Face formsquare Facial midlineon Front facial view: symmetry Gummy smile(+) TMJ-related examination Mouth opening: 48 mm Clicking sounds: No Muscle pa

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3 50 #36 -- 20 #26 -- 20 #35, 45 -- 2~3#35x37#45 30 中華民國贋復牙科學會 / The Academy of Prosthetic Dentistry, Republic of China

Face formsquare Facial midlineon Front facial view: symmetry Gummy smile(+) TMJ-related examination Mouth opening: 48 mm Clicking sounds: No Muscle palpation pain: No Joint palpation pain: No Open mouth deviation: No lower lip protruded to E-line Convex profile 1 mm #13Angle class I#23Angle class II, #46Angle class I Ill-fitted Single crown#26 ; Ill-fitted PFM bridge#35x37 Missing#28, 36, 38 #23,24 #13 disocclusion The Academy of Prosthetic Dentistry, Republic of China/ 中華民國贋復牙科學會 31

XGM-BP I ) 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 Mobility I I I I Furca B:GM-BP(I) P:GM-BP(I) B:6 D:4 B:2 D:3 X 3102 223 223 533 723 724 322 X 332 214 224 625 1085 853 323 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Mobility I I I I Furca B:GM-BP(I) P:GM-BP(I) B:2 M:5 D:6 B:2 D:4 223 327 422 423 313 9210 333 X 323 257 223 322 223 937 322 X 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 Mobility I Furca B:3 B:3 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Mobility I I Furca L:4 B:GM-BP(I) X 833 433 322 322 313 321 213 B:GM-BP(I) 222 212 212 313 212 X 221 X L:GM-BP(I) X 1032 323 223 222 222 312 222 L:GM-BP(I) 222 222 222 213 213 X 353 X Generalized moderate and localized severe chronic periodonotitis Necrotic pulp / Chronic apical periodontitis#26, 35 Ill-fitted crown & bridge#26, 35x37 32 中華民國贋復牙科學會 / The Academy of Prosthetic Dentistry, Republic of China

OHI Remove ill-fitted prostheses26,35x37 Temporary prostheses fabrication of 26, 35x37 Endodontic re-treatment26, 35 # 26 MB root canal transportation Floor perforation Periodontal treatment Extraction 97/04 Full mouth ultrasonic scaling + GM-BP I.. () Full mouth subgingival curettage and polishing GM-BP II (97/03) Periodontal surgery treatment 16-17, 46-47,15-23 GM-BP III (98/03) Periodontal charting GM-BP III (98/03) 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Mobility I I Furca B:2 D:0 GM-BP III Buccal GM-BP III Palatal B:0 D:0 332 323 323 323 313 313 312 322 313 222 323 323 322 223 223 223 323 313 422 323 233 224 222 323 323 321 B:2 D:0 The Academy of Prosthetic Dentistry, Republic of China/ 中華民國贋復牙科學會 33

48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Mobility Furca GM-BP III Buccal GM-BP III Lingual I B:1 B:1 L:1 333 222 222 212 222 221 212 222 212 212 212 212 222 423 223 223 222 222 212 212 222 222 212 223 213 323 Prosthetic treatment options 26 > Option 126 implant > Option 225x27 PFM bridge 36 > Option 136 implant+35,37 single crowns > Option 235x37 PFM bridge Definite treatment plan Implant26 PFM bridge35x37 Treatment sequence 26 implantation...97/10/17 Impression of 26 implant...98/02/20 Temporary prostheses of 26...98/02/26 Final impression of 35x37...98/05/14 Full wax up...98/05/26 Metal framework try in...98/06/04 Bisque try in...98/06/18 Delivery...98/06/24 Follow up Face bow transfer 34 中華民國贋復牙科學會 / The Academy of Prosthetic Dentistry, Republic of China

Diagnostic wax up Surgical stent of 26 Panoramic film X-ray & Tomography #26 implantation ITI SLA Standard Plus implant 4.8x12 mm Good oral hygiene (PI< 3%) Good wound healing Planning for temporary prostheses fabrication The Academy of Prosthetic Dentistry, Republic of China/ 中華民國贋復牙科學會 35

Final impression of 26 implant Impression cap synocta positioning plastic cylinder synocta analog 26 SynOcta post for temporary restorations 26,35x37 Occlusal analysis - left working side 36 中華民國贋復牙科學會 / The Academy of Prosthetic Dentistry, Republic of China

Follow up Stable occlusion No TMJ symptom & sign Stable periodontal condition 35x37 mounting 26Full wax up Temporary crown SynOcta abutment for cemented crowns and bridges Full wax up The Academy of Prosthetic Dentistry, Republic of China/ 中華民國贋復牙科學會 37

Cut backsilicone putty verification Metal frameworks 38 中華民國贋復牙科學會 / The Academy of Prosthetic Dentistry, Republic of China

Metal framework try in #26Vita A3.5#35-37A3.5 Bisque Glazing & staining Pontic designmodify ridge lap Margin design0.3-.05mm metal collar The Academy of Prosthetic Dentistry, Republic of China/ 中華民國贋復牙科學會 39

disocclusion Working side Non-working side Protrusion Dental floss ( > or Super floss Interdental brush 40 中華民國贋復牙科學會 / The Academy of Prosthetic Dentistry, Republic of China

GM-BP IV 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Mobility Mobility Furca B:2 D:0 B:0 D:0 Furca B:2 D:0 B:GM-BP() X 333 323 333 323 333 323 212 P:GM-BP() X 323 233 323 323 333 322 323 B:GM-BP() 322 333 322 333 323 323 X P:GM-BP() 232 323 322 333 323 322 X 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 Mobility Furca B:1 B:1 B:GM-BP() X 333 232 222 232 222 222 312 L:GM-BP() X 423 223 323 222 232 312 212 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Mobility Furca L:2 B:GM-BP() 322 222 222 212 212 X 323 X L:GM-BP() 222 232 212 223 223 X 333 X The Academy of Prosthetic Dentistry, Republic of China/ 中華民國贋復牙科學會 41

6 follow up 13 follow up MI working side nonworking side Occlusal view 42 中華民國贋復牙科學會 / The Academy of Prosthetic Dentistry, Republic of China

CASECASE CASE CASECASE paper support Q 36implant35x37bridge A 3537 implant CASE36 implant Q A 3537furca maintainableabutment ENDOCASE36implant Q 26implantemergency profile A fixture 4.812mmperio Perio The Academy of Prosthetic Dentistry, Republic of China/ 中華民國贋復牙科學會 43