nan / bei / Place + zai nar place+ zai + (place)+ position word Wang + position word +verb Subject + zenmele? Subject+ adjective + le Subject+ hen / / Where do you eat? We eat at home. In/on/under /front /back/left/right/ opposite/ nearby/east /west/south/east Where is the office? The office is beside the library. Go ahead/turn left/ turn right What s wrong with him? He is hungry. She is very hungry. Subject + Subject + zenmeyang How do you think about this book? Very interesting. Subject + (bu) xihuan/ai / +verb/noun Subject + hui/neng/keyi/ / / +verb Subject+verb+ de +adverb / / I (don t) like watching TV. I can sing. He plays no well. Why? Because he can not run fast. I play piano very well 26

Comparing and contrasting Expressing opinions with reasons Intentions and future plans Agreement and disagreemen t Question formation Subject A +bi + Subject B +adjective Subject A + meiyou + Subject B + adjective Subject A +he + Subject B +yiyang +adjective Subject plural +doushi + noun phrase. Subject + xihuan +object A + haishi + +object B Subject + weishenme + verb phrase/adjective phrase yinwei + verb phrase/ adjective phrase I am taller than Lanlan I am not as fat as Lanlan Lanlan is the same age as me. All of us are 12 years old. Which do you like, trousers or skirt? Why didn t you go to see a movie? Why didn t Dawei go to school? Because I have homework to do. He is sick, so he didn t go to school. Subject+ verb + / Do you want fried noodles? noun +ma Subject + xiang When do you want to go to China? +time word + verb I want to go next year. Subject /time word+ verb phrase+zenme yang /haoma How about going to the park tomorrow? Good idea! I agree. I don t agree. Some interrogative words Shenme ji jisui jikou shui/shei duoda na nar zainar nali jidian xingqiji jiyue jihao na nian 27

zenmele jici zenmeyang duoshao shenmeshihou weishenme zenmezheme zenmename Use of ma Subject+ verb+ ma Use of ni ne Statement + ni ne? Some time words and sequence expressions Events in the present (use zai to express continuous Mingtian houtian jintian zuotian qiantian shangxingqi xiaxingqi meitian pingchang zaoshang shangwu zhongwu xiawu wanshang yiqian yihou qu nian shanggeyue gangcai xianzai zuijin xian ranhou yijing congqian conglai Subject +zai + What are you doing? verb +shenme Subject +zai + I am listening to music. verb phrase present) Subject +time words + verb phrase Events in the past (using time words and guo /le Time word + subject + verb +guo + noun phrase ) Time word + subject + verb +l +verb object Other usage of question words Do you go to school every day? I read this book before Yesterday I watched TV. Zai nar shenmeshiho Where /When/how/how often zenme jici Subject +interrogative + verb phrase Subject +place/position word + verb phrase Subject +time words + verb phrase. Subject +time word+ verb +number +ci +noun. Shenme dou daochu doushi shenme shihou dou zenmezheme zenmename Subject + He knows everything. question word +dou + verb phrase Subject + Everywhere is dust. question word +dou + noun Subject + How could you be so slow! 28

Asking someone to do someth ing How things are done or used Negatives question word + adjective Ba +noun + verb phrase Subject +bang +someone +verb Bang + someone+ Ba +noun + verb (-phrase) Yong +noun + verb phrase Bu meiyou bushi mei +verb +guo (for past tense) Verb +bu +verb adjective+bu + adjective (for questions) Take I help my mother doing washing. May you help me take the vegetable to my home? I use knife to cut vegetable. He hasn t been to China. She doesn t eat meat. Is it cold today? 29


CORE CHARACTERS FOR LEVEL 1 Activities: 做饭起床上学电视跑步足球 Adjectives: 大小好好吃好喝好玩新 Adverb: 不 The body: 手 Chinese places: 中国北京长城 Clothes: 毛衣帽子 Colours: 红绿蓝黄黑白 Food and drink: 水汉堡包牛肉牛奶鸡肉汽水刀早饭 Home: 家客厅沙发 Family: 爸 ( 爸 ) 妈 ( 妈 ) 哥 ( 哥 ) 姐 ( 姐 ) 弟 ( 弟 ) 妹 ( 妹 ) Numbers: 一二三四五六七八九十 (numbers 11-99) 元 Time and date: 两点了钟星期天月假期 School and classroom: 汉语中文课本包笔尺书 Question words: 吗几 Verbs: 吃喝买在有没有喜欢看要去 CORE CHARACTERS FOR LEVEL 2 There is no fixed list of core characters at Level 2. It is hoped that candidates will learn as wide a range of characters as possible. 2

WORD LIST Key R * Candidates must be able to read and understand the word in Chinese characters at this level. Candidates will not have to read the word in Chinese characters at this level. They must, however, know the pinyin and understand the word aurally. They may also need to be able to say the word. (blank) When the Level 1 box is blank, the word is needed only at Level 2. Chinese Pinyin English Level 1 Level 2 Activities 做饭 zuò fàn to cook R R 吃饭 chī fàn to eat/have a meal R R 看电视 kàn diànshì to watch television R R 跑步 pǎobù to run, to jog R R 踢 ( 足球 ) tī (zúqiú) to play (football) R R 足球 zúqiú football R R 看电影 kàn diànyǐng see a film * R 运动 yùndòng to exercise; sport * R 用电脑 yòng diànnǎo to use the computer * * 上网 shàng wǎng surf the net * * 比赛 bǐsài to compete; competition * * 打乒乓球 dǎ pīngpāngqiú to play ping pong * * 打网球 dǎ wǎngqiú to play tennis * * 游泳 yóuyǒng to swim * * 打篮球 dǎ lánqiú to play basketball * 骑马 qí mǎ to ride a horse * Adjectives 大 dà big R R 好喝 hǎohē delicious/good to drink R R 好吃 hǎochī delicious/good to eat R R 好玩 hǎowán fun R R 好 hǎo good R R 新 xīn new R R 小 xiǎo small R R 3

Chinese Pinyin English Level 1 Level 2 有意思 yǒu yìsi interesting * R 老 lǎo old * R 美丽 / 漂亮 měilì/piàoliang beautiful * * 无聊 wúliáo boring * * 便宜 piányi cheap * * 聪明 cōngmíng clever * 贵 guì expensive * 胖 pàng fat * 高兴 gāoxìng happy * 悲伤 bēishāng sad * 矮 ǎi short * 高 gāo tall * 瘦 shòu thin * 累 lèi tired * Adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions 在 zài to be in/located in R R 不 bù/bú no; not R R 很 hěn very * R 非常 fēicháng very R 跟 gēn with R 也 yě also R 和 hé and R 比较 bǐjiào quite * 但是 dànshì but * The body 手 shǒu hand R R 胳膊 gēbo arm * * 耳朵 ěrduo ear * * 眼睛 yǎnjīng eyes * * 脚 jiǎo foot * * 腿 tuǐ leg * * 嘴巴 zuǐba mouth * * 鼻子 bízi nose * * China and the world 中国 Zhōngguó China R R 北京 Běijīng Beijing R R 长城 Cháng Chéng The Great Wall R R 4

Chinese Pinyin English Level 1 Level 2 汉语 Hànyǔ Chinese R R 中文 Zhōngwén Chinese R R 美国 Měiguó America * R 英国 Yīngguó Britain * R 法国 Fǎguó France * R 上海 Shànghǎi Shanghai * R 英语 Yīngyǔ English * R 香港 Xiāng Gǎng Hong Kong * * 伦敦 Lúndūn London * * 故宫 Gùgōng The Forbidden City * * 天安门 Tiānānmén Tiananmen Square * * 黄河 Huáng Hé Yellow River * * 美国人 Měiguórén American person R 中国人 Zhōngguórén Chinese person R 英国人 Yīngguórén English person R 法国人 Fǎguórén French person R Clothes 帽子 màozi hat R R 毛衣 máoyī jumper R R 夹克 jiákè jacket * * 衬衫 chènshān shirt * * 鞋子 xiézi shoes * * 裙子 qúnzi skirt * * T 恤衫 tìxùshān T shirt * * 袜子 wàzi socks * * 裤子 kùzi trousers * * 衣服 yīfu clothing R Colours 黑 hēi black R R 蓝 lán blue R R 绿 lǜ green R R 红 hóng red R R 白 bái white R R 黄 huáng yellow R R Directions 上面 shàngmian above/on R 后面 hòumian behind R 5

Chinese Pinyin English Level 1 Level 2 下面 xiàmian below/under R 前面 qiánmian in front (of) R 左边 zuǒbian left * 右边 yòubian right * Food and drink 牛肉 niúròu beef R R 鸡肉 jīròu chicken meat R R 汽水 qìshuǐ fizzy drink R R 牛奶 niúnǎi milk R R 水 shuǐ water R R 汉堡包 hànbǎobāo hamburger R R 早饭 zǎofàn breakfast R R 刀 dāo knife R R 面包 miànbāo bread * R 鸡蛋 jīdàn chicken egg * R 咖啡 kāfēi coffee * R 可乐 kělè Coke * R 面条 miàntiáo noodles * R ( 米 ) 饭 (mǐ)fàn rice * R 茶 chá tea * R 午饭 wǔfàn lunch * R 晚饭 wǎnfàn dinner * R 薯条 shǔtiáo chips * * 巧克力 qiǎokèlì chocolate * * 苹果汁 píngguǒzhī apple juice * * 橙汁 chéngzhī orange juice * * 筷子 kuàizi chopsticks * * 叉 chāzi fork * * 勺子 sháozi spoon * * 饺子 jiǎozi dumplings * 荔枝 lìzhī lychee * 菜单 càidān menu * 餐馆 cānguǎn restaurant * 咸 xián salty * 辣 là spicy * 甜 tián sweet * 春卷 chūnjuǎn spring rolls * 6

Chinese Pinyin English Level 1 Level 2 服务员 fúwùyuán waiter * 蛋糕 dàngāo cake * Greetings and introductions 你好 nǐ hǎo hello * R 再见 zàijiàn goodbye * R 谢谢 xièxie thank you * R 你好吗? Nǐ hǎo ma? How are you? * R 我很好 Wǒ hěn hǎo. I am well. * R 你叫什么? Nǐ jiǎo shénme? What are you called? * R 我叫 Wǒ jiào. I am called * R 你几岁? Nǐ jǐ suì? How old are you? * R 我 岁 Wǒ.suì. I am. years old. * R 你住在哪里? Nǐ zhù zài nǎlǐ? Where do you live? * R 我住在 Wǒ zhù zài I live in * R 你是谁? Nǐ shì shéi? Who are you? * R 我是 Wǒ shì I am * R Holidays and special occasions 假期 jiàqī holiday R R 海 hǎi the sea * R 饭店 fàndiàn hotel/restaurant * R 海滩 hǎitān beach * * Chinese Pinyin English Level 1 Level 2 生日 shēngrì birthday R 卡片 kǎpiàn card * 聚会 jùhuì party * 礼物 lǐwù present * Home and family 妈妈 māma mum R R 爸爸 bàba dad R R 哥哥 gēge elder brother R R 姐姐 jiějie elder sister R R 弟弟 dìdi younger brother R R 妹妹 mèimei younger sister R R 家 jiā home R R 客厅 kètīng living room R R 沙发 shāfā sofa R R 浴室 yùshì bathroom/shower room * * 7

卧室 wòshì bedroom * * 厨房 chúfáng kitchen * * 床 chuáng bed * * 桌子 zhuōzi table/desk * * 椅子 yǐzi chair * * 手机 shǒujī mobile phone * * 朋友 péngyou friend R 狗 gǒu dog R 动物 dòngwù animals * 玩具 wánjù toy * 东西 dōngxi thing * Numbers, time, date 一 yī 1 R R 二 èr 2 R R 三 sān 3 R R 四 sì 4 R R 五 wǔ 5 R R 六 liù 6 R R 七 qī 7 R R 八 bā 8 R R 九 jiǔ 9 R R 十 shí 10 R R 十一... 九十九 shí yī jiǔshíjiǔ 11 99 R R 一百 yī bǎi 100 * R 2 (before a measure 两 liǎng R R word) 点 diǎn o'clock R R 几点了? jǐ diǎn le What time is it? R R 几点钟? jǐ diǎn zhōng? What time is it? * * 星期 xīngqī week R R What day of the week is 星期几? xīngqī jǐ? R R it? 星期一 xīngqī yī Monday R R 星期二 xīngqī èr Tuesday R R 星期三 xīngqī sān Wednesday R R 星期四 xīngqī sì Thursday R R 星期五 xīngqī wǔ Friday R R 星期六 xīngqī liù Saturday R R 星期天 xīngqī tiān Sunday R R 8

Chinese Pinyin English Level 1 Level 2 星期日 xīngqī rì Sunday * R 天 tiān day/sky R R 月 yuè month/moon R R 几月? jǐ yuè? What month is it? R R 一月 yī yuè January R R 二月 èr yuè February R R 三月 sān yuè March R R 四月 sì yuè April R R 五月 wǔ yuè May R R 六月 liù yuè June R R 七月 qī yuè July R R 八月 bā yuè August R R 九月 jiǔ yuè September R R 十月 shí yuè October R R 十一月 shíyī yuè November R R 十二月 shí èr yuè December R R 元 Yuán Yuan/Chinese currency R R (measure word for 个 gè things and people) R (measure word for 件 jiàn clothing) R (measure word for some 只 zhī animals) R Places in town 公园 gōngyuán park R 商店 shāngdiàn shop R 超市 chāoshì supermarket R 邮局 yóujú post office * Pronouns 我 wǒ I; me * R 你 nǐ you * R 他 tā he; him * R 她 tā she; her * R 我们 wǒmen we; us * R 我的 wǒ de my R 你的 nǐ de your R 他的 / 她的 tā de his/hers R 我们的 wǒmen de ours R 你们的 nǐmen de your (plural) R 9

Chinese Pinyin English Level 1 Level 2 他们的 / 她们的 tāmen de their (male/female) R 这里 zhè lǐ here * R 那里 nà lǐ there * R 里 lǐ inside * R 那 nà that * R 这 zhè this * R 你们 nǐmen you (plural) * R 他们 / 她们 tāmen/tāmen they (m/f); them * R Question words 吗 ma question particle R R 几 jǐ? how many? R R 什么 shénme? what? * R 哪里 / 儿 nǎlǐ/ nǎr? where? * R 谁 shéi? who? * R 多少 duōshǎo qián? how much? R 哪个 nǎ gè? which? R 怎么 zěnme? how? R School and classroom 包 bāo bag R R 书 shū book R R 上学 shàngxué go to school R R 课 kè lesson R R 笔 bǐ pen R R 尺 chǐ ruler R R 课本 kèběn textbook R R 学生 xuésheng student * R 老师 lǎoshī teacher * R 放学 fàngxué to finish school * * 作业 zuòyè homework * * 数学 shùxué maths * * 体育 tǐyù PE * * 科学 kēxué science * * 考试 kǎoshì test/to test * * 学校 xuéxiào school R 书桌 shūzhuō desk * 图片 túpiàn picture * 白板 báibǎn whiteboard * 10

Chinese Pinyin English Level 1 Level 2 Transport 汽车 qìchē car R 火车 huǒchē train R 飞机 fēijī plane R 开车 kāi chē to drive R 坐火车 zuò huǒchē to go by train R 坐飞机 zuò fēijī to go by plane R 船 chuán boat * 坐船 zuò chuán to go by boat * 骑车 qí chē to ride a bicycle * 走路 zǒu lù to walk * Verbs 去 qù to go R R have/has; there is/there 有 yǒu are R R do not/does not have; 没有 méiyǒu there is not/are not R R 喜欢 xǐhuan to like R R 不喜欢 bù xǐhuan do not/does not like R R 要 yào to want R R 不要 bú yào do not/does not want R R 买 mǎi to buy R R 做 zuò to do/make R R 喝 hē to drink R R 吃 chī to eat R R 起床 qǐchuáng to get up R R 看 kàn to watch R R 穿 chuān to wear * R 是 shì to be * R 叫 jiào to be called * R 睡觉 shuìjiào to sleep * R 住 zhù to live * R 用 yòng to use * * 会 huì to be able to/can R 不会 bú huì to not be able to/can t R 说 shuō to speak R 给 gěi to give * 唱歌 chàng gē to sing * 11

Chinese Pinyin English Level 1 Level 2 跳舞 tiào wǔ to dance * 想要 xiǎng yào would like * Weather 风 fēng wind R 冷 lěng cold R 热 rè hot R 里边 lǐbian inside R 雨 yǔ rain R 雪 xuě snow R 外边 wàibian outside * 太阳 tàiyáng sun * 天气 tiānqì weather * Additional words 喜 xǐ happy/ happiness R R 福 fú lucky/ good fortune R R 马 mǎ horse R R 女 nǚ female R R 12

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