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No. 4 2010 1 2 3 1793 1798 1793 1793 7 1798 1 2 3 70 Mary Moorman William Wordsworth the Early Years 1770-1803 Oxford Clarendon Press 1957 402-403 Gilpin Tour of the Wye Mary Moorman William Wordsworth the Early Years 1770-1803 402 Thomas Hearne An Iron Forge at Tintern Monmouthshire Grey wash over pencil c. 1794. 1744-1817 18 80 1794

1798 1794 1793 1795 1798 31-41 1 1 2007 313-319 71

No. 4 2010 1 2 1 2 72 W. J. B. Owen ed. Wordsworth's Literary Criticism London and Boston Routledge & Kegan Paul 1974 71 69. Nicholas Roe The Politics of Nature William Wordsworth and Some Contemporaries 2 nd ed. 3.

21-22 uncertain notice vagrant houseless 26-28 73

No. 4 2010 126-134 Simon Lee the Old Huntsman The Female Vagrant The Idiot Boy The Old Cumberland Beggar a Description Michael a Pastoral 1 1 74 W. J. B. Owen ed. Wordsworth's Literary Criticism 71.

1 1791 2 1 picturesque theory 2 Nicholas Roe The Politics of Nature William Wordsworth and Some Contemporaries 2 nd ed. 160 75

No. 4 2010 1 1815 2 Negative Capability indirectness comprehensiveness 3 thought 4 1 Wordsworth Preface to Lyrical Ballads The Norton Anthology of English Literature Vol. 2 New York and London W. W. Norton and Company 2000 241. 2 1815 1984 44 3 4 76 T. S. Eliot The Metaphysical Poets in The Norton Anthology of English Literature Vol. 2 2407. W. J. B. Owen ed. Wordsworth's Literary Criticism 72.

1798 7 13 1 1 Mary Moorman William Wordsworth the Early Years 1770-1803 402. 77

No. 4 2010 1798 7 10 13 1 7 13 2 13 1789 3 13 402 above 1 Wordsworth and Coleridge Lyrical Ballads 2 nd ed. R. L. Brett and A. R. Jones eds. London and New York Routledge 1991 297 2 3 78 Mary Moorman William Wordsworth the Early Years 1770-1803 402. Marjorie Levinson Wordsworth's Great Period Poems Four Essays 16

1962 79